Mikhail Isakovsky eternal glory. Verse Requiem (Eternal glory to the heroes)

Light bulbs burn out frequently

As a unique poet, in his poems Mikhail Isakovsky was able to convey the limits of human existence - the immeasurable grief of losses, the abyss of despair, the joy of victories. In the poems about the war by Mikhail Isakovsky there is a lot that is immortal, eternal, imperishable...

M. Isakovsky spared neither time nor effort for creativity.

"Before the fight"
At a village scorched by enemies,
Where only black pipes stick out,
Cast guns stand like a mortal court,
Although they are still silent.

But the time will come, but this time will come,
And the enemy will fall in confusion and anguish,
When they are over a formidable battlefield
They will speak Russian.

Mikhail Isakovsky became addicted to the poetic genre early. The lines obediently began to connect into something whole when the young poet was only twelve years old. For the first time, M. Isakovsky spoke in front of a wide audience at school: the teacher, knowing about the boy’s poetic abilities, asked him to read something “from his works.” The poet calls 1924 the start of his serious poetic activity.

"Eternal Glory"
Eternal glory and eternal memory
Fallen in a fierce battle!
Fought bravely and steadfastly against enemies
You are for your Fatherland.

Faithful to Duty, they spared themselves
For the sake of her victory.
So that she may live in glory and strength,
Gave your heart;

They gave their lives for a hard life
She never came to us
So that on earth, who loved to pain,
Every branch was blooming.

Let the years pass by,
The country will not forget you:
Holy and zealous memory of the people
Yours stores names.

Fought bravely and steadfastly against enemies
You are for your fatherland.
Eternal glory and eternal memory
Fallen in a fierce battle.

During the Great Patriotic War, many poems came from the pen of M. Isakovsky. Several collections of poetry were published. High orders and medals, a State Prize - the authorities highly appreciated the work of the poet beloved by millions.

The artillery was also thundering
And the mines exploded on the edge of the village,
And the swallow has already got down to business
And, working hard, she made a nest for herself.

And people came out of hiding
Towards your big day,
And people said: "Look,
Even though she’s small, she knows what’s what.”

Mikhail Vasilyevich Isakovsky was born on January 7 (19), 1900 in the village of Glotovka, Elninsky district, Smolensk province, into a peasant family. He graduated from a rural school and five classes of a gymnasium.

In 1917 - 1918 was a rural school teacher in 1919 - 1921. edited the district newspaper in Yelnya, then, until 1931, worked in the Smolensk newspaper “Rabochy Put”.

He began publishing poetry in 1924. In 1931 he moved to Moscow and edited the magazine “Collective Farmer”. The first book of poems by M. Isakovsky - “Wires in Straw” - was published in 1927. Critics greeted it unfriendly, but M. Gorky, who was then living in Italy, became interested in the book and wrote an article about M. Isakovsky in Izvestia. “His poems are simple, good, very exciting in their sincerity,” wrote M. Gorky, noting the social significance of M. Isakovsky’s poetry, which deeply and comprehensively reflected the life of the Soviet village, living in close connection with the city.

Subsequently, M. Isakovsky published many books of poetry: “Province”, “Masters of the Earth”, “Poems and Songs”, etc. Inextricably linked with the interests and moods of ordinary Soviet people, M. Isakovsky spoke in his poems about the victory of the collective farm system, about the triumph of new, bright principles in human consciousness. The theme of the socialist Motherland is developed with particular insight in the works of M. Isakovsky.

M. Isakovsky entered the history of Soviet literature primarily as a songwriter. Starting in 1934, when one of the leaders of the choir named after M. Isakovsky wrote music to the poems. Pyatnitsky V. Zakharov, the poet created many songs that gained national fame.

The hero of M. Isakovsky's songs is a man of labor, a builder of socialism, a Russian man who grew up and rose during the years of Soviet power. In the harsh days of the Great Patriotic War, the heart-touching, beautiful songs of M. Isakovsky, as if on wings, flew around the fronts and rear, helping the Soviet people fight the enemy. They penetrated the widest masses and, close in spirit to oral folk art, themselves became, as it were, folklore.

