Dream interpretation teeth are moving. Dream interpretation teeth, why teeth dream

Wiring in a wooden house


Did you have problems with your teeth in a dream?

Problems with teeth in a dream ▼

What color teeth did you see in a dream?

Dreaming of yellow teeth▼

I dreamed of yellow teeth - in reality you will not experience the brightest feelings. You will be overcome by envy and to competitors. A dream can also indicate treason.

Whose teeth did you see in a dream?

I dreamed of another person's teeth ▼

Dreaming about another person's teeth is a good sign. To see them is to get to know a person with whom relations will not only develop into serious ones, but will also turn into creation.

Seeing someone else's teeth in a dream ▼

Alien teeth dream of a deterioration in health. Monitor your health and consult a doctor as soon as possible. The dream also portends being in an unpleasant team.

Granddaughter's teeth are falling off▼

The dream interpretation considers the granddaughter's teeth as vanity and worries. The smallest families will make you worry. In any case, do not lose self-control over the situation.

What teeth did you dream about?

I dreamed of the front upper teeth ▼

Why dream of the front upper teeth? The dream is the personification of male relatives. Pay attention to its details - this will help you understand what awaits you.

Dreaming of wisdom teeth▼

I dreamed of a crown on my teeth in a dream ▼

Dream Interpretation Felomena defines a crown on the teeth as a symbol of intrigue, family and quarrels. You should not provoke even more contention with aggressive behavior, it would be more appropriate to show restraint.

How many teeth did you see in a dream?

Dreaming of a lot of teeth ▼

I dreamed of a lot of teeth - you will be able to find well-being in family life. Relations between households will improve, and comfort will reign in the house.

I dreamed of teeth in two rows ▼

Why dream of two teeth? Dissatisfaction with one's own person in reality. will present an unpleasant one, be prepared for negative emotions. Seeing your teeth in two rows - your vitality and energy is in full swing.

What size did you see teeth in a dream?

Dream big teeth▼

Big teeth in a dream indicate the appearance in your life of a person to whom you pay too much attention. Its significance has come to the fore for you, which may cause other aspects of life to suffer.

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I dreamed of Teeth, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why Teeth are dreaming in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I look in the mirror, and I feel that between the front upper teeth, another tooth is starting to cut from the inside. it grows and, as it were, pushes those that are, it is located a little to the left, not in the center. And it grows very large, beautiful. The existing teeth are also unusually large and square, or something. to pull out, or something else, this violates the usual row, and I know that it should be placed in the middle, but until an empty space forms there, and the newly sprouted tooth only has to move there ... such a dream. nowhere could I find at least an approximately suitable meaning for explaining sleep. I will be very grateful if you can help :)

    • Anna, judging by your dream, the wrong tooth appears in you with some flaws, that is, it is located in the wrong place. This is an unfavorable sign that predicts misfortune on your life path, but since the tooth is even and beautiful, this indicates that clarification awaits you in life.

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      I see in a dream that one of the teeth (I don’t remember which one) deteriorates before my eyes, a feeling of disgust appears. I touch a tooth, I want to get rid of it, but it falls out. I immediately look at myself in the mirror, and all my teeth are in place, there is no hole. All teeth are straight, healthy and shiny. Help me find the interpretation of my dream. Thanks

      • Olga, spoiling and falling out teeth are often harbingers of quarrels and illnesses, but since all your teeth have remained in place, this is a false alarm, you should not take the difficulties that have arisen seriously in the near future.

        • Olga, soon problems will come to you in life, and everything can start with a seemingly insignificant event, you should be on the alert, if you carefully consider this, then everything will go smoothly for you.

          Today I dreamed that I myself twisted a molar from the upper jaw, which was staggering. She considered him. Then she looked into her mouth, and there, in place of the twisted tooth, a new one is barely visible.
          Thanks for the answer.

          • Ninel, perhaps you have to get rid of a problem that has been waiting for you for a long time, but instead of the old one, a new one may come.

            From January 19 to 20, I saw myself in a dream. When I opened my mouth, I found that my teeth were crumbling before my eyes, crumbling and blackening, and my parted mouth with teeth like in a horror movie! This is something terrible! Explain please! Thanks for the answer.

            • Elena, judging by the fact that your teeth are destroyed, crumble and turn black, you will probably have a black streak in your life, illness, failure, poverty are possible.

              • Alina, probably something unpleasant will happen in your life, at the most inopportune moment.

                I had a long dream .. First, I broke my front teeth with a brush. I see a large piece of a tooth that broke off in my palm. I look in the mirror and see that the teeth do not close .. and there is a big hole. And then I try to cure one molar, but I don’t have enough money and they let me go with an untreated broken tooth.
                Thanks in advance!

                • Karina, most likely, a piece that has fallen out, teeth that do not close, as well as an attempt to heal a molar, all this suggests that you have some unresolved problems in life, some of which you cannot solve now, others you cannot enough time, money ... and the third is better to leave as it is now.

                  Hello. From January 27 to January 28, I saw in a dream that I was brushing my teeth, began to spit and spat out the lower root sealed tooth on the right, then she looked into her mouth, saw a new tooth half grown in the same place and the teeth of the lower jaw of the left side immediately broke off and they fell out as if glued, i.e. not one at a time, looking again into the mouth, I saw white polyvinous teeth there, and one of them seemed to be rotten

                  • Galina, it is quite possible, judging by the fact that your teeth began to break off, but at the same time new ones began to appear, you will have a period in your life associated with changes, and they will alternate for the better, then for the worse.

                    Good afternoon. Please help interpret the dream. In a dream, all my artificial teeth (ceramic crowns) fall out, only my teeth and titanium pins remain. And artificial teeth do not just fall out, but crumble in my hands, and they are not white, but gray. But I don't feel pain or blood. Feeling as if there are practically no teeth in the mouth, not familiar, not pleasant. I go to my dentist and talk about my problem, ask me to insert new ones. He says let's see why it happened. I answer that I don't know. Explain please. Thank you!

                    • Olga, perhaps your dream means that in real life you have to part with everything feigned and artificial, and only what is really natural will remain, this can concern any of your areas of life.

