LEDs for chandeliers characteristics. LED lamp voltage

Bulbs burn out frequently

LED lamps are usually distinguished by the type of base, where the base is the part of the lamp that is inserted or threaded into the lamp socket.

Main technical characteristics LED lamps:

  • lamp shape: this characteristic has an unofficial status and, as a rule, is not given by the manufacturer in the product description. Nevertheless, in the everyday sense, the most popular forms of lamps have popular names, such as: pear, ball, candle (minion), etc.
  • power: the electrical power consumed by the lamp, measured in Watts (abbreviated as W)
  • voltage: this characteristic shows the voltage electrical network in which this lamp is to operate. There are three options in total: 220 volts, 12 volts and 24 volts. The vast majority of household lamps are designed for use on a 220 volt network.
  • luminous flux: luminous flux or light output - a value that characterizes the "amount" of light energy perceived by the human eye. The magnitude is independent of direction. Measured in Lumens.
  • color or color temperature: measured in Kelvin. The color of household LED lamps is in the range from 2500 to 6000 Kelvin. 2500 - warm yellowish light, 6000 bright white with a bluish tinge.
  • type of light: two types of light are conditionally distinguished: warm and cold. Warm, it is a slightly yellowish light, characteristic of conventional lamps incandescent. The color temperature of lamps with warm light is 2500-3000 Kelvin. Cold - bright white, sometimes with a bluish tinge, if the color temperature of the lamp is more than 4500 Kelvin.
  • service life: measured in hours. On average, LED lamps last about 20-30 thousand hours. If we assume that the lamp shines 4 hours a day, then it will last about 20 years.
  • dimmability: this indicator characterizes the ability of this lamp to work in a luminaire with a dimmer, that is, with a smooth adjustment of the lamp's luminous intensity.
  • analogue of an incandescent lamp: the figure in this paragraph indicates the power of a conventional incandescent lamp, providing a similar level of illumination. This item is convenient for those who want to replace incandescent bulbs with LED ones.
  • Beam Angle: This is the angle at which the lamp emits light. The larger it is, the more diffused the light.
  • Color Rendering Index (CRI): An indicator that characterizes the accuracy of the reproduction of color shades of objects under artificial lighting. 60-80 is good color reproduction, 80-90 is very good, 90-100 is excellent.
  • energy efficiency class: A ++ is the best, that is, a device of this class is VERY economical in energy consumption. There are the following classes: A ++, A +, B, C, D, E. Modern household LED lamps most often belong to class A and above.
  • energy efficiency, Lm/W: relative indicator indirectly reflecting the engineering and technical level of the lamp. It is calculated by dividing the luminous flux by the lamp power. From this indicator you can see how many lumens (amount of light) from one watt of power the developers of this lamp or lamp managed to "remove".
  • number of switching cycles: the indicator reflects the number of lamp switchings provided by the manufacturer. 30,000 turns or more is considered a good indicator for a modern LED lamp.

Articles about LED lighting

This article is for those who first asked a similar question and do not have a technical background. LED lighting is the lighting of something using relatively new light sources - LEDs. An LED is an industrially created crystal that, when connected to electricity, begins to emit light. To be fair, the LED cannot be called a new light source, because. it was invented several decades ago, but it began to be actively developed and used in all spheres of our life only in the early 2000s, thanks to new discoveries in the technological field and a significant reduction in production costs.

Modern technologies do not stand still and scientific and technological progress does not disregard such an area of ​​our life as lighting. The development takes place both in the direction of improving the lighting characteristics, and in the direction of the appearance of additional related technological devices that increase the usefulness of lamps and the lighting system in general. We are talking about many varieties. LED lamps with built-in sensors.

We decided to make a review that will collect the most interesting reviews about LED lamps. We have collected these reviews both from our customers (and continue to collect), and from the Internet - from various forums, blogs, thematic portals and other resources. Having received a large amount of data, we systematized it, depersonalized it, and got a set of interesting opinions and advice from real people who use LED lamps at home, in the country, in the office, etc.

