Vowels after sibilants and ts in endings. A reference book on spelling and style

All about spotlights



1. After sibilants, under stress it is written o, in accordance

with pronunciation:

a) at the endings of nouns, for example: with a knife,

ball, boundary, candle (cf. unstressed endings: landscape,

crying, selling, giving);

b) at the endings of adjectives, for example: alien,

big (cf. unstressed endings: red, good);

c) in suffixes of nouns: -ok (shepherd),

Onok (wolf cub), -onk-a (little river);

d) in the suffix of adjectives -oe- (penny, parcho-

e) fluent o in nouns (guts) and adjectives

telny (funny);

f) at the end of adverbs, for example: fresh, hot, generally (but:

2. It is written e (е) under stress, although it is pronounced o:

a) at the endings of verbs, for example: burns, bakes;

b) in the verbal suffix -yeva-, for example: chew,


c) in the suffix of verbal nouns -yovk-a, na-

example: demarcation, uprooting (but: hacksaw - from the adjective-

go knife);

d) in the suffix of nouns -er, for example: trainee, re-

e) in the suffix of passive participles -yonn- (watered,

irrigated), verbal adjectives -ey- (burnt, smoked),

as well as in derivative words (burnt, smoked);

f) in the prepositional case of the pronoun that: about what; in words

Moreover, it doesn’t matter.

Exercise 54. Form the names of creatures from these words

1) with the suffix -OK: borscht, debt, friend, beetle, hook, meadow, man,

rooster, nickel, horn, chest, branch;

2) with the suffix -onok: camel, bear, mouse, shepherd;

3) with the suffix -onk-a: paper, soul, nag, book, leg, clothes-

yes, a hand, a shirt, a dog, an old woman.

Exercise 55. Form names from these nouns

adjectives with the suffixes -oe- or -ev-.

Exchange, veche, thing, penny, pear, tug, shower, hedgehog, ruff,

reed, ladle, key, Easter cake, kumach, boundary, walrus, knife,

brocade, shoulder, plush, twill, guard, canvas.

Exercise 56. Write these nouns in the form

instrumental case singular.

Cherry plum, apache, barge, exchange, dugout, rein, ha-

rage, tug, soul, tower, reed, tick, ladle, left-handed,

leafage, displacement, reckless driver, dodger, baby, footage, mi-

rage, montage, page, paralysis, brocade, asparagus, sealing wax,

type, circulation, tonnage, tractor, grass snake, bigot, horsetail, chrono-

footage, chesucha, siskin, hut.

Exercise 57. Fill in the missing letters. Explain once

difference in writing.

CHERRY PEARL...VKZ (tincture) - string...vka, pear...vka - de-

sh...vka, money...nka - plant...nka, shower...nka - psh...nka,

key...m - why...m, KNYAZH...N - struck...n, ladle...vy -

cheap..., beam...m - oven...m, knife...vay (saw) - new-

f...vay (wound), knife...vka - demarcation...vka, knife...n - f...n,

obzh...ry - experience...ry, shoulders...m - never mind...m, shirt...n-

ka - stew...n, funny...n - extra...n, dog...nka-stove...n-

ka, swift...m (bird) - swift...m, rattle...tka - sch...tka,

floor...m - experience...m.

Exercise 58. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.

1. At dawn the shepherd no longer drives the cows out of the grain

wow, and at the midday hour his horn doesn’t call to the circle...to them

(P.). 2. Like a ghost, the young man now goes to his treasured

threshold; a dagger made of leather sheaths... and he takes out

a little (L.). 3. Marina brought a bottle of rum, lemon,

sugar, and the burner began to burn (Gonch.). 4. Gerasim became more

lump in front of the door, pushed her with his shoulder...m and burst into the house

with your burden (T.). 5. Both believed that credit would revive

agriculture and will give impetus...to our dormant industry

laziness (S.-Sch.). 6. Clothes are soaked above the waist

forester (N.). 7. All work was worthless to him

(A. Ostr.). 8. At noon the rain stopped, and it was white

fluff...k, snow began to fall on the autumn mud...k (Nick.).

