Direct control: Madrid has decided to dissolve the Catalan parliament. The Catalan Parliament may declare independence from Spain The Catalan Parliament may declare independence

Wiring in a wooden house
Direct control: Madrid decides to dissolve the Catalan parliament

The Spanish government on Friday evening approved measures to resolve the Catalan crisis: it was decided to dissolve the parliament of the autonomous community, which adopted a resolution on the independence of the region, hold early elections in December and dismiss the entire Catalan government (generalitat).

Previously, the Spanish government's proposals to apply Article 155 of the constitution were approved by the Senate.

Madrid's response

Following the meeting of the cabinet of ministers, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced the dissolution of the Catalan parliament, which in the afternoon approved a resolution proclaiming the independence of the autonomous community. Early elections in the autonomous community will take place on December 21. "Catalonia needs to truly come to terms with itself, within the framework of the law and with itself. Therefore, I have decided to hold these free, clean and legal elections to restore democracy in the autonomous community," Rajoy said.

In addition, all members of the Generalitat were dismissed, including the head of the Catalan government, Carles Puigdemont, his deputy Oriol Junqueras, and other advisers; the Director General of the Catalan Police Mossos dEsquadra, Pere Soler, and the Secretary General of the Interior, Cesar Puig, lost their positions. The management of the departments of the Generalitat will be taken over by the Spanish authorities, and the relevant ministries will control the work of the Catalan councils.

All representative offices of the Catalan government abroad are closed, except Brussels, but its leader is removed from office. The representative of the Generalitat of Catalonia in Madrid was also suspended. The activities of the Council for transition period, this advisory body was created by the Catalan government to develop recommendations related to the declaration of independence.

In addition, the government will appeal to the Constitutional Court to invalidate the resolution adopted by the Catalan parliament.

"This is not about abolishing self-government, intervening or not restricting it. It is about returning to normal as soon as possible," Rajoy said. The Prime Minister of Spain called Friday a “sad day”, but assured that “the right state has the tools to protect the rule of law.”

International reaction

The leading countries of the world fully supported Madrid in connection with the declaration of independence by the Catalan parliament. US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said Catalonia is an integral part of Spain and Washington supports the Madrid government's constitutional measures to preserve the country's unity. The White House made a similar statement. “We repeat the words of the State Department: we reaffirm our support for a united Spain,” US presidential spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said.

The official representative of British Prime Minister Theresa May said that the UK does not recognize and will not recognize in the future a unilateral resolution on the independence of Catalonia.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that “Moscow’s position on the issue of Catalonia remains unchanged and consistent” and it “has not changed.” Previously, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that, guided by the fundamental principles of international law, it considers the events in Catalonia as an internal matter of Spain. Moscow also expressed hope that the situation would be resolved through dialogue strictly within the framework of Spanish legislation “in the interests of a united and prosperous Spain, while respecting the guarantees of the rights and freedoms of all citizens of this country.”

The head of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, is confident that no one in the European Union will recognize the declaration of independence of the Catalan Parliament, which violates the Spanish constitution and the legislative framework of the EU.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said that Germany does not recognize the unilateral declaration of independence, and that only negotiations within the framework of the Spanish constitution between Madrid and Barcelona will lead to a resolution of the crisis.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, who recently visited Madrid, admitted that he was “following the development of the situation with concern.” “We have only one interlocutor - this is the government in Madrid,” the head of the French Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

Rallies in Barcelona

Meanwhile, in Barcelona itself, rallies were held in the evening, both in support of the “proclamation of independence” and supporters of maintaining Catalonia as part of Spain.

According to the city police, 17 thousand people took part in the rally-concert in front of the Generalitat building in Plaza Sant Jaume.

The rally of supporters of a united Spain was less numerous, but a large demonstration against the actions of the Catalan authorities is planned for Sunday.

“The people's hour has come. We reject the state and the Catalan oligarchs,” said Catalan parliament member Carlos Riera after he and his colleagues in Barcelona declared the autonomous region independent.

“We want an open republic, we want to gently embrace those who want a better world for everyone, regardless of their background. We took this step with our heads held high, not on our knees. “Like free people without fear,” he said. - Today is a happy day. Glory to Catalonia!

