Who is Ekaterina Filippovna Lakhova? Ekaterina Filippovna Lakhova

Electrical measuring instruments

A notable figure in the Russian political field, Ekaterina Lakhova is remembered by everyone as a defender of women's rights, the interests of children and families. Her initiatives often cause fierce controversy, but also have a large number of supporters. Let's talk about how her professional and social path developed, how Ekaterina Lakhova, an experienced politician, came to the public sphere and what are the most notable milestones of her activities.

early years

Lakhova Ekaterina Filippovna (then Shutova) was born on May 26, 1948 in Sverdlovsk. The politician does not talk about his childhood and early years of life. Her family (mother Marfa Petrovna and father Philip Efimovich) was a typical Soviet “unit of society.” The girl was a diligent child, studied diligently at school, studied at the House of Pioneers, and went to the athletics section.


After school, Ekaterina Lakhova (Shutova) entered the prestigious Sverdlovsk Medical Institute in the pediatrics department. She studied well, and in her free time she worked as a nurse in a hospital to help her family with money. By the end of the institute, she already had a good understanding of the features of the Soviet medical system. In 1972, Ekaterina received a university diploma and went to work as an assigned worker at a regional clinic.

Medical career

After graduating from medical school, Ekaterina Lakhova went to work in a regular clinic in Sverdlovsk as a pediatrician. In 1976, she decided to improve her qualifications and entered clinical residency at her native institute. In 1978, she became the head of the pediatric department at city clinic No. 8 in Sverdlovsk. An active and competent specialist, after three years she was taken to the city health department, where she works as deputy head for maternal and child health issues. In 1987, she became deputy head of the Sverdlovsk Regional Health Department for maternal and child health issues. She worked for several years with Yuri Petrov, Boris Yeltsin’s successor and ally. Over 9 years of administrative work, Lakhova has thoroughly studied the main problems of the children's healthcare system and realized that the executive branch has too few opportunities to eradicate them, and therefore changes need to be introduced at the legislative level.

First steps in politics

In 1990, Ekaterina Lakhova, whose biography is related to issues of child and maternal health, decided to become a deputy. She quite easily wins the elections to the Congress of People's Deputies Russian Federation. And a year later she became the chairman of the committee on women’s affairs, family protection, motherhood and childhood in the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. From the very beginning, Ekaterina Filippovna “bet” on Yeltsin; the “Sverdlovsk factor” played a significant role in her political career. In 1991, when the country begins to feel feverish, she votes for the ratification of the Belovezhskaya Accords and leaves the post of chairman of the committee to the Presidential Administration for the position of adviser. Yuri Petrov again becomes its leader. Lakhova deals with her usual issues in the administration - childhood, family, mothers. In 1993, at a time of open conflict between Yeltsin and the Supreme Council, she came out in support of the President.

Experienced MP

In 1993, Ekaterina Lakhova, a deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation, became the organizer of the socio-political movement “Women of Russia”. From this force, she runs in the elections to the Duma and creates a faction there with the same name. In 1995, Lakhova became a deputy of the Duma of the second convocation, having won elections in a single-mandate constituency in the Ulyanovsk region. She was actively involved in legislative issues in her usual field of motherhood and childhood. In 1996, Ekaterina Filippovna had an insoluble conflict with her former party comrade A. Fedulova. This led to Lakhova leaving “Women of Russia” and creating a new public entity with an almost identical name “Socio-political movement of women of Russia.” In the Duma of the second convocation, she is a member of the “Regions of Russia” faction; Ekaterina Filippovna also works in the Committee on Regulations and in the Assembly of the CIS Countries on Social Policy and Protection of Children’s Rights. In 1999, she entered the Duma of the third convocation on the party lists of the Fatherland - All Russia bloc. After a new pro-presidential political force, the United Russia party, emerged in Russia, Lakhova took a prominent place in it, becoming a member of the General Council. And in 2003, she was elected to the Duma of the fourth convocation, this time on the list of United Russia. In 2007 and 2011, she also entered the Duma from this party. In the Duma of the sixth convocation she worked as deputy chairman of the Committee on Affairs of Public Associations and Religious Communities. In 2014, the Duma of the sixth convocation decided to early terminate the powers of deputy E. Lakhova.