9. Uncle and Yegorushka walked for a long time along the powerful streets (Ch.).

10. The soldier was dressed in a red red shirt (M.G.).

11. Through the naked brown branches of the trees there is a peaceful

The motionless sky flies (Seraph.). 12. The breeze, blowing-

the itchy curtain, smelled like honey flowers

(A.N.T.). 13. Millet... noodles, noodles... in- appeared on the table

niki, cabbage soup with broth (Smooth). 14. Under the control of di-

the fat of our orchestra sang beautifully and thickly

magnificent choir (Wanderer). 15. Gregory stopped at

one small village for the night (Shol.). 16. When

in the light of frequently flashing lightning they saw two groups

female composition (Cossack). 17. Korzh floated in fathoms, rumble-

clapping your palms on the water (N. Dikovsky). IS. By the morning

the painted floor shone like BOSH... (Malts,). 19. On

he wore a tunic with a turn-down collar,

belted with a steep belt with tassels (Ant.), 20.

I sow as if from a sieve, but not powder, I climb into the grain,

but not a worm (riddle). 21. The beast does not care for a horse

takes (ate,). 22. Under a pine tree in the forest stands an old man,

red cap...k (riddle).



1. After c in endings and suffixes under stress it writes -

xia 0, without emphasis - e. Wed: end - dance, fighters - komso-

moltsev, coat - dress, end - chintz, ring-

to ring - to ring.

"1. After ц in endings and suffixes it is written ы, not i,

For example; wrestlers, chubby, .sestritsyn.

Exercise 59. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.

1. And in response to the friendly foxes...the words of the raven croak-

la at the top of his lungs (Kr.). 2. So the tree... has its own leaves

changes with every spring (P.). 3. One of our interviewees

nikov, still young, pale-faced... and a man, looking around -

filled us all with bewilderment (T.). 4. Banks and bottom of the river

strewn with quartz (Meln.-Pech.). 5. In a short frock coat with

Yakov fussed with his short sleeves, pouring into the teapots

ki tea (M.G.). 6. Old healed ulcers turned shiny white

with scarred spots (Cupr.). 1. Young gulls

it’s convenient to ring...to ring in large quantities and thus arrange

recognize the air routes of migratory birds at once

(Priv.). I. Low sun from under the GLOSS...FIGHT of foliage

made its way between the gnarled trunks (A.N.T.). 9. She

I was preparing to dance Cinderella for the first time (Paust.). 10. By

trunk, at an equal distance from each other, to the very

tops with regular ring cutouts in two

centimeter deep wood was removed (Are.). 11. We

stood, pressing against the entrance to the tunnel pipe,

decorated outside with slabs of wild stone (Cat.).

12. Batmanov did not let the head of the section deal with the difficult things,

SBINS...THE look (Already).

Exercise 60 (repetitive). Rewrite by inserting pro-

empty letters in accordance with the rules for writing vowels

nykh after sibilants and c in roots, suffixes and endings.

1. I put down my t...new, wrapped myself in a fur coat and dozed off

(77.). 2. They blurted out the banduras, ts...mbals - and the heat began

ha (G.). 3. The English everywhere know how to bring their own...

ity (Gonch.). 4. We went to the confectionery shop, drank cups of

ke sh...colada (S.-Sch.). 5. She begins to redo non-

how much my hair... and makes me go to the mirror

(Black). 6. Edward was an excellent rider, equi-

librist, gymnast, w...ngler, master of training

to breed academic horses (Grig.). 7. God knows what

the mind of the pupil was in use! (Room.). 8. Clerk, little

cue, cut...and a man with a red nose and a...case-

wearing a cap, enters the crowd (Ch.). 9. At the door to the hall there is a story

Lyutov was wearing a brocade caftan (M. G.). 10. Everything has become

whether to ... repent with Katerina Andreevna and Lyakhov (Ve-

res.). II. Pulmonary and cough diseases began

(7/. Morozov). 12. Quite a penny truth (Lighthouse).

13. Near another fanzochka there were piles of

the shell...of crabs, dried and reddened in the sun-

tse (Are.). 14. Finally, the boat slid along with a rustle

sandy bottom (A.N.T.). 15. A terrible fear rushed them through

darkness and impassable slum...bu (Shishk.). 16. Bottom logs

the mill has rotted, and the g...trough into which it flows from

pond water on the wheel, rotted and tilted (Telesh.).