After Parliament decided to sharply worsen relations with Madrid and declared Catalonia a separate state, there was rejoicing on the streets of Barcelona. Thousands of people, many with tears in their eyes, praised the decision of regional authorities and sang the local anthem.

Catalan parliamentarians did the same after the vote. However, many deputies were not here: the factions that opposed independence did not come to the vote as a sign of protest.

“I ask all Spaniards to calm down. Our rule of law will restore legal order in Catalonia,” the Spanish Prime Minister immediately responded on Twitter after the news from Barcelona.

About half an hour later, the central authorities in Madrid made a retaliatory move. The Senate approved the use of constitutional article 155, which deals with threats to state unity, thereby giving Rajoy emergency powers.

The Spanish Prime Minister can now not only deprive Catalonia of its autonomous status and introduce federal administration over these territories, but also authorize a military operation. It guarantees that Catalonia will remain part of Spain.

For now, Rajoy limited himself to a statement that the country's government had decided to dissolve the Catalan parliament.

“We believe that it is urgent to listen to the citizens of Catalonia, to all of them, so that they can decide their future and no one can act contrary to the law on their behalf,” Rajoy stressed.

According to Irina Busygina, director of the Institute of International Studies, the Catalan decision narrows the field of political maneuver for Madrid. “From my point of view, the reasoning of Catalan politicians that Madrid is going against democracy and does not listen to the voice of the minority is pure populism. All this suggests that the term “democracy” can be used in different ways and everyone interprets it as they can,” says Gazeta.Ru’s interlocutor.

According to the expert, the democracy of Spain, like every European country, is based on the constitution. “And the unilateral decision of the Catalan authorities to declare independence is clearly an anti-constitutional step. Accordingly, Madrid has the right to use force,” Busygina added. “Democracy does not prohibit the use of harsh measures, especially when basic democratic rules are violated.”

According to the expert, the possibility for a compromise between Madrid and Catalonia remains - “but not with the current Catalan elite.”

The day before, the head of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, refused to hold early elections in the region. “There are no guarantees that would justify holding elections,” he said. Early elections to the Catalan parliament were considered an alternative to declaring Catalan independence from the central authorities of Spain.

Now Puigdemont and his colleagues are under threat of not only dismissal, but also arrest for unconstitutional actions.

“I am not Carles Puigdemont, and I cannot speak for him, but he voted for independence, and, apparently, is quite aware of the possible consequences of his actions, including legal ones,” Luc Salellas, a member of the national secretariat, told Gazeta.Ru leftist Catalan party CUP.

“I think Puigdemont - like other members of the Catalan parliament - are ready to face any scenario that may follow the declaration of independence.”

Salellas recalled that the head had already tweeted about the unacceptability of a forceful solution. “For nothing has changed. Spain remains our only negotiating partner,” the text of the message reads. “I hope that the Spanish authorities will choose the force of argument and refrain from the argument of force.”

“Madrid is unlikely to resort to the deployment of troops and, rather, will engage in dialogue, including with the participation of international mediators,” says Salellas.

“Currently, the police, controlled by Madrid, are on the streets of Barcelona, ​​but they do not play an active role in what is happening. All they do is just stand in the streets,” added the Catalan politician.

MADRID, October 10 - RIA Novosti, Elena Shesternina. The Catalan Parliament will meet on Tuesday for a meeting that could result in a unilateral declaration of independence from Spain. However, this is only one of the possible scenarios.


Last week it became known that the Catalan parliament will meet to “discuss the results of the referendum on October 1.” First, “hour X” was scheduled for October 9, then this meeting was canceled by the Constitutional Court of Spain. A few days later, a new date was announced - the head of the Generalitat (Catalan government) Carles Puigdemont will appear in parliament on October 10 at 18.00 (19.00 Moscow time). According to the official wording, to “inform about the current political situation.”

The final results of the referendum were announced last Friday. According to the Generalitat, more than two million people voted for independence, 90.18% of the total number of voters. The turnout was 43.03% (2 million 286 thousand 217 people took part in the voting), despite the fact that 5.3 million have the right to vote in the autonomous community. The final results were submitted to parliament.

In recent days, heated discussions have been going on in Spain regarding the wording “to inform about the results”. According to the referendum law adopted by the Catalan parliament on September 6 (pro-independence parties have an absolute majority), the results imply a declaration of independence.

