Proper lighting of the working area of ​​​​the kitchen. How to choose sink lights

All about spotlights

A lonely hanging chandelier or spotlights on the ceiling are not able to create the necessary lighting for the work area. The light either falls from behind or is diffused. It becomes impossible to see anything on the table, stove or in the sink. However, successful options for illuminating the working area in the kitchen still exist and special attention should be paid to them - they will help preserve vision, make cleaning and cooking more comfortable. Thinking over the design project of the room, immediately decide how to implement the illumination of the working area and plan the installation of additional outlets.

Properly chosen lighting will allow the hostess to work wonders in the kitchen

How to organize the lighting of the work area

In the kitchen, countertops, stoves and sinks need additional lighting. The easiest way to deal with the stove, because a hood with a built-in lamp is installed above it. Illumination of countertops in the kitchen and lighting of the sink is achieved by installing additional light sources, which should create:

  • Sufficient brightness - 40-50 W are required per square surface;
  • Directional, but diffused lighting, so that the eyes do not get tired.

These criteria are met by lamps that are mounted under cabinets or on the wall. Luminescent, halogen and - these are the top three, among which the illumination of the working area is selected. In addition, each of the light sources has advantages, disadvantages and installation nuances.

Daylight lamps

This is the name of fluorescent lamps, which are familiar to everyone. The illumination of the working area in the kitchen is carried out using ordinary lamps or special lamps that give diffused light.

Fluorescent lamps will allow the hostess to do business in the kitchen both day and night

Advantages and disadvantages of fluorescent lamps

Daylight sources that are installed in the working area have the following advantages:

  • Easy installation
  • democratic value,
  • Lamps are sold everywhere
  • Consume little energy
  • Fluorescent lamps for illuminating the working area in the kitchen last a long time,
  • Included without purchasing additional devices,
  • The quality of lighting meets the standards - 40-50 W / sq.m

At the same time, only two drawbacks stand out - the dimensions of the lamps do not always fit into the design of the room, and without installing a diffuser, the lamps blind the eyes. To solve the problem with too bright light, a diffuser bar is purchased in the same place where lamps are bought. The second option is to buy a special lamp for the kitchen above the desktop, the design of which allows you to protect your eyes from bright rays.

Fluorescent lamps are a great option for saving energy and creating a great atmosphere

Features of installing fluorescent lamps

When buying fluorescent lamps, they are equipped with brackets. It remains only to screw them into the right place and plug them into the socket. To protect the eyes from bright rays, a diffuser bar is attached.

If possible, purchase a special furniture lamp, which is equipped with everything you need - it is fixed with fasteners and connected to the power supply.

Halogen light sources

Spotlights for illuminating the working area in the kitchen, equipped with halogen lamps, are available in a large assortment. They are built-in and overhead.

Pros and cons of halogen lamps

Among the advantages of halogen lamps over other light sources are:

  1. Radiation spectrum - as close as possible to the sun,
  2. Radiation direction,
  3. Lights don't blind your eyes
  4. When properly installed, they provide the norm of illumination for the working surface,
  5. Suitable for any design and environment - spotlights with LED backlighting look especially impressive.
Halogen lights in the kitchen - a look at modern lighting

The disadvantages include the difficulty of installing recessed lamps, which require special recesses - it is not always possible to make them in cabinets. The need to purchase additional wiring with a step-down transformer also refers to the disadvantages of halogen lamps. And finally, when installing halogen lamps, the light in the kitchen above the work surface is difficult to make uniform.

Mounting Features

Firstly, wiring and a transformer are purchased, which lowers the voltage in the network - you can buy it from a lamp seller. Secondly, the installation of halogen lamps depends on what type of fixtures is chosen - built-in or surface-mounted.

