Characteristics of a man on the emperor card. Tarot card Emperor: the meaning of the lasso in work and relationships

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The main meaning of the card

Direct position

The emperor is a desire for security, stability. It is consistency in action and personal independence. Arkan combines discipline, responsibility, rational mind and practicality. The presence of the Emperor in the layout speaks of a sense of reality and an understanding of the measure of the obligations assumed.

The person to whom this Arcana fell out is undoubtedly a leader. He is enterprising, persistent, brave and ready to defend his interests steadfastly. If the Emperor in the alignment characterizes any undertaking, then it must be interpreted as promising and reliable.

This card, among other things, means that it is advisable to take up your plan without delay, that you need to know your work and do it well, that all doubtful points should be clarified decisively and quickly.

Some combinations of this Arcana with other cards require special attention. With Justice, the Emperor implies strict adherence to laws and public order; with the Court - growing authority; with Moderation - moderate conservatism; with the Wheel of Fortune - positive changes in the established order of things.

Reversed position

The emperor upside down indicates excessive pragmatism, stubbornness, pedantry. In its extreme forms, it is despotism and an unbridled lust for power.

Such a card can mean a person with a very bad character who does not want to reckon with anyone else's opinion or asserts himself at the expense of others. And also - a person who does not want to fight his vices.

When considering the situation, this Arcana is interpreted as someone's dependence on a strong and powerful person, as well as external circumstances that hinder the development of any business or undertaking.

It is worth paying special attention to those cases when the reversed Emperor falls out in a scenario with the Jester (which means a complete loss of authority), the Hanged Man (a rigid view of the world that does not allow development) and Moderation (an extreme form of conservatism - inadequate and meaningless).

Love and relationships

Direct position

In terms of relationships, the Emperor is interpreted as an alliance on just, solid grounds. It may not be a very romantic relationship, but strong enough due to the fact that both people have an urgent need for each other and have common goals that they successfully implement together. The card can also mean relationships that have already been tested by time, stable and reliable.

Paired with the Priestess, the Emperor symbolizes a good union in which a woman is given due respect, and with the Ace of Cups, the realization that you have met your “half”.

Reversed position

The inverted Emperor in the relationship layout symbolizes that the one to whom he fell is under pressure from the partner, and maybe even afraid of him. In addition, this card indicates a complete lack of romantic feelings and a purely practical, mundane, union that has degenerated into an unpleasant habit.

For family life this Arcana can mean nit-picking and dissatisfaction with housekeeping.

Depending on the combination of the reversed Emperor with other cards, more accurate characteristics are possible. So, with the Hermit, this card indicates the breakup of the family, with the Hanged Man - the attempts of the head of the family to keep all household members in a "black body".


Direct position

For the professional sphere, the Emperor is interpreted as the ability to organize and streamline one's work, strict observance of discipline and readiness to take responsibility.

In the layouts for the future, the Emperor talks about joining forces, merging companies, and stable dynamics. When guessing at a situation - about the need for a clear concept, action plan, instructions.

Together with the Eight of Wands, the Emperor can be interpreted as a quick, almost instantaneous result, with the Six of Wands - as a new, more prestigious position, and with the Ace of Coins - as turning efforts into hard cash.

Reversed position

Reversed, the Emperor Arcanum can be interpreted as an unwillingness to conduct business only through legal means, as well as the idea that the end justifies the means. This card also indicates the inability to organize one's working time, or that it is not possible to get along and work well with the authorities.

The inverted Emperor in combination with the Seven of Cups speaks of abuse of his official position, with the Ace of Swords means a reluctance to look for optimal methods for solving problems, but attempts to act the old fashioned way.

The emperor should be considered a direct recommendation that one's own rightness should be defended without a hitch; that you need to go steadily and persistently towards your goals; that it is not worth lending "right and left" and that you yourself should try not to make debts.

Throne of the Master - a stone block, symbolizes a strong stable position. The figure of the Owner is the figure of a mighty man, in a free majestic pose. His bare feet folded in the form of a cross, show his self-sufficiency and independence from the support or help of others.

Light clothes The owners talk about the purity of thoughts. In the right hand of the Master - Wand. The vertical part of the wand is painted on top in White color- a symbol of the beginning of life; at the bottom black color, as a symbol of the end, death. Orange crossbar on top- this is the vital activity inherent in a person at birth. Green crossbar, in the middle is faith, hope, love and duty. red crossbar is health and physical strength. All crossbars one length- means that all these three aspects are equivalent and it is necessary to maintain a balance between them .

Lightning striking the Wand shows the divine power and authority that the Master is endowed with. With the left hand the Master points to the ground. Just like the Magus, he speaks of the need not to give up material wealth and, upon reaching them, to honor the Laws of Nature. On the head of the Master is a crown, decorated with precious, colored stones. purple stones mean that the Master has the power of reason, wisdom and intuition. Greens- a symbol of life and love. Blue- creativity, freedom of choice. Behind the Master is a wide river flowing between majestic mountains. Mountains behind, show that the obstacles have been overcome and the Master has reached his pinnacle of stability and success. Also, mountains bordering a river- this is a symbol of the masculine principle (Yang), giving direction to the river - the feminine principle (Yin). The direction is set by the man, and the woman fills it with content. Because of the mountains the sun is rising- a symbol of the fiery male energy that fills the water with the radiance of life.

Meaning of 4 Arcana Tarot Master in the upright position:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot Master in the upright position: stability, self-confidence, reliability, success in business, a logical solution to a problem.

Arcana Tarot Master on Relationships in the upright position: strong relationships, confidence in a partner. For a woman - a reliable man, patron, husband, father, beloved, boss, friend. For a man, readiness for a serious relationship, taking responsibility for someone, fatherhood, high sexual activity.

Arcana Tarot Master for Work in the upright position: authority, power, legal income. The person who draws this Arcana has all the prerequisites for success and enjoys the support of the forces behind him. Sponsor, strong patron, reliable partner.

Arcana Tarot Master on Health in the upright position: good health, lasting improvement in health, a period of well-being.

Advice of the Arcana Master in the upright position: focus on the main goal and move forward without losing realism. Enlist the support of an influential person. For a man - become the master of your destiny, set serious goals for yourself, do not be lazy. For a woman - find a reliable man for support and help, do not show excessive independence.

Meaning of 4 Arcana Tarot Master Reversed:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot Master in an inverted position: instability, self-doubt, ruined plans, inability to see things through to the end. Two extremes: either weakness and dependence on the powers that be, or inability to curb one's vices, stubbornness, tyranny.

Arcana Tarot Master on Relationships in an inverted position: the promised help from the man will not be, betrayal. Addiction, rapid waste of sexual energy. Unreliable friend or powerful enemy.

Arcana Tarot Master for Work in an inverted position: the presence of forces that hinder the development of business, the extinction of creative potential. A seemingly stable position can suddenly collapse. Unreliable partner. Failure at work.

