We compose a fairy tale 3. Creative project: “We compose a fairy tale”

The socket has two phases

Organization: LPR State Educational Institution “Seleznevskaya School No. 18”

Locality: LPR, Perevalsky district, Seleznevka village

Lesson - project

in literary reading

"Let's compose a fairy tale"

3rd grade

Developed by:

Lysenko Natalya Vitalievna,

primary school teacher

State Educational Institution of the LPR

"Seleznevskaya school No. 18",

specialist ІІ categories



1. Lesson – project “Let’s compose a fairy tale”………………………3

2. List of references……………………………………..10

3. Applications………………………………………………………………………………11

Lesson – project “Let’s compose a fairy tale”

on the topic “Oral folk art”

The lesson was developed according to the “School of Russia” program, textbook “Literary Reading” 3rd grade. Textbook for general education institutions in combination with audio adj. per electron carrier. At 2 o'clock/[L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova and others] – 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 2013.

Target: generalize knowledge about oral folk art, develop speech, artistry, creativity and imagination, the ability to work independently, in pairs, groups, instill a love of reading, and cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Planned results:

Personal results:

Awareness of the importance of reading for one’s further development;

Acquaintance with cultural and historical heritage, universal human values;

Expressing your point of view and respecting the opinion of your interlocutor.

Meta-subject results:

Mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, searching for means of its implementation;

Mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

Developing the ability to determine the most effective ways to achieve results;

Development of usage skills in various ways search for educational information.

Subject results:

Formation of the required level of reading competence;

Mastering reading techniques, techniques for understanding read and listened to works;

Developing the ability to independently select literature that interests the student; compose simple monologue statements about the work (characters, events), orally convey the content of the text according to plan; recite (read poetry by heart) poetic works, speak to a familiar audience with short messages.

Equipment: computer, presentation, cards with tasks for groups, exhibition of drawings, books, theatrical costumes, MP3 recordings.

Lesson Plan

1. Organizational moment

2. Motivation for learning activities

3. Creation of a project activity product

4. Presentation of the project activity product

5. Physical education moment

6. Evaluating the result according to the criteria

7. Reflection

8. Homework

During the classes

I . Organizing time

There are many genres in the world: fables, stories, short stories,

But from birth, children love magic and the beauty of the world.

What will our little people take to the magical world?

Full of laughter, light, color, and the name of the miracle is fairy tales!

The song “There are many fairy tales in the world” sounds (mp3 recording) http://muz-color.ru/

II . Motivation for learning activities

There really are a lot of fairy tales. The world of childhood begins with the world of fairy tales. Let's remember what genres of oral folk art we already know? (Rhyme, riddle, proverb, saying, jokes, songs, epics, fairy tales, legends).

When we began to study the section of oral folk art, we began to work on creating the “Fairy Tale” project. And today we have come to the finale of our project - the defense and presentation of our works.

Let's remember what goals and objectives we set for ourselves then, and at the end of the lesson we will find out whether we managed to achieve them. (Appendix 1 Presentation) (Slide 2,3,4).

Goals : to help increase interest in reading, develop creative and cognitive abilities through fairy tales, study genres of oral folk art and teach them to distinguish them, identify the features of a fairy tale, and learn about the folk crafts of our region.

Tasks: develop the ability to acquire knowledge, extract information, compose fairy tales, and draw pictures for them; make homemade books, prepare an exhibition of drawings, an exhibition of handicrafts.

Stages of work on the project

1.Selecting a project topic.

2. Distribution into creative groups.

3. Corrective work of groups and teachers with the involvement of parents.

4. Presentation of the finished product.

5. Project protection.

Composition of creative groups and their tasks

Group 1 “Storytellers” - compose a fairy tale

Group 2 “Artists and designers” - draw pictures for fairy tales

Group 3 “Critics” - evaluate the correctness of tasks in groups

Group 4 - “Actors” - play in the fairy tale theater.

