Queen of Cups to the question of what not to do. Queen of Cups - meaning and interpretation of the card

All about spotlights

Traditionally, like all curly Arcana, this card is interpreted in the layout primarily as an indication of a certain person, "encoded" as the Queen of Cups. As a rule, this is a woman - sensual, kind-hearted, intuitive, artistic, creative, soft and gentle. She is kind, ready to help and can give wise advice in matters of the heart (and not only, she has good intuition in general). You can feel comfortable and safe with her. She is good. She differs from the Empress and other queens in that she hovers in the clouds to a much greater extent and is much less distinct and structured in her manifestations. It is all filled with spirituality, most of all manifested in spiritual (and sometimes fantasy, serving as material for creativity) relationships, which are usually absorbed.

Traditionally, the Queen of Cups is the significator of a loving woman or a woman for whom the questioner feels love. The lasso can also indicate a man, but in this case, the cards want to inform that this is a person of the “lunar-Venusian” type - gentle, sincere, affectionate, vulnerable, perhaps overly emotional, living not by the mind, but by feeling, trusting his intuition. He can act as a "vest" in which it is good to cry, confess (for a woman, this is a type of gay best friend, although this value is not at all necessary). This is a person who is ready to help. Traditional interpretation: a person who will provide an invaluable service to the questioner.

Outside of personal interpretations, it is believed that the presence of this card in the layout emphasizes the importance of the neighboring Major Arcana. And if this is another “female” Arcana, say, the Moon or Strength, then its role is noticeably enhanced.

She also indicates that the emotions associated with subsequent cards have already arisen and come into action (there is a fairly vivid emotional reaction, “experiences”).

When dealt with the situation, the Queen of Cups gives a favorable forecast for the future, but you should not count on too significant results. What has been achieved will bring a lot of joy and pleasure, but for more serious success, you will have to work hard. However, the surrounding cards may also indicate the potential for making dreams come true.

The presence of the Queen of Cups in the layout gives reason to believe that in this situation you can feel safe and with confidence, there are no hidden traps and secret enemies in it. This card emphasizes a peaceful and harmonious environment, comfort and security. It can also express the need for understanding and love, falling under the influence of feelings, susceptibility to extraneous influence.

Blissfully contemplative and non-business mood, floating in the clouds in the power of moods (and sometimes feelings), staying in contact with your inner world, following the inner rhythm. Escapism, escape from harsh reality thin world mysticism, mysteries, creativity. In essence, this is a state of rest, expectation, thoughtfulness, listening to oneself, readiness to meet the unconscious, to inner discoveries. Daydreaming, a tendency to fantasize and prophecy such as prophetic dreams, insightful guesses. A state in which the senses and intuition become clearly subtler. For a woman, this is more natural, while for a man this condition may seem uncomfortable, and the more rational and prone to tough decisions he is, the sooner he will identify this condition as a weakness. This card brings the gift of clairvoyance and love, and a touch to the mystical side of life. But to adapt to all these phenomena (love, clairvoyance and subtle adjustments) is a separate task. For some, they are as natural as breathing, and for some they become a real test (although, in general, the Queen of Cups is a card of spiritual good, and a person is ready to follow her feelings on it).

Rich imagination, meditative states, contemplation of real images of the collective unconscious in the mirror of the soul, boundless mediumistic fantasies. The desire to experience the fullness of inner feelings, the feeling of immersion, peace and happiness, the opportunity to relax, feel rest and contemplative comfort in safety. Creative leave for solving spiritual problems.

The Queen of Cups describes a person endowed with a bright ability for empathy, feeling for the other, the subtlety of intuitive understanding. With almost mediumistic insight, he or she captures the most secret feelings, desires, fears, hidden pain of another person. His own emotional reactions serve as a guide for him in the world of undercurrents, but sometimes this guide leads into wilds and swamps from which it is difficult to get out. The Queen of Cups is easily identified with other people's moods, catches the projections of other people, reflecting their unconscious needs and taking on almost any form. If desired, she easily establishes a connection, sometimes without knowing why she does it (in the sense - why her it is necessary, it is enough for her that another person needs it). The Queen of Cups does not have much of her own individuality. If it were pronounced, it would prevent her from perfectly attuning to the other. At the same time, she prefers one-on-one communication, rather than with a group of people, where she loses her mediumistic power, because it is impossible to connect to everyone at the same time, and “to everyone” (that is, to a group) is not her genre. . She guesses and reads on an individual basis the one who is next to her, imbued with the unconscious of another person and living it on her own experience. You can project the desired image onto her and see it for a long time and persistently, because her real personality is so unsteady that it is not any tangible obstacle (later, of course, it may turn out that this personality does exist, but the hero will not consider it nothing, except for a female whim, and here the Queen will have a very difficult time). The hero willingly projects his Anima onto her and remains in the enchanted realm alone with his own soul, forgetting about the exploits (in contrast, the Queen of Wands projects her Animus onto the hero and literally pushes him towards the exploits, awakening him from sleep).

The Queen of Cups has a sweet, friendly, romantic and gentle personality. This person is loved and adored, most likely by many, he has a bewitching charm. He can be shy and trusting at the same time. He is characterized by an aesthetic flair, refined taste. Most likely, this is a woman (in the latter case, she is a wonderful mother and loving wife). This card can also indicate a very good friend, regardless of gender. It is traditionally believed that this is the significator of the woman of Libra or Aquarius, but from a modern point of view, it is more likely to be water signs than air signs. She is kind, cordial, poetic, soft, sympathetic. The traditional description of the Queen of Cups is simply touching: "a seductive blonde who is in the grip of dreams." It also strongly emphasizes honesty, decency and virtue.

The Queen of Cups is the image of a woman about whom it is customary to say "emotional". She is usually inclined to exaggerate the dignity of the people around her, idealize, fantasize, get carried away. Listening to how she talks about another person, it is impossible not to be amazed - where did she see all this? She does not condemn, but not out of diplomacy, but out of kindness, she can point blank at the shortcomings of those she cares about and for whom she creates the most harmonious environment, if not in a domestic, then at least in an emotional sense. The mood swings to which she is subject are unpredictable both for herself and for others, she is reproached for absent-mindedness and self-indulgence. She goes on about the feelings. It can be illegible in the choice of partners - it is difficult for her to push someone away, she tends to consider people better than they are, and sometimes pays for it (in extreme cases, with tears stating that she is "a rag on which they wiped their feet"). She heals by sacrificing herself. In another case, she herself may seem windy, unreliable. In any case, she is affectionate and ready to open her heart and the door to someone who needs warmth and love, without thinking too carefully about the question of whether he is worthy of them (or rather, without raising the question at all). So). It is important to understand that this very creative woman is driven primarily by the need to erase obstacles, expand boundaries, blur the line between what is and what is. should be from a loving heart. It may be called dreams, illusions and fantasies, but it is also the wisdom of the heart, its devotion to its own intuitive knowledge of how beautiful people must be, how wonderful the love between them must be. She is driven, perhaps apart from her consciousness, by this inner light, this mystical vision. Whoever knows the same will never throw a stone at her.

