How a dimmable LED lamp works. Dimming LED lamps

Light bulbs burn out frequently

A dimmer is a small device designed to smoothly adjust the brightness of one or more lamps. Most often it is a control knob, by rotating which we can change the light level. The adjustment process is called dimming. You can often find lamps, floor lamps and chandeliers with a built-in dimmer. It can also be purchased separately from radio engineering stores, it is not expensive, but it allows you to create more comfortable conditions for lighting residential and non-residential premises, because bright lighting is not always needed. You can buy a dimmer in our store.

It is important that not all lamps are dimmable. For example, you can use a dimmer with absolutely all incandescent and halogen lamps, but fluorescent (often called “energy-saving”) and LED lamps are not always dimmable. That is why, if you purchase an LED lamp and want it to work in a lamp with a dimmer, then you need to pay attention to this characteristic in the description of the lamp. When describing lamps in our product catalog, this item is called “dimmable” and if “yes” is indicated in this item of the description, then the lamp is dimmable and it suits you.

More about the dimmer

The term "dimmer" comes from the English word "dim" - to dim. In the simplest case, it can be a variable resistor (rheostat). Recently, small-sized electronic dimmers have become most widespread, where a semiconductor triac or transistor switch is used as a power element.

The simplest and most common dimmers in household appliances have only one function - smooth adjustment of illumination. However, there are much more modern and “advanced” dimmers that are capable of performing other interesting and useful functions that increase comfort and quality of life in general:

  • automatic switching on and off of the lamp using a timer or other electronic control program;
  • imitation of presence;
  • Various dimming and flashing modes;
  • remote control of lighting: via infrared channel, radio channel, acoustic (clap, noise with a given level) or with voice control.

Dimming can be carried out automatically, for example, according to the level of illumination, using a light sensor, to maintain a given level of illumination in the room. Dimming can help save energy consumption for lighting, since an automatic dimer working in tandem with a lamp always shines exactly as much as needed without wasting extra energy, for example during the day, in cloudy weather or when the room is unevenly illuminated by street light, you can even out the illumination around the room with light sensors and maintain the desired level using the dimming function.

Auto dimming can also be used as a warning function when lighting is about to turn off or when lighting is turned on to avoid glare.

Our company, in addition to selling LED lamps and fixtures, is engaged in the development, production and implementation of lighting control systems. If you have an idea on how to make the lighting in your apartment, house or office more controllable (more difficult than turning it on and off), then we will be happy to help you. You can read more about our services on our separate website on lighting control systems.

Articles about LED lighting

This article is for those who have asked a similar question for the first time and do not have a technical education. LED lighting is the lighting of something using relatively new light sources - LEDs. An LED is an industrially produced crystal that, when connected to electricity, begins to emit light. To be fair, LED cannot be called a new light source, because... it was invented several decades ago, but it began to be actively developed and used in all spheres of our lives only at the beginning of 2000, thanks to new discoveries in the technological field and a significant reduction in production costs.

Modern technologies do not stand still and scientific and technological progress does not ignore such an area of ​​our life as lighting. Development is taking place both in the direction of increasing lighting technical characteristics and in the direction of the emergence of additional related technological devices that increase the usefulness of lamps and lighting systems in general. We're talking about numerous varieties LED lamps with built-in sensors.

We decided to make a review in which the most interesting reviews about LED lamps will be collected. We collected these reviews both from our customers (and continue to collect) and from the Internet - from various forums, blogs, thematic portals and other resources. Having received a large amount of data, we systematized it, anonymized it, and we got a certain set of interesting opinions and advice from real people who use LED lamps at home, in the country, in the office, etc.

