Is it possible to make a wish for the New Year? Do New Year's wishes come true? Or is this self-deception? Wishes in balloons for the New Year

All about switches

Regardless of age, every person has a dream or cherished desire. Someone dreams of a promotion, someone of meeting great and pure love, and someone has completely unusual desires that remain in their dreams. Even in ancient times, people were interested in a secret that could help fulfill their most cherished desires. Many holidays were accompanied by many ceremonies and mysterious rituals that help turn dreams into reality. The most suitable time for fortune telling and divination has always been considered New Year, when the land is visited by various mysterious creatures.

The moment when the old and new years meet has always been considered the most mysterious and enigmatic period, promising something completely new and magical. It is no coincidence that even in the modern world this holiday is associated with magic and miracles. There are a lot of ways to make a wish for the New Year 2019. Some of them are more like a fun holiday ritual, and some are quite serious, requiring compliance with the rules.

Fortune telling has long become a festive ritual that accompanies all Christmas celebrations. Most often, fortune telling is done for fun, but New Year's wishes have the ability to come true, so it's time to take advantage of this and make your dream come true.

How to choose the right desire

Many people know from practice that very often even the simplest desires do not come true. At the same time, some that seem almost impossible come true with amazing accuracy. What does the fulfillment of desires depend on and is it possible to make any dream turn into reality?

In fact, the methods and rituals that are used on New Year’s Eve to fulfill wishes are not particularly complicated and give almost 100% positive results. However, it should be noted that they only act on the “correct” desires. That is why, before the ritual, you should remember the rules for choosing a desire.

Knowing these simple secrets, you can make almost any dream come true:

  • When formulating a request, you cannot use the future or past tense. The dream must become a reality, which means that it will “work” only in the present tense. Do not use formulations like: “let it be so,” “so that something becomes or appears.” The correct phrase would be: “I am glad to have this,” etc.
  • The second, no less important, rule is to understand what you are asking. Do not promise anything in return for the fulfillment of a desire, do not set conditions and do not use negative comparisons. The request should sound as simple and clear as possible, without sacrificial epithets and critical statements.
  • Weigh very carefully all the consequences of making your wish come true. Very often a dream seems desirable only because it remains unfulfilled. Imagine that your wish has already come true. What emotions are you experiencing? Were your ideas really the same? It’s not at all difficult to materialize a desire, so think carefully about whether you really need it. If the desire is ambiguous, abstract, and does not give a positive charge, it is better to refuse and come up with something else.

The most proven methods

After you have already come up with a desire, it’s time to start the magical ritual. Do not forget that the New Year 2019 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Pig. It is this friendly and positive animal that will largely influence you to get what you want. During the ceremony, you can pick up a figurine of a Piglet or a drawing of a Pig, which will become your talisman.

To the chimes

Prepare a small piece of paper, preferably yellow, and write your wish on it. Place a bottle of champagne, a glass and a lit candle on the table. When the clock starts counting down the last minute of the old year, you need to burn the paper with the written wish, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and have time to drink the contents before the last chime.

Letter to Santa Claus

The main host of the celebration is Father Frost. This amazing character not only gives gifts to kids and makes children's dreams come true. He may well help fulfill desires for adults. The easiest way is to write a letter to the winter wizard, stating your request in great detail.

If you follow all the rules and formulate your thought correctly, your wish will certainly come true. Seal the letter in an envelope and hide it in the most secluded place, or mail it to the wizard. If possible, or your desire is so important, you can deliver the envelope to Santa Claus in person by going to his residence during the winter holidays.

Magic lanterns

For a dream to come true, it needs to be given wings. They will take your dream into the hands of a wizard who will make your wish come true. Take an ordinary paper lantern, tell it your wish, light a candle and release it into the sky. Such a ritual can be performed both on the eve of New Year 2019 and on the first day, January 1.

Wish card

This method is suitable for those who have several important desires. Prepare a piece of paper and, using simple patterns, draw your dream or write it in words. You can find suitable pictures in a magazine, carefully cut them out and paste them on the card. After the card is ready, wrap it in a tube, tie it with a red or gold ribbon, because this year will pass under the sign of the Earth Pig, and hang it on the Christmas tree. After Christmas, remove the scroll with the map and hide it. When your wishes come true, say “thank you” and burn the card.