The path through water cleanses and renews the soul, making it thinner and more sensitive. This card embodies the power of Mach, the Moon, the feminine aspect of the element of water, symbolizes healing, strengthening power, as well as a look inward, immersion in the deep layers of the soul. Thus, it governs the unconscious forces of the soul. This is a fairy and a wise sorceress who lives inside us, a soothsayer who interprets our dreams, a clairvoyant, helping to find a way in the fog. She is sometimes called the "dark card" because the origins of her wisdom are hidden, and it is not possible to know them with the help of rational thinking, this brings the Queen of Cups closer to the Moon and the Priestess. She is also called the "mother of inner secrets" (the fact that the Cup has a lid hints at understatement, elusiveness, concealment). The bowl that the Queen holds in her hands is an instrument of meditation and magical vision of images of the past and future. She also well embodies the mother of our inner child. The Queen of Cups can describe a caring person who supports development in every way - tells fairy tales, takes them to theaters, teaches them to draw or play music, takes them on trips. His perception of his pet is always somewhat idealized, but the pet truly loves him and accepts him as he is.

The Queen of Cups is a muse who intuitively feels what abilities, dreams, desires and talents are contained in another person who is next to her. Her sensitivity and sympathy make you open up next to her.

If the Queen of Pentacles is the earthly form of Mother Nature, then the Queen of Cups is Anima Mundi, the Soul of the World. The image of a shell often symbolizes the genitals, it is also a symbol of resurrection and is often one of the attributes of the Virgin Mary. The island where the Queen of Cups lives is a symbol of Avallon, a supernatural place that is unattainable in everyday reality. Her huge goblet is adorned with crayfish claws, hinting that it is not so easy to break out of her witchcraft realm and the hero always retains a tendency to return to her (Cancer symbolizes the reverse movement). At the same time, the pincers resemble the astrological signs of the White and Black Moons (Selene and Lilith, respectively). The first is responsible for the devotion of the heart, sacrificial love that does not seek its own, practically on angelic vibrations, and the second is responsible for compulsions, obsession, the inability to free itself, quirks, susceptibility to jealousy and similar low-frequency impulses. Well, the journey into the inner world brings more than just pleasant surprises. Subconscious urges and desires may turn out to be dark, but interest, observation and a “motherly” attitude towards them can come to the rescue (after all, they are also “children” of the psyche, symbolized by Water).

The Queen of Cups embodies the mystery of spirituality and sensuality at the same time, the readiness to perceive and surrender, seduce and heal. This is a man whose expectations and hopes come true. He has not yet realized this, he is not sure of success, but feelings overtake consciousness, and he feels harmony with the world around him, the fullness of being. The true meaning of the concepts of "love" and "happiness" is revealed to him.

It can mean brilliant intuition, hence the success of the planned business. Self-moralization in creative professions, activities related to the imagination, with aesthetics - music, poetry, writing, theater, cinema, the leisure and entertainment industry. It can also be work that helps people find peace and restore physical and mental balance - psychology, social assistance, healing, meditation, SPA, as well as "spa for the soul" - all sorts of creative circles, hobby classes, mainly related to creativity or eoteric. Sometimes it is literally working with women, in a women's medical or psychological consultation, in a department of a store that sells specifically women's goods, and so on.

Creative vacation.

According to the Queen of Cups, it is certainly not easy to "stand your ground" in protecting business interests, but at the same time, she promotes negotiations, compromises and peaceful problem solving. Disturbing business and professional situations on this card are usually resolved with "little blood." As a minus, it can mean the shapelessness of plans, the uncertainty of practical actions and the tendency to follow the path of least resistance.

Advice: develop in yourself all the best feminine qualities (regardless of your own gender) - susceptibility to the needs of the world around you, intuition and gentleness, trust and compassion. Time to surrender to love, sensuality, creativity, poetic foresight, be sincere in your feelings and enjoy the situation without the thought that something threatens. There are no hidden traps, unexpected enemies. You can trust and feel at home.

Warning: do not hang in the clouds.

An environment in which the questioner feels safe, comfortable, calm, protected. Flexible and more intuitive than rational and practical solution to financial issues (and with what success other cards will tell). The Queen of Cups can be a little naive, out of this world, and in financial matters she usually needs an assistant.

The Queen of Cups is considered a card of boundless love, unconditional acceptance. She describes the state loving person very considerate to the other. She is in charge of subtle feelings, eroticism, trust, as well as mercy, compassion.

A wise choice in personal life, prompted by the heart.

A gentle and attractive woman (as a rule), a very good friend. Loving virtuous wife, wonderful devoted girlfriend (for a man - a promise true love) is a good mother. As a relative can give wise advice in matters of the heart. For a woman, this is either a friend or (rarely) an honest rival.

In the books, one can find an indication that the Queen of Cups speaks of a nascent feeling of affection, when everything is still quite vague and indefinite, but according to our observations, we are talking about much more formed and deep feelings. This is an understanding from a half-word and a strong desire to be together, sincerity and eroticism, an irresistible thirst for merging and unity with another person.

Since the very essence of the Queen of Cups is directly related to love, additional information can be gleaned in the "Personal State" section.

Water metabolism disorders, edema, sometimes poisoning, intoxication. The card may indicate psychosomatic disorders, the causes of which lie in the field of emotions, and energy infections (“pulled” diseases of others onto themselves). Occasionally - sexually transmitted diseases.

It is also a significator of unconsciousness, fainting.

If in her natural state the Queen of Cups is a devoted woman, a cordial spouse and a wonderful mother, then in an inverted state she becomes closer to the mode of revelers, hysterics and brawlers. This woman is vicious, dishonorable, spoiled, depraved, unscrupulous, as ancient interpreters report. Guggenheim puts it mildly: "a lady with an unstable psyche, running from her problems into an illusory world." She has her own reality. If she usually tends to harmony, mutual understanding and family hearth, then alcohol, drugs and promiscuity as an artificial search for inspiration and harmony can appear (a woman may well belong to Bohemia, be an actress, sing, dance ... "scribble, smear, strum"). Sometimes it is calibrated by psychological trainings and books “how to become happy” to the state of permanent psychosis.

According to Mary Greer, in Victorian literature it is a woman seduced and abandoned by a demonic lover who commits suicide by throwing herself into the sea. There she turns into a mermaid, an insidious siren, who, in turn, seduces and lures into disastrous abysses. An important motive here is self-pity and a vampiric approach to reality: at first she gave more than she should, now she is ready to take much more than she needs. Perhaps the image of Anna Karenina in all its dynamics is very consistent with the inverted Queen of Cups (one of the old definitions of this card is “a married woman of high social rank offering her love to the questioner”).

The inversion of the Queen of Cups does not automatically make her the Queen of Swords, and should not be attributed to qualities such as harshness and toughness, composure and denial of emotions, overcoming illusions and suppressing manipulation. Here, a deeply emotionally conditioned combination of alienation and stickiness, blurring of boundaries, resentment, blaming others, throwing, in a word, other vibrations that have little in common with the Queen of Swords, works here.

The following remark is also interesting: “The habit of spiritually merging with the object of one’s desires can lead to the fact that the body turns out to be“ empty ”, and completely extraneous entities quickly settle in the free space.” From a magical point of view, this card can speak of an astral marriage with a more or less benevolent spirit, a daimon. In the highest sense, this is a deep faith that requires the sacrifice of personal feelings.

The inverted Queen of Cups may indicate that the feelings indicated by the content of subsequent cards have not yet manifested themselves, have not been realized, or they are simply not adequate to what is happening (so sometimes great love begins with a scandal, and future close friends get to know each other by quarreling).

Among the traditional situational meanings is a scandal, a dubious matter. Dishonesty, unreliability. Illusions, wishful thinking. Fictitious feelings, baseless fears. A person who should not be trusted and certainly should not be confessed and poured out his soul, since his moral principles leave much to be desired. The desire to interfere in other people's affairs. Tendency to forbidden methods, vile methods, blackmail, deep dishonesty. Begging.

