Artillery Day history. When is the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery celebrated in Russia?

All about spotlights

Undoubtedly, today there are many holidays that are directly related to the entire country. The military, as a rule, celebrates all events related to any branch of the military. Rocket Forces Day in 2017, what date and year they were created is of interest to many.

Missile Forces and Artillery Day - a little history of the holiday

So, if we touch on our history, we can safely note that these troops found their name back in 1964. We can immediately say that such a day is not a red number on the calendar, which is why it is not official. But in our country there are many professional holidays. The Day of Missile Forces and Artillery belongs to these, but on what date in 2017 such an event should be celebrated, we can immediately stipulate that the long-awaited and unusual day of the missilemen will come on November 19th.

I would like to emphasize the facts that our country, thanks to the combat readiness of this type of troops, has reliable protection and strong support for Russian Federation. Strong and courageous troops are able to protect the country from any onslaught of world powers. Every day, thousands of people honor their service in the army, and, of course, it would be unfair to forget about such a professional and honorable day for everyone, especially since the memorable date originated a long time ago and is proudly celebrated by the whole country, although it is not official.

Artillery is one of the oldest branches of the military. In 1382, artillery pieces were used for the first time and were used exclusively against enemies. If we touch on past years, we can safely note that such troops experienced many changes, that is, they were reformed, merged and separated with other branches of the military, but the tasks assigned to them remained unchanged.

Who celebrates the holiday of the missile forces

Professional Day is celebrated not only by military personnel, but also by everyone who is directly involved in the development of equipment, specialists and scientists producing equipment, as well as many other workers who work for the benefit of their homeland, developing various kinds of weapons and much more.

Rocket Forces and Artillery Day is celebrated in the third autumn month, which date is also known, namely November 19. On this occasion, specially trained troops have their own history, which is passed on to the new generation from year to year. The history of the holiday can tell how once upon a time such an industry as rocketry appeared, and only then the rocket unit and artillery were formed.

Next, the state tried its best to increase and raise its missile potential with a combination of trained personnel. Which had to have the ability to control their own forces, as well as solve tasks regardless of the location of the object. Moreover, these forces were reliable, strong and resilient, because it was simply impossible to do otherwise.

How can you celebrate a revered holiday?

The solemn day of this holiday should certainly be celebrated with family and friends. Almost all military personnel spend this special day with their family. Indeed, due to their difficult chosen profession, such people are often absent from home, so for their professional celebration they want to be with their family.

Of course, men usually decide for themselves how to spend such a day and most often their choice falls on a festive dinner, which the hostess of the house happily prepares, and her loved ones help her with this. After all, Missile Forces Day 2017 is already known what date it will be and you can slowly prepare for this celebration.

The festive atmosphere should satisfy all guests, so many often prepare various treats and entertainment. Although it is precisely on such a holiday that men also like to relax in nature, while also organizing music. After all, every person probably knows that there is no better way to relax than in nature. But here you need to guess the weather, because in a frosty blizzard it will not be very comfortable outside.

Rocket Forces and Artillery Day is undoubtedly a men's holiday, so the prepared dishes must be made from meat (for example), and treats cooked on the grill will clearly become the crowning masterpieces of culinary delight, baked potatoes are also suitable.

Such serious troops consist mainly of patriots, their own business, where there is a clear head and strong, reliable hands, so the holiday can be organized by inventing and acting out scenes where humor will be present, and also, if desired, everyone can take part in practical jokes.

If the weather conditions suddenly fail and leaving the house for nature is not possible, then you can organize a festive party in a restaurant. You can invite your loved ones and relatives there, and in this way arrange a surprise for the stronger half of the solemn holiday. After all, they will probably gladly accept such an invitation.

Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it happens where it is felt, where it is expected. A lot has changed in our lives in recent years, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery is celebrated to commemorate the services of artillery in the defeat of the Nazis at Stalingrad, which ensured the counter-offensive of the Red Army on November 19, 1942.

History of the holiday Day of Missile Forces and Artillery

The Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is celebrated on the basis of the Decree of the USSR PVS of November 1, 1988 and has existed since the official emergence of the Armed Forces. Of course, this branch of the military is important for our army, which means that the established holiday should be celebrated with honor. Only once a year do these warriors have the opportunity to attract the attention of the entire country. To do this, they organize demonstration exercises, shooting and parades.

It was not for nothing that artillery was called the “god of war.” It is difficult to overestimate the role of artillery and missile forces in ensuring the country's defense capability. Our military history is full of examples of heroism, courage and dedication shown by artillerymen and rocket men. The achievements of our scientists have provided the country with world leadership in the development of rocket technology. The people of Russia and the whole world remember these glorious names and memorable events.