In 2014, Ekaterina Filippovna stood in the elections to the Bryansk Regional Duma and received the seat of senator from this region. It was precisely with this circumstance that her resignation from the State Duma was connected. Ekaterina Lakhova, for whom the Federation Council became a new political height, took a place in this body as a member of the Committee on Regional Policy, Northern Affairs, local government and regional policy.

Main initiatives and political position

Over her long political life, Ekaterina Lakhova has repeatedly attracted the attention of the media and the public with her speeches and initiatives. Thus, she was an active advocate of the idea of ​​​​introducing sex education lessons for children starting from 5-7 years old. In 2012, she became one of the initiators of the unpopular ban on the adoption of Russian children by American citizens. This decision was one of the responses to the so-called “Magnitsky Law”. Lakhova has repeatedly had tensions with the Orthodox Church due to her active support of family planning programs. At the same time, the politician herself has repeatedly emphasized her religion and adherence to Orthodox canons. Ekaterina Filippovna has always held pro-presidential views; many political scientists see this as the reason for her such political longevity.

Personal life

Lakhova Ekaterina Filippovna devoted her whole life to issues of family and childhood, and her own family is a role model. Ekaterina married Vladimir Mikhailovich Lakhov during her student years. In 1969, the couple had a son, Dmitry. In 2006, Ekaterina Filippovna became a grandmother; she is very kind to her grandson. In his free time, the politician enjoys watching old Soviet films and reading classic literature and Russian detective stories. She is also a big fan of athletics and cooking. In addition to political activities, Lakhova wrote about 70 articles and the book “My Path to Politics.” She was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland and has the title “Excellence in Health Care.”

13:21 — REGNUM It is quite legitimate to compare how citizens of the Russian Federation lived during the Great Patriotic War with how they live now, believes the director of the Institute of Globalization Problems Mikhail Delyagin. He told this to the correspondent IA REGNUM November 20, commenting on a statement by a member of the Federation Council Committee of the Russian Federation on federal structure, regional policy, local government and Northern affairs Ekaterina Lakhova, which compared how people ate during the war with the current content of the consumer basket.

“Mrs. Lakhova is absolutely fair,” Delyagin noted.“She compares the way people live now with the way they lived during the war. The comparison is quite legitimate, because, yes, indeed, the policy for which she (as I assume) votes in the Federation Council is comparable in its consequences to war. Mrs. Lakhova understands everything perfectly and speaks about it calmly and shamelessly. At one time, Roman matrons did not hesitate to expose themselves and wash themselves in the presence of slaves.”

People like Lakhova, as Delyagin suggested, are just as not embarrassed by the people of Russia and feel as wonderful as Roman matrons.

“In addition, if I remember correctly, in my opinion, it was Ms. Lakhova who became famous in the 1990s for ensuring that Russia received a Western grant for the publication of an educational manual for schoolchildren (not high school, but almost elementary school) called “Your friend is the condom,” said Delyagin. — Dizzying amounts of money were allocated for this publication at that time; the publication was very artistic. But this did not cause any damage to the morality of Russian schoolchildren... So Ms. Lakhova is well versed in the realities of socio-economic politics. Moreover, she very fairly compares the force that confronted the Soviet people during the war with the force that she currently represents.”

The economist emphasized that the consequences of the humanitarian and demographic catastrophe caused by the socio-economic policy, which continues today with the approval of Lakhova, are comparable to the consequences of the Great Patriotic War.

“She performed such a socio-economic striptease, and I must say that it was an impressive spectacle,” Delyagin said. “I can’t say that I wanted to be his witness and that he gave me pleasure, but this forced striptease makes a very strong impression.” There is a certain socio-economic policy. There are people who implement certain socio-economic policies. They were embarrassed by this policy for a very long time. Now they have become sincere."

Let us recall that Lakhova made her scandalous statement while answering questions from the publication Regions.ru, whose journalists asked the senator whether she agreed with the proposal of the deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma Nikolai Bondarenko(Communist Party of the Russian Federation) to increase the size of the consumer basket and the cost of living, and in addition, proposed that deputies and ministers try to eat on 3.5 thousand rubles a month.

“Usually before elections such questions are thrown out,” Lakhova responded to reporters. “It’s strange that they’re talking about this now.” It is clear that the cost of living is very small, as is the consumer basket; we would like it to be better. And who would be against an increase? Everyone will be in favor!”

Continuing her thought, she admitted that it was difficult to eat on 3,500 rubles.