Arcana Tarot Master on Health in an inverted position: apathy, fading of vitality, aging, decreased potency. To improve your health, "pull yourself together" and avoid nervous strain.

Advice of the Arcana The owner in an inverted position: do not start serious projects and affairs now, do not take responsibility for anyone and for nothing. Do not count on the promised help.


The emperor stands for masculinity, order and discipline. You see his orb in his left hand, it shows that the Emperor is more interested in the outside world than the inside. His focus is on providing proper discipline to a chaotic world in need of rules and obedience. The solid, reliable throne on which the Emperor sits symbolizes his immense power. In order for the Emperor's creativity to unquestionably bear fruit, structure is needed. People often say that success is 5% inspiration and 95% hard work. However, discipline, elevated to an absolute, can stifle creative impulses and, as a result, lead to routine for the sake of routine. Look how stern and angry the man on the throne looks. He is so focused on external achievements that he may forget to listen to his heart.

Questions to ask yourself after pulling out the Emperor
  • What is your relationship with your father or other male authority figures?
  • Is something holding you back?
  • Does your life really need rules, organization, and regulation?
  • Will hard work benefit you?
  • Do you need to be more reasonable?
  • Do you really need a better male role model than the one you are currently targeting?
Key Ideas
Do not ignore difficulties, meet them face to face. Don't accept a vile situation for what it is; look for what you can change in it.
Straight card: You demonstrate remarkable leadership abilities. Friends accept your guidance, and therefore it must be wise.

Reversed: At the moment you are dominating your friends, or one of them is dominating you. Do not be a despot, free yourself from the influence of despotic people.

Upright Card: You interact well with teachers. One of them, a male, turns out to be an excellent role model for you at this point.

Reversed: You are in conflict with the teachers. Do not think that they find fault with you over trifles; remember why you need to study. By the way, it includes self-improvement.

Straight Card: You may be attracted to a certain person who is a little older and wiser than you.

Reversed: Don't limit your life to relationships. Sooner or later you will need the outside world. Don't narrow your focus so much that the world forgets about you.

Straight card: You have great role models who show you the meaningful rules of life. It's great that you follow these rules of your own choice.

Reversed: You are suffocated by rules and regulations. Make sure you communicate the need for independence to teachers and parents, they may not hear or understand you. Say otherwise.

Upright: Discussions and leadership positions in committees or groups are at the center of your life, or will soon take center stage.

Reversed: Stop criticizing and undermining unity by standing aside. Get involved in what interests you.

Health / Appearance
Direct card: You care about your appearance and are always dressed in accordance with the current moment.

Reversed: Your disciplined attitude towards the body begins to cause you physical discomfort. Relax, make indulgences in the regime.

Straight Card: You are one of those people who are able to put money to the best use. Congratulate yourself. This talent cannot be overestimated, and over the years it only gets stronger.

Reversed: You are implementing some kind of protest by getting into debt. But this path does not lead to where you want to go. It looks like poverty is ahead of you, grief to your parents, and many inconveniences to your friends.

Divination in half a minute
John really wanted to go to college and needed to get credit and good grades for his high school diploma. He grabbed a three for a historical essay, and the case hung in the balance. The Emperor's card indicated that everything depends only on John himself. He is able to realize his dream and go to college if he works harder. The Emperor is a card of iron self-discipline. It was this quality that John needed to cope with the situation.

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

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The golden crown of the Emperor with the image of a lion indicates his connection with Zeus, the supreme god of the ancient Greeks.

The Emperor and Empress are a couple. She is receptive and creative and embodies the feminine, while he, with his dynamism and orientation to the affairs and concerns of the outside world, symbolizes the masculine principle of nature. In most decks, the Emperor is depicted seated on a throne and dressed in ceremonial robes. In his hands is the orb and the scepter as symbols of his strength and power, and all of him personifies the desire to be the ruler of life. It is associated with the number "4", denoting strict order, firmness and the ability to focus one's thoughts on solving specific problems.

The emperor is a skillful generator of ideas and directs their implementation in practice. He personifies our ability to provide for the material necessities of life and create order out of chaos. It represents a strong masculine yang energy that allows us to control the situation and direct our forces to achieve our goals. His authority, based on self-esteem, inspires respect and admiration. He stands firmly on his feet, takes life seriously and is able to fully concentrate on current problems without being distracted by foreign objects. The emperor expresses our capacity for analysis and rational thinking. He is the driving force behind our ambitious pursuit of social position, power, and wealth. Direct, strong-willed and stern, he is able to act decisively, make tough decisions and firmly keep his word. It reflects the need for us to define the boundaries of what is permitted and act within them; it determines the basis of our morality and dictates the laws by which we must live. The emperor can also manifest himself in a negative way, acting inexorably and ruthlessly and demanding tasks beyond his ability, both from himself and from other people.
The choice of this card means that the time has come for you to openly and boldly express your beliefs and take an active part in organizational matters. You are called to use all your intellectual faculties and your gifts of persuasion to make carefully considered decisions. The ability to control the situation will put you in the lead and give you the opportunity to manage the course of your life from a position of strength. You can turn your dreams into reality if you are able to take responsibility for their possible consequences. Now you are on the verge of great achievements, and you may have a happy chance to start a new business or arrange a personal life. You intend to work hard to provide a solid foundation for your future life. The emperor can also serve as the embodiment of an authoritarian personality, a mentor or a strict boss.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, divination.

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A majestic-looking middle-aged man, with a mustache and long flowing golden hair, sits on a throne, surveying his possessions. He has a modest crown on his head, because he does not need to deliberately declare his high position. In his outstretched right hand, he holds a ceremonial scepter, which indicates his active influence on all matters that he has to decide. He exudes confidence and success. His dress is richly decorated, clearly royal, as befits his high position. Under his left arm is a shield with an outstretched eagle, a symbol of his power, and from his neck hangs from a ceremonial ribbon a round golden amulet, signifying his continued power. The background for him is open space, indicating the boundaries of his possessions. The emperor, sitting on the throne, crossed his legs, and this relaxed posture indicates that he feels safe and in his high and responsible position it is easy for him, he is able to perform the tasks that lie before him.
Value for divination
This card represents worldly power. In a series of values ​​there are also such. Success. Confidence. Wealth. Stability. Invincible spirit. Leading role. Propensity to incite war. Energetic businessman. Paternity. Father. Brother. Husband. male influence. direct pressure. Conviction. The predominance of reason and common sense over feelings and passions. Force. patriarchal figure. Hardness. Achievements of goals. The desire to strengthen their power in all directions. Strong masculine. Worthy reasons to exercise power. A gifted person, intelligent and competent. Hungry for advice, but then acting on his convictions.
Reversed value
The reverse meaning of this card is immaturity. Inaction. Lack of strength. Indecision. Failure to. Weak character. Weakness. Inability to manage even weak emotions.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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The emperor symbolizes another type of earthly wisdom: the understanding that it is not enough to wish for peace and tranquility, or even to teach it; sometimes you need to have the will and the ability to protect them.