Today, missile forces and artillery are the pride of the Russian army and the country’s military-industrial complex, the most important part of the system national defense, one of its most high-tech areas. There are reliable defenders guarding the strategic security of the country.

The first mention of the beginning of the use of guns in Rus' dates back to 1382. Then, for several days (August 23 - 26), repelling the assault of the troops of Khan Tokhtamysh, the heroic defenders of Moscow used not only bows and crossbows, but also fired from mattresses and cannons, as the Nikon Chronicle says.

History of artillery

The Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is an excellent occasion to look at a page of history.

There was no clear organization of artillery in the initial period of its existence. The main purpose of artillery was to protect fortress cities. The artillery was a so-called outfit. The wars continued, and the importance and need for artillery increased sharply. Due to the growing importance of artillery in battles and battles, during the military reform carried out by Ivan IV (the Terrible), the outfit in Rus' in the middle of the 16th century took shape as a branch of the military.

A bombardment company was created in the Preobrazhensky Regiment, this was the beginning of regular artillery. Artillery underwent serious transformations during the reign of Peter I and received a powerful impetus for its development. And at the end of the 18th century, the Russian horse artillery was finally formed.

The formidable power of Russian artillery and the fighting qualities of domestic artillerymen were tested near Poltava, during the capture of Izmail, and in the Battle of Borodino.

In the second half of the 19th century, artillery science began to develop rapidly, and the artillery military school was actively improved.

During the Russian-Japanese War and on the fronts of the First World War, domestic artillery showed high combat performance. After October 1917, the Soviet leadership put forward the development and strengthening of artillery and the construction of enterprises for the production of artillery equipment and weapons as the priority tasks of the state after October 1917. Artillery made a decisive contribution to achieving overall victory in literally all wars and battles. In 1940, artillery was called the “god of war,” and artillery justified this purpose on the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War.

For services shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 21, 1944 established a holiday - Artillery Day (since 1964 - Rocket Forces and Artillery Day) which is celebrated on November 19. The date November 19 was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1942, the counteroffensive of Soviet troops near Stalingrad began, marking the beginning of a radical turning point in the war, and artillery played a huge role in this counteroffensive.

The intensive development of artillery continued in the USSR after the Great Patriotic War. Thus, new, more modern and powerful weapons were developed. And this significantly increased the power of artillery units and formations.

In 1946, the first missile formation was formed on the basis of one of the guards mortar regiments. Participation in testing the first ballistic missiles, independently conducting their launches, and developing basic provisions for the combat use of missile formations were his main tasks.

In 1961, the final formation of missile forces and artillery took place as a branch of the Ground Forces.

The equipment of the missile forces and artillery with means of supporting fire has radically changed. The use of target detection radars, laser and infrared devices, spotter helicopters, meteorological stations, topographic referencing tools and others made it possible to significantly improve shooting accuracy.

Rocketeers and artillerymen took an active part in combat operations in Afghanistan, in peacekeeping operations in the CIS, and in counter-terrorism operations as part of the United Group of Russian Forces in the North Caucasus. Of course, rocket men and artillerymen confirmed the high quality of domestic artillery in all these local wars and military conflicts.

In 1997, in connection with the disbandment of the Main Command of the Ground Forces, by the directive of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1997 No. 314/2/0665, the missile troops and artillery of the Ground Forces were transformed into the missile troops and artillery of the RF Armed Forces.

We sincerely congratulate the rocket and artillerymen on their holiday, Happy Rocket Forces and Artillery Day!

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The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery is celebrated to commemorate the services of artillery in the defeat of the Nazis at Stalingrad, which ensured the counteroffensive of the Red Army on November 19, 1942.

holiday Day of Missile Forces and Artillery

The Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is celebrated on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988 and has existed since the official emergence of the Armed Forces. Of course, this branch of the military is important for our army, which means that the established holiday should be celebrated with honor. Only once a year do these warriors have the opportunity to attract the attention of the entire country. To do this, they organize demonstration exercises, shooting and parades.
It was not for nothing that artillery was called the “god of war.” It is difficult to overestimate the role of artillery and missile forces in ensuring the country's defense capability.

Our military history is full of examples of heroism, courage and dedication shown by artillerymen and rocket men. The achievements of our scientists have provided the country with world leadership in the development of rocket technology. The people of Russia and the whole world remember these glorious names and memorable events.
Today, missile forces and artillery are the pride of the Russian army and the country’s military-industrial complex, the most important part of the national defense system, one of its most high-tech areas. There are reliable defenders guarding the strategic security of the country.

The first mention of the beginning of the use of guns in Rus' dates back to 1382. Then, for several days (August 23 - 26), repelling the assault of the troops of Khan Tokhtamysh, the heroic defenders of Moscow used not only bows and crossbows, but also fired from mattresses and cannons, as the Nikon Chronicle says.

