People have even heads or not. Section "" Topic ""Change in the shape of the skull in an adult

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Here I thought that in addition to all sorts of "universal" values ​​and McDonald's, Western (European) civilization has also imposed its own standard of beauty on the whole world, and rather harshly. Do not find fault with the word "imposed", you can replace it with "persistently suggested due to the prevailing economic conditions and socio-cultural circumstances" :)
Technically, this is not surprising, given that all means of promoting progress come from the West: whoever owns the media, owns the world. Globalization. If your first books tell you the myths of ancient Greece, illustrated with photographs of the sculptures of Phidias and Praxiteles, it is not surprising that you will consider the Hellenistic concept of beauty to be the standard.

And then, turning on the TV, you will see film stars and TV stars molded according to a well-defined Nordic pattern.
And it seems that there is a certain "gold standard", which, by pure coincidence (or even worse: due to the superiority of the white race) is a set of Caucasoid features. The ideological background in this case does not matter, we are talking about the existence of such a bias, no matter what it is caused by.
In addition to the influence on Western Europe, the era of the campaigns of Alexander and the wars of the Diadochi was able to give rise to a new Hellenistic world. It was the Hellenistic world that became fertile ground for the emergence of Christianity, its further spread, as well as the emergence of the Eastern Roman Christian civilization, and so on until our days. And then the fine arts captured, philosophy substantiated, typography consolidated, and television spread all over the planet that we, Europeans, consider beautiful.

I stumbled across this recently when someone complained about the "flat head" as a disadvantage.
Why, actually?
I was taught that aesthetics is based on expediency and deep biological meaning.

And what does a flat nape tell us from a biological point of view?

What can he even report if he is convex in a tiny part of the Earth's population, however, the most self-confident.
A flat head is not a sign of ill health in any sense. As long nose and obliquely set ears are not negative from the point of view of selection.
The only explanation I could come up with was a convex nape, the so-called. "Aryan horn", as a sign of belonging to the Nordic race, thus "Aryans".

The same applies to the elongated - dolichocephalic - shape of the skull and the narrow face crowned with a domed skull.
Hairdressers, partly because of their own "Aryan" tastes, partly as a result of vocational training, strive to visually fit the client's head to the Nordic model.

Because, according to hairdressing sites, differences from the Nordic look are a defect.

Quote from a hairdresser's website:
« Other defects may also occur: a long or small nose, protruding ears, a short or long neck, a flat nape, and so on. These defects can also be eliminated with a hairstyle.

However, hairdressers do not act on the instructions of the Third Reich, but at the request of the customer. And the client wants to be a "true Aryan". Like his idols.
And from the point of view of phrenology, a flat back of the head is an indicator of selfishness. Disguise immediately!

If a person is healthy physically, mentally and genetically, there should be no reason why he would be perceived as a freak. But in reality it is not so.
Where have you seen in the movies, in advertising, on the catwalks, beautiful Bushmen or Hottentot models, Australian Aborigines, Papuans or Pygmies? Bushy vegetation on the head is perceived unequivocally as ugly. And in general, black hair is not considered so beautiful that African and African-American girls tend to straighten it, grow it straight or wear a wig.
Asian women, who naturally have stiff, straight, blue-black hair, tend to bring them to a less Asian look: a little curl and a little lighten.
Doctors in Thailand have become experts in "building" European noses, and doctors in Japan have become experts in "European" eyes. What, you ask, is bad in the epicanthus that it needs to be mercilessly destroyed?
Dissatisfaction also extends to wide cheekbones, flat or "Semitic" noses, which still need to be mercilessly scraped off, turning them into narrow and short noses.
The queue reached the back of the head. Don't believe? Admire.

Similarly with the dominant BASPs in the USA.

Even jet-black beauties get into the top if they fit the average European template, well, plastic surgery to help them. Just look at Naomi and Tyra.

Who orders the music, he dances the girl.
Meanwhile, on the planet, the dominant type is completely different. Here's one:

the most typical face on the planet

And even in Europe itself, almost all of its southern part is different.
And the beauty in the minds is still "Aryan".
Starting in the time of Alexander the Great, cultural expansion continued in the era of the Crusades in the face of the world's first transnational corporation - the Christian Church; in the colonial period it was called missionary work, nowadays it is called "bringing democracy". But under all democratic slogans, under the husk of civilizing slogans and "humanitarian mission" and, lie the most trivial economic intentions - the conquest of markets: no need to capture anyone, people themselves will ask for hamburgers, jeans, Barbies and Hollywood masterpieces - impersonal culture, identical goods and absolutely free choice... between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. (By the way, Barbie cooperates with Cocacola) And everything that does not fit into the framework will be unfashionable, ugly, requiring elimination and fitting to a stencil: noses, eyes, figures, hair, tastes and values. It is necessary to feed the giant TNCs that popularize standard figures, standard faces and standard brains.

These are equality, brotherhood and multiculturalism.

Hello human rights activists from hairdressers!

A sloping or flat nape is a pathology that many parents may not pay attention to. However, in some cases, plagiocephaly, and this is exactly what the name of this feature of the body sounds like, can in some cases lead to certain unpleasant consequences.

What can cause such a defect? According to pediatricians, the main reason for this pathology is improper care of the baby. Many young mothers take more care of the skin of the child, often wash it, feed it properly, but forget that the baby should not lie on the same side of the body for a long time.

It is because of the constant pressure on one place that a flat head is obtained. Therefore, every mother of a newborn should know that the position of the baby must be changed every 2 to 3 hours. Let him lie on his right side for some time, then after two hours his position should be changed and shifted to his right side, and after another two hours - on his back. In this case, avoiding an uneven nape will be easier than ever, because frequent changes in body position are the best prevention in order to prevent further complications.

Other reasons

However, positional deformity of the skull, which is the name of the type of pathology described above, is not the only reason for the development of such a defect. It can also appear for a number of other reasons, among which rickets, torticollis, and increased intracranial pressure come to the fore.

- This is a disease that occurs as a result of a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which leads to the fact that calcium salts are not deposited in the bones. As a result, the bones become very soft and often deformed. Therefore, a constant position in one position, for example, lying on your back, often leads to the development of a sloping nape in a child.

With congenital due to the fact that there is a defect in the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the head constantly leans only in one direction, which leads to a flattening of the skull on the affected side. You can get rid of this pathology with the help of massage, physiotherapy and gymnastics, which must be carried out under the supervision of an orthopedist.

In addition, the cause of a deformed nape may be other reasons, for example, frequent and prolonged transportation of a child in a hard car seat, when pressure is constantly applied to the head at one point.

In order to timely identify this pathology of the skull, it is necessary to regularly visit a pediatrician, as well as other specialists - a surgeon, orthopedist, neuropathologist. In this way, you can accurately understand whether the child has any health problems.

What to do

The sloping occiput is a feature of the skull that requires a special and integrated approach. While the child is small, this can be dealt with quite simply, therefore, in order to prevent a beveled occiput in an adult, treatment should begin in early childhood, while the bones of the skull are still very pliable. While the baby does not raise his head, it is necessary to change his body position as often as possible, preferably every hour or two. If he has already learned to hold his head, then his position can be controlled by bright toys, voice or other distracting maneuvers.

