Gemini is a sign of the zodiac characteristic of a man full. Compatibility with the fire signs of the zodiac

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Many-sided and bright, open and friendly, fickle, but original. Describing a typical Gemini man in one word certainly will not work. You will not get bored with this person, but the price for his company is considerable.

Charming, erudite, extraordinary and very different. Yes, the Gemini man seems to serve as a living example of the fair truth that a talented person is talented in everything. Of course, he has his own little weaknesses and quirks, and life with such a person is unlikely to be quiet and calm. But you certainly won't get bored with him. Yes, and it is quite possible to find an approach to his twin heart. It is only necessary to apply diligence, multiplied by boundless imagination. And about how to do it - right now.

Gemini (lat. "Gemini") is the third sign of the zodiac, which takes the baton from the calf and passes it on to cancer. These people were born, perhaps, at the most wonderful time of the year - the time when spring gives way to summer, and the hot season finally sets in in nature. Sign symbol exactly matches its name - two twins standing next to each other.

The element of the sign is air, which means a thirst for change, an inquisitive mind, sociability and endless creativity for the sake of creativity. It's interesting that lucky flowers for twins, are quite far from each other shades of saturated yellow, classic purple and dark gray. Apparently, it cannot be otherwise, because we are dealing with the most diverse sign of the zodiac, which combines sometimes incompatible thoughts, views and beliefs.

Talisman stones-, rare chrysoprase and pomegranate. It is they who give patronage and inspire new creative ideas. In the case of twins, this is very important, because the main enemy for them is not at all material, but rather spiritual problems - the very crisis of ideas and banal boredom.

Gemini is patronized by the first planet our solar systemMercury. He is responsible for thinking and leadership qualities. Mercury receives the most energy from the Sun, which is why the twins tend to shine everywhere. They need our attention, like in the air, because without social contacts these people simply plunge into the darkness of gray being.

That is why among famous people, whom we know under the sign of the twins, almost all became famous as public figures and inventors. These are John F. Kennedy and Peter the Great, Bob Dylan and Morgan Freeman, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Ernesto Che Guevara. In a word, the list is endless, and only a small fraction of these, without exaggeration, bright, talented and extraordinary personalities has been collected here.

Ernesto Che Guevara

Gemini man: what you need to know about his character

Interestingly, the Gemini man is the only representative of the strong half of humanity who has more than one or even two characters. The richest palette of his emotions, manifestations of personality allows us to say that he lives several lives at the same time. Moreover, the set of necessary functions is replaced by others so quickly that it is almost impossible to keep track of this.

Movement is life

Yes, the twin does not sit still. It is much more plausible to imagine rain in December than that this man will calmly do the same job for many years. The only exceptions will be creative professions, which involve a constant change of events and an abundance of unforeseen situations that require ambiguous decisions.

Are the twins hungry for change? No, they just live by them. It can be said without exaggeration that these people really strive to make every day special, completely different from the previous one. Gemini is an eternal wind, beautiful, fresh air, filled with a floral aroma. These people do not admire the rainbow - they live on the rainbow.

Many-faced chameleon

To individuals who constantly change their point of view, there is often a rather negative attitude. And absolutely in vain. After all, creativity, the search for truth is not at all a technology for laying bricks. Yes, twins are ambiguous, even contradictory, they can live several lives at once on the same day. But that's only for one reason. They strive for perfection.

These people are not afraid to express their opinion, but the most interesting thing is that they are not afraid to break their own word. On the one hand, this is very impractical, but on the other hand, this is how all great ideas arise. Gemini men, perhaps like no one else, understand that true creativity is almost always born in pain, but it also gives amazing results.

Therefore, the variability of the twin should be treated less painfully. Moreover, he does not even think of offending someone and treats close people with great human respect. That is why you can forgive him for some weaknesses.

Open to the whole world

The Gemini man always has an open, sociable nature. He adores people and comes into this world without negativity or excessive suspicion. Perhaps, the character of this person can be most accurately described by comparing it with the image of the cartoonish Carlson - a carefree hero who knows how to enjoy life and does little pranks that, in essence, do no particular harm to anyone.

Attitude towards work and money

Everything related to the strict laws of finance and savings is not the strongest side of the twin. Yes, on the one hand, this guy is very reasonable and adequate in his assessments. But on the other hand, today he can talk about his projects, regular castles in the air, and tomorrow he can spend a good half of his savings in order to simply take a break from righteous deeds.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin with his wife Natalya

Gemini love to live life to the fullest, so you certainly can’t suspect them of hoarding. That is why this man needs, rather, a mistress wife, a prudent, wise wife who will lower her faithful to the ground in time. At the same time, this must be done so delicately that he does not have any suspicions about external interference in personal affairs.

