Cable cross-section diameter. How to find out the cross-section of a wire in various ways. If the wire cross-section is less than required

Calculation of wire cross-section

Basically smaller than expected. It's not very good. Ideally, a cable with the declared cross-section should have the appropriate diameter. If the diameter of the cores is different, then, accordingly, the cross-section will also be different and, accordingly, the cable can pass through less current than it should. How to determine the cross-section of a cable by its diameter?

For different operating conditions

In fact, material heterogeneity leads to a higher density of mechanical defects and lower chemical stability, reducing the length of components that are subject to high stress as such threads. Inconsistencies in the composite metal material of the wires can lead to the formation of microcracks, which significantly reduces the remaining life.

The sample can be studied before and after processing to check its microstructural evolution. This comparison, in particular, provides data on the size distribution and concentration of new defects due to ongoing processes. These data support the possibility of advanced characterization of neutron string technology for musical instrument strings, aimed at refining them and ultimately improving the quality of the sounds produced. The ring is the supporting point of a coil or threaded spring. When applied to an extension spring, it is commonly referred to as a ring.

Everything is very simple. You need to take small measurements and count.

What is the cross-section of a conductor? This is its cross-sectional area. Basically, the wire strands that are popular in home electrics have a round cross-section. Let's remember the formulas from the school curriculum. How is the area of ​​a circle calculated? If you don’t remember, here are two formulas below:

When it is closed it is called a loop and when it is partially open it is called a hook. Helical angle is the helical angle of a coil spring. Load is the force that must be applied to create a single flexion. Compressive strain is the deformation that occurs when a material undergoes relaxation to its elastic limit. When the force causing this deformation is removed, the material returns to its original size and shape.

Permanent deformation is the change in the length of a spring over time under constant load. The outer diameter is the diameter of the cylindrical shell formed by the outer surface of the spring springs. The diameter of the internal thread of a spring is the diameter of the cylindrical shell formed by the inner surface of the spring springs.

S=πR 2 or S=πD 2 /4, where

π (pi) = 3.14 - constant value;

R – radius of the circle;

D is the diameter of the circle.

All we have to do is find out the diameter or radius of the conductive core and substitute them into the formula. This way we will know the real cross section.

How to determine the cross-section of a single-wire cable by its diameter?

In order to find out the diameter we need a caliper or micrometer. The first tool is much more popular among people. I have it too. First you need to clean the core a little and take measurements. It often happens that there is no need to strip it, since the core itself protrudes sufficiently from under the insulation. All this can be done in the store during selection.

The purpose of relaxation is to reduce stress caused by construction processes. Fatigue is a phenomenon that results in fracture that occurs under conditions that involve repetitive and oscillating stresses below the elastic limit of the material.

Stress correction factor - a factor has been introduced that takes into account the fact that the distribution of cutting stress on the wire diameter is not symmetrical. This intercession is greater inside the loop than outside. The final spin fixing factor is a factor used in calculating the compressive strain to take into account the end flange positioning method.

As an example, I took three pieces of cable from my stash, with the cross-section indicated on the insulation. This is VVGng 2x2.5; VVGng 5x4 and VVGng 2x6.

I measured the diameter of their veins and this is what I got:

Cable brand Core diameter, mm Calculated cross-section of current-carrying conductors, mm 2 Conclusion
VVGng 2x2.5 1,7 S=3.14x1.7x1.7/4=2.27 Is 90.8% of the declared cross-section
VVGng 5x4 2,2 S=3.14x2.2x2.2/4=3.79 Is 94.8% of the declared cross-section
VVGng 2x6 2,7 S=3.14x2.7x2.7/4=5.72 Is 95.3% of the declared cross-section

I got good results. I've often seen much worse. These cables can be put into operation.

Finish - A primer applied to protect or decorate the springs. Flexion is the relative displacement of the end turns of a spring after the application of force. Flexible bending- the maximum deflection that can be applied to a spring without exceeding the elastic limit of the material.

Index. The relationship between the average spring diameter and the material diameter for round profiles or the radial cross-sectional width for rectangular or trapezoidal sections. Screw Insertion - Screw holes on the ends of a coil extension spring to attach the spring to another component. The internal thread, diameter, pitch and hole shape correspond to the characteristics of the spring.

In order for you not to calculate the cross section on a calculator every time, I provide below a plate that you can take with you to the store. All you have to do is measure the core diameter with a caliper and compare it with the value in the table.

Conductor cross-section, mm 2 Corresponding diameter for each section, mm Maximum diameter of single-wire copper cores according to GOST 22483-2012 (Table C.1), mm Maximum diameter of stranded copper cores according to GOST 22483-2012 (Table C.1), mm
1 1,13 1,2 1,14
1,5 1,38 1,5 1,7
2,5 1,78 1,9 2,2
4 2,26 2,4 2,7
6 2,76 2,9 3,3
10 3,57 3,7 4,2
16 4,51 4,6 5,3
25 5,64 5,7 6,6

If your core diameter measurements are much smaller than the data in the table, then it is better not to buy such a cable. If we compare the values ​​in two tables, for example, for a cross-section of 2.5 mm 2, then a decrease in diameters by 0.03 mm already results in a reduction in cross-section of 10%. Take this into account.