The Emperor corresponds to the number four and the Hebrew letter Dalet.

Paternity. Earthly power and protection of those for whom he is responsible.
A mature man (usually with a bushy beard) sits on a throne. He is wearing a robe and battle armor. A scepter in his hand, an imperial crown on his head. In some decks, a shield is leaning against the foot of the throne. Sometimes the throne stands outside an enclosed space or against the backdrop of mountains.

The essence of this card is protection, determination to fight for home harmony, which the Empress teaches.

The emperor is the protector of the house, the father who guards and guides all who are under his care.

inner meaning
The Emperor is a wise teacher. He teaches the meaning of life and the use of earthly power. There are forces which neither good will nor proper training can overcome; sometimes it takes determination to pick up the sword. The Emperor teaches that conscience must not be compromised; that a worthy existence sometimes requires a struggle. As a man is the protector of the house, the Emperor is the legislator and patriarch, the protector of his world. The emperor symbolizes another type of earthly wisdom: the understanding that it is not enough to wish for peace and tranquility or even teach it, sometimes you need to have the determination and ability to protect them.
Value in the layout
Direct or positive: authority, dignity, earthly power, stability, wisdom, ambition, reasonable actions. Leadership and the ability to rule wisely. Compassion. Protection. Support. Achievement of the goal.

Reversed or Negative: Immaturity and confusion. Lack of strength. Problems with enemies. Failure to reach the goal; waste of energy.

If the Empress teaches people to work together, then the Emperor protects the house from external danger. If this card represents the Questioner, then you are able to fight and are ready to die for people, property and treasures. The emperor needs to understand whether it is worth dying for what he protects.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards".

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This card symbolizes the father, fatherhood, the inner masculine, as well as older, courageous, paternally leading, influential, authoritative and professional people.

Just as the Empress rules with the heart, the Emperor rules with the intellect. He is the head of any structure, using reason and logic to manage it and acting as a merciful and benevolent dictator. This card shows your ability to establish laws and restrictions, give names and definitions to things and phenomena, analyze yourself and your field of activity. It represents the discoverer, builder, doer and promotes management, ordering and establishing rules. Having mastered the realms of imagination (High Priestess) and feelings (Empress), you yourself can now serve as the initiator and builder of new structures. The card symbolizes skill and power, and now you have enough knowledge and skills for it. Perhaps you have to take leadership, become a leader, gain power or take responsibility for something. The situation is conducive to acting with conviction that one is right and from a position of strength. For a man, the Emperor may represent what society expects of him, or symbolize the rituals of male brotherhood and dominion. For both sexes, this may be an external image of a father who has certain expectations about you, approving or disapproving of your actions.

This card speaks of your authority, the right to it and the awareness of where and why you gave up this authority and to whom you endowed it. The reaction to this card shows your relationship with authority, law and order. In the professional realm, you give orders, make decisions, start projects, allocate resources, or simply tell who to do what. This is a responsible position of an administrator, boss or manager; in addition, the card may indicate a representative of the authorities or the military. The emperor encourages you to act within the strict framework of a particular hierarchical structure. You determine your goals, thereby shaping your own future. You also set limits by strategically defending yourself against outside attacks and destructive emotions. You can serve as a source and guarantor of stability and protection for those who depend on you. As a card of male power, the Emperor represents an energy inseminator projecting his will outward.

Traditional meanings: will, power, authority, law. Protection, stability, confidence, trust, conviction. Realization, achievement, acquisition. Reason, logic. Intelligence, principles. Fatherhood, masculinity, male power. Leadership, dominance. Contracts. Corporations.

Reversed Emperor
The inverted Emperor is prone to autocratic tyranny, full of consciousness of his own right and omnipotence. Alas, this dictator cannot be called merciful. Or, on the other hand, this card may show his complete opposite - a weak-willed, timid coward. Usually it's still something in between - a father, boss or leader who betrayed your trust, renounced obligations, powerless to protect you or defend his principles. This is an absent or weak father, a mediocre leader. It can also point to false pride - to the naked king, who has turned into a miserable clown. The inverted Emperor speaks of the humiliation of the ruler and the overthrow of the throne.

It can be hesitation, refusal to solve problems, loss of control, or, conversely, the use of force where there is no need for it. Instead of setting reasonable limits, you put up walls and impose restrictions. Instead of pulling yourself together and making a decision, you freeze into complete rigidity. You have relied too heavily on what you called "reason" and "facts", leaving no room for other possibilities. You could be overly critical and harsh in your assessments, or you could be self-satisfied, paternalistic, competitive, or even chauvinistic. The Emperor Reversed shows a person who uses power and physical or intellectual superiority to dominate others. If you have given up power and authority in favor of another, this may indicate a lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem.

On the other hand, it is very likely that you are denying some masculine qualities or are trying to subvert traditional male role stereotypes in order to open up new opportunities for self-expression. This card can speak either of immaturity, or of decrepitude and impotence, and in addition, of sexual preferences and homosexual orientation disapproved by society. Perhaps you currently do not have enough communication with men. The inverted Emperor also points to the inner masculine in women (Jungian animus), to an internalized paternal or simply power figure that serves as a source of disapproval and self-censorship, or, conversely, provides wise guidance and mentoring.

The projection of the reversed Emperor outward can give a very wide range of manifestations, including an idealized idea of ​​​​one's skill or authority. You may see the other person as a tyrant or a fool, as an intruder or a victim. It can be your opponent or rival, or a former hero who has been dethroned from his pedestal.

In terms of health, we can talk about gout, headaches, loss of male power, loss of vitality, prostate problems, accidents, injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder.

On the shamanic and magical levels, the inverted Emperor is the image of the ailing Fisher King, whose wound causes the earth to deplete and can only be healed when the Holy Grail (the embodiment of the sacred) returns to people. This card marks male initiation rites and symbolizes the secular leader or Horned God, acting as the initiator and role model for the young men.

Traditional inverted meanings: protection, favor mercy, compassion, good will. Opposition, obstacle, hindrance, stop, delay, stubbornness. Immaturity, inefficiency, indecision. Prejudice. Tyranny. Weak character. Abuse of power. Failure. Abduction.

Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot".

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"Truth is self-conscious
is the Life Thought.
Truth is Thought in Itself;
Thought expressed is the Word.
When the Eternal Thought desires to have a form, a form,
It says: Let there be Light!

Eliphas Levi

Description of the card and its inner meaning
The night storm finally passed, leaving behind dampness, puddles and fallen trees. The sun rises, illuminating both the crowns of trees and the green valley through which the river flows. At such moments, you want to enjoy life, sing along with the birds and breathe clean air.

