Magical creatures of the subtle world: Doreen Verche - fairies are angels. Combinations with one

Wiring in a wooden house

Doreen Virtue

Angelic Medicine: How to Heal Your Body and Mind with the Help of Angels


I am writing these words while sitting above a caldera, a volcanic crater on the Greek island of Santorini (the second name of the island is Thira): a photo of a caldera washed by ocean waves is placed on the cover of the book. For me, for my book, and for all of us, Santorini is especially significant: many believe that Santorini is all that remains of Atlantis. Here are the ruins of a healing temple - one of many that existed on Atlantis. And these ruins reek of mystical energy and mystical rituals. A wonderful place to write a book about healing: an island where I lived many thousands of years ago... and perhaps knew you.

The fiery eruption that destroyed Atlantis buried I and most of the knowledge of the Atlanteans, but not without a trace... In the first part of this book you will find precious grains of wisdom of the healers of Atlantis and the secrets of its healers - I learned them from the angels of Atlantis. The second and third parts of the book contain eyewitness accounts and healing methods that will help you and your loved ones heal. The book also includes the results of scientific research - they all confirm ancient wisdom healers.

Angels are heavenly beings who do not have their own “Ego”, they do not judge anyone and give their love to everyone. Often the “functions” of angels are also taken on by our loved ones who have passed on to another world. We will call them “spiritual guides.”

Many years of experience as a clairvoyant allow me to say that every person has at least two guardian angels and 1 spiritual guide. Of course, not everyone listens to their advice, otherwise there would be no cruelty in the world and people would not engage in self-destruction. But if we are ready to listen to the angels and talk to them, they will always be there.

Our religion does not matter to the angels; they protect atheists and believers, good Samaritans and cruel cynics. Angels are with us in order to fulfill the Lord's plan for peace and tranquility - at least for one person. They do not relieve us of responsibility for our actions, but they help us formulate the best plan of action.

Perhaps pain and struggle do contribute to a person's spiritual growth, but peace promotes such growth even more. Angels are happy to help us in everything that contributes to our peace of mind, but they must be asked for this, otherwise they will not be able to intervene in our life; the universal “Law of Free Will” also applies to them.

Having called. Angels, you can completely rely on them and their light; the angels will heal your soul and rid it of fear - you will learn to accept any difficulties with love. There are no spatial or temporal restrictions for angels, so do not be afraid to tire or burden them.

"Angel" means "messenger of the Lord." When a person prays to the Creator, angels play the role of couriers between the Creator and creation. Talking to angels is not blasphemy at all, because every conversation with God is a conversation with angels. After all, angels and God are one. Angels are an extension of God, and you are also His extension.

If you enlist the support of the angels, healing occurs very quickly - and it is always a miraculous healing. Angels can heal the body, soul, emotions and mind; help solve our financial difficulties. They help us make a career, help us recover, settle love affairs, arrange family life, improve everyday life - they help in everything that can affect a person’s peace of mind.

So, if you want to get well or heal another person, the angels will give you access to a powerful flow of life-giving energy.

About this book

The book consists of three parts. If you like true stories of spiritual journeys and adventures, start with the first part. But if you are more interested in specific angel medicine techniques and examples of healing, move on to the second part of the book. The third part is more like a reference book: it describes in detail the methods that are mentioned in the previous two.

The first part of this book is a new chapter of my story about spiritual discoveries and wanderings, begun by the book “The Lihgtworker's Way"(“The Path of the Servant of Light” and continued in "Healing with the Fairies"(“Healing given by fairies”). However, it is not necessary to read these two books to understand the third.



Chapter 1


And I had no intention of going to Santorini. But when my Greek publisher introduced me to the approximate route; travel, and Stephen Farmer - my husband and constant travel companion - approved of his plan, I began to understand the importance of this trip. Stephen planned our book tour of Europe so that we could relax in Santorini. Then we could not even imagine how eventful this vacation would be.

