What kind of woman should you marry? What kind of women do smart men marry? A girl must be smart

All about switches

There are women who can be ideal friends or lovers, but you cannot marry them.

Here are 10 popular types.

1. Radio woman.

This is the kind of woman who doesn't shut up. Never. If she stops, it's only to catch her breath.

For some reason, it seems to her that she needs to voice out loud everything that happens in her life. She always has to dominate the conversation and comments on everything. Actually everything.

2. Desperate girl.

At first it will seem that everything is just fantastic with her. But only until she suddenly starts talking about who she would like to see at your wedding and who she would not.

When a woman rushes things too much and puts pressure on a man, it is very difficult for him. And the point is not that he is “not ready,” but that she seems ready to rush at the first guy at the first crossroads if he guarantees her marriage.

3. An overly critical woman.

No matter what you do, it will never be enough for this woman.

Nothing is called "work" unless it is done to its standards. No matter what anyone says, it will immediately be taken out of context and, for some unknown reason, turn into an insult. We don't know why, but there are definitely women in this world who are ready to wage war against the whole world at once.

They have a lot of emotional baggage behind them, and she will do everything to turn your life into one continuous showdown.

Such a woman is unable to give anything but suffering. So don't get married in the hope that "marriage will fix everything." After the stamp in the passport it will only get worse!

Women of this type can receive a gold medal for knowledge of theoretical fundamentals and mastery of practical sex skills. But usually their intelligence, or rather its presence, seems “controversial.”

We have all at least once in our lives seen women who look simply gorgeous, but only until they open their mouths.

The entire life of such a woman passes in the physical world. Relationships with her always look the same: at first you are somehow scared to bring her to your parents’ house, and then you go crazy because you can only discuss how a manicure, pedicure or perm is done.

Unfortunately, most of the stunning girls you see on the streets fall into this category.

5. Princess without a pea.

This is also scary. Such a woman, even if she breaks a nail, will call you in the hope that you will immediately quit work and rush to her “help.”

“I need to be in the salon immediately! Are you a man or not?”

Her dad has always told her that she is a princess, and she believes that it will be that way all her life.

Such women usually have "expensive" taste, and they always want to frolic in expensive restaurants. Moreover, even if she earns 5 dollars, it will be as a model or as an Instagram star.

“You don’t have money? That means you’re not my man. I’ll look again.”

6. Tenacious girl.

This woman is a nuisance in her own right. Because she can’t go anywhere, anywhere at all, without her man!

She will pester you with persuasion to go to a bachelorette party with her, will call you on your cell phone 20 times a day, and will generally make you the only thing that exists in the Universe. She will suffocate you with her love!

If you haven't found one yet, for the love of God, avoid anyone who fits that description!

7. Mommy.

Such women usually have a large physique, a heavy character and large fingers. Such a woman does not need a man, she needs another child in order to care for him.

Strictly speaking, she generally only needs a man to conceive. She will figure out everything else herself!

“And just think about disobeying me.” "Wear this shirt, not this one." “Don’t embarrass me, are you going to wear these jeans?!”

Run away as soon as possible! Otherwise, you will understand how easily unprotected sex can ruin your life.

8. Treasure hunter.

This woman only loves you when you buy her a diamond watch. On the first date, she is most concerned about what kind of car you drive, where you live and where you vacation.

Topics for conversation with such a lady usually end five minutes after it starts.

She just needs a “daddy” who will solve all her problems in return for “5 minutes of disgust.” Therefore, she will leave you the next day after she realizes that you will no longer buy her anything more expensive than before.

9. Club girl.

They usually have beautiful faces with full lips, large eyes, long legs and memory problems.

At first, there are few problems from such girls: except that you will be a little annoyed that she constantly demonstrates herself not only to you, but also to everyone else.

But unless you're Harry Potter, her lightheartedness and friendliness will soon end. She'll sober up.

If you try to understand her better, you will realize that she doesn't care about anything in life except partying. And that most often she has sex in the car.

10. Feminist.

This type of woman cannot enjoy men by default. Therefore, everything will always be wrong with them.

They simply believe that all women's suffering is caused by men. And nothing, nothing will make them change their point of view.

They believe that women are smarter than women and can cope with life better than women. Generalizations are generally their method.

It's your fault. If only because you are a man. Dot.

So far, they have only short-term experience of fun sex, and do not want to hear about the stage of the relationship when there will be no more red tulle panties.

