Whether intuition. Is there a scientific basis for intuition? Is there a woman's intuition?

The socket has two phases

When we have to make a serious decision, we either turn to close people for advice, or listen to our intuition.

And most of us still choose the latter option.

Intuition is a feeling that often gets us out of trouble and helps us solve serious problems.

However, sometimes we do not see or ignore the signs that our intuition sends us.

What is intuition

Clinical psychologist Sarah Schewitz states:

"Intuition is that secret suspicion when you feel something is wrong but you can't say why."

Intuition can be a powerful guiding force. For some it is more developed, for others it is not. Some people experience a strong desire or feeling when something goes wrong, while others, with less developed intuition, may experience strange sensations but are not quite sure how to interpret them.

Some people are born with strong intuition and learn to listen to it from an early age, others develop their intuition over the years and learn to tune into it.

This helps increase your sense of self-confidence. The more you love and trust yourself, the more you turn to your own intuition for help."

The following 11 signs indicate that your intuition is working correctly and is trying to tell you something:

Signs of intuition

1. You experience a peaceful sensation in your chest or abdomen.

Sometimes your intuition is so strong that you can physically feel its effects.

While some people may experience a sense of peace in the chest and heart area, others experience some tone in the abdominal area.

"Many people describe their intuition as certain sensations in their chest or stomach. They often talk about tension in these areas and the feeling that something is not working," says psychologist Schwetitz.

2. You feel confident and happy even when the decision doesn't seem rational.

Do you ever have times when you dream of quitting your job, but not for financial reasons? This moment of clarity means your intuition is trying to talk to you and suggest a better option.

Although it may not seem logical, the thought that comes to your mind may be the answer you have been looking for for a long time.

"When your intuition speaks to you, and when you learn to tune into it, you feel confident and clear. When you are afraid, which is the ego speaking to you, you begin to feel fear and uncertainty," says Schwetitz.

Hearing intuition on time and recognizing its signals is very difficult, but it must be done.

3. You can lucid dream

If in your dreams a house is collapsing or you are being chased by a giant spider, it is quite possible that, therefore, your intuition is trying to talk to you.

"Intuition can come in many forms: dreams are the primary way we communicate with spirits. It is also important to document your experiences. Because intuition often does not have a specific time stamp, sometimes we can intuitively gather things about our past, present and future.

Such recordings help to understand oneself and contribute to understanding everything that is happening.

Signs of intuition

4. You notice the same opportunities keep knocking on your door.

When intuition tries to communicate with you, it may try to gain attention by causing you to notice small repeating patterns and elements throughout your life.

Did you want to find a new job, but were afraid to look for it? Your intuition may be subtly hinting that it's time to change jobs and radically change your life.

And then you regularly and as if by chance come across certain career articles or study job postings that attract your attention.

Or maybe one of your friends suddenly sent you a link to an interesting job advertisement. This could also be a sign.

"I felt like my intuition was trying to talk to me, for years it had been sending me clues. Opportunities kept knocking on my door, and finally I noticed it. Unfortunately, it took years to understand it," he says career consultant Jill McFayden.

5. Unexpected moment of insight

Have you ever had a moment of insight while in the shower, while driving a car, or in any other situation?

This is an example of your intuition trying to talk to you.

When you allow your mind to rest (i.e. meditate), it opens up, allowing your thoughts and emotions to flow more freely.

Your intuition usually speaks to you when you are less busy. For example, she can give you clues when you're sleeping, when you're not trying to pull her towards you, when you finally get distracted and aren't focusing on what you're looking for," McFayden says.

6. You notice that your thoughts are quite confused in a certain direction.

Our intuition usually always finds ways to lead us in the right direction. But sometimes we miss the signs or choose to purposefully ignore them.

However, if we notice that our brain often returns back to a certain thought , then perhaps it is worth reflecting and paying attention to this thought and what we are feeling at the moment.

“Often I teach people that if you get signals from your intuition and you don’t hear them, don’t see them, or ignore them, they will show up differently over and over again.

Repetitive thoughts (though often confused) strange dreams and cravings for something that seems unusual or unexpected. But these are also signs that our intuition is trying to give a signal and tell you something.

Notice those thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere. Remember that intuition has nothing to do with logic and does not come from the brain," says John.

7. You may notice that your instincts and intuition are out of sync.

Sometimes your rational instinct or your ego tries to protect you from failing or making a mistake.

And although your instincts help you survive, your intuition, on the contrary, sometimes tries to fight fears, indecision and fear of failure so that you can make the right decision and fulfill your dreams.

Instinct is an automatic response that is associated with survival. Intuition is more developed and focused on your highest good.

For example, the instinct may be to stay in your job because it is safe and stable and because it is a reliable source of income, albeit small. Instinct is a rather cautious thing.