                      Sleep from 30 to 31 January. All the teeth begin to fall out. I feel how they stagger, I'm scared - I try to hold my teeth with my fingers, but without result they still fall out. I start spitting out my teeth, but I notice that new white healthy teeth have begun to grow in place of the ones that have fallen out, but they are still very small and I stop resisting and become calm and light in my soul.
                      Thanks in advance!

                      • Asya, probably the loss of artificial teeth in a dream symbolizes parting with your “fake” friends, acquaintances, etc., in the place of which new ones will appear, albeit at first not familiar, but you will be easy and at ease with them.

                        I dreamed that I, as it were, looked at myself from the side - I looked into my mouth there was something in my tooth that interfered, I tried to remove it, sort of removed it, but there I see 2 rows of identical upper teeth? this is what it is for, I can’t find an interpretation in any way (

                        • Anna, perhaps your dream means that you will encounter some misunderstandings in your life.

                          Hello, I saw in a dream that a tooth fell out of nowhere, a fang ... (on the right) There was no blood, I held it in my hand, I thought I would put it in place later ... I touched the place where I fell out with my tongue, there was a hole (without blood ) ... I dragged him with me all my sleep, then another one, next to it, the front tooth fell out ...

                          • Olya, perhaps your dream, with a lost tooth without blood, foreshadows the loss of some person, creature, object close to you, while you will not feel much discomfort.

                            i dreamed that the tooth fell out, but something remained inside in its place - a shiny gold or silver base. The fact is that at this time I broke up with my beloved. If, nevertheless, the foundation has receded, maybe there is an opportunity to restore relations?

                            • Victoria, you are right, if a strong foundation remains under the tooth, then a dream may mean that you have a chance to restore relations, in this case everything will depend on the two of you.

                              I have one dream - I have good, beautiful, clean, white teeth, but suddenly, I push out my front tooth with my tongue (it is dark in color in my life), it breaks at the very root and falls out, then 2 more molars also break and fall out. Then, a few days later, I have a dream that 3 teeth grow on my tongue on the side. And they somehow interfere with me, and my boss says, let me pull them out for you. But I answer that I myself, and, as it were, brush these teeth off my tongue. It doesn't hurt, but there is blood on my tongue. If you can help me understand what these dreams mean. Thanks

                              • Natalia, in general, falling teeth usually dream of failures, probably your dreams about teeth falling out and growing out of place also portend, maybe they will offer you help, but you think that you can handle it yourself.

                                Hello, yesterday, on February 9, 2010, I dreamed of the upper 2nd tooth, as if half coming out of the gum, but the tooth is in place, the blood is on the edges of the tooth, I take it and put it in place, I think so that it doesn’t fall completely and fits snugly - I smile: “... it seems to stick ... "

                                • Zhanna, perhaps your dream in which the tooth comes out of the gums indicates that something or someone in your life requires a more careful and careful attitude on your part.

                                  • Diana, perhaps your dream about your sister's rotten teeth suggests that she has a lot of unresolved problems that require an early decision.

                                    Hello! I had a dream in which the tooth was loose and there was an unpleasant sensation (as usual with loose teeth). Then I asked for my father's tooth to be removed. He vomited without pain or blood. I looked into the mouth and saw a new tooth growing in this place. The rest of the teeth are intact and all white. By the way, the tooth was on the lower jaw from the center of the second from the left, if that means anything. Thanks in advance!

                                    • Alfiya, perhaps a dream in which a loose tooth is pulled out for you, suggests that something needs to be changed in your life and your loved ones will help you do this.

                                      hello, I had a dream from February 15 to 16.
                                      One of the far teeth on the right almost completely crumbled, leaving the root and still small parts. I touch this place with my tongue, but there are no unpleasant sensations and as if it is even more convenient. (it’s just that in life a piece of this tooth is really chipped off and this creates some discomfort, but in a dream, on the contrary, as a relief).

                                      • Anna, probably your dream about a crushed tooth that you have in reality does not portend anything, just in this way the subconscious, through a dream, is trying to show you how comfortable it will be if you fix this problem.

                                        i dreamed that my mother-in-law pulled out the lower root tooth of the far one ... .. there was a lot of blood in my mouth and I spit it out .. then I asked the second one to pull it out .. she refused .. answered that then we wouldn’t stop the blood ... why is this ?? thanks in advance

                                        • Sasha, probably your dream about torn teeth, suggests that you should be more careful, since what may work the first time will probably not work the second.

                                          Hello! I see a dream: I look in the mirror at my teeth, all my teeth are white, and a black coating appeared on the two lower front teeth (they became black, in a word), and they became black after I removed the falling off white plates from these teeth. What could it mean? Tell me please!

                                          • Irina, probably your dream about a black coating on your front teeth, indicates that one of your loved ones will show their true nature.

                                            Hello Julia. I saw in a dream how one of my teeth (upper, on the left side) was staggering, but not very much, I felt it with my tongue, then I broke it myself, I don’t remember exactly what, but it didn’t break completely, but most of it. Thank you in advance.

                                            • Lily, probably your dream about a tooth not completely pulled out, suggests that you will need to make a lot of efforts in order to correct the difficulty that has arisen, otherwise it will not leave you.

                                              I dreamed that all my teeth were falling out, but they all turned out to be artificial, I try to put them in place, but they still fall out, I look at them in the palm of my hand, and they are with metal pins. What does my dream mean?

                                              • Tatyana, probably your dream about artificial teeth, suggests that you will face falsehood from loved ones.

                                                • Robert, perhaps the dream in which your artificial tooth fell out means that you have to part with some person close to you, although in fact this closeness was not real, the separation should be painless for you.

                                                  The other day I dreamed that new teeth erupted under my upper front six teeth. It is clear that these new teeth will be even, white. I look in the mirror and, of course, at a loss. But I don’t want to remove them, and at the same time I think , but how can I go out to people now. And then somehow imperceptibly my 2 front teeth disappear, but the new ones all remain. And I was not scared, but rather rejoiced. ?

                                                  • Irina, perhaps your dream about new teeth is out of place, as you yourself wrote, promises an addition to the family.

                                                    I dreamed that I was going to my grandmother's house along the road in the village. passing by one non-residential house, where everyone died and the house collapsed, I meet with grandfather with a stick. he grumbles something like that everyone has died out ... then I feel that the tooth is loose (and I really have a disease), I put my hand in my mouth and take it out in parts with crrvu. I come home, but there is no one at home ... I woke up in a cold sweat and let's call my grandmother ... I'm afraid for her

                                                    • mila, perhaps your dream about a loose tooth suggests that your relatives may have serious health problems.