Let me, as a senior comrade, tell you in detail about which women are really worth marrying so that it doesn’t cause excruciating pain.

The first male misconception concerns beautiful, bright, attention-grabbing women, the so-called “queens”. This misconception especially affects those individuals who have not had experience of sex with one person for years, and think that the drive from sliding their hand into red tulle panties will last forever. Athletes, fitness instructors, various ass gurus, etc. are also very guilty of this.

I will now tell you perhaps the most terrible thing. A person gets used to any appearance after 5-7 years. After this time, you probably don't care what the other half looks like anymore. She may turn into a big orange ball or become covered in fur, get tattoos, or have a tongue piercing. She can be fat or thin, or even be on the cover of Playboy. She may be the most beautiful woman on earth... But if you are polygamous by nature, then you will still be pulled to the left with terrible force.

Therefore, I believe that performing a feat in order to marry “a queen”, “a young woman”, etc. is the level of a teenage boy who has never been in a relationship. If you decide to definitely marry the most beautiful, it’s better not to marry at all. Nothing good will come of this.

And who will it work with then? – you ask reasonably. I will answer. Those with whom your union can be based on the three main pillars of marriage: sexual, household and monetary compatibility.

What is sexual compatibility, I want to emphasize - it is not only similar physiology. It’s a no brainer that there will be no happiness when the husband wants three times a day, and the wife wants twice a month, or vice versa. Sexual compatibility is also about similar views on what is acceptable in sex and what is forbidden. A bombshell woman, a nymphomaniac woman, should not live with a seal man. Your ideas about prohibitions should coincide with her ideas about prohibitions. Sex in a family should be regular, and it should bring pleasure to both. That's the whole problem.

Now let's talk about material compatibility. Spenders should not live with misers in exactly the same way as nymphomaniacs with seals. Or rather, this is even more important. Husband and wife should have approximately the same attitude towards the opportunity to spend money or save it.

A happy couple would be, for example, two greedy people. He bought her a mimosa at a discount, she is happy! Together we snatched some slippers on sale, what a treat!

Two spenders will also be happy. She threw away half her salary on a manicure, he just waved his hand - they say, it’s not money. But opposites will definitely have conflicts.

I would like to add, by the way, that in addition to common views on how to spend money, a couple should have the same attitude towards the process of earning it. If a woman wanted to be a housewife all her life, she would only be happy with a stern and hard-working macho, and if she dreamed of scaling the top, then with a reliable and flexible man without any special ambitions.

Now about household compatibility. This is perhaps the most important thing. I would bet 100 bucks that among three couples: sexually incompatible, financially incompatible, and domestically incompatible, the “domestic ones” will be the first to divorce.

Please listen to me carefully. If you are a household pig, then get married and marry only pigs. If you are a purist fascist, then look for a match for yourself.

Two pigs will happily throw socks around, eat in the bed, leave plates in the living room, and wet footprints in the hallway. Grunting with delight, they will both go without washing the floors for a month, and the dishes for a week. And they will think that everything is fine!

But if a clean one settles next to a pig, consider everything lost. He will nag and nag the unfortunate pig, poke her nose into the shit and in every possible way give her life! You left it behind! You stomped! What dishes are in the sink! What kind of dust is on the shelves!

Pigs, if you know about yourself that you are pigs, then your first priority should be to find not a beautiful and sexy partner, but a pig just like you!

You can say:

Is it really that simple? Do you really think that a husband and wife are united only by hanging out, fucking and spending money together?

Oh no, what are you talking about! - I will answer hastily. - Of course not. In addition to the fact that the husband and wife play pigs, eat chips in bed, fuck and spend money on all sorts of shit, they also sleep together. Hence the last and most important advice - it is better that your wife, despite all of the above, does not snore. Then you will be happy even after the period of red tulle panties has passed.

Today we will talk about which women are better for an intelligent and successful man to marry, so that he can be happy and satisfied in his marriage, and not experience the huge mass of difficulties, misfortunes and hardships that men receive who have chosen the “wrong wife” and simply a life partner.

Naturally, choosing a wife is a very important step, on which the rest of your life may depend, and how happy it will be, because, as the famous philosopher said, “If a man marries successfully, he will become happy, if he marries unsuccessfully, he will become a philosopher.” .

Which girl should you marry?