History of artillery

There was no clear organization of artillery in the initial period of its existence. The main purpose of artillery was to protect fortress cities. The artillery was a so-called outfit. The wars continued, and the importance and need for artillery increased sharply. Due to the growing importance of artillery in battles and battles, during the military reform carried out by Ivan IV (the Terrible), the outfit in Rus' in the middle of the 16th century took shape as a branch of the military.

A bombardment company was created in the Preobrazhensky Regiment, this was the beginning of regular artillery. Artillery underwent serious transformations during the reign of Peter I and received a powerful impetus for its development. And at the end of the 18th century, the Russian horse artillery was finally formed.

The formidable power of Russian artillery and the fighting qualities of domestic artillerymen were tested near Poltava, during the capture of Izmail, and in the Battle of Borodino.

In the second half of the 19th century, artillery science began to develop rapidly, and the artillery military school was actively improved.
During the Russian-Japanese War and on the fronts of the First World War, domestic artillery showed high combat qualities. Among the priority tasks of the state after October 1917, the Soviet leadership put forward the development and strengthening of artillery, the construction of enterprises for the production of artillery equipment and weapons. Artillery made a decisive contribution to achieving overall victory in literally all wars and battles. In 1940, artillery was called the “god of war,” and artillery justified this purpose on the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War.

For the merits shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 21, 1944 established a holiday - Artillery Day (since 1964 - Rocket Forces and Artillery Day), which is celebrated on November 19. The date November 19 was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1942, the counteroffensive of Soviet troops near Stalingrad began, marking the beginning of a radical turning point in the war, and artillery played a huge role in this counteroffensive.

The intensive development of artillery continued in the USSR after the Great Patriotic War. Thus, new, more modern and powerful weapons were developed. And this significantly increased the power of artillery units and formations.

In 1946, the first missile formation was formed on the basis of one of the guards mortar regiments. Participation in testing the first ballistic missiles, independently conducting their launches, and developing basic provisions for the combat use of missile formations were his main tasks.

In 1961, the final formation of missile forces and artillery took place as a branch of the Ground Forces.

The equipment of the missile forces and artillery with means of supporting fire has radically changed. The use of target detection radars, laser and infrared devices, spotter helicopters, meteorological stations, topographic referencing tools and others made it possible to significantly improve shooting accuracy.

Rocketeers and artillerymen took an active part in combat operations in Afghanistan, in peacekeeping operations in the CIS, and in counter-terrorism operations as part of the United Group of Russian Forces in the North Caucasus. Of course, rocket men and artillerymen confirmed the high quality of domestic artillery in all these local wars and military conflicts.

In 1997, in connection with the disbandment of the Main Command of the Ground Forces, by the directive of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1997 No. 314/2/0665, the missile troops and artillery of the Ground Forces were transformed into the missile troops and artillery of the RF Armed Forces.

Happy holiday!

Artillery Day on November 19 is celebrated by officers and soldiers, cadets and contract soldiers, all military personnel for whom defending the Motherland is not just a profession, but a calling.

It’s worth saying “thank you” to the shooters, first of all, for the peaceful sky above our heads and the free land under our feet. After all, if it weren’t for these courageous, strong and fearless guys with good hearts, we might not have breathed deeply in our beautiful and powerful country!

Artillery is a closed society

Before congratulating the heroes of the occasion, it is worth remembering their history. What exactly are we celebrating when we celebrate Artillery Day?

It has long been believed that the shooter is not a warrior, but a special class of military society. Work on fire weapons, as well as their use, was the privilege of only its creators. Artillerymen were first and foremost craftsmen. They hired workers, owned their own workshops, and did not take orders from senior military leaders. Thanks to the shroud of secrecy that reigned in the workshops, even the rulers of the states did not know exactly what was happening there. In general, it was a kind of closed group, a society with its own secrets, interests and ideas.

The history of artillery goes back centuries. And back in the Middle Ages, the Chinese used gunpowder to launch projectiles at the enemy.

History of Russian artillery

In the early 1700s, a rocket laboratory was created in Moscow, which largely worked on making light rockets in the likeness of fireworks. Since 1820, the first combat missiles with a firing range of more than 2500 meters appeared in the arsenal of the Russian army.

The next step in the development of artillery was made at the beginning of the twentieth century. Military scientists began to use smokeless gunpowder, which helped increase the mass of the rocket and the range of its impact. A few years after this, the first rocket school was opened.

Subsequently, it was from such educational institutions that such masters of space as Sergei Korolev and Valentin Glushko graduated.

The first missiles in the Soviet army, and at the same time the main weapons during the Great Patriotic War, were RS82 and RS132, in accordance with the diameter of the projectile in millimeters.