If you decide to celebrate New Year 2019 in a cheerful company, you can make a wish on a stranger. With the help of a stranger, you can easily achieve your dream if you put in a minimum of effort. Formulate a wish, say it to yourself 3 times and approach a new person whom you only met at the holiday.

This method has one feature - the stranger must be cheerful and positive. If there is a silent person in your company who is not very friendly towards you, make a wish in a different way. Hold a stranger's hand for 12 seconds, this time will be enough for your dream to begin to come true.

Mascot card

On the eve of the holiday, buy a card that you like. If it depicts the symbol of the coming year, you can also use the card as a talisman. You can buy a postcard with a picture of your desire, if it is material.

Write wishes to yourself on a postcard, congratulate you on your dream come true and send it to your address. Keep your lucky charm throughout the year. In the same way, you can help fulfill the wishes of your loved ones. Congratulate them on the New Year in such an original way.

Eight oranges

The New Year's ritual for fulfilling wishes is very often used in China. Oranges are believed to be sunny fruits that symbolize happiness and prosperity. On New Year's Eve, buy 8 oranges - choose round, juicy fruits without damage or signs of spoilage.

Before entering the house, open the bag and throw the oranges over the threshold. Try to throw the fruits in such a way that they roll in different directions, you can throw them one at a time. When all the oranges are in the house, congratulate yourself on realizing your dream, and also wish yourself health, success and material wealth. Upon entering the house, collect the oranges and place them in a wicker basket. During the first seven days of the New Year, give one orange to the people closest to you. Keep the eighth orange and eat it. If you do everything right, your wishes will begin to come true in the coming days.

Traditional Desires

If your dream is very real, you can use old methods. Traditional folk rituals will help you make wishes for health and love, material wealth and good luck.


On New Year's Day, very often young people make wishes related to their personal lives. If you dream of attracting love into your life, this simple method will help you. Prepare a colored scarf or scarf, preferably yellow, and 7 candles. Throw a scarf over your shoulders and sit comfortably near the table. Place one candle in the center and arrange the rest in a circle.

The central candle symbolizes you, the rest are your loved ones and loved ones. If you dream of a man's love, light the first candle on the right and bring your palms to the fire. Hold your hands so that you feel warm, but the flame does not burn. Think about how you want your chosen one to be, imagine him next to you and remember the sensations. Put out the candle and leave it until your wish comes true. In the same way, make wishes for the love of relatives, friends and colleagues, do not forget about yourself.

For good luck

Many people dream of being happy and successful in business. This method will help you climb the career ladder, achieve success in business and other endeavors. If your wish is good luck, you will need a talisman. Take a piece of paper and draw the face of Piglet - the symbol of 2019. Place the drawing in the middle of the table, think about how this assistant will always help you succeed. Say to yourself three times the wish: “Success and good luck in everything will always await me.” Hide the talisman in your pocket or purse and always carry it with you.

In the old days they believed that desire, like an ordinary object, requires its own special place. Sometimes a dream does not come true only because there is no free space for it in your apartment or in your soul. Let desire into your life - put things in order on the eve of the holiday. Remember that not only things should be clean, but also your soul. If you quarrel, be sure to make up; if you borrow, pay it back. Don’t be afraid to throw away unnecessary things that you haven’t used for more than 6 months - you got along just fine without them and that means they are superfluous.

For your wishes to come true, you must be mentally and psychologically prepared for this. On the eve of the holiday, perform a ritual of rethinking yourself and your dreams. Take a piece of paper and try to write down all the important events that happened to you throughout the past year. Write your wishes next to it, and don’t forget about those that have already come true or are no longer relevant.

Try to remember all the positive emotions and sensations that you experienced in the most joyful moments. It would not be amiss to remember those events that preceded the appearance of the desire.

In many cases, you can make your dream come true with your own hands, without resorting to a magical ritual. Just think very carefully about what might be stopping you. Sometimes a dream walks around you and you just need to recognize it.

New Year is always associated with magic, when a mysterious time corridor opens between the past and the future.