III . Creation of a project activity product

Before we move on to the presentation of your work, I want to play a Question and Answer game with you. The rules of the game are as follows: each group receives a card with tasks, after reading the task, you must ask 1 question to the other group, but you must know the answer to it in advance. For a correct answer, the group receives an extra point. Group commanders will receive assignments. (Slide 5) The game is on. (Appendix 2)

IV . Presentation of the project activity product

Thank you for playing. Now the group of critics receives evaluation sheets, where they will enter results and comments on the groups’ performances. I would like to note that the group of critics included guys who know all the intricacies of oral folk art. And my parents and I will evaluate the work of the critics. (Appendix 3)

While studying the section “Oral Folk Art”, we got acquainted with folk crafts - these are Gzhel dishes, Dymkovo toys, Bogorodsk carved toys, Khokhloma.Folk decorative art is a rich, harmonious world that reflects the historical practice of knowledge and the development of surrounding activities, social order and everyday life. Folk art reveals the complex world of human feelings and experiences and reflects the future. A group of critics, just like you guys, were on a mission while working on the project. They learned from parents, grandmothers, residentsth of our village, what type of creativity the residents of our Lugansk region, our village have been and are currently engaged in. They prepared a message and an exhibition of folk crafts. Let's listen to them.

(The guys in their message tell the stories of folk crafts that were practiced in our region: embroidery, folk toys, decorative painting, woodworking).

Currently, residents of our village are engaged in the following types of creativity: embroidery, wickerwork, folk toys. Photos provided. Appendix 6).

Fairy tale- a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows. So what is a fairy tale? What about a fairy tale? Where does the fairy tale begin? The guys from the “Storytellers” group will answer all these questions for us. While working on the project, they worked hard to make the fairy tale magical so that you guys could hear it and have the opportunity to read it.

  • With the help of a fairy tale, you can believe in and make magic and miracles come true; a fairy tale can become a treasured magic wand in the hands of a caring mother. Every mother is real and the best in the world at heart.

In order for your own fairy tale to be born, you need a little inspiration and imagination, desire and time!

Guys, do you know how books with fairy tales are created? Do you want to know? The guys from the creative group of storytellers will tell us about this.

Presentation of books - projects "Magic Tale". (Slide 6)

Students tell what a book consists of, what parts a fairy tale should consist of, and how they composed the fairy tale.

Thanks guys, you're great! I hope that a group of critics has correctly and fairly assessed your work and is ready to announce its assessment to a group of storytellers.

V . Physical education minute (Appendix 4)

Guys, we saw what bright and colorful drawings accompanied the fairy tale. And as the guys - storytellers - said, in order to come up with a fairy tale, you need to imagine it, draw it. This task was carried out by our second group of artists. Now the guys in this group are starting to defend their works, and a group of critics is again evaluating the work using score sheets. (Slide7) Students present their drawings at the blackboard.

Well done guys, did a great job. Storytellers composed a fairy tale.

The artists drew pictures for it, it’s up to the actors to help us bring the fairy tale to life. Studying the section of oral folk art, namely folk tales, we gave characteristics of the heroes of fairy tales, positive and negative. Name goodies fairy tales that we studied (Sister Alyonushka, brother Ivanushka, Tsar, wolf, Ivan Tsarevich). Now name the negative heroes of fairy tales (the witch, the brothers of Ivan Tsarevich). How difficult it must sometimes be for actors to play the roles of different heroes, bad and good, evil and good.

We often play certain roles in life. This is the role of a student at school or the role of an obedient child at home, or, conversely, a harmful and disobedient child, a crybaby, a greedy person, a sneak, a brawler. Do you see how the roles in the fairy tale are divided into positive and negative? But all children want to play the role of only positive heroes. And this is no coincidence. After all, a fairy tale teaches everything good and kind. And when we read a fairy tale, we strive to be like positive fairy-tale characters. What do fairy tale heroes look like? What are you wearing? How do they behave?...