                                                      Good afternoon. My dream is as follows: I spit out my teeth, I look at them - they are white, even, but it feels like milk. I didn’t feel pain, there was no blood, there was no disgust either, but as far as I remember, there were 3 or 4. Waiting for something terrible? Tell me please

                                                      i dreamed that I took out the wisdom tooth with my fingers on the right below without effort and without pain with the root, it was clean, white, but porous, then I took out the 2nd wisdom tooth from the bottom the same, then I saw myself in the mirror without the upper front incisors and 1 tooth next to them from the left, then I saw that new teeth began to grow from scratch, I thought that the wisdom tooth needs to be inserted into place, but how? all teeth, except for growing ones, can be easily removed with your fingers.

                                                      Hello .. I dreamed .. that I spat out all my teeth into my hands .. and without blood, not rotten .. they just fell out broken and without roots ... .. and without pain .. but with a very unpleasant feeling I looked at them .... in the moment when I didn’t spit them out yet .. in my dream it was as if the left side of the body was paralyzed ... and at the moment when I spit out my teeth .. as if there was relief from paralysis ... thanks in advance

                                                      On the night of 03/22/2010 to 03/23/2010, at about 01.00, I had a dream that my tooth began to decay, and after it all the other teeth collapsed and I spit the fragments into my hand and I felt it. After that, I saw a person similar to me in the face, as if in a mirror, he was smiling and in his mouth, on his gums, there were fragments of teeth of a light brown, possibly dirty yellow color. And I woke up. I looked at the dream book, it became uncomfortable. Thank you in advance for your response.

                                                      • Vitaly, perhaps your dream about decaying teeth suggests that serious shocks are possible in your life.

                                                        Hello. I dreamed that I looked in the mirror and saw myself. And I stare at my teeth, they are exactly the same as in life, but only there is a plaque on them, something like tartar, but it does not completely cover them. And the feeling was like this: Well, there is plaque, but the teeth are good. I would be very grateful if someone could help me understand my dream. Thanks))

                                                        • Vesta, perhaps a dream in which you see plaque on your teeth suggests that not the most expected events may happen in your life.

                                                          Good time of the day. Today I dreamed of a baby whose two lower front teeth erupted. Teeth are straight and white. the baby smiled and looked happy. What does this mean? Thanks in advance.

                                                          • Tatyana, perhaps your dream about the baby's milk teeth suggests that you will witness some pleasant event.

                                                            Good evening! I had a terrible dream! The upper front tooth fell out, it was terrible black, held it in my hand and examined it, tried to insert it back, but not like it. I looked in the mirror there was a hole in its place. There was no blood

                                                            • Vyacheslav, perhaps your dream about a black tooth that has fallen out indicates that one old problem will become less in your life.

                                                              I dream that I look in the mirror, I see the deceased father there, and he points at me with his index finger. I peer and see that my upper front tooth is all rotten. Tell the truth, what could that mean?
                                                              Thank you in advance!

                                                              • Julia, perhaps your dream about your late father pointing to a rotten tooth suggests that you have some kind of unresolved problem that can spoil your health.

                                                                Today I had a dream that I myself pulled out the lower molar without pain and blood, I look in the mirror into my mouth, and there is an even, clean gum, and in the middle a new small tooth is growing .. what can this mean?

                                                                • Olga, perhaps your dream about a pulled tooth indicates that some changes are coming in your life.

                                                                  I dreamed that the doctor pulled out a molar tooth in my lower jaw, the tooth had huge roots, there was no pain, only discomfort and there was blood in the place of the pulled tooth and a new tooth grew. There were thoughts that how it could be, because milk teeth had long fallen out. Is this due to the fact that now there is a situation that I cannot be with a person close to me and probably will never be with him? And what does this dream mean anyway?

                                                                  • Irina, indeed, probably your dream about teeth symbolizes that the old tooth is your loved one, and the new tooth, respectively, is some new person in your life.

                                                                    i dreamed that with my tongue I helped all my front teeth, upper and lower, fall out! then I spit them out on my hand and looked at them, they were like milk teeth and without blood and pain! then I looked in the mirror and in their place it was as if new ones were not up to end grown teeth! what does it mean???

                                                                    • Julia, perhaps a dream in which you spit out milk teeth without blood and pain, and new ones grow in their place, suggests that you will get rid of the troubles that tormented you, but new ones may appear in their place.

                                                                      • Ekaterina Sh, perhaps with which you lost 2 teeth at first without blood, but then she appeared, says that at first you can get rid of some troubles quite easily, but later you may find that it seemed only at first glance .

                                                                        good evening! help me decipher the dream: I dream in the morning that my whole jaw is cramping, I open my mouth and there all my teeth are loose and in the blood, and my jaw hurts, then the molar tooth falls out on the farthest right, it fell out not in the blood, just whole and that’s all I put it in my palm and I look, I look and I worry that I was left without a tooth. thanks in advance! I had a dream from Friday to Saturday.

                                                                        • Elena, perhaps a dream in which you see your teeth loose, and then one of them falls out, suggests that you will get rid of some problem that has tormented you for a long time.

                                                                          I dreamed that my cutter on the left side began to stagger, I began to stagger it, and it kind of cracked vertically, but did not crumble. I still shook this tooth and pulled it out completely - there was a little blood. at the same time I check the place with my tongue, and noticed that the root remained. It was a pity for the tooth, because it was healthy, unlike the neighboring one, a little chipped.

                                                                          • Julia, perhaps a dream in which a cutter tooth fell out without blood and a root, suggests that you will get rid of some kind of trouble, but not completely.

                                                                            • sergey, perhaps a dream in which you spit out molars indicates that you will have to face the loss of something very dear to you.

                                                                              Hello, I had a dream as if all my teeth were falling out, I was constantly spitting them out, and their mouth was full again, and they were broken off and rotten, and there was something metal in my mouth, like some kind of stick or like a bracket. I saw almost all my relatives, my daughter complained to them about all this. Then I saw my close friend, she says spit everything, I spit it out and she says so relieved, well, everything passed and everything and I immediately felt better, I immediately woke up and my whole left side was numb, arm and shoulder. I am very worried about this. The dream was from Tuesday to Wednesday, before the job interview.