A ticket to Santorini was booked, and almost immediately the Universe began sending me signs confirming the correctness of this choice. Almost every Southern California newspaper or magazine I opened had an article about Santorini and how it is connected to Atlantis. In addition, amazing things began to happen to me. So, for example, waking up earlier than usual one morning, I decided to call my friend James Van Praaff, a famous medium and esoteric writer.

Amazing! - James exclaimed. - You can say that I also “received the task” to contact you this morning.

We agreed to have breakfast together and met an hour later. In the conversation, I mentioned my upcoming trip to Europe.

“Honey, there’s a place in Europe that you definitely need to visit,” James said.

And what kind of place is this? - I asked and prepared to listen carefully. James is not only a very capable and caring psychic, but also a seasoned traveler.

You should go to the island of Santorini. For me, this corner is one of my favorite places on earth! - James began enthusiastically. I hung on his every word. Leaning forward, he looked into my eyes and whispered:

You see, Santorini is Atlantis.

James, you won't believe this. Steve and I have already booked tickets to Santorini. Just a few weeks ago I knew nothing about the island, but now the Universe is simply bombarding me with signs. And a lot says that Santorini is still related to Atlantis. I'll send you an email from there!


Our small plane landed on Santorini, and I was immediately reminded of the Daryl Hannah movie “Summer Lovers” - it was filmed right here on the tiny Greek island. The clear, cloudless sky and ocean merged together and seemed like a continuous huge blue screen with hundreds of snow-white cottages in the foreground.

Fifty passengers descended the gangway; the hot runway showered us all with hot steam. While we were getting our luggage, there was not a single taxi left. The airport was located quite far from the city, and we had to rent a car. The tiny Suzuki Alto looked like a motorcycle with a car body; however, they also abounded in adorable photographs of cats against the backdrop of snow-white cottages and mansions.


Jet lag, fresh air, sunshine, and the recent months of hard work all meant that Steve and I got tired very quickly. We walked without stopping anywhere, and suddenly we felt that we were completely exhausted. And somehow it just happened that from the very first days of our stay in Santorini, we acquired the habit of sleeping during the day - sleeping long and with style.

On the first day, I slept for two hours and woke up to a flash of bright light and multi-colored circles before my eyes. I realized that during my vacation, my old friends - angels - appeared to me and left a message about the healing power of light and color. I didn’t remember their words, but I hoped that the information was stored in the subconscious.

That evening we met with three people who had been recommended by our Greek publisher. These were Janis Renieris - the owner of the hotel; Polychronis ("Chronis") Mada - a doctor, a supporter of a holistic approach to medicine, and Andrei Kannelopoulos, who for several years was a student of an Indian avatar - a person who can create and perform miracles - and only recently returned to Greece.

Watching the sunset sky shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, we listened to the amazing story of the healing of Janis’s son. The narrator was Janis himself. On June 9, 2002, nineteen-year-old Manolis decided to fish. It so happened that his underwater gun fired and the arrow hit the young man in the head. His father, a former navigator, was accustomed to turning to St. for help. Nicholas and always felt under his protection. Janis also invariably asked the saint to keep and protect his children. Therefore, when the father was informed about the accident under water, he first prayed and then rushed to the hospital. From the doctors, Janis learned that his son was lucky: he would live.

Creativity is half the ability to listen and perceive, and half the courage to put a creative idea into action. This book is about how sensitivity and courage can help you bring more creativity into your life. Doreen Virtue, author of dozens...

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  • 18 April 2015, 16:40

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Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., Ph.D., is a metaphysician and clairvoyant. She is the author of books on gods, ascended masters, angels, spirit beings, and saints. According to the author, ascended masters and spirit guides are great teachers, healers and prophets who once lived on Earth, but now reside in the spirit world and from there strive to help us. Among them are such legendary figures as Jesus, Moses, Buddha, as well as other gods, goddesses, bodhisattvas and divas. From this book you will learn which Divine entities are your spiritual guides and how to get in touch with them.

Thanks to the prayers given by Doreen Virtue, you will be able to call on an archangel or ascended master for any situation: when you are sick, going through life difficulties or a breakup with a loved one, when you need help or advice.


