I have a crooked nose, what should I do? Humped nose: how to solve an aesthetic problem

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A hump on the nose is just an external feature of a person, which everyone treats differently. Many are proud of it, considering it a kind of highlight, an original detail, an indicator of belonging to a certain family. And others, on the contrary, have complexes, wanting to get rid of the defect at all costs. Today we will try to figure out whether it is possible to solve the problem without resorting to surgery, and, if so, how to do it.

Hump: reasons for its appearance

Like any other, this characteristic feature can be either congenital or acquired. The method of getting rid of it depends on the characteristics of its formation, size, and severity. Where does the hump on the nose come from?

  1. Hereditary factor. Often, people inherit a hooked nose. It is a characteristic feature for some peoples, so getting rid of it most often means losing your own individuality. In addition, a hump due to heredity can usually only be removed through surgery. And, unlike all other cases, this will be exclusively plastic surgery.
  2. Injury. The second most common way to get a hump nose. You only need to hit it once or, even worse, break it, and the very delicate cartilage tissue will begin to grow and this is the result - a hump that was not observed on your nose at birth. Unlike hereditary, it becomes a threat to health: it interferes with normal breathing, contributes to complications such as sinusitis, etc. This deficiency is already becoming necessary to remove.
  3. Damage to osteochondral tissue. The fact is that the nose is a very complex organ. Sometimes pathological processes can occur in its structure, which, even without injury, will lead to the growth of the hump. It can occur as a result of any disease or specific internal disorders.
  4. Physically determined factors. Finally, the hump may begin to grow due to constant mechanical stress on the bridge of the nose. For example, if you have been using glasses with very heavy frames for a long time. It puts pressure on the nose, rubs its tissues - and as a result, they begin to form an unsightly hump.

In any case, no matter what the reason for the defect, if you don’t like it and make you nervous, you need to get rid of it. Moreover, most likely, you simply cannot do without the intervention of a surgeon, because pathological changes occur in internal structures, and only a specialist can cope with them. But still, there are alternative methods that allow, if not completely getting rid of the hump on the nose, then at least visually reducing it or making it almost invisible. We'll talk about them below.

Of course, most people who dream of getting rid of a hump on the nose want to do without surgery. Unfortunately, most often you can’t go anywhere without the help of a specialist, because this is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a disorder that poses a threat to normal breathing and the proper functioning of the organ. That is why, if you have a hump due to injury or as a result of an illness, we advise you to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can assess what threat it poses to health, and whether it can be managed without intervention. We recommend not to delay solving this problem so as not to provoke chronic diseases.

However, if you know where your hump comes from, moreover, if you have had this feature of your appearance since birth, then you can fight on your own. The basis of winning tactics is camouflage. After all, if a defect cannot be completely removed, then it should be properly hidden. Therefore, the main methods are as follows:

  • Secret makeup techniques;
  • Special cosmetic facial gymnastics;
  • Injection method (with the help of a cosmetologist).

So, let's start the fight.

Secret Makeup Tricks
No wonder someone once said that cosmetics are a great thing. She can actually cope with most external imperfections, including a hump on the nose. Of course, the flaw itself will not go away, but you will disguise it so skillfully that no one will notice.

The main task is to highlight the base of the nose without drawing attention to its details. Let's figure out what this area is. The base of the nose is the place that is closest to the eyebrows; it is the place that attracts attention first. We highlight the area with a lighter foundation, while masking the hump itself with a product about 2 shades darker. This is followed by light shading, and that’s it; outwardly the defect is practically invisible.

You can resort to other tactics. It will be based on a red herring. Concentrate the other person's attention on other parts of the face. Hide your nose. To do this, makeup artists advise using either bright lipstick, when the main detail is the lips, or beautiful eye makeup, so that they attract the eye. You can also divert attention to a luxurious high hairstyle, behind which the hump will simply get lost.

Special cosmetic facial gymnastics
Exercises that are designed with a specific purpose can also help significantly. In connection with our question, we are only interested in those that help smooth out the hump on the nose and make it less pronounced. Surprisingly, there is a whole complex that solves the problem. It was developed by Carol Maggio, and the technique received quite positive assessments from many world cosmetologists. Exercises help not only to cope with the hump, but also to tighten the skin, straighten the oval of the face, make it more contoured and beautiful. However, there is one thing. These exercises will not help you if the defect is formed not by cartilage, but by bone tissue. In this case, there is only one way - to the surgeon. Well, in all others, it’s worth a try.