An orthopedic pillow helps to cope with such a problem, but it should be selected strictly in accordance with the age of the crumbs. As for the car seat, it is desirable to use it as little as possible, and only in the most necessary cases. It is also necessary to ensure that the child does not sleep in it during the trip.

If, despite all the measures taken, the child’s skull still began to deform, then it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe additional methods of treatment, for example, physiotherapy and gymnastics. If this turns out to be ineffective, then you will have to use a corrective orthopedic helmet specially designed for such cases for some time.

Does such a back of the head pose any danger to the child? In fact, there is no health hazard here. But at the same time, this defect almost always causes an inferiority complex, so the fight against this condition should be started as early as possible.

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My skull has been deformed since birth. Diagnosis of trigonocephaly. The forehead looks very strange and repulsive. I have never seen anything like it in other people. Now I am 36 years old, and it is still very difficult for me to communicate with people. Please tell me, are there any methods for correcting such a problem in adults? And, in general, are there precedents in this area?
Thanks in advance for your reply.

Dear Oleg Sergeevich! Trigonocephaly is a form of craniostenosis. Surgical treatment of the disease is carried out in early childhood, this ensures the normal development of the brain and prevents secondary deformations of the cranium. As for adult patients, the possibilities of neurosurgery in this case are limited. Address on internal consultation to the neurosurgeon, after survey and necessary inspection the doctor will be able to answer your questions.

Hello, dear doctor. Tell me how to find out if the deformation of the skull interferes with the normal functioning of the brain? I have a lot of deviations in the skull. The forehead looks like a square cap. And dents on both sides in the temporal lobe of the head. What's this? And can this be removed Andrey
↓↓ 0 Aprelkov Andrey Ivanovich (0 / 1) 04 Dec 2017 17:04 «« #55 Reply

Hello, I am 15 years old since childhood, hydrocephalus, because of this, the head is slightly uneven, the left side of the head is larger than the right one, it is very noticeable even the ear on the left side differs from the right one, can this be fixed somehow?

Dear Oleg! Patients who have not reached the age of majority can be provided with medical assistance only with the consent of their legal representatives - parents or guardians. Surgical correction of the shape and size of the auricles is possible in some cases. As for the change in the shape and size of the head associated with hydrocephalus, due to objective reasons, surgical correction is not carried out. You need to be under the supervision of your treating neurologist.

Hello! IM 33 years old. The problem is that I look at myself and I don’t understand that the right side of the face is slightly different from the left. As if the left one looks a little better for health reasons than the right one. In the photographs, it is very noticeable that the face is as if crooked. I used to notice about 25 years old so - a few years. But something has been bothering me lately

Dear Stepan Aleksandrovich! Slight asymmetry of the right and left halves of the body is not a pathology. At your age, the growth of the bones of the skeleton is over, what causes the symptoms that disturb you, it is impossible to say in absentia. Contact a maxillofacial surgeon for a consultation, after examination and, possibly, the necessary examination, the doctor will be able to answer your questions.


I will give interesting comments on this article from my first blog, which I created on google, Health-Easy Recipes.

This article has completely changed my life!

I hope life has changed better side. I would like to know the details. Write here, please, about it. Or in my mail - indicated in the page about me. Also, although you are anonymous, it would be better if you provided your name. Somewhat more familiar by name.

Nina Elokhina, My name is Nikita, 21 years old.

Life has changed for the better! Thank you!

I've always been tormented aesthetic problem my head - until recently, it was terribly crooked, besides, my head often hurt, and in general it was somehow uncomfortable. Simply, now there is something to compare.

To be honest, I always wanted to intuitively change the shape of my head so that it is round and symmetrical, but since it is accepted by medicine that the shape of the skull in adulthood cannot be changed, I tried to come to terms with what I have. It's not scary, I thought that asymmetry was normal. Everyone has it to one degree or another.

Somehow, one day, I got the idea to try my luck, used the search on this topic and found all the same information about the impossibility of correcting the shape of the skull, except in an operable way. Already desperate, I decided to wrap up and live on, but suddenly came across this wonderful site. It is simply amazing that there is so little information on this method, everyone as one repeats (including doctors), it is impossible to correct the shape of the skull. Oh, how wrong they are!

At the moment, the head is beautiful, round + in addition I received a bunch of various bonuses, for example, I go in for professional sports, I noticed that it became much easier to train, the pulse has noticeably decreased. Headaches are gone, before, under heavy loads, my head really hurt. Perception somehow changed. And most importantly - completely got rid of the aesthetic flaw. Now any haircut and styling to the face.

Thank you once again to you and this wonderful person who put his method to the masses, I don’t know what I would do without you. I would love for as many people as possible to know about it.

Nikita, thank you so much for your review! I am very pleased to read this. Another question - how many sessions did you achieve such a wonderful result?

And one addition - everything is possible in life, if you suddenly hit your head somewhere (for example, I - when leaving the minibus) - then repeat the procedure. Only not earlier than ten days after the injury - this is the advice of Professor Ogulov.

Nina Elokhina, I had to do a lot of procedures, the bones of my head turned out to be too strong, I leveled out in 15 sessions. My grandmother, who often complains of a headache, had her skull corrected in 2 procedures.

Either my head bones are strong, or the displacement is strong, but it was painful to sit with my head bandaged, I simply could not stand it for more than 30 minutes, so I did it with a break: I sit for half an hour, I rest for 5 minutes, and again for half an hour. In the end, it is already endured through force, and somehow it is easy for my grandmother.

Thanks for the advice.

By the way, do you know how much time should pass between sessions? It's just that I, fired up by this idea, ruled almost every day. This did not affect the state in general, the only thing was that after dressing the pressure was increased.

Nikita, thanks for your reply! It's good that you are so persistent and have achieved results. As for the frequency of procedures, Gitya Fedor Nikolaevich recommends doing the procedure no more than once a week.

Yes, sometimes it hurts - and a person cannot always endure an hour with his head tied. This is normal, Gitya F.N. also talks about this. in his lectures. Nikita - could you send me your photos by mail - before the procedure and after, when the head has already become symmetrical.

If you let me, I'll include them in this post. If you don't let me, I won't post. But I really want to admire the result. My email is listed on the About Me page.

Of course, I still have photos before editing, but it is unlikely that you can see the result on them, because my hair is too thick and lush, and I always tried to mask this defect of the crooked head with an appropriate hairstyle. So my photos, unfortunately, will not give anything.

Nina Elokhina, I think that it would not hurt to add more simple phrases to the article or tags like “how to fix the shape of the head; what to do if the skull is beveled”, etc. So that the search engine gives out this site when the request is desired by people. It's just that many primarily care about the aesthetic side of the issue: adults are dissatisfied with the shape of their heads, most mothers who do not suit the heads of their children. Many people sign up for surgery to correct this problem. They are not aware that there is an easier way to solve these defects. I wish people would find a solution here, but search engines don't return this blog, unfortunately. there are not enough widely used phrases in the tags to find this information.

Nikita, I'll try to do something in the coming days. It will be necessary to add social media buttons so that people can vote. But you (do you mind - contacting you? - my youngest daughter is almost the same age as you) can also do something for people by giving a link to this article. If you are registered in contact, classmates, facebook, my world, twitter or other social networks, recommend this article there.

