What is a bastard man. Tips on how to recognize a villain in a man

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Much has been said and will be repeated about the manifestation of bitchiness in women, but for some reason no one ever uses such a term in relation to men. Although practice shows that men are no less capable of showing bitchiness than women.

The main manifestations of male bitchiness

  • They pay exaggerated attention to their appearance. They are not necessarily metrosexual, but they always take good care of themselves and dress beautifully. A brand-new suit, expensive cufflinks, a first-class perfume, a stylish haircut… It can be hard to resist such a man.
  • Smart and educated, sharp-tongued, have a sense of humor.
  • Pleasant and easy to talk to, but poorly able to listen to a woman. But they love to praise themselves in every way.
  • An egoist who always and everywhere will think first of all about his pleasure. This will not win someone and fall to his knees.
  • He lives the way he likes. A woman in his life is always on the sidelines.
  • They lead an active lifestyle - traveling, hobbies, men's "toys".
  • He plays by his own rules, can behave inappropriately and commit illogical acts.
  • Lovers to lie and fill in the fog, hiding the details of their lives. He will never tell you exactly how many women he had, why he broke up with them and what he expects from you. Although with all this he will certainly try to find out all the details of your biography. To make it easier to keep you under control and, if necessary, to press the most "painful" buttons.

Additional manifestations

Bitchiness in men, in fact, manifests itself in much the same way as in women, but is often called differently.

  • A woman who meets a rich man for money and sleeps with another handsome man for pleasure is called a bitch. The man who does this is called a gigolo.
  • If a woman beats off her beloved from a friend, she is a bitch. If a man starts courting his friend's girlfriend, then he looks in the eyes of others either as a traitor or a womanizer.
  • It is also believed that only women are able to gossip and grind the bones of their acquaintances, being in the company of girlfriends. However, men gossip at least (if not more) often. It’s just that he most often discusses not appearance, but financial and work matters.

So men can be bitches just as often as women. Another thing is that if women have true (not feigned) bitchiness can be a sign inner strength and independence, in men, most often, this is a manifestation of cowardice and weakness. However, at the same time, both those and others under bitchy behavior try to hide their inner fears, complexes and previous disappointments, the fear of being deceived and betrayed.

It just so happened that only girls are considered bitches. But in reality, it turns out that men may well have a bitchy character, forcing women to suffer from unrequited and unrequited love. About what a male bitch is and how to behave with such an instance.

Bitch man: what is he?

Recognizing a bitch in a man is not at all difficult, especially if you yourself belong to this breed of people. So if you see your reflection in a male form, then you hit the mark.

A male bitch outwardly resembles women with the same character. Moreover, this is manifested not so much in appearance, but in his spiritual qualities, behavior. But unlike us, they will not get involved in shopping and depilation (such men are called a little differently). But at the same time, they still care about their appearance, they just do it without fanaticism.

Such male representatives are somewhat selfish in relation to other people, taking care only of themselves beautiful. An impudent attitude towards female representatives and complete satisfaction with one's own person - that's exactly it. So if you are counting on a candy-bouquet period, then you should not reassure yourself in vain, it is unlikely that even a drop of romanticism will be present in his attitude towards you, although, as they say, what the hell is not joking.

At the same time, bitch men are pleasant conversationalists. Moreover, the interlocutors in the sense that it is they who will conduct the conversations, and you will only get the role of a noble listener. So trying to switch the topic of conversation to the one that interests you the most is unlikely to succeed. Unless he is also interested in this topic. True, and in this case, you only have to listen.

For such men, there are no rules other than their own, even if they seem to someone completely illogical, even somewhat absurd. They don't care about other people's opinion either. Therefore, their partners are always assigned the role of a second person, unquestioningly fulfilling all the wishes of the "master", and any disobedience can be severely punished (in the moral sense).

male bitch A male bitch is often an educated, intelligent and bright person who loves travel and trips. At the same time, they marry exclusively calm and balanced girls, such typical housewives, who are the exact opposite of their spouse. After all, only such a woman can give him exactly what he likes - obedience and worship of his personality.

How to tame a male bitch, how to behave next to him?

