Nissan diesel instrument panel designation. Educational program on the icons on the dashboard

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    Car manufacturers are trying to implement the most modern systems and functions in each new model. As a result, the instrument panel constantly "grows" and already resembles the panel of some aircraft or even a spaceship. To help novice motorists understand all these indicators, bulbs and intricate icons, in this article we have prepared a detailed transcript of them.

    1 Warning indicators cannot be ignored

    All the icons on the dashboard can be divided into several categories. Let's start with the so-called warning indicators. The most important of these are icons that inform about problems in the engine lubrication system. In modern cars, there can be two such indicators:

    • oil pressure;
    • oil sensor.

    The Oil Pressure indicator reports a drop in oil pressure, sometimes the same icon can signal a critically low level if the indicators are combined. It always glows red and looks like a watering can with a drop of oil. Engine Oil Sensor reports a drop in oil level below normal. This icon can glow either red or orange, depending on the make of the car. The icon usually depicts the same watering can, but with waves under it.

    If the oil pressure indicator goes out after a second or two after turning on the engine, this is normal. But if the icon lights up while the engine is running, you must take immediate action, as low oil pressure can damage the engine. True, sometimes the reason for its operation is a breakdown of the oil pressure sensor, which does not affect the operation of the power unit. If the light indicates a low oil level, you must stop the car and immediately add oil to the required level.

    Another important group of icons is the cooling system indicators. Most often there are two

    • blue - signals a critically low temperature;
    • red - signals a critical high temperature.

    These icons usually depict water in the form of waves, in which the thermometer is immersed. While the blue light is on, let the engine idle at low speed until it warms up. If the red icon lights up, it is advisable to turn off the engine and let it cool. At the same time, check the coolant level, if necessary, pour it into the radiator. If the situation repeats, there may be problems in the cooling system or electronics.

    The group of warning indicators also includes the icon of the absence of a battery charge, which also has a red color. It is easy to recognize by the drawn battery with a plus and a minus. If it lights up, first of all check the terminals on the battery, it is possible that one of them has a bad connection. If the contact is good, then the problem is in the generator or other electrical equipment. Keep in mind that the car will not be able to continue driving for a long time without recharging: when the battery is discharged, the engine will stall and you will no longer be able to start the car.

    A canister with a down arrow, a fan or waves inside indicates a critically low fluid level in the radiator. Accordingly, the liquid must be added immediately. The indicator can be either red or orange. If you notice that the windshield and fountain icon is on, then you need to add water to the glass washer reservoir.


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    The last icon in the warning group is the brake indicator, which glows red and has the inscription "BRAKE" or a circle with an exclamation point. It can report several events at the same time:

    • the handbrake is applied in the car;
    • the brake fluid level has fallen below a critical level;
    • There are malfunctions in the brake system.

    If the reason for the operation of the indicator is not related to the use of the parking brake, you must immediately stop driving and take action. If a similar icon lights up, i.e. a circle with an exclamation mark, but orange, means there was a failure of the system that distributes the work of the brakes.

    The same circle, but with a lightning bolt inside, indicates the failure of the electric parking brake. The circle with the image of the foot inside reminds you to unlock the gearbox by pressing the brake. An empty circle with dotted brackets on the sides indicates wear on the brake pads, respectively, they must be replaced as soon as possible.

    2 Fault and event indicators of various systems

    The first icon of this group, which most modern cars have, is a warning signal that notifies the driver of an emergency situation. Most often, it depicts a red triangle with an exclamation point.

    There are many reasons for the operation of this light bulb: it may be an open door, the oil pressure in the engine has dropped sharply, one of the light bulbs has burned out, etc. So that the driver does not have to guess what the problem is, the operation of this icon is usually accompanied by a text interpretation on the dashboard display. A similar icon, but orange in some cars, indicates problems in the electronics of the stabilization system.

    If your vehicle is equipped with airbags, it may have an indicator that indicates problems with the system. The badge may show a schematic representation of a passenger with an airbag deployed in front of him, and may also contain the inscriptions "AIR BAG" or "SRS".

    If the vehicle has side airbags, referred to as the RSCA system, a separate icon may indicate malfunctions in their operation. As a rule, it has the signature "RSCA off". Often, the passenger airbag automatically turns on when an adult sits in the front seat, and automatically turns off when the passenger gets up. These events can also be reported by a separate indicator with a corresponding signature.

    "Event" indicators usually glow orange, as they are of secondary importance in terms of importance.

    Lexus and Toyota cars are often equipped with the PCS function - this is a pre-security system. If there is a malfunction in its operation, the icon with the inscription PCS lights up. Similar systems began to appear in cars from other manufacturers, but they are called differently.