Customers of our online store often ask questions - which LED lamps are the best, which companies? How exactly are they better? Can I trust the characteristics of the lamps indicated on the packaging? Is it possible to buy LED lamps made in China? Can LED lamps be used in children's rooms? These are just some of the questions that buyers ask when choosing the best option for themselves. Moreover, such questions arise when the buyer already knows what type of lamps is needed and with what characteristics. In this article we will try to answer all these questions and avoid new puzzles for the consumer :-)

An LED is a semiconductor device that converts electrical current into light. The LED has a common abbreviation - LED (light-emitting diode), which literally means "light-emitting diode" in Russian. The LED consists of a semiconductor crystal (chip) on a substrate, a housing with contact leads and an optical system. Direct light emission comes from this crystal, and the color of visible radiation depends on its material and various additives. As a rule, there is one crystal in the LED case, but if it is necessary to increase the power of the LED or to emit different colors, several crystals can be installed.

This is by far the most important question as the world today is on the verge of a new era in lighting technology and we need to be sure that LED lighting does not harm health. To date (2014), this issue cannot be considered thoroughly studied, since the implementation period led lighting into human life is still quite small and the necessary amount of statistical data for analysis has not yet been accumulated. However, at the moment there is a huge amount of facts and opinions of professionals in this field, indicating that there is no harm from LED lighting.

This article is for those who do not understand light bulbs, their types of socles and electricity in general, but already understand that using LED lamps is much more economical than incandescent and even fluorescent lamps (they are often called "energy saving"). Choosing the right LED lamps is very simple and we will help you make the right choice by following the instructions below. Or you can call us right away and we will be happy to help with the choice.

In this article, we will talk about the benefits of using LED lamps compared to fluorescent (often referred to as "energy saving"), halogen and incandescent lamps. In the second part, we will give an economic calculation of the payback when replacing lamps with LEDs. The economic efficiency of LED lamps is so obvious that you do not need any special knowledge in order to draw your own conclusions.

One of the challenges that is often faced during deep renovation or construction of residential and office premises is the level of sufficient lighting. In a situation where ordinary incandescent lamps are used as light sources, experience can roughly determine the required number and power of light bulbs, but if there is an idea to make housing more modern and comfortable, and at the same time also regularly save quite significant amounts on lighting, then It makes sense to take a closer look at LED lighting. So, how many and what kind of LED lamps do you need to install to make the room comfortable?

In one of our articles, we talked about what an LED is and how it developed. Now we want to take a closer look at the current industry leaders - those who produce LEDs and LED lamps. It's not the same, because lamp manufacturers don't always make LEDs and vice versa, LED manufacturers don't always mass-produce lamps based on them. According to official data from IMS Research, as of February 2013, LED production is concentrated in China (more than 50%), then Taiwan (about 20%), South Korea (about 10%), Japan, USA, Europe and other regions (20% in total) .

This article is a practical guide for those who are going to make a global renovation in an apartment or house and are thinking about how to make the lighting of their future home comfortable, cozy, unique, easy to maintain, but at the same time economical and environmentally friendly. Today, indeed, there is something to think about, as LED lighting is becoming quite inexpensive. The choice of power, dimensions and external design of light sources is very rich and you can not limit your imagination. Where to start? How to approach the task correctly? To do this, you need to understand what exactly you want to do, and then find the most effective solutions from both practical and economic points of view. It is not as difficult as it seems and we will be happy to help you with this.

In our online store you can purchase LED lamps and LED lamps, picking them up for the task of lighting any object. But our activities are far from limited to sales - our team also includes highly experienced engineers in the design, production, installation and further operation of lighting control systems. Our partners are many engineering and design companies, together with which we can implement projects of lighting systems for objects of any scale and complexity. This line of activity of our company is presented on the market as the WLightiT project.

In this article, we will touch on important topic- office lighting. A third of most people's lives are spent at work, so the quality of lighting in the workplace is essential for well-being and productivity. That is why, when planning lighting in an office space, it is important to consider the main factors that affect the quality of lighting. The quality of lighting is affected even by such seemingly trifles as the color of the walls, the arrangement and the material of the furniture. In our article, we briefly classify office lamps so that you have a first idea of ​​the variety of lighting solutions in office lighting, but we will focus on office lamps implemented using LEDs as light sources.

LED bulbs are gaining more and more popularity. Many already use them, someone has not yet decided, but everyone has heard about them. Everyone knows that they are much more economical than incandescent lamps, but what about compact fluorescent lamps? Does it make sense to change CFLs to LED lamps? We have tried to answer this question.

First, it is worth understanding what LED lamps and CFLs are.

2:0 in favor of the LED lamp.

Terms of Use.