As for work, the twins relate to the regime, discipline and routine in a very peculiar way. They are not anarchists at all and will never go against established rules. But the twin has no desire to observe them either. Therefore, work with a constant change of place, people, events is his path. Creativity, unknown paths, extraordinary incidents that can unsettle another man, the twins will not be embarrassed. And if at the same time there is an opportunity to express himself, to realize his fantasy, we can say that this is his twin happiness.

How to please this unusual guy twins

The many-sided twins, no matter how strange it may sound, are quite easy to like. First of all, it is important to be yourself. What this guy definitely dislikes is stiffness, stiffness, an accentuated display of distance and a sense of boundaries. The stars recommend very simple, but at the same time effective tips that will perfectly help not only to establish contact with this unusual person, but also to win his heart for sure:

  1. First of all, it is important to understand that the twin is constantly looking for food for his mind. This person doesn't care what you think. It is completely wrong to simply put all the decisions on his shoulders. Even the choice of purely feminine things like clothes, makeup and similar charms is best shared with a twin. It is not at all necessary to seriously listen to his recommendations. But if you constantly ask questions to such a curious man, at least it will add fuel to the fire of his interest in your person.
  2. Use the weapon of the twin - it is peculiar, bright and constantly changing, so you start your seven Fridays in the week. Believe me, this approach will not disappoint him at all, but on the contrary, he will be pleased. Yes, the twins are much more interested in the unpredictability of life than its stability.
  3. Take your twin to social events, visits, exhibitions, museums, theaters. In a word, wherever you can show yourself and look at people. After all, it was in this rhythm of life that he got used to exist.
  4. Finally, remain a mystery to him. After all, this is what you can constantly feed his mind. There should always be a couple of trump cards in your pocket that you need to keep secret at all times. Dexterous intellectual moves, verbal traps in which he, the hitherto invincible twin, suddenly finds himself caught - this is the right way to the heart of such a man.

John F Kennedy with his wife Jacqueline

What can hurt a twin

In general, the twins are very peaceful, non-conflict creatures who do not even think of offending someone. Of course, we all have bad days. But the twin is one of those people who are good at hiding their emotions, if they only wish. Therefore, it is not enough to offend them. But to scare away - it's easier than ever.

First of all, numerous routine duties, constant responsibility for making decisions can be a heavy burden on the shoulders of the twins. It is better not to allow this, unless, of course, you are considering this person seriously.

The twins absolutely cannot stand it if their will is literally pushed through them, some kind of solution is imposed on them. Here are cunning diplomatic maneuvers, sophisticated verbal manipulations - that's all right. But no brute force, ultimatums and whims - they just fall into anguish from this approach.

Who is suitable for twins, and who is not very

You might think that all people in the world are suitable for such a spring, smiling person, because his accommodating character will optimally fit into almost any conditions. However, not everything is as simple as it might seem. After all, the image of a public twin and a private twin are two different versions of the same book. And not the fact that they will have a common content.

Of course, the transformation of a twin, cute in public, into a great and terrible tyrant in the family is an unlikely story. However, it should be understood that this person requires a special approach to himself. Moreover, the lady will have to come to terms with his peculiar understanding of life and a certain impracticality, which will manifest itself a little more often than we would like: from domestic troubles to an extraordinary approach to the family budget.

We can say that if the half is ready to accept the twin exactly as he is, this will be the most successful and fruitful idea. After all, this person, although he knows how, but does not like to pretend at all. He is looking for a girl with a light, simple disposition, who at the same time loves word games and does not strive for stability for the sake of stability.

As for compatibility with specific zodiac signs, here the picture offered by the stars looks like this:

  1. The optimal partner for a Gemini man is this. She is his astrological opposite. Archer is smart, charming and assertive. She has the same fire in her hands that will constantly inspire the sometimes despondent twin. The main thing is not to overdo it with the temperature - after all, a big fire burns, not warms. As for compatibility with other fire signs of the zodiac, the situation here is somewhat worse. The twin will not understand the imperious manners of the lion, and the assertiveness of the ram can scare away.
  2. It's great if the twin connects his life with. They will have excellent psychological contact almost immediately, and even quarrels will not be able to undermine their relationship, unless they start arguing for the sake of arguing. On the other hand, this is not such a practical option - in such a union, the everyday side of life can constantly hang over like a sword of Damocles, because of which the union will only lose. Another air sign of the zodiac, Libra, also has a chance of good understanding, but this girl's secular manners may be incomprehensible to a simpler twin.
  3. Representatives of the earth signs of the zodiac - Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo - are not at all suitable for air twins. It's just that these people are drawn to the stability and predictability of their lives. And the changeability of such a fickle man will only annoy them.
  4. Finally, aquatic cancer, fish and scorpion may not understand the twin, just like he does them. It's just that water signs are very closed, and their feelings are incredibly vulnerable. One unevenly spoken word can give rise to real resentment, which will be sincerely incomprehensible to the Gemini man, who has an incredibly quick-witted character.