Customers of our online store often ask questions - which LED lamps are the best, from which companies? Why exactly are they better? Can you trust the characteristics of the lamps indicated on the packaging? Is it possible to buy LED lamps made in China? Can LED lamps be used in children's rooms? These are just some of the questions that buyers ask when choosing the best option for themselves. Moreover, such questions arise when the buyer already knows what type of lamps is needed and with what characteristics. In this article we will try to give answers to all these questions and avoid new puzzles for the consumer :-)

An LED is a semiconductor device that transforms electric current into light radiation. LED has a generally accepted abbreviation - LED (light-emitting diode), which literally translated into Russian means “light-emitting diode”. The LED consists of a semiconductor crystal (chip) on a substrate, a housing with contact leads and an optical system. The light emission directly comes from this crystal, and the color of the visible radiation depends on its material and various additives. As a rule, there is one crystal in the LED housing, but if it is necessary to increase the power of the LED or to emit different colors, several crystals can be installed.

This is, of course, the most important issue, since the world today is on the threshold of a new era in lighting technology and we need to be sure that LED lighting is not harmful to health. To date (2014), this issue cannot be considered thoroughly studied, since the period of introduction of LED lighting into human life is still quite short and the necessary amount of statistical data for analysis has not yet been accumulated. However, at the moment there is a huge amount of facts and opinions of professionals in this field, indicating the absence of any harm from LED lighting.

This article is for those who do not understand light bulbs, the types of their sockets and electricity in general, but already understand that using LED lamps is much more economically profitable than incandescent lamps and even than fluorescent lamps (they are often called “energy saving”). Selecting the right LED lamps is very simple and we will help you make the right choice by following the instructions below. Or you can call us right away and we will be happy to help you with your choice.

In this article we will talk about the benefits of using LED lamps compared to fluorescent (often called “energy saving”), halogen and incandescent lamps. In the second part we will provide an economic calculation of the payback when replacing lamps with LED ones. The economic efficiency of LED lamps is so obvious that you do not need any special knowledge to draw your own conclusions.

One of the challenges that is often encountered during deep renovation or construction of residential and office premises is the level of sufficient lighting. In a situation where ordinary incandescent lamps are used as light sources, from experience you can roughly determine the required number and power of light bulbs, but if you have an idea to make your home more modern and comfortable, and at the same time regularly save quite significant amounts on lighting, then It makes sense to take a closer look at LED lighting. So, how many and what kind of LED lamps do you need to install to make the room comfortable?

In one of our articles we talked about what an LED is and how it developed. Now we want to dwell in more detail on the current industry leaders - those who produce LEDs and LED lamps. This is not the same thing, since lamp manufacturers do not always make LEDs and, conversely, LED manufacturers do not always mass produce lamps based on them. According to official data from IMS Research, as of February 2013, LED production is concentrated in China (more than 50%), then Taiwan (about 20%), South Korea (about 10%), Japan, USA, Europe and other regions (total 20%) .

This article is a practical guide for those who are planning to make major renovations in an apartment or house and are thinking about how to make the lighting of their future home comfortable, cozy, unique, easy to maintain, but at the same time economical and environmentally friendly. Today, indeed, there is something to think about, since LED lighting is becoming very inexpensive. The choice of power, size and external design of light sources is very rich and you don’t have to limit your imagination. Where to start? How to approach the task correctly? To do this, you need to understand what exactly you want to do, and then find the most effective solutions from both a practical and economic point of view. It is not as difficult as it seems and we will be happy to help you with this.

In our online store you can purchase LED lamps and LED luminaires, choosing them to suit the task of illuminating any object. But our activities are limited not only to sales - our team also includes highly experienced engineers in the field of design, production, installation and further operation of lighting control systems. Our partners are many engineering and design companies, together with whom we can implement projects for lighting systems for objects of any scale and complexity. This area of ​​activity of our company is presented on the market as the WLightiT project.

In this article we will touch upon very important topic- office lighting. A third of most people's lives are spent at work, so the quality of lighting in the workplace is key to well-being and productivity. That is why, when planning lighting in an office space, it is important to take into account the main factors affecting the quality of lighting. Even such seemingly trifles as the color of the walls, the arrangement and material of the furniture influence the quality of lighting. In our article, we briefly classify office lamps so that you can get a first idea of ​​the variety of lighting solutions in office lighting, but we will focus on office lamps implemented using LEDs as light sources.

