There was a quiz dedicated to famous women. Cool questions for men, with a trick

Electricity meters

Human nature has a craving for beauty. The beautiful evokes pleasure and admiration. The beauty of a woman attracts, enchants, binds. Beauty is deified and magical properties are attributed to it. Poets sing about her, they dedicate to her all the best, touching, sincere...

The quiz about the beauty of a woman contains 12 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz creator: Iris Review

1. A mysterious look, a wondrous smile, a perfect oval, incomprehensible charm and mystery. From time immemorial, which person has been the ideal of female beauty?
Goddess Diana
Ancient Roman goddess Fortuna
Gioconda +

2. How to make eyebrows beautiful: thick, even?
No way, as nature gave, so it is
Lightly rub in the oil mixture +
Do a light massage in the direction of the hairs +

3. As we all know, a healthy intestine means soft skin, fluffy hair, lightness of gait... What is the name of a salad made from beets and carrots that helps the intestines work?
"Broom" +
"Healthy gut"

4. How should you comb long hair?
Starting from the ends and moving to the roots +
Starting from the roots
Doesn't matter

5. Flowers are a symbol of beauty. What flower did the ancient Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius idolize? To which flower are more than 500 volumes dedicated to the library of the Chinese Emperor?
Rose +

6. Which face cream is best to use?
I prefer the latest, innovative developments
The one that will help me better
The answer to this question is strictly individual.

7. Which ancient Roman goddess is the goddess of beauty, marriage and birth, motherhood?
Juno +

8. Continue the phrase: “The beauty of a woman is first of all...”
Well-groomed skin +
Self-confidence +
Mysterious charm +

9. When applying lipstick, you must first consider
Face shape +
Lipstick type +
Clothes color - (optional)

10. Choose the correct option in your opinion. They “make” a beautiful face...
Beautiful eyes +
Bright lipstick
Blush on the cheeks

11. Which work of Russian literature talks about the “genius of pure beauty”?
“I met you...” F.I. Tyutchev
"I remember wonderful moment..." A.S. Pushkin +
“The beautiful star of Venus, bright-eyed...” A.A. Fet

12. How to protect your hair from excessive ultraviolet radiation in summer?
Use shampoo containing a UV filter +
Wear a headdress +
Braid your hair (loose hair is more likely to dry out) +

You always want to say only good and kind words about women. It is not for nothing that they bear the proud title of the better half of humanity. A woman manages to do a thousand things in a day - cook a delicious dinner, clean the house, sing a lullaby to a child, and much more. And at the same time, women know how to take such care of their appearance that it sometimes simply takes their breath away for the stronger half of humanity. And at work, they are in no way inferior to men, and often surpass them in accuracy, patience and perseverance. This holiday quiz is dedicated to our lovely women, containing many interesting and funny questions, to which equally interesting and no less funny answers are given.

1. What is a woman's most discouraging weapon?
Answer: smile

2. What is the name of the charming lady who moves in a fantastic way - in the wind, called the “wind of change”?
Answer: Mary Poppins

3. What object confirms the beauty of a woman?
Answer: mirror

4. What is the name of the young lady who neglects order and therefore always does not find her things?
Answer: Masha the Confused

5. Name the three most famous women named Sophia (Sofia)?
Answer: Sofya Kovalevskaya, Tsarina Sofya Alekseevna (sister of Peter I), Sophia Loren

6. What simple song does a mother sing to her baby before bed?
Answer: lullaby

7. Usually this thing keeps you warm in the cold, but sometimes it gets thrown at your feet. What is this item?
Answer: glove

8. Which woman has the “soul of a cat”?
Answer: at Madame Broshkina's

9. What woman's heart is prone to betrayal?
Answer: beauty's heart

10. Which honorable lady living in fairy tales has a magic ball?
Answer: Baba Yaga

11 . What should you remember to take with you on the way to the kitchen to prepare delicious food?
Answer: good mood

12. What common expression describes the tender, soft hands of a woman?
Answer: “velvet handles”

13 . “You look like the sea, Your proud character is changeable, But perhaps I’ll wait for the weather near the sea.” Who is the author of the words?
Answer: I.Shaferan

14. Which flower loves to sleep the most?
Answer: white slumber

15. What is the name of the woman who was overly curious and eventually developed problems with her nose?
Answer: Varvara ( “Curious Varvara’s nose was torn off at the market”)

16. When was the first knitted loop born?
Answer: more than four thousand years ago

17. What is the name of a decoration in the form of grains strung on a thread?
Answer: beads

18 . What male activity do some women “like” to do?
Answer: saw

19. Where does a girl live who has nothing special about her, but when she sees her boyfriend, it’s as if she’s been replaced?
Answer: “And there is a girl in our yard alone...”