This task was carried out by our acting group. The task for a group of actors is to portray fairy-tale characters for us. 1 pair – the Tsar and Helen the Beautiful;

2 pair – grandfather and woman;

3 pair – wolf and fox;

4 pair – pig and Baba Yaga.

Students go behind the screen, where from the proposed costumes they select a suitable costume for the assignment. (Slide8).

VI . Evaluating the result based on criteria

The floor is given to a group of critics. Guys, do you agree with the critics?

(children's answers - yes, no and why).

Children, you are all great. Everyone completed the task. You've succeeded.

VII . Reflection

At the end of our project, I would like to interview you. Answer the questions.

Did you like the project “Magic Tale”?

What would you change or do differently in the way the project works?

Why did we create this project?

To finish our lesson, I suggest listening to the song “A Fairy Tale Walks Around the World.” Perhaps your fairy tale is still walking around the world somewhere.

Thank you for the lesson! (Appendix 5)

List of USED literature

Methodological and teaching aids:

  1. Literary reading grade 3. Part 1. Compiled by: L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky.

2.Project activities in primary school/ed.-comp. M.K Gospodnikova and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

3. Tsirulik N.A. We work using the project method // Educational practice. 2006. No. 4.


  1. Beloborodov N.V. Social creative projects at school. M.: Arkti, 2006.
  2. Bychkov A.V. Project method in modern school. – M., 2000.
  3. Guzeev V.V. The project method as a special case of integrated learning technology. // Head teacher. – 1995. - No. 6.
  4. Zemlyanskaya E.N. Educational projects for junior schoolchildren. // Start school. – 2005. - No. 9.
  5. Kalugin M.A. After lessons: crosswords, quizzes, puzzles. – Yaroslavl, 1997.6.
  6. Novikova T. Design technologies in lessons and extracurricular activities. // Nar. education. – 2000. - No. 7.

Internet resources:

  1. https://infourok.ru/
  2. http://uchitelya.com/literatura/3
  3. https://koncpekt.ru/
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCuRbT6MGU0


1 group “Storytellers”

1. What does the word mean? folklore?

2. What craftsmen painted wooden dishes?

3.Which group of fairy tales does the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka” belong to?

4. Indicate the ending of fairy tales.

 1) once upon a time...

 3) they began to live, live and make good

4) and they lived happily ever after.

Group 2 “Artists”

1. What is a nursery rhyme?

2. Is there an end to a boring fairy tale?

3. What types of fairy tales do you know?

4. Which number is most often found in fairy tales?

Group 3 “Critics”

1. In what folk craft are blue and white colors used for painting?

2. Which group of fairy tales does the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” belong to?

3. What does the word mean? ran away

4. Indicate the beginning of fairy tales.

 1) once upon a time...

 2) beyond distant lands, in the distant kingdom...

A fairy tale about Barbie.

Once upon a time there was a Barbie, and she had a friend, Lucy. Barbie and Lucy lived in a pink house. One day the dolls decided to take a walk in the forest. They walked and walked and saw: on the path there was a golden ring. Someone lost him. Lucy took the gold ring, looked at it and showed it to Barbie. And Barbie says:

This ring is not simple, but magical! Once we make a wish, it will immediately come true!

Then I'll be the first to make a wish! - Lucy suggested.

Of course,” replied Barbie. - You picked up the ring from the path.

I want a new pink skirt! – asked Lucy.

Before Lucy could say her wish, a beautiful pink skirt appeared on her.

And I want a blue summer sundress! – Barbie made a wish.

And Barbie has a completely new blue sundress.

Then Lucy wished for a handbag, shiny shoes and beads, and Barbie wished for a bracelet, earrings and an emerald pendant. After Barbie and Lucy's wishes ran out, they headed back home to the pink house.