twins in bed

External coldness, some restraint of the twin is nothing more than a myth when it comes to intimate fun. This man approaches everything creatively, and the bed is no exception. It is ideal for ladies who prefer a sweet sense of intrigue. Geminis have amazing imagination and can put on a whole show with a cleaner end result than any romance novel.

On the other hand, you need to be prepared for the fact that sex for twins is not at all a priority. If a girl cannot offer such a man intellectual food, replacing it with intimate amusements, the approach will work for a while. But prospects in this case are not observed.

Gemini man ... he is many-sided and therefore beautiful. For those who are looking for real diversity and eternal movement towards perfection, who care much more about the process than the result, they are in the right place.

The Gemini man is the person who always remains emotionally restrained, keeps any situation under control. This person is usually a loner, trying to stay apart from the crowd or the team. But this does not prevent him from having a hardened, strong character and unshakable will.


The mystery of this man under the sign of Gemini attracts, conquers and bribes women. They try to unravel this man, but not everyone succeeds. A man under the constellation Gemini has a huge inner strength that can both attract and frighten. Gemini men often behave very aloof, are in their own thoughts, sometimes they simply do not react to the world around them. Their uniqueness lies in their straightforwardness. It is easy for this man to put a person in his place, to lower the self-esteem of even the most self-confident. Zodiac Gemini man is devoid of hypocrisy, so people try to listen to him.

The Gemini horoscope characterizes a man as a charming smart guy. There are many feminine qualities in his character. He believes that he knows absolutely everything, is strong in any subject, from cross-stitch to nuclear physics.

Gemini, although not always showing it, will gladly discuss current gossip. Therefore, it is difficult for him to keep secrets, it is simply difficult for him to keep information in himself. In anger, he will definitely betray the weaknesses of his enemy, in a small talk he will inadvertently set up his best friend and will not even notice.

The Gemini man, due to his nature, is unlikely to be a leader. Yes, he especially does not want this, unless he has found a case that completely absorbed his thoughts and soul. Any setbacks can piss this guy off, but he cools off just as quickly. Often starts several things at the same time, but does not achieve success in any of them. A man needs to constantly occupy himself with something, to do some business.

The peculiarity of this controversial zodiac sign Gemini for a man is that phenomenal laziness complements this description. Looking at Gemini, you can sometimes see two completely different people who are fighting for the dominant role in his character. A man under the sign of Gemini can remain very nice, which he knows very well and therefore uses.


The character of the Gemini man is very peculiar. He needs a girl who can obey, no doubt, he loves this very much. But at the same time, she should not lose her firmness and strength of character, otherwise the guy will simply lose interest in her. For life, he chooses beautiful and well-groomed ladies. The compatibility of the Gemini man is almost perfect with Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini and Cancer.

Aries. The Gemini man's compatibility with this woman is very low. This self-confident, stubborn, persistent, appreciating constancy and confidence woman always tries to become a leader in these relationships. Even if there is some attraction or a spark, it all quickly disappears. Indeed, the Gemini men encroach on the freedom, and he is not ready to part with it.

Taurus. Restrained and calm Taurus women can easily win the heart of a representative of the air constellation and linger in it for a long time. But for this you need to be able to adapt to his character. Her desire for reliability and constancy will oppress the guy.

Twins. In a couple where there are two Gemini, very complex and unusual relationships can arise. They very rarely develop into marriage. All due to the fact that it is very difficult for both people to find compromises, after a quarrel no one is ready to go to make peace first. Inconstancy, windiness, increased emotionality prevent them from being in a relationship for a long time.

Crayfish. A Cancer woman with a calm character is not an ideal choice for a Gemini man. He is looking for a slightly different one for himself, but in some cases their couple can be successful. The Cancer girl can be very understanding, will not restrict the freedom of her man, provide him with personal space and be able to accept his shortcomings, give care and support. The main thing is for a woman to be able to attract the attention of this man and make him fall in love with herself.