Not at all against being addressed to you)

I will do my best in my power!

Hello! Now all doubts have been dispelled, thanks to the result of Nikita. I would just like to know, but can you tie yourself?

Tanya! Thanks for the comment! Yes, you certainly may! Here, measuring your own head is more difficult, easier if a partner helps. And tying a bandage is easy.

Nina Elokhina, in your opinion, does the shape of the skull (crooked head) somehow affect the mental abilities, energy of a person?

Nikita, thanks for the question!

I think it affects, because when the shape of the head is wrong, then the hemispheres of the brain are uncomfortable in it - it is tight in one place, and too loose in another.

Now, if you put on such clothes, will you be comfortable in it? Will you calmly go about your business if, where it is tight, the clothes have rubbed the skin, and it simply hurts you. And in another place - it is so wide - that it starts to interfere with you, say, when walking or running - you will cling to obstacles. So it is with the hemispheres of the brain. If they are uncomfortable, then, of course, they will not spend all their potential on the tasks that you face, because they need to take care of their own health and convenience.

Everywhere we must strive for harmony. And harmony is in the correct natural form of the head.

Do you agree?

Thanks for the answer!

I fully support you!

The head is our control center for the entire system. If certain areas of the brain are compressed, then their purpose is violated or not used in full.

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The human face, in its general ratio, corresponds to the following five geometric figures: a quadrilateral, a circle y, an oval, a triangle and a cone.

Every human head is contained in one or the other of these figures. These five general types of human physiognomy constitute one of the foundations on which our doctrine and system of physiognomy can be founded.

Each of these types is subdivided into three classes defined by type proportionality. Thus we have:

1. Type square proportional, quadrangular long type and quadrangular short type.

2. Type round proportional, round long type and round short type.

3. Type oval proportional, oval long type and short oval type.

4. triangular type proportional, triangular long type and triangular short type.

5. Cone type proportional, long cone type, short cone type.

The typical characters and his physiognomic indications are somewhat changed under the influence of temperament, and in particular under the influence of certain typical factors, which can produce significant changes in geometric types and which may have an imprint of a specific character, which we will consider in the next special section. Each type actually contains different abilities, instincts, passions, which may be in it or in action, or remain inert. All these properties can be enhanced or weakened, depending on the physique and the mixture of characteristic features of this type.

The absence of the necessary harmony between type and temperament gives rise to conflicts of tendencies that do not coexist with each other; hence come irregularities and oddities of character, such as manias, contradictions in feelings, desires, tendencies, impulses, deeds, and tastes; hence these eccentric individuals, these original fantastic and imperfect minds.

With a correlation between type and mixed temperament, the elements of which do not agree with each other, oddities of character and mental abilities occur. Such a subject always acts contrary to his thoughts: saying one thing, doing another; preaching morality, he not only does not follow it, but sometimes acts downright immoral. While preaching philanthropy, he remains a rude, stingy, and callous egotist, or else, prompting others to courage, the former himself becomes a coward and runs away at the slightest danger; advertising the ideas of tolerance and freedom, he at the same time holds himself as an authority, despot and tyrant in his family and social relations.

Finally, another writes marvelous treatises against the death penalty and tenderly sensual poems, but at the same time ponders plans for general destruction and invents the most terrible weapons of war. However, these contradictions are not always indicators of duplicity, hypocrisy or extravagance; most often it is only an indicator of the discrepancy between character and mental abilities.

It is extremely important to know that each type, taken as a whole, is subdivided into the following three classes:

1) the type is pure, or basic, approaching its geometric figure;

2) type long and

3) the type is short.

These types, although they come from the same family, nevertheless have their own special character and, therefore, their own distinctive personality.

On the basis of these three divisions, it can be said that for each of them, feelings, instincts, passions and impulses retain their own specific form, energy and mode of action. Let's take the quadrangular type as an example.

In a pure quadrangular type, all the activity of the subject is exclusively directed towards positivity and practicality, and consequently towards material life interests. Feelings of this type are positive, reasonable and complete; such a subject acts on the basis of reason, but not of the heart.

The quadrangular elongated type, while not idealistic, is at the same time less positive than the preceding one. This subject is able to understand the true interests of life, but at the same time he combines with them some spiritual needs. Although his feelings are born in the head, they are also not alien to the influence of the heart. The passions of these individuals are not so stubborn, resolute and absolute as in the previous type.

In the quadrangular short type, there are coarse inclinations and base instincts. His character is prone to cruelty, steadfastness and malice. His passions are strong and have a rough and animal character. This subject is dangerous and terrible because of his evil inclinations and his tendency to debauchery, wild antics, cruelty and crime.

However, let's not get ahead of ourselves and consider all types of human faces in order.

Rice. 9. Basic geometric shapes of the face

Explanation of the five geometric types

Quadrangular face type

This type is an indicator of an energetic, rude, sharp, very stubborn nature, a firm character, reaching inflexibility and even very often cruelty. People of this type are distinguished by very decisive ideas, they are short and sharp in their judgments. Criticizing the ideas of others, they do not tolerate contradictions, they tend to impose their opinions on others. They are clever reasoners, their logic is concise and powerful, very often perverted by the mania of contradiction, which easily leads them to sophisms. They have a particularly developed practical meaning. The positivism of their mind destroys some impulses of idealism. The systematic mindset makes them do everything according to the measure. Out of a desire to know the cause of things, they delve into various questions and delve into these questions in order to discover this cause in them, they have a strange pleasure in examining and examining things from different angles of illumination. The power of observation and analysis leads them to tackle the most intractable problems. They bring their projects to the end thanks to patience, perseverance and constancy. Work and obstacles not only do not disappoint them, but it further increases their steadfast energy. They have an aptitude for the exact sciences, for philosophy and mathematics, but their lack of imagination and inability for idealism make them unreceptive to art, unless this latter relates to a craft. They are predisposed to the invention of machines and are very skilled in mechanics. If sometimes they show a penchant for the fine arts, then it is always expressed in a real direction. They have architectural abilities, love to build, and their style is distinguished by rigor, solidity and even a certain simplicity, which is their characteristic feature. Under other conditions, they will apply their intellectual abilities to the sciences relating to agriculture. Their skepticism and doubt lead them to materialism; they are too reasonable to be believers; but since faith enlightens their soul, then their religion is based on unshakable foundations with a touch of asceticism and severity.

Rice. 10. Quadrangular face type

This type is not uncommon among monks who strictly follow their austere rules of monastic life, and these individuals are mostly "converted". The predominant characteristics of this type are a love of property and a strong tendency towards stinginess. Ideas of method and order dominate their mind. Selfish by nature, they have neither sensitivity, nor compassion, nor indulgence, and are more just than generous. Their courtesy is chiefly based on calculation.

Their head governs the heart, and they are little accessible to the feeling of love. They are distinguished by violent passions and an energetic desire to satisfy their animal urges - these are the characteristic signs of their love. They are ambitious and often waste their strength in the pursuit of wealth, but they never languish in love.