Most earthlings uncontrollably strive to use this moment to the maximum: to let go of everything unnecessary, have time to make a couple of dozen wishes for themselves and their loved ones, at the same time congratulate all loved ones and dodge the festive volleys of fireworks.

Children's faith and a single positive attitude of all the inhabitants of the planet are already 50% of success for the materialization of your desires, but the second 50% depend on a number of reasons, which YASNO correspondents were helped to understand by specialists who have achieved a complete understanding of the laws of magic and creation.

Sergey Avakov, Director of the Higher School of Practical Psychology

To make our wish come true in the most favorable way, I recommend starting with the following first. Make a list of your achievements in the past year, at least 5-10 points, and feel grateful for them. Achievements can be in career, personal affairs, creativity, etc. The feeling of gratitude is like a springboard for further fulfillment of our desires. The next important thing is to prepare a list of gratitude to specific people who helped you during the year. This will fill you up, and then in automatic writing mode you can, without holding back, write everything that comes to mind, desires and goals that you want to achieve in the next year. This is how we launch the look of our dream year. Be sure to write down your wishes on paper. Then prioritize all your goals, highlighting the 10 most important ones.

On New Year's Eve, it is better to be in an adequate, sober state and with this feeling of gratitude send your goals to the Universe, internally asking for their implementation. Sincerely wish the best for yourself and those around you at this moment.

I believe in miracles and in the fact that you need to make efforts to realize your plans. After celebrating the New Year, you can write down the selected 10 goals in the same notebook for 21 days without looking back. They may be repeated, change a little, and during these 3 weeks they will be updated. This way we will be imbued with the energy of determination to achieve our goals and objectives. This technique will help remove everything unnecessary and superficial. It often happens that goals are imposed on people from the outside: by parents, boss, close circle of friends, media. They will gradually fade into the background or completely. A list of priorities can be prepared now or in the first days of the new year.

Working with gratitude will definitely give you inspiration and energy to realize your plans. I can give you an interesting example from my life. I recently attended a meeting with Nick Vujicic (famous Australian born without arms or legs). Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a speaker, but no one believed in it. Only one official from his school told him: “You should become a speaker, you will be good at it!” It is important that the person himself wants this and there is a person nearby (spouse, coach, friend, etc.) who believes in us. In this case, your dream will definitely come true. Nick also said that he had to overcome many difficulties in his life. When he spoke for the first time, overcoming enormous fear and doubts, the girl came up to him and said that in the last few days she had been preparing for suicide, but after listening to Nick, she realized that her problems were so insignificant compared to the difficulties of the speaker himself. In gratitude for the desire to live again, she hugged him, and at that moment Nick felt such strength and power in himself that he became even more confirmed in his own intention. This image of the girl still lives in him and inspires new performances.

Let me emphasize once again that there are 3 important factors in making your dream come true: your own determination, the support of loved ones and external response, such as the grateful girl from Nick’s story.

Irina Dolgova, Managing Partner at CateringBURO

Every year, together with the child, we write to Santa Claus an order for gifts and, separately, promises for the next year. He then finds the gifts under the tree. A year later, we open the letter with promises, read them, and laugh. We cross out everything that we have completed, and we move what we haven’t done to next year.

I write a message to myself in Word and place it in the “Open before December 21” folder. In the last month of the year, I read my last letter, analyze what I have achieved and what I still need to work on, and write new goals for the next year.

Lika Vaider, metaphysician, founder and director of the Yoga House - Lifestyle center and the YES PLUS raw food school

The most effective of all the ways of fulfilling desires that I have tried is when working with the elements. New Year is a powerful time, as all people’s thoughts unite, and the emotionally positive background intensifies. This further fuels and materializes desires.

The first stage: we light a candle and say to it everything that bad happened this year. We remember the mistakes we made, what we regret, what hurts in our souls. You need to throw out all the bad things without leaving a trace. It's better to be alone in a room and be honest with yourself. You can turn on pleasant music and create a comfortable environment to remove unnecessary nervousness. With the help of pleasant aromatic oils and sticks, you can call on the element of air to help. New perfumes are also suitable, preferably containing high-quality aromatic oils. When people use oils while making wishes, the energy of their subtle bodies and the work of consciousness and subconscious are powerfully enhanced. This practice has been around for many thousands of years.