Last time, I already started talking about how to choose the right wife or permanent life partner, and how the choice of a woman for a permanent relationship should differ from the choice of a woman, so to speak, “for one night.”

In short, we can say that for a wife, the simply necessary character qualities will be her morality and proper upbringing, as well as, first of all, the ability to give into your hands the opportunity to manage and manage the main affairs of the family, so to speak, to become the head of the family, and not pull the blanket of control onto yourself .

After all, the happiest families are those built according to the traditional type, where the man is the head of the house, and not just a useless cohabitant to whom one does not need to pay much attention.

Therefore, the “right woman” whom you can marry without much fear should first of all be devoted and reliable, and then everything else. Naturally, the rest is also important, but without the first component, all other advantages will no longer bring such pleasure to a real man.

On the other hand, a man, if he wishes, may well distinguish between the girls he needs to marry and those with whom he can simply spend time, but for them the first parameter is already optional.

As an example, it would not be very correct to choose a girl who likes to drink with friends and in noisy companies, since, firstly, everyone knows that alcohol has a detrimental effect on future offspring, since a woman’s reproductive cells, unlike men, are not renewed, and as a result of this lifestyle, the risk of giving birth to sick and mentally not very normal children greatly increases, and this is a very unpleasant punishment for the rest of her life, for the girl’s previous riotous lifestyle.

Moreover, the birth of a disabled person and even simple miscarriages are a punishment for both parents, for the girl for the inability to control herself, and for the man for choosing such a girl. So if you have a choice, it’s better not to risk it and choose a non-drinker.

And secondly, alcohol disables a girl’s conscious control over her behavior even more than it was before taking it. Accordingly, often drinking alcohol, she gets used to this state, and descends ever closer to the level of unconscious animal behavior and purely instinctive thinking.

Well, all this is complemented, of course, by the fact that after drinking alcohol, she is much more likely to not deny herself, and even those with whom she drank, satisfaction of sexual needs. Therefore, if a girl drinks and loves cheerful company, then in 90% of cases you will not be her first, or even twenty-first. And naturally, if you ask her about this directly, she will say that you are almost her first or second, well, provided that she is at least a little reasonable.

In principle, a girl with “very serious mileage” is normal in our time, especially if you are interested in this girl for a short time, but marrying her will probably not be a very good decision.

And the intelligence of a woman whom it is dangerous to marry will quickly begin to fall over time without development and use, and also, having probably known a large number of men, she will begin to become attached to you many times less, and will quickly begin to treat her man more mercantilely.

And over time, during a divorce, he will also probably take advantage of all the nuances of the law that protect a woman in marriage, then take at least half of his property, take his child and receive alimony for another 10 years. Having fun with my new lover.

Well, on the contrary, if a girl likes to read, is involved in some kind of hobby, sports and something else interesting, then she has chosen for her life the path of development rather than degradation, which in itself speaks volumes and makes her stand out from many other girls who are “not interested in anything” and love to talk about nothing.

Accordingly, such a girl, who has developed a certain level of intelligence, can much more easily suppress her natural instincts, and most likely will not sleep with just anyone, even if she has such an opportunity. And also, together with her, it will be possible to start doing any worthwhile business, and not to stagnate in one place for years, which is what happens to the majority of men who choose “unpromising” and mentally “short-sighted” women as their wives.

That is, for the role of a permanent girlfriend, or even more so, a wife and mother of her children, it is a reasonable and well-mannered girl who knows how to control herself that is more suitable, but for quick seduction, it is accordingly better to choose a girl who is accustomed to easy behavior and does not think about anything than except today.

A girl must be smart

Also, if you think a little about psychology, we can say that girls who want to work more with their hands and simpler jobs are also worse candidates for the role of a wife than girls who love to work with their heads and are more purposeful for great achievements.

That is, for short-term affairs it is better to choose a girl from a disco or a vocational school dormitory, and for marriage a more cultured and advanced person, although of course intelligence is not the most important characteristic of a girl whom an intelligent man should marry, but at least the desire and desire to learn and know something new is very important.

Of course, it is better if your girl is as chaste as possible before marriage, since “the fewer sexual partners a girl has, the better,” nature created a girl to give birth to children, and also so that she could once and for a very long time choose a very good and worthy partner. Although she should have a lot of admirers, and usually many men want to marry such “chaste women,” a reasonable girl can choose for quite a long time.

