Pgpi Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute former PPI. Tests and exams at the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute PGPI (Pavlodar)

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Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute (PPI) was opened on December 1, 1962. For almost a year it was located on the fourth floor of school No. 3, with four classrooms. On-line lectures were held in recreation areas. 150 people studied at two faculties: historical-philological and physical-mathematical; the classes were taught by 14 teachers. More than 50% of enrolled students had more than two years of work experience. Nonresident students lived in private apartments in the old building of school No. 3; by the summer of 1964, dormitory No. 1 was built.

In the 1964-1965 academic year, student enrollment was carried out in three specialties: “Russian language and literature”, “Mathematics”, “Natural science”. The number of students increased to 284 people, and 23 full-time teachers began working at the university. The first competition for filling vacant positions enriched the institute with 6 candidates of science, 5 of them had the academic title of associate professor: Ph.D. Associate Professor Belousov I.P., Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor Shiyanov A.T., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Mitroshkina A.G., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Blokh M.I.

In 1963, on the basis of the Department of Biology and Chemistry of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (due to an increase in the number of students), the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology with the Department of Physical Education was formed.

In order to attract the most prepared youth, preparatory courses were opened at the PPI; 137 students were recruited, most of them working youth of the machine-building plant, SU-6, SU-2, kindergarten workers, the cultural department, and primary school teachers.

The most important component of the educational process was the pedagogical and field practice of students. Pedagogical practice was carried out in city schools No. 3,7,11,18,23. Each teacher was assigned several academic groups for consultation, supervision and guidance. In addition, students worked in schools as pioneer leaders, assistant class teachers, and leaders of various clubs. Students completed internships in pioneer camps in the Pavlodar region.

The educational and field practice of students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology was combined with field work on state farms in the region and was structured according to the type of organization of work in a labor health camp. The practice lasted up to 42 days in various climatic zones - Altai, Bayanaul, etc.

The main priority of the PPI activities was the research work of teachers and students; New forms of research and development work are being actively introduced; a number of complex and contractual works are being carried out; The institute's teaching staff actively defend dissertations for the academic degrees of candidates and doctors of science (Zikrin O.Z., Shcherbinko Z.P., Datkaev A.M., etc.).

Scientific work at the Department of Mathematics is connected with the activities of Art. etc. Mukanova G.M., Shayakhmetov T.K., Turchinsky L.I., Shatalina M.I., who worked on the topic “Unity of training and education in the process of teaching mathematics.” Art. teacher Department of Elementary Mathematics Shatalina M.I. was studying the issue “About the mathematical asset of the class”, for this purpose a mathematical asset was created in the 9th grade of secondary school No. 3. The work revealed the connection between academic and extracurricular training in mathematics and in 1968. A teaching aid by Shatalina M.I. is published. “Development of interest, independent creative thinking and initiative in teaching mathematics in secondary school.”

Development of research activities of teachers of the Department of Russian and foreign literature associated with the development of problems of comparative analysis, artistic skill, historical significance literary works, methods of their study.

The introduction of programmed training in schools in Pavlodar and the Pavlodar region strengthened the professional cooperation of the PPI departments and teachers in the region. Scientific development continued. Topics of a research, scientific-pedagogical, scientific-applied, methodological nature were developed: 41 scientific topics were studied, within which about 40% of the teaching staff worked. Scientific student circles began to be organized at the departments, at whose meetings they heard reports, abstracts on selected topics, and studied new literature on problematic issues. Research work covered up to 42% of students.

Intra-university scientific conferences began to be held, the first of which was dedicated to “The development of national relations in the conditions of the transition from socialism to communism.” Presentations were made by Ph.D. Burankulov G.I., Art. A.N. Gritskov Ave., V.I. Lobanov Ave. and Geiger R.M.

At the same time, the personnel problem was being resolved. Thanks to scientific work, the institute began to be replenished with young specialists who had undergone primary training at the PPI. This process was also facilitated by the policy of priority assignment of university teachers to targeted postgraduate studies, carried out by the Union and Republican ministries.