20. Guess the object about which they say: “It has a lot of teeth, but it doesn’t eat anything”?
Answer: comb

21. What is the symbol of hospitality among the Russian people?
Answer: bread and salt

22. In which country do they prepare a dish called “mish-mash”?
Answer: in Bulgaria

23. A monument to the chef Escoffier has been erected in France. From one very simple product he could make 360 various dishes. What is this product?
Answer: egg

24. Who is a “kvochka”?
Answer: mother of chicks

1. Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway)

2. In what geometric body can water boil? (Cubed)

3. Which river is the scariest? (Tigris River)

4. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters)

5. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins)

6. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)

7. When a new house is built, what is the first nail driven into? (In a hat)

8. What is under a person’s feet when he walks across a bridge? (Shoe sole)

9. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far? (Pooh)

10. How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put in)

11. What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin)

12. What is between the window and the door? (Letter "i")

13. What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons)

14. How can you put two liters of milk in liter jar? (You need to make condensed milk from milk)

15. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, then how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes)

16. How many months of the year have 28 days? (All months)

17. What do you drop when you need it and pick it up when you don’t? (Anchor)

18. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything)

19. What can travel around the world while remaining in the same corner? (Postage Stamp)

20. Is it possible to light a match underwater? (You can if you pour water into a glass and hold the match below the glass)

21. How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking? (You need to throw the egg four meters, then it will fly the first three meters intact)

22. What will happen to the green cliff if it falls into the Red Sea? (It'll get wet)

23. The man was driving a large truck. The lights on the car were not turned on. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her? (It was a bright sunny day)

24. Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is this possible? (Both people were playing with other people)

25. What could be larger than an elephant and at the same time weightless? (Elephant's shadow)

26. What do all people on earth do at the same time? (Getting older)

27. What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (Number 6)

28. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step)

29. What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Time, temperature)

30. Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)

31. When can a net pull out water? (When the water freezes)

32. What question cannot be answered “yes”? (Are you sleeping now?)

33. What question cannot be answered “no”? (You are alive?)

34. What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torsos and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken)

Celebrating a holiday with a cheerful company is correct and interesting. People are in a positive mood, they have not forgotten their good mood at home, their faithful companion is laughter. In a cheerful company, all worries fade into the background. In the foreground there are jokes, fun and a great meal. A comic quiz for a fun company is thought out in advance. For the quiz to be successful, the presenter must be in the most positive frame of mind. He has a lot of responsibility! Good luck to him and all the participants in the comic quiz!

1. For what reason do the eyes sometimes leave their place and move higher?
Answer: due to surprise (“eyes popped out of my head”)

2. What significant disadvantage do cabbage rolls have?
Answer: they are lazy (“lazy cabbage rolls”)

3. What color can you bring an angry person to a fever pitch?
Answer: until white, “bring to white heat”

4. From what movie is the phrase “I don’t need money, I’m going to get rich, but not now”?
Answer: D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers

5. Which flower helped the monster become happy?
Answer: scarlet flower

6. Which part? human body Is it worth recording the information?
Answer: on the nose (“cut it on your nose”)

7. In what part of the world is a person prancing, making a hasty acquaintance with something?
Answer: across Europe (“galloping across Europe”)

8. What is the name of the holiday for actors or students who perform scenes of a humorous nature?
Cabbage +

9. What age does a person have problems remembering information?
Answer: a young girl (“girl memory”)

10. Which royal person is usually remembered when talking about distant, distant times?
Answer: King Pea

11. How many boxes can a talkative person weave?
Answer: three (“weaves three boxes”)

12. When talking about hunger, which relative do we remember?
Auntie + (“hunger is not auntie”)

13. What mandatory payments must be made to ensure a sweet, restful sleep?
Answer: taxes (“pay your taxes and sleep well”)