And here's yours intuition, on the contrary, can urge and push you to leave your job and start a new business, more profitable and interesting. For example, intuition can lead someone to start their own business,” says John.

Intuition speaks

8. In a certain situation you feel awkward and hesitant

When you connect with your intuition, you tend to feel happy. But if you choose to ignore it, you may experience a wave of anxiety as well as feelings of anxiety.

For example, you may listen to your ego to make a safe but wrong decision, instead of listening to what you want. your heart is trying to tell.

"Your intuition is trying to tell you something when you feel uneasy. This anxiety can manifest itself in a lack of focus, tone in the abdominal area, pressure in the chest and heart," says the psychologist.

9. You might get sick

When you don't listen to your intuition, you can put yourself under stress and harm your body.

Physical signs such as anxiety or even illness may slowly creep into your life because your intuition is trying to tell you that you need a change.

“Physical signs in the early stages can make you feel like something is not quite right or that something is wrong.

But since many of us tend to ignore our intuition, these feelings can naturally develop into something more serious, such as anxiety or even depression.

Essentially, depression is a physical sign that you are not living your life the way you would like.

Remember: diseases come to a person from unfulfilled desires.

When these obvious feelings that intuition gives us are ignored, our body can end up getting sick. It uses illness as last method to let us know that we need to make some changes in our lives,” says Holmes.

10. You have a feeling that this feeling will not go away.

If a particular thought keeps popping up and running in your head over and over again, there is a particular reason for it. If it seems to you that the sensations you experience with this thought will not leave you, then this is also a signal of something important.

This means that your intuition is most likely trying to talk to you. Be more receptive to such subtle hints and signals that she gives you. By recognizing its signals, you will make your life much easier.

“The best way to determine whether a thought is your intuition telling you something is that you should have the feeling that it 'isn't going to go away.'

11. You feel inspired

Do you know that it is your intuition that speaks to you when you feel inspired and inspired?

This can happen after watching an inspiring YouTube video or watching a TV show.

Hearing someone's wise words, you may suddenly become inspired and want to make changes in your life. Your thoughts are directed in the right direction, your intuition tells you the right path to take in order to realize your plans.

"Your intuition may start with a feeling of happiness or excitement (if it's about something good), although a stronger intuition may be a desire or urge to do something creative or beneficial for yourself or others," says Holmes. .

In general, learning to understand and listen to your intuition takes a lot of time. Sometimes it takes years and even a lifetime.

Your ego may try to interfere, but if you try, you will eventually learn the difference between the two feelings and prioritize what your intuition dictates.

Always try to lead with your heart. The more you listen to it, the happier and safer the choices you make will become.

And when you make the right choice, you feel extremely happy and calm.

In an ideal world, the first person of the company knows more about his business than others, understands the goals and objectives of the company better than others, and, of course, knows much better than others what kind of people this company needs to achieve its goals.

There is a common myth that is actively reinforced by many in the corporate world: that the top officials of companies have some kind of instinct unknown to other people. That they are the bearers of some special intuition, which allows them to understand and see what others do not see.

The lectures of popular business trainers are filled with numerous examples of how the owner of a business understood, saw, appreciated something better than his numerous subordinates based on a seemingly random set of factors, and thanks to this the company achieved success. Or stories passed from mouth to mouth about how the owner, literally just after exchanging a few words with a person, understands whether this person is suitable for him for a certain position. Makes a lightning-fast and, of course, correct decision, because he is the owner of a kind of “animal instinct” , if you want, a gift.

The last situation is just a sore subject for me. The closest area to me where I see "application" this terrible property- team formation. Having participated in dozens of projects together with the owners of various companies, constantly communicating with people who make decisions worth billions of rubles, I cannot help but draw a very sad conclusion.

Owners, especially those who have been in business for a long time, have difficulty assessing the people their team needs.

During interviews, they are not able to assess 99% of the required properties of an employee: his knowledge, abilities and skills, personal qualities that are useful and necessary for the business.

Sounds crazy? Don’t rush to be indignant, I’ll tell you how this happens. A dangerous substitution of concepts occurs.

As a rule, the owner interviews people who will become his inner circle, that is, for senior positions in the company. In fact, it is important for him to understand whether these new people will be able to achieve the company’s goals. And here, ideally, when making a decision on a candidate, he relies primarily on the tasks that this person must solve. This usually occurs on the basis of a careful logical analysis of the facts. However, this is not enough: it is also necessary to determine whether he will work with the person personally or not. This is where intuition should help. However, the opposite happens: the desire for unconditional leadership and the habit of surviving in a competitive environment, eliminating one’s rivals, are transferred to the inner circle of employees and candidates.