But as soon as the sun's rays begin to illuminate the mountains, the lightning that comes from nowhere, sparkling brightly, strikes the ground. If at this moment you close your eyes and open them again, you can see the Great King sitting on the throne in front of you. His posture is free, the right leg is laid behind the left, forming a cross. All this speaks of the Emperor's confidence in his strength and power. The owner symbolizes the understanding that it is not enough to wish for peace and tranquility or even teach it, you need to develop the ability to protect them. The fourth Arcana tells about situations when neither good will, nor love, nor wisdom can overcome obstacles - then the determination to raise the sword is necessary. The emperor shows that one cannot go against one's conscience, that a worthy existence sometimes requires a struggle.

According to occult textbooks, the fourth Arcana reflects the Prototype of Divine Nature, which has turned into a state of readiness for independent affirmation.

In other words, if the first Arcana describes the first hypostasis of God, his beginningless creation, the second - the boundlessness of the Divine Consciousness, the third - the contemplation of the Divine plurality and the versatility of being, then the fourth Arcana reflects the readiness to express this plurality. Self-knowledge of the Divine Essence, in the totality of its possibilities, formed in the metaphysical world the appearance of the Unknowable Unity, which for the first time becomes a reality. The Emperor card tells about this process.

Relationship of the card with other occult sciences
This Arcana, unlike the previous three, is identified not with a specific planet, but with a zodiac sign that transfers all its properties to the map.

So, the connection of the Emperor card with other occult sciences can be expressed as follows:

(dalet) - One, above any principle, he is present everywhere,
Letter - D, number - 4,
Ruled by the zodiac sign - Aries,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 28 hexagram ("Excess"),
Correspondence in runes - rune Teiwaz (Teyvaz),
Time of day - day
Weather conditions - thunderstorm, storm,
The corresponding color is magenta,
The corresponding chakra is Muladhara Bhu (root chakra),
According to Kabbalah, it connects the sephirah Chokmah with the sephirah Tiphereth.

Card meaning
Direct position
The fourth Arcana describes a man of mature age who occupies one of the leading positions in our lives. The emperor is the legislator and patriarch, the protector of interests. Whether the Questioner wants it or not, the Emperor will definitely play a role in his life and influence the situation.

In addition, the fourth Arcana has the following meanings: authority; earthly power; protection and support; wisdom; secular power based on reason; the ability to deal with all enemies; calm; Confidence in your strength; leadership and determination, as well as fatherhood.

Reversed position
In this case, the Emperor card will also describe a person endowed with power, only this time he will direct all his strength and capabilities against the Questioner, seeking to destroy his life or career.

If the card does not describe a person, but a situation, then the Questioner should expect a lot of trouble. It can be anything: immaturity and confusion, lack of strength and inability to cope with their enemies, inability to achieve a goal, tyranny, submission to other people or circumstances, cruelty, militancy and aggression. In addition, the fourth Arcana in an inverted position can warn of jealousy and male failure.

If the Emperor card represents the Questioner himself, this means that he is able to fight and is ready to protect his interests. The advice in this case will be: “Find the truth, listen to your inner voice, do not forget about deeds and things more significant than your plans. Go the right way. Remember - no matter what, you can always protect your valuables. But sometimes ask yourself the question: "Is the goal set before me worth such an effort, and is it necessary to die for it?"

Daniela Chris. The magical book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Thought form: Authority, Power.
Number: four.
Hebrew letter: Dalet.
Color: blue.
Stone: sapphire.
Astrological analogy: Jupiter, Jupiter in Cancer.
Other names: "Master", "Pharaoh".
This Arcana, which follows immediately after the Empress card, continues, strengthens and complements it. If you put both cards side by side, you will see that the Master and Mistress are looking at each other. The Master's gaze is turned to the past (to the Mistress, who made him what he is and transferred her power to him). Spirit precedes matter. In the material world, the Emperor plays the same role as the Empress in the world of reason. His throne (carved wood) is quite tangible, his wealth and his powers are quite material. The Emperor is supported by a lioness - the formidable goddess of war and solar heat Sekhmet. The combination of brown wood (a symbol of the earth) and red (action) in the throne of the Emperor indicates that the forces of the Earth are ready to rise to the defense by order of the Master. After all, the tense blue color of the card is not at all as serene as the blue color of the previous Arcana. The emperor understands that it is not enough just to wish for peace and tranquility, sometimes you need to have the determination and ability to protect them.

He holds his red scepter (the fiery element of action), symbolizing worldly and earthly power, in his right hand, and the right side, according to tradition, also denotes action. In his left hand is the Ankh as a symbol of life, and traditionally it is the left side that is considered to be in need of support and protection.

On the head of the Emperor is the double crown of the South and the North, decorated with a golden uraeus (cobra), which testifies to the fullness of his power and the patronage of the Higher powers. And a false beard braided into a pigtail (an indispensable attribute of the decoration of the pharaohs) speaks of the wisdom necessary for the Emperor, regardless of his age.

The essence of this card is the determination to fight for the harmony that the Empress teaches.

Value in the layout
The emperor is a strong person, with a stable position in society, with the ability to persuade and influence people.
In a straight position
The Emperor card indicates the correctness of the chosen path. It can symbolize success in public affairs, service, the implementation of plans. It means the logic of actions, authority, self-control, achievement of the goal. Legal income, position stabilization, in some cases security or paternity. The person who draws this card has all the prerequisites for success and enjoys the support of the forces behind him. Success and stability await him, ambitions will be satisfied. The card means power over the situation. Can represent an honest, loyal friend or a strong patron.

Advice. You are ready to fight and die protecting people, property, ideas. But the Emperor needs to understand whether it is worth dying for what he protects.

In an inverted position
The "Emperor" represents either a weak, indecisive person, who is clearly dependent on the powers that be, or, conversely, a person who is unable to curb his shortcomings and vices, uncontrollable and unfair. The situation is not given to be realized. All plans fall apart. You are in forced inactivity."

The card can talk about two types of behavior. It either symbolizes the denial of authority, unwillingness to take part in the lives of other people, failure to fulfill one's duties, in particular parental, ignoring everything legal, orderly, courteous. Or the refusal to take decisive action for fear of causing displeasure of those on whom a person depends. Or tyranny, stubbornness, exaggerated self-esteem, undeserved recognition. Sometimes this card means failure at work, the presence of forces that hinder the development of affairs. May represent an unreliable friend or a powerful enemy.

Advice. If you do not want the fulfillment of your hopes to depend on someone else, take everything into your own hands and, most importantly, take into your own hands.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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Direct position:
stability, power, patronage; outstanding personality; support, prudence, conviction.

Reverse position:
charity, compassion, trust. Also confusion in front of opponents, interference, immaturity.

Hayo Banzhaf. Tarot Tutorial.