So let's get started:

  1. Basic exercise: pull in your stomach as much as possible, while tensing your gluteal muscles and hips as much as possible. Use your thumb and index finger to firmly grasp the bridge of your nose. Now you should squeeze your nose, gently, carefully, but with effort. At the same time, lower the lip down. Let's relax. We repeat the exercise.
  2. Second exercise: press your index finger on the very tip of your nose so that the main respiratory organ rises up. Hold it in this position for about 10 seconds. Release and repeat again.
  3. The main condition: do gymnastics at least twice a day, every day, without forgetting about it. Only then, after some time, you will see a positive effect.

In addition to these methods, there is also an injection method. It can only be used by a medical specialist and only in a medical facility. Essentially, these are injections of hyaluronic acid or collagen, which tighten structures, smooth out the relief, and give the skin radiance and youth. In medicine, the procedure is called “filler injection.” It is carried out for everyone who has no contraindications.

In general, a hump on the nose is a certain highlight, a feature of your appearance. Maybe by getting rid of it, you will also get rid of a certain charm that is unique to you? Think about it! Well, we wish you good health and spectacular appearance!

Video: how to fix a hump on the nose at home

A hump nose is a defect in which the upper line of the nose has an uneven contour, with a characteristic protrusion above the back (a hill-like growth is formed, consisting of bone and cartilaginous tissue).

There are many nationalities in the world for which a distinctive feature of the structure of the facial skull bones is a hump nose: these include Georgians, Armenians, Turks, Greeks and others. If for these peoples such a nose structure is natural, then for representatives of the Caucasian race this can be a serious problem. psychological problem. Often people of Slavic appearance who have a hump nose underestimate their self-esteem and consider such a structure to be an aesthetic defect, which makes them want to get rid of it.

Although a hooked nose is not a typical external feature for Europeans, it is found quite often - both among the stronger sex and among the fair half of humanity. Such a nose in childhood can cause ridicule from peers and develop in the child various complexes associated with appearance. The hump on the nose is especially noticeable when a person turns his head in profile.

A nose with a hump can not only be hereditary, but also be formed as a result of a previous injury: for example, when physical force acted on the thin cartilage of the nose in such a way that it led to its fracture or displacement, and subsequent treatment aimed at restoring the shape of the nose, was missing.

A person’s face is his “calling card”, which forms the first impression when meeting someone. The nose consists of cartilage and bones that protrude significantly forward and attract the main attention. In the case when a person has a hump nose, sooner or later he thinks about correcting this defect with the help of plastic surgery, especially if these are young people or those who, due to their duty, have to deal with a large number of strangers every day .

Turning to a plastic surgeon and removing the hump on the nose changes the overall appearance of the face: it acquires clear and harmonious lines, the eyes and cheekbones become more pronounced, and the person’s self-esteem increases several times.

Doctors note the fact that the presence of a defect in the form of a nose with a hump does not have a negative impact on respiratory function - provided that this is a congenital structure. If the defect is a consequence of an injury, then it is necessary to undergo an examination to ensure that there is no impairment of physiological abilities.

If we talk about the symptoms of a nose with a hump, we can highlight the following:

  • lack of a clear and even line of the nose;
  • the presence of a hill-like formation above the bridge of the nose;
  • unaesthetic appearance of the nose, distorting the profile of the face.

Types of nose shapes

The main components of the nose are the bridge of the nose, the back of the nose, the wings, the nostrils and the tip - they determine its type and shape. In medicine, the classification of nose shapes is based on ethnic characteristics, hence there are 5 main types of noses:

  1. “Greek” nose or classic nose shape, characterized by narrowed wings and a narrow, thin line;
  2. "Negroid" nose is characterized large sizes bones and significant, fleshy volume, large nostrils, wide open;
  3. “Mongoloid” nose is characterized by small size, slightly flattened;
  4. The “Roman” nose is characterized by a clearly defined thin middle line; this type is characterized by the presence of a hump, and, as a rule, it is clearly noticeable;
  5. The “Caucasian” nose is characterized by clear and pronounced lines of all constituent elements, in which in profile the nose descends at the base, just as with the previous type of nose, the hump is clearly noticeable.

Depending on the nature of the origin, a hump on the nose can be:

  • congenital - inherited and is a sign of race;
  • acquired - absent from birth, not a sign of race, appeared due to injury;

Depending on what race a person belongs to, a hump on the nose can be slightly noticeable or pronounced, and a person's nose can be long or short, narrow or wide.