                                                                              • Julia, perhaps a dream in which you spit out your teeth suggests that you will actually face some kind of trouble associated with your health.

                                                                                I dreamed that they were treating my teeth and at some point they gave me a mirror to see what I had there, and I saw all my front teeth in the blood, I directly felt the taste of blood. And then I saw the picture of the beloved man’s teeth, all his teeth were in crowns, but in front of him one tooth was in a gold crown, and the other in an iron one.

                                                                                • Alla, perhaps a dream in which you see your teeth and the teeth of a loved one, suggests that you may have some changes in your relationship with them.

                                                                                  In a dream today I saw that the molar tooth (lower right, just in front of the wisdom tooth) is split in two, and one part sits tightly in the gum, and the second dangles and interferes very much. As a result, I tore off this soulmate myself - there was no blood, no pain either. I began to examine the torn piece - and it is all rotten inside - disgustingly disgusting! And it seemed so huge in my hands - it’s not clear how it fit in my mouth at all! For some reason, I immediately thought in a dream that I should go to the dentist, break in the remaining piece, and at the same time remove the wisdom tooth, it’s still superfluous.
                                                                                  The rest of the teeth were white and healthy.
                                                                                  What is it for?

                                                                                  • Olga, perhaps a dream in which your molar tooth broke into two parts suggests that some kind of turning point is possible in your life.

                                                                                    In a dream I saw my teeth completely covered with deep black carious pits, then I looked at my front teeth, and instead of teeth I saw several screws screwed in, tried to feel with my tongue - everything is fine and then I realized that I see rotten teeth and screws in my mouth through the mirror. what does it mean?

                                                                                    • Irishka, perhaps a dream in which your teeth are covered with caries, and instead of the front screws, indicates that an ill-wisher may start in your environment.

                                                                                      In the morning I had a dream that my mother was asking why I did not insert my front teeth. I'm at a loss. I open my mouth in front of the mirror, and the upper front teeth are broken off, but not completely. I have to pull them out with my hands and stumps remain, and then I understand that all the upper ones on the left are staggering and I just remove them from my mouth without pain and blood. I didn’t understand that they just broke off or completely fell out, but it seems that they just broke off. I woke up in horror. Should I be afraid?

                                                                                      • Marina, perhaps a dream in which your teeth fall out indicates that you are about to feel some kind of serious loss.

                                                                                        Hello everyone!
                                                                                        today I dreamed that I pulled out my lower tooth with my upper tooth, by the way, both teeth are not real;

                                                                                        • vlad, perhaps a dream in which you yourself pulled out your tooth, one of the other teeth, suggests that you may have some health difficulties, but you can easily cope with them thanks to your own body.

                                                                                          Hello! From Saturday to Sunday I had such a dream today: we are walking along the road, in our city, and all the time I feel that there is some kind of pain in my teeth .. and when I open my mouth I close it all the time I have such a feeling that the fang is the upper right it falls out ... and then I close my mouth and it falls into my palm .. and my mother walked next to me, I tell her, look how the tooth fell out .. and it is so clean .. well, normal, not rotten .. and there is blood at the base ..and I feel it with my tongue in the fool, and there is such a sharp feeling that there is still something left there ..very scary ..I can’t calm down

                                                                                          • Ksenia, perhaps a dream in which you see a fallen tooth that seems healthy suggests that you will face some very serious loss.

                                                                                            Sleep today from April 18 to 19, 2010 (from Sunday to Monday): I’m in some room, either at the dentist’s or at the doctor’s, I begin to feel as if the gum is weakening and two teeth at once (white, even, beautiful ) fall, I catch them and try to insert them, but they fall again, I catch them again and give them to my mother and they crumble (in even beautiful pieces, just such a beautiful pearl color of some kind) and then the horror begins - all my teeth begin to crumble and fall into the palm of your hand (the crumbs are all beautiful, with the same beautiful color) and in the end I also spit out a part, almost all my teeth fell out in a dream ....... I woke up in horror, I don’t know what to do and think…… what does this mean?????

                                                                                            • Nastya, perhaps a dream in which most of your healthy teeth fall out and crumble, suggests that some kind of trouble may occur in your life in an area that seemed to portend nothing bad.

                                                                                              Julia, indeed, exactly a month after sleep, my mother (for reasons I don’t understand) asked me (in a very rude way) to leave home, just at the moment when I just left my husband and I had nowhere to go, no there was money, there was no work, alone with a child, in the evening ... ... I didn’t expect such betrayal on her part ... her (mother’s) argument and justification is that I am already an adult woman (this is 22 years old!) And I have to decide my problems itself... At the same time, I have been told all my life that no matter what happens to me, bad or good, I can always count on her .... and do not believe after that dreams ... ..

                                                                                              • Andrei, perhaps dreams in which teeth break without pain from clenching, suggests that you should not abuse anything, otherwise it can lead to disastrous consequences.

                                                                                                Today in a dream, I dreamed of an exam, I cheated, and suddenly all my teeth staggered, and so much that they were about to fall out, I tore out almost half with my own hands, since they really bothered me, then the lights go out in the audience, and the sun disappeared, I come home, my beloved person is sitting there, I show that I have problems with my mouth, and he says that he will do everything to help me and in the very next few days I will get new teeth. A woman, his chief accountant, was sitting next to her and said, “do you understand what you need to do this ???” Beloved was unpleasant that she was talking to me about his financial affairs, and even expressed his dissatisfaction about this.
                                                                                                Thank you!

                                                                                                • Valentina, most likely the dream says that if you have difficulties in reality, you can rely on your loved ones, no matter what it costs them.

                                                                                                  Today I dreamed (in the morning) how I was standing at the sink in the kitchen (I don’t remember, but I kind of washed the dishes) and spit out blood with saliva. She spat 3-4 times and my mother came up to me, asked what was wrong with me, I replied that I was spitting blood. She asked why, I said I don't know. Then she said it was because of the tooth. I look in the mirror, my fang has moved away from the gum and is bleeding, and the front tooth is turned 360 degrees and some kind of black and yellow. At that point, I was already crying. The next picture was that I was examining the fang in the palm of my hand, but it was large and flawed. Like it's not human at all.