Second stage: we take a glass of liquid (water, tea, juice, coffee, etc.) and tell it one of our desires in small details, experiencing it emotionally and believing in its fulfillment. The water absorbs all this information, then the person imagines everything on the internal screen and drinks the water. Every cell and DNA remembers this and becomes part of the person. There has never been a case where this did not come true.

Third stage: so that the year is successful and you are protected, during the second spell on water, a person takes some object in his hand. This could be a stone or jewelry with a stone, figurines that can be worn every day in a bag or on the body. When making a wish, the object is charged with the energy of positive intention. It’s good if it suits your horoscope and numerology. This thing symbolizes the element of earth and becomes your amulet for the whole year, bringing good luck.

At every stage, allow yourself to get what you want, believe that you deserve it. I recommend taking just one wish, because this way the probability of its fulfillment increases to 100%. It is better to go through all stages before the New Year: either on the winter solstice, or around 22:00 on December 31, when people are positive, but they are not still drunk. It’s absolutely ideal if you celebrate next year in nature. There, a person takes in the pure energy of the planet without sediment: there is a joyful mood, but there are no low vibrations from alcohol. This year will be as successful as possible for you. I have been celebrating the New Year for 15 years now, either in the mountains or in the forests. Every time I feel that my life in all areas is rapidly going up. This is such a grandiose moment that it is important to use and live it correctly. If you celebrate the holiday at low vibrations, then the year for such people loses its magic.

My friends who used this technique were able to purchase real estate, found love, created families, opened a business, went on a desired trip, and their income unexpectedly increased. The technique works well for incarnations in all areas of your life.

Tatiana Drobyazko, Director of LLC "Krasnodar Astrological Center of the School of Avestan Astrology"

The main thing when you make a wish is to be in a good mood. You can make wishes and look into the future both during the chiming clock and until January 19th. You need to realize what you want and formulate it correctly. It is better to write your desire on paper in advance, and not in a hurry, avoiding the use of the particle “not”. Your subconscious and the Universe do not understand it. The desire to “not get sick” can have the opposite effect. The word “I want” is also not the best option; the wish will come true and you will only want it all the time. The wording should be in the present tense, for example: I live in a spacious apartment of my own, I have excellent health, I am engaged in an interesting and profitable business, etc.

I will list the simplest and most effective techniques for making wishes, and you will choose the one you like.

To begin, write down your wishes on paper in advance, burn it and drink the ashes with champagne as the chimes strike.

You can prepare a gold-colored coin (10 rubles, 50 kopecks), clean it, disinfect it and place it at the bottom of the glass. Mentally imagine your desire and drink the contents while the clock strikes. Carry the coin with you as a talisman until your wish comes true.

There is also a method that is very popular in Europe: they buy seedless grapes and on New Year’s Eve, eating one berry at a time, make wishes. It turns out that everyone needs to eat 12 grapes and formulate 12 wishes.

At midnight they light a candle and everyone makes their wishes on it. If it stays lit until the end of your feast, your wishes will come true.

Children write letters to Santa Claus, and you will write a letter. This works not only for children. Seal it in a beautiful envelope and place it under the Christmas tree. When you remove the tree, hide the letter in a secluded place. Remember about the correct text wording! In a year, you will open it and check what has already come true.

Even at the onset of the New Year, you can open the window, go out onto the balcony or onto the street and mentally voice your wishes to the Universe.

On New Year's Eve, write your wishes on pieces of paper, roll them up and hide them in an empty bottle, sealing it with a cork or plasticine. Place the bottle in a secret place until next year.

Take 12 pieces of paper and write your wish on each one. On the first days of New Year, as soon as you wake up, pull 1 of the leaves. Whatever you pull out will come true with a high probability.

When using any technique or their combination, be in a good mood and remember why you need this desire, what is the main idea.

Dear blog readers!

Quite a bit of time will pass, a few days, hours, minutes, and the New Year will come with the chimes of the Spasskaya Tower. And on New Year's Eve, from December 31 to January 1, there is a tradition, beloved all over the world, of making cherished wishes.