The fact is that a “good” girl can wait long enough to choose a truly suitable man, because she understands that she with such character and merits will not remain lonely, but girls often become more “available” because they feel better do not miss any opportunity to find at least some man.

Accordingly, a wise woman understands that she will receive more happiness and benefits if she chooses one, but very good man and stays with him for a long time, while the more stupid ones try to be with as many men as possible, getting at least a little from each.

Therefore, most often, the more dissolute a girl is, and the earlier she began to engage in sexual relations, the stupider and “unluckier” she is, and she is not very suitable for the role of a wife. Therefore, of course, throughout the history of mankind, virgins were considered optimal for a wedding, although you almost never see such people in our time. In general, the recommendation for men when choosing the ideal woman for a wedding is simple: the fewer partners a girl has, the better.

What kind of man can choose the right girl to marry?

But for men, the opposite is often true, because the more girls want this man, the better he is, although, of course, he doesn’t have to sleep with all of them for this either.

But in principle, a man was initially created by nature with the ability to have more women, and if they are available to him, and he still does not abuse this and is very picky in relationships, then this also speaks of his high level of awareness, ability to restrain his animal instincts and manage them.

Therefore, the same advice can be given to women when choosing their spouses, because morality, the ability to control one’s desires and actions, as well as “good upbringing”, or more precisely, the right thoughts in the head, are the things that can make a polygamous animal, a real person who loves his family and is faithful to his wife.

Such a man, whom almost any smart and successful girl would want to marry, will at least understand why fidelity is needed and what it is, and will also be confident that it is really possible to live like this, although naturally such a man will be more picky when choosing, and his woman will have a hard time matching him.

Although this is no less true for men, since we talked mainly about how to choose a good girl for marriage (marriage), but naturally, in order to interest such an “ideal” woman, you yourself must correspond to her with your moral values. and other qualities.

A man should be better than a woman

After all, you don’t want her to be with you only out of compassion, and this is not an option for a happy family, since I already said that a man should be the head of the family, otherwise he loses all respect and authority in the eyes of a woman.

And accordingly, in order to create a harmonious and happy family, he must have his “masculine virtues” and advantages no less than a woman, and better yet, much more. So that she has something to strive for and something to respect a man for, and also so that she can easily recognize his authority.

How to marry the perfect girl?

Therefore, in order to marry a really good, or even ideal girl, before setting such conditions and demands in front of the woman you are going to marry, it is naturally better to start with self-development of yourself, and the attention of good and “correct” girls for marriage in such case, do not keep yourself waiting long.

So start with yourself, and for long-term relationships, prefer smarter, more devoted, loving and modest girls, although again, if you feel that you have not yet matured and you don’t need a permanent girlfriend, in this case it’s really most likely that It is better to prefer a disco to a library.

I’m not saying that the first or second is wrong, the main thing is that you make your choice of the place in which you will look for your future “soul mate” consciously, and not confuse them into opposites, as a huge number of modern men do when choosing “ future faithful and devoted wife and the birth of his healthy and well-educated children, in a glamorous nightclub.

And of course, one of the main criteria for a good girl for you is that if you have already started dating her and learned the main qualities of her character and attitude towards you, then you should choose and prefer the one who will love, respect and be more devoted , because as one of the wise people said: “Do not waste time on a person who does not strive to spend it with you.”

And indeed, the best woman that a right and successful man could marry is precisely the girl who loves him and has long ago made the choice that now she wants to stay only with him, not paying attention to other men.

In this case, the girl will stop striving to make only herself happy, but on the contrary, she will try with all her might to make her man better, because it is not for nothing that people say that “behind any strong and successful man, there is a strong and wise woman.”

Next to such a girl, any man will soon become much more successful and happier, but if you choose the wrong girl for marriage, then next to her you will quickly begin to become less and less self-confident and successful in social activities.

Therefore, one of the most important criteria for choosing an ideal woman to marry a real wise and successful man is precisely her desire to make you better, so that later together you can achieve much more and become more successful together.

After all, a stupid woman who has not yet matured enough to create a wise and happy family wants more for herself, but a wise woman wants more for her family, since the strength and success of a woman directly depends on the strength and success of her man. And when you find just such a woman, I advise you not to miss her, because it is precisely such women that wise, happy and successful men marry.