Magic spatula

My dad gave me a spatula for my birthday. She could dig the sand and look for treasures in it. I liked playing with the spatula in the yard. The spatula always found toys forgotten by someone in the sand. I didn’t take other people’s toys to my home, but left them next to the sandbox.

One day, the spatula found a real treasure: a gold coin. I showed it to dad, and dad said that this coin was magical. It can be exchanged for chocolate or ice cream. But I didn’t exchange the coin for sweets. I hid it in my treasure chest.

Talking cars

I had several cars of different colors. One car was blue, another was red, and the third was green. I also had a yellow car, but it broke down and stopped driving. But the red, blue and green cars drove well. They rode along the roads at high speeds, turning left and right, honking and beeping their horns. My cars could talk.

Often on the road, crossing each other, cars quarreled. They argued about which of them should go first. But then the cars made up and drove together.

One day the red car got stuck and couldn’t leave. Blue and green cars came to her aid. They pushed the red car, and it got out onto a flat road.

Since then, my cars never quarrel, but try to help each other if trouble happens on the road.

Sugar clouds

One day a wizard told me where white clouds appear in the sky. Somewhere on the edge of the earth there is a large pan in which cotton candy is prepared. She flies out of it and dissolves in the sky.

Only white stripes are visible in the sky, and sometimes the clouds look like large ships made of cotton candy. At this moment, the machine for making cotton candy malfunctions and, thanks to it, real masterpieces appear in the sky.

Here a large snow-white dog is flying across the blue surface, and behind it is the booth in which it lives. And over there, a white butterfly is looking for a flower...

Sometimes the cotton candy clouds thicken and turn black. Then it rains.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT IDEA: IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL LITERARY READING PROGRAM, GREAT ATTENTION IS PAID TO THE FAIRY TALE AS A LITERARY GENRE. TYPES OF FAIRY TALES ARE CONSIDERED, THE LAWS OF A MAGIC TALE, DISTINCTIVE FEATURES, ITS STRUCTURE AND COMPOSITION ARE DISCOVERED. THIS PROJECT SYSTEMATIZES AND SUMMARIZES ALL INFORMATION ABOUT MAGIC TALES. Project goals: To teach to identify the differences between a fairy tale and other types of fairy tales, the features of a fairy tale. Developing the ability to analyze a work of art, compare various literary materials, master basic methods of obtaining and processing information, and work in groups.

Problematic questions of the project: How do fairy tales differ from other fairy tales? Are fairy tales similar to each other? What heroes can you meet in fairy tales? Is it possible to do without villains in a fairy tale? How do fairy tales work? FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS OF THE PROJECT: MAGICAL TALES HAVE THEIR OWN FEATURES, KNOWING THEM, A CHILD CAN COMPOSE A FAIRY TALE. Project educational questions: What is a fairy tale? What kind of fairy tales are there? What are the differences between a fairy tale? What do fairy tales teach?

PROJECT STAGES Students become familiar with the goals and objectives of the project; break into groups and become familiar with the tasks of each group. 1. Preparatory stage: Preparation of materials to attract students; dividing students into groups and distributing responsibilities. The teacher conducts an “advertising campaign” in order to attract “allies” (teachers, parents) and conduct an action to attract students to the project.

Subject: Literary reading

Completed by: Novokovskaya Svetlana

Teacher: Radchenkova Tamara Ivanovna

Project work plan:

    Highlight the differences between fairy tales and other types of fairy tales.

    Find out what you can use to compose a fairy tale.

    Create a memo “Lessons in magic or how to compose your own fairy tale.”

    Write a fairy tale.

    Present your project.

There are many fairy tales in the world; both adults and children read them with interest. It is known that a fairy tale is a genre of literary creativity. The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language (Ozhegov S., Shvedova N.) says that “a fairy tale is a narrative, usually folk-poetic work about fictional persons and events, mainly with the participation of magical, fantastic forces”

Signs of fairy tales:

    special composition;

    repetition three times;

    positive and negative heroes;

    supernatural powers, helpers, magical objects;

    miraculous transformations;

    good conquers evil

Fairy tale composition.