With the Ace of Cups - a friend met at a feast, at a party.

Inverted with the Two of Cups (for a man) - marriage, (for a girl) jealousy.

Anima Mundi, Soul of the World

Virgin Mary, Queen of Angels as an archetype of the Middle Ages

Erda (wife of Odin, able to foresee future events, although her name corresponds to "earth")

Venus in a chariot drawn by swans

Soothsayer archetype - Cassandra, Sibyl

Moira, norns (goddesses of Fate).


Description: a woman sits on a concrete throne near the river, in her hands she holds a closed goblet, which she looks at.

The main meanings of the card in upright position:

  1. brilliant intuition, clairvoyance;
  2. the success of the planned business;
  3. lost in dreams;
  4. rely on imagination rather than common sense;
  5. educated thinking;
  6. readiness for self-sacrifice;
  7. control the forces of the soul;
  8. rest period;
  9. subtle and sensual intimacy with a partner or the need for a loved one;
  10. emotionality, sensitivity;
  11. not of this world;
  12. imagination;
  13. restraint;
  14. introspection;
  15. help;
  16. wise choice.

The main meanings of the card in an inverted position:

  1. illusion, wishful thinking;
  2. willfulness, bitterness;
  3. tendency to exaggerate;
  4. misuse of one's intellect;
  5. disrespect for the law;
  6. delusion, sarcasm;
  7. intolerance;
  8. complaints, betrayal;
  9. manipulation;
  10. resentment, pettiness;
  11. limited thinking, gossip;
  12. prejudice, condemnation;
  13. bad news;
  14. loneliness, tears;
  15. high society woman;
  16. vice, debauchery, scandal.

She is the Sibyl, Lady or Lady of Cups.

This is a man whose expectations and hopes come true. He has not yet realized this, he is not sure of success, but feelings overtake consciousness, and he feels harmony with the world around him, the fullness of being. The true meaning of the concepts of "love" and "happiness" is revealed to him.

In the upright position, it can mean brilliant intuition, reaching clairvoyance, hence the success of the planned business.

In an inverted position - an illusion, wishful thinking.

(E. Kolesov "ABC Tarot")

DESCRIPTION: A beautiful woman - the Queen of the Water Thrones intuitively tries to determine the contents of a closed goblet, the handles of which are made in the form of angels. The lid of the goblet hides its contents, indicating that many of the Queen's creative impulses are unconscious. Her throne is adorned with water nymphs and rests on a pebbled seashore. Elements: Water-Water.

EXPLANATION: The Queen is lost in dreams and relies more on her imagination than common sense. Drawing this card indicates that emotions are currently playing an important role in your life and that your personal relationships may be at a very high level. You are a loving, gentle person. Your experience is useful to others and your opinion is valued. However, you are often lost in your own thoughts.

REVERSED CARD MEANING: You are wayward, bitter and prone to exaggeration. If you are called to help others, you will not be very reliable or level-headed enough.

LESSON FOR SELF DEVELOPMENT: Insight comes from within and it is important to stay open to receiving inspiration from a deeper source. However, you should be astute so that you are not distracted by unrealistic desires.

(N. Drury “Tarot. Step by Step Study Guide »)

The Queen of Cups, personifying the feminine aspect of the element of water, means subtlety of feelings, empathy, imaginative thinking and readiness for self-sacrifice, symbolizes a healing, strengthening power, as well as a look inward. Thus, it governs the unconscious forces of the soul. This is a fairy and a wise sorceress who lives inside us, a soothsayer who interprets our dreams, a clairvoyant, helping to find a way in the fog. It is sometimes called the "dark map" because the origins of its wisdom are hidden, and it is not possible to know them with the help of rational thinking.

WORK: Here, this card means a period of rest, waiting, when we listen to ourselves in order to catch the further direction of professional development. Or the transformation of our talent for thinking in images into a profession: cinema, television, radio, writing, journalism, sometimes esotericism, the occult, quite often art, mainly music.

CONSCIOUSNESS: Our consciousness is tuned to the perception of images of the subconscious, reflecting both our desires and premonitions, as well as our fears and nightmares. These images can become a source of inspiration, so necessary in artistic creation. At a deeper level, the card may indicate that we are approaching the restoration of the integrity of our "dark side", which is described by C.-G. Jung in his famous book "Dream Symbols in the Process of Individuation".

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: A period of subtle, mysterious and sensual intimacy, complete mutual trust and attention to each other. Or - an indication of our need for this, the need for a loved one.

Queen in tarot

The queen can represent both the real woman in your life and various aspects of your personality. Queens represent mothers and often symbolize mature women who are endowed with some power or personal power. Queens can also denote men who have characteristic feminine traits, including love of nature, care, love of children, etc. Queens are much less likely to denote situations compared to Pages and Kings. In a reading, Queens can also represent a new level of understanding or awareness. Two or more Queens in the same spread predict an important meeting of several women.

Queen of Cups Upright

Key words and phrases:

Situation and advice: The Queen of Cups implies the opportunity to look into your soul and think about how this event causes feelings. Your intuition and forebodings will be faithful helpers. Pay special attention to dreams and the signals that your subconscious sends. A loving friend can help you, or you yourself will have the opportunity to show your concern. Perhaps your mother or the woman who replaces her will play a significant role in future events.

People: Someone's mother. A person endowed with deep feelings. Someone who only understands their own feelings. An artistic, emotional, caring woman, endowed with a good imagination and the ability to visualize. Devoted wife and mother. Nurse. Assistant. Good listener. Social worker. Understanding, caring woman, ready to help. Animal lover. A woman endowed with the gift of foresight. A woman deeply immersed in her own world, her head in the clouds. A very receptive woman with a well-developed intuition. A deeply emotional, passionate and loyal woman. Cups always denote people who are easily influenced by others.

Reversed Queen of Cups

Key words and phrases: Misuse of one's intellect and vocabulary. Disrespect for the law. Delusion. Sarcasm. Intimidation. Intolerance. Fanaticism. Complaints. Betrayal. Retribution. Manipulation. Resentment. Emotional blackmail. Unreliability. Severity. Lack of scrupulousness. Pettiness. Lack of prospects. Too much intelligence. Limitation of thinking. Gossip. Evil lie. Prejudice. Condemnation. Deception. Cunning. Rumors. The bad news. Vindictiveness. Cruelty. The loss. Cold. Insincerity. Woe. Misfortune. Complaints. Loneliness. Tears. Trouble has come - open the gate. “My light is a mirror, tell me, who is the sweetest in the world?”

Situation and advice: Perhaps a powerful and vengeful woman is secretly trying to discredit you, preventing you from taking the position you deserve. Difficult times should not make you embittered and deprive you of positive emotions. Perhaps someone who is disrespectful of your feelings is trying to force you to do what pleases him. Perhaps the wrath of a woman whom you once neglected or with whom you did dishonest fell upon you.

People: An angry woman who feels deceived or neglected. Evil gossip. Opposing you (often secretly) is a scheming, vengeful woman, prone to underhanded intrigues. A woman who has become hardened and embittered as a result of hardship or emotional loss. A woman who has some kind of prejudice, spreading gossip, undermining authority. People who let others down and cannot be trusted. People who twist the facts in their favor. Those who feel outside the law. A smart, eloquent secret enemy who never engages in open combat.

