A set of standards for automated systems (ksas). Set of standards for automated systems

Wire section calculation

A set of standards for automated systems(KSAS)

Composition of normative and technical documents

Designation Name
GOST 34.003-90 Information technology.

Automated systems. Terms and Definitions
GOST 34.201-89 Information technology.
Set of standards for automated systems.
Types, completeness and designation of documents when creating automated systems
GOST 34.601-90 Information technology.
Set of standards for automated systems.
Automated systems. Stages of creation
GOST 34.602-89 Information technology.
Set of standards for automated systems.
Terms of reference for the creation of an automated system
RD 50-34.698-90 Methodical instructions.
Information technology.
A set of standards and guidelines for automated systems.
Automated systems requirements for the content of documents

Acquisition of standards


Date of introduction01.01.92

We collect information in the following ways. During registration, we ask for personal information such as name, email address, phone number or credit card to be stored in your account. In order for a user to take full advantage of the sharing features we provide, we may ask you to create public information, which may include your name and photo. The information we collect from your use of our services. . Exclusive application numbers.

How we use the information we collect

Some services include a unique application number. We may collect and store information locally on a user's device through mechanisms such as web browser caching and application data caches. Cookies and similar technologies. We also use this information to deliver personalized content, such as displaying ads and the most relevant search results.

This standard applies to automated systems (AS) used in various activities (research, management, etc.), including their combinations created in organizations, associations and enterprises (hereinafter - organizations).

The standard establishes the stages and stages of creating an AS. Appendix 1 shows the content of the work at each stage.

We may use your email address to send you information about our services, for example by providing you with future changes or improvements. For example, when you save a user's language preferences, we may show you our services in your preferred language.

When we run custom ads, we do not associate an identifier from cookies or similar technologies with sensitive categories such as those based on race, religion, sexual orientation or health. Our automated systems analyze your content to provide you with relevant personalized product features such as customized search results, ads tailored to your needs, and spam and malware detection.


1.1. The process of creating an AS is a set of ordered in time, interconnected, united in stages and stages of work, the implementation of which is necessary and sufficient to create an AS that meets the specified requirements.

1.2. The stages and stages of the creation of AS are distinguished as parts of the creation process for reasons of rational planning and organization of work, ending with a given result.

Accessing and updating your personal information

Whenever you use our services, we want you to have access to your personal information. We endeavor to provide you with a means to update or remove this information if it is incorrect, unless we maintain it for legitimate business or legal purposes.

We intend to maintain our services to protect information from accidental or malicious destruction. Accordingly, once information is removed from our services, we may not immediately remove residual copies of our active servers and may not remove information from our backup systems.

1.3. Work on the development of the AU is carried out according to the stages and stages used to create the AU.

1.4. The composition and rules for performing work at the stages and stages established by this standard are determined in the relevant documentation of organizations involved in the creation of specific types of nuclear power plants.

The list of organizations involved in the creation of the AU is given in Appendix 2.

"access to your personal information"

"ads that will be useful to you"

device IDs. "information related to the device". "improve your user interface". "a legal process or coercive request by a government agency or organization." "restrict visibility or sharing options."

"associated with information about visiting multiple sites"

"may collect and process information about your current location." "sharing with others more quickly and easily." "the people you love the most online." "to facilitate the exchange of items with people you know."

"view and interact with our ads"

"We may publicly share aggregated information without personal information." the most relevant search results. "your activity on other sites and applications." Definition: A higher screen area, advertising, informational or decorative, located on one side of a website page.


2.1. The stages and stages of creating an AS in the general case are given in the table.

Stages of work

1. Formation of requirements for the AU

1.1. Inspection of the object and justification for the need to create an AU

1.2. Formation of user requirements for the AU

See also: banner ad. Foreign equivalent: skyscraper. circle of trust Definition: A set of providers and users of a trusted space. External equivalent: circle of trust. Demon, nm. Definition. The program is constantly active in a multitasking system that performs certain functions. without user intervention. A daemon that transports email messages and notifies the sender when the message failed to reach the recipient. External counterpart: mail daemon. deviation, nm Definition: A method of secretly diverting messages to a domain to an address other than its legitimate address.

1.3. Registration of a report on the work performed and an application for the development of an AU (tactical and technical specifications)

2. Development of the AU concept

2.1. Studying the object

2.2. Carrying out the necessary research work

2.3. Development of options for the concept of the AU and the choice of a variant of the concept of the AU that meets the requirements of the user

See also: domain, registration. Definition: A set of resources, IT services and communications services that allow exchanges under sufficient and consistent security conditions. See also: circle of trust. The concept of an event encompasses the action by the user that the arrival of a treatment, associated with a date and time or any other circumstance, can interrupt the current processing. Definition: Indicates a personal data file in which the user can only be registered if he explicitly expresses his consent.