A lion. By itself, the Leo woman is distinguished by a difficult and wayward character. It is unlikely that she will endure the windiness and various antics of the Gemini man. She wants to become the main one in the relationship, but the inconstancy of the chosen one and love of freedom can become a huge obstacle. Conflicts are typical companions of the union, which will eventually lead to separation.

Virgo. There is practically nothing in common between these two signs, both simply do not represent a relationship with each other, with windy and fickle people.

Scales. With Libra, a Gemini man can have perfect marriage compatibility if they can overcome difficulties and obstacles.

They lack only mutual understanding. With him, their relationship stabilizes. They are very easy with each other, as their characters are very similar, as well as tastes, interests, passions, desires. With a high probability, they are provided with a happy and long life together.

Scorpion. A very unusual, dangerous and explosive relationship with a Scorpio woman. Feelings can flare up here at first sight, but this will not help them get a happy life together. The tough and demanding nature of the girl will definitely not please the Gemini, because there is a threat to their freedom and interests.

Sagittarius. Sagittarius and Gemini also have a high chance of creating a good strong relationship that develops into marriage. The guy is always attracted to ladies like Sagittarius - bright, bold fighting, with a good sense of humor. Their couple can find harmony, you need to give support to each other. And no one will fight for the leader's place here.

Capricorn. Lady Capricorn is not an easy person. She will always try to remake a man for herself. But with an air sign, this is simply not possible. It must be accepted and reconciled with character. Romance and interest in this couple disappear very quickly, and such relationships become meaningless.

Aquarius. Despite the fact that the Aquarius woman and the Gemini man have completely different characters, they always have something in common. It is very difficult for them to build a serious relationship, but if mutual love has arisen, then most likely it will always be so. An Aquarius woman can make a guy really happy.

Fish. A very feminine Pisces girl is always attractive to the air element, she will not limit the freedom of a guy. They can make a strong couple.

In love

Anxiety haunts the Gemini man in work, love and friendship. He greatly appreciates the feeling of freedom both from himself and from society. At heart, the Gemini man is a real romantic, and on the outside, he is also not shy about showing his feelings. Able to surprise his beloved with pleasant and impressive surprises filled with romance. A man under the sign of Gemini is always in search of fresh and rich emotions. Because of this, a Gemini man in love cannot always remain faithful. It sometimes seems to him that it is another woman who can give him the missing emotions in life. Although in fact he himself does not really know what he lacks.

The Gemini man is a very passionate partner in bed who is ready to experiment. However, not all Gemini men are traitors.

Those of them who have a good upbringing, sexual satisfaction, and are also afraid of catching some kind of disease are unlikely to be able to decide on this. He is used to leveling his woman by himself: if he himself admits thoughts of betrayal, then his wife is capable of such behavior. Because of this, he can turn into a terrible jealous.

To get a man like Gemini, in love, a woman does not need to be distinguished by something special. It is enough to be able to cook well to instantly attract this man. But even a small mistake or flaw in the kitchen will become an occasion for constant banter, mockery and reminders from the Gemini man. However, a woman cannot bind this man to herself as a child. He will really love the child, but feelings for his mother, who decided on such manipulations, will disappear forever.

The Gemini man tries to choose for himself open, easy-to-communicate, simple girls who are his complete opposite. The representative of the air sign is far from the best interlocutor. He listens more than he talks.

Girls should be aware of the features and characteristics of the sign of the Gemini man. After all, it can be very changeable. This quality will be reflected in the present life. Today he falls asleep with flowers, gifts, compliments and surprises, and then abruptly disappears for several days, not even considering it necessary to apologize for it.


In a marriage with a Gemini man, a woman can be calm, because her chosen one is monogamous. A Gemini man does not need much time to offer his girlfriend to legitimize the relationship. After a short period, he does this not because of impulsiveness or thoughtlessness. He just wants to strengthen the connection in the relationship, to show how much he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis choice. Marriage does not change the feelings and attitude of this Gemini man at all, there will always be a spark, sharpness, intensity, mutual affection.

A man under the sign of Gemini is distinguished by rationality of thinking. He is very confident in himself, but in the family he is quite satisfied with the role of an unofficial leader. It is not difficult for him to concede to his wife the decision-making on key issues, but he always reserves the main word for himself.

But this guy has another side to his character. A Gemini man in marriage tries to stay free as long as possible. Family evenings and holidays are not what this man needs. He is interested in constantly re-winning his chosen one, then he will truly feel happy.

Gemini man, whose characteristic is in the variability of character, and in family life will keep their habits. For example, he may abruptly find urgent business and leave home. It will be useless for the wife to try to stop him or even worse to follow. It is better for her to put up with such a trait of his.