“For example, sometimes I eat buckwheat all day,” the senator complained.— It is good for health to periodically arrange such days. The next day there is no desire to continue in the same spirit. It is clear that the body needs variety. And if you eat sparingly every day, your body won’t say “thank you.” But here’s what’s interesting: I always think about those who went through the war. People who survived horror and hunger. What was their consumer basket? People survived as best they could. And at the same time, having gone through so much, how intelligent they are, how bright their heads are! Maybe stress and deprivation are the reason for this?”

A cynical nonentity who has been sitting in the deputy chair since 1990, Ekaterina Lakhova advised low-income people to quietly die of hunger. The senator from United Russia, who earns millions, said that the consumer basket of 3.5 thousand per month cannot be increased.

NGO “Istina”(Truth NGO) – Senator from the Bryansk region Ekaterina Lakhova criticized the proposal to increase the size of the minimum consumer basket to 10 thousand rubles. She called this idea populism and recalled the meager diet of people during the Great Patriotic War. The senator said that it is certainly difficult to eat on 3,500 rubles a month, but she used herself as an example.

As Kompromat 66 reports, according to Lakhova, she sometimes eats only buckwheat all day and added that it is useful to periodically arrange such days. However, she immediately admitted that the next day there was no desire to continue in the same spirit, regions.ru reports. The senator also stated that she constantly thinks about the people who went through the war and suffered “horrors and hunger.”

“What was their consumer basket? People survived as best they could. And at the same time, having gone through so much, how intelligent they are, how bright their heads are!” – Lakhova emphasized.

Lakhova was born after the war and only from the stories of people of the older generation has an idea of ​​how people lived and ate during these harsh years. Nevertheless, Lakhova has enough cynicism to compare today's Russia, in which the number of dollar billionaires increases every year, and luxury car dealerships are filled with nouveau riche, with the era of the Great Patriotic War, where all people lived approximately the same. This fierce speech by Ekaterina Lakhova, who, together with her party colleague Olga “the disgrace from Yekaterinburg” Glatskikh, advises Russians to starve and not rock the boat, aroused the discontent of even the extremely protective and pro-government blogger Andrei Kolyasnikov:

Dear senator from the Bryansk region Ekaterina Lakhova. During the Great Patriotic War, our people fought against the Nazis, which explained the diet. Who are we fighting with now? In connection with what war are you making such comparisons and giving such advice?

I wonder how many people in the Bryansk region, one of the most depressed and subsidized regions of Russia, live on 3.5 thousand a month?

Here are the official statistics of the Department of Economic Development of the Bryansk Region for 2017;

In January-December 2017, cash income per capita amounted to 26,913.9 rubles, which is 6.2 percent more than in 2016, while the real cash income of the population amounted to 101.0 percent. Consumer spending per capita in January-December 2017 amounted to 20,390.3 rubles, an increase of 6.0 percent compared to 2016. The share of the population with average per capita income below the subsistence level amounted to 13.6 percent of the total population in 2016, increasing by 0.6 percentage points compared to the level of 2015. The nominal accrued average monthly salary for 2017 increased by 6.0 percent compared to the level of 2016 and amounted to 24,389.9 rubles. Real wages amounted to 101.4 percent. The nominal accrued average monthly salary in education increased by 6.6 percent and amounted to 19,228.7 rubles (78.8 percent of the regional average), creative activities, activities in the field of art and entertainment - by 41.5 percent and amounted to 21,213. 3 rubles (87.0 percent of the regional average), activities of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural facilities - by 37.1 percent and amounted to 19,418.4 rubles (79.6 percent of the regional average), in healthcare - by 7.4 percent and amounted to 21,733 rubles (89.1 percent of the regional average).

Officially, 13.5% of residents of the Bryansk region live on an income below the subsistence level! And this means below 9558 rubles!

The population of the Bryansk region is 1,225,799 people according to 2016 data. It is not difficult to calculate that 159,353 people in the Bryansk region eat on 3.5 thousand rubles a month, because they cannot afford more when their total income is about 9 thousand rubles a month!

What caused this reaction of the senator from the Bryansk region Ekaterina Lakhova? Senile dementia or contempt for the population of your own region? The answer lies in the biography of Ekaterina Lakhova, who is ready not only to send the entire Bryansk region to starvation, but can easily abandon her own disabled child, whom she gave birth to at the age of 16.

Ekaterina Lakhova is a typical bitch

Ekaterina Lakhova was born on May 26, 1948 in Sverdlovsk. At the age of 16, she gave birth to a disabled child and placed him in an orphanage.