Angels exist! In Doreen Virtue's book you will not only find amazing evidence of this fact, but you will also be convinced that angels are with you throughout your life. And what you often mistake for an inner voice, intuition or signs of fate are most likely messages from your guardian angel.

Thanks to Doreen Virtue's advice in this book, you will be able to feel the presence of angels next to you and learn to hear and understand their instructions. And remember: there are millions of angels who are “idle” and bored, and they would be happy to help you create a more meaningful and fruitful life.

For a wide range of readers.

Previously, the book was published under the title “How to Hear Your...

Each person has his own Guardian angel. But we are used to calling it a happy accident, intuition, internal. We have long turned into materialists and, unfortunately, we do not believe in miracles. And they happen every day.

American psychologist and metaphysician Doreen Virtue claims that the authors of miraculous coincidences are angels. They are the ones who protect us from misfortunes and heal us from diseases. You just have to ask them about it.

about the author

Master and Doctor of Science in practical science, fourth generation metaphysician, daughter of Christian Science followers. As a child, she saw many miraculous healings: prayer and visualization in her family treated everything from skinned knees to breakdowns of the family car. Doreen Virtue - author of the books " Healing with the help of angels«, « Archangels and Great Masters«, « Angel therapy«, « Caring for Indigo Children"and others.

Golden ball

Alevtina believed only in exact sciences all her life. The magicians, healers, parapsychologists, and fortune tellers with whom she had the opportunity to communicate in the course of her work were so disappointing that she turned into an inveterate skeptic of everything unscientific. But recently something bad happened to Alevtina: doctors discovered a huge one, more than six centimeters, and advised her to urgently undergo surgery. Hospital smells, people with bandages and scars drove Alevtina into deep depression.

The night before the operation, she hardly slept; the tumor was pressing on her throat and making it difficult to breathe. Suddenly the woman clearly saw a small glowing white and gold ball approaching her from the ceiling. Having reached the throat, it began to lightly jump and sway. Alevtina was taken aback for a second, but then, attributing such a hallucination to fatigue, she waved the ball away, closed her eyes and... calmly fell asleep.

She would not have remembered the night vision if not for the surprised exclamation of the doctor: before the operation, he did a repeat analysis and saw that in just a week the goiter had decreased by 1.5 centimeters! That morning she was peaceful and calm, disappearing before the scalpel. The operation was successful: the woman quickly recovered from anesthesia, the next day she was transferred from intensive care to a regular ward, the stitches were removed and she was discharged home!

And after a few days, the large scar began to heal right before my eyes. Friends and relatives vying with each other called and came to visit, telling how they prayed for her on the day of the operation. And then Alevtina remembered both the ball and the amazing calm before the operation. The prayers of family and friends certainly achieved their goal.

But the miracles did not end there - every night the woman physically felt how her scar, which was getting smaller every day, was enveloped in a pleasant cool green gel. Here Alevtina could no longer stand it - she could still understand the white and gold ball and prayers, but what was the green gel that she saw with her inner vision? Thanks to a coincidence or someone else or something, the woman suddenly found the answer in a book by Doreen Virtue that caught her eye by chance (or was it by chance?) Angelic medicine". It was there about a glowing ball and about a green gel.

One of the angel therapy methods is called “Triple Shield” - a fence from the outside world and internal protection. Mentally wrap yourself in three different colors. For example, white protects against bullies, green protects against illness, pink protects against external negativity.

Fears away

There is God, there is Heaven and there are angels - God's messengers who are ready to help us, we just have to ask. Our religion does not matter to them; they protect everyone: believers and atheists, good and evil. There are no spatial or temporal restrictions for angels; they can be in several places at once to help heal, make a career, settle love affairs, and arrange family life.

