The letter e in Russian. Letter e in Russian Russian letter e

All about spotlights

E, е (called: е or е inverse) is the 31st letter of the Russian and 30th letter of the Belarusian Cyrillic alphabets; it is not currently used in other Cyrillic Slavic alphabets (in the Ukrainian pair E/E corresponds to the pair E/Є).

It is also used in a number of alphabets of non-Slavic languages. It is believed that this is a borrowed Glagolitic form of the letter “E” (is), which looks like and is used to denote a non-otated sound.

The sign E has been used in Cyrillic almost since the 14th century. Thus, it appears many times in the Poznan manuscript collection (excluding the later last pages), copied at the end of the 16th century. (in words such as “knight”, “tsesar”, etc.).

You can also find it in the Moscow edition of Smotritsky’s grammar in 1648: this is the same, and besides, they made a special letter for E, and did not turn the existing one upside down. Officially, the letter E was included in the alphabet in 1708 during the development of the civil font, where it inherited the place between Ѣ and Yu, which in educational Church Slavonic alphabets was sometimes filled with the modification Є of the letter E, which, as a rule, had a completely opposite sound meaning.

The signs E and Є in the Serbian variation of the civil alphabet were interchangeable (E was used more often at first, then Є) and denoted an iotized sound; from the middle of the 19th century both were abolished by Vuk Karadzic's alphabet reform.

The letter "e" in Russian writing

In modern Russian writing, the letter E denotes the unioted vowel sound [e], as well as [ɛ]. It is used in writing a few native Russian words: this, this (y), this, ek (y), evon, eva, edak (y), eh, ehe-he, hey, ehma, ege-ge, ege. The main purpose of the letter E is the use at the beginning of words and after vowels in borrowed words: duel, euthanasia, aed, eclair, Boethius (however, after the vowels I and E, E is always written, and only in rare exceptions - E, like Gliere or Marietta).

Writing with E is rare after consonants: according to the rules of 1956, these are only the words peer, sir, mayor (they were written with E until the beginning of the 20th century) and proper names; later, this list was supplemented by the master to distinguish it from the meter. The 2006 edition of the rules includes 3 more in the list of main roots with the letter E after the consonants: racket, plein air, rap. However, in practice, there are much more words with E after consonants, especially among the latest borrowings that have not yet been fully adopted in the Russian language.

Many of them have a variant with E (hash/hash, tag/tag, cab/cab, etc.), and the spelling with E usually looks more foreign. The names of letters are also written with E (be, ve, ge,<…>el, em, en...) and words derived from abbreviations, such as KGB, GDR or peteushnik.

The letter "e" after consonants

In a number of cases, in the practice of transcribing foreign names and names, e is used after consonants, including:

Periodically, to convey the sound [æ] (e.g. Blackpool) or diphthong [ɛə] (e.g. Delaware, Blair) - from English. language;

To render the letter ă (e.g. Bacău, Creangă) - from Romanian. language;

Distributed in the Palladium system (eg, Yellow River) - from China. language

Description of the video lesson

In one small town there lived a little girl Lelya. One day Lelya scattered her grandmother’s box with magic letter beads. To collect these beads, Lela needs to learn all the letters of the alphabet.
The letters are all from A to Z -
This is a friendly family.
So that there is harmony in that family,
You need to remember them all.

Today the Elf came to Lelya's aid. He had a magic bead in his hands; he found it in the bell when he decided to wash his face.
Writing a letter
- Look, Lelya, this is the letter “E”.
The letter E on S marvels,
It's like looking in a mirror.
There is definitely a resemblance
Only there is no language!

Look what the letter E looks like. Big letter E. Small letter E.

Sound and letter in a word.

The letters are all just right,
There are 33 of them,
You will find them in every word,
Well, look.

Words starting with E: excavator, popsicle, eucalyptus, screen, carriage.
The letter E in the middle of the words: high-rise building, figurine, airfield, duet.
The letter E at the end of words: aloe, canoe, karate.

Automation of sound E.

Repeat the phrases.

This will be the letter E
Quite energetic:
Excavator, train,
Elevator, electronic

Repeat the sayings again.

This will be the letter E
Quite energetic:
Excavator, train,
Elevator, electronic

Puzzles. Finding the letter E.
Guess a riddle. Find where the letter E is hidden.

It hums, makes noise and howls,
He digs the ground with a shovel.


He is almost a hundred meters tall:
It's not easy to climb!
He was from Australia
It was brought to us once upon a time.
He has one job -
Draining the swamp.