If you met such a person in your life, and you certainly want to win him, then first think carefully: do you need it? Unless, if you are the owner of the same bitchy character and you are not interested in easy prey, the desire to test your charms on some more complex “object”.

So, first of all, remember that you should in no case succumb to his charms. On the contrary, he must be captivated by you. In this situation, you are the hunter who decided to tame the beast. So a sober mind and not a drop of love is exactly what you need. Otherwise, your "Taming" plan will not work.

Only when you fully understand this point for yourself, you can proceed.

Never flaunt your interest. Otherwise, a male bitch will quickly lose interest in your person, as it will be too easy for him with you.

male bitch Imagine that you see your reflection in front of you. And, knowing your character traits perfectly, do not give up for a single minute. In no case should you enter into this love game on his terms, according to his rules.

Keep in mind that in no case will you be able to tie a male bitch to yourself. This self-satisfied person, who loves only himself, will never obey his partner. And any restrictions can only turn him against you, causing an irrepressible desire to leave.

Website stervoznaya. en advises: do not reveal all your cards at once. A male bitch is a mystery, a mystery shrouded in darkness. Moreover, absolutely everything connected with it is covered with this secret. Become the same secret for him, such a small surprise gift for yourself, hidden under a lot of wrapping paper. The longer they do not know about your essence, the longer you will be together. Once a male bitch can figure out who you really are, your romance will most likely be over.

This is how you should behave with men with a bitchy character. If you can still keep him until the wedding, enslave his heart, then the two of you will have as bright and irrepressible life together as you can imagine. That's just easy and carefree to call it hard enough.

See scoundrel Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. bitch n. wicked scoundrel... Synonym dictionary

BITTER, bitch, husband. (simple vulg. swearing). Same as bitch in 2nd and 3rd digits. He became a bitch. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

M. razg. reduced Rogue, scoundrel. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak") ... Forms of words

bitch- bitch, ah, creative. n. om, genus. n. pl. h. ov ... Russian spelling dictionary

bitch- (2 m), R. bitch/, Tv. bitch/m; pl. bastards /, R. bastard / in ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

AND; m. reduced Rogue, scoundrel... encyclopedic Dictionary

bitch- a/; m.; unfold reduced Rogue, scoundrel... Dictionary of many expressions

bitch- bitch / ets / ... Morphemic spelling dictionary

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There is a strong belief that for every good guy on earth there are at least 20 scoundrels to bring some balance. And this means that at present more than a million bastards are walking around the planet who are unworthy of even the little finger of any girl. Surely everyone knows about the existence, and some were even “lucky” to meet them on their life path. Of course, over time, many of them change and each needs a certain approach. And whether to deal with them is already up to each individual girl. Be that as it may, they can all be classified into several types according to similar features.


At this very moment, he is probably disappearing into the gym, hard pumping up his already sculpted muscles. Or maybe he is standing and staring at his manly body in a huge mirror, diligently polishing it. These scoundrels they prefer a cheeky manner of communication, there is not a drop of intelligence in their eyes and they perceive women exclusively from the point of view of consumption. He will surely pass by a gray mouse, preferring obvious beauties, distinguished by their spectacular appearance and emptiness in their heads. That is why intellectual women have nothing to worry about: their gorillas carefully bypass them.


His achievements at work and on the love front are obvious to everyone. And only because he tirelessly boasts of everyone and everything. On the one hand, what's wrong with a person sharing their successes at work? But what if he boasts not only about how he was the only one from the department to receive an award, but also about how he finally managed to get a girl to have sex on the first date? Such scoundrel unworthy of the company of a decent girl who does not want her sex life to be his friends.


Of course, music is a wonderful art form. However, when it becomes too much, it already resembles madness. Such a man is not able to think about anything but his musical tastes. He and his friends regularly attend concerts of various bands, mostly alternative music. And the shelves of his apartment are littered with music lovers and unknown hits. A non-fan of such music has nothing to do with this man.


This type of man is a real scoundrel, because he is distinguished by an enviable duplicity. Alone with his girlfriend, he is tenderness and passion itself. He can literally burst into tears on her shoulder, talking about a drowned hamster. However, as soon as he crosses the threshold to his friends, he instantly discards all sentimentality, begins to laugh out loud, make vulgar jokes, and at the same time completely ignores his girlfriend, whom he only promised to give a star from the sky.