But let’s dwell on the healing abilities of these divine creatures. Angels always carry love and light, which are two powerful foundations in healing. Love- this is our spiritual and emotional level, our soul, thoughts. The main components of love healing are trust and faith, getting rid of fear, compassion, prayer, meditation, kindness to yourself and others. Light- our physical level, instincts, physiological characteristics and chakra system. Help with light therapy can be sought from the sun and moon, crystals, and colors of the rainbow.

Doreen Virtue believes that the most important stumbling block on the path to healing is human fear, doubt and the inability to clearly formulate one’s own desires. After all, according to her, angels can heal instantly - you just need to clearly imagine that this is exactly what you want and drive away the creeping doubts. But even a clear desire and unshakable faith are powerless against... the fear of recovery. In my practice, Doreen Virtue encountered this once and even systematized the fears of her patients.

The first position is occupied by fear of "God's will"- some people are sure: if they are sick, then it’s necessary. But God sincerely loves everyone and wants only good. Another category believes that all life is suffering, and you need to live it in pain. Suffering really makes a person stronger, but only peace and quiet contribute to spiritual development.

Fear of change is also a big fear; sometimes a person cannot imagine his life without the usual tablets or pills. People with low self-esteem, who believe they don't deserve to be healthy, never get better. Having believed in the power of angels, filling your soul with love, enveloping yourself in light, setting clear desires, driving away doubts and getting rid of fears, you can begin self-healing.

Doreen Virtue, Angels

Angels cannot help without our desire; they obey the universal Law of free will. This is why angel therapy is of great importance prayer- sincere messages to God enhance any healing effect.

You can call angels in different ways: think about them and talk about your difficulties, imagine that they surround you, say your request to God and the angels. And don’t forget to thank the angels - this is also a kind of prayer. If there is a specific problem or illness, you can call a specific angel.

Doreen Virtue talks about 15 archangels - each with their own aura color and crystal. For example, Gabriel helps pregnant women. When calling the archangel, imagine him in a copper-red aura and place a citrine stone near you. Archangel Haniel regulates women's cycles, its color is bluish-white, the stone is moonstone. Azrael corresponds to white with a yellowish tint and creamy yellow calcite. His “specialization” is getting rid of sorrows and depression. In case of childhood injuries, you need to ask for help from Metatron.

The color of the archangel is green and pink, and the stone is green tourmaline. Raguel together with light blue radiance and aquamarine, it helps to improve your personal life and relationships with work colleagues. Emerald green aura and malachite - symbols Rafaila, healing angel, patron of doctors and healer of all bodily diseases.

By the way, Doreen Virtue claims that the colored highlights that we sometimes see before our eyes are nothing more than the presence of angels. Green highlights - Raphael, red - Gabriel, blue - Haniel, etc.

At severe pain It’s enough to ask the angel Raphael for help and imagine how the sore spot is enveloped in emerald green color. Malachite will help enhance the effect - the stone can be placed near you or worn as a decoration. Our ancestors have long believed in the healing effects of crystals, making amulets and talismans from them. Crystals can enhance the light of the chakras, energize a person and eliminate imbalances.

Colors in which you can mentally wrap yourself, your loved ones, or even material things (for example, a house or a car) have enormous healing and protective powers. There are two main colors: white - a symbol of all angels and golden - the color of the energy of Christ, forgiveness and unconditional love. The light of the sun, moon and stars has just such a white-golden hue. That is why Doreen Virtue encourages everyone to walk in the fresh air more often, absorbing the healing power of the heavenly bodies.

In addition to the angels who help people, there is a protector of animals - the archangel Ariel. If your pet is sick, you need to call Ariel, place a pink crystal near your pet and wrap it in pale pink.

Invisible connection (etheric chains)

In addition to crystals and color therapy, there are many more healing techniques in angelic. One of them is getting rid of etheric chains. This is what Doreen Virtue calls energetic attachment to a person, thing or habit. Chains are invisible tubes that drive energy from one end to the other. If we are attached to a person who is currently severely depressed, difficult thoughts will be transmitted to us. Imagine this chain and ask the archangel Mikhail cut it with a sword. However, he will only succeed if you really want it.