The consumer properties of any equipment are significantly affected by the conditions of its operation. And lamps, any lamps, are no exception. Depending on how they are handled, their service life also changes. However, it varies in different proportions, depending on their consumer properties. So, frequent voltage drops can easily damage compact fluorescent lamp, and here led lamp great harm will not inflict. The same can be said about frequent on / off. CFLs are very sensitive to this. And when it comes to service life, this factor must be taken into account. If you plan to put CFLs where the lighting will turn on often, albeit not for long, be prepared for the fact that the lamp will not last even a year. LED bulbs not sensitive to power cycling. Frequent on / off will not affect their service life and quality of work. And generally speaking, LED bulbs much stronger than their older sisters: they are more difficult to break or spoil, they are not afraid of cold or heat, and easily withstand vibration. Therefore, they are well suited for operation in difficult conditions.

3:0 in favor of the LED lamp.

Light quality.

But as LED bulbs And CFL perform their intended function? Compact fluorescent lamps inherited from linear fluorescent lamps, most of the shortcomings. Their light is not very pleasing to the eye, because. its emission spectrum is much poorer than the spectrum of colors emitted by an incandescent lamp. Therefore, the color perception of objects illuminated by any fluorescent lamps looks somewhat distorted.

The CFL color rendering index is 80-85 units, while the norm for residential premises is 70-90. Over time, the phosphor applied to the walls of the lamp loses its properties, and therefore the color rendering level changes. But the changes are minor, and therefore they can be ignored.

Color rendering index - a value that shows the level of color rendering of various light sources. The highest index, 100, has the sun. Those. in sunlight, color distortion is minimal. The same index for a conventional incandescent lamp.

Another thing is worse: the frequent "disease" of fluorescent lamps, including compact ones - a light, barely perceptible flicker, which negatively affects vision.

Color rendering index LED lamps is the same 80-85 units as in CFL. At this point, both types of lamps lose to incandescent lamps. But LED bulbs are not subject to "diseases" of luminescent, therefore there will be no flickering and pulsation.

4:0 in favor of the LED lamp.


An unbroken, serviceable lamp, whether LED or fluorescent, poses no danger. But what to do if the lamp has exhausted its resource? LED lamp can be disposed of as normal household waste. Those. put in the trash can and forget about it. And here compact fluorescent lamp you will have to take it to the collection and disposal point for fluorescent lamps. Indeed, in the flask of such a lamp there are mercury vapors, which are extremely poisonous to humans. What if the lamp breaks?

5:0 in favor of the LED lamp.

All five points LED bulbs turned out to be better compact fluorescent lamps. Their only drawback is their rather high price. But, in recent years, a steady downward trend has been outlined. As LED bulbs are gaining popularity, they are getting cheaper. Already today LED bulbs can be bought at a price very close to the cost of CFL. Given the high consumer properties of LED lamps - the deal is more than profitable.

The vast majority of people when buying an LED lamp pay attention to two parameters - price and brightness (luminous flux). In fact, there are a dozen more selection criteria that should be given attention.

Main selection criteria: manufacturer, luminous flux (brightness), power, supply voltage, color temperature, base type, dispersion angle, dimensions.

Additional Criteria: possibility of dimming, operating temperature range, light flux pulsation.

Let's analyze each item of technical characteristics in detail.

When choosing LEDs, it is desirable to give preference to well-known brands. Maybe Osram and Philips will be more expensive than Superledstar, but there is more confidence that the characteristics will correspond to those stated on the packaging.

If the cost of the finished product is not the primary factor when buying, the choice should be made in favor of eminent manufacturers.

Light flow

For most LED lamps, the luminous flux is 80-100 lm/W. There are LEDs based on COB technology, in which the luminous flux reaches 180 lm / W, but they are not used in household products. In Chinese light bulbs, the normal brightness is 70-80 lm / W.

Comparative table of light output of various types of lamps


The power of an LED lamp is a derivative of the luminous flux, or vice versa. It should be noted that the total power of the lamp and the driver is indicated in the LED parameters.

Table of the ratio of power and luminous flux
LED power, W The value of the luminous flux, Lm
3-4 250-300
4-6 300-450
6-8 450-600
8-10 600-900
10-12 900-1100
12-14 1100-1250
14-16 1250-1400

Supply voltage

In our stores, all light bulbs are designed for 12V or 220V. In some countries, the mains voltage is 110V, respectively, and light sources of this type are 110V.

All plinths marked E rated for 220V, marked G both 220V and 12V.

Colorful temperature

Color temperature is a very important criterion when choosing an LED.