The meaning and inner meaning of the lasso Queen of Cups

Direct interpretation:

  • Blond woman.
  • An honest woman, Virtue, Prudence, Honesty.

Other meanings of the Queen of Cups tarot in the upright position:

  • kind, hospitable woman, blond woman, virtue, prudence, honesty
  • sensitive woman in adulthood, fair, devoted woman, intuition
  • creative self-realization, the gift of love and clairvoyance

The Queen of Tarot Cups represents a sensitive, affectionate and considerate woman. Compared to the personalities of other court cards of this suit, the Queen of Cups has a more passive nature. But she has inner sensuality and tact, therefore, if necessary, she shows great insight, intuition and willpower. If this Queen of Cups falls to a man, it serves as a gentle reminder that you should not suppress the feminine traits of your personality, but absorb the full range of human feelings.

The Queen of Cups tarot card is a mother woman who evokes feelings of affection and love. An honest, devoted friend or relative who will render a service to the Questioner. Good mother, wonderful wife. If it's not a specific person, then a situation in which you feel emotionally secure. Success, happiness, pleasure. A wise choice, especially in your personal life.

Reversed interpretation:

  • High society woman.
  • Vice, Shamelessness, Debauchery, Debauchery, Depravity, Scandal.

Other meanings of the reversed Queen of Cups tarot:

  • the card indicates a dangerous woman, you cannot rely on her, she does not have confidence
  • a woman of high society, an unreliable woman, inconstancy of character, a symbol of treachery and cunning
  • a lady with an unstable psyche, running from her problems into an illusory world
  • vice, dishonor

The woman, represented by the reversed Queen of Cups tarot card, has many of the qualities of the Queen of Cups in the correct position. However, in reality, she is more often fickle, vain, unreliable and capricious. In this case, she can create big problems for the one to whom she enters into trust.

The reversed Queen of Cups Tarot is a woman who is not trustworthy or a capricious woman. Vice, dishonesty, licentiousness, the desire to interfere in other people's affairs.

inner meaning

The Queen of Tarot Cups should give the impression of a kind and generous woman who has maternal feelings for the Questioner. If this is not your mother, then a woman who is ready to help you, give advice, cherish you. This is a woman to whom you feel affection, even love, and next to whom you feel comfortable and emotionally safe. The Queen of Tarot Cups is a loving wife, a good mother and a devoted friend. She is educated and educated; she knows how to love wisely, and can give (and will give if asked) wise advice in the affairs of the heart of the Questioner.

Its characteristics are: loving mind, wisdom and personal virtue. She may be somewhat dreamy and prophetic, but her fantasies are balanced by mature judgment, and the advice she gives is most likely accurate.

If the Questioner is a man, the Queen of Cups tarot card represents an honest and devoted wife, or present or future sincere love.

If a prediction is made for a woman, then the Queen of Cups is either her confidante or a rival in love (the surrounding cards will prompt); but even if she is a rival, she is fair and ready to play honestly.

If the Queen of Cups of the Tarot does not represent a specific person, then this is a situation in which the Questioner can feel safe and even protected. This card describes a situation where there are no hidden traps or unexpected enemies; you are among people you can trust or in a situation where you can feel at home.


  1. N. Drury "Tarot. Step by Step Study Guide »
  2. E. Kolesov "ABC Tarot"
  3. Unknown author "Introductory Information for Reading Tarot Cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf "Tarot Tutorial"
  5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot is simple and clear"

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The meaning of the Queen of Cups Tarot card, which we will consider today, is closely related to the influence of the planets Venus, Moon and Neptune. If you are a little versed in astrology, then you will probably immediately guess that, first of all, this court card will mean subtlety of feelings, imaginative thinking, good intuition and readiness to help those who need it. The Lady of Cups is very graceful, gentle, emotional. But let's analyze its influence in more detail.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

Starting a conversation about the meaning of the Queen of Tarot Cups, it is worth taking a closer look at the illustration of the Waite deck. On it we see a beautiful, mature woman sitting on a throne, decorated with figures of mermaid angels. The throne stands at the very edge of the reservoir. In the hands of a woman is a golden cup. The picture immediately shows the influence of the water element, which is associated with sensory perception and the world of emotions. The elemental correspondence of the card is Water of Water, that is, the most complete manifestation of this element.

Key words and ideas of the card in the layout

The Queen of the Water Kingdom reflects such qualities as:

  • Emotionality
  • Sensuality
  • Subtlety of perception
  • good intuition
  • Kindness
  • Tenderness
  • Kindness
  • Ability to help others
  • Feeling safe, comfortable, calm

The value of the card in the upright position

All court (curly) cards of the Tarot deck are associated not only with events, but also with specific people and their influence on the situation. Queens always carry female energy in themselves, therefore they can point to a specific representative of the fair sex, often to a beloved woman, if the deal is done for a man. The character of this woman can be described by those keywords that we have given above. The meaning of the Queen of Tarot Cups for the situation is the need for help, support or advice from a wise, kind woman. In general, Arkan reflects a calm, safe situation, good circumstances, a great chance for the successful implementation of the plan, as well as a person's susceptibility to the feelings and opinions of others, the need for love, understanding, tenderness.

Reversed card meaning

The meaning of the reversed Queen of Cups Tarot becomes much more unpleasant. Sensuality of perception and emotionality begin to be expressed in scandalousness, resentment, flight for illusions. There may already be promiscuity, drugs, alcohol, nervous breakdowns, or an excessive passion for psychological training, leading to a complete crisis. It is important to understand that the reverse Queen of Cups does not at all turn into the Queen of Swords, as many people think, therefore, such qualities as cruelty, composure and harshness should not be attributed to her. We can say that the inverted Queen of Cups is a woman who fell into the network of a demonic partner, and when he left her, she decided to commit suicide.

Video about the meaning of the Queen of Cups card

The meaning of the card in matters of love and relationships

Let's analyze the meaning of the Queen of Tarot Cups in relationships, because her native element just controls feelings and emotions.

Direct position

With the direct meaning of the Lady of Tarot Cups, there are usually no difficulties in relationships. Traditionally, the card indicates a kind, loving woman, wife, lover, mother, sister, or just a friend. In terms of state, these are sincere feelings, attentiveness and tenderness for a partner, compassion, kindness, mutual understanding, support. Also, the meaning of the Queen of Tarot Cups in love can be advice to the questioner to seek help in a difficult situation from some close woman.

inverted position

The appearance of the inverted Lady is no longer so serene, since the reverse Queen of Tarot Cups in a relationship, instead of a sincere, soft and kind-hearted woman, turns into a real brawler and hysteric. She does not know how to manage her emotions, she is thrown from one extreme to another, which can sometimes even manifest itself as suicidal tendencies. The characteristic of the relationship is “it’s bad without you, and with you too.” This is a very painful relationship that requires partners to make certain sacrifices, but not everyone is ready to make these sacrifices. You can also say that this is the emotional state of Anna Karenina.

The meaning of the card in matters of health

What will the Water Queen tell us if it comes to the question of a person’s well-being or the diagnosis of diseases?

Direct position

Problems related to water balance. Edema, various disorders, sometimes - intoxication of the body or food poisoning. In some cases, Arkan can describe psychosomatic problems, although most often they go through an inverted card. Also, the Queen can describe a situation when a person, deeply worried about another, “pulls” his illnesses onto himself on an energy level.

inverted position

states reverse card- this is psychosomatics, i.e. diseases caused by nervous disorders, emotional upheavals, various kinds of stress.