    If an anti-theft system is installed on the car from the factory, a separate group of icons reports events and malfunctions in its operation. Badges look different for different car models, most often they show keys and locks. The green icon indicates that the immobilizer is activated. A yellow icon indicates a blocked engine. When the key is installed, this light should go out. If the system fails to recognize the key, a red light with a themed image may come on on the instrument panel.

    If you notice that the red indicator with a gear is on, inside of which there is an exclamation mark, then there are problems in the engine or automatic transmission, or rather in its electronic part. A similar orange icon indicates that problems have arisen in the gearbox and it is working in emergency mode. Sometimes, in the event of a malfunction in the electrical part of the automatic transmission, a separate indicator with the inscription "A / T" may light up, which means "automatic transmission". In this case, it is better to stop the car so as not to aggravate the state of the "box".

    Many modern cars have an automatic transmission temperature sensor. If the gearbox is overheating, the red gear symbol with a thermometer inside lights up. In some vehicles, the "A/T Oil Temp" sign lights up. When this indicator is triggered, you must immediately stop moving and let the "box" cool down.

    Some car models may have one icon that is responsible for various automatic transmission malfunctions:

    • oil pressure has dropped or its level has fallen below critical;
    • sensors stopped working;
    • there were problems with the electrical wiring;
    • The automatic transmission has overheated.

    As a rule, it glows red or orange, has the inscription "auto" and a schematic representation of the gearbox. Its operation is usually accompanied by the automatic transmission switching to emergency mode, usually this is third gear.

    A four-wheel drive vehicle may have an "A/T Park" sign, which indicates that the automatic transmission is locked, i.e. the switch is in the "park" position. In this case, the four-wheel drive switch must be in the "N" mode. Otherwise, the blocking will not work. Another sign associated with the operation of the automatic transmission is "shift up", which, as a rule, looks like an arrow pointing up. You don’t need to be afraid of it, since its value is absolutely harmless - it recommends changing gear in order to reduce fuel consumption.

    On a car with power steering, regardless of its type, an icon with a steering wheel and an exclamation mark may be on the instrument panel. It usually lights up red, as it informs about problems in the operation of the amplifier. In this case, you must immediately stop the car, as a malfunction of the power steering can lead to emergency situations.

    Any signs with the inscription "ABS" or "ANTILOCK" indicate either problems in the operation of this system, or its temporary shutdown. Icons that say "CHECK", "CHECK ENGINE", "SERVICE ENGINE SOON" or "EPC" indicate the need for diagnostics of all powertrain systems. At the same time, the electronics responsible for power control can forcibly reduce the supply of the fuel mixture or even turn off some systems.

    If the indicator with a schematic representation of the engine and a down arrow lights up, it means that the power of the power unit has dropped. Often, the solution to this problem is to turn off the engine and then start it after 15-20 seconds. Sometimes the low power icon will light up along with the catalytic element overheating icon. In this case, power problems are associated with the catalyst.

    An orange icon with the inscription ASR or a triangle inscribed in a round arrow with an exclamation mark on it indicates a malfunction of the traction control system. It usually works in tandem with an anti-lock braking system. An indicator labeled BSM or BSM OFF indicates a malfunction in the system that monitors dead zones. An indicator with the inscription ETC or a lightning bolt located between two concave brackets indicates a breakdown of the electronic throttle valve, which controls the fuel supply.

    A similar icon labeled Night View warns of burnt infrared sensors or other problems with the night vision system. Some vehicles are equipped with air filter monitoring sensors. If it is dirty, an icon with a schematic representation of the filter and arrows simulating the passage of air through the filter lights up on the dashboard.

    A sign with a car on a flyover or the inscription "OIL CHANGE" or "service" does not indicate a breakdown in any system, but the need for scheduled maintenance or a scheduled replacement of engine oil. A sign with the image of a car with the gas tank cap removed or the inscription "Check gas cap", as you might guess, indicates that the gas tank neck is not closed.

    An indicator with a circle and the letter "i" inscribed in it indicates the appearance of a new message. In this case, a description of the event or the problem that has occurred is available on the display. If a similar indicator lights up, but the letter "i" is written in an open book, and not a circle, then the instruction manual for your car will help decipher the message.

    3 Assistance system indicators

    A separate group includes indicators that report various events and problems in the operation of driver assistance systems in critical situations. So the traction control system (TCS or DTC) can have a whole group of indicators. As a rule, they are indicated by inscriptions or an abbreviation of the system name.

    The green light indicates that a DTC has been activated. The yellow or orange indicator may light up due to its deactivation or malfunction. Since the DTC is related to the braking and fuel systems, in the event of a problem in its operation, it will usually turn off automatically.