To change the intensity of lighting in a room, you need to use a special dimmer, which is also called a dimmer. At the same time, this regulator cannot be used with conventional energy-saving light bulbs, because in this case the entire system will fail. This is precisely why dimmable LED lamps were invented, a description of which we will provide further!

What is the problem with using

The fact is that the conventional design includes a micro-rectifier that converts AC voltage 220V DC. This device has only two positions for adjusting the light - on and off. At the same time, it allows you to smoothly change the illumination in the range from 10 to 100%

As you understand when trying to combine ordinary lamps glasses and a regular dimmer will not achieve the desired result. Moreover, in this case, both devices will fail. At the same time, the LED device for dimmers includes an additional block, due to which the adjustment occurs.

Operating principle of dimmable LED lamps

In appearance, it is impossible to distinguish between ordinary light bulbs and dimmable ones, because... outwardly they are absolutely identical. The only difference is the inscription; the improved model should have the designation “dimmable” or the corresponding logo (as shown in the photo).

What to consider

A very important nuance that you should know - not all dimmers are suitable for diode light bulbs. Before purchasing, you must check the suitability of both products. We talked about this in a separate article.

It should also be noted that when purchasing lamps, you must give preference only to quality products. It is best to use dimmable LED lamps from manufacturers such as Gauss, Osram, Philips, X-Flash and Uniel. The prices of such companies are much higher, but the light bulbs will last much longer.

In addition, the low cost of products may be one of the reasons that either flickers. In this case, you will still have to overpay when purchasing a new device.

You don’t have to worry about whether the base of the light bulb you choose will fit the crystal chandelier installed in your house, Spotlights or spots. Today, all the most popular ones are used for the manufacture of dimmable devices. Typically, sockets marked e14, e27, GU 5.3, G9 and mr16 are suitable for luminaires.

Well, the last, no less important piece of advice for you is to choose the right dimmer power. Each device has its own specifications, which must be selected based on the total power of dimmable LED lamps. For example, if you buy a 100 W dimmer, and the total power of the lighting sources is less, nothing good will come of it.

Connecting various light sources to the controller

Is it worth buying

Many people are interested in how good an option is using dimmable LED lamps for the home. If you decide to use this option only for reasons of economy, carefully read the reviews on the forums. Those who have already purchased products leave both positive and negative reviews.

We recommend that you use dimmable LED lamps only to create a cozy and unusual atmosphere in your home. Adjusting the lighting will allow you to create both dim light for a romantic dinner and bright light for cooking (if we take the kitchen as an example).

Devices designed to adjust the brightness of light are called dimmers from the English word to dim - to darken. The simplest version of a dimmer is a variable resistor connected in series with the lamp. Its disadvantages are obvious - low efficiency and the need to ensure heat removal from the resistor at high powers.

A more effective option is to use the so-called laboratory autotransformer (LATR). It allows you to adjust the outlet to which the load is connected. The supply voltage of the lamp changes, and its brightness changes accordingly. Such a device has high efficiency, but is very bulky, which makes it difficult to use on a large scale. Therefore, modern dimmers use a different principle.

How does a dimmer work?

An electric current of a sinusoidal shape flows in the network. The brightness can be adjusted by feeding a trimmed sine wave to the lamp. To do this, you need to install a switch in series with the load, which will pass current only when the absolute value of the voltage exceeds a certain value. This way you can change the power supplied to the lamp. The output is no longer a smooth sinusoid, but a broken one. In order to reduce the level of interference, a choke is placed in series with the dimmer.

The thyristor-based dimmer device is very simple

A schematic diagram of a thyristor dimmer as an example of the simplest and cheapest option is shown in the figure. It is quite possible to assemble such a device with your own hands, naturally, in compliance with all safety regulations regarding working with high voltage. Devices produced by industry have a slightly different circuit, but the principle of operation of the dimmer remains the same.