The third article of the law states that “the results of the referendum have legal force.” And in the fourth article it is written: that if more votes are cast for independence than against in the referendum, the result will be the independence of Catalonia.

“To this end, the Catalan Parliament, two days after the announcement of official data by the electoral commission, will hold a regular session to formally declare the independence of Catalonia, clarify the consequences and begin the constituent process,” the document says.


However, even one of the most active supporters of the idea of ​​Catalan independence, Parliament Speaker Carme Forcadell, did not answer the question whether independence would be declared at the meeting, adding that at the moment only the speech of the head of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, appears on the agenda.

Puigdemont himself promised to apply the referendum law in the 30 Minutes program of the Catalan TV channel TV3 on Sunday evening. “The declaration of independence, which we do not call a “unilateral” declaration of independence, is provided for by the law on the referendum as the implementation of the results. We will apply what the law says,” said the head of the Generalitat. This phrase, which appeared in the announcement of the program and was quoted by the world's leading media, did not make it into the final version of the program that was aired.

Meanwhile, the public organization "Catalan National Assembly" at exactly 18.00, that is, when Puigdemont's speech begins, calls independence supporters to a rally near the parliament building - "to support the announcement of the results of the referendum." This wording appears in the official press release.


It is worth noting that there was a split in the pro-independence camp. The left-wing party Candidat Popular Unity (CUP), which has only ten seats in the Catalan parliament, speaks of declaring independence as a settled issue. The party's spokesman, Benet Salellas, said Monday that Puigdemont's government "cannot retreat" from the situation and that if it does, it will "use the road map adopted by pro-independence parliamentary groups." He assured that the CUP and the second separatist parliamentary coalition “Together for Yes” are working on a declaration of independence.

However, in the “Together for Yes” coalition, judging by various statements by deputies, there is no clear understanding of what exactly will happen on Tuesday evening and in what form the head of the General Assembly will announce the results.

A deputy from this coalition, Martha Pascal, in an interview with the BBC, said that Puigdemont will limit himself to a “symbolic declaration” of independence, that is, he recognizes the legal force of the results, but will not formally declare independence. True, the party tried to refute her statement, placing all the blame on journalists who allegedly incorrectly interpreted the deputy’s words.

Another option was proposed by Member of the European Parliament from the Catalan European Democratic Party Ramon Tremosa - “Slovenian”. That is, declare independence unilaterally, then suspend it and negotiate with Madrid from this position. “The Catalan government could, for example, declare independence, suspend its actual implementation for a while, waiting to sit down at the negotiating table without preconditions with the Spanish government to call an agreed referendum,” he said in an interview with radio station Onda Vasca .

Supporters of independence are currently split into two camps. As a RIA Novosti source in Madrid suggested, in the first one supporting the idea of ​​a unilateral declaration of independence are the “Candidature of Popular Unity”, half of the Left Republicans of Catalonia party, the public organization Omnium Cultural, as well as Puigdemont himself. In the second, more moderate, there is the Catalan European Democratic Party (PDCat), part of the Republican Left of Catalonia, the public organization Catalan National Assembly, as well as the deputy chairman of the Catalan government, Oriol Junqueras.

It is also unknown how exactly the parliament - if it decides to do so - will “proclaim independence.” According to the referendum law, voting is not necessary.

At the same time, in addition to the declaration of independence itself, other options are possible. For example, adopt a declaration of intent, that is, a “deferred version” of the declaration of independence, or adopt a certain “symbolic document.”

Madrid's reaction

Be that as it may, Madrid is not going to talk with the Catalan authorities under any “declaration option.”

“Under the threat of blackmail, nothing can be built. Therefore, it is absolutely unacceptable that they say that the declaration of independence will come into force the next day, or it will be a declaration of independence with a suspensive condition, final, postponed, in any form that is currently being discussed there.” , said Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in an interview with El País newspaper.

If the worst forecasts are confirmed and the Catalan parliament “declare independence” in any form, the government promises to “take any legal measures.” At the same time, the country’s leadership stubbornly refuses to answer the question of whether it is ready to apply Article 155 of the constitution, which allows for the deprivation of autonomy status and reassignment to the central government - “if the autonomous community does not fulfill the obligations stipulated by the constitution or other laws, or its actions cause serious damage to national interests of Spain."

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