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Astrological meaning:
The Sun in Capricorn, representing a sense of responsibility, order, structure, as well as security, consistency and perseverance.
The host is a structure-forming element, it symbolizes our desire for stability, security and consistency. This is our desire for independence from the conditions of existence of Nature and our own nature, often unpredictable. Thus, it is in line with our desire for civilization, by which we build our homes, heat and air-condition them to keep ourselves out of heat, cold, and damp, build automobiles and airplanes to shorten distances and make travel more comfortable, and We open schools to improve the level of education. Even the fact that a lot of things are done too insistently does not negate for us the positive aspects that this often perceived allergic card has. The owner combines not only the desire for order, a sober mind, discipline, a sense of responsibility and pragmatism, but also their extremes - obstinacy, inertness, the desire to "improve" everything to infinity, the thirst for power and despotism.

Tarot Rider White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Astrological meaning: Aries
The fourth card of the Major Arcana is called the Emperor and is associated with the Great Deity worshiped by the Pythagoreans in the form of a tetrad. The symbols say that the Emperor is the demiurge, the great King of the Lower World. The emperor is dressed in armor, and his throne is a throne of stone, on which a phoenix is ​​clearly visible. The king sits with crossed legs (the symbol of sulfur is the sign of an ancient alchemical monarch) and holds either a scepter with an orb at the end, or a scepter in his right hand and an orb in his left. Shar is evidence that he is the main ruler of the world. On the chest of the Emperor are depicted the sun and the moon (symbolic eyes of the supreme Deity). The "emperor" of the spirit is what happens "here and now", it is strength and judgment - it is the determination of a person to go out into outer space, similar to deciding to jump into the abyss. The emperor says: "I will be what I will be" He sits on a cubic stone and holds the orb of the world, and the two obedient lambs depicted on his throne symbolize humility before what they see.In his right hand, the Emperor holds a staff with the head of a lamb, which indicates that he rules this world correctly , without making mistakes that could lead to his death.Like a lamb, renouncing his lower "I", he comprehends the higher "I" and thereby wins for himself the right to take an active position in the outside world.Corresponding to the astrological sign of Aries, the Emperor embodies the principle of free will. The moral categories that serve as a support for the Emperor are "sight" and "blindness". "Sight" helps him see the world and the consequences of his actions clearly, but this picture can also terrify him. When a person is sighted, it is difficult for him to decide on actions, and when he does not see, he can make mistakes that will then affect not only him, but also the common fate: after all, he is the Emperor. "Blindness" allows him not to notice the Flaws and suffering of the world caused by the anarchic manifestations of our subjective "I", and not to give up his free will for the sake of future progress. “Speech” belongs to the same card, and the spirit teaches a person to attach importance to each word and handle them carefully, because words are one of those means by which a person creates reality.
In Crowley's cards, next to the Emperor, there is a coat of arms with kissing doves against the background of the rising Sun, a symbol of the Holy Spirit and the selfless love that sends him. But the two lambs next to the Emperor are depicted alive: after all, they are two lambs given to the slaughter of Fate, and when love binds two people, the other may suffer because of the mistakes of one.
In the upright position, the Emperor card speaks of willpower, means the logic of actions, the achievement of a goal, the correctness of the chosen path. It can symbolize success (in public affairs, at work, at home), paternity, and in some cases - security, stabilization, legal income. The card can personify mature people, with a stable position in society, with the power of persuasion, the ability to influence people. It means authority, self-control - a "strong personality", in which reason clearly prevails over emotions and passions. It can also say that you are in search of wisdom, (or you should do it) ... In addition, this position can symbolize civil power, perspective.
In an inverted position, the Emperor card symbolizes the denial of authority, unwillingness to take part in the lives of other people (which is also sometimes true), failure to fulfill one's duties - (in particular, father's),
ignoring everything legal, orderly, courteous, inability to curb one's shortcomings and vices. Sometimes it is a clear dependence on strong, authoritative people. This position of the card can also signal that there is someone in your life who has completely subjugated you. You do not have enough energy to solve even minor problems, and you are unable to control the most trifling emotions.
This position can warn you of failures at work, of the presence of forces that hinder the development of affairs. In the general layout, the card also indicates that a person needs to show wisdom. It may also indicate an excess of such a quality as arrogance.
"The realization of your hopes depends on the "powerful" person, rather than on yourself. Try to find out who he is, make contact with him, and you will receive support from him."

Evgeny Kolesov. "ABC Tarot".

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Master, also Emperor. In the Egyptian Tarot - Throne.
The owner sits in a tense pose on a simple, even primitive throne carved from stone. His gaze is concerned, but firm. The mountains, poor in vegetation, and the reddish sky in the background symbolize the planet Mars, the sign of the god of war and aggressive masculinity. The throne is often adorned with ram's heads, signifying the zodiac sign Aries, the astrological house of Mars; this card in the Major Arcana opens the circle of the Zodiac.
In general, this card symbolizes rational, secular power. The owner is the head of the family, the boss, the leader. But his power, in contrast to the power of the Mistress, is rude and ruthless, for it is based on a pure idea, on the supposed superiority of reason, which denies feeling.
However, he was late to assert his power: the Mistress appeared in the house before him, and he has to defend his authority - which he does, often without choosing the means.

Meaning of the card:
After an unsuccessful struggle, you resigned yourself to the givens of the world around you and streamlined, adapted your life to them. Now everything seems to be going the way you planned; but for some time now you have a fear that everything can go to dust. Therefore, you try to drown out the inner voice, suppress feelings and emotions in order to remain faithful to the idea. This is a mistake: give yourself freedom, listen to your inner voice! Remember that there are deeds and things in the world that are much more significant than you and all your Napoleonic plans. But do not despair: a lost person can always turn back and go on the right path.
On a purely ordinary level, the Master can mean advice to seek help from the “strong” (father, boss, etc.) or to show strength yourself. However, it is necessary to know the measure, because the force, which by inertia continues to be used when the need for it has already disappeared, becomes destructive (the vice of all revolutions). In rare cases, it means some kind of superhuman power, “heavenly patron”, help from above.

It is not advised to use force. If we are talking about a “strong” (influential) person, then he is not on your side and will oppose rather than help you. The same applies to superhuman strength: "Cosmos" in this situation is against you.
In the position of the past, the inverted Master can mean exceeding the required measure of strength, which is why the effect will be the opposite of what was expected.

For businessmen:
The advice is not to goof off with unscrupulous employees, partners, lovers, otherwise the business will perish.

Traditionally, the Emperor is depicted as a mature man seated on a throne. He is clad in battle armor or a mantle. On his head is an imperial crown, and in his hand is a scepter or sword. Often the throne is depicted against the backdrop of mountains.

What does emperor mean

The Emperor in Tarot is one of the most powerful "male" cards. He embodies, symbolizes the father, the protector of the house, the husband. The Emperor protects those who depend on him.