The implementation of the “Law on strengthening the connection between school and life and the further development of the public education system in the USSR” encouraged the PPI team to organize the “University of Pedagogical Knowledge”, through which pedagogical knowledge was disseminated and experience was exchanged on methods of teaching academic disciplines.

During the formation of the university, an active search was carried out for optimal forms and methods of activities for educating students, and the foundations for managing the educational process were laid.

The main attention of the rector's office, dean's offices, departments, as well as party, trade union, and Komsomol organizations was concentrated on resolving issues of organizing and implementing educational and educational processes. Educational work was based on plans approved by the party bureau of the institute. They contained the main directions of education: the study of Marxist-Leninist theory, political-educational and cultural-mass work, military-patriotic education, mass sports, scientific work with students, work in dormitories, the formation of connections between the institute and organizations of the city and region.

On the basis of the general institute plan, the educational process was built in faculties, departments, and academic groups. It included political studies of teachers and staff of the institute: lectures and propaganda work; cultural events, print and radio work; mass political and sports work, mass propaganda activities among the population and students of the city.

The most important part of the education of teachers, staff and students was political education. Consultations were organized for political informants of student groups, which were conducted by teachers of the department of Marxism-Leninism (Burankulov G.I., Deryagin E.P., Rakhimberdinov K.R., Valyanov M.V.). The approved topics included problems of the current political situation in Europe, Latin America, the People's Republic of China, etc.

Theoretical seminars were a form of increasing the political development of teachers. The seminar on the study of Marxism-Lenism was led by the teacher of the Department of Marxism-Lenism V.I. Groshev; the study of the history of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) was headed by A.A. Royak. The Komsomol PPI Committee organized a study of the history of the All-Union Lenin Committee of the Youth Union (VLKSM).

The lecture group, consisting of 17 teachers and 21 students, worked at enterprises in the city and in the region; topics were developed on the international situation, the history of the USSR and Communist Party, about the culture of speech, the moral character of a Soviet young man, on the history of the Olympic Games. The “University of Culture” functioned (headed by Yu.A. Adamenko), the purpose of which was to deepen educational knowledge, broaden the horizons of future teachers, and instill aesthetic tastes. Meetings were organized with the radio commentator of the All-Union Radio, M. Gorbulin; Pavlodar poets O. Afanasyev, V. Semeryanov, S. Muzalevsky, M. Dinerstein, composer V. Shirinkin. The number of regular students of the University annually amounted to more than 300 people.

Amateur artistic activities actively developed: choral, dramatic, vocal clubs, and a Kazakh choir were created, in which most of the students studied. As the artistic director of amateur groups, senior teacher made a huge contribution to the development of amateur performances. Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Safonov R.N. Teachers Adamenko Yu.A., Zharmakin O.K., Kirsh G.I., Neverova E.N., Soltan E.E., Khavkin S.M., students Markin N., Barats actively helped the formation and development of amateur performances of the university M. et al.

The Arts Council held reviews and competitions for groups, faculties, evenings of amateur performances, staffed propaganda and cultural teams, and supervised the work of circles. Members of amateur groups gave concerts to enterprises in the city and region, to state and collective farms. The institute's pop quartet performed in concerts of the youth broadcast program of the Pavlodar television studio; the play "Youth of the Fathers", staged under the direction of the dean of the philological faculty Kirsh G.I., was shown at the Rivermen's Club, at the collective farm named after. CM. Kirov.

The propaganda and cultural brigade accompanied the three-day Pavlodar-Kachiry cycling marathon under the motto “Be a teacher”; performed before the villagers of the Krasnokutsk region with a concert program “For those in the field” during the sowing period.

The skill of amateur groups of the PPI increased; at the city review, the institute’s team took 1st place and a challenge cup for the installation “We are 48, will be 50, then we will turn 200 years old and 300, but, like a beacon, the great Communist Power will remain for centuries!” (1966). And, next year, the cup went to the institute for the installation “Wide is my native country”; the winners of the competition were dance and pop groups, 10 performances in other genres.