Until 1976, she was a local pediatrician at the Sverdlovsk city hospital.

From 1978 to 1981 she held the position of head of the pediatric department of city hospital No. 8.

In 1981-1987, she was deputy head of the Sverdlovsk city health department for maternal and child health.

In 1987-1990, she served as deputy head of the Main Health Department of the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee for maternal and child health issues.

In 1990, she became the head of the Committee on Women's Affairs, Family Protection, Motherhood and Childhood.

From August 1992 to January 1994, she held the position of Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on family issues, motherhood and childhood.

Since January 1994 - Chairman of the Commission on Women, Family and Demography under the President of the Russian Federation.

In October 1993, she became one of the organizers of the political movement “Women of Russia”.

On December 12, 1993, she was elected to the State Duma of the first convocation from the “Women of Russia” movement, where she took the post of chairman of the “Women of Russia” Duma faction.

In 1996, she created her own All-Russian socio-political movement of women of Russia (JR).

After the formation of the United Russia political party, Lakhova became a member of the General Council of this party. To this day he is a member and deputy of the State Duma on the list of this party.

Chairman of the editorial board of the journal “Issues of Juvenile Justice”.

In 1997, she put forward the slogan “The contraceptive revolution is the only revolution that modern Russia needs!”

On December 17, 2012, together with LDPR deputy Elena Afanasyeva, Ekaterina Lakhova initiated amendments to the bill being considered by the State Duma in response to the adoption of the Magnitsky Act in the United States, which introduced a ban on the adoption of Russian orphans by American citizens and terminated the relevant Agreement with the United States.

Also, in various media interviews in connection with the new law, when asked what will happen to the orphans now, she answered that “Either they will stay in orphanages, or they will end up in our families,” and also, “Someone, perhaps, will adopt. And if he doesn’t adopt, then the child will be in our home.” She refused the journalists' offer to adopt the orphan herself.

Interesting situation. In what normal country in the world could a woman who abandoned a child with disabilities be involved in the treatment of children, issues of juvenile justice and be an adviser to the president on issues of family, motherhood and childhood?

Condom lover Ekaterina Lakhova is ruining the institution of family

One of the main tasks of deputy E.F. Lakhova was to ensure official legislative framework, promoting the spread of family planning services. Thanks to the active work of deputy E.F. Lakhova, family planning policy was supported at the state level by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor and social development. That is, the consequences of this approach presented below, implemented by our ministries, were and are the implementation of state policy. They fully reflect the interests of our “Western friends” from the international family planning center, whose main task is to reduce the population by reducing the birth rate by any means.

According to the conclusion of many experts, the Family Planning program not only had a serious effect in reducing the birth rate in Russia, but also provoked an interest in sex and sexual promiscuity in children, and consequently increased the number of infections with sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

Based on the Family Planning and Sex Education for Schoolchildren programs, school sexology programs were developed and a decision was made to provide children with free contraceptives without parental consent. Thanks to E.F. Lakhova’s special zeal for sexual education of schoolchildren, huge sums were allocated from the budget for these programs. Using the allocated money, teaching aids were developed for schoolchildren of all ages, starting from the age of six. Among them, which became infamous in those years tutorial for first grade “Your friend is the condom” with pictures.


Ekaterina Lakhova was the main lobbyist for the law on medicines, which managed to pass through the State Duma, but was not signed by the EBN. In this bill, Lakhova E.F. proposed a new definition of the concept “ medicine" According to this new definition, it was considered acceptable to make medicines from human organs and tissues. The same law legalized fetal therapy in the country (the production of medicines from human embryos killed through abortion). Another provision of the law stated that contraceptives were medicine. That is, legally, quite officially and at the state level, it was recognized that pregnancy is a disease, and contraceptives are medicines against this disease. This article would allow the distribution of contraceptives at the expense of insurance and the state budget for “prevention of pregnancy” to everyone, including children, which would have the most negative consequences for the state as a whole, especially in terms of worsening the demographic situation. The President of the Russian Federation rejected the law and sent it for revision. When the law was revised in the Duma, these provisions were removed, despite the protests of deputy E.F. Lakhova.

This is what senator from the Bryansk region Ekaterina Lakhova is like. A typical bitch who hates children and the institution of family, but does just that. Should such scum of society be deputies or senators? It seems to us that no.