The meaning of the card when divining for a description of the personality and the psychological state of a person

Court cards most often describe a specific person, so the interpretation of the Queen of Cups in the context of a person’s character and state of mind will be quite obvious.

Direct position

The traditional meaning of the Queen of Cups tarot card is a soft, emotional, open woman, always ready to help with wise advice. If we consider a man, then this is a representative of the stronger sex, who is characterized by some “femininity”: such a person will be more likely to be guided by emotions than by reason. He is kind-hearted, gentle, sensual, non-conflict. The state of the soul is peace, a sense of inner harmony.

inverted position

The Reverse Queen of Water can describe a person with a changeable mood, unable to keep his emotions in check, often hovering in the clouds. His behavior is often hysterical, scandalous, unbalanced. Psychological state - neurosis, suicidal tendencies.

The meaning of the Lady of Cups in divination for business, work, finance

Now let's see how the map can be interpreted when considering issues of professional activity.

Direct position

A situation dependent on some woman. Successful implementation of the plan, especially when it comes to creative work or the entertainment and recreation industry. "Female" professions, for example, work in a beauty salon or spa, a cosmetics store, etc. Sometimes a creative vacation and a favorite hobby take place on the map. Negotiations or conflicts that are resolved peacefully, finding a reasonable compromise. Financial situation - stability, practical approach to money.

inverted position

The inverted meaning of the Lady of Tarot Cups is wandering in the clouds, unrealistic plans, illusory ideas, an inflexible approach to business matters, a tyrant boss. The financial situation is unstable.

The meaning of the card in combination with the Major Arcana

Now let's analyze the Queen of Cups in combination with other Tarot cards to see how this court Arcana can be interpreted depending on its "neighborhood". First, as usual, consider the Major Arcana.

  • Fool: worry about the child
  • Mage: Play with someone's feelings
  • High Priestess: Esotericist, psychologist, tarot reader
  • Empress: Pregnancy or carrying an idea
  • Emperor: Creating a Family
  • Hierophant: Spiritual cleansing, confession
  • Lovers: Sincere, harmonious relationship
  • Chariot: Mixed Feelings
  • Strength: Draw inspiration from the senses
  • Hermit: Hide feelings inside yourself
  • Wheel of Fortune: Relationship Update
  • Justice: The Quest for Truth
  • Hanged Man: Devotion
  • Death: Deep Sorrow
  • Temperance: Recover from an emotional upheaval
  • Devil: Temptations, temptations
  • Tower: Heartbreak
  • Star: Rebirth
  • Moon: Deceived feelings
  • Sun: Creativity
  • Court: Reflection
  • Peace: Coming to terms with your emotions

The meaning of the card when combined with the Minor Arcana

It is very interesting that the Water Lady sometimes “plays out” when there are numerical and curly cards next to her. Let's see what such "neighborhood" can mean.

With the suit of Staves

  • Ace: Excitement, love
  • Two: Doubts, conflicting emotions
  • Troika: Uplifting
  • Four: Sensual pleasure
  • Five: The Queen of Cups Tarot combined with the Five of Staves - misunderstanding, lack of trust and intimacy in a relationship
  • Six: Respect, honor, sometimes - love adventures
  • Seven: Differences in relationships
  • 8: Confession
  • Nine: Disappointment
  • Ten: Patience burst, emotions at the limit
  • Page: Tender feelings
  • Knight: Emotional Intemperance
  • Queen: Believe in love
  • King: Success in love affairs, creation of a new alliance

With the suit of Cups

  • Ace: Impressionable person
  • Deuce: Marriage proposal, engagement
  • Troika: Wedding
  • Four: Depression
  • Five: A Failed Romance
  • Six: Girl (woman) from the past
  • Seven: The meaning of the Lady of Tarot Cups with the Seven of the same suit is to be a prisoner of illusions, self-deception
  • Eight: Disappointed in love
  • Nine: Fulfillment of a cherished dream
  • Ten: Family happiness, harmony inside the house
  • Page: Mutual understanding, trust
  • Knight: Give Love
  • King: Marriage Proposal

With suit of Swords

  • Ace: Reasonable decision, sane person
  • Two: Doubt about partner
  • Troika: Separation, divorce
  • Four: Healing the soul after emotional trauma
  • Five: Feel like the underdog
  • Six: Journey that brings emotional pleasure
  • Seven: Envy
  • 8: Being a hostage to your feelings
  • Nine: Sorrow, longing, anxiety
  • Ten: Emotional emptiness
  • Page: Find out the relationship
  • Knight: Relationship Crisis
  • Queen: Loss, loss
  • King: To abuse someone's trust

With the suit of Pentacles

  • Ace: Pregnancy
  • Two: Changeable mood
  • Troika: Profitable union
  • Fourth: Be practical
  • Five: Feeling restless
  • Six: Kindness
  • Seven: Patience
  • Number 8: Deep Concentration
  • Nine: Emotional satisfaction
  • Ten: Friendly hostess
  • Page: Meaning of the Queen of Cups Tarot with the Page of Pentacles - prudence, a practical approach to business
  • Knight: Benefit
  • Queen: Stable emotional and financial position
  • King: Stable love or business alliance

Be emotionally open and receptive. Don't turn your back on those who need help.

Card Warning

Do not soar in the clouds - under the influence of illusions, there is a great risk of forgetting about real life.

Questions to be answered by the map

  • What or who do you truly truly love?
  • Can you empathize with another person?
  • Are you ready to help those in need?
  • Can you be called a wise adviser?

To better understand the symbolic field of the Arcana, try to analyze the meaning of the Queen of Cups Tarot as a Card of the Day. Look at what the Water Lady will point to - a specific person or circumstances?

For centuries, people have been using the Tarot to gain knowledge of the unknown. Today, anyone can ask a question to an old deck. To do this, it is enough to be able to interpret the symbols of the Tarot. But it is important not only to understand the meaning of the major arcana, but also to know the interpretation of the minor ones. For example, the Queen of Cups. It is in the group of court arcana and can mean both emotions and a specific person.

Characteristics of the suit of cups

The entire Tarot deck is divided into two groups. The first contains the major arcana, and the second is called the deck of a small secret. It includes four suits, each of which is responsible for a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. Any of the suits, laid out in a row, symbolizes the life path of a person. It begins with small and insignificant deeds, and ends with significant events.

The suit of cups is responsible for the emotional side of life and relationships. Contacts of the inner world of a person with the outer one are determined precisely by this symbol.

Cups belong to the element of Water, therefore, in the zodiac series, the suit is identified with water signs. These are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. In some interpretations, the symbols of cups are usually interpreted as representatives of these signs.

Drawing a parallel with a playing deck, cups are usually compared with hearts, which also display the emotional side of the issue. They are responsible for love, its absence or manifestation. The suit is often called bowls, glasses, hearts.

Description of the Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups is usually identified with the Queen of Hearts. This card is often referred to as the Lady of Cups Tarot. Its meaning is quite easy to read in the image of the symbol itself. The card depicts a woman seated on a throne. Its pedestal is roughly hewn out of stone. In the hands of the Lady is a closed goblet. Her gaze is directed towards him. A river flows at the foot of the throne. With the help of this symbol, a parallel is drawn with the element of Water, which is responsible for feelings and emotions. The sky above the character's head is cloudless.