The owner at the interview is trying to understand not whether the person can solve the problem now, but whether he, the owner, would be comfortable sharing his victory with this person in the future.

In fact, the owner, when interviewing a person, answers a completely different question and the answer may easily not coincide with the needs of the company. A great professional comes to the owner, who can do a lot for the business, and he looks at him, evaluates his abilities in personal and professional competition, and ends the meeting in 10 minutes. Like, everything is clear to him. This is not our man. Subordinates most often do not ask the owner for any clarification. And they conclude - this is his intuition. But in fact, instead of hiring a person who will lead the business to victory, the owner internally hires a person with whom he is ready to share this victory. Not ready? So, goodbye!

And often this is how “mediocres” end up working in positions that are significant for the company, who will never bring any benefit in solving the company’s problems and achieving goals. It would be nice if someone said to the owner of the company: “Wait, let’s understand why this is not our person, what exactly is wrong?”

You need to force the owner’s brain to work in a different direction, present arguments outside, and, lo and behold, the decision will change. But no, who are we to argue with divine intuition.

The trouble is that the information business environment has created an aura of magical talent around the owners, saying that if you created a business, then you understand people better than others. You literally see right through them, and others - those who have not created their own business, of course, understand worse than you. Why do you need accurate data, why do you need professional analytics in the moment? You already understood everything by looking into the person’s eyes.

Most business creators are, of course, smart people; they know about their shortcomings and struggle with them. But we are all human, nothing human is alien to us, and the surrounding information field is important to all of us to one degree or another.

If everyone around you has been telling you for years that you are a brilliant leader, sooner or later you find yourself in a vacuum of servility, in the “trap” of your own vanity.

Few people tell you what they really think about the quality of the decisions you make. It is at this moment that destruction begins: the personal destruction of the owner, and as a consequence - the destruction of the business.

People who sing praises to the top officials of companies are digging a huge hole for them. With this attitude, they cultivate among the owners the completely criminal, from my point of view, opinion that if you are a winner once, then you are always a winner. That past successes and achievements give you some special quality that, of course, others do not possess.

It is important at this moment to understand that you do not have any divine gift of foresight, but, as a rule, you have a head on your shoulders, which means a willingness to listen and hear arguments if they are presented correctly.

And in our projects, I was more than once able to observe how smart, sensible owners who were asked the right questions about their “intuitive” in a timely manner decision, returned to a seemingly closed topic and changed their decision under the influence of understandable arguments. And they have achieved, are achieving and will achieve success in their business. Proven by practice.

Few people think that we already have a unique mechanism that can answer all our questions without using any “improvised means.” Everyone, if desired, can receive information from the future. This requires a little training and patience.

Remember the phrase “The first thought is always the best”? But, as a rule, the thought that we consider to be the first is actually the last of what our consciousness was able to grasp and convey. The unconscious understands us before we have time to formulate our question, and the intuitive answer always comes before the moment of understanding the question.

In order to predict the future, which we cannot “calculate” in any way with the help of indirect signs and external details, we need to completely “dispel consciousness”.

Imagine that you are at home, your lights are on, and the “answer” is outside the window, in the dark. To see it, you will need to turn off the light for a while and look out the window. For this we will use special equipment

"Attention to eight points."

Get ready for the fact that you won’t succeed right away and will need some time to “test” the accuracy of your answers by waiting for the event itself. For example, when calling a taxi, try to determine the gender, age, driver, color or make of the car. To practice, take examples that you cannot influence and cannot know in advance what you will encounter. Once you are confident that you are “hearing” your intuition correctly, you can move on to more important issues. Please note that a complex question with many conditions “...will I be happy if I go there...take this with me...get settled there...and get a cat” will not be accepted by your intuition. Break down your questions and simplify them.

What do we have to do:

1. Decide on the question and... switch to the next point.

2. Concentrate on the sensations in your right leg. Now, maintaining conscious attention, move on to the sensations in your left leg. While holding these two points, feel the left palm, and then add the right. Keeping all the points in your attention, move on to the sensations in the stomach, buttocks, etc. Your task is to disperse consciousness “at points” and...

3. Catch the answer! It usually “flashes” in the peripheral vision as an image or sudden thought.

Consciously a person is able to hold 7 +/- 2 units. information, i.e. no more than 9. Dispersing over several points at once, consciousness “looses its grip” and is no longer interested in your “question.” And you get an intuitive answer to the original asked question. BUT! As soon as you realize this, it will disappear. At first, try to simply record the appearance of the answer itself; for this you will also need a certain skill. Later, in the second stage, you will learn to “decipher” the information received. It may take several weeks of daily training (2-4 times a day) to achieve lasting results. And after some more time, you will “automatically” ask questions and receive answers.

