Cold light bulbs. LED lamps: yellow light or white

Light bulbs burn out frequently

In office and industrial premises, it is common to use white LED lamps, as they emit light that is as close as possible to natural daylight. Lamps with white light are often used to organize lighting in apartments. If they emit led lamps yellow light, then they are considered unsuitable for work. But at home, there are no strict requirements for lamps, especially in bedrooms and living rooms. This is where designers prefer to use the play of yellow light.

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Why can LEDs glow in different colors?

Each LED lamp contains several LEDs on an aluminum board, which are made from semiconductor materials. Why do some lamps emit yellow light, others white, others red or green?

The fact is that each semiconductor is capable of emitting light waves of only a certain length when converting electrical energy into light. The wavelength of a light beam determines its color. Thus, combining gallium with nitrogen ultimately produces green light. Yellow light can be emitted by a compound of aluminum, gallium, arsenic and phosphorus, as well as a compound of phosphorus and gallium. Manufacturers sell LEDs in bulk, and each of them already has its own color.

The body of the LED lamp is painted in the same color that the lamp gives during operation. But it does not affect the color of the light flux in any way. Painting the body is only needed to determine what kind of light it will emit without plugging the lamp into the mains.

White and yellow LED lamps: which is better?

LED lamps have few disadvantages. For example, if it emits led lamp yellow light, and not white, then it cannot be used to organize lighting in an office where a working environment should reign. The light should be bright, like on a sunny day, and the sun gives white, daylight. Yellow is a soft color, it is great for an apartment, but not in a room reserved for an office. Only yellow color will cope with the design task regarding the placement of accents in the interior, the installation of ceiling lighting or wall panels.

But both yellow and white LED lamps have many advantages over any other lamps:

  • Saving electrical energy due to high light output (up to 90% instead of 10% for traditional lamps);
  • Providing even lighting without flicker visible to the eye;
  • Long service life, which is not shortened by repeatedly turning the light on and off, as happens with incandescent lamps;
  • Possibility to choose between cold and warm shades of the same color;
  • Resistance of the housing to mechanical stress;
  • Environmental and fire safety of lamp design;
  • The ability of LEDs to glow with a strong voltage drop and with a slight voltage surge.

The disadvantages of a yellow lamp and a fluorescent lamp are also the same. And they lie in the direction of the emitted light flux. However, in design art, it is low-voltage yellow LED lamps that are able to highlight the main element of the interior with their directed beam of light and divide the space into functional zones. And the high price of LED lighting devices is more than offset by low energy costs.

Thus, LED yellow light bulbs are in no way inferior to white lamps. They differ only in the scope of their application: yellow light is decorative, while white light is necessary to ensure a working environment.