Gemini man horoscope

Gemini Man: Appearance

A lot of men are slender, graceful and dexterous in their movements. Nature endows them with a beautiful appearance, which changes little with age. Even mature Gemini can look youthful. People of this zodiac sign pay quite a lot of attention to their appearance, because it helps them look decent in society.

These are people with refined taste, excellent manners, skillfully emphasizing their advantages with the help of clothes. In ordinary life, they prefer comfortable clothes, often in a sporty style, they despise conventions and formalities. Often they like bright, but at the same time darker, deeper colors. Gemini men use lightly scented perfumes that emphasize their individuality.

Gemini men - a characteristic of behavior

Gemini is considered one of the most intelligent signs. These men are smart, diversified, informed about everything in the world, they know the latest news from various fields. They are aimed at the knowledge of life, and it constantly provides them with new chances for further development and communication. Many Gemini men are real favorites of the public, they really like to spend time in the company. They adapt incredibly easily to unfamiliar people, they usually have a huge number of contacts with people from different parts of the world. They give preference in communication to those who are intellectual equals for them.

Gemini men have the gift of a talented storyteller, which helps to maintain an image. Their way of life is constant movement, their environment changes periodically. Gemini love to travel, have a rich imagination, removing them to some extent from reality. They are sweet and spontaneous, but as the horoscope warns, the Gemini man is not the kind of person whose promises can be relied upon.

Gemini sign - a man in work and career

Gemini man in love

Gemini are very attractive in the eyes of the weaker sex, but they are greedy not so much for female beauty, but for intellectual and spiritual development. For many of them, a deep, real feeling is simply scary, so they hide behind a shield of light flirtation and irony, not allowing themselves to seriously fall in love. The intentions of the Gemini always remain a secret, they do not allow anyone to encroach on personal freedom and do not even reveal themselves to their loved ones.

Gemini man in sex

Unlike men of many other signs, representatives of this do not put sex at the forefront of love, family relations. The twins are not endowed with great talents in this area, in addition, they are rather selfish in the intimate sphere of life; women are often offended that they love themselves in a relationship with them. These men are not one of those who are ready for follies and violent passions.

Characteristics of a Gemini man in marriage

A trip to the registry office and long years of living together do not re-educate the Gemini, they remain unpredictable. Diversity does not have to be manifested in something fun and pleasant for a woman, but she definitely won’t be bored, changes will accompany their entire life together. Gemini often look for an excuse to be away from home, and trying to "tame" them only hurts the relationship.

At the same time, these men need to be constantly taken care of, cared for, and given affection. Women next to them, ready to play such a role, usually understand that they can’t count on more, but they consciously make a choice.

Gemini zodiac sign - male host

Geminis are able to earn big money, but they are not focused on accumulation, their finances flow like sand through their fingers. Metamorphoses are also possible: if the young Gemini can turn out to be a very generous person, then it is possible that over the years he will become a complete miser. The twins are not the best hosts, they are practically indifferent to how clean, equipped with everything necessary for their house, because their main interests are concentrated outside it.

Zodiac Signs: Gemini Man - Father

What to give a Gemini man

People of this zodiac sign are famous for their broad outlook, love for a variety of information, and a gift for a Gemini man can facilitate the process of receiving, storing, etc. For example, you can present him with a beautiful writing instrument, an electronic notebook, connect cable or satellite TV, subscribe to your favorite periodicals, pay for courses foreign language. True, in the latter case, you will have to choose a short training, because Gemini can quickly get bored with it. A great gift for Gemini men is fashionable office equipment, technical innovations of a different kind. Given the active lifestyle, love of travel, you can give Gemini something from sportswear or equipment, as well as everything that makes life even faster and more convenient, for example, a tablet or netbook, a hands-free system. Gifts for a Gemini man can be decorated with zodiacal symbols - this will make the recipients stand out from the rest of the crowd. People of this sign will gladly accept and appreciate the so-called cool gifts, but only from loved ones.

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Collected, calm, one who does not give in to emotions and always in control of any situation. Often kept apart from the team, but despite everything has an unshakable will and strength of character. Such people seem mysterious and this is what attracts attention to themselves, absolutely not demanding it. Every woman wants to solve the Gemini, but this is not so easy to do.

What is he, Gemini?

People born under the sign of Gemini have an incredible inner strength that both attracts and frightens. Sufficiently detached, constantly in their thoughts and simply unaware of the world around them, Gemini attracts with their uniqueness. Them straightness can disarm even the most confident person. Usually, the opinion of such people is listened to without fear of hypocrisy. Many girls will be flattered by the attention of a Gemini man, as they will not spend themselves on communicating with those who are unsympathetic to them.