Cable loss calculation

Hysteresis - Delay of an effect compared to the cause of the effect itself. The measurement of hysteresis in a spring is represented by the area between the load and unload curves that occur when stress is applied to the spring within its elastic range. Elastic Limit - The maximum stress that can be applied to a material without causing permanent deformation.

Fatigue limit is a stress state value, which can be determined statistically, below which a material can be subjected to an infinite number of stress cycles. Block Length - The total length of a coil spring when each individual circuit is in contact with the next.

How to determine the cross-section of a stranded cable by its diameter?

Everything is simple here too. You need to fluff up the wire wires and make the measurements described above for one core. Then you need to count the number of wires and multiply the resulting value by the cross-section of one wire. This way we will get the desired result.

This is of course a very rough result. In fact, there is a small air gap between the wires in the veins. It is taken into account by the fill factor of the conductor. This is the ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​a multi-wire conductor to the area limited by the contour described around it.

Free length is the length of the spring when it is not subject to load. In the case of extension springs, this value may include the last armature coils. Elastic modulus is the relationship between stress and strain over the elastic range. The modulus of elasticity or compression is also known as Young's modulus and in the case of cutting as the modulus of rigidity.

Grinding is the removal of metal from the sides of a spring using abrasive discs to produce a smooth, square surface with the spring axis. Compression spring - a spring whose size in the direction of the applied force decreases under the influence of such force.

This coefficient is less than one. Many people take it equal to 0.95. This means that the value of the core cross-section you receive should be 0.95 of the declared cross-section and this will be normal.

Let's smile:

How many women does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None. They would rather sit in the dark and grumble.

An extension spring is a spring whose length in the direction of an applied force increases when such force is applied. Variable Pitch Spring - A coil spring in which the pitch of the active coils is not constant. Coil spring - a spring that gives the material an elixir shape.

After this process, the algebraic sum of the residual stresses applied to the outer fibers of the material is less than the applied stress, increasing the fatigue strength of the component. The distance between a point in the cut of any loop and the corresponding point in the next loop, when measured to the level of the spring. Fatigue resistance is a state of stress for which a material will perform for a given number of cycles.

Hello, dear visitors of the Electrician's Notes website.

This article is about how you can independently determine the cable cross-section by diameter.

So this article also has direct relation to this topic.

Why do we need to determine the cross-section of a cable or wire by its diameter?

And we need this for several reasons.

Relaxation is the loss of force of a spring over time as it slides in a fixed position. The degree of relaxation depends and increases depending on the voltage, temperature and time. The spring seat is the part of the mechanism that accommodates the end coils of the spring, which may include a cylindrical cavity or a centering stage for centering the spring.

How to choose the right input wire for an apartment?

Permanent set - permanent deformation of the spring after applying and removing force. Stress - Increased force for the area in which it acts. Apply to spring material, and for compression and tension springs, it is twisted or cut, and for tension springs, it is live or bending.

1. There is no tag on the wire or cable coil

There are situations when a cable or wire coil does not have a tag with its cross-section and other characteristics. Of course, I, who deal with this almost every day, can either use the cable “by eye.” But to be honest, sometimes it happens that it is very difficult to determine the cross section.

Space is the distance between a loop and the next loop in a coil spring with open coils, measured parallel to the axis of the spring. Open Loop - The end loop of a helical spring with open loops whose helix angle has not been gradually reduced.

Active coils are spring coils that contribute to spring loading at any time. Unstable lateral distortion of the main axis of the spring during compression. Closed terminal spirals. The terminal loop of a coil spring whose coil angle gradually decreases until it touches an adjacent sprocket.

2. Buying wires and cables

The second reason is the purchase of these same wires and cables. You all know, and I have told you about this more than once, that in modern market relations, cable and conductor products “sometimes” do not meet the requirements of modern GOSTs. But we’ll talk about this in more detail in the following articles. If you are interested, sign up to receive notifications about the release of new articles on the site.

The initial stress is the portion of the force exerted by the tension of a closed-loop spring along its axis, which cannot be related to the product of the theoretical load and the measured bending. Pruning is a process during which internal stresses are induced in the spring. This phenomenon is achieved by subjecting the spring to a greater tension than that at which it is exposed to the operating condition and exceeding the elastic limit of the material. The plastic deformed areas resulting from this stress cause preferential stress redistribution in the spring.

So, how to determine the cross-section of a cable or wire based on its diameter?

Method No. 1

The first method is used to determine the cross-section of the cores of a single-wire cable or wire.

To do this, we need to use a conventional caliper or micrometer to measure the diameter of the cable core (wire) without insulation. I don’t have a micrometer, but I always have a caliper in mine.

Tension can only be applied in the direction of the applied force. Compression test. The test is performed by compressing a spring several times to a certain length. Fatigue testing is a test to determine the number of stress cycles that will fail a component or prototype.