The dimmer is connected to the lamp power supply circuit. As a rule, it is possible dimmer connection instead of a regular switch, so most dimmers are designed to be installed in standard fixtures.

Dimmers for incandescent lamps differ in the type of semiconductor device that interrupts the current: thyristors, triacs, bipolar transistors, field effect transistors.

In industrially produced dimmers, triacs are used instead of thyristors. The principle of operation of a triac is similar to a thyristor, but it passes current in both directions. This allows you to do without a diode bridge, where some of the power is lost. At the household level, as well as in trade catalogs and popular literature on radio electronics, triac dimmers are often called thyristor dimmers, although this is not entirely true.

A more complex option are dimmers based on bipolar transistors, which are more versatile. Finally, dimmers based on field-effect transistors have better parameters (but also a higher price).

Dimmers on thyristors and triacs cut off the leading edge of the sinusoid. Transistor dimmers can cut off both the leading edge of the sine wave (marked RL) and the trailing edge (marked C).

When using dimmers of the listed types together with incandescent lamps, no problems arise. The lamp has inertia and sums up the power that is supplied to it. In addition, an incandescent lamp has practically no capacitance or inductance, so the shape of the sine wave and the presence of a constant component do not affect it.

The situation is different when the dimmer is used with energy-saving lamps. Then finding the answer to the question “how to choose a dimmer” becomes more difficult.

Halogen incandescent lamps

For halogen incandescent lamps (GLN) with a supply voltage of 220 V, as a rule, standard dimmers for ordinary lamps are suitable. A dimmer for halogen lamps is practically never found as a separate type of device, although functions that increase the service life of the GLN can be added to a regular dimmer. When using GLN for a voltage of 12 V, the lamps are connected to the network through a step-down transformer.

The step-down transformer can be winding or electronic. As a result of the asymmetrical cutting of the sine wave, a constant component may be present at the dimmer output, which can damage the winding transformer. Therefore, the dimmer must be adapted to operate with an inductive load. Dimmers marked RL should be used.

The electronic transformer is a capacitive load, so dimmers marked C must be used for it.

In any case, you should use a dimmer and transformer that are compatible with each other. The best option is to combine a dimmer and an electronic transformer in one device. However, in practice, this is only done in “smart home” systems, where a control signal is supplied to a transformer with an adjustable output voltage. The reason is that to minimize electricity losses, the transformer must be located as close as possible to the GLN, and the dimmer control knob is located at some distance, on the wall.

The dimming threshold for GLN is 0%. However, the principle of operation of the GLN implies the presence of a tungsten-halogen cycle, when tungsten deposited on the walls of the bulb is returned back to the filament. When the power supplied to the lamp decreases below a certain level, the tungsten-halogen cycle stops. There is still no consensus among experts whether this phenomenon can reduce the service life of the GLN. If the GLN constantly operates in a reduced brightness mode, then gradually the walls of its bulb darken due to tungsten deposited on them. If this phenomenon occurs, it is recommended to turn on the lamp at full power for 10 minutes.

The Etren Q600 dimmer has a slow start function, useful when using halogen lamps

Some dimmers have a soft start function, which allows you to gradually increase the power when turned on. There are also dimmers that provide a smooth reduction in power when turned off. These functions significantly increase the service life of GLNs, which are adversely affected by sudden voltage changes.

Metal halide lamps and HPS

It is a very common belief that metal halide lamps (MHLs) cannot be dimmed at all. In fact, for some modern MGL models, dimming is possible using a special electronic ballast.

The dimming threshold for MGL is only 50%

It has been established that for MGL it is preferable to be powered by rectangular current pulses than by sinusoidal current. By adjusting the pulse width at a constant frequency, you can regulate the power supplied to the load and thereby change the brightness of the lamp.

The color temperature of the MGL changes significantly with changes in the power supplied to it. In addition, with reduced power, the MGL operates in a non-optimal mode, which is characterized by a drop in light output and a decrease in service life. For all these reasons, dimming metal halide lamps is rarely used in practice. One of the few examples is spotlights for reportage television, powered by a battery. They are in low brightness mode, and at the time of shooting they are switched to maximum brightness mode. Dimming makes sense, since it can take several tens of seconds to start the MGL.