Most often, the Emperor card means some kind of strong male influence in a person’s life. In a tarot reading, it can mean the power and leadership of the questioner. The emperor embodies such qualities as organization, self-discipline, stability and the ability to act to realize opportunities. In career-related readings, the Emperor may show the prospect of obtaining a respected and responsible position that will require all of the above qualities.

The Emperor is the fourth Major Arcana. It symbolizes logic, willpower, the correctness of the chosen path. In some cases, it can mean paternity, success or stabilization of the situation, the growth of legal income. If the Emperor often falls out to you in the layouts, this may indicate that you are in search of knowledge or wisdom.

The emperor symbolizes any power or control. In relationship layouts, he always denotes a strong, authoritative person who prefers to rely on reason rather than emotions. For a man, the Emperor is always a lucky card. In female layouts, it denotes an extremely strong male influence.

flipped card

Sometimes in layouts, cards can be upside down. This usually means that their meaning completely reverses its meaning. The reversed Emperor can speak of communication difficulties, addictive behavior, lack of growth, and problems.

It may indicate a difficult situation that will arise soon. If the alignment is done, the inverted Emperor says that she is in real danger from some man, most often close.

The inverted emperor symbolizes a plan that will never come true, inaction, immaturity, violent emotions, obstacles and obstacles, inability to achieve what is desired.

In relationship readings, the reversed Emperor means a person who revels in power, uses it to humiliate other people. In some cases, this card may indicate vicious inclinations, the inability to curb one's passions.

Emperor + Jester (IV + 0)
Loss of prestige.
Unlucky leader.
Analyze your past to enter the future.
Departure from relationships, responsibility. Relationships lead nowhere.
Decide on a choice.
Wealth is gone.
School teacher.
A person can throw everything out of stupidity.
Head problems.
Retirement from work.

Emperor + Mage (IV + I)
Show abilities.
New idea.
The firm can recruit employees.
Increasing financial position.
Head of a large firm.

Emperor + High Priestess (IV + II)
The woman will gain power over you.

Emperor + Empress (IV + III)
Reforms leading to results.
stable situation.
The plan will be successfully implemented.
Quick profit.

Emperor + Hierophant (IV + V)
Adherence to etiquette and moral standards.
Security. Constant support from people and higher powerful forces.
Obligations before the law.
Communication with a person of high rank, an official.
Firm conviction.
Proposal from a man.
Maybe a marriage proposal.
official marriage.
Taking responsibility.
Conservatism. Stability.
Influence on the fate of a man.
Hierarchy, order, power.
Righteousness, moral right.
Father, older man.
Mentor, chief.
Spiritual rank, orthodox, religious views.
Lecturer at the university.
religious career.

Emperor + Lovers (IV + VI)
Making firm commitments.
Meeting with a man.
Acquaintance and love affair.
Pleasant pastime.
The power of instincts. Feelings interfere with action.
Be guided by the mind, not by your emotions.
Could be a love triangle.
official relations.
A man loves his chosen society.
stable relationship.
Subordination, observance of rules in relationships.
A man's choice of work, structure, service, profession.
Work brings joy.

Emperor + Chariot (IV + VII)
Circumstances will prevail over order.
Purchase of a car.
Travel benefit.
A trip with a man or parting for a while (hardly speaks of a good romance).
Power over yourself. Controls himself.
Great desire for leadership, conquest.
Endurance, focus.
Take your diagnosis and work seriously.
Professional military.
Management, board.
Creating something utilitarian yet strong and durable.
Conqueror, strategist.
The application of efforts related to travel, business trips.
Offer to move to a new job.

Emperor + Strength (IV + VIII)
Riot. Thirst for power.
Authority pressure.
Health, victory in battle, surge of strength.
There are many possibilities in the implementation of your plans and ideas.
Voltage drop. Relax. Relax.
Quiet work.
Passionate man.
Owner, jealous.
A man has a woman (connection).
Fight with a man.
There are forces to conquer a man and remove a rival.
Do everything calmly.
Better health and recovery.

Emperor + Hermit (IV + IX)
Breakup of a family or group.
You need to retire to think things through.
Wait. Freeze. There is no work.
Conservatism. Self control.
The person is closed. Doesn't want to communicate.
period of isolation. Withdrawal reasoning.
Wisdom, power.
It's time to create a counterbalance to the material and go alone in search of wisdom.
Wise advice.
Wise power, one-man.
Elderly man, lonely man.
Spiritual wealth.
Inner core support, principles.
Abstinence, stubbornness.
It is advisable to undergo a medical examination.
The man can go to the hospital.

Emperor + Wheel of Fortune (IV + X)
Changing the routine.
Changing the structure of the team.
Easy changes, important changes, reallocation of funds.
But still your position is stable at the moment.
Change of priorities, bosses, work.
Traveling with a man.
Turning point in fate.
A man changes in life.
The husband is unreliable. One thing in the head, then another.
Feeling of power over fate.
Money and power can do everything.
The ability to properly use money for oneself and for others.
Giver, generosity (not waste).
The ability to manage other people's money (bank).
Social status is a material good.
Karmic questions about power, status, values ​​with a man, father.
Greed, dominance.
The owner of a bar or casino.

Emperor + Justice (IV + XI)
Attraction to justice and observance of hierarchy.
Strictness, stopping on the way, debriefing.
Legal affairs.
Problems with the state, with the law.
control, punishment.
Behavior within the conditions.
Litigation with relatives, superiors. Taxes. Insurance.
Lawyers will influence the decision.
The man is restrained.
Maybe marriage or divorce.

Emperor + Hanged Man (IV + XII)
A rigid view of things slows down life.
habit of material possessions.
Change of social status, change of power (donation).
ruler and victim. Victim of conditions, boss, state, society, persecution, downtroddenness.
Review your work and attitude to work.
The work is stuck.
Think things through before making a decision.
Should I buy? No. They can deceive.
Scandal over money.
Business on alcohol and tobacco.
Dissent, dissidence, execution.
Treason. Love relationships are wrong. Or you have to adjust.
Don't get your hopes up.
Health problem.

Emperor + Death (IV + XIII)
Life requires a new order of things.
Difficult changes, lifestyle changes.
End of work. The end of a relationship with a man.
Painful transformation.
Persistent trouble.
Finished it. The material world is collapsing.
Loss of power, status, business, real estate.
Death of husband, father, breadwinner.
Premature death from poor living conditions.

Emperor + Temperance (IV + XIV)
moderate conservatism.
Rapidity. Even in a streak of bad luck, you will find an opportunity for relaxation.
Restrained man. The male breadwinner.
Getting to know him.
Temporary relationship. Temporary job.
Restraint in feelings.
Short trip somewhere.
A streak of temporary troubles. It will pass quickly.
Take care of health.
Combination of positions.
Ruler, peacemaker.
Long term stability.
Stagnation, pedantry.
Obsessive concern.
Business in medicine, catering.
Occupation with statistics, routine work.
Help from an influential person.
Great inner strength.