Wishes are made, but are they fulfilled? Statistics show that wishes tend to come true!!! But not for everyone, but for the lucky few, who, as a rule, are in a proud minority. And for the rest, who are in the overwhelming majority, the fulfillment of their wish is postponed for many, many years. Why is this happening? How to make a wish correctly so that it comes true? How to get into the cohort of selected lucky ones - the favorites of Life?

There are so many “correct” and “100%” ways of making wishes. Here is one of them: “Just before the New Year, that is, a few moments before the chiming clock, write on a napkin or a suitable piece of paper your cherished wish, which must certainly happen in the coming year. The napkin must be burned, the ashes must be poured into a glass of champagne, which must be drunk while the chimes are striking.” It seems that the mystery, enigma and magic of this moment are present here, the magic of the moment gives a one hundred percent guarantee of a miracle... But the desire will never come true - you will have to repeat the ritual exactly a year later, and then another year later... Something is wrong here...

When we make a wish, we program ourselves to achieve some goal; it is very important to do this in a state of positive excitement. We seem to be telling our Subconscious that this will bring a lot of joy, positivity; we are happy to think about this desire or goal, and when we achieve it, we will be happy. A joyful, upbeat, happy and positive state can be achieved in many ways, but on New Year's Eve we are naturally in this state - expecting magic and a miracle.

Now let’s return to the method of making wishes described above. What's wrong with it? Yes all! Everything is wrong, that's why it doesn't work.

Firstly. A few moments before the onset of the new year, the real fuss begins, associated with the formulation of a cherished desire, attempts to remember your dreams and goals, after repeatedly spending the old year with the clink of glasses not only with champagne. Some will frantically search for a pen or pencil, and then find out that they forgot to put napkins on the table. And if everything is found and the desire is written down, then people will nervously look at the hands of the clock so as not to miss the cherished moment - after all, the desire also needs to be burned, and this takes time. In a word, troubles and worries. The subconscious will regard such actions as an emergency, panic or something else bad. In any case, it will try to block the onset of the desired event, since it “sees” that the fulfillment of a desire greatly stresses the person. And one of the functions of the Subconscious is to protect the owner from unnecessary experiences.

Secondly. Have you tried drinking champagne with ashes? Personally, I don't. I don't think it's a pleasant feeling. The subconscious “sees” that the wish made is associated with unpleasant sensations and will try to block it in order to protect the person from them in the future.

Third. Having wished something for ourselves, we immediately forget about it. And the subconscious of most people, tuned to protect ourselves from our stupid and changeable desires, waits to see if there will be confirmation of this “order”. What kind of confirmation could there be on January 1? Well, if only the continuation of the banquet and a plate of Olivier were planned...

Therefore, the New Year's order works as the formation of a necessary event, but very rarely and for very open, trusting and positive people. Where can you find such people in our cynical and frightened world? So the tradition of making wishes for the New Year is correct, but in order for it to give the desired result, we need to become more positive and kinder.

We need to understand that shaping the events we need and making wishes is not just lying on the couch and dreaming of a fabulous manifestation of a miracle that is about to happen on the night of January 1st. In order for the desired goals to become a reality, you need to make equally real efforts to achieve them. But this needs to be done systematically, correctly, otherwise there will be a lot of fuss and disappointment. This is a process of self-programming and real movement towards your goals. If you do everything right, miracles will become a common reality for you. Magic, the exact execution of rituals and all mysticism has nothing to do with it. Any action must be meaningful and deliberate. Otherwise, it will be pampering from which you do not expect results. Your Subconscious mind considers your true attitude towards your stated goals, and will ignore your entertainment, which is drinking ashes in champagne.

How to correctly shape the occurrence of desired events and the fulfillment of your desires?

Firstly. You need to clearly formulate the result you want to achieve. It is important to indicate the main qualities of what you want to achieve - in order to understand whether your goal has been achieved or not. It is necessary to set real, achievable and clear goals, to understand why you are doing this. You need to make a wish in a state of joy, positive emotions and a positive attitude. The subconscious must understand that achieving the desired goal will bring a person only joy and positive emotions.