They are unsociable and easily endure loneliness; however, they value family life, they have a special love for their children, sometimes even reaching weakness, especially if this type is not distinguished by an excessive bone system and, moreover, sanguine. This type with a predominant skeletal system is an indicator of longevity. The child of this type must be indoctrinated from a very early age with the rules of strict morality and religion, in order that he may subsequently be able to dominate the innate tendency to crime and dishonorable deeds. To guide and tame such a nature, a firm hand and a tempered character are needed.

Persons of the quadrangular type in the lower classes of society are distinguished by their rudeness, harshness, severity, ignorance, materiality, godlessness and cynicism; with them, physical strength replaces the place of a sense of justice - they bow only to brute force. Their wild instincts and hidden cruelty under the influence of passion, hatred or greed can push them even to kill. Therefore, in the interests of society, it is necessary that individuals of this type be strictly inspired from childhood with religious feelings and the rules of strict morality.

As for established people, there is little hope of their re-education, and therefore one should at least take advantage of their selfish instincts, establishing auxiliary funds that would supply them with means for the development of industry, and thereby enable them to honestly satisfy their inclination to acquire. And ennobling labor will lead them to correction.

Triangular face type

The forehead is high and wide, cheekbones are prominent, a thin nose, deep-set eyes and a small pointed chin. The face is considered bony because there is little soft tissue between the cheekbones and the chin. This type indicates a strange and bizarre character, without consistency and stability, with capricious energy, expressed in flashes and impulses. Individuals of this type act on the impulse of the eccentricity of a sudden caprice rather than under the influence of reflection, rushing to carry out their projects without prior comprehensive discussion. Calmness and patience when discussing their projects are in sharp contrast to the ardor that they bring to their practical implementation. They are characterized by caution, cunning, deceit, they are clever tellers of stories they have made up. Gifted with a sharp mind, they are very resourceful in objections; they are scoffers, scoffers, bullies, jokers, but their gaiety is superficial and deceptive, as strong melancholy torments their soul. In addition, they are often disturbed by inner sadness, spiritual emptiness and deep disappointment. Gusts of energy and enthusiasm are replaced by a rapid general decline in strength. With them, love for the miraculous often struggles with a tendency to doubt and skepticism, religiosity with materialism.

Rice. 11. Triangular face type

Ardent preachers of the positions they have learned, they fight fiercely with their opponents, and there are no such sacrifices that they would not make in favor of the idea they defend. Their spirit of contradiction and stubbornness is directly proportional to the number of obstacles they encounter to achieve their intentions. Their imagination far exceeds common sense, so that, when listening, they can be taken for something other than what they really are.

Stronger in theory than in practice, they tend to act on preconceived ideas. They have no lack of insight, and their mind is characterized by feverish activity. Their mixed mental abilities are very diverse and often contradictory: for example, a sense of poetry and art coexists with philosophy; they are dreamers, and thinkers, and idealists, and realists. Their systematic and inventive mind makes them also capable of mathematical sciences, and at the same time they are gifted with a paradoxical mind and easily succumb to utopia. They are very prone to pretense, deceit and lies. They must fight against a strong inclination towards hypocrisy. By nature they have a predisposition to theft, and if from childhood they are not stopped from this fatal inclination, it may later turn into a shameful passion. Being a rebellious nature, they do not tolerate any power over them; worshipers of freedom, they are ready to do everything in the world to preserve their independence, and they look at slavery as the greatest evil. They are suspicious and tyrannical in their affections, and love for them is the true source of endless suffering, worries, sorrows and deceptions. They love to travel and enjoy a life full of adventure; tend to seek happiness in distant and dangerous wanderings. More daring and more dexterous than happy in their undertakings, they only acquire their wealth with difficulty and retain it with still greater difficulty. They are very prone to risky ventures and gambling. The strangeness and irritability of their character makes them very unhappy, as well as those with whom they live. Their friendships are often upset due to quarrels, pettiness and pickiness. Their mania for everything to criticize and mock others gives them many enemies. They are capable of insults, and their arrogance often leads them to serious and unpleasant consequences. Their entry into any society is usually accompanied by various lawsuits in which they even saw failure in advance.

This type includes the face of Walter Mitty, a dreamer, a man prone to reflection.

In positive cases, such people are more likely to turn to science, philosophy or art. In the negative, they can become spies, traitors or shameless businessmen. People with triangular heads can become the dregs of society. They always become the instigators of protests and demonstrations, and sometimes the fanatical leaders of an unpopular cause. Having failed, such people retreat and become hermits.

round type faces

Round type faces are distinguished by great initiative and energy of action. Constantly acting and producing is the mainspring of their individuality. Passionate and angry, they suffer from a complete lack of composure. Active people, quickly bringing their plans and projects to fruition, as soon as they were born. The ardor in carrying out their work prevents them from reaching the intended goal, and they involuntarily waste both their energy and their feverish activity. Their success is always ensured where courage and speed of action are required. Their mind is quick and easy to grasp, but the vivacity with which they hasten to express their thoughts makes them speak out before they could understand them for themselves. Their thinking is at odds with action, which is why they often have to repent of their actions. Their judgments, formulated with excessive haste, are often erroneous. Experience is acquired late, and even then insufficiently. Courage easily arises in their soul, but it is fleeting and can reach recklessness. They do not doubt the favorable outcome of their affairs, but once obstacles have arisen, they have neither the necessary dexterity to prevent them, nor the constancy to overcome them, and because of this they often have to experience disappointment.

Rice. 12. Round face type

Happiness and imprudence, their usual qualities, cause them much trouble and put them in great embarrassment. They do not have the capacity for slow, calm and consistent action. They are harmed by their crude frankness. Imperious in manner, they cannot endure any resistance. Inclined to subjugate others to themselves, they do not allow the possibility of dominating themselves.

Straightforward in business, they know how to go straight to the intended goal. Although they know the value of money, they are at the same time capable of nobility, generosity and even extravagance. They are people of order in business, but they have very little or even no order in their things, in everyday everyday life, although appreciating it in the latter case. They steadfastly hold on to their rights, which they vigorously defend. Their practical, positive and real mind has nothing to do with either poetry or feeling.

Their artistic inclinations are limited to imitation rather than creativity, although they are inventive in handicraft work. They have the ability to wholesale and, moreover, skillful salesmen. Although they love society, but at the same time they are rudely and thoughtlessly frank.

They love idle talk, as long as they are varied, free and with a touch of some gaiety. Their mental abilities are sharp and frivolous, they love jokes, puns, but little serious. They are great admirers of comfort and good gastronomes, have a good appetite, love delicacies, cheerful conversationalists, fans of Bacchus and free songs. Their natural qualities can lead to excesses. They have developed a sensitivity that they almost live by.

These people are great fans of love, but on condition that it does not impose chains or obligations on them. They are characterized by extremes in both love and hate. Their cunning and diplomacy exist more in fantasy than in reality. Protecting their authority, they do not allow it to be violated, and therefore they are independent masters in their families. In their affairs they consult only with themselves.

With their strict grouchiness, they know how to inspire fear and obedience. Possess pride and vanity, they do not tolerate any objections or reprimands. Their usual scrupulousness annoys them at the slightest offense. In fact, they are more sensitive than they seem, they are easily amenable to courtesy and affection. Their violent anger often reaches rage. They do not control themselves well and easily become slaves to their ardent passions, which can lead them to sad consequences; and therefore they must be careful in their actions.

