The best names for boys born in September. The best names for boys born in September How to name a child born on September 30

Wiring in a wooden house

Finding a good name for a child is not an easy task. As you know, a name influences character and destiny. And every parent wants only the best for their child. A name is something that is given to us from birth and remains with us for the rest of our lives. The choice of name is influenced not only by the month and year. Parents are also guided by their zodiac sign, eastern calendar sign or numerology.

How does the chosen name affect the child’s character?

Choosing a name for a child is the most important step for every parent. For a long time, choosing a name for a child was taken extremely seriously. Our ancestors believed that a name influences a person’s fate, his character and the formation of his personality. I think everyone has noticed some similarities between people with the same names.

How to choose a name for a child

Choosing a name for your unborn child is an important step towards meeting your baby. As a rule, all parents treat this issue very seriously. Sometimes choosing a name can drag on for the entire period of pregnancy. A name is the first gift from you to your baby, which will accompany him throughout his life. A child’s name can influence certain character traits, personality development and partly determine the fate of your child.

The month of September is characterized by bright colors and the beginning of hard work to prepare supplies for the winter. Boys born this month are fully consistent with this time. They are characterized by generosity, quick temper and emotionality, as well as hard work and determination. These children approach any work very responsibly and with special diligence. Although they have obvious leadership qualities, they will never command others. These boys are the kind of people you should turn to for valuable advice, besides, they will always help not only in words, but they will definitely take some action, even if they are not asked for it, in addition, they have incredible resourcefulness and They will come up with a way out of any situation. Therefore, they always make excellent friends who you can rely on in any case. Even at a very young age, they will never let their friends be offended, despite the fact that they may end up in an unpleasant situation because of this, although they themselves are not conflict-prone children. These boys are able to find recognition in any direction, thanks to their determination, and achieve enormous success, but due to their calm nature, they mostly stick to positions where they do not need to take on all the responsibility of making any serious decisions, but would rather prefer to stay in submission. But this is only a positive quality, since most often they prove themselves to be good specialists in some field and will bring more benefit if they are subordinate. Since in this situation they will have more time to solve some problems that require diligence and careful calculations.

You don’t have to think about the name for boys of this month for a long time, since absolutely any name will suit them, but you can add a little firmness and determination to their character with the help of some truly masculine, loud-sounding name.

Names for boys born in September according to numbers

  • Timothy - from the ancient Greek “worshipper of God.”
  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “to protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous protection”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Felix - from the Latin "fertile".
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek “blessed”.
  • Pavel - translated from Latin as “small”.
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek “blessed”.
  • Felix - from the Latin "fertile".
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Vladimir - Slavic origin "vlad" - power, "mir", which means "owns the world."
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Victor - from the Latin Victor, which means “winner”.
  • Egor - from the Greek “patron of agriculture.”
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."
  • Felix - from the Latin "fertile".
  • Vladimir - Slavic origin "vlad" - power, "mir", which means "owns the world."
  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “to protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous protection”.
  • Arseny - from the Greek “exalted”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek “blessed”.
  • Nicholas - from the Greek “conqueror of nations.”
  • Pavel - translated from Latin as “small”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Felix - from the Latin "fertile".
  • Arseny - from the Greek “exalted”.
  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “to protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous protection”.
  • Alexey - from the ancient Greek “reflecting”, “preventing”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek “blessed”.
  • Pavel - translated from Latin as “small”.
  • Gennady - from the ancient Greek “gennadis” - “noble”, “high-born”.
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."
  • Vladimir - Slavic origin "vlad" - power, "mir", which means "owns the world."
  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “to protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous protection”.
  • Anatoly - from the ancient Greek “dawn”.
  • Anatoly - from the ancient Greek “dawn”.
  • Victor - from the Latin Victor, which means “winner”.
  • Vladimir - Slavic origin "vlad" - power, "mir", which means "owns the world."
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."
  • Nicholas - from the Greek “conqueror of nations.”
  • Pavel - translated from Latin as “small”.
  • Herman - from the Latin “only begotten”.
  • Alexey - from the ancient Greek “reflecting”, “preventing”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Nicholas - from the Greek “conqueror of nations.”
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."
  • Andrey - from the ancient Greek “brave”.
  • Roman - from the Greek “strong”.
  • Vladimir - Slavic origin "vlad" - power, "mir", which means "owns the world."
  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “to protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous protection”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."
  • Nicholas - from the Greek “conqueror of nations.”
  • Pavel - translated from Latin as “small”.
  • Stanislaw is of Polish origin and means “to become glorious.”
  • Alexey - from the ancient Greek “reflecting”, “preventing”.
  • Andrey - from the ancient Greek “brave”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek “blessed”.
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."
  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “to protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous protection”.
  • Andrey - from the ancient Greek “brave”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek “blessed”.
  • Nicholas - from the Greek “conqueror of nations.”
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Egor - from the Greek “patron of agriculture.”
  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “to protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous protection”.
  • Alexey - from the ancient Greek “reflecting”, “preventing”.
  • Nicholas - from the Greek “conqueror of nations.”
  • Felix - from the Latin "fertile".
  • Andrey - from the ancient Greek “brave”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Nicholas - from the Greek “conqueror of nations.”
  • Pavel - translated from Latin as “small”.
  • Semyon - from Hebrew means “hearing.”
  • Herman - from the Latin “only begotten”.
  • Roman - from the Greek “strong”.
  • Nicholas - from the Greek “conqueror of nations.”
  • Victor - from the Latin Victor, which means “winner”.
  • Alexey - from the ancient Greek “reflecting”, “preventing”.
  • Nicholas - from the Greek “conqueror of nations.”
  • Semyon - from Hebrew means “hearing.”
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “to protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous protection”.
  • Nicholas - from the Greek “conqueror of nations.”
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Gennady - from the ancient Greek “gennadis” - “noble”, “high-born”.
  • Andrey - from the ancient Greek “brave”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek “blessed”.
  • Nicholas - from the Greek “conqueror of nations.”
  • Victor - from the Latin Victor, which means “winner”.
  • Renat - from the Latin “born again.”
  • Alexey - from the ancient Greek “reflecting”, “preventing”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Hebrew “gifted by the grace of God.”
  • Myron - from the ancient Greek “fragrant”.
  • Pavel - translated from Latin as “small”.