Let me explain what it means to set realistic and achievable goals. Some, due to their “I want everything, at once!” They make unfulfilled wishes for themselves. They set unattainable, unrealistic goals. For example, a person whose salary is 10,000 rubles dreams of a salary of 1,000,000 rubles or euros. Where will he get them from? How to fulfill his order? If he works as a simple teacher, and among his relatives and acquaintances there are no leaders of Gazprom or a large bank. There is also no expectation of a salary increase. Of course, you can win the desired amount in the lottery, but for this you need to buy at least a lottery ticket. A person who is not accustomed to such money will quickly spend the entire amount and be left, as in Pushkin’s fairy tale, with nothing.

But, on the other hand, if a person earns 950,000 a month, then earning 1,000,000 will not be difficult for him. For him, this is an achievable wish. If he makes a wish, the wish will come true.

Secondly. You need to set yourself up to achieve your goal. If you have only fears, doubts, beliefs in your head like “this is not for me”, “I am not worthy of this (unworthy)”, then you have almost no chance of getting the desired result. This means you need to remove all fears from your head, erase memories of past failures and experiences, change your negative beliefs to positive ones, become an easy-going and confident person - everything will be just fine with this “new” you.

Third. The most important! You need to go towards your dream, try to realize your desire yourself, do everything possible to make it come true. We live in a real, and not in a fairy-tale-magical world, so all the magic must be done with our own hands, with our own diligence and diligence. And for this you need to work hard, apply your strength, knowledge, and skills. For example, if you want to learn the French language, then you don’t need to take the nonsense, go to the blue sea in the hope of catching a goldfish, but sign up for French language courses, buy textbooks and teaching aids, and start studying! Study day after day, then there will be results. The more effort and effort you put in, the higher your results will be. Your wish will be achieved!

But not everyone wants to work for their own benefit, so they wait for a fairytale moment, a good fairy or a goldfish. It is precisely for such lazy dreamers that there are various miraculous rituals, such as ashes in champagne. Every year the number of these rituals only grows, and there have been no fulfillments of wishes, so most people make the same wishes year after year when the chimes strike.


1. You can and should make wishes. The main thing is that dreams and goals are achievable, and that their achievement pleases and brings only positive emotions.

2. To make wishes, it is not at all necessary to wait for some “fairytale” moment, “Cinderella’s Gate” or another arrangement of planets and clouds in the sky. You can make a wish at any time, the main thing is that there is a wish!

...And with the chimes ringing, we simply celebrate the holiday easily and cheerfully! New Year! That's all! There are no miracles except those that we create ourselves!

“Be careful with your wishes - they tend to come true,” said Mikhail Bulgakov. Everyone has dreams that they can move mountains to achieve. People believe that if you make a wish for the New Year, it will definitely come true. The main thing is to voice it correctly.

How to voice your dream on New Year's Eve

Pledge is the correct wording. Follow the recommendations:

  • make a wish in the present tense, not in the past. “I want me to be happy” is a bad option;
  • do not use “not”, denial, phrases “at any cost, nosebleed”;
  • do not order higher powers;
  • add the phrase “I achieve this quickly and easily”, “this benefits my family.” So protect yourself from negative consequences;
  • have a clear vision of your dream;
  • do not demand the impossible;
  • do not wish harm or losses to other people;
  • Don't use the phrase "at least." For example: “At least a little money.” Make a tiny profit; the higher powers will not appreciate modesty;
  • do not use names in requests (for example: I want to marry Peter. The wording will not work).

What to wish for the New Year?

The traditional holiday from December 31 to January 1, New Year according to the old style, is a great time to fulfill wishes. Here are the most suitable options for wishes that will definitely come true:

  • meet your soulmate;
  • create a strong family;
  • improve relationships with relatives;
  • go on a pleasant trip;
  • see loved ones more often;
  • become healthier;
  • see friends more often;
  • successfully complete the project;
  • make repairs the way you want;
  • learn new things;
  • make the right purchase;
  • do what you love.

A common belief is that you should dress brightly for the New Year. The more red details you have in your outfit, the more likely it is that the Universe will notice you and bestow blessings on you next year.

Ways to make wishes for the New Year

Classic version with champagne

This option is known to many. Make a wish while the chimes are striking. You can simply whisper your dream into a glass of champagne and drink it during this period. Another option is to write on a piece of paper, burn it, throw the ashes into a glass and drink. If you don’t drink alcohol, you can throw the ashes into a glass of juice, drink, or plain water.