If the working area in the kitchen is illuminated with built-in halogen lamps, then the places for installing lamps are determined at the stage of creating a design project - they cut into cabinets to a depth of 2 cm. Creating a drywall niche helps to solve the problem, provided that it fits into the interior. The distance between the lamps of 50 cm allows you to provide the norm of illumination. If recessed lamps are mounted in a decorative visor, but there is not enough light for the work surface.

The surface-mounted halogen lamp for illuminating countertops or sinks is easy to install. The lamps are installed on the lower plane of the cabinets, do not require deepening and are matched to the interior. Difficulty arises with blinding light, so overhead lamps are mounted only on cabinets installed below eye level.

Lighting in the kitchen is one of the most important moments in creating comfort.

LED bulbs

LED lighting for the kitchen is recognized as a leader in creating a comfortable environment in the work area. Lighting is organized with the help of separate lamps, lamps or strips, on which LEDs are already installed.

The pros and cons of LED lighting

The undeniable advantages of this type of lighting include:

  • Reducing energy consumption by 7-10 times;
  • The emission spectrum lies in a cold, warm or neutral range - usually neutral is chosen, since the cold one blinds the eyes, and the warm one makes the lighting blurry;
  • No flicker;
  • An LED strip in the kitchen or a lamp does not cause difficulties during installation, but requires additional equipment.

When buying lamps, discard those that consist of white LEDs and give preference to blue ones with a phosphor coating - in this case, the working area will be brightly lit with white light

The disadvantages of adhesive tapes include their exposure to moisture and dirt, as well as the strength of fastening on the selected surface. If the apron is illuminated in the kitchen with LED strip, then silicone coating products are selected to protect against dirt. When choosing lamps, keep in mind that they create directional lighting. Powerful light bulbs give spots on the surface. A uniform luminous flux is obtained with a correctly found relative position of low-power lamps.

LED lamps - part of the main lighting for the kitchen

Installation of LED lighting

It is impossible to connect LEDs to a 220 V network. You should use a power supply that lowers the voltage and equalizes the current - the driver. Tapes are glued on double-sided tape or on their own adhesive base. If desired, a profile for LED lighting is used, which can be straight or angular. The profile is made of aluminum and comes with a diffuser. Ready-made lamps are installed on the surface using the existing fixtures.

LED lights built-in under the ceiling are equipped with spring-loaded brackets and are mounted in prepared holes. The diameter of the holes is made slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the lamp - this allows you to hide mounting gaps. Used for tension, suspended or plasterboard structures.

Self-made lamp

If you have an LED strip, then original lamps are made from it and even led chandelier with your own hands. A pair of chandeliers will perfectly illuminate the bar if you use it as a work surface. To work, you will need a tape with LEDs, pieces of PVC panels, a driver, wires.

A chandelier frame is created from PVC, and a tape is installed along its perimeter or inside. The easiest way is to give the plastic a three-dimensional geometric shape or cut out a flat figure.


Brief summary

The lighting of the working area in the kitchen is functional and decorative. Increased demands are made on the brightness of light - eye health, mood and general well-being depend on this. You should decide which lighting option to choose at the project creation stage in order to install sockets in a timely manner and prepare technological holes for recessed fixtures. If desired, a motion sensor or a backlit switch is mounted - the on-off function should be simple and convenient.

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Application No. 1
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Delivery terms

Payment Methods

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15 days**

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Application №2
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The lighting in the house is very great importance. Its role is especially important in the bathroom and kitchen. These two rooms, although they have different purposes, put forward almost the same requirements for lighting fixtures that can be used to create the required lighting.
When creating do-it-yourself lighting in the kitchen or bathroom, special attention should be paid to the sink. After all, this is where you will spend most of your time.

The luminaires that will be used to illuminate the sink must not only meet the requirements of these premises, but also make your stay near the sink comfortable and convenient. About what lighting devices are suitable in this situation, our article will tell.