Confusion of different parts of the sword is a common problem and we have many examples in modern cinema and literature. This article provides a quick guide for anyone interested in delving into the subject. The beginning of the sword. The most used materials for the handle are bronze and iron, but there are several exemplary joints in wood, bone, stone or crystal. As far as forms go, you'll probably be hard pressed to find one that has never been introduced throughout history. In many swords, the tail is beaten right into the handle to bring the elf parts together.

As an example, I will give the determination of the cross-section of the VVGng cable core in two ways. As a result, we compare the results obtained.

This is the cable.

Pre-Whiching highswords often have no hilt, which is replaced by a high guard with a metal button. This is the part of the inner blade on the blade that the handle is attached to.

The heart of the handle, usually made of wood, sometimes even horn or metal, rests directly on the knot. For a safer grip, the inside is lined with various materials: leather and rope on all, and then metal plates and, in the far east, shark skin.

Why find out the wire cross-section

The metal component that separates the grip from the blade, placed perpendicular to it, prevents the hand from slipping and protects it from blows from the opponent. If there is high protection, protection is defined as low protection. As for the guard's form, it is once again advisable to take a look at Oakeshott's rating. As you can see, there are many varieties.

Calculation of the cross-sectional area of ​​a single-core wire

It includes all the details described so far. Elbow assembly can be accomplished using two main methods. Using the first one, you have to place the guard in the tang and slide it down towards the blade, and then add a handle divided into two parts, suitably bent to fit the touch, and then press the handle and refute the end of the pitch. Second, on the other hand, is to push the perforated handle of the tree onto the even hotter tail, so that the latter excavates the ideal river bed inside the forest.

We cut the cable and separate the wires.

We take one vein (I took the blue one) and strip it, i.e. remove the core insulation. To remove insulation, I personally use a stripper Knipex 12 40 200 - I recommend it.

In this case, the handle usually has a rounded shape. In this case, it is often worn with leather stripes. They can also be useful for controlling or disabling an opponent's blade. Some swords have one, two or three, and no one else. You have often felt it called "lubricant" and the like, but the sheath is the most appropriate term, but its function is not to draw blood, but to lighten the blade, giving it greater stability and flexibility.

The part of the blade closest to the elf, immediately after disposal. Often more often than the rest of the blade, it is the part that is strong to take pictures. With the advent of more and more reliable protections, the need to attach it is lost. The third end of the blade is the one with which you can hit your opponent. As the name suggests, it is also the least stable part and more prone to tearing.

Using a caliper, we measure the diameter of this core.

I found that the diameter of the measured core is 1.8 (mm).

The resulting value is 2.54 (mm2) - this is the actual cross-section of the cores of our cable.

Method No. 2

The second method is used to determine the cross-section of the cores of a single-wire cable or wire by its diameter without using a caliper or micrometer. I find this method more complex and time-consuming.

It’s better to use the first method, because... it is simpler and more accurate.

But if there is no caliper or micrometer available, then only the second method remains to be used. For this we need a pencil or pen. I used a pencil, but it's better to use a pen or something stiffer.

Everything is done in the same way.

We cut a cable of arbitrary length and bite off any core (I again took the blue core).

We remove the insulation layer from the wire of this core. And then we wrap the wire around the pencil.

It is better to wind more turns - this way the measurement will be more accurate. We carry out the winding itself in such a way that the turn fits tightly to the other turn (without gaps).

Here's what I got.

After this, we measure the length of the winding.

The winding length is 18 (mm).

We get 1.8 (mm). This is the required core diameter.

The core diameter of the VVGng cable we are interested in is known. And now, using the formula we already know, we determine its actual cross-section.

Because The diameter of the core using both methods turned out to be the same, then, accordingly, their cross-section is the same.


Method No. 3

The third method is used to determine the cross-section of the cores of a stranded (flexible) cable or wire.

For example, the number of veins in a bundle is 12.

By measuring the diameter of one vein, we obtained a value of 0.4 (mm).

Again, using the formula for calculating the area of ​​a circle, we calculate the cross-section of one vein in the bundle.

Now let’s calculate the cross-section of the entire stranded wire by multiplying the resulting cross-section of 0.125 (mm2) by the number of strands in the bundle.

The resulting value of 1.5 (mm2) is the actual cross-section of the core of the flexible cable or wire.

Method No. 4

The fourth method is used to determine the cross-section of the cores of a stranded (flexible) cable or wire without the use of a caliper or micrometer.

We do all the actions according to method No. 2 described above. The only difference is that one core from the bundle must be wound onto the pencil.

Having determined the diameter of one core from a bundle of flexible cable or wire that interests us, we find its actual cross-section using the algorithm of method No. 3.

P.S. I tried to clearly demonstrate to you the common methods of determining the cross-section of a cable by diameter. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. In the following articles I will tell you what to do with the resulting cross-section of a cable or wire, and how to find out whether it complies with current GOSTs or not.