Eucalyptus (Letter E)

Who's that on the wire?
Does he come to us in every home?
At night, when it's dark,
It lights up the house.

On one leg
In chocolate clothes.
ESKIMO (Letter E)

Automation of sound E.

Listen to tongue twisters.
Eskimos, Eskimos
Popsicles are eaten in cold weather,
And for this the Eskimos
They call it Eskimos.

Eskimos, Eskimos
Popsicles are eaten in cold weather,
And for this the Eskimos
They call it Eskimos.

Eskimos, Eskimos
Popsicles are eaten in cold weather,
And for this the Eskimos
They call it Eskimos.

Listen to another tongue twister.
Elves and echoes played hide and seek:

Let's try to repeat the tongue twister slowly.
Elves and echoes played hide and seek:
The echo was hiding, and the elves were looking.
Eh, well, it was difficult to find him!
Unless elves can do this.

Let's try to repeat the tongue twister quickly.
Elves and echoes played hide and seek:
The echo was hiding, and the elves were looking.
Eh, well, it was difficult to find him!
Unless elves can do this.

Definition of words with the letter E.

Listen to the story, find in which words the letter E is hidden.

Little elves live in flowers; we can say that they live on the upper floors. They love sports and love relay races. The winners receive a popsicle.
In the evening, fireflies light up electricity in the clearing, and elves hold a concert on the flower stage. Poets perform and sing duets.

In what words is the letter E hidden? PAUSE


And next time you, Lelya, and you guys will get acquainted with another letter.

The letters are all from A to Z -
Our faithful friends!

Word hunt

The unique letter of the Russian alphabet, or more precisely, the Russian alphabet, although domestic linguists do not favor it, assign it rather a subsidiary position. In fact, I got the impression that all the unique features of the Russian language are leveled out, not noticed, and this sound and this letter are considered outcasts.

The great Vladimir Dal noted that E is a vowel, the 31st letter; there is no such letter in the Church Slavonic language; this is the same as E, but it is pronounced monophonically (never iе), like the German ae, and is written only at the beginning of a word, more so in other people’s words; in the middle, perhaps combined with prepositions: I’ll give that much; this will happen; take an exam, etc. || Exclamation: eh! expresses amazement or distrust, doubt. Eh, that's enough, isn't it! Eh, stupid, unsaved speech!

As we see, by the time of Dahl, the letter E had been considerably emasculated, leaving it the opportunity to begin a not very large group of words and represent some foreign words.

It also acts as an exclamation. Some are given by Dahl. And we find another striking example in Gogol’s “The Inspector General,” when Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky report that they met a man who looked like an auditor. Remember?

The phrase became a catchphrase: “Eh! Pyotr Ivanovich and I said.”

"Eh!" I’m telling Pyotr Ivanovich... - (Bobch.)
“No, Pyotr Ivanovich, I said “Eh!” - (Ext.)
“First you said it, and then I said it. Eh! Pyotr Ivanovich and I said it.”

I was prompted to pay attention to this letter by the phrase EOLIAN HARP, repeatedly sung by poets. Vasily Zhukovsky wrote the ballad “Eolian Harp” about the poor singer Arminia, who fell passionately in love with Minvana, the daughter of the almighty King Ordal. The angry ruler, having learned about this, expelled the singer from his native country. Arminius, being in exile and deeply suffering both for his beloved and for his homeland, hung a harp on an oak tree so that the wind Aeolus, touching its strings, would give his beloved news of his beloved.

And suddenly... out of silence
A long, thoughtful ringing arose;
And quieter than breathing
He was the coolness playing in the leaves.
Her heart was confused:
Hello friend!
It's finished, it's finished!..
The earth is empty, and there is no dear one.

Since I remembered Zhukovsky’s ballad, I will note one feature that literary critics and historians do not notice or do not want to notice.

The ballad was not created on Russian soil, not on Russian folklore, but the names of the heroes speak of a forgotten history. Arminius - can be correlated with the German words arm “poor”, Arm “hand” (one who earns his living by manual labor), Armut - “poverty, need”, with the French armee “army” (the word remembers that the original formation the army came at the expense of the poorest, who have nothing but their hands).

The name of the daughter of King Minwan was apparently given from the German comparative adjective minder “smaller, smallest” or from mindest “minimal”. That is, this name reflects her position in the family. From Zhukovsky we read: “Young Minvana illuminated her parents’ house with beauty.” That is, Zhukovsky uses a hidden tautology: poor Arminius, young Minvana; the adjective essentially reveals the meaning of the name.