Correction of the shape of the nose using rhinoplasty

In plastic surgery, correction of the shape and size of the nose is performed using rhinoplasty. The operation is a technically quite complex intervention and requires a high level of professionalism from the doctor, as well as careful preparation from the patient. The process of planning a surgical intervention affects all aspects: gender, age, individual characteristics of the structure of the nose, as well as the patient’s wishes regarding the final result of the operation. In professional clinics, clients undergo computer visualization of the results before the intervention, that is, the patient can evaluate the outcome even before the procedure.

There are also a number of contraindications in which rhinoplasty is not performed or its date is set at the time the contraindications are eliminated. The operation is not performed on people who suffer from diseases such as diabetes or chronic pathologies of internal organs. Particular care is taken when choosing medications, including anesthetics, if surgery is performed on a patient with possible allergic reactions. Intervention is contraindicated for people with bleeding disorders.

It is best to perform corrective surgery on patients who are between 18 and 40 years of age. Before the age of 18, the intervention is not performed, which is due to the incomplete formation of the bones of the facial skeleton, however, if necessary, if the defect is excessive and causes significant inconvenience to the patient, the procedure can be performed a little earlier. The upper age limit is due to the fact that after 40 years, a patient who has undergone rhinoplasty may develop complications in the form of deformities of the nasal bones. This is due to the natural aging process of the skin, when the metabolic and regeneration processes in it slow down, which leads to rejection of the new shape of the nose and the appearance of additional wrinkles and folds in this area.

During the process of rhinoplasty, the doctor can not only remove the hated hump, but also adjust the size of the nose, if necessary, to give the face the correct proportions.

The hump on the nose consists of bone and cartilage tissue; it is they that are removed during rhinoplasty, thereby making the bridge of the nose straight. Before the intervention, the surgeon will carefully examine the surgical area, and then determine how many incisions and in what places need to be made, as well as how long they will be. This approach is necessary to ensure that there are no unnecessary scars on the face.

The entire intervention takes place under general anesthesia in several stages.

  1. Making incisions in the inside of the nasal passages.
  2. Separation of soft tissues from bones and cartilage.
  3. Forming a pocket through which access to the hump will be provided.
  4. Removal of the nasal hump (excision of excess cartilage tissue).
  5. Cutting down bone tissue.

Upon completion of the main stages of rhinoplasty, the doctor moves all elements of the nose to a new, correct position. If necessary, the tip of the nose is adjusted (removal of excess skin and subcutaneous fat, correct location cartilage).

At the final stage, when all corrective manipulations are completed and stitches are applied, the new shape of the nose is fixed in the correct position using a plaster cast, the wearing of which is indicated for 7-10 days. To prevent nosebleeds, the passages are closed with medical tampons. For 2-3 days, due to tampons, you will have to breathe exclusively through your mouth.

The first results are visible after removing the plaster cast, the final results can be assessed after 6 months from the date of intervention. This time is necessary for complete healing and tissue restoration.

Complications of rhinoplasty

Possible complications after rhinoplasty are due to the insufficient level of professionalism of the operating doctor. These include damage to the skin and cartilage of the nose, damage to the bone structure, bleeding, and prolonged swelling.

What are the causes of a hooked nose? Basically, it is the female gender that is concerned about this non-standard nose shape, but guys also have nasal defects.

In their opinion, a hump on the nose spoils your overall appearance, as well as your career, relationships and mood.

The reasons for the formation of a hump depend not only on geographical and genetic factors, but also have an unnatural origin.

Often, humps are formed as a result of a severe fracture or bruise or injury. In absolutely any case, these defects can be removed.

Why a hump may form on the nose

If everyone in your family, including you, had a straight and neat nose, but it changed due to certain outside interference, then it is best to eliminate this problem as quickly as possible.

Even the slightest hump on the nose, which was formed unnaturally, threatens to turn into psychological trauma. Not every woman or girl is ready to see her appearance with a hump, which did not exist until a certain moment.

So, let's look at how and where a hump on the nose can form.

Remember that a lot depends on the aspect of perception of the shape of your nose:

  • If you are an optimistic person, then your nose will never bother you;
  • However, if you think about it, and from the very beginning you set yourself up for failure in love or career, so be it.

We hit our noses

Roman nose

A pronounced hump, the nose is short and thin. This look is considered classic, it can make the face a little strict, but not rude.
For example, Sophia Loren and Penelope Cruz have Roman noses.