To form a conscious attitude and love for the chosen profession, to popularize advanced pedagogical experience, regular meetings were held between students and honored teachers: Kassatskaya E.M., Ovsyannikova A.A., Semenova O.F., Vasilyeva T.I. and others. Students worked with underachieving children, worked as Pioneer counselors, assistant class teachers, in children's rooms of the police, freelance instructors of the city Komsomol committee for organizing pioneer and Komsomol work in schools, in yard clubs, and community sports instructors.

The acquisition of skills and abilities in conducting social work was facilitated by the Faculty of Public Professions (FOP), the deans of the FOP in different years were Ulitsky S.Ya., Gainanov A.G., Adamenko Yu.A. 1226 students (1970) received a public specialty at the FOP. The “University of Pedagogical Knowledge” functioned (headed by the head of the department of pedagogy V.P. Kharitonov), the students were parents of students in city schools.

Traditions began to take shape: holding faculty evenings “Initiation of freshmen into students”; themed evenings associated with anniversaries and memorable dates. Evenings dedicated to the life and work of writers, composers (W. Shakespeare, T. Shevchenko, M. Lermontov, P. Vasilyev, Vs. Ivanov, S. Yesenin, composer L. Van Beethoven), poets of Pavlodar. Disputes and conversations were held in groups on the problems of the professional qualities of a teacher and the moral qualities of an individual. Competitions were held “For the best group of communist studies and life”.

University life was covered on the pages of the wall press: the general institute newspaper “Teacher”, the faculty newspapers “Philologist”, “RILLOT”, “Winged Youth”. At the faculties and in the dormitories, “zippers” and “combat leaflets” were issued. A radio newspaper was regularly broadcast, and a radio club functioned (director A.V. Mikheev, student Yu. Kugotenko). Photo showcases, photo montages, and “one-hour photo reports” covering the life of faculties were popular.

In the dormitories there was a body of student self-government - the student council (student council), chaired by A. Prokopenko and D. Altergot. The student council developed the conditions for reviews and competitions for the best room, and the rules for living in the dormitory. Thematic evenings of questions and answers, debates, lectures, meetings with interesting people, “department weeks”, conversations, lectures, reports on moral and ethical topics, evenings of music, poetry, KVN were held weekly. Based on the results of the review-competition of student dormitories in the Pavlodar region, dormitory No. 2 was recognized as the winner and awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Regional Committee of the Komsomol of Kazakhstan.

For the physical improvement of students, sports sections were created, a sports club was organized, and Olympiads and Spartakiads were held. Over the course of the year, 45 category athletes were trained. The institute's teams took prizes in the city relay race for the prize of the newspaper "Young Virgin Lands" and in the city cross-country ski finals. Up to 25% of students participated in sports sections. There was a children's sports school with departments for sports and rhythmic gymnastics, volleyball, barbell, cycling, skiing, basketball, and 47 category athletes were trained.

A labor sports and health camp is being created at the agrobiological station (Chernoyarka village). Students from the Faculty of Physical Education went here for training camps, and students from the Department of Chemistry and Biology and other faculties who were undergoing field practice trained here. 30% of students met the standards for sports categories.

The main work was carried out by teachers of the Department of Physical Education: Kuts A.S., Borodikhin V.A., Lytkin V.A., Kalugin I.Z. They organized the work of sports sections, conducted swimming lessons, led sports competitions, and organized one-day and multi-day tourist trips. As part of the provision of patronage assistance, students and teachers for the Chernoyarka state farm school built and equipped a sports complex consisting of a football field, athletics sectors, basketball and volleyball courts. Mass sports work was also carried out with the teachers of the institute through sports sections, tourism, fishing and hunting sections, and health groups. Teams of teachers were created in volleyball, basketball, chess, and badminton, who regularly participated in the institute’s championships.