The Queen of Cups is feminine. She personifies love in its most sincere manifestation.. The cup in the hands symbolizes the aspirations and hopes that are bound to come true. This drawing symbolizes the harmony of the inner world with the environment. The woman is peaceful and calm.

Means a map and intuitive thinking, which is also attributed to the feminine. The feelings of the person who received this symbol in the alignment speak louder than the voice of reason. According to the interpretation of fortune-telling, one can determine whether it brings benefit or harm.

The closed goblet also symbolizes creative impulses, many of which remain unconscious. The queen is trying to guess the contents of the bowl, which represents self-knowledge and the ability to act, referring to her inner voice. But the goblet also indicates an excessive attention to intuition and unwillingness to hear the voice of reason.

The value of the minor arcana

Any card of cups, including the Queen, personifies the emotional side of the issue. With the help of these Tarot cards describes the feelings and desires of a person. The deck indicates hidden aspects. They are intangible, but significant.

The correct position of the Lady

In the interpretation of a particular symbol highest value has its orientation. It is on whether the card fell out in the correct or inverted position that its interpretation depends.

Meaning of the Queen of Cups in the correct position:

In the correct orientation, the card symbolizes the depth of feelings and the maturity of emotions. She personifies the wisdom and harmony of the inner world. The person who received this symbol has a well-developed intuition and instinct. The queen of glasses demonstrates the true meaning of love, happiness and peace of mind.

Often, court lasso means a specific person in the life of the questioner. The Queen of Cups indicates a middle-aged woman. She is certainly talented and enjoys success with the opposite sex. If it is difficult to determine the person of the querent, then the choice of the fortuneteller will concern the signs of the zodiac of the Water Triad.

When determining personality, the value of neighboring arcana will be important. For example, the Priestess next door indicates a woman with psychic powers. The hierophant is interpreted as a person with intensive spiritual development.

Interpretation of the inverted symbol

In the wrong position, the symbol takes on a slightly different meaning. The interpretation is not categorically negative, but has a warning meaning. Brief meaning Reversed Queen of Cups:

The reversed Queen of Cups is a symbol of using intuition in the wrong direction. The symbol represents stubbornness, willfulness and going to extremes. The selflessness of love is lost. No more space and devotion. Symbolizes the map and imbalance. Disruptions to plans are possible, as well as unexpected news.

Interpretation in personality analysis

The card describes a strong character. Most likely it is a woman. If the question concerns age, then the Tarot indicates 40-45 years, although this framework may shift depending on the spiritual state of the individual. A woman either belongs to high society, or has realized herself in life. She is successful, her condition satisfies her.

It is possible that the card indicates a creative person or endowed with multiple talents. It doesn't have to be fine art. There is also acting talent. If the card is turned upside down, perhaps this is hypocrisy and pretense.

Question about career and finances

In fortune-telling for professional activity, the Queen of Glasses card can have a variety of meanings. It should be interpreted by referring to the orientation of the symbol.

Correct and incorrect orientation

The Right Queen describes an activity where a person feels harmony and calmness. It can be a job that is creative or requires an intuitive approach. This activity completely satisfies the querent, for the deck's response is positive. There is also inspiration that accompanies the work. This value is reinforced by the Sun next to the card.

The Queen of Cups indicates that a person is interested in work not only financially, but also morally.. Tarot advises to avoid haste and impulsive decisions. Think carefully about each step and do not forget about intuition.

In the wrong position, the Queen of Cups indicates unpromising activity. It also symbolizes ostentatious conceit and unwillingness to reckon with the opinions of others. The law is also on the sidelines, which may have negative consequences in the future.

In the description of the personality, the card indicates a petty and quarrelsome character. Gossip and intrigue revolve around him. It personifies such a sign and an ill-wisher or competitor. A particularly negative interpretation is given to the alignment where the wrong Queen is paired with the Moon. This means imminent disappointment and loss of hope.

Divination for relationships and love

The Queen of Cups is of great importance in a personal relationship spread.. The card itself represents the ability to control feelings, so the opening of this symbol in the matter of love can be considered karmic. We should not forget about his position.

A favorable interpretation takes on a alignment if the questioner received the correct Queen of Tarot Cups in it. The meaning in the relationship of this symbol speaks of a true feeling. A person does not experience the slightest selfish motives in the union. They are led by the heart. However, the card has a positive interpretation for women, indicating the sexuality and attractiveness of the lady. For men, it symbolizes a certain longing for strong feelings, a thirst for sincere love.

For the couple, the prediction of the Queen of Cups provides for strong love and the ability to withstand difficulties. It's a crystal clear feeling. The neighborhood of the major arcana will tell the nature of this love. For example, Strength speaks of inspiration found in relationships.

In the wrong position, the card can give several different answers:

  1. One partner tries to manipulate the other in a relationship. He does not have true feelings, he is driven by a thirst for profit.
  2. One of the lovers feels loneliness, despite the existing soul mate. He lacks warmth and sincerity in a pair.
  3. In some situations, the symbol speaks of extraneous influence, for example, gossip and slander. There is also a trick.

Sometimes the Tarot, with the help of the Queen, points to a specific person. In the alignment of love, this is an angry woman whose actions are radical and can cause damage. This person holds a grudge or wants to avenge the deceit.

The proximity of the cards will help clarify the interpretation. The Queen of Cups with other cards, such as the Hermit, indicates a person's inability to express their thoughts and open up. The chariot speaks of confusion in relationships. One of the partners did not decide what they were for him.

Combination with other cards

Help in interpreting the alignment can be neighboring cards in fortune-telling, which are always interconnected. The Lady of Cups was no exception. For example, the alignment promises the questioner faith in love and indestructible optimism if the Queen of Tarot clubs is caught next to her.

The meaning of the Queen of Cups in combination with other cards (major arcana):

Health prognosis

The correct Queen indicates good health and well-being.. The soul of the questioner is in harmony with the body. He enjoys life, including sensual pleasures, such as strong coffee or sweets. The symbol demonstrates a quick improvement in condition if at the time of fortune-telling a person is not in the best shape.

The card also warns of trouble. The Queen of Cups is identified with sex life, so its meaning in this layout is related to STDs. Be mindful of the way you enjoy life, the card says.

Attention, only TODAY!

Pleasure. Imagination. Readiness for self-sacrifice. Aristocrat. Married, pleasant woman. Calm, romantic, affectionate, attentive. Made for love. Intuitive, insightful, has mediumistic abilities

Stay true to your feelings.

Do not think that you have the right to forgive yourself for any whims and do not take wishful thinking.

Map of the day
Your emotional state today is such that you especially clearly feel the spiritual aspirations and needs of others. Alas, it is possible that you can suffer because of other people's negative emotions. But still go towards people. Intuition will save you from strong emotional wounds. Be especially attentive to dreams and signs of fate! It is also possible that you meet today with a thin, sensitive woman, with whose help you will be able to reveal many secrets and mysteries of life.

flipped card
Wishful thinking. Illusions. Lack of prospects. Manipulation. Vice. Cruelty. Cunning. Vindictiveness. Deception. Treason. A woman with an unstable psyche. Conceited. Capricious. Depraved.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners"

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The Queen of Cups sits on the seashore, contemplating the future. She is a dreamer, and perhaps has the gift of foresight. For the Queen, love, tenderness and devotion to other people are natural, so she is a wonderful friend. If you get this card, then you should improve your relationship with yourself. You may be prone to self-centeredness, but this can be avoided by remaining faithful and devoted to those close to you.