And I’ll start with the brightest and most terrifying creature in its openly hostile essence that has caused harm to our country, the fruits of which are difficult to compare with anyone other than the Gaidar-Chubais gang.

It (the creature) rightfully immediately becomes the chairman of the section of the club bearing the nameHerod's child killers.

Graduated from Sverdlovsk Medical Institute (1972). She worked as a nurse, a doctor, and the head of a children's clinic. Since 1981 - Deputy Head of the Sverdlovsk City Health Department. Since 1987 - Deputy Head of the Health Department of the Regional Executive Committee.
Apparently the Sverdlovsk crowd was in favor then.

In 1990 she was elected people's deputy of the RSFSR. Since 1991 - Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Coordination Committee on Family, Motherhood and Childhood Issues. In 1993 she became one of the founders of the Women of Russia movement. Since 1993, she has been a member of the State Duma, headed the Committee on Women, Family and Children, and was elected to the Duma of the fourth and fifth convocations on the United Russia list. PhD in Political Science
And what did this women's rights activist become famous for?

She immediately began a program promoting the extinction of her compatriots:

1991 - law on forced sterilization of women - (God bless) not accepted.

From August 1992 to January 1994, she served as Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on family issues, motherhood and childhood.

I will never forget the sheer onslaught of information, organizational, etc. that hit the institution of the family at that time. And we owe this, including to this...deputy. Does she think that we have forgotten or will forget?! No!

The main direction of legislative activity of Deputy E.F. Lakhova was focused on the adoption of the law “On the reproductive rights of citizens and guarantees of their implementation.” The essence of the bill was that

The state encourages a decrease in the birth rate, and, accordingly, a decrease in the population of Russia, specially financing this process;(we will not forget and will not forgive her for this personally)

A 374-hour “Sex Education” course is being introduced into school curricula from grades 1 to 11. Children in the Russian Federation were supposed to be taught “safe sex” from the age of eleven (and in a number of cases even earlier). During the lessons they were supposed to be given contraceptives at state expense.(look into the face of this reptile, who sought the corruption of our children as her most important (ordered) task.

But since the business was profitable (apparently paid generously), this “doctor” did not let up:

In 1997, she put forward the slogan “The contraceptive revolution is the only revolution that modern Russia needs!”

BesidesDeputy Lakhova E.F. was the main lobbyist for the law on medicines, which managed to pass through the State Duma, but was not signed by the EBN. In this bill, Lakhova E.F. proposed a new definition of the concept of “medicine”. According to this new definition, it was considered acceptable to make medicines from human organs and tissues. The same law legalized fetal therapy in the country (the production of medicines from human embryos killed through abortion). Another provision of the law stated that contraceptives were medicine. That is, legally, quite officially and at the state level, it was recognized that pregnancy is a disease, and contraceptives are medicines against this disease. This article would allow the distribution of contraceptives at the expense of insurance and the state budget for “prevention of pregnancy” to everyone, including children, which would have the most negative consequences for the state as a whole, especially in terms of worsening the demographic situation. The President of the Russian Federation rejected the law and sent it for revision. When the law was revised in the Duma, these provisions were removed, despite the protests of deputy E.F. Lakhova.

Who else has doubts that we are facing a conscious enemy of our people?

One of the main tasks of Deputy E.F. Lakhova was to provide an official legislative framework that would facilitate the spread of “family planning” services. Thanks to the active work of deputy E.F. Lakhova, family planning policy was supported at the state level by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.

That is, below are the consequences of this approach implemented by our ministries

were and are the implementation of state policy.

They fully reflect the interests of our " western friends"and this once again emphasizes that Now ENEMIES and SWATTERS are in power!

According to the conclusion of many experts, the Family Planning program not only had a serious effect in reducing the birth rate in Russia, but also provoked an interest in sex and sexual promiscuity in children, and consequently increased the number of infections with sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

Based on the Family Planning and Sex Education for Schoolchildren programs, school sexology programs were developed and a decision was made to provide children with free contraceptives without parental consent. Thanks to the special zeal of E. F. Lakhova for sexual education of schoolchildren, the budget for these programs was allocated huge sums. Using the allocated money, teaching aids were developed for schoolchildren of all ages, from six years old. Among them was the textbook for first grade, which became infamous in those years. Your friend is the condom"with pictures.