For high results at city, regional and republican competitions in winter sports, the PPI sports club was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the Pavlodar City Executive Committee and the city committee for physical culture and sports. The PPI team of cross-country skiers became the 3rd prize-winner of the Republic of Kazakhstan among universities. At the republican competitions of SDSO "Burevestnik", the PPI sports team took 1st place in volleyball, 3rd place in skiing, 5th in athletics, 6th in handball. The following students became the winners of the republican games among student youth: Chekmareva (skiing), Ni A. (gymnastics), Barabash, Bargannikov V. (skating), Ponomarev V., Popov V. (athletics), Yakovlev Yu., Tuylykbekov K. ( classical wrestling). Student Bargannikov V. became a prize-winner of the USSR championship among juniors and represented Kazakhstan at international competitions.

Labor education was implemented through student construction brigades (SCO), work as Pioneer counselors, sports instructors in Pioneer camps, and at training camps. PPI students worked in state farms of the Pavlodar region in the construction of livestock yards, the construction of residential buildings, dormitories, greenhouses, a brick factory, mechanical currents, bathhouses, and kindergartens. For good performance in their work, many students received bonuses, certificates of commendation, and gratitude from the district Komsomol committee. The PPI detachment, stationed at the Kaskolsky state farm, won in the social competition between 14 detachments of various educational institutions 1st place and received the district's challenge banner.

As part of the month of assistance to rural schools, the construction of school workshops was carried out on all state farms, repair work was carried out in schools, and the equipment of sports grounds was updated. In all state farms during the period of work of the MTR, recreational evenings, friendly football and volleyball matches were held, and lectures were given to local residents. In the MTR detachments there are “difficult to educate” schoolchildren and teenagers, with whom certain work was also carried out.

A higher educational institution with a humanitarian focus, which is located in the city of Pavlodar, Kazakhstan. Today the institution already has the status of a university, IV level of accreditation.

A brief excursion into history

The history of this educational institution began very interestingly. On one of the floors of a regular secondary school, four classrooms were allocated for the newly created university. This was back in 1962. Then training was launched in only two faculties - history and philology and physics and mathematics.

The first stream of students numbered only 150 people, and there were only 14 teachers on staff. A year later, another faculty was created - chemical and biological. In the period from 1964-1965. students were invited to study in three specialties:

  • natural science;
  • mathematics;
  • Russian language and literature.

After 10 years, a faculty of training and advanced training for school principals is opened on the basis of the Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute. The results of the work of this faculty showed high efficiency; heads of secondary educational institutions and representatives of the scientific world gave extremely positive characteristics of the work of such a faculty.

Work of the Institute in independent Kazakhstan

After the collapse of the USSR, which included Kazakhstan, many educational institutions came under the jurisdiction of the state, and many had their level of accreditation increased. In 1994, the Pavlodar Institute was included in the Pavlodar State University.

After 10 years, the authorities decided to remove the Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute from the jurisdiction of the university, making it an independent educational unit. In 2017, the educational institution received level IV accreditation and was awarded the title of university.

University today

Today, the higher education institution trains specialists in the specialties that are studied at these four faculties:

  1. Humanitarian
  2. Arts and sports
  3. Natural Sciences
  4. Pedagogical

The form of education is not only full-time, but also distance learning. They teach at the university in two languages ​​– the state language and Russian.

In 2016, the university administration adopted a special document that defines the university’s development strategy for the next five years, until 2021 inclusive. The strategy involves work in several important areas.

  • Firstly, to determine the main tasks in the field of training highly qualified teaching staff who are trained in accordance with modern requirements and standards.
  • Secondly, the development and support of youth policy, including such aspects as instilling patriotism in the younger generation and involving them in socio-economic projects.
  • Thirdly, the creation of an integrated university management system, which implies the introduction of new standards for managing a higher education institution.

The university has a dormitory on its balance sheet, where nonresident students can get a place in this dormitory for a comfortable stay and study. However, the rector's office plans to build several more dormitories for its students. The university invites private investors within the framework of the “Public-Private Partnership” for the construction of two dormitories at the Pavlodar Pedagogical University.

One of the dormitories will have 550 beds, the second will have 750 beds.

The university management also actively supports student self-government. The university has a student alliance, a KVN youth league, etc.

A higher educational institution with a humanitarian focus, which is located in the city of Pavlodar, Kazakhstan. Today the institution already has the status of a university, IV level of accreditation.