Oval face type

Individuals of the oval type have extreme mobility and highly developed impressionability. The flexibility of their nature is devoid of the necessary force of opposition. They cannot resist their individual aspirations.

They live in constant instability, constantly changing their ideas, desires and tastes. Capricious to excess, with insatiable desires, they cannot be completely satisfied with anything. These desires succeed each other so quickly that they enjoy them only in their fantasy, which has very wide limits. They act for the most part under the influence of a whim and on the first impulse, as it comes into their heads, never caring about the consequences of their actions.

Rice. 13. Oval face type

They start a lot, end almost nothing. Their quick understanding and their intellectual abilities enable them to do everything in general terms, but their fickleness and lack of perseverance prevent them from completing their affairs. They are very weak in character, although they show some semblance of character. Perseverance and perseverance are unknown to them, but they are not as easy to manage as it would seem, since they have considerable stubbornness and a spirit of resistance; thus they elude the yoke imposed on them by pretending to obey it. Timid and fickle in everything, they easily perceive extraneous impressions without preserving their essence.

Lack of reflection leads them to inconsistency. Lazy to physical labor and not particularly brave, they are very susceptible to fear. Good-natured in appearance, they are cunning and crafty. Independent to the extreme, they easily converge, but do not become attached.

Romantic in their affections and amorous by nature, they are at the same time very capricious and very windy. They delight much more in thoughts than in feelings, and are adventurous.

Their mind is light, curious, fantastic, inventive in stories and superficial. They are dreamers, idealists, spiritualists, people of inspiration, enthusiasts, contemplators, mystics, lovers of the miraculous and at the same time believers and doubters, poets and artists. They have no order, and they do not understand anything either in practical or in theoretical life; therefore they are not businessmen. Quick to promise and word, they never keep them. In their soul a religious feeling is very developed, reaching to mysticism; their religious ideas are very exalted and marked by intolerance. Have a penchant for religious systems; among them one can often meet the founders and reformers of religions. They are predisposed to all kinds of visions; they have remarkable abilities for the occult sciences, they are characterized by a spirit of divination and intuition, as well as extraordinary forebodings, mysterious suggestions and impulses of wonderful prophecy.

Their mindset is such that they guess rather than understand.

Trapezoidal face type

People with a trapezoidal type of face are characterized by a very developed practical and common sense, which is one of the most important strengths of their personality. They are exclusively dominated by positivism; their imagination is lacking to such an extent that they can neither be artists, nor poets, nor idealists. They are realists in the exact sense of the word.

Rice. 14. Trapezoidal type of face

People of this type have a certain subtlety of mind and great tact; but their narrow mental outlook does not go beyond the known and positive. Filled with vanity and excessive attention to their own person, during a conversation they listen to their speeches, love to pose, wanting to be noticed in order to pass for important people. Under the good nature they hide a lot of subtlety, cunning and resourcefulness.

They are conservative. Authoritative, people of calculation and exploitation. Outside of initiative and activity in business, they are careless, apathetic, lazy, weak-willed and indecisive. Every innovation confuses them and inspires them, as it were, with fear, since, first of all, their desires are reduced to enjoying carefree tranquility.

Their selfishness is covered with a mask, and if someone wants to take advantage of their generosity, then they become downright impossible.

They are afraid of bloodshed, respect the human personality and attach great importance sense of honor and public opinion.

Ambitious, with a strong desire for places of honor, they love to show themselves in public, preside over meetings, but with unconditional security, as they value life too much. Having a cheerful disposition, they are sociable, love society, festivities, witticisms, performances and family pleasures.

They are mostly weak-willed fathers, but, however, they are not averse to sometimes showing their power over children. They are big fans of comfort. Sensuality and appetite play an outstanding role in them, so that they become gourmets. Subtle connoisseurs of wines and gourmets. They have a highly developed sensual love, but as long as it does not bring them worries, as they are afraid of any slightest adversity; and they diligently avoid all suffering and distress. Their usual virtues are a love of order and a correct way of life.

They are addicted to money. Their natural inclinations and fatal happiness assist them in the acquisition and accumulation of wealth. They are dexterous administrators, and their individual organization makes them capable of managing banking and financial transactions.

However, no face will correspond exactly to the named types. Typically, a face will present a combination of two or three or more types of traits. It is therefore the essential task of the physiognomist to thoroughly study and evaluate the face before reaching a conclusion as to character or fate, or a combination of both.

An experienced physiognomist can determine at a glance the forms and zones of the face of the individual being tested, while using the following practical method: first scan (glance over) the main features - forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheekbones, chin and ears - and then make a general judgment about whether the features correspond to any of the standard samples. In this case, an experienced physiognomist will take into account the age of a person, his maturity, as well as national characteristics. An individual, by the way, may well have features of one type in middle age and a completely different type at the end of his life.

The shape and nature of the contours of geometric types

The form and nature of the contours deserves special attention, as the contour brings about considerable changes in the individual type, whether it be round, flexible, square, knotty, angular, sharp, soft, flaccid, weakened, fleshy, muscular, or bony.

The quadrangular contour indicates energy, firmness, inflexibility and steadfastness of the will, stubbornness, positivity and calculation.

Angular - for firmness, selfishness, rudeness, anger and even insensitivity; and also to stubbornness, tyranny, inexorability, perseverance carried to the extreme, the thirst for honors, and the love of money.

Knotty - for temper, audacity, anger, rage, harshness, for ardent passions, strangeness and exciting activity, for recklessness, courage, courage in action and lack of moderation.

Acute - for subtlety, cunning, pretense, lies, hypocrisy, irritability, mobility, initiative and inspiration.

Rice. 15. Knotty outline

Rice. 16. Sharp outline

Rice. 17. Round outline

A round and flexible contour indicates good nature, calmness, indecision, frankness, directness, kindness and sometimes weakness of the heart, sensuality, lack of tact, carelessness, gluttony, quick, but not deep passions, short-lived anger.

Soft, lethargic and weakened - to an extreme weakness of the will, a passive and apathetic nature, extremely lazy, softness of feelings, lack of vitality, inertia of passions, with the exception of the needs of the stomach.

But the form and nature of the contours have other special meanings, according to the kind of type with which they are connected.

Head examination

Physiognomy as the art of reading faces developed in the East in ancient times. Ancient China is considered the birthplace of oriental physiognomy. In the West, this art became widespread in Ancient Greece, but Eastern physiognomy differs from Western.

Chinese historical analyzes are full of biographies of emperors, rulers, sages. The deeds of these people were correlated with the features of their appearance, mainly their faces.

Each sign on the face was given a very specific meaning. This is how the art of face reading gradually evolved.

Confucian moralists were considered to be recognized masters of face reading in the East.

The system of ethics that they preached assumed the cultivation of respect for parents, decency, devotion to the master, loyalty to the authorities, etc. The Confucians tried to detect the presence or absence of these qualities on their faces.

To this end, they persistently developed face reading techniques.

Over time, Chinese physiognomists raised the art of face reading to a certain height, created special treatises that spread throughout different countries East. They were also brought to Japan. And although today it cannot be said that physiognomy is indiscriminately carried away in Japan, its influence can be traced in painting, the production of masks, theater, and various areas of communication.