But of course, our progressive party of foodists, who cares about normalizing the birth rate, has obstructed and expelled the main observer of the country’s degeneration from the West? But no:After the formation of the United Russia political party, Lakhova became a member of the General Council of this party. To this day he is a member and deputy of the State Duma on the list of this party.

Of course! Such experience in destroying the population of your (???) country!

Chairman of the editorial board of the almanac “Issues of Juvenile Justice” (published by the NAS Foundation).

If there is some nasty thing to which this is not involved...God forgive me!

Personally, he received all of the above, as well as voting (another betrayal) for the WTO


A cynical nonentity who has been sitting in the deputy chair since 1990, Ekaterina Lakhova advised low-income people to quietly die of hunger. The senator from United Russia, who earns millions, said that the consumer basket of 3.5 thousand per month cannot be increased.

Senator from the Bryansk region Ekaterina Lakhova criticized the proposal to increase the size of the minimum consumer basket to 10 thousand rubles. She called this idea populism and recalled the meager diet of people during the Great Patriotic War. The senator said that it is certainly difficult to eat on 3,500 rubles a month, but she used herself as an example.

As Kompromat 66 reports, according to Lakhova, she sometimes eats only buckwheat all day and added that it is useful to periodically arrange such days. However, she immediately admitted that the next day there was no desire to continue in the same spirit, reportsregions. ruThe senator also said that she constantly thinks about the people who went through the war and endured “horror and hunger.”

“What was their consumer basket? People survived as best they could. And at the same time, having gone through so much, how intelligent they are, how bright their heads are!” - Lakhova emphasized.

Lakhova was born after the war and only from the stories of people of the older generation has an idea of ​​how people lived and ate during these harsh years. Nevertheless, Lakhova has enough cynicism to compare today's Russia, in which the number of dollar billionaires increases every year, and luxury car dealerships are filled with nouveau riche, with the era of the Great Patriotic War, where all people lived approximately the same. This fierce speech by Ekaterina Lakhova, who, together with her party colleague Olga “the disgrace from Yekaterinburg” Glatskikh, advises Russians to starve and not rock the boat, aroused the discontent of even the extremely protective and pro-government blogger Andrei Kolyasnikov:

Dear senator from the Bryansk region Ekaterina Lakhova. During the Great Patriotic War, our people fought against the Nazis, which explained the diet. Who are we fighting with now? In connection with what war are you making such comparisons and giving such advice?

I wonder how many people in the Bryansk region, one of the most depressed and subsidized regions of Russia, live on 3.5 thousand a month?

Here are the official statistics of the Department of Economic Development of the Bryansk Region for 2017;

In January-December 2017, cash income per capita amounted to 26,913.9 rubles, which is 6.2 percent more than in 2016, while the real cash income of the population amounted to 101.0 percent. Consumer spending per capita in January-December 2017 amounted to 20,390.3 rubles, an increase of 6.0 percent compared to 2016. The share of the population with average per capita income below the subsistence level amounted to 13.6 percent of the total population in 2016, increasing by 0.6 percentage points compared to the level of 2015. The nominal accrued average monthly salary for 2017 increased by 6.0 percent compared to the level of 2016 and amounted to 24,389.9 rubles. Real wages amounted to 101.4 percent. The nominal accrued average monthly salary in education increased by 6.6 percent and amounted to 19,228.7 rubles (78.8 percent of the regional average), creative activities, activities in the field of art and entertainment - by 41.5 percent and amounted to 21,213. 3 rubles (87.0 percent of the regional average), activities of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural facilities - by 37.1 percent and amounted to 19,418.4 rubles (79.6 percent of the regional average), in healthcare - by 7.4 percent and amounted to 21,733 rubles (89.1 percent of the regional average).

Officially, 13.5% of residents of the Bryansk region live on an income below the subsistence level! And this means below 9558 rubles!

The population of the Bryansk region is 1,225,799 people according to 2016 data. It is not difficult to calculate that 159,353 people in the Bryansk region eat on 3.5 thousand rubles a month, because they cannot afford more when their total income is about 9 thousand rubles a month!

What caused this reaction of the senator from the Bryansk region Ekaterina Lakhova? Senile dementia or contempt for the population of your own region? The answer lies in the biography of Ekaterina Lakhova, who is ready not only to send the entire Bryansk region to starvation, but can easily abandon her own disabled child, whom she gave birth to at the age of 16.

Ekaterina Lakhova is a typical bitch

Ekaterina Lakhova was born on May 26, 1948 in Sverdlovsk. At the age of 16, she gave birth to a disabled child and placed him in an orphanage.