It can be so important for parents to choose the “same” name for their child in order to “pawn” him a happy future. Parents take the choice of names for their sons, heirs and successors of the family and surname especially seriously. What are the best names for boys that can be distinguished over centuries of experience, and what new things have modernity and fashion brought to the choice of names - we will learn about this further.

And let's start with babies born in early autumn.

September boys: character and characteristics

Parents who, when choosing a name for a child, take into account not only the “like-dislike” criteria, but also the meaning of the name, its energy, also take into account other characteristics of the baby, and first of all, the time of his birth.

People born in a particular season in a particular month are already endowed with unique qualities and character. And it is important that these characteristics do not radically diverge from the meaning of the name, but, on the contrary, complement and strengthen each other.

Boys born in September are calm, balanced and neat individuals. They are very curious, strive for the new and unknown, so most often they do well at school and engage in self-development throughout their lives.

Combined with their inherent determination, responsibility and perseverance, September boys grow into successful and visionary men. They effortlessly become leaders who are respected and listened to.

Children born in September have an easy-going character, they do not like to conflict, but sometimes they can be quick-tempered. Their love of order often develops into pedantry, perfectionism, or banal tediousness. But in moderate manifestation, this quality allows September boys to be neat, punctual and efficient.

In general, these are easy-going, honest and generous people who, if necessary, can defend their interests.

Considering the originality and perseverance of these kids, for boys born in September, you need to choose bright and strong names:

  • Adam, Adrian, Akim, Albert, Andrey, Artem, Arseny, Arkhip;
  • Bogdan;
  • Victor, Vladimir;
  • Hermann;
  • Daniil, Danislav, Demyan, Dmitry;
  • Egor;
  • Ivan, Ignat, Ilya;
  • Kirill, Konstantin;
  • Makar, Maxim, Miroslav, Mikhail;
  • Peter;
  • Rinat, Ruslan;
  • Svyatoslav.

Names according to the calendar in September

Believing parents who plan to baptize their baby, when choosing a name for him, first of all turn to the calendar. The first month of autumn provides them with a huge selection.

Traditional and energetically strong:

  • Alexander, Alexey, Anatoly, Andrey, Anton;
  • Bogdan;
  • Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Vsevolod;
  • Gennady, Georgy, German, Gleb, Grigory;
  • David, Daniil, Denis, Dmitry;
  • Evgeny, Egor;
  • Zakhar, Zinovy;
  • Ivan, Ignat, Ilya, Joseph;
  • Kirill, Konstantin;
  • Lawrence, Leo, Leonidas, Luke;
  • Makar, Maxim, Miron, Mikhail, Moses;
  • Nikita, Nikolai;
  • Osip, Ostap;
  • Pavel, Peter;
  • Novel;
  • Semyon, Sergey, Stepan;
  • Timofey;
  • Fedor, Theodotus, Philip;
  • Yakov.

Vintage and unusual , among which you can find the best rare name for a boy :

  • Abraham, Obadiah, Adrian, Akim, Andronik;
  • Bartholomew;
  • Demid, Dorofey;
  • Erofey, Epifan, Efim;
  • Hilarion, Isaac, Ismail;
  • Carp, Cyprian, Clement, Cornelius;
  • Laurus, Lucian;
  • Nicodemus, Nikon, Neil;
  • Marin, Mitrofan;
  • Pakhom, Porfiry;
  • Savva, Samuel, Sarmat, Sidor;
  • Thaddeus, Felix, Theoktistos;
  • Khariton;
  • Julian.