    The indicator with the inscription "KDDS" informs about breakdowns in the stabilizing suspension system. A separate group of icons has a system of assistance when lowering and raising the car, as well as when starting off on the rise. This also includes a system that maintains a constant speed. When the system is triggered, the icon with the corresponding image of the car lights up.

    In the event of problems with the operation of the stabilization system, an icon with the abbreviation of the name of this system usually lights up on the instrument panel. Since different manufacturers call it differently, the designation may be as follows:

    • VSC etc.

    Recall that this system contributes to the alignment of the car in case of slipping wheels on a slippery road. For this, a braking and fuel supply system is used. I must say that the sliding car icon, which is triggered when the wheels slip, also belongs to this system.

    The icon with the inscription "4x4" indicates that the four-wheel drive is activated. If the icon shows a triangle and an exclamation mark, then the system requires diagnostics, or there are problems with its operation. The indicator with the inscription "4x2" informs that the transmission is operating in rear-wheel drive mode. If the icon says "4x4 auto", the system automatically turns on and off the four-wheel drive. A similar icon but with the inscription "low" informs that the transmission is operating in the all-wheel drive mode, but the transfer case is on in the downshift mode.

    An indicator with the inscription "BAS ASR" or a painted wheel with two arrows indicates that the system that assists the driver in emergency braking is not working. Moreover, this failure led to the shutdown of ASR, i.e. anti-slip system. The "4WD" or "AWD" icon indicates either that the front and rear wheel diameters do not match, or that there are problems in the rear-wheel drive system.

    An orange indicator with the inscription "IBA" or "IBA off" indicates that the system is deactivated, which applies the brakes in the event of a collision. Sometimes the indicator may light up when the IBA system is running, this indicates that the obstacle detection sensors are dirty or have failed in their operation.

    The icon with the inscription "4WAS" indicates that the diagnostics found a malfunction in the steering system. For some models, the rear wheel steering system has a separate indicator, which has the inscription "RAS". Its illumination informs about the deactivation or failure of this system.

    RAS shutdown can occur due to engine, brake or suspension failures.

    The indicator with the inscription "2rid strt" indicates the inclusion of the function of starting from a higher gear. This feature allows you to start on slippery roads without the risk of slipping. As a rule, he has green color. Another green indicator that may be present on your vehicle's instrument panel is "VGRS". It informs about the activation of the function of the late upshift of the automatic transmission, which allows the engine to develop more power, respectively, the car can pick up speed faster.

    The last icon in this group is "VGRS". It glows red, as it indicates a breakdown of the steering, which has a variable gear ratio. If this light comes on, the movement should be stopped.

    4 Diesel vehicle indicators

    Since diesel cars have their own systems that their gasoline counterparts do not have, they also have their own icons on the prior panel. So, a glowing yellow spiral indicates the activation of glow plugs. This indicator goes out after the engine has warmed up, when it no longer needs the spark plugs.

    The icon with waves, drops and an exhaust pipe informs about a decrease in the liquid level in the gas purification system. This fluid is responsible for the catalytic reaction that cleans the exhaust. The same icon, but without waves and drops, indicates another malfunction in the gas purification system.

    An icon depicting a filling station or fuel filter indicates the presence of water in the fuel. Also, his work may be associated with the need to maintain a system that cleans the fuel.

    A red light with the inscription "EDC" indicates problems with the electronic fuel injection system. As a rule, the car at the same time noticeably loses power or stalls altogether, does not start. The most common cause of the problem is a clogged fuel filter, but there can be more serious problems. For example, the fuel pump valve often fails.

    A red indicator with the inscription T-Blet signals the wear of the timing belt (the belt connects the crankshaft to the camshaft and other auxiliary systems). If this indicator lights up, you must take immediate action, as a broken belt leads to serious engine damage.

    5 Light indicators

    Finally, consider the indicators that inform the driver about the mode of operation of headlights and other lighting devices. When the outdoor lighting is activated, the icon in the form of a green glowing light bulb lights up. If an orange crossed-out bulb or a green one with an exclamation mark lights up instead, one of the outdoor lighting bulbs has burned out.

    The blue luminous headlight informs about the operation of the headlights in high beam mode. The same green headlight with the letter "A" or the inscription "auto" indicates automatic switching of the headlights between high and low beam modes. A headlight with oblique light and rounded up and down arrows indicates a malfunction in the headlight beam angle adjustment system.

    An indicator with the inscription AFS OFF or an image of a headlight pointing upwards with two arrows informs about the deactivation of the adaptive headlight system. An icon in the form of a car with luminous taillights indicates a malfunction of the rear dimensions or brake lights.