Caucasian nose

It protrudes quite strongly, has a lowered base and a noticeable hump. Women don't really like this type. If a girl has such a nose, then over time she will become embarrassed, and she will be very angry about it.
For example, Jennifer Gray has a Caucasian nose.

A hump on a woman's face is not always ugly and rude. In most cases, the bulge becomes the highlight.

How to get rid of a hump

There are several ways in the world to get rid of a hump. There is a method of rhinoplasty, as well as other methods that do not involve surgery.

Only you can choose whether to get rid of the hump or not:

  • Contour plastic surgery – with the help of injections;
  • Correction with makeup;
  • Rhinoplasty is an operation or surgical intervention.

If you don’t like any of the above three methods, then there is another method that is no less effective. This method is designed only for the patient, and will require a person to spend a lot of time practicing about 2 times a day. every day.

Interesting: One of the authors and developers of the idea Carol Maggio recommends his method exclusively to those who have enough patience and whose hump formation was caused by injury. If you have a congenital hump, then, alas, such gymnastics will not save you.

Therapeutic gymnastics complex

  • Stretch your stomach as far as possible and tighten the muscles of your buttocks and thighs. At the same time, grab the bridge of your nose with your index finger and thumb and squeeze as hard as possible. In this case, it is necessary to lower the lower lip down and relax.
  • Press the tip of your nose with your index finger so that it rises up. Hold your nose in this position for five to ten seconds. Repeat the exercises up to thirty-five times.

Other correction methods


Makeup artists claim that nose correction with the help of successful makeup saves the situation quite well.

That is why, if the hump on your nose is not critical and does not cause you any problems or inconvenience, then we advise you to use makeup tips.

To hide a hump using decorative cosmetics, you need:

  1. Highlight the base of the nose (the area closer to the eyebrows) with a light tone, apply a darker tone to the wings and hump and blend. A clear lip contour and voluminous hairstyle can distract from the hump.
  2. Contour correction, or rather injections, is also a fairly good way, and she has very truthful comments. But this type of defect correction, for all its advantages, has a certain drawback. So, in order.


  • No recovery period;
  • Complete absence of side effects;
  • Affordable price;
  • Painless;

The operation is fairly quick, thirty minutes in the worst case scenario.


  • Reversibility of the process - the gel has the property of resorption. That is, after a certain period of time (about eight to nine months), the nose will return to its previous appearance.


Before you decide to have surgery, you need to know a very important point, which concerns not only the shape of your nose, but also the role of the hump in the usefulness of the respiratory process.

The natural cause of the formation of a hump on the nose can serve as a failure for rhinoplasty, because after surgical intervention difficulty breathing can be added to a number of consequences.

There are also contraindications to correcting the shape of the nose through surgery, namely if:

  • Viral diseases are present;
  • Diabetes mellitus is present;
  • There is poor blood clotting;
  • There is inflammation of the skin in the nose area;
  • Oncological diseases are present;
  • Are you over forty or under eighteen?


Can a hump form when wearing glasses?

Maybe. However, if you are constantly wearing heavy-framed glasses on your nose. To minimize the chance of developing a hump, you should choose glasses with light frames.

Can the problem reappear after rhinoplasty?

Unfortunately, a large number of surgical interventions to correct the shape of the nose do not go as well as we would like, so yes, it is possible.

Important: We advise you to choose your plastic surgeon very carefully. The specialist who performs rhinoplasty must be highly qualified and guarantee you that there will be no need to repeat the correction.

Can a hump disappear without gymnastics and surgery?

No, the nose itself will not be able to return to its original state, so we advise you to consult a specialist. First, contact an ENT specialist.

Most likely, you will be sent for an x-ray, and based on this, further measures will be taken to treat your nose.

Each person has his own rules, quirks and complexes. Most girls are very worried about their appearance. The most common cause of dissatisfaction is the nose, namely its shape. Sometimes it’s not turned up like that, sometimes it’s very long, sometimes the bridge of the nose is not the same.

We propose to take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of noses with mounds.

Where did this come from?

Probably, many have noticed that the inhabitants of the mountainous region have a very “outstanding” sense of smell. According to anthropologists, only about 10% of the population living in the mountains can “boast” of a concave nose shape. On flat terrain the picture is completely different; there are more snub-nosed and flat-nosed inhabitants.

Based on these figures, a theory was put forward that the relief of this organ is influenced by the altitude of a person above sea level. Where the air is thinner and gravity is higher, it is more convenient to have a hump nose. The following information can be cited in favor of this theory.