See also: output option. Definition: Refers to a personal data file in which the user is registered without his consent, and continues to appear until he explicitly expresses his refusal. See also: membership option. Foreign equivalent: refusal. course on canvas Short form: course, n.m. Definition: the continuity of the pages visited and the actions performed by the user, the analysis of which makes it possible to identify habits, centers of interest, tastes. An application component that uses Internet protocols has a universal address and communicates with other components.

2.4. Preparation of a report on the work performed

3. Terms of reference

3.1. Development and approval of terms of reference for the creation of the AU

4. Draft design

4.1. Development of preliminary design solutions for the system and its parts

4.2. Development of documentation for the AU and its parts

An enriched part of the web where the search for information can be facilitated through automatic and structured indexing of content and links. Indexing is obtained by classifying information into a function of the meaning of words and expressions of different natural languages. Foreign equivalent: semantic web. Attention: This publication cancels and replaces the publication of the Official Journal of 7 June. navigation data. The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Website acquire certain personal data during their normal operation, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

5. Technical project

5.1. Development of design solutions for the system and its parts

5.2. Development of documentation for the AU and its parts

5.3. Development and execution of documentation for the supply of products for the acquisition of nuclear power plants and (or) technical requirements (technical specifications) for their development

This is information that is not intended to be associated with identifiable persons, but which, by its very nature, could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. Data provided by the user voluntarily.

In particular, personal data will be processed for the following purposes. These actions will be performed anonymously and in aggregate mode. . The nature of the provision of data. Users can also ask for consent to their consent even for specific treatment, in accordance with the procedures indicated in the next chapter. The personal data of users requesting the sending of informational materials are used solely for the purpose of fulfilling the requested service or request and are disclosed to third parties only when it is necessary to fulfill the requests; the message is subject to legal or regulatory obligations; during the trial; and if the user has consented to the purposes referred to in paragraph 1 above.

5.4. Development of design tasks in adjacent parts of the project of the automation object

6. Working documentation

6.1. Development of working documentation for the system and its parts

6.2. Development or adaptation of programs

7. Input and action

7.1. Preparing the automation object for putting the AU into operation

Data transfer for loyalty programs. The user can change his browser so that he refuses these cookies or asks for his permission. Interested rights Interested parties, natural or legal entities, institutions or associations to which the data relates have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the data, even if they are not still registered and receive a communication in an intelligible form. The data subject also has the right to object, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, even if they are relevant to the purpose of collecting and processing personal data concerning him/her for the purpose of sending promotional materials or direct sales, or for conducting market research or commercial communications.

7.2. Staff training

7.3. Completion of the AU with supplied products (software and hardware, software and hardware systems, information products)

7.4. Construction and installation works

7.5. Commissioning works

Knowledge and skills to be achieved

Please note that the mode that provides the best guarantee in terms of efficiency and speed in request management is submitted by email. Upon completion of the course, the student can use operational tools for the analysis and synthesis of control systems.

Terminology: definition of system, connection, control and interference inputs. Open loop and closed loop control. Automatic and manual control. Constitution and components of the control loop. Basic problems of automatic control. Nomenclature. Modeling elements. Electrical systems. Mechanical systems equipped with travel and rotary motion. Mathematical models for dynamical systems. Models with continuous time and discrete time, linear and non-linear, stationary and non-stationary. Structural properties of dynamical systems. Accessibility and manageability of the state. Observability and restructuring of the state. The problem of initial conditions. Free response and forced response. Forced response and transfer function. Transition from the input-state-output model to the transfer function. Relationship between pole map and zeros and otherwise impulse response. Expression of the forced response by the convolution integral. Responses to canonical signals of systems of the first and second order. Effect of Real Zero on the Index Response of a Second-Order System. Higher-order system responses and dominance criteria. Definition of the harmonic response starting from the impulse response and vice versa. Bode diagram and rules for tracking non-minimal phase systems and entire systems. Bode formula and its application. Attenuation of parametric variations. Sensitivity to extinct transient. Using the Routh criterion to study stability depending on the parameters of the ring transfer function. Place of roots. Place complementary roots and root contours. Location tracking rules. Use of the place of roots in synthetic processes. Properties of feedback systems. research in the frequency domain. Study of accuracy, disturbance deviation and attenuation of parametric variations in the frequency domain. Nyquist stability criterion. Relative stability: phase and profit margin. Bode stability criterion. Systems with completed delays. Synthesis methods. Design specifications in the time domain and in the frequency domain. Corrective networks: retarder, precursor. Automation and control systems.