If so, then the name of King Ordal should be revealed in the same way - “mighty Ordal.” Indeed, the horde is a powerful regular army that was busy expanding the borders of the great empire, whose possessions extended to all the continents discovered by that time.

The king, as is clear from the ballad, was engaged in one thing -
And in friendly conversations
Loved Ordal's stories over a glass
About ancient victories
And he fixed his gaze on the armor of his fathers:
Their armor is minted
In deep scars;
Their swords are jagged;
Their shields and helmets are beaten in battles.

King Ordal himself no longer fought, his lot was hunting and fun, because he was the ruler of Morvena. I imagine this gigantic country to be a territory surrounded on all sides by seas and oceans, where the sun never sets.

It seems that Vasily Zhukovsky, brought up on Western cultural models, still felt the pull of the past greatness of Russia, which tried to unite the whole world under the hand of the Russian Tsar. I felt it, but didn't realize it. But this is by the way.

Our conversation about the unique letter e. There are only three letters in the Russian alphabet, which are written clockwise: up from left, then down in a circle and up again. E is among them, and all elements are written clockwise. I think this is one of the indicators of antiquity, originality, and besides, the letter clearly shows what the organ where this sound is formed looks like: it’s an open mouth with a tongue inside.

In linguistics there is such a concept - articulation, the ability to pronounce clearly, clearly, articulately. This word is derived from the Latin articulatio< articulare «расчленять, членораздельно, ясно произносить». Я считаю, что это определение появилось после раскола империи
The articulatory characteristics of vowels include the following features: rise, row, labialization/non-labialization (rounded/non-rounded).
Lifting is the vertical movement of the tongue and the corresponding degree of lifting of the tongue to the palate. Vowels are tonal sounds that differ in tone quality. The difference in tone quality is achieved by changing the resonator configuration with tongue movements. The tongue can move forward and backward, up and down. Vowels that are formed without upward movement of the tongue are called low vowels ([a]); vowels formed by upward movement of the tongue are called middle vowels ([e], [o]) and high vowels ([i], [s], [u]).
Row - horizontal movement of the tongue and the corresponding degree of advancement of the tongue forward or pulling it back. Vowels that are formed without moving the tongue forward or backward are called middle vowels ([s], [a]); moving the tongue forward creates front vowels ([i], [e]), moving backward creates back vowels ([u], [o]).
Labialization - roundness of the lips when pronouncing vowel sounds. According to the difference in the work of the lips during the formation of vowels, all vowel sounds are divided into 2 groups: vowels, during the formation of which the lips are extended forward and rounded, and vowels formed without the lips being extended and rounded. The vowel sounds [o] and [y] are labialized (from the Latin labialis - labial), since the lips take part in their formation; the remaining sounds - [a], [i], [s], [e] - are not labialized.
The pronunciation of vowel sounds is based on the phonetic law of the modern Russian literary language - vowel reduction. Due to the dynamic nature of Russian stress, pronunciation energy is distributed unevenly between syllables. A vowel sound in a strong position (under stress) is pronounced clearly, while in a weak position (without stress) it is articulated less clearly, that is, it is reduced.

I gave this small educational program on the phonetics of the Russian language in order to make it clearer what place the vowel E occupies. In my opinion, in the past it was used much more often, but under the influence of court etiquette with its demands to distort Russian speech, to speak German or French , the letter began to be withdrawn from circulation.

Without this educational program, I would definitely have suspected that a and e were twin sounds, but I realized that with such a statement I had sinned against the truth. They are formed similarly, but they are still different sounds. Spin around in front of the mirror, look at the position of your teeth, tongue, and lips when pronouncing various sounds, especially vowels, that is, vocal sounds. With the sound a, the mouth is open wide, but the tongue is pressed down. When e, the mouth closes slightly and the tongue rises. With e - the lips stretch wider, the teeth come closer together, and the tongue, without touching either the top or the bottom, is pulled towards the teeth, but does not touch them.

It is not clear to me why the e was turned upside down, because it more visibly conveys how this sound is formed in the mouth, in what position the tongue is. The Ukrainian language has 33 letters, but е ъ ы е is not used, but there is a mirror image of our e, which almost coincides with the euro sign - the monetary unit of the European Union.

In the West, they paid attention to our E, and the European Union designated their currency as a mirror image of our letter, but with two tails €.

By the way, the euro sign is written counterclockwise, using the same principle in geography lessons, schoolchildren show the countries bordering their homeland, and in geometry lessons they mark the angles of triangles, squares and polygons. There is, for example, a famous engraving supposedly from the 16th century, where Ptolemy is wearing a medieval royal crown and Astronomy. Ptolemy holds in his hand a sector with celestial coordinates. The numbers on the sectors are counterclockwise. This became possible after the split of the world empire, which took final shape at the beginning of the 17th century during the Thirty Years' War. This means that the engraving reflects not antiquity, but recent times.