The peculiarity of M. Isakovsky’s songs is that they live not only in the presence of music written by the composer, but also independently, like poems. The poetic speech of M. Isakovsky is folk in nature, melodious, and is characterized by deep inner melody. Pure and transparent, with sparkles of sly humor, the language of M. Isakovsky fruitfully develops the traditions of classical poetry, especially poetry Nekrasova.

From book “Three centuries of Russian poetry”, 1968

ISAKOVSKY, Mikhail Vasilievich [b. 7(19).I.1900, Glotovka village, Elninsky district, now Vskhodsky district, Smolensk region] - Russian Soviet poet. Member Communist Party since 1918. Born into a poor peasant family. Graduated from primary school. Extreme need forced him to leave the 6th grade of the gymnasium. The October Revolution involved Isakovsky in active social activities. He works as secretary of the volost council, and in 1919 he becomes editor of a newspaper in the city of Yelnya. In 1921 he moved to Smolensk and for ten years collaborated in the editorial office of the regional newspaper Rabochiy Put. In 1931 Isakovsky moved to Moscow. By this time he was already a famous poet. Even in his childhood, Isakovsky began writing poetry (in 1914, a poem was published in the Moscow newspaper Nov "A Soldier's Request"). In 1921, three small books of Isakovsky’s poems (“By the Steps of Time,” “Takeoffs,” “Four Hundred Millions”) were published in Smolensk. However, the poet considers the beginning of his literary activity to be 1924, when the poems “Podpaski”, “Native” and others were published. In 1927, the book “Wires in Straw” was published in Moscow, warmly received by M. Gorky. Then the collections “Province” (1930), “Masters of the Earth” (1931), “Four Desires” (1936) and others appeared. Isakovsky’s poetry is dedicated mainly to the Soviet village. The first steps of socialism in the countryside, collectivization, the development of culture and communist consciousness among the peasantry - these are the themes of many of Isakovsky’s poems and songs. The new man of the Soviet village with his deeds, thoughts and feelings - main character his poetry. But Isakovsky is not only a “peasant poet”. “Mikhail Isakovsky,” wrote M. Gorky, “is not a villager, but he new person, who knows that the city and the village are two forces that cannot exist separately from one another, and knows that the time has come for them to merge into one invincible creative force...” Isakovsky knew the life of the old, pre-revolutionary village well from his own bitter experience. In the cycle “The Past” (1926-27), in the poem "Four Wishes", in the poem and others, he truthfully showed the difficult past of the working peasantry.

As a singer of the new, Soviet Rus', Isakovsky reflected in his poetry the path traversed by the peasantry during the years of Soviet power. Even before collectivization, Isakovsky expressed the desire of the working Soviet peasantry to end individual farming, with a difficult life on their own piece of land. Naturally, collectivization - this historical revolutionary turning point in the countryside - became the most important topic poetry by Isakovsky (“Poem of Care”, 1929, etc.). In the works of the 30s. Isakovsky deeply and comprehensively reflected the process of formation of new people in the collective farm village. He lovingly depicts rural youth in poems and songs, and with affectionate humor notes how their appearance, life, and language are changing. Particularly popular are Isakovsky’s songs, which he began writing in the mid-30s. (, , , , , and etc.).

The Great Patriotic War occupies a large place in Isakovsky’s poetry. The poet glorifies the exploits of Soviet soldiers, the heroism of Soviet workers in the rear; in his poems the voice of ordinary Soviet people sounds (, etc.). The poet created many songs during the Great Patriotic War: , , , , , etc. The poet continues to work successfully in this genre in the post-war years (, , etc.). Set to music by composers V. G. Zakharov, M. I. Blanter and others, Isakovsky’s songs are sung all over the world.