The operating principle of high pressure sodium lamps (HPS) is almost the same as that of MGLs. Accordingly, dimming is carried out in the same way. Only some lamp models are suitable for dimming. When dimming HPS, the service life is reduced. HPS dimming is not widely used.

The minimum dimming threshold for MGL and DNAT is 50%.

Linear fluorescent lamps

With conventional fluorescent lamps, using a dimmer for incandescent lamps is not possible. Here you need an electronic ballast with a dimmer.

When using electronic ballasts, power is supplied to the fluorescent lamp at a frequency of 20 - 50 kHz. A choke is connected in series with the fluorescent lamp, and a capacitor is connected in parallel, which form a resonant circuit. When the lamp is started, the operating frequency becomes close to the resonant one, which ensures increased voltage on the electrodes and a discharge is obtained. When startup has occurred, the operating frequency changes to a lower one. By varying the frequency, you can regulate the current flowing through the lamp, and, therefore, the brightness of its glow.

Dimming fluorescent lamps allowed Feelux Lighting to implement the SIH system

The important point here is that the trigger parameters are independent of the dimming level. This is a fundamental difference from compact fluorescent lamps with built-in ballasts.

Almost all modern linear fluorescent lamps from leading manufacturers are dimmable, and dimming has virtually no effect on service life. And if, instead of turning off the fluorescent lamp, it is dimmed for a while, then this approach even increases the service life of the lamp, since the service life is shortened by frequent switching on and off.

The dimming threshold for fluorescent lamps from leading manufacturers reaches 5%.

Dimming fluorescent lamps allowed Feelux Lighting to create Sun in House (SIH) technology, which translates as “sun in the house”. Thanks to it, it is possible to change the color temperature of the lighting depending on the time of day or simply at the request of the user. Take two dimmable lamps, one with a color temperature of 2200K, and the other with 8000K. By changing the ratio of light levels of these lamps, you can adjust the color temperature over a wide range. In addition to special lamps, a special controller is also required, which is a universal ERPA with a two-channel dimmer.

Compact fluorescent lamps

There are two types of compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs): without ballasts and with built-in ballasts. The former are dimmable in the same way as conventional fluorescent lamps. The latter either are not dimmable at all, or work with dimmers for conventional incandescent lamps.

The operating principle of a dimmable compact fluorescent lamp with built-in ballast is the same as that of a conventional CFL. In order for a CFL to be dimmable, it must have the ability to start at reduced power. This is due to the fact that power is supplied to the lamp and the starter through the same contacts. The power of a dimmable CFL is usually at least 18 W. The fact is that to maintain a discharge in a CFL, a power of at least 1.8 W is required (for inexpensive lamps this threshold can be about 6 - 7 W), respectively, for lamps of lower power the dimming depth will be too small. An important nuance: you first need to turn the dimmer control to at least a third of the maximum power in order for the lamp to start, and then reduce the illumination to the required level.

The dimming threshold for CFLs can reach 10%. For example, Osram and Feelux Lighting managed to achieve this value. For other manufacturers, the dimming threshold is usually 15 - 30%.

The main problem with dimming compact fluorescent lamps with built-in ballasts is associated with faster wear due to starting with insufficiently heated electrodes. This is due to the fact that the dimmer reduces the power supplied to the entire device, including the lamp electrodes. In this regard, dimmable CFLs are manufactured with a large “safety margin”. Naturally, they are much more expensive than conventional compact fluorescent lamps.


The brightness of the LED can be adjusted by changing the strength of the current flowing through it. However, this path is fraught with some problems. Firstly, there is an optimal mode in which the LED has maximum light output. Deviation from it leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the LED. Secondly, when the current changes, the white LED changes its hue.