Before the split of the great empire, imperial science, cartography, astronomy, and astrology used the rules clockwise, or according to the sun. Today, for example, the clock hands and the sun move in different directions. This became possible when the north was made on top of globes and maps. In imperial science, above was day, sun, south. A lot of words and terms in Russian and Western languages ​​confirm this. And the letter E points to the facts of history that we have been forced to forget.

This word contains a vowel sound already known to us [y]. You can already tell about it that this sound is a vowel. It is easy to pronounce, sing and speak without noise. Why did it happen that the sound [y] wanted to confuse us? It turns out that the vowel sounds of our language differ not only in name and pronunciation, but also in the strength of pronunciation. Such sounds that are pronounced more forcefully (the voice seems to hit them) are called drums . Let's hit the sound with our voice [e] in a word emu and let's listen to him. Say the word emu hitting the sound with your voice [e].

Sound [e]- vowel, easy to pronounce. While pronouncing the sound, the mouth opened slightly, the lips stretched. This sound can be sung or shouted. No noises are heard. Here's the evidence that it is - vowel sound.

Which of you today will say that the lesson is about the letter of his name?

  • E Dick
  • E lvira
  • E mma
  • E llla
  • E Dita

Continue the series of names yourself.

What fairy-tale heroes whose names begin with the letter E and to the sound [e],can you name it?

E lly, who goes to the Emerald City (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Girl Ellie ()

And in this city live magical uh lfs.

There are very few heroes, because E There are also few words in our language.

Now let's learn to recognize the sound [e] in words. To do this, imagine that we are going to uh excursion, and uh sound will be your guide [e]. Those who listen uh the tour guide is called uh students. Together with you on uh excursion to uh The animals will go on the train. If we hear a sound [e] in the name of the animal, we allow boarding in uh train. No sound [e]- we don’t plant. Say the names of animals out loud and identify the sound [e].

Medv e d. A sound is heard [e] in the middle of the word (Fig. 3).

Fox (Fig. 4). No sound [e].

Giraffe (Fig. 5). No sound [e].

L e c (Fig. 6). A sound is heard [e] in the middle of a word.

Rice. 6. Lion and lion cubs ()

Z e sconce (Fig. 7). A sound is heard [e] in the middle of a word.

Camel (Fig. 8). No sound [e].

Ol e n (Fig. 9). A sound is heard [e] in the middle of a word.

Chimpanzee e(Fig. 10). Sound [e] heard at the end of a word.

Rice. 10. Chimpanzee ()

E mu. Sound [e] at the beginning of a word.

Sound [e] in words it occurs more often in the middle of the word, but at the beginning and end - much less often.

Let's go on an excursion to the land of words. There we learn words that begin with the letter E.

Everest- the highest mountain in the world (Fig. 11). Two sounds are heard [e] in its title. This mountain has a second name - Chomolungma, which means "goddess, mother of the earth" .

He is almost a hundred meters tall:

It's not easy to climb!

He was from Australia

It was brought to us once upon a time.

He has one job -

Draining the swamp.

This is the tallest tree - eucalyptus(Fig. 12). Sound [e] only at the beginning of a word.

Rice. 12. Eucalyptus tree ()

Eeiffel tower- the most recognizable symbol of Paris, one of the tallest buildings in the world. Sound [e] at the beginning of the word (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Eiffel Tower ()

This is a big ladder

But the steps move on their own.

And they ride everyone fast

Up and down, down and up.

What kind of ladder is this, guys?

It's simple - an escalator.

Word escalator sounds similar to the word excavator. They even start the same way - on E, but don't confuse these words. - this is a machine that digs the ground (Fig. 14).

E excavator - crane brother.

Turns over such boulders,

That, perhaps, a hundred shovels

They would not be able to overcome them.

Rice. 14. Excavator ()

Equator- a line on the globe that shows the middle of our planet and divides it into two parts - the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.

Repeat the words you are familiar with. Say them out loud and count all the sounds [e]:






Eeiffel tower

Got seven sounds [e].

All these words were long and difficult to pronounce. The thing is that they came into our language from other languages. But the ancient Russian words in E- short. And there are very few of them:

  • E That
  • E-ge-ge
  • E-hehe

To write all these words, you need a letter E.

Printed large and small letters are similar and differ only in size (Fig. 15).