Five essential traits

Of all the features that form a person's face, the ancient Chinese physiognomists identified five of the most important faces for reading. These are eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and ears. In ancient texts, they are referred to as the Five Essential Traits. It is significant that after so many centuries these terms are still used in relation to the indicated features.

Each of them reveals something in character. Each also controls some side of fate. For the physiognomist, the main problem is that these features tend to overlap in the sense that there is an interdependence between all facial features, and for a complete analysis it is necessary to take into account all these features and connections.

Once all these various features have been properly understood, evaluated and analyzed, the physiognomist moves on to other facial features such as the forehead, temples, cheekbones, jaws and wrinkles. And finally, he moves on to reading the color of the skin, which is the most subtle and difficult part of the system to master.

The ancient physiognomists assert that if any of the Five Most Important Traits has the highest dignity in form and quality, then this ensures at least ten years. happy life. And if all five traits have the highest dignity, then the subject will enjoy happiness, prosperity and universal respect all his life. But hardly any living person is gifted with such a “perfect face”.

The ancient writers also stated that if any of these Five Essential Traits is poorly formed, then this indicates a break or weakness in some traits of the individual. A wrong trait is a reflection of a wrong mind. Thus the work of the physiognomist consists in penetrating into the inner life of the individual by reading what his face reveals.

It is relatively easy to read a beautiful, well-balanced and well-proportioned face. And accordingly, it is much more difficult to analyze faces that are ordinary, with irregular features, which most of us have. Therefore, the study of incorrect features occupies the largest part of the physiognomist's attention.

The Five Essential Traits will be discussed in later chapters.

The Chinese face reading system comes from specific positions on the face, each of which indicates a certain age and reveals some aspect of fate and character, mainly fate.

The physiognomist can go straight to this position to determine the fate of the subject or significant events that should occur in a certain year of life. If the subject tells the physiognomist that he is, for example, 37 years old, then the physiognomist must first consider position 37 - the pupil of the left eye.

In practice, the physiognomist is guided by a certain scheme. It will take some time to comprehend the meaning of the various positions. However, it is good enough to remember only the main ones. These main ones cover the age interval from 20 to 70 years, i.e. positions from 20 to 70, which constitute the most important years in a person's life.

Rice. 26. Position system: a - Chinese and b - Japanese physiognomic schools

There are several schools of Chinese physiognomy, each with its own system of positions. One school, for example, divides the face into 100 positions, the other - into 130. The system with 100 positions is the most common. It is time tested and accurate. In addition, in order to simplify the system, where possible, we have tried to avoid the use of ancient technical terms, replete with literary allusions that could scare the reader, and in other cases be simply untranslatable.

The system of positions we have described was developed many centuries ago and was given in ancient texts. The most important aspect of physiognomy is the possibility of its practical application. If the system worked well for thousands of years, then this is an essential argument to follow it now.

Looking at the diagram (Fig. 26), we will see that 99 positions are indicated on it. Position 100 is not plotted because it controls both the chin and jaw area. As a general rule, it should be remembered that the wider the jaw and the more protruding the chin, the greater the chance of an individual living to a hundred years or more.

The central part of the scheme is outlined by a dotted line drawn on both sides of the face and going around the chin. The area outside the dotted line covers the left and right profile of the face, as well as the bottom of the chin.

And the next. The Chinese system for determining the age of a person differs from that adopted in the West. In China, for example, it is considered that a person is one year old already at the time of his birth. In the West, a person still has to live a whole year before he reaches his birthday.

This section uses the Chinese system. Therefore, we warn the reader that one year must be subtracted from each position number in order to convert it to the Western system. Thus, a person aged 37 in the Chinese system in the Western system will have 36 years, and a person 37 years old in the Western system will have 38 years in Chinese. In the diagram, position 37 refers to the age of 37 in the Chinese system.

However, in terms of physiognomy, the difference can be neglected. Such a difference will have a certain meaning with a more in-depth study of "internal energy", "seasonal changes", skin coloring, and so on, that is, everything that is included in the esoteric theories of the "Five Elements" and "I Ching". All this is beyond the scope of this book.

Physiognomy in Chinese is more of an art form than an exact science. Physiognomy takes this into account, realizing that what, for example, is reflected in position 48, can follow from position 47 and can also continue up to position 49. The accuracy of the analysis largely depends on the experience of the physiognomist.

However, both numbers are usually given together, especially in the chapter on "Analysis of Faces", in order to remind the reader of the difference, whatever that difference may be.

As already mentioned, a beginner in face reading should only be familiar with the main positions (see Fig. 26). There are only 13 of them. They are located in the middle of the face from top to bottom (positions 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 41, 44, 45, 51, 60, 70 and 71). In Chinese treatises, these thirteen are known as "special positions" because they divide the face into two equal parts. If all positions on this imaginary line are in balance and proportion with other facial features, then it is most likely that the life of such a person will be good from birth to death. The opposite will be true if the features in these positions are wrong and out of balance and proportion. A quick look at specific positions will provide the physiognomist with basic material, as it were, and give him a solid basis for further analysis.

This does not mean that only special positions are important. In fact, the positions associated with the Five Life Traits—eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, and ears—are considered even more important, as we shall see later, especially in the study of personality and character. Let's explore special positions first.

POSITION 16 often reflects the relationship of the individual with parents, especially on the paternal side. The uneven, blotchy surface in this area is indicative of unloving parents and possibly a troubled childhood. A dark streak in this area, especially if it stretches to position 28, predicts impending misfortune. Discoloration of the skin in this area, which lasts for a long time, is a sure sign of failure and the failure of all aspirations.

POSITION 19 reflects the fate and character inherited from the mother's side. If the color of the skin in the area of ​​position 19 is radiant, without any dark or dull shade, then this indicates that the individual is likely to receive help from a high-ranking person. As a matter of fact, any radiant skin color, without a touch of dark, is considered by physiognomists as a good omen. A bluish coloration in this position indicates unpleasant surprises. A yellow-red hue without shine is a sign of impending misfortune.

POSITION 22 has to do with the personal affairs of a person. Combined with positions 19 and 25, it forms an area known as the "Place of Honor". These positions indicate the prospects for obtaining or holding official positions, especially in the government. A radiant, reddish-yellow hue in this area is a highly auspicious coloration, a sign that the individual will either settle well or soon be promoted. Dark or dull skin color in this area is a sign that the position of the individual is at risk.

POSITION 25 refers to current affairs human, and is also associated with the prospects for the future. For a happy outcome, this area must be smooth and complete and without defects. Black moles mean a lack of patience, and hence repeated failures. Traces of scars on tissues or skin defects indicate trouble. If the surface around position 25 is sunken and dark, then this indicates a person of low intelligence. In short, if this position is full and radiant, then this person is destined to arrange his life early and achieve brilliant success.

POSITION 28, OR "STANDING PLACE", is perhaps the most significant of all thirteen special positions. The archaic term "Stigmatized" means that this position determines the individual's ability to achieve high social status and social prosperity.

The physiognomist must examine this area with great care. Is it wide or narrow? Is it clean enough and free from any imperfections? Doesn't the flesh rise up? Is the bone structure well formed?