A fairy tale is built according to its own laws, it has special elements, without which it would not be real, thanks to which it retains one of its important features - melodiousness.

Saying needed in order to prepare for listening to a fairy tale, to interest it. Like the epic chorus, it is an optional part of a fairy tale.

Initiation in a fairy tale it is needed in order to make its beginning more interesting and mysterious: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king...”; “Beyond the distant fields, beyond the deep seas, behind the high mountains, among the azure glades, in a certain kingdom, a heavenly state, there lived...”

Tie – this is the beginning of events.

Plot development is a search for what is lost or missing.

Climax fairy tale is that main character, or the heroine fights an opposing force (or solves difficult problems) and always defeats it.

Denouement is overcoming a loss or lack. Usually the hero (heroine) “reigns” at the end - that is, acquires a higher social status than he had at the beginning.

Ending is needed in order to limit the fictional world of fairy tales from real life and return the listener to reality. For example: “They threw a feast for the whole world, and I was there, drank honey and beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth,” “Here’s a fairy tale for you, and I got a bunch of bagels,” “They began to live and live well and make good money.” .

In fairy tales there is a struggle between good and evil, which means that they cannot do without villains.

The actions that heroes perform in fairy tales are always the same. Thus, we can conclude that fairy tales are similar to each other. Exactly at folk tales All functions are preserved and the scheme is respected. This may not be the case in original, literary fairy tales.

When composing your own fairy tale, you can use all the functions, or you can omit some of them. The main thing is to get from the point “once upon a time” to the point “happy ending”.

So, we can conclude that, based on the diagram, you can compose a fairy tale yourself

Conclusion: Thus, I found out that I read fairy tales, I know their heroes, and I can endow ordinary objects with magical properties, I understand that in fairy tales good always triumphs over evil. But at the same time, I have difficulties composing my own fairy tale, since I do not have enough knowledge about its features.

Together with the class teacher, I created a memo “Lessons in magic or how to compose your own fairy tale.”


Fairy tale function


The beginning, the creation of a fabulous space

"Once upon a time", "once upon a time", "in the thirtieth kingdom"

Special circumstance

“The sun disappeared from the sky”, “the rains stopped pouring, and a drought set in”

“Don’t open the window”, “don’t leave the yard”, “don’t drink water”

Violation of the ban

Characters from fairy tales look out of the window, leave the yard, and drink water from a puddle.

The hero leaves home

In this case, the hero can either set off or be sent away from home, for example, with the blessing of his parents, to look for his sister

The appearance of a friend-helper

Gray wolf, puss in boots

Magic items

Flying carpet, treasure sword, self-assembled tablecloth, etc.

The enemy begins to act

The serpent kidnaps the princess, the witch poisons the apple

The Giver Tests the Hero

New character – wizard, gnome, old lady

The hero passes the test

Cope with all challenges

Getting the Magic Remedy

It can be transferred, made, bought, appear out of nowhere, stolen, given by a donor

The hero enters into battle with the enemy

This could be an open battle - with the Serpent Gorynych...

The enemy is defeated

The enemy is not only defeated in battle or competition, but also driven out or destroyed with the help of cunning

The hero returns home

On the magic carpet...

A happy ending

A feast for the whole world, a wedding, half a kingdom to boot

While working on the project, I read fairy tales and became convinced that they were different from others

fairy tales thanks to magical objects, miracles and a special plot structure.

You can compose a fairy tale yourself, knowing its features. Working on the project helped me learn how to turn ordinary stories into real fairy tales: where there is good and evil, helpers and magical objects, obstacles and difficult trials.

And I composed my own fairy tale.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. Grandfather's name was Foma, and grandmother's name was Fenya. One day the grandfather asks the grandmother:

Grandma, I’m tired of lying on the stove and eating rolls. Let me go and catch some fish.