17. She hardly heard my admiring whisper...

(Smooth). 18. Suspended canvas for bicycles

driver drove at a speed of twelve kilometers per

hour senior resident (Fed.). 19. The university students had a heartbreak

It's time for tea: they took the tests (Erenb.). 20. Seryozha is furious -

but he rustled the cloth and clicked the shutter (Fad.). 21. Sta-

Rich...k fiercely found fault with us (Laust.). 22. To the carriage

a girl came in wearing a white down scarf and a ts...geykov

jacket (Ant.). 23. It was clear to everyone that the bread was toasted...

that the arson...g was the work of his people (Bub.). 24. Immediately

after a strong push, the dome of the pa-

rash...ta (Sayan.). 25. Stealth among us, especially among

among young people, has become the most favorite profession (Bab.).

26. Here and there heavy objects fell on the snow with a slight thud.

spring drops (Field). 27. How many wild thickets...b, where

people haven't even gotten in yet! (Already). 28. Bark on trees and

bushes became glossy...twisted, shiny (V. Pol-

Thoratsky). 29. There were sailors on the boat, healthy, strong

soldiers, armed with daggers and pistols (Trans.).

30. The pig eats... the meat, but doesn’t notice the oak tree (ate).

Exercise 61 (repetitive). Rewrite by inserting where

necessary, missing letters. Writing words in a foreign language

Check the origins in a dictionary.

1.1. Compromising a girl is not in my rules

(L.). 2. In the stormy ac... rpan...ment, overflows were heard

waves (T.). 3. Besides them, there were other contenders

on the sister's hand (S.-Sch.). 4. You can find very instructive

solid precedents in serfdom practice (S.-Shch.).

5. Samghin’s patron was especially passionate about pe...i-

the mystical lyrics of Golenishchev-Kutuzov (M. G.).

6. Warships, having finished the summer campaign, became

went to the harbor (Nov.-Pr.) for the winter. 1. Soviet in-

tel...gencia is an integral part of the people (A.N.T.).

8. From time to time some kind of

some troubles and incidents (Telesh.). 9. Unacceptable

the yatel opened a hurricane of artillery fire and chain-

we went on the offensive (Furm.). 10. Trot ahead

the cavalry went (Furm.). 11. After breakfast the whole c...mpa-

niya went to a rest home (Good.). 12. From next year

Olga wanted to start experiments on alimatization of new

varieties of apple trees, cherries, gooseberries (Aram.).

II. 1. In a socialist society there is no antagonism

ical contradictions. 2. The revolution destroyed the

b...l...gated classes. 3. At an evening of poetry with pain

The young poet was a great success. 4. Line, co-

The one that divides the angle in half is called bi...ectri...oh.

5. The debutante coped well with a difficult role

an experienced intriguer. 6. Population of a number of overseas

countries increased due to...migration. 7. Conclude

body...horde of the...rising revolutionary movement-

in 1905 there was a December armed war...-

dancing. 8. The sun has already risen high above the horizon.

9. The tabletop competition is over

(ping...-pong). 10. The whole... history of the plant was a... neat

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Urakhchi basic secondary school"

Rybno-Slobodsky municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

“Writing O and E after sibilants

in endings and suffixes

nouns and adjectives"

(Russian language lesson in 4th grade)

Prepared and carried out

primary school teacher Lyubov Nikolaevna Chugunova


Subject: Writing O and E after sibilants in endings and suffixes of nouns and adjectives

Target: formation of spelling o, e after sibilants in endings and suffixes of nouns and adjectives

Tasks: - to identify the degree to which students have acquired knowledge about parts of speech (nouns, adjectives), morphemes of words;

To create conditions for the development of skills in correctly writing the letters O-E after sibilants in suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives in primary schoolchildren.

Develop coherent speech, creative thinking, the ability to compare, analyze and generalize.

Lesson type : a lesson in learning new material.

UUD: subject : apply knowledge on the topic being studied; make a collective decision in the process of joint activities; assess the level of their cognitive interest in the topic being studied; identify characteristic features and patterns.

Personal : mastering the personal meaning of learning; broad motivation for learning, acceptance of other people’s opinions; perception of education as a personal value; give adequate self-esteem.


Cognitive: extract the necessary information from the textbook and additional sources of knowledge (dictionaries, cards, tables).

Regulatory: regulate their own activities aimed at learning new things; plan their activities; are working according to plan.