This Queen is the most prosperous and harmonious of all Cups, and perhaps of all the Minor Arcana. It combines imagination with action, receptivity and impressionability with practical abilities. Each of us will benefit greatly from her impressionable mind, subtle foresight and ability to enjoy life.

Questions to ask yourself if you draw the Queen of Cups
  • Are you living in dreams?
  • Are you in control of your feelings, or are they in control of you?
  • Do you love yourself enough?
  • Is it easy for you to understand another person?
Key Ideas
Become your own best friend and your self-respect will immediately increase. Imagine that you have left the body and are now standing in front of yourself (do not think, but turn on your imagination!) Now look at your other self. Can you tell him (or her) something comforting and helpful? How would you encourage this person to feel more confident? Talk to yourself the way you would talk to your best friend.
Divination in half a minute
Louise wanted to know if she would ever become famous.

The card means that no matter what path the girl chooses in life, she will succeed - as long as she combines thought and action, pays attention to feelings and takes care of herself. She should strive less for fame and think more about whether she loves the job she chooses.

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

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The Queen of Cups gazes at the cup, a symbol of her power.

Serenity and peace are written on the face of the Queen.

Intuition. Upbringing. Susceptibility.

The Queen of Cups can represent either a woman who plays an important role in our lives, or qualities that are of particular interest to us at this stage of life. The Queen of Cups has a highly developed intuition and is excellent at navigating her inner world. Usually she is depicted seated on a throne on the shore of a lake or sea. This means that she dedicates her life to the interests of the real world, but at the same time is open to the manifestation of the forces of the unconscious and her deeper feelings. The Queen of Cups is considered a very strong card, as this suit is associated with water, which is the most feminine of all the elements.

The Queen of Cups is a very passionate woman with deep and strong feelings.

She is calm and reserved and has a highly developed capacity for introspection. Her sensitivity and femininity make her an object of love and worship. The fact that she has hidden spiritual properties and never fully reveals herself creates an aura of mystery around her and gives her extraordinary attractiveness. To a large extent, she lives in a dream world, she can even wield mystical powers. The Queen of Cups is both intuitive and artistic, and can use her creativity in a variety of ways. She is responsive to the needs of people and attracts those who seek to know their inner world more deeply. It also symbolizes the process of personality education.

The Queen of Cups indicates your willingness to express your deepest feelings. Someone who embodies its qualities will have an important impact on your life, or these qualities will be found in you. Perhaps you have a project ahead of you that will help you express your creativity to the fullest, or you may form a warm, loving, and sensitive relationship with another person. This card suggests that you will follow the promptings of your inner world and draw inspiration from there. Your maturity and intuition will help you make the right choice. Your ability to express high feelings will have a beneficial and ennobling effect on other people.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, divination.

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The Queen of Cups holds a huge goblet in her right hand. She is dressed in rich and magnificent clothes. She personifies a loving, devoted and practical person. She is able to realize her dreams and ideas.
Value for divination
A kind and fair person. Poetic. Favorite. Adored. Good friend and mother. Devoted wife. Practical. Honest. Has a loving mind. Has the gift of foresight.
Reversed value
Questionable honesty. Possible immorality. Dishonesty. Unreliability. Vice. This person cannot be trusted.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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The Queen of Cups personifies the figure of the mother. cultural and reasonable, or an environment in which you feel safe.

Most decks feature a mature woman on the card, sometimes standing, but more often seated on a throne. She is richly dressed, often in a robe, and almost always has a crown on her head.

In her right hand, the Queen holds a goblet. If the Queen is standing, then she raises the goblet towards the viewer, as if offering it; if seated, the goblet may rest on the knee or on both hands.

Sometimes the goblet in the hands of the Queen is covered with a spherical lid. If the Queen holds the goblet in one hand, then in the other hand she holds a scepter or other sign of her position.

In almost all decks, she looks at the goblet, as if contemplating it or some kind of vision inside. Like the King, her face is kind; The Queen is often depicted smiling, clearly friendly, even gentle.

inner meaning
The Queen of Cups should give the impression of a kind and generous woman who has maternal feelings for the Questioner. If this is not your mother, then a woman who is ready to help you, give advice, cherish you. This is a woman to whom you feel affection, even love, and next to whom you feel comfortable and emotionally safe.

The Queen of Cups is a loving wife, a good mother and a devoted friend. She is educated and educated; she knows how to love wisely, and can give (and will give if asked) wise advice in the affairs of the heart of the Questioner.

Its characteristics are: loving mind, wisdom and personal virtue. She may be somewhat dreamy and prophetic, but her fantasies are balanced by mature judgment, and the advice she gives is most likely accurate.

If the Questioner is a man, this card represents an honest and devoted wife or present or future sincere love.

If a prediction is made for a woman, then the Queen is either her confidante or a rival in love (the surrounding cards will tell you, but even if a rival, she is fair and ready to play honestly.

If this card does not represent a specific person, then this is a situation in which the Questioner can feel safe and even protected.

This card describes a situation where there are no hidden traps or unexpected enemies; you are among people you can trust or in a situation where you can feel at home.

Value in the layout
Direct or Positive: A mother who evokes feelings of affection and love. An honest, devoted friend or relative who will render a service to the Questioner. Good mother, wonderful wife.

If it's not a specific person, then a situation in which you feel emotionally secure. Success, happiness, pleasure. A wise choice, especially in your personal life.

Reversed or Negative: An untrustworthy or capricious woman. Vice, dishonesty, licentiousness, the desire to interfere in other people's affairs.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards".

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The Queen of Cups is like a beautiful lady in a tower of Ivory: sensitive, romantic, dreamy and thoughtful, with considerable emotional depth. She can be loving, sweet and graceful, kind, caring, she can have a good aesthetic sense and a refined taste in poetry and the arts, as well as in everything beautiful in general. On the other hand, she is self-indulgent, impractical, distracted, and out of this world. You or someone else is now making judgments based on emotional responses and personal value systems. With the ability to feel undercurrents and nuances, you are easily influenced by feelings and moods - both your own and those of others. People may turn to you for intuitive insights. You use your spiritual and empathic powers to better understand them. Because of your receptivity and desire to please and please, you often catch other people's projections, reflecting their unconscious femininity. It is difficult for you to know yourself, because you easily take on any form that promises comfort and security. To some, this impressionability may seem like hypocrisy or a skillful disguise. You can protect your sensitivity by becoming withdrawn and overconfident. You follow an internal rhythm that does not necessarily match the one that the clock hands move in. This card indicates that you are shy, sentimental, trusting, whimsical and dreamy. You prefer a peaceful and harmonious environment, and in which case you easily go into the world of fantasy and imagination, escaping from the harsh reality. In some cases, a passion for mysticism is possible. Most likely, you seem to people attractive, charming, mysterious and even bewitching. Are you flirting with your lover or are you still only dreaming about meeting him. In a relationship, you need to be cherished and cherished, adored and admired. As a mother and spouse, you can point blank at the flaws in those you love and for whom you carefully create the most harmonious environment.

Traditional meanings: blonde woman. Kind, noble, virtuous, affable, respected, modest, decent, chaste, honest, attractive, pretty, decent, decent. An example of virtue.