God's gift

There are men who believe that they invented sex. That is why they consider themselves real aces in this matter. In fact, they are akin to braggarts, only their bluster refers solely to the number of women who have been in their bed, as well as what they have done to them. But if he already knows what a hero he is, then why brag and shout about it at all corners?


Nobody likes to be used. It's very embarrassing. He will call or text only when he needs it. But if the girl herself needs something, then he will never help. Consistency is the key to normal healthy relationships. Therefore, they must be mutual.

Great debater

For such a man, all topics of conversation are a continuous debate. He defends his position with his heart, even if he does not understand anything about the issue under discussion. However, at the same time, he always strives to educate himself, and with this spruce hangs on news sites to keep abreast of the latest events. As a result, he gained a reputation as a kind of know-it-all who surpassed everyone around him in his intellect. Naturally, this can not but irritate.

This question seems paradoxical, without a logical explanation. In itself, the image of a bitch is rather repulsive, incompatible with such concepts as calmness, family comfort, care, etc. At the same time, men continue to experience an irresistible attraction to such women. At this time, the faithful, affectionate, complaisant wives of these men are at a loss: “Well, what else does he need ?!” The situation has taken such a turn that now various manuals are being published in large numbers and master classes are being held to “retrain” ordinary women into bitchy egoists. Before embarking on studies of this kind, it is necessary to understand this situation in detail in order to correctly establish causal relationships.

What is a female bitch?

Usually this definition is applied to ladies with a complex character. But if it was only about unpleasant behavior and disparaging attitude to others, men would hardly be fond of these persons. Apparently, the image of a bitch includes something else. If we disassemble all the components of this image, then the picture will be something like this:

  • Appearance. A natural bitch woman can be both dazzlingly beautiful and not too beautiful. Regardless of this, she always pays great attention to her appearance. Her image is usually catchy, bright, sexy, well-groomed. With all her appearance, such a lady demonstrates love for herself. She is flattered by the greedy looks of the male and the hostile, envious ones of the female.
  • Behavior. This woman always acts in accordance with her interests, she is not at all embarrassed if she has to achieve what she wants at the expense of the inconvenience of other people. The feelings of those around her are deeply indifferent, she can offend, hurt a person without experiencing the slightest remorse. Believes that everyone around is obliged to reckon with her. The people next to her (friends, relatives, and even more so men) should indulge her, help, serve her will.
  • purposefulness. It is characteristic of all female bitches. They always know perfectly well what they want from life, both in the long term and at the current moment. Such women indulge all their desires, achieve goals by any means, men are considered primarily from the point of view of use in this process. This quality, combined with appearance, is often mistaken for a manifestation of a hot temperament.
  • Independence. This quality is necessary for such women in order not to enter into dissonance with their own personality. A bitch cannot afford a vulnerable, dependent position, because in this case the process of satisfying whims will be a big question. In addition, dependence means a reciprocal investment of strength, energy and emotions in another person, and this is incompatible with the egoism of a bitch.
  • emancipation. Bitch women, as a rule, are distinguished by looseness in general and sexual emancipation in particular. This is explained by the same egoism. Firstly, such a woman wants, even requires attention, primarily male. Secondly, she believes that everything is allowed for her, the law is not written for her, she did not care about public opinion, and if she wanted something, then this desire is already a law in itself.

It may seem that the image of a female bitch is extremely repulsive, unpleasant, assembled from only negative qualities. So what attracts men in this case? Is it just sexuality and emancipation? But this quality does not mean at all that any male courtship will be crowned with an intimate relationship. A bitch can not only refuse a man in a humiliating form, but also, having used him, as it is commonly called, "prodinamit". Nevertheless, the popularity of the bitch among the male sex is so high that many simple and much more positive women are seriously thinking about cultivating at least a modicum of bitchiness in themselves.