Go, my dear, go,” the grandmother answers.

Grandfather went to the river. The road led through the forest, and the old man got lost. Suddenly a huge Oak tree grew on his way. The grandfather sees that this Oak is not easy, he shows him the way: “If you go right, you will find wealth,” “If you turn left, you will find youth,” “If you go straight, you will find Kolobok.”

The old man went straight and saw a hut standing on chicken legs. And the old man hears Baba Yaga singing: “Kolobok,

Kolobok, Kolobok." The grandfather was afraid that Baba Yaga would bewitch him and ran home to his grandmother.

Fenya, you know who I saw,” says the grandfather, “Babu Yaga!” And she has our Kolobok! Grandma didn’t believe Grandpa and then she screamed:

You're such an old stump, Babok Yozhek doesn't exist!

There are,” Foma answers.

“And you prove it: bring me Kolobok, then I’ll believe it,” says the grandmother. There is nothing to do, the grandfather went into the forest for Kolobok. He walks through the forest, looks around, and suddenly Oak stands in front of him again. Grandfather asks Oak how he can find the way to Kolobok. And Oak answers:

I helped you find Kolobok, showed you the way, but you chickened out. Now look for it yourself. The grandfather walked and walked, but never met Kolobok.

Meanwhile, Kolobok ran away from Baba Yaga. He rolled along the path until he met the Wolf. The wolf did not even talk to the kolobok, grabbed him and headed into the thicket of the forest. How long did the grandfather wander through the forest for a short time, lost all hope of finding Kolobok and decided to return home. But then a Wolf appeared from the bushes. The grandfather was very scared at first, but when he saw Kolobok in the paws of the Wolf, he decided to save him without fail.

Come on, Wolf, give me Kolobok! - asked the grandfather.

No, I won’t give it up,” Volchok resisted.

Give it up, I ask you on honor, and go in peace! - the grandfather did not calm down. But the Wolf was not inclined. He bared his teeth. - Will not give it back!

And then Oak again came to the grandfather’s aid. The old man had an oak stick in his hands. The grandfather became brave, swung an oak stick at the Wolf, sparks fell from the Wolf’s eyes, his teeth began to chatter in fear... Gray got scared and ran away. And the grandfather took Kolobok and went home happy. The grandmother met the grandfather at home. She was very happy about her grandfather’s find, hugged Kolobok and kissed him in joy. So the three of them began to live: grandfather Thomas, grandmother Fenya and Kolobok.

3rd grade students of the Bolsheokhochevsky branch of the MKOU "Okhochevskaya Secondary School"

This project is a collective creative work on creating a "Book of Fairy Tales" for a literary reading lesson in 3rd grade according to the "School of Russia" program



Bolsheokhochevsky branch of MKOU "Okhochevskaya Secondary School"


"My fairy tales"

Project creators:3rd grade students

Project Manager:primary school teacher Delova Irina Anatolyevna

year 2014-

A fairy tale about Prince Dmitry.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived Prince Dmitry.

One day, the prince and his father, King Yuri, went to a neighboring kingdom for a ball dedicated to Princess Mary's birthday.

As soon as the prince saw the beautiful princess, he immediately fell in love with her. They ate ice cream and danced together.

Suddenly a hurricane hit. The sky was covered with clouds and thunder struck. An evil sorcerer appeared on a black horse and stole Princess Mary. Maria's father was inconsolable. Then Prince Dmitry went in search of the beauty.

The road led him to a dark forest. Dmitry wandered in the forest for three days and three nights, tired and hungry. He looks, and there’s an old lady coming towards him! She can barely move her legs, and the old woman has a huge bundle of brushwood on her back. The prince took pity on the old woman and helped her carry brushwood to the hut. While they were walking, Dmitry told about his misfortune.