    Two green headlights deployed in different directions indicate the operation of the parking lights. A green headlight with an oblique light crossed out by a wave means the fog lights are working. The same orange headlight, facing to the right, informs about the operation of the rear fog lamps. The indicator with arrows left and right indicates the operation of the turn signal.

    That's all the most important indicators that you can see on the dashboard of your car. In addition to them, there may be additional icons informing about open doors or the hood, driving mode with a trailer, an unfastened seat belt, etc. They have a clear graphic designation, so they do not need to be deciphered.

    As you can see, it is extremely important to know the designation of icons, since indicators of only the most important systems are concentrated on the instrument panel.

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dashboard volkswagen indicator meaning

Instrument clusters Polo sedan
1 - electronic type tachometer. Shows the engine speed. The scale has divisions from 0 to 8, the division price is 0.2. To find out the crankshaft speed in min ', you need to multiply the tachometer readings by 1000. The red zone of the scale means a dangerous engine operation mode.

2 - signal lamp for overheating of the coolant in the engine cooling system (with a red light filter). If the lamp lights up, stop, allow the engine to cool down and eliminate the cause of overheating Volkswagen dashboard.

3 - signal lamp for emergency oil pressure drop (with a red light filter). Lights up when the ignition is turned on and warns that the pressure in the engine lubrication system is below normal. Immediately after starting the engine, the lamp should go out.

4 - control lamp for turning on the rear fog lamp (with a yellow filter). Illuminates when the rear fog light is on.

5 - control lamp for switching on the main beam of headlights (with a blue light filter). Illuminates when the high beam headlights are on. Volkswagen dashboard

6 - control lamp for turning on the left direction indicator (in the form of an arrow with a green light filter). Lights up with a flashing light when the left direction indicator is turned on (synchronously with it). The blinking of a control lamp with a doubled frequency or its constant burning indicates a burnout of a lamp in any indicator of the left turn. Volkswagen dashboard

7 - information display. The display shows the readings of the electronic counter of the total mileage (odometer) in kilometers. After a run of 1,000,000 km, a new odometer reading cycle begins. On the same display, by successively pressing the button B of switching modes on the lever 9 (see Fig. 1.7) turn on the indication of the daily mileage counter or display information from the trip computer, and by successively pressing buttons 20 (see Fig. 1.8) and 21 set the time in the mode clock indication.
In addition, after switching on the ignition, the fuel gauge with an electronic scale is constantly displayed on the display.

8 - signal lamp for the state of the brake system and the activation of the parking brake (with a red light filter). Lights up when the ignition is on in the event of an excessive decrease in the level of brake fluid in the brake master cylinder reservoir, when the parking brake lever is raised, or a malfunction in the brake force distribution system. In the latter case, the anti-lock braking system malfunction lamp 10 lights up simultaneously with this lamp.

9 - control lamp for turning on the right direction indicator (in the form of an arrow with a green light filter). Lights up with a flashing light when the right direction indicator is turned on (synchronously with it). The blinking of the control lamp at a double frequency or its constant burning indicates a lamp burnout in any right turn indicator.

10 - signal lamp for a malfunction of the anti-lock braking system (with a yellow filter). Lights up when the ignition is on for 3 s. When the starter is turned on, the lamp lights up constantly. After starting the engine, the lamp should go out. If the system fails, the lamp stays on

11 - signal lamp of the engine management system (with a yellow filter
color). Lights up when the ignition is turned on and lights up when the engine is started. Immediately after starting the engine, the lamp should go out. If the lamp comes on when the engine is running, it indicates a malfunction in the engine management system. In this case, the control unit switches to the backup program, which allows you to continue driving. When the lamp lights up, check the electronic unit control on the diagnostic equipment and troubleshoot.

12 - speedometer. Shows how fast the vehicle is currently moving. The scale is graduated from 0 to 240 km/h, the division value is 5 km/h.

13 - signal lamp for a malfunction of the engine management system (with a yellow filter). Lights up when the ignition is turned on and lights up when the engine is started

14 - signal lamp for the unfastened driver's seat belt (with a red light filter). Lights up when the ignition is turned on and goes out after the driver's seat belt is fastened.

15 - signal lamp reminding you to press the brake pedal (with a green light filter). Functions if the car is equipped with an automatic transmission. Illuminates when the ignition is switched on, reminding the driver to depress the brake pedal before moving the transmission control selector lever from the P (Park) position to the drive positions.

16 - signal lamp for the minimum fuel reserve in the tank (with a yellow light filter). Constantly lit when there is fuel left in the tank for about 80 km.