What attracts men

First of all, of course, men react to a bright, spectacular appearance. Everyone wants to see an attractive, alluring companion next to them, who can arouse the envy of other men. However, this is only the first impulse, which does not yet explain the interest in bitches. The rest of the aspects can be interpreted as follows:

  • Men “peck” at the free behavior of a female bitch, believing that the likelihood of entering into an intimate relationship with her is very high. They regard her habits and provocations as a challenge to themselves, which is very difficult to pass by. The bitch with her behavior keeps the man in suspense, forcing him to fantasize at his own expense, imagine intimacy, desire it. In the end, he seeks to satisfy the desire, surrounding the woman even more with attention, hints, flirting.
  • A bitch woman skillfully uses her charms, forcing a man to take any action to achieve her goals. As a reward, she can offer both her favor and close proximity. In the first case, a man will think that “he is on the right track” and “it will happen soon”, in the second case he will know that for a certain “payment” (not necessarily material) he will receive an intimate relationship, which he so stubbornly sought. Henceforth, this reflex will be fixed in him, and the man will begin to think that he must earn sex with a female bitch.
  • The independence of the bitch attracts men even more. The vast majority of representatives of the strong half of humanity do not experience euphoria at the thought that they will have to support, support a woman, serve as a support, “drag” a huge burden of problems and responsibilities. At the same time, feel remorse at the thought of breaking up a relationship, because a dependent woman will disappear without him. The bitch makes it clear that she can do just fine without him, which automatically removes the burden of responsibility from the man, and this is a much more comfortable state.
  • Companions who completely devote themselves to their men, take care of them, love, wait, sacrifice something for them, are subconsciously perceived as “trophies won”, and in some cases (see the previous paragraph) as a burden. The bitch woman, on the other hand, constantly demonstrates her independence, self-sufficiency, makes it clear to the man that “she doesn’t really need him”, that “there are a lot of people like him”, “she will replace him at any second”, etc. At the same time, he hints that at any moment he can refuse him a relationship. Therefore, such a woman is perceived, on the contrary, as a “forbidden fruit”, and he, as you know, is sweet.
  • The purposefulness of a bitch fascinates insecure, notorious men, losers, spineless and weak. Next to such a woman, they feel more confident, sometimes it begins to seem to them that by taking actions so that she achieves her goal, they serve their own interests. As if this is no longer her, but their common goals. And they quite sincerely attribute her success in achieving them to themselves. Do not forget, however, that a female bitch will never allow such a thought, her success is only her merit. She will not hesitate to throw a man out of her life as soon as she loses the need for him.

But not only this attracts representatives of the strong half of humanity to such ladies, contrary to all logic. Relations with such a woman are reminiscent of a picnic on the slope of an active volcano - it seems tasty and pleasant, but you never know when it will explode. She, as a rule, often sorts things out, scandals, especially if she does not get what she wants. Having received, on the contrary, he actively thanks his companion, fixing the reflex in him. All this creates the illusion of a stormy personal life, which "is in full swing."

A man, especially tired of a bland life and life with an exhausted, unattractive woman, strives for such manifestations of passion and intensity of emotions. It seems to him that he has a second wind, that this is true love. He is forced to constantly balance on the edge of this passion, afraid of losing this bright, independent and such an attractive woman. Here and jealousy, and lust, and the desire to please, and quarrels, and reconciliation. In other words, a man is in a constant tone, which he really likes, especially at first.

How could this end

Relations with a female bitch in most cases end. Firstly, no one can be in permanent stress, and secondly, every person wants to see the return on their efforts and love. If it is not there, the desire to continue investing in this “bottomless abyss” naturally disappears. Passion and attraction to this woman, as to any other, dulls over time, her shortcomings and true motives become more obvious. Ultimately, the cons outweigh the pros, and the man leaves. Sometimes it's hard, not immediately, with multiple returns and new quarrels. This state is nothing but damped vibrations that will inevitably lead to the termination of the relationship. By the way, most often they end not in “friendship”, but in complete “burning of bridges”.

Often, an alliance with a bitch is terminated due to treason. Such women, as mentioned earlier, are used to not denying themselves anything, and also consider any behavior quite acceptable for themselves if it corresponds to their desires and interests. In addition, because of their selfishness, they cannot experience true love to no one but yourself. Accordingly, the bitch woman simply does not have reasons preventing the commission of treason.

Most often, such women are left alone, often even losing friends. The only thing that can be done in this case is to learn how to build with other people, if not warm and trusting, then at least mutually beneficial, fair relationships.