Then the old woman took a nut stick from the bundle and said: “I will thank you, well done, for your kindness!” Here’s a lifesaver for you, it will fulfill three of your wishes.”

The old woman said so and immediately disappeared.

The prince went further, and there was a lake on the way. Dmitry waved his wand, and immediately a boat appeared in front of him. The prince swam to the other side. He looks, and in front of him is a very tall mountain, and at the very top there is a sorcerer’s castle. Dmitry waved his wand, and his wings grew like a bird. He rose into the very sky, and there was a sorcerer on his horse. They began to fight with swords, the prince cut off his head, and the sorcerer’s castle collapsed. Princess Maria ran out of the dungeon, and the prince waved his wand a third time, and they were home. The father, the king, had such joy! It didn't take long to get ready and get married. And Prince Dmitry and Princess Mary lived happily ever after!

A fairy tale about fairy Martha and the golden antelope.

Among the flowers, on the green lawn, lived the fairy Martha. And she had a friend - the Golden Antelope. The fairy once boasted that she had a magic wand, and that with this wand she was stronger than anyone in the world.

Suddenly a strong wind rose, and the little fairy was carried away into the dark forest. And she dropped her magic wand out of fear.

She walked and walked and entered the very thicket. And here in the hollow of an old oak tree lived a forest witch.

The witch wanted to catch the fairy Martha and take away her magic wings. Yes, where - there! The fairy flapped her wings and instantly flew away from the evil witch.

A fairy is flying, and then, out of nowhere, an evil kite pounces. The villain wanted to take the fairy to his nest and make him his wife. The poor thing barely made it off her feet.

She hid under a bush, sat and cried. She doesn’t know how to get out of the forest or get home.

Then Martha heard someone galloping through the forest. Lo and behold, this is a golden antelope, its faithful friend is in a hurry. The antelope picked up the fairy on its back and carried her home, to the green meadows, to the flower meadow.

They began to live well and be friends stronger than before. And Martha forgot to think about the magic wand! Why does she need it when she has a real friend.

Magic bear.

I'll tell you an interesting, very interesting, magical - super magical fairy tale.

I had a teddy bear: it was old, an ear was torn off. But I loved him more than all the toys.

My bear was just an ordinary bear, but suddenly he started talking! He said that he could fulfill three wishes, but only the kindest ones.

My friend Lena dreamed of a Baby Bon doll, and the bear immediately fulfilled her dream.

I really wanted to get a dog, and she appeared immediately! But I didn’t make a third wish, let it remain in reserve. And my teddy bear disappeared! I hope that he will definitely return when I decide to make my third wish.

Bear promised me this!

A fairy tale about the transformation of a lazy girl into a hardworking one.

Once upon a time there lived a girl - Svetochka. She loved watching cartoons. At this time, Sveta forgot about everything in the world: that she needed to do her homework, and that she needed to go to bed early so as not to doze off in class tomorrow. She forgot to put away toys, brush her teeth, help her mother and much more...

So Svetochka grew up as a disobedient, sloppy and very lazy girl. And Sveta had no friends! You need time to make friends, but the girl watched TV all day.

One day a girl turned on the TV, and she was looking at her from the screen! The girl on TV repeated everything after the real Svetochka and even stuck her tongue out at her! No matter how hard Sveta tried to switch channels, nothing worked.

The girl became scared, and she quickly turned off the TV. And since she had nothing to do, Svetochka decided to put away the toys.

The next day the same thing happened again! I turned on the TV, and there she was again: disheveled, unkempt, notebooks scattered, homework not done! Svetochka turned off the TV and let’s do our homework quickly!

Now, having returned from school, the girl was in no hurry to turn on the TV. She will help mom, put away the toys, and do her homework. And then Svetochka made friends, playing with them turned out to be much more fun than sitting alone in front of the TV.

The girl has changed so much that it’s impossible to recognize her!

She became obedient, hardworking, and improved in her studies. And Svetochka watches TV, of course, but only rarely and little. What if they show it there again?!