Room features

The kitchen and bathroom have their own microclimate, which makes it impossible to use standard fixtures here. The difference between these rooms and the rest of the house is as follows:

  • the presence of sharp temperature changes;
  • high humidity;
  • increased pollution (of course, this is more typical for the kitchen than for the bathroom).

Note! In the kitchen, all available fixtures are negatively affected by grease and other contaminants that will invariably be present during cooking. In the bathroom, contamination of lighting fixtures is also possible, albeit to a lesser extent.

Moreover, all these moments are concentrated mainly near the sink. Therefore, excellent lighting is needed here in order to see and remove dirt in time. Otherwise, with the accumulation of dirt, it will be quite problematic to remove it.

Kitchen sink

In the bathroom, the mirror above the sink also requires good lighting, because otherwise it will be quite difficult to apply makeup, shave or just wash your face.
As you can see, bathroom or kitchen fixtures mounted above the sink must withstand the negative impact of the room and at the same time give a good level of light.

Light levels

Ceiling lighting

The type of suitable lamp will depend on how correctly the location of the lighting fixtures above the sink or sink was chosen. Therefore, it is best to decide in advance on their location before proceeding with the choice of lamps for the kitchen or bathroom.
So, the lighting above the sink can be as follows:

  • top or ceiling. It is realized by several types of lamps. It can be one small chandelier or several spotlights. All lamp options can be combined. True, only when the dimensions of the room allow it;

Note! Recently, LED-lamps (LED strip) have been actively used to create ceiling lighting. It is easy to install with your own hands.

Lighting in the bathroom and kitchen

  • work or local lighting. If this lighting option is used in the bathroom, then it will be called a mirror. In this case, you can use wall sconces (one or two arms) on the sides of the mirror, above or below it. In the kitchen, such hand-made lighting will be located below the hanging kitchen cabinets. Here you can use both LED led strip and built-in spotlights. Making such a backlight with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing is to correctly cut a hole for the appliance in the bottom of the wall cabinet.

The ideal solution would be to place lighting fixtures at all levels. This will completely illuminate not only the sink, but also the spaces adjacent to it.

Choosing lamps

Since the bathroom and kitchen differ from each other in surroundings, the selection of lamps for each room will be different. Let's consider each option separately.
Bathroom fixtures. Above the sink in the bathroom, you can install the following types of lighting fixtures:

  • wall sconces. This option is considered one of the best, as it allows not only to obtain the required level of illumination, but also to beautifully decorate the area near the mirror and sink;

Note! wall sconces with a switch today have a variety of designs and can be made in various styles (classic, country, marine style, modern, etc.). Therefore, they will perfectly fit into any interior of the room.

Wall sconce in the bathroom

Built-in mirror light

Lamps for the kitchen. Here things are somewhat different than in the bathroom. In the kitchen to illuminate the sink, you can use:

At the same time, lighting fixtures in the kitchen or in the bathroom, so that with their help you can make high-quality and complete lighting with your own hands, must meet the following requirements:

  • high degree of moisture protection. In order to function normally in conditions of high humidity, the moisture resistance index must be at least IP 65/66;
  • the presence of protection against mechanical damage;
  • The casing of the appliance must be able to withstand cleaning with aggressive cleaning agents. This is especially true for lamps used in the kitchen.

Focusing on the right things, you will choose the right lamps for illuminating the sink in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Light level

To do everything wisely, you need to calculate the rated power of the fixtures. Any type of light bulbs can be used as a light source: LED, fluorescent, halogen and even incandescent lamps.

Note! All light sources differ among themselves in terms of the parameters of the emitted luminous flux. These differences are shown in the table below.

The ratio of the power of different lamps

To create optimal lighting for a kitchen or bathroom, light sources of 12-20 W are needed (data are based on incandescent lamps). Illumination standards for different rooms are indicated in SNiP.
At the same time, it is worth remembering that each light bulb has both pluses and minuses. Therefore, before buying a light source for your home, be sure to familiarize yourself with all its advantages and disadvantages so that you do not regret your choice later.