If possible, avoid driving on reserve fuel. The operation of the electric fuel pump in the absence of a continuous supply of fuel with air entering the system will lead to the failure of the pump!

17 - airbag malfunction warning light (with yellow filter). Illuminates when the ignition is switched on, if there is a malfunction in the airbag system.

If the signal lamp lights up, contact the car service immediately. In addition to the possible failure in an emergency, the airbag may unexpectedly deploy while driving, leading to serious consequences.

18 - the signal lamp of the open side door (with a red light filter) lights up if one of the side doors is not closed (or not tightly closed) when the key is in the ignition switch.

19 - warning light for a malfunction of the stability control system (ESP) with a yellow color filter (if the system is installed). Lights up for a few seconds when the ignition is turned on. If the lamp stays on constantly while the engine is running, it means that there is a malfunction in the system. If the lamp flashes while driving, the system is activated.

If the signal lamp is constantly on, contact the service, since the Polo Sedan is controlled without the help of the stability control system.

20 - key for resetting the daily mileage counter and setting the clock. To reset the readings, press the key for a few seconds with the ignition on. To set the clock, successively pressing this key sets the time in hours and minutes after activating the hours or minutes on the display by pressing key 21.

21 - clock setting key. By successively pressing the key, the hour or minute indications are activated on the display 7 to set the time.

22 - signal lamp for a malfunction of the power steering (with a yellow filter). Lights up for a few seconds when the ignition is turned on. If the lamp is on while the engine is running, the amplifier is faulty. If, after stopping the engine and restarting it, the lamp does not light up, this means that the amplifier's performance has been restored.

If the power steering malfunction lamp is constantly on, contact the service immediately, as a sudden failure of the power steering while driving can lead to serious consequences.
23 - signal lamp of the battery discharge (with a red light filter). Lights up when the ignition is turned on. Immediately after starting the engine, the lamp should go out. If the lamp glows or glows with the engine running, it indicates the absence of charging current caused by a malfunction of the generator or voltage regulator, as well as weak tension (or breakage) of the generator drive belt.

Movement Polo Sedan
with a burning lamp is prohibited, since, in addition to the complete discharge of the battery, this may indicate a short circuit in the charging circuit, which even leads to a fire.

24 - a control lamp for the mode of deactivation of the exchange rate stability system (ESP) with a yellow light filter (if the system is installed). Lights up for a few seconds when the ignition is turned on, as well as during a forced shutdown of the system.

Each motorist should be able to decipher the designation of the icons on the instrument panel, since certain indicators may indicate the inoperability of systems and components. Accordingly, the ability to decipher will allow, if necessary, to carry out repairs in a timely manner or test the operation of the main units of the car. You can read more about the decoding and purpose of indicators in this article.

Assignment of icons on the instrument panel

The dashboard may contain many different signs, indicators and lights, and many of the symbols are specific to certain car models. You can find out more about what all the icon symbols on the control panel can mean in the operating book for the machine. In this article, we will introduce you to the most common indicators. All of them are used to warn the driver about possible malfunctions, as well as the activation of one or another equipment.


All signal lamps can be conditionally divided into several groups according to the colors they burn:

  1. Red. Usually these are indicators designed to indicate malfunctions or as a reminder. For example, that the handbrake lever is raised.
  2. Yellow or orange icons are used to warn the driver that some units or mechanisms of the car need service. In some cases, their appearance is due to the need for repairs.
  3. Blue and green lamps. As a rule, their indication on the tidy is due to the fact that all equipment is operating in normal mode. For example, in many cars, blue indicators mean the high beams are on.

Basic symbols

IndicatorWhat does
The meaning of this light is to warn the driver that the parking brake lever is up. It is always on when the lever is up. If the image appeared during the ride, this most likely indicates possible malfunctions in the brake system.
Depending on the car model, this symbol may have either a red or a blue tint. In the first case, it indicates that the temperature of the power unit is too high, in which case the driver must turn off the engine and make sure that the internal combustion engine is not boiling. Perhaps, due to breakdowns in the operation of the cooling system, the antifreeze boiled. The blue sign indicates an unheated engine. In the event that the image blinks, this indicates a malfunction in the electrical circuit.
Always lights up when the ignition is turned on. If the image appeared when the internal combustion engine was running, this indicates that the oil pressure has decreased in the system, as a rule, this indicates a lack of fluid. Depending on the car, the message about the lack of oil may be supplemented by the inscription Oli Min.
The battery indicator symbol indicates that the machine's mains voltage has dropped. He can also report on the discharge of the battery, the inoperability of the generator unit, as well as the presence of other malfunctions in the on-board network.