After making comparisons, a strange pattern was identified among people living in mountainous areas. Residents of the western slopes (height up to 300 m) have concave or straight bridges of the nose, while those who live on the eastern side (height up to 1000 m) have a convex bridge.

According to the theory, the mound on the bridge of the nose became more prominent from generation to generation as the mountains grew, this also applies to the young hills in the Caucasus, which are still “growing”.

A comparison of anthropological and geological data so far indicates the correctness of the conclusions, and gravity still has some effect on the organ of smell. But this is just a theory and is still in development. But scientists can find out the character by the shape of the olfactory organ today.

The meaning of the hump on the bridge of the nose

What does a hump on the nose mean?

Experts distinguish 4 types of noses:

  • small, the bulge is located high;
  • sloping;
  • Greek;
  • elongated.

So it’s not just the hump nose that influences character, its shape itself is important. Many people try to change their appearance and get rid of the hated bulge. How can I do that?

How to get rid of a hump?

For a girl, a hooked nose often becomes a reason for dissatisfaction with her appearance, so many are ready to remove this defect by any means necessary.

And there are not so many of them, only 3:

  • cosmetics and hairstyle;
  • massage;
  • rhinoplasty.

If a woman is not yet in the mood to change anything radically, then simple techniques will help to visually reduce the size. So, how to hide a hump on your nose? You can use make-up techniques.

  1. For the bridge of the nose, use dark-colored powder or tonic; for the wings of the nose, use lighter colors. The transition between colors is carefully shaded. In makeup, the main emphasis is either on bright lipstick or expressive eye design.
  2. You should also pay attention to the shape of your eyebrows and hairstyle. The first one is painted dark. Under no circumstances should eyebrows be plucked completely or under “strings”. They should have an acceptable width; they can be shaped like an arc or have a slight bend.
  3. The hump will become less noticeable if the hairstyle is middle length and without bangs. The front strands should smoothly frame the face, and the hair at the back can be slightly raised. High braids, ponytails and buns will suit you, the main thing is to let out a couple of strands on the sides on one side and the other.
  4. If you want to remove the bulge not only visually, but you don’t have enough determination for the operation, then you can try massage. It is done daily and does not require special skills. The handkerchief is heated with an iron, folded several times and the bridge of the nose is heated for 2-3 minutes. After this, forcefully press the middle finger on the convex place and count to 30. Release and press again. Do 2-6 repetitions, this will take from 1 to 3 minutes. It is necessary to ensure that the pressure is uniform over the entire surface of the bulge, but moderately strong, it should not hurt. Thanks to the plasticity of cartilage, after a couple of weeks of regular exercise, the hump will become significantly smaller.
  5. Well, celebrities are used to solving such problems radically, that is, with the help of operations. Nose surgery is called rhinoplasty and is considered a very complex procedure that has its negative consequences. They undertake to do it to people from 18 to 40 years old under general anesthesia. The defect is eliminated in several stages, each of which can be called jewelry work.

With such a correction, not only the cartilage is removed, but also part of the bone component is cut down. After this, a new spout is formed and secured in the desired position. Negative consequences include difficulty breathing due to formed adhesions and loss of smell.

Which star got his nose fixed and do you need it?

Knowing all the methods for removing a hump on the nose, a person can make a responsible decision about the future fate of his organ of smell. If it does not spoil life with its existence, then visual measures to reduce it are sufficient; as a last resort, you can try massage. The decision about surgery must be made with full responsibility.

According to statistics, a quarter of those who have had rhinoplasty are still dissatisfied with their nose and go under the knife again and again. What this leads to can be seen in the latest photographs of Michael Jackson. He was an excellent singer, but he went a little overboard with the plastic.

Which celebrity with a hump nose has become straight? Among the domestic stars, these are Kristina Orbakaite, Ksenia Sobchak and Abraham Russo. From foreign countries, Nicolas Cage, Megan Fox, Jennifer Aniston and Lady Gaga can be convicted of rhinoplasty. All these public people at one time got rid of the bulges on the bridge of their nose.

Love yourself and your body parts, be proud of all the bulges and prominent areas, and then the people around you will treat you with affection, and your shortcomings will become your advantages!

Unfortunately, not every representative of the fair sex is satisfied own appearance. For example, most owners of a hump nose are constantly embarrassed by this. A girl's nose with a hump may indicate certain character traits. It can testify to the lady’s resilience, her prudence and courage. However, often women are interested, is it possible to somehow improve an unattractive profile, and how to do it.