Due to these reasons, another method is used to dim LEDs. The LED is powered by pulses direct current, the amplitude of which is equal to the optimal current value. The width of the pulses varies, and the brightness of the glow changes. The pulse frequency is chosen very high (up to 300 kHz), so that flickering is not felt.

The dimming threshold for LEDs is 0%, although in actually produced lamp models it is not achieved, simply so as not to increase the cost of electronic components. Dimming has virtually no effect on the lifespan of LEDs.

In addition to LED lamps, LED lamps are also produced for E14, E27, GU10 and GU5.3 lampholders, designed to replace incandescent or GLN lamps.

Philips managed to create an LED lamp that can work with conventional dimmers

Most models of such lamps are not dimmable. However, in 2008, Philips introduced the second generation Master LED lamps, which can work with conventional incandescent dimmers. The company has not yet disclosed the operating principle of these lamps in dimming mode.

Leditron interface

The creation of CFL and LED lamps that can work with dimmers for incandescent lamps leads to waste of money. Complex and expensive devices are being created that make it possible to regulate the brightness of the glow by changing the power supplied to the light source. A much more economical way is to remotely control the electronics built into the lamp, while the power parameters supplied to the lamp do not change.

Osram Intelligent Dim - experimental CFL sample with Leditron interface

To realize this idea, Osram, in collaboration with well-known dimmer manufacturers Berker, Gira, Jung and Insta, proposed the Leditron interface, which provides control signals for CFLs and LED lamps with standard sockets. Now the technology is at the stage of standardization, but by the end of 2010 the first production samples of products using it should appear. The Leditron interface was presented at the Light + Building 2010 exhibition. Details of the operating principle underlying Leditron have not yet been published. It is only known that the interface can be used to control not only the brightness, but also, in relation to LED lamps, the color of the glow. It can be assumed that control signals are transmitted at high frequency along the network wiring simultaneously with power.


Perhaps the most important reason why LEDs are now worth using for lighting is the combination of high light output and wide dimmability. HPS is still superior to LEDs in terms of light output, but they are very difficult to dim, and the dimming threshold is 50%. Of all the energy-saving light sources, only GLNs and LEDs have a zero dimming threshold. Dimming does not have any effect on the lifespan of LEDs; for some other types of lamps the lifespan may be reduced.

Some characteristics of energy-saving light sources

Source typeTypical luminous efficiency values, lm/WDimmableDimming threshold, %Impact of dimming on service life
GLN11 - 20 almost all models0 can either increase or decrease
MGL70 - 100 some models50 reduces
DNAT80 - 150 some models50 reduces
LL50 - 60 all modern models of leading brands5 does not affect
CFL50 - 60 some models10 reduces
LED50 - 100 all except some lamp models for standard sockets0 does not affect

The benefits from using LEDs will be especially noticeable in smart home systems, where brightness is adjusted over a wide range depending on the presence of people in the room, time of day and other factors. When using such a system, significant energy savings are achieved, even compared to light sources with high luminous output.

The next achievement in the development of LED technology is dimmable LED lamps. They can be installed in lamps and chandeliers that are electrically connected to a dimmable circuit. The process of adjusting the brightness of such a light bulb is no different from the usual control of lamps with a spiral. Buyers of dimmable LED lamps, first of all, want to obtain a comfortable level of illumination. By using regulated source The light can darken the room, creating a cozy atmosphere or, conversely, provide maximum brightness for work. By reducing the luminous flux of an LED lamp, additional energy savings can be achieved.

What is a dimmable LED lamp and how will it behave if it is installed in a lamp that is connected via a dimmer? To help the buyer not make a mistake in choosing, we will try to reveal the secrets of the “dimmer and LED lamp” tandem.

Dimmer purpose

A dimmer (from English - dimming device) is designed to smoothly adjust the brightness of a lamp. Its main parameter is the output power, on which the maximum number of connected lamps depends. Most often, a dimmer is made in the shape of a switch for placement in a standard mounting box. The brightness is adjusted by rotating the knob of a variable resistor, which sets the control current of the thyristor or transistor. The initial adjustment level is determined by the dimmer's electronic circuit and, as a rule, is within 10–30% of the mains voltage.
The presence of a dimmer solves two main problems:

  • allows you to select the optimal level of illumination, depending on the time of day and type of activity;
  • reduces energy consumption.