Reversed Queen of Cups
The reversed Queen of Cups may be so angelic and ethereal that she no longer belongs to this world. The irony is that the same card was traditionally used to denote a fallen woman or seductress. In Victorian literature, this is a woman, seduced and abandoned by her lover, who commits suicide by throwing herself into the sea, and turns into a mermaid or a siren, luring men into disastrous abysses. On the one hand, she seduces, on the other hand, she is in no hurry to give the promise. The reversed position of the carp suggests that you are in denial about your emotions or are simply lethargic, lack of initiative and weak-willed. It also means refusing to succumb to provocations and denying those ideas and beliefs that are not organically yours. At one end of the spectrum of manifestations of this card, you go into fantasies that have little connection with reality, in self-pity, or you start to abuse alcohol and drugs.

The habit of spiritually merging with the object of your desires can lead to the fact that your body will be free and an empty place will quickly settle in, at worst, completely extraneous entities, and at best, purely human sins and vices.

At the other end of the spectrum, you can be sharp, determined, and competent, not being fooled by anyone, overcoming all illusions, and refusing to give in to feelings of any kind.

Perhaps you are impractical right now, hypersensitive to other people's criticism, or easily forget about time and rules. You can be frivolous and fickle, or you can feed on someone else's energy to maintain your own life force. To get what you want, you use passive resistance, sexuality, or simply pout and act up. Emotional vulnerability makes you jealous, envious, vindictive, vindictive, or, on the contrary, sticky and overly affectionate. On the other hand, you may feel alienated, hard-hearted, cold, insensitive, and arrogant. You can hide your love.

In terms of health, indigestion, mood swings, swelling and anemia are likely. As a mother and consort, this queen can be aloof, resentful, narcissistic, and prone to blaming others for her misfortunes. She can suffocate her loved ones with emotional attachment, turning into addiction.

On the inner plane, it is a deep mystical connection with God or Spirit and a faith that may require the renunciation of one's own feelings.

From a shamanic and magical point of view, this is a card of mediumship, trance and channeling, as well as spiritual healing, in which the healer takes away the patient's pain or illness. In some cases, the queen marries a benevolent spirit or falls prey to a demonic lover. Also, the card means teas, tinctures and tinctures.

Traditional inverted meanings: a woman of high social status or rank. Virtuous woman. Also vice, dishonor, dishonesty, depravity, intemperance, intrigue. Inconsistent and inconsistent. A married woman of high social status offers her love herself.

Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot".

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Key phrase
It's good that I have you - smart and caring. With you, I feel emotionally secure.
Description of the map and its inner meaning
An illustration of this Arcana is the image of a middle-aged woman sitting on a throne. She is richly dressed and has a crown on her head. In her hands the Queen holds a goblet, which is covered with a spherical lid. If the Queen holds the goblet in one hand, then in the other hand she holds a scepter or other sign of authority. She looks at the goblet, as if contemplating something inside it. Her face is lit up with a kind smile.

For the Questioner, the Queen is the personification of a woman for whom he has tender feelings, affection, love. The Queen of Cups is a loving wife, a good mother and a devoted friend. She is educated and educated and can give wise advice to the Questioner, especially if such advice concerns his personal life.

Relationship of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - And, number - 13,
Correspondence to the zodiac sign - Cancer,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 62 hexagram ("Redevelopment of the small").
Card meaning
Direct position
The Queen of Cups personifies a woman who evokes affection and love. The questioner trusts her and feels emotionally safe next to her. This is an honest friend or relative who will always come to the rescue at the right time. She may be too dreamy and emotional, but she is not devoid of life experience.

If this card does not describe a specific person, then the situation in which the Questioner finds himself will be favorable. Under such circumstances, there is no cause for concern: the Questioner will be protected from hidden traps or attack by enemies.

Often this card portends happiness, success, harmony, emotional balance, as well as wise choices regarding the personal life of the Questioner.

Reversed position
In this case, the Queen of Cups represents a woman who can be said to be emotional and impulsive, capricious and often interferes in matters that do not concern her. Usually she tends to exaggerate both the shortcomings and the virtues of the people around her.

The situation that this Arcana will describe in an inverted position will turn out to be shame and deceit for the Questioner. It will be necessary to make every effort to get out of it with honor.

Daniela Chris. The magical book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Queen of Cups - love for harmony and peace, developed intuition, sensitive and vulnerable soul, selfless devotion to home and family. The woman is vulnerable and impulsive, inclined to perceive everything vividly and emotionally, moreover, she is not alien to frequent mood swings. When divining the situation, it indicates that the work done will bring a lot of joy, but for this you need to work hard.

Inverted - exorbitant impressionability, emotional imbalance. You need to live with your head, keep your feelings in check.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.


Astrological meaning:
The Moon in Pisces as a symbol of the subtlety of feelings of readiness to help others and imaginative thinking.
The Queen of Cups, personifying the feminine aspect of the element of water, means subtlety of feelings, empathy, imaginative thinking and readiness for self-sacrifice, symbolizes a healing, strengthening power, as well as a look inward. Thus, it governs the unconscious forces of the soul. This is a fairy and a wise sorceress who lives inside us, a soothsayer who interprets our dreams, a clairvoyant, helping to find a way in the fog. It is sometimes called the "dark map" because the sources of its wisdom are hidden, and it is not possible to know them with the help of rational thinking.

Tarot Rider White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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In general, the Queen of Cups embodies and combines the influence of Venus, the Moon and Neptune. In life, it can be either a woman (this is most often the case), or a man. The latter, of course, "Venusian" persuasion. This is a person who often acts as a "vest", who is good to cry, to confess.
However, if the Queen of Cups appears upside down, beware, for your confessions will very soon be turned against you.

Direct position:
Astrological equivalents: Libra, Aquarius, Houses Seventh and Eleventh.
The Queen of Cups is a friendly, attractive and gentle person. This person is loved and adored, most likely by many. Most likely, this woman (in the latter case, she is a wonderful mother and devoted wife). This card can also indicate a very good friend, regardless of gender. The Queen of Cups is practical, very direct in her statements, at the same time, she is all filled with spirituality, which is most evident in the spiritual relationships in which she is usually absorbed. Often the Queen of Cups has the gift of foresight, and it makes sense to listen to her advice.

Reversed position:
Astrological equivalents: the same, but with a clear feeling of low Saturn.
Dishonesty, propensity for forbidden methods, vile methods, blackmail. The moral principles of the reversed Queen of Cups leave a lot to be desired. This person is internally deeply dishonorable. As a rule, the Queen of Cups is very materialistic, and her religiosity, if any, is expressed only in a kind of prayerful begging, nothing more. The reversed Queen of Cups may indicate a treacherous person who appears on your way, who will try to lure you into the network of his insidious intrigues.
If the card means action.
A. Upright
The card indicates that the emotions associated with subsequent cards have already arisen and are in a state of initial formation. It may indicate a nascent feeling, when everything is still quite vague and uncertain. Or vice versa, this is the first push, after which two people gradually become strangers to each other.
B. Upside down
The card indicates that the feelings indicated by the content of subsequent cards have not yet manifested themselves, have not been realized. Events are still perceived from the standpoint of pure reason, speculatively. Or the feelings caused by events are clearly not adequate to the latter. So often a great love or friendship begins with a scandal, close friends get to know each other after a quarrel.

Evgeny Kolesov. "ABC Tarot".

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She is the Sibyl, Lady or Lady of Cups.
This is a man whose expectations and hopes come true. He has not yet realized this, he is not sure of success, but feelings overtake consciousness, and he feels harmony with the world around him, the fullness of being. The true meaning of the concepts of "love" and "happiness" is revealed to him.
In the upright position, it can mean brilliant intuition, reaching clairvoyance, hence the success of the planned business.

Illusion, wishful thinking.