The method of getting rid of curses and psychological daggers is no less relevant. If someone is offended or angry with us, their negativity can stick into the back like an invisible dagger, causing headaches and back pain. To get rid of this scourge, you need to sit on a stool (not leaning on anything) and turn to the archangels Raphael and Michael, mentally sending forgiveness and love to your offenders. Finally, Raphael will fill the wounds with healing green gel...

No matter what happens to us, no matter what situation we find ourselves in, we always have reliable support. Call the angels for help! And don’t be alarmed if you suddenly hear the rustling of their wings behind you.

Information about the clairvoyant Doreen Virtue, who communicates directly with angelic beings and receives advice from them. Doreen Virtue's cards as the key to understanding your own problems and expanding your consciousness.

Advice from angelic beings: according to the method of esotericist Doreen Virtue.

In our lives, situations often arise when we are in search of the right solution and are lost in doubt. In such cases, many people turn to esoteric help - for example, to psychics or fortune tellers, and some look for online fortune telling on the Internet in the hope that they will help solve a pressing issue. One of these ways to find out the future is Doreen Virtue’s cards, which we will tell you about in this article.

Who is Doreen Virtue?

Doreen Virtue is the author of numerous books about angels, as well as a practicing psychotherapist, spiritual consultant, and holds a Ph.D. Doreen Virtue has written a large number of books about angels, created a series of oracle cards with images of angelic beings, fairies, unicorns, and also constantly organizes seminars and records audio meditations on this topic.

The works of this woman have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and are sold in many countries. In addition, she was actively involved in research on Indigo children, who have impressive paranormal abilities. Reading Doreen's books, we are immersed in a magical world that opens up various opportunities for us to change our lives for the better.

While still a child, Doreen began to hear and even see angelic beings. For this, she was regularly subjected to ridicule and bullying from her peers and acquaintances, who refused to believe her and considered her crazy. Realizing that she would not find support and understanding, the girl decided to keep silent about her little secret and her unique abilities were deeply hidden for many years. For a very long time Doreen tried not to pay attention to the angels' promptings, but everything changed on July 15, 1995. This day became significant in her life, because then her life turned upside down.

Doreen Virtue is a practicing psychotherapist.

On July 15, 1995, Doreen Virtue received a warning from her guardian angel that her car would be stolen. The woman, who tried to ignore the signs from above, decided to ignore him. But the angel did not leave Doreen in trouble and when two robbers in the parking lot attempted to steal her car, he ordered her to scream as loud as possible. This saved the woman - passers-by came running to the scream, which scared off the robbers.

After this incident, she thought seriously and began developing her psychic abilities, deciphering the divine messages that kept coming to her. To help other people in difficult life situations, as well as those who have a similar gift, the woman began to write books that reveal many of the secrets of the Universe.

Today, Virtue constantly participates in various programs and shows dedicated to this topic. She is also the organizer of symposiums and seminars, where she tells people how to correctly use Doreen Virtue’s angel cards and how not to close themselves off from messages from above.

The woman was married twice; she is currently engaged to Michael Robinson and lives in the Hawaiian Islands. From her first marriage, Doreen has two sons, Grant and Charles.

What types of Doreen Virtue cards are there?

Since Doreen is not only a person with psychic abilities, but also a successful writer, she came up with the idea of ​​attaching corresponding decks of cards to her books that are most suitable for the main theme of the work. And the list of publications written by this woman is very extensive!

We can highlight the following most popular books by Doreen Virtue related to angelic themes:

  • "Angel Therapy";
  • "Ascended Masters";
  • “Magical Messages of Fate” and many other similar publications.

Doreen Virtue's cards are called "The Magical Power of Your Guardian Angel." The deck contains 44 large cards with various designs (mostly images of angels) and signatures in Russian.

Each card has its own name, for example, Candor, Magic, Relaxation, Soul Mates, Archangel Michael, Abundance, Signs, Miracles, Guardian Angel and the like. The name represents the response of angelic beings to a situation that a person was asking about.