More expensive dimmer models are equipped with functions of remote control, timer and automatic operation according to a given program.

Usage problem

Inside each LED lamp, without a dimming function, there is a driver that will not respond correctly to changes in the input voltage. When rotating the dimmer knob, the behavior of such a light bulb is unpredictable:

  • will flash;
  • when the voltage reaches a certain level, it will light up at 100%;
  • won't turn on.

The operation of most dimmers is based on changing the sinusoidal voltage waveform by cutting out part of a half-wave. As a result, “dead zones” are formed between half-waves, which are inadequately perceived by the driver. Thus, the light bulb reacts to the absence of full mains voltage at the input.

To get away from power-hungry incandescent lamps and stay with a dimmer, you will have to purchase dimmable LED lamps. Their driver supports dimming, changing the load current in proportion to the input voltage. As with incandescent lamps, rotating the knob will change the brightness of the lamp.

However, due to the diversity of electronic circuits of dimmers and drivers of dimmable LED lamps, new problems could not be avoided. The fact is that each of the devices has its own minimum operating voltage. If at the moment of switching on the dimmer produces 60 V, then the light bulb will light up at about a third of the rated power, and the control range will be 30-100%. In turn, in some types of dimmable LED lamps the lower brightness limit reaches 5%. Such uncoordinated operation of two electronic circuits can cause other troubles:

  • when turned on, the driver does not start;
  • the driver produces an unpleasant high-frequency sound;
  • the maximum output voltage of the dimmer is below 210 V, which prevents the achievement of maximum brightness;
  • dimmer malfunctions due to the influence of the electronic circuit of the LED light bulb;
  • second flash at the moment of switching on.

It is noteworthy that the color temperature remains at the same level and does not depend on the brightness of the light.

Is it worth buying?

The only way to find out whether a dimmable LED lamp fits an existing dimmer is through experimentation. Therefore, before purchasing, it is advisable to agree with the seller about the possible return of the goods. To reduce the likelihood of incompatibility between the two electronic devices, you need to buy branded products. Their price cannot be lower than 500 rubles. When choosing dimmable lamps costing less than 300 rubles (with a power of up to 10 W), you may additionally encounter poor light output, an uncomfortable cold glow and a shallow depth of brightness control.

Buying dimmable LED lamps today is not an easy task, which is best solved in a specialized store with a sales consultant and do not forget to read the information provided in the documentation for the product. Despite the high cost of dimmable light bulbs, they are involved in the creation of new lighting systems, and their technical capabilities are incomparable with previous light sources.

Read also

Today, dimmable LED lamps e14 are becoming increasingly popular. What is the reason for their popularity and what are their main features? What is the benefit of using them? We will try to find answers to these and other questions in this short article.

Why do we need dimmable LED devices and their areas of application?

As you know, the intensity of consecration in a room can constantly change. These changes or leaps cannot be ignored. Therefore, specialists dimmers were invented. Dimmers are called dimmers. Such dimmers cannot work with conventional energy saving lamp. Why?

The reason for the impossibility of successful operation of a dimmer and a simple device lies in the capabilities and features of the LED source itself. A conventional energy-saving device has a micro-rectifier. This device can only turn the light on and off. Completing these tasks occurs quickly and abruptly. Dimmers smoothly change the intensity of consecration. Therefore, LED dimmer bulbs are a great option. Operating a conventional lighting source with a dimmer will not give the desired results. And in some cases it can lead to unwanted bad consequences, such as failure of the entire system.

To prevent such situations, experts invented dimmable LED lamps e14. They differ significantly from conventional devices and are able, figuratively speaking, to get along with dimmers. So, why do we need LED lamps? These lamps need to be purchased (you can find out about the price upon purchase) in order, together with dimmers, to control the intensity of illumination in the premises.