14. Which Christmas tree usually freezes in winter?
Answer: small (“a small Christmas tree is cold in winter”)

15. How do we say (using holiday vocabulary) in the case when a person turned out to be not what we would like?
Answer: “he is not a gift”

17. What subtle invisible component of the human body are we warming?
Answer: soul (“warm the soul”)

18. How many points do we usually give in advance?
Answer: one hundred (“give one hundred points in advance”)


  1. Clogs are... (low boots or kind of sandals)
  2. The real name of the singer Nyusha? ( Anna or Anastasia)
  3. Which bread has more calories? (rye or wheat)
  4. Are brassiere and camisole the same thing? ( Yes or not)
  5. What color is the makeup base? ( white or bodily)
  6. What is the name for elongated cylindrical beads? (lazarus or bugles)
  1. What are tips? (a type of earrings that can be worn without ear piercing, false nail during extension, translucent white knee socks)
  2. What are the types of women's over-the-knee boots called? (ankle boots, boots, pantolets)
  3. Which essential oil is most effective against cellulite? (tea tree oil, orange oil, Eucalyptus oil)
  4. What is the most comfortable soft fabric for the body? (linen, silk, cotton)
  5. Which of these indoor plants not blooming? (cactus, aloe or geranium)
  6. Name the actor who played the role of “Hache” Hugo Oliver in the film “3 Meters Above Sky”? ( Mario Casas, Enrique Iglesias, Diego Martin)

Round 3 without answer options

  1. What does “DEN” mean on women’s tights (density/thickness)
  2. List at least 3 types of hair curlers? (hairdryer and comb, curling iron, curlers, perm)
  3. Name a female Russian name that does not end with a vowel (Lyubov)
  4. How (besides the name) do leggings differ from leggings? (nothing)
  5. Name the 3 main characters of the TV series “The Vampire Diaries” (Elena Gilbert, two brothers Damen and Stefan Salvatore, Katherine Pierce)
  6. Name the ingredients of the “Vinegred” salad (beets, pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, potatoes, carrots, onions)
  7. Name at least 3 famous Russian fashion designers (Kira Plastinina, Zaitsev, Yudashkin, Sergei Zverev, Oleg Azhgikhin)


1 round with 2 answer options

  1. Does the carburetor have a capacitor (yes, No)
  2. How many rounds are there in professional boxing? (10, 12 )
  3. Is diesel fuel a type of gasoline? ( Yes or not)
  4. How many referees referee a football match? (3 or 5 )
  5. Is there a men's haircut called "Polka"? ( Yes or not) ( Characterized by increased length of bangs and hair in the temporal region in combination with short hair on the back of the head. The hair on the parietal part of the head is the same length as the hair on the temporal region. With this haircut, the hair is combed back.)
  6. Tell me which of these ranks is higher... (corporal or lieutenant)

Round 2 - with 3 answer options

  1. Which city in Russia belongs to the famous football club "Torpedo" (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod)
  2. How to translate the name of the car Volkswagen(family car, people's car, fast car)
  3. How long is a period in hockey? (10.15, 20 ,)
  4. Name the eldest of the Klitschko boxing brothers (Wladimir Klitschko, Vitaliy Klichko, they are the same age)
  5. What type of computer game is Dota ( strategy, "shooter", RPG)
  6. Which Football Team is the 2012-2013 FIFA World Cup Champion (Spartak, CSKA, Zenit)

Round 3 without answer options

  1. How many speeds does a car have with a manual transmission (5 or 6)
  2. Define the abbreviation UEFA ( UEFA- Union Europeenne de football Association. Union of European Association Football (or Union of European Association Football).

3.Describe the type of boxing haircut (longer hair at the crown of the head and shorter hair at the back and sides of the head)

  1. List at least 3 types of screwdrivers (flathead, Phillips, hex)

5. The main difference between a men's classic shirt and a women's classic blouse (the buttons on a men's shirt are on the right side)

  1. Name the caliber of AK-47 (7.62)
  2. Which state was Arnold Schwarzenegger governor of?