Emperor + Devil (IV + XV)
Seeming order, behind which chaos is going on.
The desire for carnal pleasures, material goods.
Shadow structure.
Despotism, unlimited power, fascism, dictatorship.
Criminal business, mafia.
Fatal personality in power.
You are now in the power of money, emotions. Or something else.
Something destroys a person. He ceases to control his desires and is in the power of feelings.
Interference of various kinds, excesses.
Where to get money?
Bondage in terms of work, finances, communications.
Dependence on erotic desires. alcohol.
The temptation must be overcome.
There is a lover.
Negative side effects.
The evil eye is either on a man or from a man.

Emperor + Tower (IV + XVI)
Sudden emergency. Hit. Crash. Everything collapsed.
Destruction of order, stability, revolutionary reforms, repression.
The strongest stress. Scandal, quarrels, problems. Dismissal from work.
Destruction in the house.
Plans may not come true.
Aggression, militancy.
Aggressive man.
Loss of career, father.
Hemorrhage in the brain. hemorrhagic stroke.
Everything will change, but not now.

Emperor + Star (IV + XVII)
Amazing luck that falls once in a lifetime.
hope for new meeting. New acquaintance.
Work abroad.
Star - search far away, abroad.
There is hope for the fulfillment of desire.
Material wealth should not be an end in itself.
A high position that came easily, an easy career.
The ability to always maintain self-esteem.
Help from an influential person.
Development of spaces, expansion of horizons, spheres of influence.

Emperor + Moon (IV + XVIII)
Powerlessness that breeds insecurity.
Variability, ephemeral wealth.
Changes in fate. Change of partner.
The period is foggy, illusory.
Uncertainty in oneself, in reliability, stability of one's position, an inferiority complex.
Instability, confusion in business and affairs.
Fear of a man - father, responsibility.
Irresponsibility, powerlessness.
An infantile or gentle man.
Psychotherapist, narcologist.
Desire to earn big money.
The man loves to drink.
Chronic alcoholism.
Should see a doctor

Emperor + Sun (IV + XIX)
Thriving business.
New connection.
Marriage with a man.
fruitful union.
Happiness in the family.
New job.
New position.

Emperor + Judgment (IV + XX)
The growth of prestige.
Time of favorable slow changes at work, in life, in love.
Revival of business, firm, organization.
Return of the old order, husband.
Generosity, forgiveness, mercy.
Karma in the male line of the family.

Emperor + World (IV + XXI)
The success of any undertakings, a happy occasion.
Money and abundance will flow into your hands.
Learning languages.
Business travel. Work abroad
The man is a foreigner.
A business that expands its horizons of influence.
Moving house change.
The man is in his place.
Achievement of the goal, peak.

With the card "Ace of Wands" - expansion of the project.
With the card "Two of Wands" - crushing the business.
With the card "Three of Wands" - a business that is gaining momentum.
With the card "Four of Wands" - putting things in order, repairs in the house.
With the Five of Wands card - quarrels at home, at work.
With the card "Six of Wands" - promotion.
With the Seven of Wands card, this is a business that is going through hard times.
With the card "Eight of Wands" - a deal.
With the card "Nine of Wands" - the need for protection for business or home.
With the card "Ten of Wands" - a project that is dying.
With the Page of Wands card - news in the family, at work.
With the card "Knight of Wands" - let off steam associated with work, family.
With the card "Queen of Wands" - creative project.
With the "King of Wands" card, a new activity.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova "The Great Book of Combinations".

Emperor upright with Major Arcana

Mage - Absolute dominance. Monarchy. A person endowed with secular, spiritual, religious, magical, psychological power.
Magician (per) - Dependence on the powers that be. Schizophrenia
Priestess - Great scientific rank
Priestess (translation) - Failed scientific discovery. Plagiarism
Empress - Birth. Creation of a new political party, organization. Strong couple, family or influential patrons. You need to live peacefully with them. They are also dangerous enemies / Birth of an heiress (daughter)
Empress (trans.) - Failure. Big loss
Priest - Marriage to a religious figure
Priest (per) - A teacher who raised a student who surpassed him
Lovers - The Only Right Choice
Lovers (per) - Change of profession
Chariot - Conquest of Powers
Chariot (lane) - Overturned chariot of fate. Track
Justice - The Triumph of Themis
Justice (per) - Vicious Vengeance
Hermit - Receiving a high spiritual rank
Hermit (trans) - Escape (from places of detention, from wife, husband, children)
Wheel of Fortune - Eternal lucky, Fortune's favorite
Wheel of Fortune (per) - Animation. Loss of human dignity
Strength - Help from above. Feat. Hercules
Strength (per) - Weakness, muscle dystrophy
The Hanged Man - Great Wanderers. Odysseus
The Hanged Man (per) - Loss of State
Death - Predestination. Sign of death
Death (per) - Numbness, mental lethargy
Moderation - Abstinence. Fast. Meditation
Moderation (per) - Euphoria
Devil - Fatal circumstances. The absence of keys that bind fate. Rock, horror, the beginning of the end
Devil (per) - Abuse of Power
Tower - Nuclear disasters (Hiroshima), nuclear weapons tests (Semipalatinsk). Catastrophe (and serious), crash
Tower (lane) - Enslavement
Star - Unknown influence. aliens
Star (lane) - Deposed leader. "King for a day"
Moon - Loss of the most expensive (Solomon - Shulamith)
Luna (per) - Pointless Attempts
Sun - High political rank. The president
Sun (lane) - Unsuccessful takeoffs. Icarus
Court - Winning at the casino, roulette, cards. Winning a criminal case
Sud (per) - Career success
World - Achievement of cherished goals. Capturing peaks. Mountaineering
World (trans) - Chaos, rampage, territory capture, real estate purchase
Jester - Disastrous business, empty plans
Jester (per) - Maniacal desire for power. "Power at any cost!"