Security light bulbs

IconWhat means
Usually the appearance of this symbol on the tidy is accompanied by inscriptions. The indicator belongs to the category of reminders, for example, that the engine oil needs to be changed or that the driver forgot to close the door or fasten the seat belt.
This icon is not used on many cars, its appearance is usually associated with malfunctions in the stability control mechanisms.
This image may indicate that there is a problem with the airbag system. For example, the reason may be poor contact of the sensor or failure of the pretensioner mechanism. It should be noted that if the light bulb appeared on the shield, then the pillow in fact can work at any time. Accordingly, this may affect the safety of the motorist.
This sign also refers to the security system, only in this case we are talking specifically about side airbags.
The lamp in the form of a key can be made both in red and green, it appears when the immo is activated. In addition, the image may appear after the anti-theft system is activated. A regular red light bulb can also be used instead.
This indicator usually informs the car owner about the identification of problems in the operation of the transmission system, and as a rule, it disappears after changing the working fluid in the box. But you can’t blame everything on oil - the problems can be more serious.
If the car tidy is equipped with such a light bulb, then its appearance is associated with the failure of the anti-theft installation.
The same as the key - a malfunction in the gearbox. This image is more relevant for sports cars. It should be borne in mind that the symbol can also light up when the temperature of the oil in the box rises.
Malfunctions in the functioning of the system. The car needs to be checked, computer diagnostics are more preferable.
The brake system is running out of fluid. It is necessary to check the level of the substance and, if necessary, add.
There were problems in the operation of the ABS, and the system could also turn off completely. A more thorough diagnosis is needed.
This indicator tells the car owner that it is time to change the brake pads.
Check symbol - its activation on the tidy is due to the detection by the control unit of malfunctions in the operation of the motor or some auto components. The engine may experience malfunctions in the ignition system, injection. One way or another, the appearance of this image does not bode well.
This image appears if the power of the power unit is reduced. The reasons may be different.
There was a malfunction in the functioning of the catalytic converter. Most likely, the reason lies in its overheating.
It is necessary to check the cooling system, in particular, the control unit recorded a low level of coolant. The cause should be identified and, if necessary, replenished.
It's time to change the oil in the engine. In some cars, this light appears when it is time to carry out scheduled maintenance.
The air filter should be replaced.
You need to fasten your seat belt.
There was an overheating of the oil in the gearbox, you need to determine the cause.
The transmission fluid level has dropped.
The control unit has fixed a malfunction in the operation of the gearbox, in particular, we are talking about automatic transmissions.
There was a blocking of the gearbox, meaning "automatic".
The oxygen controller is not working properly, it should be replaced or cleaned, if possible.
The control unit has fixed problems in the functioning of the surveillance system.
Problems in the performance of the night vision mechanism.

Displays and messages

The vehicle can be equipped not only with one tidy with icons, but also with a display. On the screen, which can be located both in itself and outside it, the main messages are indicated regarding the functionality of certain units. For example, if there is a need to replace the engine fluid, a corresponding message will appear on the display. It can be displayed both in English and in Russian if the control unit is reflashed.

Everyone can deal with the display, there is nothing complicated here. It will simply display messages - warning or informing - that the car is operating in normal mode or that one of the nodes needs to be checked. The display can also display the main parameters - the temperature in the cabin and overboard, speed, mileage, etc. (the author of the video is the melvladimir channel).

Light bulbs for monitoring and control systems

The traction control system has been activated. Depending on the car, there can be many types of indicators. If the color of the light bulb is green, then everything is in order with the node, if it is yellow, then it must be checked for malfunctions.
Help indicator for a car enthusiast.
Turn symbol, used in tidy only all-wheel drive cars.
The emergency brake assist has been activated.
There were malfunctions in the mechanism of kinetic stabilization of the undercarriage.

Control indicators of Volkswagen cars

For hybrid cars

The on-board computer reports problems with the battery. For some reason, the battery does not recharge, the car owner must perform a more detailed check of the battery.
The ECU has detected a low charge. Such an indicator may light up in the event of a low charge of the high-voltage battery, this does not apply to the battery.
Charging warning symbol.
A light bulb in the form of a turtle indicates a decrease in engine power of a hybrid car.
The horn stopped working, you need to look for the cause, often it lies in a blown fuse.
An indicator of the need to check the main components of a car, an analogue of the Check Engine in gasoline cars. Detailed diagnosis is required.
An informing light indicates that the vehicle is ready for use, all units and mechanisms are operating in normal mode.
High-voltage battery charge indicator, car operation is not recommended, you need to wait until the device is fully charged.
The on-board computer recorded malfunctions in the performance of the car's electric drive.