How does he behave in love?

Gemini men in relationships usually prefer light and open people opposite to themselves. By their nature, they tend to be laconic, more likely to listen than speak.

Such people are very loving. If they let someone into their life, they want it to last as long as possible.

In the first and brightest period of the relationship, Gemini men do the most reckless things. Do not be surprised if you find a group of musicians led by your admirer under your window at night or if you cannot open the door, as it will be littered with hundreds of roses. Gemini men are ready to go to any lengths to win the love and recognition of their one and only.

Such people idealize their chosen one, forgiving her a lot, but here you need to be very careful. Innate justice and decency will never allow you to forgive betrayal in relation to what the Gemini guy believes in. In relation to their ideals, they are very reverent, so try to find out how this person lives.

Sign compatibility

The most successful combination for Gemini, both in communication and in love, is noted with Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius. The least compatible signs are Virgo and Pisces. Below is a table where the compatibility options for the signs of the Zodiac are considered in more detail.

Gemini man in sex

Gemini Man extremely resourceful in bed. They will always be driven by a thirst for experimentation. Regardless of how much time has passed since the moment you met, you will remain desired and loved. the Gemini guy in sex behaves quite liberated, but only with the person to whom he has already opened spiritually. This minimizes the fact of treason. Gemini without the need to assert themselves due to the large number of partners, it is much more interesting for them to come up with something new with someone they trust.

Gemini man in family life

As a rule, Geminis are monogamous. It is highly likely that your chosen one, belonging to the Gemini sign, after a short period of your communication, will offer to enter into an official relationship with him. This does not mean at all that this act is impulsive and thoughtless. The reason lies in the desire to further strengthen the connection between you, showing how much you are dear to him. Refusal for such a person will be perceived extremely painfully. The Gemini man in marriage is unlikely to change, and the sharpness and intensity in such a relationship will not go out very soon.

The Gemini man in the family, thanks to his rational thinking and self-confidence, tries to secure unofficial leader status. He will allow his wife, if necessary, to make key decisions, but the last word will still remain with the head of the family.

Famous Gemini Men

Thanks to the thoughtfulness, partly the detachment of the Gemini men, there are real geniuses among them. A lot of creative natures are born under this sign of the Zodiac.

  • Alexander Pushkin, born May 26 (June 6), 1799 - the famous Russian poet and prose writer, playwright.
  • Robert Schumann, born June 8, 1810 - famous German composer, conductor, music critic, teacher.
  • Vissarion Belinsky, was born under the sign of the Zodiac Gemini on May 30 (June 11), 1811 - the famous Russian writer, literary critic, publicist, philosopher.
  • Peter Carl Faberge, was born on May 18 (30), 1846 - the famous Russian jeweler.
  • Conan Doyle, born May 22, 1859 - famous Scottish and English writer.
  • Ernesto Che Guevara, born June 14, 1928 - famous Latin American revolutionary, commander of the Cuban Revolution of 1959, Cuban statesman.
  • James Paul McCartney, born June 18, 1942 - British rock musician, singer, composer, producer, one of the founders of The Beatles.
  • Johnny Depp, born June 9, 1963 - famous American actor, director, musician, screenwriter and producer.

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Orthodox calendar

Sunday, April 28, 2019(April 15 O.S.)

App. from 70 Aristarchus, Pud and Trofim (c. 67)
Saints' Day:
Mcc. Basilissa and Anastasia (c. 68). Mchch. Mesukeviysky - Sukhia and his squads: Andrei, Anastasia, Talale, Theodoret, Ivkhirion, Jordan, Kondrat, Lucian, Mimnenos, Nerangios, Polievkt, Jacob, Foki, Domentian, Victor, Zosima (100-130) (Georgian). Mch. Savva Gotfsky (372).
Memorial Day of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Shmch. Alexander Gnevushev presbyter (1930).
Easter (Bright) week is continuous.
Marriage is not performed during the Easter (Bright) week.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
In lit.: -Ap.: Acts 1:1-8 Ev.: John 1:1-17 For eternity: - John 20:19-25
Morning: - Ps.9-16; Ps.17-23

Liana Raymanova

It can be very difficult to understand that a Gemini man is in love. Representatives of this sign have a secretive and contradictory character, for a long time they are in no hurry to confess their love and even show the slightest signs of it. Such a peculiar psychology often confuses the chosen ones of Gemini guys, but they are still in no hurry to open the veil of mystery.