Warm white or cool white: which light is better to choose? In the modern world, the vision of every person is under increased strain: computer monitors, TV screens and all kinds of gadgets are constantly in front of our eyes, at work and at home. Therefore, many people who seek to compensate for damage to vision, at least where possible, are concerned about which artificial light is better and healthier for the eyes - cold, warm white or yellow. In addition, the color of lighting affects the perception of the interior of the room; it can highlight it favorably or, conversely, unpleasantly distort the colors. It follows from this that even such a small thing as choosing a light bulb should be treated with attention. The influence of lighting color on a person It is worth noting that there is no need to worry about the relationship between the color of lighting devices and eye health - color temperature does not affect vision. However, it does have a certain effect on a person: to some extent, our psycho-emotional state and mood depend on it. Warm light promotes relaxation, cold light invigorates and keeps you in good shape, so each of them is appropriate in its place and at its time. ______________________________________________________________________________ No matter how many companies involved in the development of artificial lighting devices try to create a light bulb that fully corresponds in all respects to natural sunlight, to date all attempts have been unsuccessful. ______________________________________________________________________________ Color temperature of the light source To find out what color the light from an energy-saving or LED lamp will be, you need to pay attention to the color temperature value indicated on the packaging. The unit of measurement is Kelvin (K). The lower the value, the more yellow the light will be. Light from a light bulb that has a high color temperature will be slightly bluish. Most often, there are three main lighting colors: White warm light – 2700–3500 K. Neutral or natural white light – 3500–5000 K. Cool white light – 5000–5400 K. Read on to find out which shade is suitable for lighting different parts of the apartment. Warm light Warm white lighting with a familiar yellowish tint is comfortable and pleasant to the human eye, its color temperature is the same as yellow sunlight in the early morning or towards sunset. This shade can be provided as ordinary lamps incandescent and halogen. You can also find warm-spectrum fluorescent and LED lamps on sale. Where is the best place to use this light? In the living room. It is recommended to use warm spectrum lighting in rooms where you want to create a relaxed and cozy atmosphere. For example, in a room where the family gathers in the evenings to have dinner and chat. ______________________________________________________________________________ In the living room, it is best to install a chandelier that diffuses light that will fill the entire space of the room. ______________________________________________________________________________ 💡In the kitchen. Warm lighting is perfect for the area above the dining table: dishes illuminated with yellowish light will look more appetizing and beautiful. 💡In the bathroom. Soft warm light in the bathing area will help you relax. 💡In the bedroom. It is in this room that it is especially important to create a feeling of calm and comfort so that the eyes can rest. Warm light in the interior Lamps with a warm spectrum are used by designers to increase the color saturation of warm-colored interior items. Cool shades, on the contrary, will become less noticeable. Blue and green colors will be distorted: this is due to the fact that in the light of such a lamp there are no rays of the corresponding spectrum. With such lighting, cool tones change as follows: 🎨blue may appear greenish; 🎨blue will become faded; 🎨dark blue will look like black; 🎨purple can be confused with red. That is why you need to think through all the details in advance, before purchasing a lamp, so that the illuminated room does not acquire an undesirable or even unpleasant appearance for you. Natural white light Halogen and some fluorescent lamps They provide lighting that is as close as possible to natural white light, so colors are practically not distorted. It is advisable to install them: 🔆 in children's rooms; 🔆in the hallway; 🔆v work area kitchens; 🔆in a place intended for reading, for example near a chair or in the bedroom above the bed; 🔆next to mirrors, as they accurately convey skin tone. ______________________________________________________________________________ It must be remembered that it is important to correctly position the light source relative to mirrors and reflective surfaces so as not to blind the eyes of the person looking at them. ______________________________________________________________________________ Cold light Light of the cold color spectrum resembles the white winter sun. It is often used in office spaces, as well as anywhere where it is necessary to create a working mood. Neutral and cool shades are suitable for places where there is supposed to be both natural and artificial light, as lighting in these tones helps improve concentration. ______________________________________________________________________________ Cold light is perceived by the human eye as brighter and more intense. ______________________________________________________________________________ In apartments, cold light sources are most often used: 💡In the kitchen, where accent lighting is required for cooking. 💡In the office, because such light balances and improves performance. 💡In the bathroom, in the washing area - cold bluish lighting will help you cheer up and wake up completely. 💡It is recommended to use this spectrum in living rooms when they have a modern design and a lot of free space. Colors in this lighting are also distorted, but the changes affect only warm tones. The colors red, orange and yellow will change, appearing purple, brown and greenish respectively. And here are the blue ones green colors, on the contrary, will look rich and juicy. ______________________________________________________________________________ Note! The color of lighting is affected not only by the color temperature of the light bulb, but also by the color of its bulb, as well as the lampshade or lampshade. ______________________________________________________________________________ Other parameters of light sources When choosing a light bulb, it makes sense to pay attention not only to the color, but also to its other parameters. All lighting sources used today are characterized by several signs: 📌Principle of action. The following types of light sources can be distinguished: LED, fluorescent, halogen, and well-known incandescent lamps. 📌Flask shape. The most common types of flasks are pear-shaped, spherical, tubular, mushroom-shaped and so-called “spots”. 📌Efficiency. LED lamps have the highest indicator today. 📌Cost. The cheapest light sources are incandescent lamps, the most expensive are LED. However, the latter are much more environmentally friendly and consume much less electricity. If you are interested in how the room will look when artificial lighting is turned on, it is better to additionally clarify the color rendering index of the light bulb at the time of purchase. The letters Ra are used to indicate the color rendering index; ideally, its value should be 90 or higher, this will allow you to see the natural colors of objects in a room illuminated by a lamp. If the Ra value is less than 80, visible colors will be distorted.

Light and color are related in many ways, since color temperature determines what exactly a person sees. In warm light, the outlines of objects acquire a certain comfort and homely atmosphere. Cold light, in turn, can keep you in good shape, stimulate the nervous system, help with work, ensuring high performance. Light can be tiring or invigorating, it all depends on the color.

Warm and cold light

Warm light (2700-3200 K) has a special yellowish glow, somewhat similar to the morning sun. This shade is considered the most optimal for the eyes. For example, regular or some halogen bulbs can provide the desired shade in your home. Moreover, it is the best for residential premises.

Professionals from the world of design especially recommend choosing a similar option for those rooms that are intended for rest and relaxation. It's good to eat here, spend time with family, and just sleep. A cozy atmosphere will be guaranteed with such lighting.

Cold light (4000 - 7700 K), on the contrary, has a “working purpose”. It helps to concentrate and create the atmosphere necessary for work, which is why cold light lamps are used in rooms where you need to spend a lot of time in an active, awake state.

In offices, offices, and enterprises, this type of lighting is most often used. Based on scientific research, it has been proven that correctly selected lighting in the workplace increases productivity significantly.

How to choose light according to your eye and soul

It must be remembered that each light has its own color temperature. Knowing this, you can roughly navigate when purchasing the right lamp. For example, temperatures of 2800 - 2854 K are ordinary gas-filled lamps with a tungsten spiral - the light most familiar to humans. At a temperature of 3400 K there will be a glow like the sun bending towards the horizon. And if you want to see the morning sun, then a temperature of 4300 – 4500 K is suitable here.