Photo gallery "Indicators of diesel cars"

1. Diesel glow plugs, the red color of the icon indicates the need for diagnostics 4. Yellow or red - the ECU has detected condensation in the fuel system 2. Clogged particulate filter indicator 3. Symbol of malfunctions in the exhaust gas cleaning system

Lighting devices

The headlight switch icon, if it is green, then the optics are functioning normally.
The on-board computer detected a malfunction in the operation of the head lighting, the car owner must diagnose the problem, since the inoperability of the optics affects driving safety. The reasons can be different, ranging from the burnout of the lamp itself to malfunctions in the electrical circuit and blown fuses.
High beam activation indicator. Depending on the car model, the icon can be not only blue, but also yellow or green.
The control unit reports the activation of the automatic light source switching function. Older cars don't have these badges on the dash.
The appearance of this symbol is due to the detection of problems in the functioning of the device for adjusting the level of the lighting flux. That is, the headlights cannot be adjusted. The problem may lie in the poor contact of the device with the electrical circuit, the failure of the regulator itself. Need to check.
The control unit reports the presence of a wiring problem, in particular, we are talking about the rear optics. The headlights either do not work or do not work properly, the reason may also lie in poor contact with the electrical circuit. This indicator can also report on the inoperability of stops.
Also foglights, only now we are talking about taillights.
Headlight included.

If you notice that the indicators do not just light up, but begin to blink, or at least one of them, this indicates a malfunction in the electrical circuit. For example, the reason may be due to the burnout of light sources or a breakdown of the controller or sensor. In any case, such problems require prompt intervention.

Video "How to replace the bulbs in the dashboard yourself?"

If the indicators stop working due to burnout, they should be changed, the video below provides detailed and visual instructions for replacing using the Lada Kalina car as an example (the author of the video is the KalinaAutoChannel channel).

The dashboard sparkles with numerous light bulbs, arrows and pointers, which can make a person who sees all this beauty for the first time confused. Meanwhile, it is necessary to navigate the indicators for their purpose, because they inform the driver about the state of the car and its main systems. In this article, we will talk about what information can be gleaned from the fact that certain lights on the instrument panel are on or off.
All dashboard indicators are divided into three groups:
Red. These are warning lights that signal malfunctions in the system that are fraught with great trouble.
Yellow. These indicators perform, as a rule, an informational function. There are exceptions that relate, for example, to the inclusion of all-wheel drive.
All the rest are blue, purple, green, etc.

Indicators, their purpose and operation

To begin with, we note that this instruction on instrument bulbs is relevant for the Mazda Tribute and many other cars. After all, similar symbols are used everywhere. The designations of the indicators on the instrument panel of the Kia Spectra, for example, will differ slightly. Or seeing the Security indicator on the instrument panel of the Lexus RX330, anyone can easily recognize it on other machines.

This is an emergency oil pressure lamp. In good condition, it lights up when the ignition is turned on and goes out a few seconds after starting the engine. If in ten seconds the light does not turn off, then you need to turn off the engine and check the oil level. After making sure that everything is in order, start the engine again. In the case when the lamp continues to burn, it is necessary to contact a car service. The light should also not blink while the engine is running - if this happens, then check the oil level and bring it to normal. Operating the machine with the oil pressure warning light on or flashing can cause severe engine damage. The designation on the dashboard of the Gazelle is the same as on other cars.

Generator health lamp. This designation is found on the dashboard of the Chrysler Concorde, for example. It lights up when ignited and goes out after starting the engine - it means that everything is in order with the generator. If the light does not go out on time, then it is not recommended to hit the road - first check that the alternator belt is in its proper place; if everything is in order with the belt, then you will have to visit a car service. In the event that the sweetheart catches fire on the way, stop and check the belt. If it is not possible to fix the problem right on the spot, then drive further, remembering that the fewer energy consumers are turned on (music, headlights, rear window heating, etc.) and the newer the battery, the further you will be able to drive.

Airbag service lamp (Air Bag). If the system is working, then the light comes on when the ignition or ACC is turned on and goes out after 3-5 seconds. If the indicator does not light up or does not go out, then there is a problem in the system. Unscrupulous sellers can install a timer on the light bulb that will turn it on even if the system is faulty. You can check it by turning on the diagnostic mode.

Oil overheating lamp in automatic transmission. This bulb is usually equipped with sports cars and SUVs. A working light bulb lights up when the ignition is turned on and goes out when the engine is started. The light is used to inform the driver that the oil temperature is approaching a critical value. In this case, you need to stop and let the oil cool. The engine does not need to be turned off.