If the area separating the eyebrows is wide - about 3.5-3.7 - this is considered a good sign. If this area is fleshy and marked with deep vertical grooves, up to four, this indicates a person of great vitality. By great vitality, the ancient texts meant great sensuality. In people with square or round faces, fleshiness and four or more vertical furrows indicate a high degree of both physical and mental maturity. Such people are quite common among men, but very rare among women. For women, this means a strong will, independence, aspiration for a career.

Defects or distortions in position 28 indicate that the individual is unlikely to succeed in what he has planned to do. For a woman, this means that she is unlikely to find a suitable match for herself, no matter how persistently she strives for this.

An individual with smooth skin in this area, both male and female, has a feminine nature. Such women are good housewives, and in the case of men, this indicates artistic talent.

If the flesh in the area of ​​position 28 is well defined and slightly "raised", especially on thin faces, then this indicates the presence of outstanding mental abilities. The term "raised" means a one-quarter to one-half inch bulge of fabrics, derived from internal causes. Such raised areas, sometimes referred to as "bumps", may also appear around the temples. Elevation of the flesh can be difficult to detect in full sunlight, and therefore it is advisable to perform the analysis under controlled lighting.

Physiognomists attribute the phenomenon of "bumps" to internal energy and interpret them as an unmistakable sign of a change in the fate of the individual. "Bumps" also indicate a person's maturity and logical abilities, and therefore they have a strong influence on success and failure in life. Most often, they begin to appear in this area at the age of thirty.

The physiognomist must also determine the color of the skin in this area. According to ancient texts, a blackish color indicates stomach ailments; bluish - on the kidney; reddish - for heart disease. A black mole in this place means a chronic illness. The area between positions 18 and 15 is also known as the Lucky Corridor. If the surface of this area is concave or uneven, then this person is unlikely to achieve his intended goal in life.

POSITION 41, or "FOOT OF THE MOUNTAINS", determines the fate of a person in relation to marriage and family. If this position shows concavity and is marked with horizontal lines, then this is a sign of family troubles. If the eyebrows creep over the eyes and the back of the nose deviates to one side, this indicates further disasters, ranging from serious illness to prison and death in the middle years of life. In such cases, if the other vital features are balanced and proportioned, and the complexion is light and the voice clear, the distress will be noticeably mitigated.

POSITION 44 is associated with the average years of life. A wrinkle in this area indicates a lack of luck. A darkish coloration, even if faint, indicates a serious illness in the family. A mole in this place portends complications with the opposite sex.

POSITION 45 - if there is no fracture in the bone structure and the skin color is shiny and reddish, then this indicates a happy fate. A fracture or dull coloration indicates otherwise.

POSITION 48 reflects the active years in a person's life. This position should be fleshy, well rounded and look healthy, preferably light red in color. A good shape without a healthy skin color means the collapse of hopes and / or failures. The acne and other defects in this place point to financial ruin.

POSITION 51, or AVERAGE MAN, determines the probability of having offspring. If the philtrum is not straight and central to the upper lip, then the individual will die without leaving any offspring.

POSITION 60 in balance and proportion in a closed position indicates a strong will.

If both corners of the mouth are closed up, then this is a sign of financial and commercial success. If the mouth opens and closes without clumsiness, then this marks an expansive mind and versatile tastes. Glossy red lips are a good omen for the future.

POSITION 70 is determined mainly by color. If dark, then the person should avoid travel. If the coloration is red, white or blue and without lustre, then the individual may become a victim of foul play.

POSITION 71 has to do with hard work and treachery. If the tip of the chin is pointed, then this indicates endless work and poverty. If the chin is pointed and deviates to one side, then this indicates that such a person will respond with betrayal to kindness. A brilliant reddish color predicts a happy event. Muddy red eyes indicate misfortune associated with fire. Other positions on the diagram related to the Five Essential Traits will be discussed in later chapters.

It is very important to emphasize once again that the face reader must weigh, analyze, correlate the data collected in reading each position before drawing a conclusion regarding the fate and character of the individual. Reading a particular trait cannot reveal the full history of the individual.

Types of people in European physiognomy

European physiognomy distributes people into seven planetary types. With all the conventionality of this symbolism, it can be accepted as basic.

Pure type "Mars"

Mars is the ancient Roman god, warlike and courageous, corresponding to the ancient Greek Ares. The head of people of the Mars type, like their body, is square in shape. The skull has a strong thick bone and a wide horizontal section. Anatomists call this form brachycephalic, that is, short-headed. The brachycephalic skull of the Martian type, as well as that of the Earth, will produce what are called hard heads, and differ from the front-to-back elongated dolichocephalic skull which the oval types have.

Martian hair is usually brown. They are abundant unless the Martian is very arthritic. In the latter case, they are rare or absent altogether: arthritic Martians are often bald. The forehead of the Martian type is usually small due to the fact that the hair begins to grow low above it; such a forehead is less intellectualized than a forehead, for example, of a solar type. The frontal bones protruding forward are moderately developed. The more developed they are, the more intelligent the Martian type.

The brow ridges of the Martian type - one of the very essential features - powerfully protrude forward. They are overgrown with thick, coarse eyebrows, forming a strong line above the eyes, which can be represented schematically as a horizontal line. This arrangement of the brow arches and eyebrows of the Martians betrays the main dominant feature of their psyche - energy.

The more energetic the Martian has, the lower he pulls his eyebrows together and the closer he moves one eyebrow to the other, so that one or two vertical lines form between them. Stubborn Martians frown and draw their eyebrows together so that they can see them from under their eyes as a single line. The gaze of the Martians is concentrated, firm, bold, direct, honest and insightful.

The cheekbones of the face are wide. The nose is strong and usually straight. A straight nose is often complemented by a straight forehead. The nose of the Martians is aquiline. Mouth strong, large, lips compressed. The artist schematized the compressed lips of the Martian without depicting the lower lip (see Fig. 22a). The lips of the Martian also have a decisive line expressing energy (Fig. 22b).

The chin of the Martian is short, quadrangular, protruding forward. It perfectly harmonizes with the strongly developed lower jaw, with its convex angles.

Rice. 27. Schematic representation of the male (a) and female (b) faces of the "Mars" type

Look at the drawings that represent the Martian and the Martian. What makes these two characters special? Eyebrows and jaws. But do not rush to determine the Mars types of those who do not have eyebrows and jaws together.

The psychologically dominant feature of the Martians is energy: it is expressed in the line of eyebrows, compressed lips, square chin and protruding jaw angles. The more pronounced these features, the more inflexible their will. The purest and most well-built type of Martian is capable of facing the greatest dangers.

They are self-confident, self-satisfied, optimistic, very proud and often arrogant. They speak loudly, clearly and clearly. They like to command and often flare up when someone does not share their views. They are proud, violent, but their anger is short-lived. Intelligent Martians (with a larger forehead than others) are generous and love the truth. They tend to protect the weak. They are terrible when they stand up against the enemy, fight honestly and never attack an unarmed enemy. Distinguished by chivalrous courage. Faithful to this word, to the Fatherland, honest in business.

They make good companions, warriors, faithful to their duty, respectable heads of the family. Great energy impels them to carnal love. They look at the latter as a sacred duty or as a medicine that must be swallowed as soon as possible. In any case, sentimental motives do not play a major role in them: their driving force is duty. They prefer intensive work to contemplative life and art. Distrustful by nature, they are more often materialists, which does not prevent them, however, from sometimes showing the most superstitious fanaticism.