"Old Sorceress"

Once upon a time there was a kind boy. He helped old women cross the road. One day a boy was standing at a pedestrian crossing. An old woman whom he had helped cross the road yesterday approached him. He translated it again. The next day Maxim, that was the boy’s name, saw the same old woman again. She told him: No. You are very good boy, Maxim, I have been watching you for a long time. You give up your seat to the elders on the tram and help carry heavy bags. You carried me across the road for three days. For this I will fulfill your three wishes. Everything you have in mind will come true! You just need to close your eyes and repeat your wish three times.” The old lady said so and disappeared.

Maxim couldn’t wait to check whether the old woman was telling the truth or not. He walked and saw a very sad girl.

Why are you sad? - asked Maxim.

I'm sad because my mother is sick.

Then Maxim closed his eyes and repeated three times: “I want this girl’s mother to stop getting sick.” Immediately the girl’s mother walked towards the children and smiled - she was completely healthy.

The boy ran home joyfully. There he was met by his beloved dog Barbos. “It would be nice to learn to understand the language of animals! I could talk to Barboska!” - thought Maxim. He closed his eyes and repeated his wish three times. And then he heard: “Woof-woof, do we have anything tasty, like ham???”

In the morning Maxim went to school. On the way, he met his friends Kolka and Vitka. They said that they had not learned their lessons and were afraid to go to school. Then Maxim closed his eyes and repeated three times: “I want all children to always do homework and only got straight A’s.”

From that time on, at the school where Maxim studied, all the children became excellent students. And their school became the best school in the world!

Vanya and Deer

(Alexey Korystin, 3rd grade)

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Vanya. One day he went into the forest for a walk. Suddenly he sees a Deer who has fallen into a trap of hunters. Vanya helped Olen get out. And he says to him: “Thank you, Vanya! For your kindness, I will fulfill your three wishes!” He said so and ran off about his reindeer business.

Vanya goes further and sees a duckling who was crying bitterly because he had lost his mother. Vanya immediately wished that the mother duck would find her son. Lo and behold, the mother duck is right there.
Vanya was delighted and walked further along the forest path. In the clearing there grew an apple tree with plump apples. And a hedgehog is running under it: he wants to taste the apple, but he just can’t get it. Vanya wished for several apples to fall to the ground. The hedgehog was happy, picked up the apples and ran


Vanya came home happy. It was not in vain that Vanya spent his wishes - he helped the little animals.

“A good deed is worth a lot”

Duck Smoke.

Once upon a time there lived a duck called Dymka. She had three ducklings. One day a duck took her ducklings to the river. Then a cat jumped out from behind the bushes and grabbed the duckling.

Children were playing near the river. Among them was the boy Vitya. He saw how the cat stole the duckling, chased the robber and took the baby away. Vitya brought the duckling to his mother, and the duck flapped its wings and said: “Thank you, Vitya, for saving my baby!”

For this I will fulfill your three wishes.”

The boy thought and decided:

May everyone in my family be healthy!

May all people on Earth be kind!

May I have a little sister!

Everything that Vitya has wished for will definitely come true. Because good will respond well!

  1. Project name:

"Let's compose a fairy tale"

  1. Project rationale:

Development of creative abilities;

Personal moral guidelines;

Increasing motivation for learning activities

Cognitive interest in reading.

3. Relevance of the project:

Cultivating interest in reading children's fiction, developing speech, imagination, and creative activity; the ability to understand and accept a learning task, plan the implementation of this task; finding the necessary information in various sources, comprehending the information received during the research process and organizing one’s work - all these are the tasks of a modern school.

4. Project goal:

Come up with and write down a fairy tale, make an illustration for it; create a book of fairy tales for our class.

5. Deadlines:lesson and extracurricular activities.

6. Forms of work:

Individual creative activity of students; collective discussion and correction of the received material;

Presentation of works.

7. Project result: