Saints are name days in November. Saints - name days in November November 22 names according to the church calendar for men

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Names November 22nd to church calendar(saints)

November 22 / December 5

Agave - locust, or water (Heb.);
Alexy (Alexey) - protect, protector (Greek); assistant, help (lat.);
Athanasius (Apanas, Afanas) - immortality, immortal (Greek);
Apphia (Appia) - kindle, kindle (Greek);
Arkhipp (Arkhip) - chief horseman, senior horseman, commanding horses (Greek);
Valerian (Valerian) - to be strong, healthy; from the city of Valeria (lat.);
Vasily - Tsar, royal, royal (Greek);
Vladimir - owner of the world (glory); famous (German);
Gerasim - venerable, honest (Greek).
Jacob (Jacob) - following someone, following on the heels (Heb.).
Elijah (Ilya) - the strength of the Lord, the Lord is my God (Heb.);
John (Ivan) - God has mercy, the grace of God, God is pleased (Heb.);
Joasaph (Josaph, Asaph, Asaph) - The Lord is the judge, God has gathered (Greek);
Kikilia (Cecilia) - dancing, jubilant (lat.); blind, nearsighted (Roman);
Maxim (Max) - the biggest, greatest (lat.);
Menign - fearless, strong knee (Greek);
Michael is like God himself; equal to God (Heb.);
Pavel - small, small (lat.);
Paraskeva (Praskovya, Paraskovya) - Friday, preparation (Greek);
Procopius (Prokop, Prokofy) - unsheathed, grabbed the sword by the hilt, successful (Greek);
Tiburtius - Tibur (city in Italy) (lat.);
Theodore (Fedor) - God's gift (Greek);
Philemon (Philo) - beloved, kissed (Greek);
Yaropolk is a strong military leader (glory).

Do you know that...

November 22 (December 5) is the day of remembrance of the martyr Procopius of Caesarea (Reader). Procopius was from Jerusalem and served as a reader in the Church of Caesarea. He preached the Word of God, translated the Holy Scriptures into Syriac, and practiced healing.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.

Name and career

Along with character, the name also determines the profession - in which field a person can most successfully build his career. A name can help or hinder the achievement of goals.

Men's and women's name day November 22 according to the church calendar! Who is celebrating Angel Day today? Full list female and male names and their meanings in the Orthodox calendar 2019!

Men's name day November 22

AlexanderComes from Greek. Meaning “protector of husbands (people). Honoring the martyr Alexander of Thessalonica.
Anton (Antony)Roman cognate name. Greek origin. Means "acquired in exchange."

Martyr Anthony.

Artamon (Artemon)Comes from Greek. Meaning "in good health." Veneration of the martyr Artemon.
Efim (Evfimiy)Greek origin. Means "benevolent". Honoring the Venerable Euthymius of Dochiarsky.
Ivan (John)Hebrew name. It means "God's grace." Memory of St. John Kolov.

Comes from Greek. Meaning "dark-skinned". Honoring the martyr Moor.

NeophyteOrigin is Greek. Means “young, new.” Veneration of the Venerable Neophytos of Dochiar.
OnesiphorusGreek origin. It means “beneficial.” Memory of the Monk Onesiphorus of Pechersk.
PorfiryComes from Greek. Veneration of the martyr Porfiry.
Semyon (Simeon)The name of one of the tribes of Israel. Jewish origin. Means “He who hears God.” Veneration of the Monk Simeon Metaphrastus.
TimofeyComes from Greek. Meaning "one who honors God." Honoring the martyr Timothy.
ChristopherGreek origin. Means "Christ-bearer". Martyr Christopher.
ElladiusComes from Greek. Derived from the word “helladios,” which means “Greek, from Hellas.”

Women's name day November 22

EvstoliaComes from Greek. Means "well dressed." Memory of Venerable Eustolia.
MatronGreek origin. It means “honorable, noble woman.” Veneration of the Venerable Matrona.


Comes from Greek. Means “preserving, saving father.” Female form male name Sosipatr.

Greek origin. Meaning "created by God." Feminine form of the male name Theoktist. Memory of the Venerable Theoktista.

Celebration of the Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”.
A miraculous ancient image that is located in the Dochiar monastery on Holy Mount Athos. According to legend, it was written in the fifth century, when Saint Neophytos was the abbot. Walking with a lighted torch, the refector Nile heard a voice from the icon of the Mother of God, calling him not to walk again and not to smoke the image. Thinking that this was a joke from one of the brethren, he continued to go to the refectory with a smoking splinter. Suddenly he lost his sight. Repentant, Neil prayed in front of the icon, asking for forgiveness. The Mother of God soon restored the monk’s sight, and to this day she consoles and provides first aid to all who come to Her with faith.

Copies of the miraculous icon were especially revered in Rus'. Most of them became famous for their miracles of healing.

Meaning: “Power of God” Origin: Russian form of the Hebrew name Elijah. Character: Ilya is a very economical person. From childhood, he learns to help his father and mother in all household chores and masters a wide variety of skills. Ilya can participate in construction work on a summer cottage,...

  • Timothy congratulate Meaning: “Who honors God” Origin: This name comes from the Greek “timotheos”. The name Timothy came to the territory of Russia from Byzantium during the period of adoption of Christianity by pagan Russia. The patron saint of all Timothys is the Christian martyr Timothy, Prince of Pskov, who was canonized after he suffered torture for the Orthodox...
  • Anton congratulate Meaning: “Entering battle”, “competing in strength.” Origin: This name is probably derived from the Roman name Antony. Roman family name. Character: As a small child, Anton is charming and immediately puts you at ease. These qualities remain with him throughout his life. The main character traits of Anton...
  • Ivan congratulate Meaning: “Yahweh (God) had mercy, had mercy.” Origin: This name has the ancient form John of Hebrew origin. Different nations pronounce this name differently: Jean, John, Jan, Hans, Giovanni, Johan, Juan, Yannis. Personality: Boys with such a common name can have very different...
  • Dmitry congratulate Meaning: “Dedicated to the fertility goddess Demeter” Origin: The origin of this name is associated with the name Demeter from ancient mythology. She is the goddess of earth and fertility. Character: Dmitry grows up as a sickly child. He will suffer from a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious...
  • Fedor congratulate Meaning: “God’s gift” Origin: Ancient Greek name. Character: Fedor as a child is a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes aloof from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's neatness. His things will always be in full...
  • Alexander congratulate Meaning: “Protector of people” Origin: The name comes from the Greek words, “Alex” - protector and “andros” - man. Character: As children, Alexandras often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden themselves and engage in physical exercise, then they grow into strong and persistent men. Alexandra...
  • Joseph congratulate Meaning: Translated from Hebrew - “May God multiply.” Origin: This is a Hebrew name. In Rus' there was the form Osip, in England there is Joseph, in Germany - Joseph, in France - Joseph, in Spain - Jose, in Poland - Joseph. In biblical legends, the son of the patriarch Jacob and Rachel is known, whom his brothers sold to Egypt out of envy. Also the name Joseph...
  • Konstantin congratulate Meaning: “Persistent, constant.” Origin: The name came from Byzantium. Personality: Very fearful as a child, constantly in a state of anxiety. It is very difficult to get used to strangers and new surroundings. Getting used to kindergarten and the school will require significant efforts from Konstantin, and will cost parents...
  • Semyon congratulate Meaning: Russian form of the name Simeon, meaning “listening.” The full form of the name means “heard by God.” Origin: Russian form of the ancient Jewish name Simeon (Shimon). Character: Young people and men bearing the name Semyon are advised to treat themselves with a certain amount of humor - this is exactly the approach...
  • Victor congratulate Meaning: “Winner” Origin: The name has Greek roots. Character: Victor is a gullible boy, he believes everything that adults tell him. Having learned about the deception, he is very upset; Victor is not vindictive, quickly forgets grievances and again treats people with trust. You can try to force Victor to study...
  • Alexey congratulate Meaning: “Protective”, “protector”. Origin: The name comes from the ancient Greek word "alex", meaning "to protect". The traditional church form is Alexy. Character: A calm and quiet woman will give this name to her son. Although Alexey has been very attached to his mother since childhood and is much like her, he immediately...
  • Porfiry congratulate Meaning: The name Porfiry translated from Greek means “crimson.” Origin: Under this name, the calendar lists Porfiry, a martyr who was born from an extramarital affair between the Roman emperor Flavius ​​and his mistress Helen. His father did not recognize him as a son. Porfiry received a good education thanks to his mother, he traveled a lot, introducing the laity to the church....
  • Patron Saint: Alexander of Thessaloniki, martyr

    Meaning of the name: Alexander is a man of action. Sober-minded, slightly ironic, easy to communicate with people, kind and warm-hearted. By temperament, most often - sanguine. An excellent athlete, most of all Alexander...

    Patron Saint: Alexy Zadvornov, hieromonk, Venerable Martyr New Martyr, 2000

    Meaning of the name: 1. Personality of the male name Alexey. Those who hide.

    2. Character. 86%.

    3. Radiation. 83%.

    4. Vibration. 75,000 oscillations/s.

    5. Color. Blue.

    Patron Saint: Anthony of Apamea, martyr, stonecutter

    Meaning of the name: Presumably the Russian form of the ancient Roman name Antony (entering into battle).

    As a rule, this is a charming child. He retains the charm that endears him to adulthood...

    Patron Saint: Victor Klimov, holy martyr, priest New Martyr, 2000

    Name meaning: 1. Personality. Men who love their home and are attached to it.

    2. Character. 95%.

    3. Radiation. 97%.

    4. Vibration. 95,000 vibrations/s.

    5. Color. Green.

    Patron Saint: Dimitry Rusinov, Archpriest, Hieromartyr New Martyr, 2000

    Meaning of the name: Dmitry secret name - from Greek: related to Demeter, in ancient mythology Demeter is the goddess of fertility and agriculture; colloquial Mitriy; colloquially Mithraeus; old....

    Patron Saint: Euthymius of Dochiarsky, Venerable

    Meaning of the name: EFIM - pious (Greek). Name day: February 2 - St. Euthymius the Great, for sixty-eight years labored in great exploits in the Palestinian desert, founded a monastery there, preaching and...

    Patron Saint: John Kolov, the Younger, Skete, hermit

    Name meaning: 1. Personality. Selected men.

    2. Character. 97%.

    3. Radiation. 90%.

    4. Vibration. 102,000 vibrations/s.

    5. Color. Orange.

    Patron Saint: Ilya Rylko, Hieromartyr, Archpriest New Martyr, 2003

    Meaning of the name: Russian form of the Hebrew name Elijah, meaning: the power of God. Ilya is an extremely economic person. This trait manifests itself in him even in childhood.

    With proper upbringing, he...

    Patron Saint: Konstantin Nemeshaev, martyr, priest New Martyr, 2000

    Name meaning: 1.Personality. Brilliant men.

    2. Character. 90%.

    3. Radiation. 92%.

    4. Vibration. 80,000 oscillations/s.

    5. Color. Green.

    6. Main features. Will - activity -...

    Patron Saint: Nestor Panin, Hieromartyr, Archpriest New Martyr, 2000

    Name meaning: Nestor - from Greek. returned home, decomposed Nester.

    Derivatives: Nestorka, Nesya.

    Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.