  • Introductory concepts and nomenclature.
  • Intuitive definition of automatic control.
  • Some examples of automatic control systems.
  • Modeling and identification.
  • Bishop.
  • Modern control systems.
  • Bertoni.
The exercises are an integral part of the course and include the elementary aspects of modeling and the application of fundamental methodologies for analysis and design of control systems in order to enable students to solve the most basic technical problems that may arise in professional work.

7.6. Carrying out preliminary tests

7.7. Conducting trial operation

7.8. Conducting acceptance tests

8. Accompanying speakers

8.1. Performance of work in accordance with warranty obligations

8.2. Post-warranty service

2.2. Stages and stages performed by organizations - participants in the work on the creation of nuclear power plants are established in contracts and terms of reference based on this standard.

It is allowed to exclude the stage "Draft design" and separate stages of work at all stages, to combine the stages "Technical design" and "Detailed documentation" into one stage "Technological design". Depending on the specifics of the AS being created and the conditions for their creation, it is allowed to perform individual stages of work before the completion of the previous stages, the parallel execution of work stages in time, the inclusion of new stages of work.



1. At stage 1.1 "Survey of the object and justification of the need to create a nuclear power plant" in the general case, conducting:

Collection of data on the automation object and ongoing activities;

Assessment of the quality of the functioning of the object and the types of activities carried out, identification of problems that can be solved by means of automation;

Assessment (technical, economic, social, etc.) of the feasibility of creating an AU.

2. At stage 1.2 "formation of user requirements for the AU" is carried out:

Preparation of initial data for the formation of requirements for the AU (characteristics of the automation object, description of the requirements for the system, limits on the allowable costs of development, commissioning and operation, the effect expected from the system, the conditions for the creation and operation of the system);

Formulation and execution of user requirements for the AU.

3. At stage 1.3 "Filing up a report on the work performed and an application for the development of an AU (tactical and technical assignment)", a report on the work performed at this stage is drawn up and an application for the development of an AU (tactical and technical assignment) or another document replacing it with similar content.

4. At stages 2.1 "Studying the object" and 2.2 "Conducting the necessary research work", the developer organization conducts a detailed study of the automation object and the necessary research work (R&D) related to finding ways and assessing the possibility of implementing user requirements, draw up and approve research reports.

5. At stage 2.3 "Development of options for the concept of the AU and the choice of a variant of the concept of the AU that meets the requirements of the user", in the general case, alternative options for the concept of the created AU and plans for their implementation are developed; assessment of the necessary resources for their implementation and operation; an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of each option; comparison of user requirements and characteristics of the proposed system and selection of the best option; determination of the procedure for assessing the quality and conditions for the acceptance of the system; assessment of the effects received from the system.

6. At stage 2.4 "Formulation of the report on the work performed" prepare and draw up a report containing a description of the work performed at the stage, a description and justification of the proposed version of the system concept.

7. At stage 3.1 "Development and approval of terms of reference for the creation of the NPP", the development, execution, coordination and approval of the terms of reference for the NPP and, if necessary, the terms of reference for parts of the NPP are carried out.

8. At stage 4.1 "Development of preliminary design solutions for the system and its parts" determine: the functions of the AU; functions of subsystems, their goals and effects; composition of task complexes and individual tasks; concepts of the information base, its enlarged structure; database management system functions; composition of the computer system; functions and parameters of the main software tools.

9. At stage 5.1 "Development of design solutions for the system and its parts", they provide the development of general solutions for the system and its parts, the functional and algorithmic structure of the system, the functions of personnel and the organizational structure, the structure of technical means, the algorithms for solving problems and the languages ​​used , on the organization and maintenance of the information base, the system of classification and coding of information, on software.

10. At stages 4.2 and 5.2 "Development of documentation for the NPP and its parts", the development, execution, coordination and approval of documentation is carried out in the amount necessary to describe the full set of design decisions made and sufficient for further work on the creation of the NPP. Types of documents - according to GOST 34.201.

11. At stage 5.3 "Development and execution of documentation for the supply of products for completing the NPP and (or) technical requirements (technical specifications) for their development", preparation and execution of documentation for the supply of products for completing the NPP; determination of technical requirements and preparation of technical specifications for the development of products that are not mass-produced.

12. At stage 5.4 "Development of design assignments in adjacent parts of the automation project", they develop, execute, agree and approve design assignments in adjacent parts of the automation object project for construction, electrical, sanitary and other preparatory work related to the creation AS.

13. At stage 6.1 "Development of working documentation for the system and its parts", they develop working documentation containing all the necessary and sufficient information to ensure the implementation of work on putting the NPP into operation and its operation, as well as to maintain the level of operational characteristics (quality) of the system in accordance with the adopted design decisions, its execution, coordination and approval. Types of documents - according to GOST 34.201.