Anti-lock braking system (ABS) service lamp. Lights up when the ignition is switched on and goes out after a few seconds. If the system is working, then at the same time you will hear the sound of the electric motor, which is turned on for one second. If the light continues to burn, it is recommended to visit a car service; you can drive with the light on, remembering that the ABS does not work, and the wheels will be blocked when the brake pedal is pressed to the floor. Also, the lamp may light up in the event of an absolute malfunction of the brake light bulbs.

Lights up when one of the doors is open or not tightly closed. May not be available on some vehicles.

Lamp "Check engine", CHECK ENGINE or MIL (Motor Inspect Lamp). If it lights up when ignited, then the bulb is working; if it goes out when the engine is started, then the engine control system is also working. If the light does not go out in time or lights up when the engine is running, then there is a malfunction in the electronic system. You need to go to the service.

Reminder lamp for timing belt replacement. A serviceable lamp lights up when igniting and goes out when the engine is started. The lamp reports that the car's mileage is approaching 100 thousand km, and it's time to change the timing belt. If the light is on, and it’s still far from 100 thousand, then this means that the speedometer is twisted. As a rule, it is installed on diesel engines.

Water in fuel filter indicator. In good condition, it turns on when ignited and goes out when the engine is started. If it continues to burn, then you refueled at a bad gas station - there is water in the fuel filter. It is advisable to drain the water, and do not visit this gas station again. Installed on diesel engines.

Cold and overheated engine light. They light up simultaneously (to check the serviceability) or in turn (red, and then blue) when ignited. Called to inform the driver about the temperature of the engine, if there is no arrow indicator; if everything is in order, then none of the lamps is lit.

Lamp for turning on the fourth gear of the automatic transmission. The lamp informs about the possibility of switching on the overdrive. If the lamp is off, the car travels in four gears, if it is on, in three. If the light is on all the time and in any position of the O / D switch, then the automatic transmission control unit has detected an error. It's time to go to the service.

Lamp serviceability of the rear dimensions and stops. Lights up when ignited and goes out when the engine is started. If it caught fire when the brake was pressed or the dimensions were turned on, then one of the lamps burned out - it needs to be replaced. In modern cars, this function can be performed by ABS.

Temperature, fuel and automatic transmission mode indicators. As a rule, fuel shows constantly - this is not a malfunction and a cause for concern. As for the temperature, when the engine is warm, the arrow is in the middle of the scale, when it is overheated, it is higher. If the arrow is in the red zone, this is very bad; it's not worth bringing it up. Some models are not equipped with a pointer temperature indicator, and two lamps replace it. A row of lamps with letters shows what position the gear selector is in, not which gear is engaged. The letter P means parking, R - reverse, N - neutral, D - forward movement in all gears, 2 - use of the first two gears, L - movement in first gear.

Turn signal lamps. The flashing of the lamp indicates in which direction the turn indicator is turned on. When the alarm is on, both lights flash. If the lamp flashes at a double frequency, then this means that the external turn signal has burned out.

Lamp of emergency level of a brake liquid. Lights up when ignited, goes out when the engine starts. If it stays on, you need to check the amount of fluid in the brake reservoir. If the brake pads are worn, the fluid level will decrease and the light will come on, so check the pads first. If you do not pay attention to this bulb, you can be left without brakes. Sometimes combined with a hand brake indicator.

Parking brake lamp. When the ignition is on, it always lights up when the handbrake is raised. Warns the driver to release the parking brake, otherwise the car will accelerate poorly and consume a lot of fuel.

Seatbelt warning light. Lights up when ignited and will not go out until the seat belts are fastened. If there are airbags, it is better to buckle up to reduce the impact on the airbag in the event of an airbag deployment.

Liquid level lamp in the wiper reservoir. A serviceable lamp lights up when the engine is started and goes out when the engine is started. Informs about the need to add fluid to the tank.

Lamp for switching on the automatic transmission winter mode. It should light up after pressing a special button. The light indicates to the driver that the car is moving away, bypassing the first gear - immediately from the second. This is necessary to avoid slipping during heavy snowfall or in icy conditions. If the road is treated with anti-icing agents, then this mode is not necessary.

Front fog lamp indicator. Lights up when the dimensions, low and high beams are on. The light is on - the fog lights are on.

Rear fog light indicator. Lights up after pressing the corresponding button and notifies that the rear fog light is on. Not found on most right hand drive cars.

Rear window heating indicator. Functions when the ignition is on, turns on with a button and indicates that the heated rear window is on.

Catalyst overheating lamp. When the ignition is turned on, it lights up, when the engine starts, it goes out. A lamp that lights up while the engine is running indicates an overheating of the catalyst due to some kind of engine malfunction. If the battery and rear lamp malfunction indicators also light up with it, then the generator is probably not working.