You can significantly reduce the choice of Orthodox church names if you focus exclusively on significant church holidays in the month of September. Then the choice will be between the following names:

  • Alexander,
  • Alexei,
  • Hermann,
  • Gleb,
  • Daniel,
  • Zachary,
  • Jacob,
  • Ivan,
  • Michael,
  • Peter,
  • Sergey,
  • Simeon.

Orthodox names may not always be as attractive as modern names. The best options, as a rule, are either the simplest and most familiar, or, conversely, very elaborate.

If parents cannot find a suitable name for their child among the church options, they can give the child two names. One is modern and fashionable, and the other is the name according to the calendar with which the child will be baptized.

They say that in the past they did this often and kept the baptismal name a secret. But this was not a tribute to fashion, but it was believed that this could protect the child from the evil eye, damage and other negativity. People believed that slander would not affect a person, because he would be protected by the saint, with whose name he was baptized, and which no one except his parents knows.

Choosing a name by zodiac sign

People born under the same sign often have the same character traits, behavior patterns and outlook on life. Therefore, when choosing a baby name, you can also focus on these features, choosing a name to match your zodiac sign.

In September, Virgo (until September 22) and Libra (from September 23) are born. Children and adults born under these zodiac signs are both similar to each other and fundamentally different.


Virgo boys are calm, balanced and reliable. They take care of their belongings, relationships and achievements. Sometimes so much so that from the outside it may look like greed, jealousy and pride. They are fair and will never offend someone who is weaker than them. Their desire to control and evaluate everything is combined with intolerance to criticism in their direction.


Libra boys fully correspond to the essence of the zodiac sign under which they were born. The main thing they strive to achieve in their lives is balance and harmony.

They are always in search of the best and the right. Sometimes such searches are not easy, involving hesitation and lengthy reasoning, but very rarely in conflict.

It is easier for Libra to quietly retreat in a conflict situation, but at the same time not to give up, but to move towards their goal, bypassing quarrels and disagreements. And they succeed thanks to their innate ability to subtly sense the situation and people, as well as quickly and easily adapt to various circumstances.

How to name it by zodiac?

Both signs are strong, assertive and sensual at the same time. That’s why they need solid and harmonious names.

The list of the best names for children of these zodiac signs looks like this:

Virgo boys:

  • Adrian, Azary,
  • Boris,
  • Valentin, Vitaly,
  • Efim,
  • Clementius, Constantine,
  • Leonty,
  • Mark, Moses,
  • Nikita,
  • Peter,
  • Ruslan,
  • Semyon, Stanislav,
  • Khariton,
  • Ernest.

Libra boys:

  • Abraham, Alexey, Aristarchus, Arkady,
  • Borislav,
  • Vyacheslav,
  • David,
  • Evgeny, Emelyan,
  • Ignat, Illarion,
  • Nazar, Nikifor,
  • Oleg,
  • Savely, Semyon,
  • Tikhon,
  • Philip, Thomas.

Popular names for boys

Sometimes parents (more often, of course, mothers), thinking about which name is best to choose for a boy, study modern trends in naming children. The World Wide Web and various magazines for expectant mothers come to the rescue.

Alternatively, you can take a walk on the playground and listen to the names of the kids who play there. But it will not be the names that you hear there that will be fashionable, but those radically opposite to them.

For example, if Platon, Dovlat and Arseny are walking on the playground, then it is better to name your baby with a traditional simple name - Andrey, Ivan, Dmitry, etc. On the other hand, if every mother follows this path, then there will be a complete change from the generation of unusual names to the generation of simple ones.

And if you really want to highlight the baby by his name, then you should adhere not to new trends, but to those that existed several years before the birth of the child.

As for parental preferences in names in these years, it should be noted that there was a rapid abandonment of complex, long and too unusual names for boys. Modern parents prefer to name their future men with short, laconic and firm names:

  • Anton,
  • Bogdan,
  • Mark,
  • Kirill,
  • Fedor,
  • Yuri,

How to choose the best name for a boy

There are a lot of options for a name for a boy born in September, according to different criteria, parameters and views. What should parents do who are lost in this variety of names and the destinies embedded in them? No one will give a definite answer to this question.

Each couple or whole family finds its own way to settle on one option:

  • consonance and combination with surname and patronymic;
  • personal preferences;
  • family traditions;
  • Date of Birth;
  • astrological calculations;
  • an inner feeling that THIS is exactly what you need.


To believe that the name given at birth of a child determines his future fate, or not to believe, is a personal matter for everyone. If everything were so simple, then people would have long ago found those very “happy” and “successful” names that bring people well-being.

It’s not so much about the name, but about the attitude, love and care of parents who give all of themselves to their children, and in return they grow up healthy, beautiful and happy.