                                                                                                  • Ekaterina, perhaps a dream in which you discover how blood is flowing from under your fang of an unusual shape, and also see your front tooth unfolded, may indicate that some kind of commotion may occur in your life, in connection with which some things may change own place.

                                                                                                    • Hello! Today, February 18, 2013, I had a dream from 9.00 to 9.30 in the morning. The husband had a dream. The molar is in poor condition. Loosens it, but first removes half of the tooth. After a while, he deletes the second one. When he looks at the roots, they are very long and there are flowers on the roots. After examining, flushes down the toilet. What does this mean and what threatens? Thanks in advance. Tatiana.

                                                                                                  • Hello!
                                                                                                    I had such a dream. I am somewhere, like inside some building by the window. And I notice that my front top crowns are loose, randomly, but have not fallen out. I try to align them with my tongue and think to myself: - what, they need to be put on cement again, urgently go to the dentist. What does it mean.

                                                                                                    • Bolat, perhaps a dream in which you see loose crowns, suggests that you need to pay close attention to your health and possibly go to the doctor for a checkup.

                                                                                                      • I had a dream a couple of days ago, I don’t remember exactly, but it was in the morning, or rather, around noon, when I, lying on the same bed, felt something unusual in my mouth, began to touch the sky with my tongue and found there seems to be at least 2 more additional rows cutting sharp teeth. Please help, I can't get it out of my head.

                                                                                                    • Good afternoon! Today in a dream I saw a reflection of my oral cavity in the mirror, the teeth were not too white, the location of the teeth was unrealistic - much more than necessary, they seemed to go down the throat, there were also several teeth missing, some teeth were hollow inside. Blood , there was no dirt. The teeth did not stagger. In a dream, I thought that I should open my mouth less often and heal them as soon as possible))). In life, I also have a problem with 2 teeth, I insert a crown. And I try as best as possible " ALREADY" smile). What does this dream mean? I'm suffering...

                                                                                                      • Natalia, perhaps a dream in which you see your teeth in your mouth in a terrible state and more than necessary, suggests that you have a complex on a subconscious level about problems with your teeth in reality.

                                                                                                        I dreamed that a filling was loose in one tooth and I decided to go to the dentist. Whatever it was not scary, but I'm terribly afraid of dentists, I take two friends with me. Here, we come to the office, I'm worried, my friends, in order to calm me down, sit down on the bed themselves (for some reason there were beds instead of chairs and it was uncomfortable to sit, leaning against the wall), smiling doctors treat their teeth and after a while, my friends, satisfied, get off their beds, say that everything went painlessly and, more or less calmed down, I sit down myself. Something starts picking in my tooth. Not that it hurts, but it's scary, I try to grab the doctor's hand. But now the tooth is cured, we leave this office and go home, but after a while I understand that the filling is loose again. We go to the dentist again, they pull out a tooth and start making a new one in my mouth somehow. This time I was distracted by something and there were no unpleasant sensations at all. But as soon as she got out of bed and clicked her teeth, the tooth began to fall apart. I go to the dentist, show this tooth, sit on the bed. My tooth is being made again, but it is so fragile that it breaks all over again. The dentist says that he is already tired of restoring it to me, and I answer that, nevertheless, I will come until I get a normal tooth. The next day, the same friends again, the same clinic, the doctor is new and they make a tooth for me again, it seems fragile, but it keeps, at the end I either left the clinic, or the tooth collapsed again, I don’t remember. I can add that in spite of everything I would try again at any opportunity to restore the tooth, did not despair of failures and, moreover, the doctors were kind and smiling, and I did not feel any pain from creating a tooth and there was no blood at all. I can’t figure out how to decipher this dream, I think that my friends cured everything so easily, but I didn’t succeed, it must mean something. Help me please. Yes, still, there was a feeling that the rest of the teeth also needed to be treated, but first of all one, the one with a filling. In real life, I went to the dentist half a year ago, treated all my teeth, and about a month ago in our clinic they said that all my teeth are basically in order, only in one there is a small hole that needs to be treated

                                                                                                        • Dana, probably your dream about a tooth that you cannot cure in any way indicates that there is someone or something in your life that requires a lot of attention and care, but despite all efforts, this will not bring the proper result.

                                                                                                          I came to some country club, but the stage was hard to see and we began to move chairs. Suddenly, I have an artificial jaw in my hands and I break out (and very carefully, as it were, pull out) my teeth from there and eat them. I gnaw, and they taste like chalk. And I treat these teeth to the people who are with me in this club. And one tooth in this jaw was not firmly attached, I touched it all and thought to pull it out or not. Moreover, how many teeth we ate, and all the teeth were present on the jaw all the time. All teeth were white even.

                                                                                                          Good day. Please help me to understand what all this is for?

                                                                                                          Today I dreamed that my tooth was loose, I touch it with my tongue and it crumbles, completely ... and a few more teeth are lost in this way. That is, they just crumble.

                                                                                                          I am worried after reading that this is to the loss of a loved one. My brother went on a flight yesterday ... and I also dreamed about him today. On the ship, the ship rushed from side to side ... I asked my brother what was the matter? He answered me that he was not sailing anywhere, like something happened there ... He was in shape ... If it somehow affects .... Help kindly! Waiting for an answer ... Alexander.

                                                                                                          • Alexander, a dream in which you see your teeth crumbling, can actually portend the loss of a loved one, but you yourself may be winding yourself up about this on a subconscious level, in connection with this you could have had this dream.

According to the dream book staggers tooth (shaking) - the situation will be shaken, health will fail. The front staggers - it has an unstable position direct relation someone from your closest circle. Staggering with blood - destabilization associated with relatives.

In a dream, a tooth hurts- the interpretation of dreams warns of big troubles associated with a person to whom you are not indifferent. bleeds(bleeding) - expect incidents with relatives.

Dreaming that new rose teeth - to replenishment in the family or in your circle of friends. How close a new person will be can be judged by which tooth (molar, front). New teeth grow (cut through, crawled out, cut, teething, climb) - a gradual renewal, already now you can notice the sprouts of future grandiose events. The child has grown teeth - a very favorable and joyful innovation. A wisdom tooth is growing - a situation when you want it or not, but you have to gain knowledge and experience. Often such dreams occur before successful admission to educational institutions, the creation of a family, the birth of a child.