Note: in Doreen Virtue's deck of cards you won't find negative names like Illness, Depression or anything like that. Absolutely all cards carry only positive meanings.

Fortune telling methods

Doreen herself is not a supporter of any specific layouts; she believes that every person should work with the deck as they feel intuitively. You can still highlight several options for fortune telling.

Three card spread. The first in this case will mean the situation that the person is asking about. The second is advice from divine entities (depending on the oracle, these can be angels, archangels, as well as ascended masters, fairies, Archangel Michael and other higher patrons). The third card shows the outcome of the situation, but only under the condition that the questioner takes advantage of the recommendation of the Light Forces.

The second way of the same layout is as follows: the first card indicates what has passed, the second indicates the present, and the third foretells the future. This layout is notable for the fact that in the third position you can choose not one, but three cards at once. The first will then reveal future events 3 months in advance, the second - six months in advance, and the third - a year in advance.

In addition to these methods of fortune telling, you can lay out cards for each month of the year, or you can simply ask a question that interests you and draw one card - choose the method that intuitively seems more “pretty” to you.

Fortune telling by cards by Doreen Virtue is more like an ordinary conversation between a person and his heavenly patrons, in which the latter give advice on how to cope with difficulties and what is the right thing to do in a given situation. Angel cards not only lift the veil of the future, but help a person understand himself, and also teach him to notice divine messages.

Please note that you cannot 100% trust the results of any fortune-telling, because the future always remains multivariate and it depends only on ourselves which of the proposed paths we will choose.

What questions will the cards answer?

Angel cards very readily “suggest” what personal qualities a person lacks in order to get what he wants. If you do not have global questions regarding the future or present, you can simply choose one card from the deck every day and listen to the advice you received from the angels.

The cards work very well with the energies of Healing Rays and Reiki.

Usually people do not have any difficulties with the symbolism of cards - sometimes it is enough just to look at the card and you will already understand its meaning, even without reading the interpretation given in the book. Additional information about the cards is given by their colors.

Note: Now, thanks to the power of the Internet, you do not need to buy a deck of cards, because you can always find Doreen Virtue cards online and ask them for advice.

According to the results of using Doreen Virtue's cards, it can be noted that they certainly bring benefits, but they act more as an oracle-adviser than a mantic tool. They give good recommendations regarding the correct tactics of behavior in various life situations, suggest how to get rid of negativity (the evil eye or damage), and also simply bring your physical body and soul back to normal.

When working with angel cards, you need to remember that their concept is not so much self-improvement (learning new things), but relaxation, harmony, communication with higher beings and a feeling of divine support. Therefore, they are not suitable for all people; in particular, they certainly will not appeal to those who are indifferent to inner work and seek to find a solution to the problem exclusively in the material world.

For those people who are interested in philosophy, esotericism, and Reiki practices, communication with Doreen Virtue’s cards should bring benefits in life. It should be noted that the cards combine very well with the energies of Healing Rays and Reiki. They, like a ray of light, will help dispel your negative thoughts and moods, instill hope in your heart and fill you with peace.

Of course, first of all, fans of Doreen Virtue’s works who enthusiastically read her books and listen to programs with the author’s participation should try working with cards. For the cards to help you, you need to be on the same page with Doreen, because if you take all this lightly and guess for fun, it is unlikely that such an undertaking will be crowned with success.

Doreen Virtue

Magical kingdom of fairies




If you believe in fairies, then you are not alone. Traveling around the world, I have repeatedly met people who told me about their contacts with the magical kingdom of fairies. They fondly remember their childhood years and the impressions caused by communication with these creatures, and some, having already become adults, still continue to talk with them. (Most of them told me about this in a whisper.) I can only say one thing about myself: I believe in fairies!..

As a little girl, I would spend hours looking at pictures of fairies with a mixed feeling of recollection and recognition. Although since childhood I was endowed with the ability to see angels and people who have left this earth, I saw my first fairy when I became an adult. Since then, I have had the kindest and most tender relationship with these creatures.