And this is exactly the kind of girl I advise every guy who decides to get married to look for, because all the other correct and necessary character traits can be easily developed in a girl and in yourself, but more about this in the second part of my book about love. And then read the continuation about that, and I also advise you to read the previous article about that, and the whole.

There are women who can hardly be called just lovers: they give a man much more - understanding, emotional intimacy, support. But meanwhile they are unlikely to be called to the registry office. They are "spare". This phenomenon was studied by psychologist Olga Makhovskaya, who wrote the books “The Spare Woman” and “Envy as a Reason for Tenderness.”

“The requirements for the attractiveness of a “spare woman” are conditional,” notes Olga Makhovskaya. - This is a symbolic figure. She does not always become a man’s sexual partner and “calling card”. She may be the same age or even older. But a man always needs her. He can marry a young and beautiful woman, but for frank conversations he will go to the “spare woman.” Some go to pray, some go to a psychologist, some go to their mother. And some men go to the “spare woman”.

As a rule, these are smart, beautiful women, very sensitive and flexible. Those with whom it is always “warm and cozy”. About whom relatives and colleagues sigh: “what do these men want?” They are always nearby - you can come to them after a scolding at the board of directors, and after a failure in court, and even after bad news from the medical clinic. In general, in any situation when things are bad and you need someone, instead of the banal “get yourself together, don’t get discouraged, be a man,” to simply stroke your head in the dark and whisper in a sing-song voice, “everything will be fine.”

Most often, strong and successful men keep “spare women” with them. Those who need to be strong in public, who in the main family play the role of a strong shoulder, the main breadwinner. Who cannot “come apart” in the eyes of a young wife who married an “alpha male”, or in front of competing partners who, having found a weak spot, will hit where it hurts most. It is a myth that “behind every successful man” there is an intelligent woman. More precisely, it will be this way - the pedestal of a man’s social and professional success was truly created by women’s hands. But in half the cases these were not the hands of the wife, but of that very “spare woman”.

They don’t marry her not because she is bad in some way. On the contrary, a man keeps such a girl “on a leash” due to the fact that he can enter the river called “marriage” many times, but find a friend, a lover, a psychotherapist, and simply the one “who, without words, understands" in one person - great success.

Loves, but does not marry

“Reserves” are by no means the women whom bachelors call at midnight on Friday if they are unlucky with “disposable” girls in the club. Men treat “spare women” in a kindred way: they meet at the first opportunity, give gifts, take the car for a technical inspection, buy insurance at a good clinic. But if you are a “spare”, all your meetings are adjusted to the family schedule of your loved one. You have your own “holiday calendar” - gifts, as a rule, are given to you the day before, and on Christmas or the Eighth of March you watch on social networks how your loved one is photographing almond blossoms in Rome or sculpting a snow woman somewhere in Lapland. But after the holidays, you are guaranteed to have duty-free perfume in your home. And you will while away the holidays in front of the TV, and, accidentally ending up at the “Autumn Marathon” or “Winter Cherry,” you will suddenly see yourself in the heroines of Marina Neelova or Elena Safonova. And, if you grew up in a single-parent family and your mother had a friend “Uncle Seryozha” with whom they talked for hours in the kitchen, you will understand why 15 years ago my mother watched this film several times in a row - in one breath and with tears in her eyes.

“Mom’s experience is disorienting,” our expert confirms. - Daughters very often repeat their mother’s scripts. If you happened to grow up in a single-parent family and your mother found female happiness in infrequent meetings with married men, very reminiscent of the hero Oleg Basilashvili in the “Autumn Marathon”, then in order not to turn into an eternal “department” or “meeting”, you need to be very careful and catch the first signs that they are trying to send you “to an alternate airfield.”

Features of mentality

The institution of “spare women” is an extremely popular phenomenon in Russia. And there are many reasons for this. This is an amazing mix of our national traits and children’s attitudes: “the soul is wide open” and “boys don’t cry.” This is a psychological hunger that some cannot satisfy in the family.

“Russian men have a strong fear of psychological dependence on their spouse; they are afraid of becoming henpecked and singing according to their wife,” our expert notes. - A person needs psychologically close relationships. So he lines them up with another woman, but not with his wife. At the same time, he retains the illusion of independence from everyone: psychologically from his wife, he is not “henpecked”, and legally from the “spare woman” - he is not her husband.