Warm White light(2700-3200K)

Warm light on the spectrum corresponds to an ordinary incandescent light bulb.

Neutral white light (3200-4500K)

Light bulbs with neutral white light are as close as possible to daylight sunlight. The ideal solution for illuminating the work area.

Cold white light (over 4500K)

These LED lamps have a white-blue glow color. The best option for workplaces where increased concentration is required.

Plinth type

The most common type of base is E27. On the network, most of the technical specifications are for these LED lamps. This is the classic size of the base for ordinary incandescent bulbs.

Traditional plinths, the most popular in everyday life
E40Designed for powerful light bulbs. Lighting large rooms or streets
G4These bases are used to fully replace halogens with LEDs.
GX53Used in luminaires (recessed or surface-mounted) in furniture or ceilings
G13Tubular swivel base used in T8 lamps

Scattering angle

For the E27 base, manufacturers produce lamps of various shapes and sizes. Depending on the design and design features, the scattering angle can be from 30 0 to 320 0 . Depending on the angle of dispersion, the illuminated area also differs. This can be clearly understood from the figure below.

For general lighting, for example, a chandelier in the living room, a model with a maximum dispersion angle is required, for a table lamp, on the contrary, with a minimum one.

You can understand the approximate angle of dispersion of the light flux by the form factor of the diode bulb.

Dimensions of LED lamps

It should be noted that an LED light bulb with comparable brightness can be larger in size than an ordinary incandescent lamp.


Dimmers allow you to arbitrarily change the brightness of the LED bulb. If you are planning on making your lighting dimmable, please note that not all LED drivers support this feature.

The description of LED lamps placed on the packaging often does not contain information about the possibility of dimming. You can check with the official seller or on the manufacturer's website.

Operating temperature range

By default, the normal operating temperature of the LEDs is from -30C 0 to +60C 0 . In some regions, the temperature outside during the winter may drop below the specified limits.

Operation in extreme temperatures

For LEDs, the upper temperature limit environment corresponds to a 30% drop in luminous flux.

The operation of LED lamps at low temperatures significantly reduces the heating of the semiconductor crystal, which increases its uninterrupted operation time.

Pulsation of the light flux

This parameter is rarely indicated in passport data. Nevertheless, particularly conscientious manufacturers do not miss this parameter.

For domestic purposes, a ripple factor of up to 40% is permissible. And for visual work, it should not exceed 20%.

Actual parameters of LED lamps

The table below shows the results of testing twenty-six LED light bulbs various manufacturers. For famous brands Osram, Philips, passport data always correspond to real parameters. For others, the luminous flux of the product may be a quarter lower than the declared parameters.

Correspondence table of ratings of various manufacturers

Pay attention to the bottom position. Bellight LEDs produced in Poland have significant inconsistencies in passport parameters. It is definitely not worth buying such diodes. Not only do you pay twice for "virtual" lumens, with such a ripple coefficient, it is dangerous to install them in living quarters.

For clarity, we present the test data of Chinese light bulbs.


For all its attractiveness, buying an LED lamp has many pitfalls.

Buying products from world-famous brands eliminates the occurrence of "surprises" during operation. Only such a lamp will cost 2-3 times more. The most famous LED manufacturers are Philips, Osram, Bosh, Ikea.

The following manufacturers can be attributed to the middle price range, when price reduction does not affect quality: Jazzway, Feron, Navigator, Unitel, Lexman, Wolta. Among their range there are not entirely successful models, but mostly they face small inconsistencies between the real and passport luminous flux.

Super budget LED

Periodically, very inexpensive LED lamps of predominantly Chinese origin appear on the market. In these products, the luminous flux is guaranteed to be overestimated and the simplest current stabilizers are installed. The life time of such paws is not much more than energy-saving ones.

By studying the technical characteristics of LED luminaires, one can be convinced that there are a number of advantages of these light sources compared to outdated luminaires with incandescent lamps and other light sources. The first and most important indicator is low power consumption. The use of diode devices allows you to minimize energy consumption, while diode lamps have a continuous operation resource of about fifty thousand hours. The supply voltage of the devices is 12-24 V, which also affects their durability.

Technical characteristics of LED lamps

Each of the LED luminaires has a certain degree of protection against dust and moisture, depending on which they can be used in interior lighting or in external lighting design, and LED luminaires can also have the highest degree of protection - IP 68, which will allow them to be used even when fully immersed in water. An important indicator is the luminous flux of lamps, since diode devices are increasingly being chosen precisely because of the qualitative characteristics of their light emission.