If you consider yourself to be a curious experimenter, want to become lucky, or simply learn something new, then be sure to try this technique. Perhaps you will already discover new abilities in yourself and will shock those around you with error-free decisions and a sharp rise in all areas of life. Be friends with your intuition!

In an ideal world, the first person of the company knows more about his business than others, understands the goals and objectives of the company better than others, and, of course, knows much better than others what kind of people this company needs to achieve its goals.

There is a common myth that is actively reinforced by many in the corporate world: that the top officials of companies have some kind of instinct unknown to other people. That they are the bearers of some special intuition, which allows them to understand and see what others do not see.

The lectures of popular business trainers are filled with numerous examples of how the owner of a business understood, saw, appreciated something better than his numerous subordinates based on a seemingly random set of factors, and thanks to this the company achieved success. Or stories passed from mouth to mouth about how the owner, literally just after exchanging a few words with a person, understands whether this person is suitable for him for a certain position. Makes a lightning-fast and, of course, correct decision, because he is the owner of a kind of “animal instinct” , if you want, a gift.

The last situation is just a sore subject for me. The closest area to me where I see "application" this terrible property- team formation. Having participated in dozens of projects together with the owners of various companies, constantly communicating with people who make decisions worth billions of rubles, I cannot help but draw a very sad conclusion.

Owners, especially those who have been in business for a long time, have difficulty assessing the people their team needs.

During interviews, they are not able to assess 99% of the required properties of an employee: his knowledge, abilities and skills, personal qualities that are useful and necessary for the business.

Sounds crazy? Don’t rush to be indignant, I’ll tell you how this happens. A dangerous substitution of concepts occurs.

As a rule, the owner interviews people who will become his inner circle, that is, candidates for senior positions in the company. In fact, it is important for him to understand whether these new people will be able to achieve the company’s goals. And here, ideally, when making a decision on a candidate, he relies primarily on the tasks that this person must solve. This usually occurs on the basis of a careful logical analysis of the facts. However, this is not enough: it is also necessary to determine whether he will work with the person personally or not. This is where intuition should help. However, the opposite happens: the desire for unconditional leadership and the habit of surviving in a competitive environment, eliminating one’s rivals, are transferred to the inner circle of employees and candidates.

The owner at the interview is trying to understand not whether the person can solve the problem now, but whether he, the owner, would be comfortable sharing his victory with this person in the future.

In fact, the owner, when interviewing a person, answers a completely different question and the answer may easily not coincide with the needs of the company. A great professional comes to the owner, who can do a lot for the business, and he looks at him, evaluates his abilities in personal and professional competition, and ends the meeting in 10 minutes. Like, everything is clear to him. This is not our man. Subordinates most often do not ask the owner for any clarification. And they conclude - this is his intuition. But in fact, instead of hiring a person who will lead the business to victory, the owner internally hires a person with whom he is ready to share this victory. Not ready? So, goodbye!

And often this is how “mediocres” end up working in positions that are significant for the company, who will never bring any benefit in solving the company’s problems and achieving goals. It would be nice if someone said to the owner of the company: “Wait, let’s understand why this is not our person, what exactly is wrong?”

You need to force the owner’s brain to work in a different direction, present arguments outside, and, lo and behold, the decision will change. But no, who are we to argue with divine intuition.

The trouble is that the information business environment has created an aura of magical talent around the owners, saying that if you created a business, then you understand people better than others. You literally see right through them, and others - those who have not created their own business, of course, understand worse than you. Why do you need accurate data, why do you need professional analytics in the moment? You already understood everything by looking into the person’s eyes.

Most business creators are, of course, smart people; they know about their shortcomings and struggle with them. But we are all human, nothing human is alien to us, and the surrounding information field is important to all of us to one degree or another.

If everyone around you has been telling you for years that you are a brilliant leader, sooner or later you find yourself in a vacuum of servility, in the “trap” of your own vanity.

Few people tell you what they really think about the quality of the decisions you make. It is at this moment that destruction begins: the personal destruction of the owner, and as a consequence - the destruction of the business.

People who sing praises to the top officials of companies are digging a huge hole for them. With this attitude, they cultivate among the owners the completely criminal, from my point of view, opinion that if you are a winner once, then you are always a winner. That past successes and achievements give you some special quality that, of course, others do not possess.

It is important at this moment to understand that you do not have any divine gift of foresight, but, as a rule, you have a head on your shoulders, which means a willingness to listen and hear arguments if they are presented correctly.

And in our projects, I was more than once able to observe how smart, sensible owners who were asked the right questions about their “intuitive” in a timely manner decision, returned to a seemingly closed topic and changed their decision under the influence of understandable arguments. And they have achieved, are achieving and will achieve success in their business. Proven by practice.