Communicative: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and with peers; the ability to express one's thoughts; assessing the quality of one’s own and general educational activities

Planned results : the student will learn to explain the studied spelling; use the rule of writing o, e after sibilants (in endings and suffixes of nouns and adjectives)

Basic concepts: writing o, e after sibilants, noun, adjective, suffix, ending

Resources : Churakova N.A. Russian language. 4th grade: Textbook 1 hour;

Baykova T.A. Russian language. 4th grade: Notebook for independent work No. 1; cards for individual, pair and group work, tables with conclusions and an algorithm for working on writing O and E after sibilants in the endings and suffixes of nouns and adjectives, lesson plan, presentation.

Forms of work : frontal, group, pair, individual

During the classes:

I . Organizing time

The bell has already rung.
The lesson begins.
We are not alone today
The guests have arrived for the lesson.
Turn around quickly
Greet your guests!

Let's start the Russian language lesson.

Guys, please open your notebooks, check your seating, write down the date December 12, great job.

Study of language material .

U: guys. Pay attention to the board. Word combinations are written on the board. Why are different vowels placed after sibilants in the following words?

In the dark e m forest embroidered scarf e To

watchman e howl boat fluffy snow O To

in large O m house warm ray O m

hedgehog O mittens of huge bowls e th

You can use the hint. (disassemble the words according to their composition)

Teacher: Write down the words with spellings after the hissing words in your notebook, highlight the morpheme. (Grisha works on a piece of paper)

In which morpheme are there spelling patterns for vowels after sibilants? Are they spelled the same?

Suggested answer : vowel suffixes, endings and are written differently.

T: What will we talk about in class?


Spelling O and E after sibilants in endings and suffixes of nouns and adjectives

(Lesson topic on the board)

SETTING GOALS lesson by students using the technique of guessing

(continue sentences):

1. Let’s get acquainted………..

2. Let’s fix the spelling…………

3. Let’s check our ………….

II . Updating students' knowledge of the spelling of O and E after sibilants in noun suffixes

U: Now we will conductFINK - WRIGHT – ROUND ROBIN

Your task is to think. Insert the required letters on the pieces of paper. Then take turns reading your answer from the piece of paper.(we work in groups)

D: insert the required letters

U: Guys , having difficulty writing words.

D: yes

U: What are the difficulties?

D: writing letters o-e after the hissing ones

What happens? Problem situation

D: There is a problem: what letter should be written after the sibilants in the suffix O or E.

Q: How to solve the problem? Let's look atWhat part of the word is this spelling located in?

To do this, you need to find out from the base of which word these words are formed.

D: The word barrel is formed from the stem of the word bok using the suffix -ok. This means that this spelling is in the suffix.

Write in a notebook in a column of words: bok-, ram-, etc.

Reading the Bat poster on page 135

IN SUFFIXES OF NOUNSunder stress spelled Ono accent - E, if these nouns are formed from other nouns:

peasantO k – (from man);/

little bird - (starling);/

ravine – (from ravine);/

T: We place stress on the words on the pieces of paper. We check whether the missing letters were inserted correctly after the sibilants using the rule. We write down these words. What alternation do we see? (k/h, n/sh, etc.)

III . Exercises to consolidate the spelling of O and E (e) after hissing nouns in suffixes

    Exercise 103, from 103

T: Read the lines of poetry.

D: Sliced ​​the bitter ray(e\o)k old man(e\o)k

I had dinner with them and lay down (y\o)k.

U: Write down the words with the suffix -ok- in a column. Next to each of these words, write down the words from which they are derived. Show the alternation of consonants [k] \ [h] visible in the letter.

D: luh ok – luTo

oldh ok - oldTo

boh ok – boTo


Are you probably tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together!

They stomped their feet.

Hands patted.

Leaned right, left

They twisted and turned.

And everyone sat down at their desks.

We close our eyes tightly,

We count to five together.

Open, blink

And we continue to work


T: What is a noun?

D: A noun is an independent part of speech that denotes an object and answers the questions WHO? WHAT?

U: Which letter in noun suffixes is written under stress?

D: O is written under stress in noun suffixes.

U: Which letter in noun suffixes is written in an unstressed position?

D: In unstressed position, the letter E is written in noun suffixes

T: What is an adjective?

D: An adjective is an independent part of speech that denotes a characteristic of an object and answers the questions WHAT? WHICH? WHICH? WHICH?

U: What letters are written in the suffixes of adjectives after hissing ones?

V . Formation of students' knowledge of spelling O and E after hissing adjectives in suffixes

Bat Rule p.136.

U exercise 105, from 137

A) T: Read the task to yourself. Table No.... Participant No...., tell me what needs to be done.