Getting ready to work

When everything is determined and the fixtures are purchased, you can proceed with the installation. But first, let's collect everything that we need during the installation of lighting fixtures. And we need:

Sample set of tools

  • drill;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws;
  • lamp;
  • wires.

In some situations, additional materials may be needed:

  • sheets of chipboard, drywall, etc.;
  • jigsaw;
  • dye;
  • adhesive tape.

Also, at the preparation stage, you should decide how the wires coming from the lamp will be masked. They can be hidden in different ways:

  • just run the wires along the seam between the tiles, attaching them to the wall using special fasteners on screws;
  • hide them under the sink;
  • hide in the wall
  • make a masking box;
  • hide the wires in a special plastic box.

Any of these methods will allow you to achieve the desired result, depending on your wishes and capabilities.


To create lighting above the sink, the lamp can be installed on the ceiling or in close proximity to it. Consider these two options for installing fixtures in more detail.
Ceiling installation of a lighting device can be carried out in the following ways:

  • embedding. This requires a stretch or suspended ceiling. Here, the installation is carried out using special "ears", which are equipped with all spotlights;

Note! Distance between start and false ceiling for mounting spotlights should be 7-12 cm.

Installation of a spotlight

Near the sink, the installation of lighting fixtures is carried out in the following ways:

  • special fasteners to the walls;
  • gluing;
  • embedding in a headset (wall cabinet, mirror or shelf).

As you can see, you can install a lighting fixture in a kitchen or bathroom to illuminate the sink in a variety of ways. It all depends on your capabilities and preferences in terms of choosing lamps.
Following our recommendations, you will be able to choose the right lamp for the bathroom or kitchen, as well as install it to create illumination of different levels. In any case, the area near the sink will be perfectly lit. Choose fixtures for lighting, depending on the interior of the room. In this case, you will get a complete interior with a high-quality and correct level of lighting.

Choosing lamps above the desktop for the kitchen

Features and Benefits

Modern design technologies and materials make it possible to create various types of kitchen lighting in such a way that the light is most convenient when cooking and creates a cozy atmosphere. It is possible not only to have general lighting on the ceiling, but also lamps above the kitchen work surface. Many housewives like this way of organizing the interior, which can be placed in the most necessary places: above the stove, sink, cutting surface, microwave.

Spotlights in the kitchen have the following advantages:

  • comfort at work, sufficient level of illumination in the required areas;
  • saving electricity, there is no need to turn on a common lamp in the kitchen;
  • low-power lamps emit insignificant heat, do not spoil the surrounding surface from overheating;
  • lamps for such lighting are durable and rarely fail, free from short circuits;
  • allow you to create any layout in the required places.

But this method of lighting also has disadvantages:

  • the price of the lamps themselves and related equipment is higher than for conventional lamps incandescent;
  • installation is more laborious, requires some experience in electrical work;
  • these light bulbs have a lower color rendering index than conventional bulbs.

It is necessary to develop a project and install spotlights in the kitchen together with repairs in order to take into account all the features in advance and conveniently hide the wires, shades and switchboards under interior details.


You can choose different ways of lighting above the working surface of the kitchen, depending on the type of fixtures. There are several of them.

LED lights have semiconductors inside, which, under the influence of an electric current, emit light. They are connected to a 220 V household network, but some are powered by 12 V, which requires the installation of additional equipment. They are environmentally friendly, there is no mercury or other harmful substances inside the case, unlike halogen and fluorescent lamps they do not emit carbon dioxide. The light from them is uniform, not straining your eyesight, they work without flickering. LED lamps have up to 100,000 hours of uninterrupted operation even during power surges, and power consumption can be up to 70% lower than other types of lamps.