Other facets of our mentality also greatly influence the fact that a girl voluntarily sits on the bench. This is also a demographic shift: the classic “for ten girls there are nine guys.” And a large percentage of social losers, quickly diving to the bottom. And my mother’s instructions on this matter are that “promising men, like purebred dogs, are taken apart when they are still puppies.” The age factor is also important. For example, a woman’s self-esteem can be completely killed by a joke from her younger brother on her thirtieth birthday: “Well, that’s it, sister, you’re in your fourth decade, now you’re old tea.” Of course, this is a bad joke from yesterday’s student, but Russian men really like to reproach a woman with her age. And you can become a “used car” at 23 or 43 years old - depending on the level of intelligence of this “driver”.

Europeans are more stingy with their emotions psychological problems splashed out in the psychologist's office. And temperamental Italians have a mother for this.

Because of all this, not having found a worthy option among singles, girls sometimes consciously choose the role of “spare” for a strong and successful one, in the hope that they will someday be appreciated.

Who needs an “alternate airfield”

Estimate the age of your chosen one. If this is a young man, then it is likely that initially the main motive in your relationship will be sex. Usually the euphoria associated with a hormonal surge lasts a year. Well, or until the woman begins to “strain”. And then either the union will fall apart on its own due to lack of prospects and your determination, or you will take the bench.

“A good cure for addiction is having a new man in your life. The triangle “a woman and two men”, if the lady has real feelings for one of the men, is impossible. She gives herself over to this feeling without a trace - both soul and body. She can't be close to everyone. In this case, a man will begin to rebel, Olga Makhovskaya is sure. – And the “spare woman” is, of course, the male “joker”.

Everything is more complicated if your man is 40 or older. Here the hormones have subsided, and fear begins to rule the emotions. Fear of death.

“Men have a highly developed fear of death. They fear their physical death more than impotence. And this fear begins to manifest itself after forty. And sexual activity after this age threshold begins to gradually fade away, notes the psychologist. - It is very important that this fear is spoken out and calmed down. And it’s easier to do this with a “spare woman.” Over the years, the awareness of the finitude of our physical existence intensifies. Some people, in pursuit of eternal youth, marry a woman younger than themselves, while for others, and there are many of them, it is enough to “talk out” this fear with a woman whom he trusts. So over the years, the need for a “spare woman” only grows.”

How to break free from addiction

It turns out to be a paradoxical thing: being very good, an outlet and “the only one who understands” is an unpromising lot for a woman’s personal happiness. We will have to break this vicious relationship.

“We must try to initially give ourselves the attitude that this is a stranger’s man. Here is a situation where the envy mechanism is turned on: “someone is lucky!” But the feeling of envy is creative in everything in life, except for men. Because envy triggers the mechanism: “I also want to try this, I want to have it.” And if you follow this “I want”, you can achieve a lot. For example, you are better at making some dish than your friend. By being angry in a good way, you will achieve greater career success than your former classmate. But if you envy someone else’s family happiness, you are unlikely to build an ideal family with this man. Let affairs with married people become taboo for you, this will save you from disappointment,” the psychologist advises.

Well, if you are “caught” and there is no end in sight to this melodrama, then you need to break off the relationship first.

“Turn off this “faucet”, close the emotional channel,” recommends Olga Makhovskaya. “The man certainly won’t like it.” But he himself will not be the first to take this step.”

Do you remember how endless the hero Basilashvili left his family in “Autumn Marathon”? And how often did he return “to the pulpit” again? It’s the same in life. Be stronger than a man - this will give you a chance that, having been ill, you will then go your own way in life, and not along the side of someone else’s happiness.

Of course, there is more than one type of woman that men will marry. However, there are many types of women whom the stronger sex refuses to marry.

Dear girls, remember one thing: you should never change just to marry the right person, change solely for yourself. Then you are more likely to marry the man of your dreams!

These are the types of women that men avoid.


Men try not to communicate with such women. And why? The idea is that such a woman must control every aspect of any situation, often directing all her anger towards her man. But representatives of the stronger sex do not like this. Of course, some guys can handle this and behave similarly, but it's not a pleasant situation. The fact is that a man does not feel safe with such girls. Such women are reliable and good colleagues, but not life partners.

Jealous ladies

Men like it when they are taken care of and worried about. But they hate it when they are suspected of something. If jealousy and accompanying behavior is your first response to even the presence of another woman in the room, this may be a reason for a breakup. Men want to know that they are loved and desired. But they hate it when they are jealous of everyone with whom they simply communicate.