What did you do in your sleep

Pull out a tooth (pull out) in a dream - to cut all ties yourself, but if the tooth fell off without your participation - it will not depend on you; vomit without blood - the injured person is not your blood relative. Vomiting with blood indicates the need for separation from the bloodline. To remove a tooth (extraction, pull out) rotten - perhaps this will be a painful procedure for you, but you will have to remove a loved one from your society who brings nothing but trouble into your life. Moreover, if you saw in a dream that you yourself deleted it, then you will have to complete this unpleasant mission on your own, without resorting to anyone's help. If you are torn out, rejection will happen thanks to someone. To pull a tooth out of your mouth with a tool - you will have to thoroughly prepare for the unpleasant procedure of breaking ties. Not just to remove, but to tear - destruction will inadvertently fall on those who, one way or another, are related to this case / person.

Spit out teeth in a dream (spit out) - rejection of the lost. Even if you have experienced the pain of loss, you will abstract from what is happening in order to drown out the suffering.

“What does the dream book mean tooth loss without blood? Dropped front lower. There was no pain. Just took it and spit it out. I'm surprised." The fair sex, with whom you communicate closely (who are not consanguineous to you), to your surprise, will leave you painlessly. You will soon forget what happened.

dreaming the loss teeth (lose, lose) - big disorders, often associated precisely with the loss of dear people. If in a dream you lose teeth that have already fallen out and were with you, it means to part with the memory of the past. Vice versa find- something will happen that will make you remember your former connections, plans, tragedies. This is not necessary now, so try not to dwell too much on the past days, look to the future.

In the dream book treat teeth at the dentist means - to the patient - to get better thanks to good care, proper treatment and professionalism of doctors; having experienced stress, improve their situation. Treat yourself in a dream - the interpretation broadcasts that you are trying to rectify the situation, but it is now difficult to guarantee a positive final result. Drill- means a state when you are forced to endure something very unpleasant, but understanding the importance gives strength. Often such dreams come to people caring for their sick family members. Fill up- the interpretation of the dream will be - hiding an unsightly secret from everyone. Insert in a dream, teeth - means attempts to replace those close to you who are missing with a weak likeness of these. Just watch- be meticulously interested in personal affairs and problems of people whom you consider dearest to you.

Break- cause irreparable harm to yourself and your loved ones.

According to the dream book clean teeth in a dream - worry about reputation (one's own or one's circle of friends). Brush your toothbrush - your actions will be balanced, reasonable. Brushing with someone else's brush - trying to whitewash at someone else's expense. Will not work. You still run the risk of getting your hands dirty. Bleach- to take care of your own image so much that the efforts become already excessive. Too good, not good either. Don't overdo it.

> > Teeth

Why do teeth dream

Thanks to this page, you will find out why dream teeth in a dream according to the dream book.

The teeth that appear in a dream portend problems in understanding with quarrelsome people. A dream in which your teeth fall out promises a difficult time of doubt and worries in the near future. Tooth extraction by a dentist portends a long, serious illness.

They knocked out a tooth - troubles in business. Seeing your teeth healthy - to succeed in business. Brush your teeth - to fight for your interests. Looking at your teeth - you should be more careful in doing business. Rotten teeth - to trouble and illness. To cure your teeth is a sign that you have escaped from the clutches of trouble. But if suddenly, after all the procedures that you have done, the condition of your teeth has not improved, expect a blow in the back.

Why do teeth dream according to Miller

Miller considered what teeth dream of from different positions, but basically considered it not a very good sign. So, if you just saw teeth, you will soon encounter some kind of disease or very annoying people. Their loss also speaks of misfortune. A protracted illness is guaranteed by the scenes where you are removed by their specialists. But, if everything is fine with your teeth and their number is satisfactory, then, of course, trouble awaits you, but you can handle them. But cleaning or rinsing your mouth hints that you will need all your strength to snatch your happiness. It is bad to see an artificial jaw or become its owner yourself, and feel its presence in your mouth. This will attract serious trials to you that you will need to overcome and not break under their weight. Dreams speak of the presence of enemies, in which you get into a fight and, when hit, a tooth or several are knocked out. In this situation, you need to cover the rear in business, since their cunning and meanness will be aimed precisely at destroying your way of earning. But it is very important if you see how your jaws shrink and crumble. This is a hint that you are overworking and severely mocking your body. You need rest.

Why do teeth dream according to Vanga

Determining what teeth dream about, Vanga suggests looking at their condition and health. A lot depends on this. So, good teeth with a healthy shine and no holes will speak of the most good times and well-being. Everything will be stable in your service, and a period of calm and happiness will come in the family. But blackened, rotten old teeth always hint at your state of health. Something inside of you has gone wrong. Perhaps this is a hint of fatigue. You work too hard and will soon suffer from it. You may lose one of your relatives if you see your teeth start to fall out, as they always symbolize specific people in your family. But if they additionally bleed, then this will be a great loss, since this is a person too close to your heart. It is very bad if you have a tooth removed. Your relative will die, but not a natural death. Most likely, he will be killed, and the culprit will get away with it, and you will never know his name. It is also unpleasant to see yourself without teeth at all. You will live to old age, but there will be no one left near you. We'll have to spend the last days alone.

Why do teeth dream according to Freud

Freud suggested that the state of your teeth determine your satisfaction with your sexual life, as well as your general condition and sensations. And what he dreams of teeth, he considered from the point of view of sexual relations. If you see very even and white teeth, then do not rush to rejoice, as you experience strong envy. Perhaps in your personal life now is not the most favorable period. You lack warmth and affection, or you cannot find a common language with a partner. And you envy people who succeed and who are harmonious in bed. If you pull it out or you just spit it out on your palm, then you have complexes associated with the bed. Most often, such people suffer greatly from the thought that they will not be able to satisfy their partner, that they will not bring pleasure and blunder in matters of sex. If you feel pain or your tooth is constantly aching, then this is a hint that you are prone to fairly frequent self-satisfaction. But, if your teeth suddenly began to loosen up or you very often see such pictures, then in reality you are very much afraid to have sexual contact for the first time or worry after the last failed time.