We will break ABOUT like a bagel -

There will be a letter on the right side.

Add a nose to the face -

Here comes the letter E.

Rice. 15. Letter E ()

Now let’s fantasize and imagine what the letter looks like E.

Letter E- big mouth,

You can completely disappear into it.

Letter E- no matter how you look at it -

You will see pincers and claws.

A letter flies over the meadows in the blue E.

This swallow returns home in the spring.

Letter E easy to turn into a swallow, a moon, an Indian's bow, a human's ear.

Do you want to know what the letter dreams of? E? Read a fairy tale.

The letter E is unhappy

“Uh-uh,” the letter E said grumpily, “they put me almost at the very end of the alphabet.” - Ek, I was carried there! Eh, I wish I could go to the beginning, to first place! Hey letters. Let me go first!

But the letters said:

- Stay where you are. And don’t waste your long tongue. Does it matter where you stand? It's important to be useful.

A.A. Shibaev

From this tale it is clear that the letter E is at the end of our alphabet.

To letter E It’s better to remember, try making it out of some material (plasticine, strings) or fold it out of beads. Draw a funny picture. Organize an exhibition of your work.

Read the letters:

1. aue, eua, ouae, aoeu

2. aue, eua, ouae, aoeu

A dash appeared above the letters in the second row - this accent mark. He says: “Emphasize the sound with your voice when you read a letter more strongly”. Read the letters again, highlighting them with your voice.

Consider the written letters E,uh. They differ from printed ones in that they are written at an angle (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Printed and written letters Uh ()

Let's try to write a capital letter E. This letter has two elements - the right semi-oval and a small horizontal stick, which is called the tongue of the letter E(Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. Capitalization E ()

Let's start writing a capital letter E. From left to right we draw an oval line, touching the additional line; draw the letter down, round it to the left, touching the bottom ruler; We tear off our hand and write a horizontal line in the middle of the letter, connecting it to the semi-oval.

Try writing this letter in the air. Write it with the back of the pen on your palm.

Consider possible capitalization errors E: the semi-oval turned out to be very wide (round), the slope went in the other direction.

Practice writing the letter in your notebook yourself. Remember to position your notebook correctly. Hold the pen correctly.

Now let's look at how to write a small letter uh. The elements of a small letter are the same as those of a capital letter (Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. Writing a small letter uh ()

We begin to write below the top ruler of the working line. From left to right we draw up to the working line, round, touching the top line of the working line, and draw down to the bottom line; round to the left, touching the bottom line of the working line. We tear off our hand and write a short horizontal line from left to right in the middle of the semi-oval.

Arrow direction.

Trace the letter in the air. Write the letter with the back of the pen on your palm. Try writing it in your notebook.

Possible errors in writing lowercase letters uh: very wide rounded semi-oval; the letter hangs in the air without touching the lines of the working line; Incorrect tilt.

Both capital and small letters are connected Uh with other letters using an additional straight line, which is drawn up to the top line of the working line with an upper connection, or slightly above the line of the upper working line with a bottom connection. Connecting lines are assigned separately.

After this lesson, practice writing capital and lowercase letters Uh in notebooks. Just write in such a way that they won’t say about you: “Writes like a chicken with its paw”. This is what our ancestors said about those who write sloppy and very dirty.

Today in class you learned about sound. [e] and letter E. Did you find out that the letter E- an infrequent guest in Russian words. The fact is that this letter is very young. It was introduced into our alphabet when PetreI. And here's the sound [e] have great respect for the other letters of our alphabet because it helps to name their names. Say the names of the letters and listen to how they sound:

B- pronounced [bae] IN- pronounced [ve] G- pronounced [ge] D- pronounced [de] L- pronounced [el] M- pronounced [uh] N- pronounced [en]

And also the sound [e] and letter E very inquisitive. Do you know why? Because that's how the title of the book begins. "Encyclopedia".

Encyclopedia is a reference book that will tell you about everything in the world and answer all your questions.

Another very interesting word begins with the letter E - "Eureka", which translated from Greek means "found, opened". Say this word more often.


  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M.: Astrel, 2011.
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. - M.: Ballas.
  3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook for teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academic book/textbook.
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. ().


  • Practice writing letters E. Write your own printed and capital letters Uh(big and small).
  • Find words that contain the sound [e]. Count how many sounds [e] in every word.

Popsicle, mirror, eclair, duet, cream, energy, pedestrian.

  • Guess the riddle:

This letter digs holes

Echoes the cry stubbornly

And then on a stick

Chocolate melts with ice.

(Answer: Letter E - excavator, echo, popsicle)