14. At stage 6.2 "Development or adaptation of programs", the development of programs and software tools of the system, the selection, adaptation and (or) binding of purchased software tools, the development of software documentation in accordance with GOST 19.101 are carried out.

15. At stage 7.1 "Preparation of the automation object for putting the AU into operation", work is carried out on the organizational preparation of the automation object for putting the AU into operation, including: implementation of design decisions on the organizational structure of the AU; providing units of the control object with instructive and methodological materials; introduction of information classifiers.

16. At stage 7.2 "Personnel training", personnel are trained and their ability to ensure the functioning of the NPP is checked.

17. At the stage "Packing the NPP with supplied products" ensure the receipt of components of serial and single production, materials and assembly products. Carry out input quality control.

18. At stage 7.4 "Construction and installation works" the following is carried out: construction of specialized buildings (premises) for the placement of technical facilities and NPP personnel; construction of cable channels; performance of works on installation of technical means and communication lines; testing of installed technical means; delivery of technical means for commissioning.

19. At stage 7.5 "Commissioning" carry out offline adjustment of hardware and software, loading information into the database and checking the system of its maintenance; complex adjustment of all means of the system.

20. At stage 7.6 "Conducting preliminary tests" carry out:

AC performance and compliance tests terms of reference in accordance with the program and methodology of preliminary tests;

Troubleshooting and making changes to the documentation for the AU, including operational in accordance with the test protocol;

Registration of the act of acceptance of the AU in trial operation.

21. At stage 7.7 "Conducting trial operation", the NPP trial operation is carried out; results of NPP pilot operation; finalization (if necessary) of the AS software; additional adjustment (if necessary) of technical means of the AU; registration of the certificate of completion of trial operation.

22. At stage 7.8 "Conducting acceptance tests" carry out:

Tests for compliance with the terms of reference according to the program and methodology of acceptance tests;

Analysis of the test results of the AU and elimination of shortcomings identified during the tests;

Registration of the act of acceptance of the NPP into permanent operation.

23. At stage 8.1 "Performance of work in accordance with warranty obligations", work is carried out to eliminate the shortcomings identified during the operation of the NPP during the established warranty periods, making the necessary changes to the documentation for the AU.

24. At stage 8.2 "Post-warranty service" work is carried out on:

Analysis of the functioning of the system;

Identification of deviations of the actual operational characteristics of the NPP from the design values;

Establishing the causes of these deviations;

Elimination of identified deficiencies and ensuring the stability of the operational characteristics of the NPP;

Making the necessary changes to the documentation for the AU.





1. The customer organization (user) for which the AU will be created and which provides financing, acceptance of work and operation of the AU, as well as the performance of individual works to create the AU.

2. Organization-developer, which carries out work on the creation of the AU, providing the customer with a set of scientific and technical services at different stages and stages of creation, as well as developing and supplying various software and hardware of the AU.

3. A supplier organization that manufactures and supplies software and hardware on the order of a developer or customer.

4. Organization-general designer of the automation object.

5. Organizations-designers of various parts of the automation object project for construction, electrical, sanitary and other preparatory work related to the creation of the AU.

6. Construction, installation, adjustment and other organizations.


1. Depending on the conditions for the creation of the AU, various combinations of the functions of the customer, developer, supplier and other organizations involved in the creation of the AU are possible.

2. The stages and stages of their work on the creation of the AU are determined on the basis of this standard.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards


Yu.Kh. Vermishev, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ya.G. Vilenchik; IN AND. Voropaev, Dr. Sc. sciences; L.M. Seidenberg, Ph.D. tech. sciences; Yu.B. Irz, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.D. Kostyukov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; M.A. Labutin, cond. tech. sciences; N.P. Leskovskaya; I.S. Mityaev; V.F. Popov (topic leader); S.V. Garshin; A.I. deaf believer; SOUTH. Zhukov, Ph.D. sciences; Z.P. Zadubovskaya; V.G. Ivanov; Yu.I. Karavanov, Ph.D. sciences; A.A. Klochkov; V.Yu. Korolev; IN AND. Makhnach, Ph.D. tech. sciences; S.B. Mikhalev, Dr. tech. sciences; V.N. Petrikevich; V.A. Rakhmanov, Ph.D. economy sciences; A.A. Ratkovich; R.S. Sedegov, Doctor of Economics. sciences; N.V. Stepanchikov; M.S. Surovets; A.V. Flegentov; L.O. Khvilevsky, Ph.D. tech. sciences; VC. Chistov, Ph.D. economy Sciences

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards dated December 29, 1990 No. 3469