A brief excursion into history

The history of this educational institution began very interestingly. On one of the floors of a regular secondary school, four classrooms were allocated for the newly created university. This was back in 1962. Then training was launched in only two faculties - history and philology and physics and mathematics.

The first stream of students numbered only 150 people, and there were only 14 teachers on staff. A year later, another faculty was created - chemical and biological. In the period from 1964-1965. students were invited to study in three specialties:

  • natural science;
  • mathematics;
  • Russian language and literature.

After 10 years, a faculty of training and advanced training for school principals is opened on the basis of the Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute. The results of the work of this faculty showed high efficiency; heads of secondary educational institutions and representatives of the scientific world gave extremely positive characteristics of the work of such a faculty.

Work of the Institute in independent Kazakhstan

After the collapse of the USSR, which included Kazakhstan, many educational institutions came under the jurisdiction of the state, and many had their level of accreditation increased. In 1994, the Pavlodar Institute was included in the Pavlodar State University.

After 10 years, the authorities decided to remove the Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute from the jurisdiction of the university, making it an independent educational unit. In 2017, the educational institution received level IV accreditation and was awarded the title of university.

University today

Today, the higher education institution trains specialists in the specialties that are studied at these four faculties:

  1. Humanitarian
  2. Arts and sports
  3. Natural Sciences
  4. Pedagogical

The form of education is not only full-time, but also distance learning. They teach at the university in two languages ​​– the state language and Russian.

In 2016, the university administration adopted a special document that defines the university’s development strategy for the next five years, until 2021 inclusive. The strategy involves work in several important areas.

  • Firstly, to determine the main tasks in the field of training highly qualified teaching staff who are trained in accordance with modern requirements and standards.
  • Secondly, the development and support of youth policy, including such aspects as instilling patriotism in the younger generation and involving them in socio-economic projects.
  • Thirdly, the creation of an integrated university management system, which implies the introduction of new standards for managing a higher education institution.

The university has a dormitory on its balance sheet, where nonresident students can get a place in this dormitory for a comfortable stay and study. However, the rector's office plans to build several more dormitories for its students. The university invites private investors within the framework of the “Public-Private Partnership” for the construction of two dormitories at the Pavlodar Pedagogical University.

One of the dormitories will have 550 beds, the second will have 750 beds.

The university management also actively supports student self-government. The university has a student alliance, a KVN youth league, etc.

Distance learning portal of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute PSPI (Pavlodar)

From the beginning of the 60s of the last century, the history of one of the largest higher educational institutions in Kazakhstan began - the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute PSPI. At first it was a small educational institution, but very soon, with an increase in the number of students, the university became one of the largest in the republic. Modern realities required modernization of the educational process, which resulted in the possibility of distance learning.

Despite its short history, many graduates have achieved career heights. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

Another opportunity to get an excellent education is distance learning. By choosing this type of training, you do not need to visit the institute at all; you will receive all educational materials via the Internet. Therefore, you only need a network connection and a computer.

Examples of solved tests in personal account

The cost and duration of training depend on the direction you choose. The entire educational process takes place under the guidance of qualified teachers. The developed curricula meet all educational requirements, so distance learning is a promising educational direction that provides enormous advantages both financially and in terms of time.

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All final payments for this service are made only after the service is provided (the test or exam is passed, the thesis defense is successful). The final cost depends on the complexity of the task, discipline and urgency. Submit a request for calculation.

Faculties and branches of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute PSPI

The institute has the following faculties:

  • Faculty of Philology and History
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • Faculty of Pedagogy and Sports

If you want to study in the agro-industrial direction, then pay attention to the academy.

Official website and personal account

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  • Remote exams in any discipline (including using TeamViewer; with a webcam; with personal identification);
  • Tests, coursework, problem solving;
  • Essays, abstracts;
  • Delivery of the session on a turnkey basis;
  • We resolve issues with student debts in connection with a transfer from another university;
  • Diploma, master's, dissertation works;
  • Entrance exams (help).

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Tests and exams at the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute PGPI (Pavlodar)

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