The representatives of the described sign are patronized by the element of Air. She endows her wards with a windy disposition, a craving for a constant change of surroundings. The planetary patron Mercury enhances these character traits of Gemini, in addition, endowing them with a sharp and inquisitive mind. In this regard, it is not difficult to understand what kind of women Gemini likes.

This guy's ideal girlfriend should be diversified personality with an original way of thinking.

For the wards of Mercury, the primary criterion for choosing a partner is her mental abilities.

If a woman manages to competently stand out with her intellect, then she will surely be able to win a Gemini man and attract him for a serious relationship later.

The appearance of the girl is not so important for the wards of Mercury. They may also be interested in ladies with an ordinary appearance, if at the same time they have a rich inner world. To understand how to please a Gemini guy, let's delve a little into the psychology of the representatives of this sign.

The appearance of the girl is not so important for the wards of Mercury

The dual sign is rightfully considered one of the most dynamic. Its representatives are very active, they love variety. In many ways, their lives are subject to chaos, because Gemini is too frivolous and fickle to follow schedules. Wards of Mercury are often late for meetings, they may forget about important dates. Therefore, you should not be very offended if such a man did not congratulate him on his birthday - this only speaks of the enthusiasm of his nature, but in no way about disparaging attitude with his hand.

The Gemini guy is a pronounced intellectual. He has a non-standard type of thinking, and competing with him in eloquence is a losing business. The tongue of the ward of Mercury is suspended very well, he can convince anyone of anything.

Gemini men are very concerned about the opinions of others, constantly striving to raise their authority in society

But instead of leadership qualities, they use their solid intellect for this. The versatility of interests encourages representatives of the dual sign to take on several things at the same time, and the changeable nature encourages them to quickly quit what they started and get carried away with new activities.

This factor often causes problems in the career field. The Gemini guy, having outstanding mental abilities, at first gives great prospects and seems to be the first candidate for the post of boss. But after working in one position for some time, he finds himself behind his competitors due to the inability to complete what he started. Failures do not provoke the representatives of the sign, but despond. It is difficult for them to get up after a serious fall.

But wards of Mercury are optimists in life, they are not able to grieve for a long time with nothing. As soon as an interesting prospect looms on the horizon, Gemini will plunge headlong into a new hobby, forgetting about all past failures. Representatives of this sign do not like routine, they need breaks from it. Therefore, they often arrange holidays for themselves, and rarely spend weekends at home.

The relationship of the Gemini man with women is not easy, because he is suspicious and secretive.

They adore the state of being in love, considering it inspiring and inspiring.

They are looking for love everywhere, but having met with it, they are not ready to part with their freedom.

A dual sign marks people who are contradictory with two opposite sides of their personality. One motivates Gemini to seek love, the other convinces them to cherish freedom. One is drawn to a quiet family life, the other to wild entertainment and intrigue. The Gemini man is torn between his own conflicting desires, but in the end he still makes a choice.

The representatives of the described sign are not alien to compassion, they are able to understand the emotions of other people. Therefore, they are in no hurry to amuse the chosen one with hope, having not finally decided on their plans for her. The behavior of a Gemini in love is almost no different from the everyday manner of communication, at least at the beginning of a relationship. Representatives of this sign are good at masking their feelings, at first doing just that. But later, the sympathy of the "dual" guys begins to find outward manifestations.

The Gemini man is torn between his own conflicting desires, but in the end he still makes a choice.

Signs of falling in love with a Gemini man

When the Gemini guy is finally convinced that he has fallen in love, his behavior is changing dramatically. He immediately releases all the emotions accumulated during the disguise. It's hard not to notice such an "avalanche".

The ward of Mercury shows his love in a variety of ways: he gives flowers and gifts, composes poems and songs, and sings his beloved praises incessantly. He does everything with maximum efficiency: if flowers, then a chic bouquet, if a gift, then luxurious and expensive, if poetry, then carefully thought out, deep.

The easiest way to identify the presence of sympathy in Gemini ̶ to analyze his compliments

If they are banal, then they are said only out of politeness. After all, a man of a dual sign, falling in love, becomes even more eloquent. His compliments are exquisite and original, he comes up with new combinations of praise for his beloved every day.

If a Gemini guy truly loves, then feelings come over him with great force. He may plunge into this pool so deeply that he wants to make adjustments in many aspects of his life: he will change his profession, change the style of clothing, move to another city, or do something else like that. But over time, you may regret it. Loving Gemini is inclined to idealize his soul mate, therefore, with a high degree of probability, he will be disappointed in her.

If a Gemini guy loves for real, then feelings come over him with great force

Gemini compatibility in love: what kind of girls does this man like?