Until 1976, she was a local pediatrician at the Sverdlovsk city hospital.

From 1978 to 1981 she held the position of head of the pediatric department of city hospital No. 8.

In 1981-1987, she was deputy head of the Sverdlovsk city health department for maternal and child health.

In 1987-1990, she served as deputy head of the Main Health Department of the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee for maternal and child health issues.

In 1990, she became the head of the Committee on Women's Affairs, Family Protection, Motherhood and Childhood.

From August 1992 to January 1994, she held the position of Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on family issues, motherhood and childhood.

Since January 1994 - Chairman of the Commission on Women, Family and Demography under the President of the Russian Federation.

In October 1993, she became one of the organizers of the political movement “Women of Russia”.

On December 12, 1993, she was elected to the State Duma of the first convocation from the “Women of Russia” movement, where she took the post of chairman of the “Women of Russia” Duma faction.

In 1996, she created her own All-Russian socio-political movement of women of Russia (JR).

After the formation of the United Russia political party, Lakhova became a member of the General Council of this party. To this day he is a member and deputy of the State Duma on the list of this party.

Chairman of the editorial board of the journal “Issues of Juvenile Justice”.

In 1997, she put forward the slogan “The contraceptive revolution is the only revolution that modern Russia needs!”

On December 17, 2012, together with LDPR deputy Elena Afanasyeva, Ekaterina Lakhova initiated amendments to the bill being considered by the State Duma in response to the adoption of the Magnitsky Act in the United States, which introduced a ban on the adoption of Russian orphans by American citizens and terminated the relevant Agreement with the United States.

Also, in various media interviews in connection with the new law, when asked what will happen to the orphans now, she answered that “Either they will stay in orphanages, or they will end up in our families,” and also, “Someone, perhaps, will adopt. And if he doesn’t adopt, then the child will be in our home.” She refused the journalists' offer to adopt the orphan herself.

Interesting situation. In what normal country in the world could a woman who abandoned a child with disabilities be involved in the treatment of children, issues of juvenile justice and be an adviser to the president on issues of family, motherhood and childhood?

Condom lover Ekaterina Lakhova is ruining the institution of family

One of the main tasks of Deputy E.F. Lakhova was to provide an official legislative framework that would facilitate the spread of “family planning” services. Thanks to the active work of deputy E.F. Lakhova, family planning policy was supported at the state level by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Development. That is, the consequences of this approach presented below, implemented by our ministries, were and are the implementation of state policy. They fully reflect the interests of our “Western friends” from the international family planning center, whose main task is to reduce the population by reducing the birth rate by any means.

According to the conclusion of many experts, the Family Planning program not only had a serious effect in reducing the birth rate in Russia, but also provoked an interest in sex and sexual promiscuity in children, and consequently increased the number of infections with sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

Based on the Family Planning and Sex Education for Schoolchildren programs, school sexology programs were developed and a decision was made to provide children with free contraceptives without parental consent. Thanks to the special diligence of E. F. Lakhova allocated huge sums from the budget for these programs to provide sexual education to schoolchildren. Using the allocated money, teaching aids were developed for schoolchildren of all ages, starting from the age of six. Among them was the textbook for first grade, “Your Friend,” which became infamous in those years. - condom" with pictures.


Ekaterina Lakhova was the main lobbyist for the law on medicines, which managed to pass through the State Duma, but was not signed by the EBN. In this bill, Lakhova E.F. proposed a new definition of the concept of “medicine”. According to this new definition, it was considered acceptable to make medicines from human organs and tissues. The same law legalized fetal therapy in the country (the production of medicines from human embryos killed through abortion). Another provision of the law stated that contraceptives were medicine. That is, legally, quite officially and at the state level, it was recognized that pregnancy is a disease, and contraceptives - medicines against this disease. This article would allow the distribution of contraceptives at the expense of insurance and the state budget for “prevention of pregnancy” to everyone, including children, which would have the most negative consequences for the state as a whole, especially in terms of worsening the demographic situation. The President of the Russian Federation rejected the law and sent it for revision. When the law was revised in the Duma, these provisions were removed, despite the protests of deputy E.F. Lakhova.

This is what senator from the Bryansk region Ekaterina Lakhova is like. A typical bitch who hates children and the institution of family, but does just that. Should such scum of society be deputies or senators? It seems to us that no.