Women to Woo

If you're being cautious for a good reason, that's fine. So you want to protect yourself and your heart. But if you're quiet and don't show any interest, guys may assume you're not interested in them. If your goal is to get a ring, then you shouldn't play the silent game.

Women who count calories

Our society creates an irrational standard of beauty for women, constantly telling them that they are too fat or skinny, old, and much more. This well-designed war is only meant to make money from your suffering, but the consequences range from poor self-esteem to truly devastating eating disorders. If you have health problems, seeking professional help is the obvious first step. But if you're simply too concerned with counting calories at the expense of dates and dinners, your man will leave you. Of course, he likes to see that you watch your diet, but like a real man, he wants you to love yourself and eat normally.


This message is for women who want to transform their boyfriends, change them. Dear ladies, stop. If he's not the person you want, there's no point in wasting your time trying to mold him into something better. The best thing to do is break up and find someone who meets all your standards.

Gossip girls

Harmless gossip is an integral part of almost any friendship. Almost all of us talk about people who are not in the room. But if you find yourself gossiping in the bedroom or during a romantic dinner, it may be time to stop! Guys sometimes like to listen to some funny jokes about a friend or colleague. But if all he hears is gossip, he will have a hard time trusting you with anything personal.


At first, a man may be happy that he has met a woman with high standards. This means that she is caring and pays attention to every aspect of her life. She knows what she wants. However, sometimes such women are dangerous. They are unhappy with everything and can always find faults in everything in the world. To get along with such ladies, men need to compromise.

The highlight of the program

Probably everyone is familiar with this type of girl. She is the one who is always the center of attention. Such a girl can be a lot of fun at parties, a fantastic companion, and most importantly, can make a great first impression. It's literally the life of the party! Yes, this is all wonderful, but in a relationship no one should outshine each other. Everyone should have equal rights. Harmony should reign in relationships.

Father's daughter

There are women who pursue rich men, as well as those who are much older than them. They say that many men are rightfully afraid of such ladies. They see that a woman is only interested in money and a good life. The men are worried that they will never know her true feelings. Many women prefer older men, and that's normal. The representatives of the stronger sex themselves are not averse to having fun with such ladies, but marriage is out of the question.

Women who like to flirt

Flirting is a wonderful thing. Almost all people flirt! This is necessary for dating. But if a lady is in a relationship and does not stop flirting, this is not the best candidate for marriage. A man can't build trust if he's constantly worried about his girlfriend flirting with other guys.

Trophy wife

We live in a modern society that no longer requires women to be housewives. Whether you're keeping the house in order, cooking, or simply pursuing your own career outside the home, this makes you a better partner in the long run. Men want a woman who is independent and makes her own way in the world. They don't want to see a woman whose only goal is to be a trophy wife.

Pushy ladies

Men don't like to be controlled and stalked. Many guys limit their communication with girls who follow them around. They probably remembered the words of their mother, who constantly said that good girls don’t run after guys. In our modern world, perseverance and perseverance are welcomed, but many guys do not know how to behave with pushy ladies.


Sure, many grown men need mothering, but that's their problem, not your role in life! It can become a natural tendency for many women to play "mother" with their man, regardless of whether he takes care of every aspect of his life. But you must resist! If a guy needs a mother, then become one. If he doesn't need it, you will only get on his nerves, resistance will be quick and complete!

Party Queen

So you met at a party or club and fell in love. Great! But just because it all started there doesn't mean your relationship has to progress on the dance floor. Guys love women who know how to have fun and know when to stop. They can't stand women who are addicted to partying and entertainment, those who have fun every weekend or even on weekdays. Even if a guy loves nightlife, he needs some quiet house party with his woman. So if partying is your passion, make sure your boyfriend approves of it. If not, he may run away from you soon!

Gamer girls

It's all about those women who play emotional games or constantly throw out different tests and tricks to see if their boyfriend can "pass" them. The problem is that they prove their love, their loyalty, their attractiveness, but what the man sees is a woman who lacks consistency. When a man does not know what to expect from his beloved, he cannot find support, most likely he will leave. A guy won't propose to someone he never feels 100% safe with.

Every woman deserves her prince. In this world, every person has his own soul mate. Even if you have one characteristic from this list, it doesn’t matter. After all, if a man loves you, he will accept you with all your flaws.