D: From the stems of nouns you need to form adjectives using the suffix -ov- or -ev- and write them down. The resulting words need to be stressed and the suffix highlighted.

(mutual check)

T: You have cards with words on your tables. I also have cards with words. I pick up a card, and you make up a phrase by selecting nouns that are appropriate in meaning from the list and putting them in the correct form.

Group 1 adjective words: key..., reeds..., walrus..., hedgehog....

Group 2 words nouns: water, thickets, mustache, family.

T: Write two sentences that use all four phrases.

D: for example: The hedgehog family went for spring water. Suddenly a walrus mustache appeared from the reed thickets.

VI . Formation of students' knowledge of spelling O and E after sibilants in the endings of nouns and adjectives

Bat Rule, p.137

Doing exercise 106, page 137

VII . Lesson summary Reflection. ( Regulatory: accept and maintain the learning task when completing assignments; act taking into account the guidelines outlined by the teacher.)

Our lesson has come to an end.

I suggest you evaluate how you handled the task.

Take the emoticon that will tell you about your mood in class.

    What goal did we set for ourselves at the beginning of the lesson today?


    In the dark e m forest embroidered scarf e To

    watchman e howl boat fluffy snow O To

    in large O m house warm ray O m

    hedgehog O mittens of huge bowls e th

    Barrel..k, lamb..k, snow..k, badger..k, wreath..k, handkerchief..k, shepherd..k.









1. After f, h, w, sch are not written yu, I, s, but they are written y, a, and, For example: miracle, pike, hour, grove, fat, sew.

Letters Yu And I are allowed after these consonants only in foreign words (mostly French), for example: jury, parachute.

2. After f, h, w, sch under stress in accordance with pronunciation it is written O:

· at the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: shoulder, knife, hut, stranger, big;

· in suffixes of nouns and adjectives: - OK (horn, cockerel); -onok (bear, mouse); -onk-a (little book, little hand);-ov (hedgehog, penny); -He- (ridiculous);

· at the end of adverbs, for example : fresh, hot, general(But more).

3. After f, h, w, sch under stress it is written her), although it is pronounced O:

· in verb endings, for example: you're lying, lying etc., bake, bake etc.;

· in a verb suffix -yovyva-, For example: to obscure, to migrate;

· in the suffix of verbal nouns - yovk-, For example: migration, demarcation;

· in the suffix of nouns - er, For example: conductor, intern;

· in the suffix of passive participles -yonn- (-yon-) and in words formed from such participles, for example: tense, tense, tension, tense;

· in words in the root of which the accent is pronounced o, alternating with e in other forms or in other words of the same root, for example: yellow (turn yellow), hard (harsh), acorn (acorns);

· in the prepositional case of the pronoun What: about what, on what.

4. After ts in endings and suffixes it is written under stress O, without accent – e, For example: end with dance.

In foreign words the letter is allowed O and in unstressed syllables, for example: jockey, chocolate.

After ts in endings and suffixes - yn is written s: birds, cucumbers, white-faced, sisters, and also in words gypsy, chick, on tiptoe, chick(interjection) and in other words of the same root. In other cases, after ts always written And, For example: station, mat, zinc, medicine.

Double consonants

The combination of identical consonants in a word creates a certain spelling difficulty in writing them, since in some words they are pronounced as one long sound ( rein), in others - as one short sound ( Class).

1. In the roots of native Russian words, double consonants are rare, for example: burns, reins, yeast, juniper, quarrel, Russia, eleven.

2. Double consonants in the root, as a rule, are characteristic of borrowed words: alley, antenna, apparatus.

3. In the first part of compound words, which is a stem ending with a double consonant, only one consonant is written, for example: recording, group

Use of capital letters

1. The following are written in capital letters:

· first names, patronymics, last names, pseudonyms, nicknames, animal names, mythological creatures and deities, characters in works of art, geographical and astronomical names, names of states, republics, for example: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great (Peter I), Zeus, Mars, Moscow region, Pamir;

· names of highest government organizations and institutions, as well as names of highest government positions and honorary titles: State Duma, President Russian Federation;

· letter and sound abbreviations formed from proper names: Moscow Art Theater, All-Russian Exhibition Center.