Important condition: Before you drink a glass with a wish, you need to clink glasses with everyone present in the room and wish everyone happiness in the coming year.

Making your dreams come true over dinner

While you are preparing your holiday meals, mentally describe your dream. Choose something associated with her. For example: a new apartment - safety, children - the joy of fatherhood/motherhood.

Next, select a symbol associated with your dream. Let's say: a coin, a heart. One of the dishes must be made in the shape of this symbol. It could be a small cookie that you eat whole.

During New Year's dinner, think about the first association you chose and be sure to eat the prepared dish.

Ritual with a postcard

We write wishes to people in postcards. You can also give it to yourself. Choose any one in the store or make it yourself. Write a capacious and beautiful wish.

Hide the card under the Christmas tree and take it out on January 1st. Wear it as a talisman. Throughout the year, it will attract what you wish for yourself.

Wish card

It is very simple to make such a talisman that attracts good luck and fulfills wishes. The map can be large, small, of any shape, schematic, in the form of an appliqué - as convenient as possible, you are limited only by your imagination.

You need to place your desires on the map and draw a path that will connect them. The map must have a beginning and an end. Write “January” at the start and “December” at the finish.

Forest round dance

The ritual is suitable if several people agree to perform it. It is held on New Year's Eve. or a few days before. The more friends and relatives you gather, the better. Take decorations, Christmas tree decorations, firecrackers and sparklers.

Go to the forest or planting, find the tallest, most beautiful spruce. Dress her up, lead round dances around her, light sparklers and shoot firecrackers. While you dance, think about your dream and its realization.

Magic craft

The task is to glue and fold an animal or bird from colored paper and cardboard. The method is suitable not only for adults, but also for children. When the craft is ready, place it on or under the Christmas tree.

After January 1, the decoration can be removed. Now it's a talisman. Whisper your wishes to him and he will fulfill them. You can make one wish at a time. Before wishing for the second, wait until the first is fulfilled.

Letter to Santa Claus

A method known to everyone from childhood is to write a letter to Grandfather Frost. Many people still consider the method to be effective. There are several versions of how to behave with a written letter:

  • burn and scatter the ashes to the wind on New Year's Eve;
  • that same night put it under the pillow and sleep on it;
  • carry with you constantly as a talisman;
  • really send to Veliky Ustyug (in the hope that Grandfather Frost will read this letter).

A simple way to make your New Year's wish come true

The ritual must be carried out while the chimes are striking. At this time, go to the window or balcony, open the shutters and voice your desire out loud. The universe will hear it and fulfill it.

Important: You cannot tell others what you will wish for. Otherwise, the wish will not come true.

Bottle method

There are several options for the ritual. The main thing is to arm yourself with an empty champagne bottle that was left over from the festive table. Think about your dream, exhale into the bottle and close it.

The second option is to write a wish on a piece of paper and throw it into a bottle. It is sealed and left until next year in a secret place. When January 1st arrives, you will need to get rid of the bottle.

Ritual with leaves

This method is suitable for those who have many desires. You need to prepare 12 notes. Write a wish on each one. Turn over the leaves and stir. On the blank side, write the name of the month. Hide the notes in a hat or bag.

In the morning, take out any at random. Find out which dream will come true and in what month.

If the dream is related to material wealth

  1. On December 31, open all the doors and windows in the house (windows are fine). Tell poverty to leave the house. Clean up and close the windows. Repeat the process on January 1st. This time say that you attract wealth into your home.
  2. On the eve of the New Year's holiday, go to a deserted place, light a small fire and throw into it something that reminds you of financial failures. Say that you drive away poverty and attract wealth.
  3. There is an opinion that higher powers love specifics. On New Year's Eve, place a piece of paper under your pillow with the amount and purpose for which you will spend it written. An important condition: you need to sleep on this bed that night.

Tree of wishes

When people first began decorating the Christmas tree, not only paper decorations were used as toys, but also tangerines, cookies, and candies. This has a magical background. Decorating the Christmas tree with goodies is necessary to fill the house with everything you need.