Fluorescent lamps contain inert gases with mercury vapor inside, when connected to a current source, an arc discharge is created inside, forming an ultraviolet glow - it is the source of light. Such varieties are usually made in the form of tubes with different lengths and thicknesses, but there are also options in a round case that are screwed into the corresponding ceiling. A characteristic feature of fluorescent lamps is a cold white glow with high intensity, so such models are able to effectively illuminate any corner of the kitchen.

Fluorescent lamps for the kitchen can be both ceiling and spot. Their distinguishing feature is that, depending on the filling with a different gas composition, they emit different shades of light: bluish, pure white, white with a yellow or purple tint. Therefore, there are several color options for design.

Like LED bulbs, fluorescent are beneficial due to low power and generated heat, energy saving. But among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the harmful substances in the composition: gases and mercury vapor. They are securely hidden under the glass case, but when broken they can be dangerous to the body, so you should handle such lamps as carefully as possible, and throw out the failed ones only in special places.

Halogen spotlights for the kitchen have a body filled with bromine and iodine vapor, the electrical action on which creates a stream of light. With a similar power, the illumination level of such devices can be several times higher than that of incandescent lamps, the color flux is 2600-3000K. Internal gases are not as dangerous as those of fluorescent ones, but, nevertheless, halogen lamps should be handled with the utmost care, as they are very fragile and fail at the slightest shock. Halogen lamps can be manually or automatically adjusted according to the level of light supply, perfectly protected from moisture, which is important for the kitchen.

If for some reason it is difficult to make eyeliner power cable to the location of the lamp, then you can use devices on batteries or special adapters. Autonomous wireless bulbs are powered by standard batteries, most often 5 and 12 V, which can be purchased at any store. The advantages of this method are obvious: independence from power outages in the house, savings, no need for wiring and connecting equipment, the ability to install anywhere. Lamps from batteries will have the same bright, uniform, intense light as those powered by the mains.

Overhead lamps are a kind of autonomous wireless, they do not require the installation of a niche and a ceiling in the details of the interior, their body is a finished product with light bulbs and a battery. After purchase, you only need to install them in the desired location. Mounting methods are very easy, most often with 4 screws in the corners of the case. Most often they are used for installation on kitchen furniture.

Touch lamps are gaining more and more popularity lately. Their obvious plus is the automatic mode of turning on / off the light and saving electricity. Devices that respond to sound have recently been very simple and have a low cost. You can manually adjust the noise threshold. In addition, for spotlights in the kitchen, you can install sensors based on a photocell that responds to visible movement. Its price is slightly more expensive than the sound option, but such a solution for kitchen lighting will be very functional.

How to choose

Before buying a luminaire for spot lighting of the kitchen work surface, the following criteria should be considered:

  • soft and flicker-free light that does not spoil vision, does not cause discomfort;
  • saving electricity;
  • sizes and shapes of lamps, the ability to fit them into the interior;
  • installation and connection methods.

The number of lamps should also be correctly calculated. It is necessary that there is no shortage of light on the working surface, however, an excess of lamps will also not look harmonious. The most optimal layout is 1-2 light bulbs for each of the zones: stove or hob, sink, cutting surface. Together with the lamps, you immediately need to buy all the auxiliary equipment: wires of the required length, shades, automation boxes, clamps, mounts, switches and sensors.

How to arrange

In most kitchens, the entire work area is located along one wall or along two adjacent walls in the shape of the letter L. Some types of modern design provide for an island location for cooking. Depending on this, light is planned to illuminate the working area. The most common way to position spotlights is in a straight line along the slab-countertop-sink at a uniform distance from each other. If there are hanging cabinets above the work surface, then the lamps are best mounted in their base. Modern models of lighting devices make it easy to do this.

For the kitchen table, fluorescent or halogen lamps with a large area of ​​​​illumination, capturing the entire surface, are well suited. For them, you can choose a voluminous decorative case that fits well into the interior. For side walls, countertops, cabinets, you can use a kind of frame of long fluorescent lamps installed in a niche, which looks very creative.