The only girl in the artillery regiment

In June 1941, Russian soil was covered by a cloud of Nazi invaders. The Barbarossa plan and the unexpected war captivated the people.

It was this period that glorified the only girl in the artillery regiment, the strong, graceful and fast “Katyusha”. This is a rocket artillery combat vehicle.

Back in 1938, military scientists decided to develop vehicles on which launchers could be placed. The main function is the speed of mobilization and convenience during an attack. When the project was ready, the vehicles were called BM13 (combat vehicle with a projectile with a diameter of 13 cm). People began to call them simply “Katyusha”. During the war years, more than 10,000 of these combat vehicles reached the front. According to one version, the installation got its “name” thanks to a song that was popular in the pre-war period. But a more beautiful explanation says that Katyusha is a partisan girl who destroyed a large number of opponents.

Introduction of the holiday - gratitude for services

Artillery Day is celebrated on November 19, because it was this date that became a turning point in the history of the Great Patriotic War. Then, back in 1942, Stalingrad, after a long blockade, announced to the enemy with volleys that he would not put up with the yoke placed on his neck. At 7.30 in the morning the artillery showed the full power of its fire, which caused irreparable damage to Hitler’s troops. This was the first time the enemy had received a blow of such force. Artillery Day was established in memory of this significant event.

The law establishing a new tradition was submitted at the height of the war, namely in 1944. After the successful Stalingrad breakthrough, by order of the Presidium, the Soviet Union decided to schedule a new military celebration and thereby honor the heroes. A few years later, in 1964, Artillery Day was combined with the holiday. After all, they are not just “neighbors,” but “brothers.” Since then, the two celebrations have merged into one - Rocket Artillery Day.

Restoring the artillery day

For some time the country forgot its heroes. But by order of the head of state dated May 31, 2006, in connection with the deployment of a program to establish professional holidays in honor of the military, November 19 is designated as the Day of Celebration of the State Artillery Forces. Artillery and missile forces are the basic basis of the troops of the Russian Federation. Units of this specialization are most in demand during combat operations. The further course of operations depends on their maneuvers. The main task of artillery is to maintain superiority over the enemy in fire.

Movie: artillerymen

Soviet-era films are worth more than one Oscar. Most of us grew up on good old comedies. The military theme has always been one of the most popular. Therefore, the theme of artillerymen was often filmed. The guys from the regiment are always good-natured, sincere and interesting. They have a sense of humor, they are not stingy with beautiful words, and at the same time they are extremely modest.

Perhaps more than one boy, watching a war film, wished in his heart to become an artilleryman in the future. Well, imagine the film “Wedding in Malinovka” without Yashka the Artilleryman? And we would fall in love with the film “Ivan Brovkin” if main character wasn't a shooter? The Artillery Day holiday is a celebration of our youth. Along with the parade, it carries a share of nostalgia for bygone, good and bright times.

Artillerymen still inspire girls to write romantic letters, directors to make talented films, and little boys to dream of a military career.

Fame Museums

Military shooters have earned their fame like no other. They do not hide under water, do not soar in the sky and do not drive large tanks, but without their work, one might say, victory would be much more difficult. Therefore, it is not without reason that in every school, village, museum of a big city, one corner will definitely be dedicated to artillery heroes.

For example, the “Military Glory of the Urals” - a gallery of military equipment - is proud of numerous examples of artillery and armored vehicles. The city is proud of more than 50 armored vehicles, including vehicles dating back to 1911.

Where do they train to become artillerymen?

Boys are instilled with a love for military service from school. Every second of them, during the parade on Artillery Day, November 19, secretly dreams of It is for such future defenders of the Fatherland that special schools operate. One of them, the oldest and most prestigious establishment, is in St. Petersburg. Since the distant 1701, the school has been preparing professionals in their field.

Congratulations on Artillery Day for defenders

Like any military man, on this holiday artillerymen should wish to fight only in training.

“Let gun shots ring out in your honor only at parades. You are the main fire in military operations, so let the equally strong fire of faith, hope and love always burn in your life.”

“We wish that there will always be one, faithful friend, to whom “Katyusha” will not yield. Let the path of your life be illuminated with fireworks and salutes. Let the orders hanging on the chest be not only a symbol of success, but also a sign that stimulates further exploits.”

“Let the medals be only one-sided. Congratulations on Artillery Day are accepted at the national level, since behind the broad chest there are millions of lives. We wish you to go through life with a fair wind, which will fan the flag raised high in the peaceful sky, thanks to you. Strive for the stars - not only those on your shoulder straps, but those in the skies. We wish you victories without losses."

Artillery Day is a holiday for all military personnel. After all, every army unit has firearms in its arsenal. This day is a solemn day for all those who courageously and fearlessly defend their land.