Important clarification:
On New Year's Eve, each family member needs to take something off the tree and eat it. Each decoration has an interpretation:

  • candy - prosperity;
  • cookies - strong relationships;
  • tangerines - happiness;
  • apples - good health;
  • lollipops - sudden surprises, joy.

Simple effective ways will help you make your most cherished dream come true on New Year's Eve. But remember, higher powers favor those who achieve their goals. Therefore, there is no need to remain idle and wait for everything to happen on its own. Make an effort to achieve your plans.

New Year is a time of real miracles, but in order for what you want to come true, it turns out that it is important to make it correctly. A real miracle does not tolerate inaccuracies and ambiguities, so we will give some simple tips on how to wish for yourself what will certainly come true in the coming year. For example, an important nuance is not to use the past or future tense: “I wish I was healthy.” To which the Universe responds: “You really WERE healthy,” and no fulfillment occurs. Also, under no circumstances should you use negative or overly critical statements: “I want a car/apartment/a trip to the sea at any cost.” Think about it - is it really at any cost? Even the well-being of your loved ones? Moreover, never wish bad things on other people - rest assured, everything will come back to you.

Formulate what you want in the present tense, as an example: “I am grateful for my health, and it is getting better and better every day.” Clearly imagine what exactly you want, without abstractions, ambiguities and general phrases like “Everything will be fine.” Do not use a commanding tone, even in relation to yourself (“should”), and do not make promises (“I will”). And most importantly, be imbued with your desire with all your soul, be sure that all the prerequisites for its fulfillment are there, all that remains is to materialize them into reality.

A few words about the “technical” features of making wishes. There can be a dozen or more such methods. Here are some of them:

Sign up for the chime with champagne. When the chimes are striking, you need to quickly write down your wishes (think about them in advance and formulate them correctly in order to be on time). You set fire to the paper with what you wrote, throw the remaining ashes into the glass, and then drink it all to the bottom. Don't forget to clink glasses with your loved ones beforehand and wish everyone a happy New Year.

When preparing for the New Year's feast, come up with a symbol of your wish, for example, prepare a national dish of the country you want to travel to, make a salad in the shape of a heart, a house or a car, buy a drink prepared in the desired country. Make a wish in a whisper. You need to eat or drink it at the New Year's table without a trace, it is very good if your family, friends and loved ones help you, then the energy of desire will only intensify.

During the chiming clock, stand on a chair, make wishes and imagine yourself as realistically as possible where they have already come true; at the moment of the last strike, jump from the chair into a new life where all your dreams have come true.

Write a letter to Santa Claus. Put your message in a beautiful envelope, seal it and leave it under the tree for all holidays, remember and repeat your wishes every day. When you remove the tree, put the envelope with the letter in a secluded place. And next New Year, take it out, print it out and check what has come true. You will be pleasantly surprised!

Buy the most beautiful card that you like. It is better if the image on it symbolizes your dream. Write wishes to yourself on it. Then feel free to send it to yourself by mail. Keep this card as a lucky talisman all year long.

Go to the forest, it is better to do this one or several days before the New Year, or on the eve of the old New Year. Invite friends, relatives, children with you. Bring with you several Christmas tree decorations, rain, sparklers, and firecrackers. You can grab champagne and crystal glasses. Decorate the most beautiful Christmas tree in the forest and dance in a circle, light sparklers, shoot firecrackers, drink champagne. Think about your dreams, send them into the Universe during such a fun and friendly pastime.

Make a craft of some animal or bird out of paper, tell it in a whisper all your cherished dreams, and then place it on the Christmas tree. Let her be there all the holidays, carrying the energy of your wishes. After you remove the tree, place the craft in a visible place. When it catches your eye, it will remind you of your dreams and motivate you to action.

The minute the chimes strike, open a window, a window, or go out onto the balcony and voice your dreams. The special energy of the holiday, your mood, faith and strength of intention will contribute to their quick fulfillment.

If you have already drunk champagne, you need to roll up the leaves with a description of what you want, roll them up and place them in an empty champagne bottle. Seal the top with wax or plasticine and leave it in a secret place until next year.

For those who have a huge number of desires: take 12 pieces of paper and write down your requests on them. Total - twelve wishes. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, pull out one leaf. What is written on it will be 100 percent fulfilled in the coming year.