Why do teeth dream according to Nostradamus

The astrologer associated this symbol either with your vital juices, or with a specific family relationship. So what teeth dream about can shed light on many questions. Ordinary teeth, if they are seen without reference to anything (lying on a table, hovering in the air, etc.), speak of lost energy. You waste yourself, give yourself to unnecessary things, or worry too much for various reasons. If you see how they are taken from you, then you are very much afraid that someone from your inner circle may leave or die. If they fall naturally, then you cannot achieve your goals, and your constant lack of concentration, the habit of getting lost in front of difficulties and frequent inaction are to blame. Poor health can be suspected if the teeth look spoiled and repulsive, causing disgust (holes, rot, blackness). It’s bad if you grope for emptiness with your tongue. Old age will come to you too quickly or you will soon be very tired. A sharp pain in the tooth speaks of personal problems. Such troubles will come unexpectedly and take away precious time requiring an immediate decision.

If you believe folk omens, teeth in a dream are considered a bad sign, since some visions with them portend not only illness to a person, but also his death. But you should not worry and think badly immediately after a dream, as many dream books interpret teeth as a symbol of kind, vitality and health.

Not all dreams with teeth have a bad interpretation. Their interpretation is more influenced not only by the plot of the vision, but also by the condition of the teeth.

In any case, teeth always alert a person and make you think about safety. Therefore, many esotericists since ancient times have devoted a huge amount of time to set forth correct value similar visions:

  1. The esoteric dream book believed that a person’s beautiful and even teeth dream of an important purchase and a good offer. They also promise the dreamer good luck in starting their own business. If a person had gaps between his teeth in a dream, then they prophesy a collision with failures and losses in the financial sector. If the dreamer was cleaning his teeth, then the dream portends him a meeting with an important person. In addition, a person may soon meet a likeable person. When extra teeth were observed in a dream, then you should think about the fact that someone is using you and living off your energy. Rotten teeth with holes are considered an omen that the dreamer is surrounded by hidden enemies.
  2. The great Nostradamus believed that they play a huge role in predicting the future of man. According to him, they are directly related to the dreamer's life energy, which is why they should be compared with strength and confidence. Given this, a dream in which someone tried to pull out your tooth means that you have a pronounced fear of losing an important subject. A vision where a person had no teeth suggests that the dreamer may soon die due to loss of vitality. If a tooth hurt in a dream, it portends problems.
  3. Tsvetkov's dream book says that healthy teeth in a dream promise a person great success and prosperity. If in a dream they buy oral hygiene products, this is a sign that a significant person will appear in life who will change life. When you dream of artificial teeth, you should pay attention to the fact that enemies can hide among others. A vision of broken teeth signals possible losses that will aggravate the situation.

Loss of teeth in a dream with blood and pain

When you dream that a tooth fell out with blood and pain, the dream indicates possible quarrels with loved ones, which can be the beginning of a serious conflict. However, they often lead to a break in relations.

In addition, such dreams are dreamed on the eve of an alarming death in the family circle, which will bring many disappointments and difficult circumstances.

When they fall out with blood, this means that a period of disagreement with parents may soon begin. It can also be considered a sign that separation from a lover will occur. In addition, the vision can be interpreted as an omen of a serious illness of a sister or brother.

Such dreams indicate problems with reputation, therefore, in order to avoid shame, it is necessary to behave modestly.

Rotten, black, yellow, crooked teeth

When interpreting a vision, it is very important to remember the condition of the teeth:

  1. If you dreamed of rotten teeth, expect trouble in the field of business. It will also have a bad effect on health. Rotten teeth almost always dream of on the eve of a terrible illness and bad news from relatives.
  2. If rotten teeth are also dilapidated and black, then they are considered a harbinger of the fact that problems and ailments will soon arise in the dreamer's life. Often their cause is considered to be excessive stress. It is desirable for the sleeper to take a break from work, so you should take a vacation at least for a week.
  3. Yellow teeth, which are covered with a layer of plaque, are considered an omen of a meeting with unreliable friends. Therefore, you should not trust even old and close friends too much.
  4. Crooked teeth in a dream are evaluated as a harbinger of danger threatening the dreamer's health. They can also portend financial problems, and then bankruptcy. After what you see, there is a huge risk of being a victim of fraud.

Clean and treat teeth

When you had to brush your teeth in a dream, then do not be surprised that you have to fight a little for your interests. Despite the difficulties, the dreamer will be ready to overcome them. Therefore, a person is confident. Also, such a vision may signal that the sleeper will have to return his damaged reputation. For lovers, such a vision promises a romantic meeting with their soulmate.
When in a dream a person treated his teeth, then this indicates a speedy recovery. In addition, it is worth noting that a dream predicts the establishment of business in professional activities, but only if you can protect yourself from unreliable employees. In addition, any dental procedures are considered a good sign. In a dream, they promise to overcome illness and difficulties.

I dreamed of a loose tooth

In the case when a tooth staggers in a dream, a dream may indicate the onset of a severe form of the disease. If they don't fall out, it could mean pregnancy.

Also, a dream in which they also crumble suggests that in the near future the dreamer may fail in business, which will cause an unstable state of affairs. At the same time, the interpretation of sleep can affect not only the professional sphere, but also health. A sleeping person has a hard work to improve himself, otherwise unpleasant consequences may arise.

Tooth loss without pain and blood

If you see how teeth fall out without blood and pain, then the vision can portend not only quarrels with friends, but also separation from loved ones. In order not to be alone, it is necessary to treat each other with understanding.

According to the dream book of the seer Vanga, a dream with a broken tooth without blood is considered a harbinger of failure in life. There is also another interpretation of sleep, which suggests that ties with a very dear person may collapse.

Based on the fact that they are compared with the energy of the sleeper, such visions portend in reality a period of apathy and depression. Therefore, do not be surprised if the feeling of joy from the events taking place is lost for a while.

In addition, it should be noted that the interpretation of a dream about fallen teeth without pain may concern your health. Often the dreamer sees him on the eve of an illness or mental disorder. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the situation when someone tried to forcefully pull out healthy and white teeth. In this case, expect the death of a relative.

Such dreams often dream of irretrievable losses. But if the loss of a tooth brought the dreamer a sense of relief, then the losses will be insignificant and will benefit in the future.