The higher the temperature, the cooler the light will be. So a flash works at 5500 - 5600 K, and a clear blue sky in winter is 15,000 K.

Knowing the color temperatures of light is extremely important for photographers, filmmakers and television crews. Correctly set lighting in the studio is the key to a successful shot. And for photography - perhaps even some kind of bonus for the photo. You should remember this side of the issue so as not to get into trouble by taking a successful shot and getting a muddy dark something as a result.

It's no secret that all lamps differ in the spectrum of color radiation, which can be warm or cold. There is such a thing as color temperature - one of the main characteristics of LED lamps. It is measured in kelvins (K), and its range, distinguishable by the human eye, varies from 800 K to 20,000 K.

Initially LED lights They emitted only cold light, which had a specific bluish tint. Now on the market there are lamps whose color temperature can vary from 2000 K to 18000 K. Conventionally, color radiation can be divided into three categories: warm light (up to 3500 K), neutral light (3500 K - 5000 K) and cold light (over 5000 K). TO).

The question often arises, which light is better to use for lighting - warm or cold. There is no single answer here, since the perception of light largely depends on the individual characteristics of a particular person. When choosing a lamp, you need to take into account the purpose of the room.

So, in living rooms (bedrooms, living rooms) the most comfortable will be warm white light in the range of 2500-3200 K. This treatment gives the usual yellowish light, as in traditional incandescent lamps, creating the impression of comfort and homeliness. Such light will look good in restaurants, hotels, family clubs - anywhere where it is desirable to create a pleasant homely atmosphere.

For work and reading, neutral light, which is close to natural sunlight, is more suitable. Such lamps are more useful in terms of illumination level and are therefore recommended for installation in classrooms, offices, public institutions, and shops.
Among LEDs, fluorescent lamps are especially distinguished, having an emission of 6000 K and usually used in office lamps. It has been established that such light puts you in a working mood, promotes better concentration and increases your ability to work. For the same reason LED lightening With a color temperature of daytime color, it is not recommended for use in living spaces, especially in bedrooms.

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1 year ago

Every designer knows this rule well. If you are creating a design for an apartment or house, be sure to take into account as many factors as possible. As for lighting in the interior, it always plays a primary role. After all, it is light that can breathe life into a designer’s idea. It is he who emphasizes the most important details in interior design.

Not so long ago, in residential areas you could only see incandescent lamps, which emitted the usual yellow color. It was customary to vary the illumination by the direction of light and brightness. Now everything is different.

Energy-saving lamps appeared, which opened up new opportunities for designers. They can now afford to add to everything the variation in the color of the lamps. And therefore, for example, when you cross the threshold of an electrical goods store, you cannot help but see that the light from different light bulbs is a different color. Well, which color should you prefer?

What types of lamps are there?

Modern light sources are usually divided according to the shape of the bulb, operating principle and efficiency. However, for us now it is important to determine what kind of light the light bulbs provide. And therefore, when buying light bulbs, you need to ask the seller their color rendering index.

This is an important indicator. It depends on whether the colors of the interior will look pleasant and adequate under artificial lighting.

The color rendering index is designated by the letters Ra. In order for the room to have normal lighting, the index should be 80-90, or even better, ideally 90-100. In this case, the light can be cold or warm. And this has nothing to do with the index. And here you need to take into account the location and specifics of using the lamps.

Glow color energy saving lamps characterized by the so-called color temperature. Kelvin (K) is a unit of measurement of color temperature. The lower the parameter value, the closer the glow color is to red. The higher it is, the closer to blue it is.

Currently, experts identify three main colors. Warm white light - 2700 K. Natural white light - 4200 K. Cool white light - 6000 K or 6400 K.

What is the difference between cold and warm light

Experience shows that people find cold white light most attractive. Probably because it provides more illumination.

Cold light can put a person in a businesslike mood. It stimulates physical and mental work and does not allow you to relax. This light is recommended in an office space or study. After all, people here spend a long time doing something. This light is not suitable for bedrooms and children's rooms.

In terms of its spectrum, natural white light is closest to natural light. And therefore it is well suited for lighting a children's room and living room.

Warm white light with a yellowish tint resembles incandescent light. It makes sense to use it for lighting where there is no need to create increased working concentration. Where we relax after work, that is, in living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms.

Light has the ability to drown out or emphasize any shades in the interior. These properties are widely used by designers. For example, it is well known that warm light can enhance the color of interior parts that are painted in warm colors.

Halogen lamps are also considered warm. However, they emit radiation that is closer to the natural light of the shade. That's why they hardly distort colors. It is recommended to place such lamps next to mirrors and in bathrooms. After all, they make the correct representation of skin color.

Remember that warm light mutes cool shades of colors. This means that when the interior is illuminated with cold light, the interior elements that are painted in the warm spectrum will be somewhat dull. But the green and blue details will begin to play in all their glory.