Where can dimmable LED fixtures be used?

In fact, their scope of application is very wide. Here are some of the areas of application:

Dimmable LED lamps can also be used as an incandescent device. Such use will not harm the lamp itself and, on the contrary, will benefit you. Indeed, in such cases it is possible to reduce energy costs well.

Operation of dimmers and dimmable lamps. Nuances and features

Despite the fact that dimmers are recommended for use exclusively with dimmable lamps e 14, it is very important to know that not all dimmers are suitable for one or another LED source consecration. About this feature should be remembered even when you are going, already knowing the price, to buy a dimmer. Today there are many types of dimmers. They differ from each other both in appearance and in power. Here are the three most common dimmer models:

As for the power of the dimmer, this characteristic must be specified in the instructions for the regulator. Instructions will be provided when you purchase the device. Dimmer power should not exceed the total power of all devices. Otherwise, serious problems may occur.

Also, these devices may differ from each other in the method and location of intended installation. Some are editing directly into the installation box(standard dimmers), others are mounted on distribution board(modular dimmers). It is recommended to purchase modular dimmers for installing lighting on landings or in long corridors.

For apartment premises, it is advisable to use the standard method of installing a dimmer. However, in such cases, the question may arise: how profitable is it to use dimmable LED lamps in residential buildings? Since, together with dimmers, these lamps save energy, we can say with confidence that if you buy such a lamp, you will not go wrong. The lamps themselves can create a warm and cozy atmosphere in the house. Thanks to the ability to adjust the lighting, dimmable LED lamps e 14 are suitable for both household chores and family celebrations.

Brightness of illumination in LED devices

Speaking about the regulation of consecration, one cannot fail to mention brightness. In the LED devices under consideration, the brightness can also vary (from 10 to 100%). This is a necessary feature functions thanks to pulse width modulation. This modulation is initially built into the e14 LED lamp you purchased.

To control the operation of the source of consecration, experts recommend purchasing a wall regulator. What is a wall regulator? This is a mechanical device designed specifically to control a light source. At the same time this wall regulator must have a connection to interact with the dimmable LED lamp itself. Signals and commands indicating an increase or decrease in current are supplied by a special driver built into the design of the device itself.

This way of functioning of consecration is in many ways similar to the classical form of consecration. Therefore, an LED lamp and its operation can easily be confused with standard lighting. To avoid confusion and absurd situations, it is important to know one characteristic feature that distinguishes LED devices from all other types of lamps. Dimmable LED devices always have their own exclusive attribute. This attribute is the word "dimmable". Let us emphasize once again that only this type of source of sanctification contains such a word.

On all other types this word is absent. Manufacturers often replace it with a regular logo that corresponds to the characteristics of a particular type of LED device. Knowing this feature, you will not confuse a regular electric light bulb with a dimmable E14 LED lamp.

Additional features of LED lamps

Additional features include designations and characteristics, the existence of which is mandatory dimmer manufacturers notify, including the creators of LED devices. Such inscriptions and characteristics may include:

The appearance of the base must fully correspond to the appearance of the light source itself. In this case if necessary the base can be easily replaced with a new one. At the same time, it is important to understand that dimmable LED devices have only recently appeared. So it shouldn't surprise you that most people still prefer to use incandescent bulbs.

Why should you buy dimmable LED lamps?

To answer this question, it is enough to mention the advantages of LED lamps. They certainly have them. Here are the main advantages of such lighting devices:

  • Convenient operation of the lighting device. The dimmable LED lamp is easy to use;
  • Energy saving. Thanks to the dimmer, such lamps save energy. The function of changing the brightness allows you to choose the color of the temperature yourself, that is, a lighting convenient for the circumstances;
  • Standard base. The presence of a standard base will significantly simplify the process of installing the device itself;
  • Light controller. The light regulator allows you to reduce the load on light-emitting diodes. Moderate loads on the diodes help extend the life of E14 LED lamps for dimmers.

The listed advantages show that such consecration devices are worth using.