The strength of Isakovsky’s poetry lies in its realism and closeness to life. The poet always writes out of deep spiritual need. Therefore, political themes are expressed in his poems lyrically and excitedly. By expression A. Tvardovsky, Isakovsky “... found for the pressing political, often directly propaganda theme, means of expression that are lyrical, sincere, that dispose the hearts to what the idea is about in the work.” In its form and language, Isakovsky’s poetry is distinguished by clarity and nationality. Complex metaphors and comparisons, sophisticated rhythms and meters are alien to her. She grew up in the fight against formalistic frills and is hostile to everything pretentious, artificial, and deliberate. Isakovsky skillfully uses the riches of the Russian language, its ability to convey any shades of feelings and thoughts. Many lines of Isakovsky’s poems and songs have become everyday expressions.

A distinctive feature of Isakovsky’s poetry is its songfulness and musicality. Almost every poem has an internal melody that corresponds to the feelings and thoughts that the poet expresses. Isakovsky’s work develops the fruitful traditions of Russian classics, especially the tradition N. A. Nekrasova. Isakovsky’s poems are closely connected with oral folk art, with folk lyrical songs, with ditties. Isakovsky uses the features of folklore, its traditional dimensions, symbolism, methods of psychological parallelism, compositional repetitions, etc. Like folk songs, Isakovsky’s songs are plot-based. At the same time, Isakovsky’s poetry is poetry of new content and a new view of the world. This is the poetry of socialist realism. It updates and changes traditional folk and classical poetic forms. Isakovsky was twice awarded State Prizes of the USSR: in 1943 - for the lyrics of songs: , , , etc., in 1949 - for the collection “Poems and Songs”. Isakovsky owns translations from Belarusian and Ukrainian poets, as well as Hungarian folk songs and ballads. Isakovsky’s book “On Poetic Mastery” includes his letters to aspiring poets and articles on poetry issues.

Works: Works, vol. 1-2, 2nd ed., M., 1956; Works, vol. 1-2, M., 1959; Works, vol. 1-2, M., 1961; Oh poetic. mastery, 3rd ed. additional, M., 1962; You are walking across the country..., M., 1964.

Lit.: Gorky M., Uncollected lit.-critic. articles, M., 1941, p. 116-18; Derman A., Poems by Isakovsky, “Literature and Art”, 1943, No. 12; Serebryansky M., Poetry of M. Isakovsky, in his book: Lit. essays, M., 1948; Alexandrov V., M. Isakovsky. Critical-biographical. essay, M., 1950; Rylenkov N., People's Poet, Smolensk, 1950; Bocharov A., M. Isakovsky, in the book: Lectures on the history of owls. liters, in. 3, M., 1953; Litvin E. S., Poetry of Isakovsky and people. creativity, Smolensk, 1955; Makarov A., Education of feelings. Notes on the work of M. Isakovsky, in his book: Education of feelings., M., 1957; Tarasenkov An., M. Isakovsky, in his book: Articles on literature, vol. 2, M., 1958; Vengrov N., M.V. Isakovsky, in the book: History of Russian. owls Literary, vol. 2, M., 1960; Tvardovsky A., Poetry of M. Isakovsky, in his book: Articles and notes on literature, M., 1961.

A. G. Dementyev

Brief Literary Encyclopedia: In 9 volumes - T. 3. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1966

ISAKOVSKY Mikhail Vasilievich is a modern poet. Born into a poor peasant family. In 1910-1917 he studied at the gymnasium. His first literary experiments date back to this time. Since 1918 - member of the CPSU (b). He was the editor of a newspaper in Yelets, and since 1921 he has been working in Smolensk as an employee of the newspaper “Rabochy Put”. Member of VOKPA and RAPP. Isakovsky’s first book of poems, “Wires in the Straw,” its very title indicates the content and direction of Isakovsky’s work. The new Soviet village forms the central theme of his poems. To embody this theme, Isakovsky finds simple and moving words.