I have the utmost respect for their mission on Earth, which is to cleanse natural environment, protect animals and remind us of the importance of joy and fun.

Surveys conducted among the population show that while most people believe in the existence of angels, much less believe in the existence of fairies. Many bookstores have dedicated shelves for angels, while books about fairies are relegated to the mythology section. Probably because fairies, unlike angels, appear only to those who believe in them.

I became convinced that people in Britain and Australia believe in fairies much more strongly than people in other countries of the world. In addition, these same countries are home to the largest number of fairies Is it because there are so many fairies here because the people here believe in them? Or vice versa: isn’t it because people here believe in them because there are so many fairies here?

Other places whose inhabitants are also closely associated with fairies are New York, Hawaii, Iceland and the Canadian province of Ontario. In fact, most of the stories I receive about fairy encounters are from readers living in Ontario rather than in other regions!

Those who believe in fairies receive miraculous help from them, as you will learn about in this book. Fairies help us realize our earthly needs - such, like buying, renting or selling a home. They help us find work and money. They do wonders for our gardens and our pets, but they are especially happy to help those who share their love for environment and animals and caring for them.

Angels and fairies are creatures of God who perform an important mission and actively help people in vital matters. Archangels and guardian angels promote our progress along the spiritual path and protect us. Fairies are guardian spirits of nature and animals.

The more people believe in fairies, the greater their power. The power with which they purify the earth, air and water.

Please, do not forget the immortal words of Peter Pan: “I really believe in fairies... I believe, I believe, I believe!” These words brought the fairy Tink-Tink back to life, and they are also capable of infusing additional life and energy into any fairies in general.

Doreen Virtue

Chapter first

Who are Fairies?


Each blade of grass has its own angel, who bends over it and says: “Grow! Grow!"

The angels the Talmud refers to are "natural angels." Each of them has its own special purpose, but in general, nature angels look after the environment and animals.

Since nature consists of the basic elements - Earth, Water, Air and Fire, natural angels thus belong to the "elemental kingdom". There are several different types of elementals, differing depending on their purpose and the task they perform. In this book we will focus on only one type of them - fairies.

Fairies are angels closely connected to the Earth, which allows them to fulfill their Divine mission to protect nature and animals. Fairies also have wings: some like dragonflies, others like butterflies, as opposed to the feathered wings of guardian angels and archangels.

Again, unlike guardian angels and archangels, fairies have egos. So they are like people - in the sense that they have judgments and evaluations. When fairies meet you, they immediately evaluate you in terms of how you treat the environment and animals.

Fairies know that a person is imperfect, and they do not expect perfection from him. However, if you do your best to reuse scrap materials, use eco-friendly products, are kind to animals, etc., they will treat you with the utmost respect and favor.

If, in their opinion, you are hostile to the environment or animals, they may begin to harass you and make fun of you. This is why they sometimes have the reputation of being evil and mischievous spirits.

Fairies may be called differently by different nations, but no matter how they are called or how their names are pronounced, fairies truly want to help you live a healthier, happier, and more rewarding life. Since fairies are closely connected with the earth and everything earthly, they can help you solve material problems, including money problems, household problems, caring for the garden and pets.

Did you ever see fairies as a child?

But many children see fairies. Fairies are more willing to reveal themselves to children, whose minds are open and their hearts are pure, than to adults (unless the hearts of men or women are just as open and pure). And fairies also love to help children and do it in all sorts of different ways, which you will also learn about from this book.

Fairies remind us not to lose heart, to be cheerful, joyful and to enjoy life as often as possible. They love parties, music and dancing. They love candy and sweets, and some elementals are even known to drink alcohol. But despite the fun, they do not forget about the duties and responsibilities assigned to them, and this is one of the lessons they teach us all.

Fairies remind us that

That life is joyful and cheerful;

That nature requires a respectful attitude towards itself, which it fully deserves;

That animals are our brothers and sisters;

That everything around is alive;

That games and fun are very important;

That you can magically accomplish anything you need (especially with their help).

Chapter Two