2. The first word is written with a capital letter:

· in complex names of ministries, scientific institutions, higher educational institutions, in the names of holidays, historical eras and events: Moscow Pedagogical University, Teacher's Day, Peter's era;

· in possessive adjectives with suffixes –ov (-ev), -in, -sk(Ivan's childhood), as well as in adjectives with the suffix –sk, if they are part of names with the meaning “the name of such and such”: Nobel Prize;

· generally accepted abbreviations of names: Bolshoi Theater - State Order of Lenin Bolshoi Theater.

3. Names of colors formed from proper names are written with a lowercase letter; particles, prepositions included in given names and surnames: Ivan da Marya, Baudouin de Courtenay.

4. Proper names used in the meaning of common nouns are written with a capital letter if they have not lost their individuality.

Spelling N and NN in adjectives

1.Double n is written

· in suffixes -enn-, -he N- adjectives formed from nouns, for example: straw, sickly, cranberry, revolutionary;

at the junction of the base ending in n, and suffix n (lunar, legal).

2. One n written with suffixes -an-, (-yang-)(leather, wood); -in-(nightingale, chicken). Adjectives wooden, tin, glass are written with double n.

3. With one n adjectives are written: crimson, drunk, ruddy, young, green, windy (but windless, ventilated).

Spelling Н and НН in participles and verbal adjectives

1. In complete passive past participles it is written nn(as a rule, these participles have prefixes or explanatory words), in short - n: verified work – work verified. In short verbal adjectives the spelling is preserved nn: valuable invention - the invention is valuable.

2. In adjectives formed from passive past participles, it is written n, if these adjectives do not have a prefix: scientific works, wounded border guards, smoked sausage, boiled milk, dried fish.

3. C nn adjectives of verbal origin are written in -ovated, -evanny(except chewed And forged), For example: spoiled child, uprooted area.

4. Two nn written in some adjectives formed from unprefixed verbs: given, made, sacred, unprecedented, unexpected, unexpected, unheard.

Spelling pronouns

1. In negative pronouns, the accent is written Not, without accent – neither. Particles Not And neither written together in the absence of a preposition ( nobody), separately in the presence of a preposition that is placed between the particle and the pronoun ( in no one).

2. Combinations none other (other) than..., none other (other) than have the meaning of opposition, due to which a negative particle is written (separately) in them Not.

Pronoun combinations no one else...; nothing else is..., are not associated with opposition and, as a rule, are used in sentences that contain negation. In these combinations, the particle ni is used, which is written together with the pronoun, for example: no one else could say it;

3. Suffixes – That, -or, -someday and prefix some- as part of indefinite pronouns they are written with a hyphen ( anything). If there is a preposition after some the latter is written separately: with someone.

Spelling verbs

Verbs with unstressed personal endings are distributed according to conjugations as follows:

all verbs in -it, as well as 6 verbs in -there are: twirl, see, depend, offend, watch, endure- and 4 verbs -at: drive, hold, breathe, hear- belong to the II conjugation, and endings are written in them -hey, -it, -them, -ite, -at(-yat);

· all other verbs belong to the I conjugation, and endings are written in them -eat, -et, -eat, -yeah, -ut(s).

Exception: Verbs shave And rest on- I conjugation ( shave, shave; is built, is built).

Prefixed verbs follow the conjugation of the unprefixed verbs from which they are formed, for example: have a drink, have a drink(cf. drink, drink) - I conjugation; get some sleep, get some sleep(cf. sleep, sleep) - II conjugation.

Verb want in units h. has endings of the I conjugation ( want, wants), and in plural. part of the end of the second conjugation ( want, want, want).

Verb lay used only in the infinitive and past tense, personal forms are formed from the verb lay I conjugation.

Spelling adverbs

1. Adverbs with prefixes V-, on-, behind- have at the end -O (to the right, tightly). Adverbs with prefixes to-, from-, With- have at the end – A (dry, occasionally).

2. Adverbs are written together:

formed by combining prepositions with adverbs, for example: until now, from outside, forever, the day after tomorrow, completely, for nothing;

What should be distinguished from such adverbs are combinations of prepositions written separately with unchangeable words used in these cases in the meaning of nouns, for example: till tomorrow, at random, to no(negate) with a bang;

formed by combining prepositions V And on with collective numbers, for example: double, triple, quadruple etc., in two, in three, But: in twos, in threes.

· formed by combining prepositions with short adjectives, for example: dry, dead, from afar, hastily, little by little, in vain, slowly, rashly;

· formed by combining prepositions with full adjectives and pronouns, for example: hard-boiled, close, hand-to-hand, often, recklessly, at random, for the first time, probably in a draw, with might and main.