Isakovsky pays a lot of attention to the new people of the village. Erema is a delegate who goes to Moscow for advice from Kalinin and returns from there cheerful and invigorated, a teacher who takes the initiative to drain the swamp, a Komsomol member who devotes all her strength to cultural work in the village - these are the heroes of his poems, epic at their core, but lyrically colored.

Bibliography: I. Wires in straw (First book of poems), Guise, M. - L., 1927.

II. Reviews: Lezhnev A., “Pravda”, 1927, No. 264 of November 18; Maxim Gorky, “Siberian Lights”, 1928; Krasilnikov V., “Mol. Guard", 1928, II; Tsvelev V., “On a literary post”, 1929, IX.

Literary encyclopedia: In 11 volumes - [M.], 1929-1939.

Eternal glory to the heroes!
Eternal glory!
Eternal glory!
Eternal glory to the heroes!
Glory to the heroes!

...But why do they need it, this glory, -
What do they need this fame for?
Everything is alive -
Myself -
not saved.
What do they need this fame for?
If lightning splashes hotly in the clouds,
and the huge sky
from thunder
will go deaf
if all the people of the globe shout, -
none of the dead
won't even flinch.
I know:
the sun will not splash into empty eye sockets!
I know:
the song of heavy graves will not open!
But on behalf of the heart,
on behalf of life,
I repeat!
And immortal hymns,
farewell hymns
floating majestically over the sleepless planet...
Let not all heroes, -
who died -
eternal glory!
Eternal glory!!

Let's remember everyone by name,
Let us remember with our grief...
It is necessary -
not dead!
This is necessary -
Let's remember proudly and directly
died in the struggle...

There is a great right:
About Me!
There is a high right:
and dare!..

eternal glory

Did you bequeath to us to die,
Life promised
love promised

Are children born for death?
Did you really want us to die?

The flame hit the sky! -
Do you remember,
She said quietly: “Get up to help...”
Nobody asked you for fame,
Everyone simply had a choice:
me or the Motherland.

The best and most expensive -
Your grief -
this is our grief

Your truth -
this is our truth
Your glory -
this is our glory

The crimson banner splashed
the crimson stars were burning,
blind blizzard
sunset red with blood,
and the tread of divisions was heard,
the great march of the divisions,
the iron tread of divisions,
soldier's tread!
we went into battle
light and harsh.
On our banners is inscribed the word:
In the name of the Fatherland -
In the name of the living -
In the name of the future -
We must crush the war.
And there was no higher pride
and there was no greater valor -
except for
desire to survive
is there some more
Towards the peals of roaring thunder
we went into battle
light and harsh.
On our banners is written the word

Black stone,
black stone,
why are you silent?
black stone?

Is this what you wanted?
Have you ever dreamed of
become a tombstone
for the grave
The unknown soldier?
Black stone.
Why are you silent?
black stone?..

We were looking for you in the mountains.
Heavy rocks were crushed.
Trains at night
Masters in the night
didn't sleep
so that with smart hands
so that with your own blood
ordinary stone
into silence

Are the stones to blame?
that somewhere underground
too long
Are the soldiers sleeping?

And above them the grass dries,
And above them the stars fade.
And a golden eagle circles above them
and sways
And stand above them
pine trees
And it's time for snow.
And the orange sun
across the sky.
Time moves on them...

But someday
but once upon a time
someone in the world remembered the name
After all, even before death
he had many friends.
After all, he still lives in the world
very old
And then there was the bride.
Where is she now -
A soldier was dying -
Died -

Oh, why are you, red sun,
you're all leaving -
don't you say goodbye?
Oh, why from the joyless war,
aren't you coming back?
I will help you out of trouble,
I’ll fly like a quick eagle...
Answer me
my little blood!
The only one…

White light not nice
I got sick.
Come back, my hope!
My grain
My little Zoryushka.
My dear, -
where are you?
I can't find the path
to cry over the grave...
I do not want
nothing at all -
only my dear son.
Behind the forests is my little swallow!
Behind the mountains - behind the communities...
If you cry
little eyes -
mothers cry with their hearts.
White light is not nice.
I got sick.
Come back, my hope!
My grain
My little Zoryushka.
My dear, -
where are you?