Representatives of the air element are quick-witted, witty and well erudite. To make a Gemini fall in love, girl must match his level of development. The chosen one of the ward of Mercury should have not only high intelligence, but also a good upbringing. By nature, cheerful and sociable women suit him, he usually does not pay attention to others.

Gemini is attracted to self-confident girls who have their own opinion about everything and are not afraid to express it. Quiet and modest ladies seem too boring to him. The presence of common interests increases the chances of being liked by a man of a dual sign. As a rule, he has a whole bunch of different hobbies, so if you want a point of contact with him can find almost any girl.

Gemini guys love to conquer the opposite sex.

The more boyfriends a woman has, the more attractive she is to Gemini.

If the object of his sighing is already taken, the ward of Mercury with great excitement will begin to beat off the lady of the heart from a competitor.

"Air" men sympathize with open and benevolent girls, and they are afraid of impregnable ones. Gemini is not the most self-confident man, therefore, when meeting with a touchy person, he will hasten to bypass her. It is not so difficult to win his sympathy, but only a few are capable of building a serious relationship with him, and even more so, marriage.

How to keep a Gemini and prevent a breakup?

A man of a dual sign is a multifaceted personality with a complex character. His internal contradictions give rise to excessive demands on the opposite sex. It is desirable for a Gemini woman to have flexible and changeable disposition, adapting to circumstances. Otherwise, she will not be able to satisfy the numerous requests of her beloved.

A man of a dual sign is a multifaceted personality with a complex character

On the one hand, the chosen one should always know how to surprise her partner. Wards of Mercury need a regular "change of scenery", this becomes obvious even at the initial stages of a relationship. As soon as Gemini conquered the girl and got to know her better, interest in her noticeably subsides. Yesterday there was a fabulous evening with a candlelit dinner, but today the guy does not call, does not write, and generally ignores in every possible way. The situation is common, because representatives of a dual sign can stop loving a girl in record time.

Based on the way the active and romantic Gemini is courting, many girls simply do not believe that such feelings could quickly fade away. Abandoned women think that the guy is offended or that he has some problems.

Incorrect judgment leads them to an erroneous behavior - a desperate attempt to impose their company on a loved one. But a man with such behavior will move away even more, because it is almost impossible to return the Gemini with requests and persuasion. The more initiative the girl shows, the weaker his interest in her.

To keep Gemini, you need to constantly create emotional tension: intrigue, surprise, shock

If the chosen one behaves monotonously, she will quickly get bored with her beloved, and he will begin to look for diversity in other women.

An original demeanor is only the first guarantee of success. Second serve patience and care. Gemini men are vulnerable, require attention, respect and loud recognition of their merits. It is impossible to mention the shortcomings, otherwise the ward of Mercury will really be seriously upset. And if the Gemini is offended, then it can disappear for hours and even days in unknown places.

The reason for a quarrel is often the jealousy of a representative of a dual sign. He himself is freedom-loving, carefully protects his personal space, even from his wife. Reading SMS on the phone, trying to get information from friends and other encroachments on the "secret" territory of the Gemini can be a reason for breaking off relations. He himself does not shun such methods, since he has an extremely jealous character.

The duplicity of nature does not allow you to clearly define how to behave with Gemini. The partner of the representative of this sign should have a plastic and flexible character, skillfully adjusting it to the various needs of her lover.

Sex with a Gemini man: what are his intimate preferences?

Representatives of the air element are the most sublime and romantic natures. Sex for them is attractive not so much physically as emotionally and even rationally.

Gemini likes to analyze all interesting phenomena, acts of love including

They prefer to make love in good light, they often install mirrored ceilings in the bedroom. The richer and more varied the intimate life of the ward of Mercury, the more food it provides for his inquisitive mind.

Gemini man loves in bed experiment, he needs variety here too. But he does not blame everything on the shoulders of his partner, most often he himself becomes the initiator of unusual love games. We are not talking about any perversions, because the "airy" guys, even in the bedroom, continue to be intelligent aesthetes.

The Gemini man loves to experiment in bed, he needs variety here too.

Lover from Gemini is not bad. He spares no time for foreplay and always knows how to bring the chosen one to the desired state. After a promising warm-up, nothing special happens, since the act itself is of little interest to the ward of Mercury and therefore does not last long. But in most cases, his mistresses are satisfied and look forward to new meetings. A representative of a dual sign knows how to create an atmosphere like no one else sensuality and romance in the bedroom.

By the way, it is not always the bedroom that becomes the arena of his love adventures. To surely please Gemini as a lover, it is enough to have sex with him in an unusual place. A male experimenter will definitely appreciate the novelty of sensations.

February 10, 2018, 01:24