Luminous flux of LED lamps

The bright LED luminaire is the most expedient replacement of the light source with an incandescent lamp and any gas discharge lamp. This is due to the high efficiency of LED devices. So the luminous flux of an LED lamp for each watt of electricity consumed is on average 50-80 Lumens, which is almost 7 times more compared to incandescent lamps. An ultra-bright LED luminaire can have a luminous flux of about 6000 lm with a power consumption of only 60 watts. The brightest LED lamp of our production emits a luminous flux of 12000 lm.

Diode lamps have a wider range of color temperatures compared to other light sources, which varies from 2700 to 7000 K. In addition to the usual white color of the glow, a colored glow is possible and even full-color with the ability to change the shade and dynamics of the glow.

We are used to the fact that incandescent lamps are powered by a network with an alternating voltage of 220 volts. There are, of course, other incandescent lamps that operate from a lower voltage, but the glow there is also much less. Here you can observe the dependence - the lower the voltage of LED lighting, the less light we get from the lamp. But LED lamps work very differently. For an LED, voltage is not important, the strength of the glow depends only on the current passing through the diode. In this article, we will look at what voltage LED lamps can operate, and we will also touch on the current of LED lamps.

LED lamp voltage

I think that most people who have long graduated from school and have not dealt with electricity even then forgot how current differs fundamentally from voltage. And this is desirable to understand.

Many books use the analogy of a water pipe to explain the difference between current and voltage. But I don't really like this comparison. Any object thrown from a certain height will fall and at some point will reach the ground. It is attracted by gravity. So voltage is a force that makes current move, just like gravity attracts objects. But the current strength, if we continue the analogy, is the size of the object, the larger, the harder it will hit. Gravity, like voltage, will not kill if someone does not have an object (current).

Now back to LED lamps. A single LED, or LED chip, is a type of semiconductor that can only pass current in one direction. LEDs can operate on a voltage of 4-12 volts. And even more, LEDs need constant pressure for normal operation. But in a standard electrical network, conditions are completely different.

In LED lamps, several LEDs are combined in series into one array, and they all receive the current of the LED lamp from a common power supply. Many LED lamps that operate on mains voltage have a special device inside, a driver, which includes a rectifier for conversion alternating current into a constant, transformer, to reduce the very high input voltage, and perhaps also a stabilization component to reduce current fluctuations.

Most modern LED lamps that are designed for home use and industry are designed for a supply voltage of 110-220 volts. This is achieved by combining several chips, as mentioned above. The driver built into each lamp is responsible for the rest of lowering the voltage and obtaining constant current.

But if such a light bulb does not have a built-in driver, and you want to run it from a regular network, you will need an external device that will perform the same functions, provide the necessary voltage for the LED lamps and rectify the current of the LED lamp.

Standard wall adapters designed for other equipment will not work, they will not burn out the LEDs, but they are not recommended. They can cause flickering due to improper LED loading and also shorten lamp life. Therefore, you need to use drivers designed only for your type of lamp.

Recently, LEDs have appeared that work from AC voltage. But since LEDs pass current only in one direction, by their nature they still remain devices that work on DC. In them, one honor of the diode glows with a positive current, the second with a negative cycle. Thus, we get a uniform glow. But for such lamps, a driver is also needed if they are not adapted to work from 220 volts.

LED lamp current

The brightness of the glow of LED lamps depends on the current that will pass through the diode itself. This makes it very easy to control the brightness of such lamps. Here the same principle of dimming is suitable as for conventional incandescent lamps, we change the current strength - the brightness changes. But here one problem arises, in each lamp that will operate on AC voltage, a driver is built in that will prevent the brightness from changing. Therefore, if the driver does not support this option, you cannot adjust the brightness.

The consumption of electricity by a lamp also depends on the current and the transmitted voltage. The current strength with which the lamp can operate is usually indicated on the packaging. It can be from 10-100 mA. If it is not specified and you need to know this parameter, it is very easy to calculate it using the formula:

Here I is the current, P is the power consumption and voltage. For example, a 220 volt lamp with a power consumption of 12 watts will have a current of 54 mA. The calculated current strength may be lower than indicated on the package, because some manufacturers indicate on the package the power consumption not of the lamp itself, but of the LED. In addition to the LED, there is also a resistor and other components that also need power.


In this article, we looked at what the voltage of LED lamps is, as well as how the current strength affects their operation.

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