When are you coming?
In response to which

You see:
the proudest
came out to meet you.
You threaten palisades over the hollows.
You're scared by the angular cliffs...
But we will lift ourselves up
along the ropes,
from your own nerves
We'll grow up.
We'll tolerate any giggles.
And we will become bigger
And the children will make snowballs
from cumulus

This is a song about sunshine
this is a song about the sun in the chest.
This is a song about a young planet,
in which
everything is ahead!
In the name of the sun, in the name of the Motherland
we take an oath.
what the fathers did not finish singing -
we'll finish our drink!
What the fathers did not build -
we will build it!

Shoots directed towards the sun,
you will grow to blue heights.
We -
born of the song of victory -
live and dream!
In the name of the sun, in the name of the Motherland
we take an oath.
In the name of life we ​​swear to the fallen heroes:
what the fathers did not finish singing -
we'll finish our drink!
What the fathers did not build -
we will build it!

Hurry up, happy spring!
We replace the dead
Don't be proud, distant stars, -
from Earth!
In the name of the sun, in the name of the Motherland
we take an oath.
In the name of life we ​​swear to the fallen heroes:
what the fathers did not finish singing -
we'll finish our drink!
What the fathers did not build -
we will build it!

This is what we say.
This is what we say.
From there.
From the darkness.
Listen! Open your eyes.
Listen to the end.
This is what we say
We are knocking on your hearts...

Don't be scared!
One day we will disturb you in your sleep.
We will carry our voices over the fields in silence.
We have forgotten what flowers smell like.
How the poplars rustle.
We have forgotten the earth too.
What has it become, the earth?
How are the birds?
Singing on the ground
without us?
How are the cherries?
Bloom on the ground
without us?
How bright is the river?
And the clouds are flying
above us?
Without us.

We forgot the grass.
We forgot the trees a long time ago.
We are not allowed to walk on the ground.
Never given!
The sad brass will not wake up anyone in the orchestra...
Only the worst thing -
even more terrible than death:
that the birds sing on the ground
without us!
That cherries bloom on the ground
without us!
That the river is brightening.
And the clouds are flying
above us.
Without us.

Life goes on.
And the day begins again.
Life goes on.
The time of rain is approaching.
The growing wind sways the large grains.
This is your destiny.
This is our common destiny...
Also the birds sing on the ground
without us.
And the cherries bloom on the ground
without us.
And the river brightens.
And the clouds are flying
above us.
Without us…

I can not.
will not die…

I'll die -
I'll become grass.
I will become leaves.
Smoke from the fire.
Vernal land.
An early star.

I'll become a wave
foamy wave!
Your heart
into the distance
I'll take it away.
I'll become dew
the first thunderstorm
children's laughter
echo in the forest...
They will be in the steppes
make noise.
It will knock
to the shore

Just finish singing!
If only I had time!
Just to drink
to the dregs!
Only in the night

Only in the fields
of bread!..
Give me
clear life, fate!
Give me
proud death, fate!

Through the centuries, through the years, -
About those,
who will never come again, -

Do not Cry!
Hold back the moans in your throat,
bitter moans.
Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!

Bread and song
Dreams and poems
spacious life,
every second
with every breath

As long as hearts are knocking, -
at the cost
happiness is won -
please remember!

Sending your song into flight, -
About those,
who will never sing again, -

Tell your children about them,
so that
Children's children
tell us about them
so that too
At all times of the immortal Earth
Leading ships to the twinkling stars, -
about the dead

Meet the trembling spring,
people of the Earth.
Kill the war
people of the Earth!

Carry your dream through the years
and life
fill it up!..
But about those
who will never come again, -
I conjure, -