Note. Adverbs of this type are written separately, composed of the preposition in and in my opinion, like a bird,in German; adjective starting with a vowel, for example: openly.

3. Adverbs are written with a hyphen:

· ending in – wow, -to him, -tski, -ski, –ee with attachment By-, For example: By-

ending with –s, - them with prefixes V-, in-, For example: Firstly Secondly;

· formed by repetition of words or word stems, for example: barely, barely;

· indefinite adverbs with particles some, -That, -or, someday, For example: somehow, somewhere, sometime.

4. Write separately:

combinations of nouns with prepositions without (tirelessly), before (till I drop), V(in trade for), on (on the run), behind(after midnight), With (right away), By(the old fashioned way), under (quietly), from(at most);

· some combinations of figurative, figurative meaning ( fundamentally wrong, it plays into my hands to get into a dead end).

Spelling prepositions

1. Complex prepositions are written with a hyphen because of, from under, over, for;

2. Prepositions are written together in view of(meaning “for a reason”), like(meaning “like”), instead of, due to, like, about, above.

3. Prepositions are written in two words as, due, in business, in a relationship, during, Finally, in continuation, by virtue of, due to.

4. Prepositions during, Finally, in continuation, due to have at the end e;

5. Prepositions regardless of, despite should be distinguished from a gerund with a particle Not(despite, despite)

Spelling conjunctions

To distinguish unions Same, Also, to from consonant combinations Same, just like that, you need to be guided by the following:

· If or is a particle, it can usually be omitted, for example: work like everyone else - work like everyone else; if this cannot be done, then or is part of the union ( Also, Same) and is written together;

· If would– a particle, it can be transferred to another part of a sentence or combination, for example: no matter what he did - no matter what he did; if this cannot be done, then would is part of the union ( to) and is written together;

· unions Same And Also can be replaced with other conjunctions, for example: The students in this group love physics, and I am also (too) interested in it. The students in this group love physics, and I am interested in it.

  1. O , according to pronunciation:

    a) at the endings of nouns, for example: dugout, turn(by turning), leafage, volume, footage, montage, dummy, page, rack, ball, paralysis, sultana, hut, tick, ivy, boundary, candle, left-handed, sling(cf. unstressed endings: turn- in photography, landscape, prestige, type, tonnage, timing; crying; apash, plush; vegetable; dacha, burden, forest);

    b) at the endings of adjectives, for example: alien, big(cf. unstressed endings: red, good);

    c) in suffixes of nouns: -OK (debt, hook, shepherd, borscht), -onok (bear cub, wolf cub, frog), -onk-a (little book, nag, little soul);

    d) in suffixes of adjectives: -ov- (hedgehog, scallop, penny, horsetail), -He (with fluent O : ridiculous);

    e) at the end (in suffixes) of adverbs, for example: fresh, already(meaning “later”, “after”), hot, evening(meaning “yesterday evening”), in general.

  2. After the hissing letters it is written her) , although pronounced O :

    a) at the endings of verbs, for example: lies, flows;

    b) in a verb suffix -yovyva- , For example: to demarcate, to uproot, to obscure;

    c) in a suffix -yovk- verbal nouns, for example: demarcation, uprooting(But: hacksaw– from an adjective knife);

    d) in a suffix -er- nouns, for example: intern, retoucher;

    d) in the suffix -yonn-(-yon-) passive participles, for example: defeated, watered, stopped; defeated, watered down, stopped; in the suffix -yon- verbal adjectives, for example: burnt, smoked; in words derived from words of this type, for example: roasted meat, smoked meats, stewed meat, simplified;

    f) in the prepositional case of the pronoun What : about what, on what; in words and, never mind.

§ 36. Vowels after ts

  1. After ts in endings and suffixes it is written under stress O , without accent – e . For example: end - finger, merchants - traders, coat - frock, tibia - suttsevy, ring - ring.
  2. After ts in endings and suffixes it is written s (as opposed to spelling in roots), for example: fighters, streets, red-faced, sisters.

    Note. In surnames, vowels after sibilants and ts are written independently of the rules given in § 35 and 36, in accordance with the spellings in official documents. Wed: Pugachev – Tkachov, Shishov – Chernyshev, Lisitsyn – Tsitsin.