Emperor upright with Minor Arcana

The emperor in upright and inverted positions is identical in combination with the minor arcana

2 of Wands - Protection of an unreliable patron
2 of Wands (lane) - Loss, humiliation
2 of Cups - Inheritance from a rich dignitary
2 Cups (lane) - Difficult but obligatory divorce. Income, inheritance, benefit
2 of Swords - Consent of the parties
2 of Swords (lane) - Home robbery
2 of Pentacles - Way out of cramped circumstances
2 of Pentacles (trans) - Difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex

3 of Wands - "Fair wind"
3 of Wands (trans) - Influence of Power Structures
3 of Cups - Success in everything
3 of Cups (per) - Modest Achievements
3 of Swords - Punishment
3 of Swords (lan) - Absentmindedness
3 of Pentacles - Excessive courtesy
3 of Pentacles (per) - Money problems

4 of Wands - Success in agriculture
4 of Wands (lane) - Does not change meaning when reversed
4 of Cups - Fanatic infatuation with an idol
4 of Cups (lane) - Prediction of happy change
4 of Swords - Banishment
4 of Swords (trans) - Success in an administrative career, in the career of a secretary
4 of Pentacles - "Royal" mercy
4 of Pentacles (lane) - Limitation of opportunity

5 of Wands - Using connections for the good of the cause
5 of Wands (lane) - Loss of support. Lack of support
5 of Cups - Finding a donor for an organ transplant. Gift
5 of Cups (trans) - Meeting with unloved relatives
5 of Swords - Death of a high-ranking supreme leader
5 of Swords (lane) - Damage. Funeral. Project rejections
5 of Pentacles - Restoration of rights, privileges
5 of Pentacles (per) - Unpaid debts

6 of Wands - Great success. Assistance
6 of Wands (per) - Delaying Decision
6 Cups - "Cases of bygone days..."
6 of Cups (trans) - Update, general news
6 of Swords - Job published, Victory over routine
6 of Swords (lane) - Reliable news. Path vector rotation
6 of Pentacles - Right Decision
6 of Pentacles (per) - Ambition, ambition

7 of Wands - Superiority in competition
7 of Wands (trans) - Playing into the hands of the enemy
7 of Cups - Worship
7 of Cups (lane) - High Relationships
7 of Swords - Finding a consultant. Unexpected adviser
7 of Swords (lane) - Security environment, protection of interests
7 of Pentacles - Inheritance
7 of Pentacles (per) - Scandals with a partner

8 of Wands - The desire to find a patron, protector
8 of Wands (per) - Quarrel. Bureaucratic delays
8 of Cups - News from respected sources about the missing daughter
8 of Cups (lan) - Enhances straight card predictions
8 of Swords - Judgment of fate, ruthlessness
8 of Swords (lane) - Vileness on the part of a loved one
8 of Pentacles - Restraint, increased prestige
8 of Pentacles (per) - Vulgarity

9 of Wands - Overthrown authorities
9 of Wands (trans) - Seeing meaning in a different light
9 of Cups - Inappropriate extravagance
9 of Cups (per) - Imperfect plans
9 of Swords - Joining a sect, an organization of not the best reputation
9 of Swords (lane) - Don't trust anyone!
9 of Pentacles - Patron
9 of Pentacles (per) - Paradoxical Behavior

10 of Wands - Great difficulty in dealing with friends. Malfeasance
10 of Wands (trans) - Successful "taking" barriers. Success in equestrian sports, on the hippodrome
10 of Cups - Help from leaders
10 of Cups (per) - Quarrel with management, father, brother
10 of Swords - Gateway to the beyond. State of clinical death. Return
10 of Swords (per) - Benefits of the mighty of this world
10 of Pentacles - Buyer of stolen goods
10 of Pentacles (per) - Lucky chance

King of Wands - Excellent Career
King of Wands (transl.) - Kindness to the Unworthy Man
King of Cups - Success in creativity. Inspiration
King of Cups (per) - Extortion, bribery
King of Swords - Indisputable authority
King of Swords (per) - Victim of Passion
King of Pentacles - Vicious Admirer
King of Pentacles (per) - Lack of Attention

Queen of Wands - A married woman seeking to patronize you
Queen of Wands (transl.) - Fantasies. Success in publishing
Queen of Cups - Beneficial cooperation
Queen of Cups (transl.) - Insidiousness. Your strength is working against you
Queen of Swords - Lack of Stability
Queen of Swords (per) - Enemy in a pretty female form (Milady)
Queen of Pentacles - Departure from heavenly punishment
Queen of Pentacles

Knight of Wands - Innovation. Success in invention
Knight of Wands (per) - The one you thought was a friend will cheat on you
Knight of Cups - Arrival of important guests
Knight of Cups (trans.) - Trickster. Trickster. Success in circus art
Knight of Swords - Breaking the deal
Knight of Swords (per) - Noble hooliganism. Dubrovsky
Knight of Pentacles - A kind admirer.
Knight of Pentacles (per) - Apathy. Anemia. Oblomovism

Page of Wands - Career as an interpreter, progress in learning languages
Page of Wands (transl.) - Bringing developed theories to life
Page of Cups - Good results
Page of Cups (per) - Chilling, deviating from the target
Page of Swords - Geography Progress
Page of Swords (transl.) - Improvisations. Success in directing
Page of Pentacles - Goodness, achievement of the goal
Page of Pentacles (per) - Mot, seducer

Ace of Wands - Protection from above
Ace of Wands (lane) - Loss of the meaning of life. plight
Ace of Cups - Undoubted prosperity
Ace of Cups (per) - Infertility
Ace of Swords - Inviolability. Overcoming the barrier
Ace of Swords (lane) - Birth of an illegitimate heir
Ace of Pentacles - Happiness
Ace of Pentacles (per) - Excellent opportunities. Extraordinary Talent

Emperor Reversed with Major Arcana

Mage - Anarchy. Split. Confusion
Magician (per) - Loss of position. The demonic nature of a person in power who does not shun anything.
Priestess - Victory of opponents, warring side
Priestess (per) - Failures in love affairs
Empress - Leader Dowager (Monarch)
Empress (trans) - Failures in family affairs
Priest - Fake marriage
Priest (per) - Eternal bachelor, celibacy for men
Lovers - Choice under pressure, refusal of something. Abdication (from family, throne, etc.)
Lovers (per) - The path of ruin, falling into the abyss of poverty
Chariot - Flight from the battlefield, desertion
Chariot (lane) - Doom to defeat. Antistrategist
Justice - Non-jurisdiction, impotence of law and order
Justice (lane) - Outstanding Defender (Levako, Reznik level)
Hermit - Inner flight. Psychiatry
Hermit (trans) - Change of religious views
Wheel of Fortune - Fatal bad luck
Wheel of Fortune (transl) - Slavery. Heavy dependence on circumstances
Strength - Arrogance, dispute with higher powers (Arachne)
Strength (lane) - Unequal chances
Hanged Man - Death Sentence by Hanging
The Hanged Man (per) - Hidden Vices
Death - Cancer (breast cancer in women, lung cancer in men)
Death (trans) - Dependence on external changes
Moderation - Rampant passions, orgies for show
Temperance (trans) - Illumination, dystrophy, eating disorders
Devil - Leukemia, liver cancer, AIDS
Devil (per) - Terrorism
Tower - Sarcoma
Tower (lane) - Victory in unthinkable conditions. help from above
Star - Delusion. Blindness
Star (per) - Great Hope
Moon - Death during deep sea exploration
Moon (per) - Witchcraft
Sun - Overthrow, death during ascension
Sun (lan) - Burns from explosions
Court - Losing the political fight
Judgment (lane) - Victory, albeit temporary, over karma
World - Low Desires
Mir (transl.) - False diplomacy, deliberate cunning. League in the coop
Jester - Catastrophe
Jester (per) - Enlightenment, temporary