Why does a hump appear on the nose?

This formation, which appears on the nasal dorsum, contains both cartilage and bone tissue. Hump ​​on the nose does not pose any danger to the body and does not complicate the respiratory function, and its removal is resorted to solely for aesthetic reasons.

Those who want to solve this problem must first learn about the main reasons why it occurs. Having a hump on the nose in a girl it can be caused by trauma or heredity. For some peoples, this formation is considered a national trait. This applies to Arabs, Turks, Dagestanis, Greeks, Georgians, Circassians and Tajiks.

In 70 percent of cases with a bruised nose swelling It goes away on its own in a few days. If there is a violation of the integrity of the cartilage or bones, then they may grow together incorrectly, resulting in a noticeable thickening.

When can you resort to surgery?

You can remove a hump from your nose using makeup, massage treatments and rhinoplasty. Before turning to surgical intervention to solve the problem once and for all, you should understand at what age people can resort to this radical method.

To roughly imagine the result, you need to consult with a plastic surgeon who will conduct a computer modeling of the shape of your nose. It is advisable to resort to surgery between the ages of eighteen and forty years. Rhinoplasty is not recommended in young people, since the growth of cartilage and bone tissue at this time is still ongoing. People should also not have nose jobs over forty years old. This is due to the fact that at this time there is a high probability of deformation after surgery.

Features of the rhinoplasty procedure

The rhinoplasty procedure includes several stages. The purpose of this surgical intervention is to eliminate the protruding cartilage and bone. To begin with, the specialist makes an incision nasal passages to facilitate access to the operated area. Then the hard tissues are separated from the skin and mucous membrane, after which the bone part is corrected. If there is only a small protrusion, the doctor uses grinding. Large humps require excision of excess cartilage.

Next, the entire structure is securely fixed in a certain position, and a gypsum bandage. To stop the flow of blood, tampons or cotton wool are placed in the nostrils. At first after plastic surgery, many patients experience breathing difficulties, which disappear after the swelling is eliminated and the cotton swabs are removed. During the rehabilitation period, specialists prescribe special physiotherapeutic procedures. In addition, the patient will be forced to adhere to a special regime. All this helps to avoid very unpleasant complications.

Possible problems and contraindications

A specialist who cuts the skin in the wrong place is at great risk. Such an oversight often causes a disruption in the contact of the lateral cartilages, which will cause the nose to become unsteady.

Too strong opening of the frontal sinuses may lead to respiratory tract infections. A highly skilled surgeon will make every effort to prevent excessive grinding of cartilage tissue. Otherwise, the patient will again have to resort to surgery to restore the nasal dorsum.

The full results of plastic surgery can be seen only after six to seven months. As a rule, people are satisfied with the changed shape of the nose, since the complications mentioned above are observed in very rare cases. As for contraindications, there are few of them:

  • allergic reactions to medications;
  • mental disorders;
  • serious illnesses.

Is it possible to remove a hump without surgery?

Special gymnastic exercises that have been developed can also help solve the problem of a humped nose. Carol Maggio. This technique helps to slightly improve the shape of the olfactory organ. These exercises are easy to do. They can be performed in any position:

  • lying down;
  • sitting;
  • one hundred I;
  • on the go, etc.

So, press your index finger directly on the very tip of your nose so that it rises slightly upward. Then you need to stretch the upper lip along the lower lip, try to lower the nostrils. You need to make sure that at this time the nasal tip moves down, resisting the influence of the finger. Hold this position for five to seven seconds.

At the same time, your lips should be extremely relaxed and your breathing should be even. The exercise must be repeated thirty to forty times. For maximum effect, it is recommended to do such gymnastics a couple of times a day.

Massage and makeup

To get rid of a hump, self-medication and gymnastics are completely insufficient. In this situation, you can use the right makeup. Properly applied cosmetics can disguise an embarrassing defect. To visually straighten your nose, you need to lighten the front area of ​​the back, and make the sides slightly darker. For this purpose, you need to acquire powder of different shades. To achieve an ideal result, after applying makeup, it is advisable to matte the formation with special compounds.

You can also do massage treatments. This technique does not require special skills or expensive equipment. For massage, you need to take a heated handkerchief (with a hairdryer or iron) and place it on the hump. Then you need to press on the most prominent area and wait a minute. This action must be repeated six to seven times. If this procedure is done regularly, then after two to three weeks you can notice a positive result.