False, gold teeth

It is extremely important to consider the dreams in which they turned out to be false or golden:

  1. False teeth are often dreamed of in the form of a prosthesis, which signals the excessive arrogance of a sleeping person. The dream indicates that he prefers to value only himself. Despite this interpretation, the dreamer must beware of the insincerity of the people around him. Therefore, in order to avoid embarrassing situations, it is necessary to protect yourself from communicating with hypocritical people, at least in the business sphere. Also, false dentures dream of difficulties.
  2. During the interpretation of dreams, it is necessary to remember who dreamed it:

    1. When a woman dreamed about them, then this is considered a portent of an unpleasant meeting with enemies. When she dreamed that her teeth fell out, then the dream promises an underestimation of labor. Dreams with broken and destroyed teeth come to the dreamer on the eve of the strongest load on the body, which can cause health problems. Healthy teeth dream of getting rid of the disease. To care for and clean them is a dream before a serious struggle for a piece of happiness. A dream in which any flaws in the teeth were found indicates the onset of future misfortunes that can lead to poverty.
    2. For men, dreaming with fallen teeth is considered a bad sign. A dream where there was blood is considered especially tragic. It may portend the death of a loved one. The dream also prophesies the betrayal of his beloved woman. If gold teeth fell out, then soon a lot of troubles will appear in life, which will be based on anger.

    Summing up, it must be said that the teeth in a dream are the purest reflection of the dreamer's health. Therefore, one should not ignore such an important clue, because the interpretation of dreams directly relates to the well-being of the sleeper, as well as his success in business.

Teeth in the human mind are extremely importance. No wonder there are sayings about "put your teeth on the shelf." A weak-willed, passive person is called toothless. Aggressive - toothy. It is easy to understand that the quality and presence of teeth determines an active life position. In communication, the quality of teeth usually indicates the state of a person and his attitude towards himself.

In the case of extreme poverty, a person cannot take care of the good condition of the teeth and sparkle with a white-toothed smile. Accordingly, a person with bad teeth rarely occupies a high position in society. If a wealthy person does not take care of his teeth, this is a sign of depression, despair, lack of interest in himself.

Such a person can be devoted to his family, business, idea, but does not consider his life a significant value and great value. Let's figure out what teeth mean from dream books and what the dream in which you happened to see teeth says.

In a dream, your own teeth in your mouth most often mean a family. The closer the relationship, the more visible and closer to the smile line the teeth. Upper front teeth usually signify relationships with parents. "Dvoechka" shows the relationship in his own family - with her husband, wife. Fangs - relationship with children, children's health. The molars are usually indicative of the general climate in the house. Wisdom teeth can indicate the presence of unresolved deep problems. The second meaning of what teeth dream about is real problems with teeth. Teeth are very sensitive, and if there is a danger of caries that you don’t even notice, the body will try to give you a signal in a dream.

  • Loose and damaged teeth mean problems.
  • To clean - to build relationships, put thoughts in order, take care of yourself, demand respect for yourself.
  • Terrible dreams about converging teeth that are about to bite you in half are just a sign to visit the dentist immediately. Perhaps teeth can also mean the trap of a person who has crept into trust.
  • Milk teeth in a dream mean children's judgments. If a tooth fell out in a dream, but you see that it is milk, you will have to part with some kind of childish delusion. Buy yourself ice cream for comfort.
  • Repairing, treating teeth in a dream usually means recovering from an injury, a painful blow, betrayal. You do not intend to indulge in sadness, and you can fix everything.
  • New teeth are growing - you will be able to overcome any difficulties and come out renewed, with new wisdom.
  • Insert new prostheses - for money, profit, great luck.

Nightmares related to teeth

Teeth fall out without pain and blood, but with a feeling of panic - to serious, but quite natural quarrels, partings, changes in the status of relationships. This is especially true of relationships within the family - children grow up, parents lose authority.

If blood is coming from your teeth, it hurts you - strong quarrels and painful scandals in the family, the loss of a friend are very likely.

You find yourself in the dentist's chair - a sadist, you can't escape and you understand that a terrible thing is about to happen. You wake up in panic.

The fear of dentists and the nightmare is usually rooted in childhood fears and difficult relationships within the family. If a child was lonely in childhood, he is guaranteed to be terribly afraid of dentists in adulthood, even realizing that there is nothing to be afraid of. If you want to get rid of this fear, go to a good psychoanalyst and work through childhood traumas with him. It is quite possible, in addition to getting rid of the fear of dentists, you will learn to cry again, which is very useful for the nervous system.

Meanings from dream books

  • Aesop's dream book directly links the condition of the teeth with health. Strong teeth - good health, everything is good in the family. Rotten teeth - illness, adversity, misfortune. Extraction of a tooth that caused severe pain is a difficult but necessary decision.
  • The female dream book pays great attention to the destruction of teeth in a dream. Such a dream means excessive stress, self-ruthlessness, self-destruction. If you continue like this, there will be nothing left of you. And those people who do not appreciate you at all will leave you helpless, sick and broken. Put yourself in order, give up part of the obligations, cancel the reliability and demand help in all matters. Beautiful white teeth dream of good luck in love.
  • Dream Interpretation Menenghetti binds teeth and a symbol of death. Losing a tooth can mean the loss of someone close to you.
  • The Wanderer's dream book draws attention to fangs growing in a dream, like a vampire's. You probably feel like you've mastered secret knowledge. In reality, this is most likely not the case. You need protection and try to express aggression in accessible ways. Try to leave the place where you are so uncomfortable, or find a way to negotiate with other people.
  • Miller's dream book largely agrees with other dream books that fallen teeth mean a serious illness and loss, collapsing - exorbitant loads. Miller highlights the story of a lost tooth that miraculously reappears in the mouth. This means that you will be able to find secret pleasures for yourself without the slightest loss, although you were ready to pay a high price. Keep it secret to keep the source of joy. Miller interprets yellowing teeth as lies and flattery that you are ready to succumb to.


Seeing teeth in a dream is an alarming sign, you should pay attention to your family, pay attention to health. If you manage to do everything on time, most of the troubles can be prevented. The inevitable moments, like parting with grown children, cannot be prevented, but you will be able to properly prepare and find the right words in advance.