Pure type "Earth"

The terrestrial types, like the Martian ones, belong to a square morphological type: their skull is brachycephalic, that is, they are broad-headed. Their hair is thick and forms a low forehead, which is very similar to that of a Martian, but the latter is more intelligent. It has the same wrinkles that speak of the same dominant features.

Eyebrows are more shaggy and prominent. The eyes are small, set more deeply. Cheekbones are large. The nose is wider and slightly upturned at the end. Compare the noses of the Earth types that Bayi drew with those of the solar and Mercurial types, and you will understand the psychological difference. The mouth of terrestrial types is compressed, the lips are irregular, poorly defined and often quite thick.

The chin is short and square, protruding forward. The neck is strongly muscled, the head is drawn into the shoulders.

Rice. 28. Schematic representation of the male (a) and female (b) type "Earth"

Even a cursory glance at Fig. 28 ( a and b) will show you that these typical earth types (both male and female) are people of weak intellect but extremely energetic. Among the earthly types there are more intelligent ones than those shown here. Compare the forehead and eyebrows of square types - Mars, Earth (Figures 27 and 28), with the forehead and eyebrows of oval types - Mercury, the Sun, Venus (Figures 29, 30, 31), and you will understand that the psychological dominant of square types is energy , and oval - the mind.

So, the main psychological feature of terrestrial types, as well as Martian ones, is will. They use it in the realm of matter. These types produce indefatigable manual workers, frugal but often dirty, who eat and drink a lot. They prefer simple food to elegant treats, strong drinks to pure water, they are strongly attached to their native land, to their native hearth. Perseverance in work is unimaginable, their ideas are stable, but limited and deprived of the opportunity to develop and improve. Stubborn to obstinacy. Faithful to their friends and promises.

Like the Martian types, they are angry, but their anger flares up more slowly. When their anger boils, it is terrible. Like the Martian types, they feel attracted to carnal love, but do not know how to choose their lovers. In love, they have a simple taste and do not really choose those to whom they give themselves. You will not find any artistic flair, intuition or enthusiasm among them. They observe soberly and coldly, they see the benefit and benefit that can be derived from things, and not their beauty.

Women of this type are workers. They command with soul and authority. They obey neither their lovers nor their husbands. Women are treated with contempt, men are held in their own way. Carnally voluptuous. Good mothers, but still severely punish their children if they make any mistake.

Earth types succeed in life thanks to work. Their perseverance in work always provides them with any place under the sun. From the most intelligent earth types, scientists can also come out. The latter excel only in the exact and deductive sciences.

Slow and heavy on their feet, firmly on their feet, awkward in their gestures, they avoid "light", they prefer the forest to the theater, they have few friends, they do not know how to show themselves. They don't know polished nails.

The lower earthly types are extremely rude and cruel, treat their relatives and animals badly, and show sadistic inclinations.

Pure type "Mercury"

Mars and Earth are square types, have a broad brachycephalic skull, and Mercury, like other oval types, has a skull that is elongated from front to back, that is, dolichocephalic. His hair is thin, thick, blond or chestnut in color. The forehead is straight, larger than the forehead of the Mars or Earth types. Calm Mercurians have a smooth forehead, nervous ones have wrinkles.

Mercury lacks vertical lines on the forehead, at the base of the nose. This is because they are not accustomed to strain their attention and make strong-willed efforts. Their eyebrows are arched, and not horizontal, as in Mars and Earth types. The more arched eyebrows, the weaker the control of the will of the Mercurians. The eyes of the Mercury type are large, lively, intelligent, observant. In good Mercurians, they open wide and look straight. But in the evil and crafty, they lengthen and become almond-shaped. Those Mercurial types to beware of have a half-open pupil under the upper eyelid. Forty-year-old women should beware of the younger Mercurians, among whom there are many dancers who have similar eyes.

The nose of the Mercurians is straight, thin at the bottom. The owner of the evil and sly look, which we mentioned above, usually has a sharp nose. It is impossible to establish any similarity between the noses of the terrestrial and Mars types, on the one hand, and the Mercurial ones, on the other. Only a comparative look at the figures is sufficient to confirm this fact.

Mercury lips are thin and very symmetrical. The upper lip is often very thin. Sometimes it is almost weakly outlined. Such lips, which very often correspond to almond-shaped eyes and a very pointed nose (see Fig. 29 a and b), are always a sign of extreme rationality. They mean weak sensitivity, but strong self-control and cold prudence in all cases of life.

A Mercurian of the same type gives herself, thinking more about the benefits that can follow than about the physical pleasure that she can receive. The Martian associates herself with some man for the victory she can win over him. The earthly and Venusian types of women give themselves up with all their feelings for the very satisfaction of the flesh. The Mercurian offers herself while contemplating what the consequences and benefits will be.

Rice. 29. Schematic representation of the male (a) and female (b) type "Mercury"

The chin of Mercurians is narrow, elongated, even too elongated (in neuropathic Mercurians). The less refined the chin, the more energy it has. Energetic Mercurians are rare. Signs of their energy are eyebrows that converge in an almost horizontal line, compressed lips and a short chin. There are also weak-willed Mercurians - they have restless, excited movements, nervous habits.

The dominant psychological trait of Mercurians is not energy, as in square types, but a quick mind. Mercurians have many ideas, often very many, and very diverse. They understand and assimilate quickly and immediately adapt to the conditions and environment, have an amazing gift for quickly grasping on the fly, as they are malleable to influence and suggestion.

You will meet them in all branches of human activity: politics, art, trade, science. They have time everywhere where you need to think more than do. It is easy to impress, especially in the eyes of superficial people. They rarely have deep knowledge. Their ideas, if developed, could be implemented more often. But they replace one idea with another before the first has produced results.

The Mercurian gives the idea, the Martian and the Saturnian put it into practice.

Pure type "Sun"

The skull of the solar types, like the Mercurial ones, is dolichocephalic, i.e., long-headed. The face is oval. This oval is very clean and beautiful. The hair is beautiful, blond or chestnut, elegantly covering the head and slightly curly. Sun type temples are usually bare. Often they are bald - to a greater or lesser extent (see Fig. 30).

A solar face radiates balance, harmony and calm strength. The forehead is large and splendidly intellectualized. It is convex both across and in length, from top to bottom: the frontal bones, protruding upwards, are well developed. This one differs sharply from the flat foreheads of Mars, Earth and Mercury. It is most similar to the forehead of a Venusian: there is not a single wrinkle that would betray overwork, nervousness and effort, the skin is surprisingly smooth.

Martian and terrestrial types frown their foreheads, expressing desire. The sun desires quite naturally, without wincing or frowning, so complete is its autocracy. The sun forehead is the most beautiful of all types.

Rice. 30. Male (a) and female (b) type "Sun"

Aristocratically graceful, but rather thick eyebrows express energy even in a calm state. They do not need to frown (see fig. 30). The eyes are large, open, with beautiful eyelashes. They look directly, honestly, without threat, without coercive force, but not weakly, they look at you bewitchingly. The iris, almost completely closed by the eyelids, is dotted with golden spots. The sun-type nose harmonizes well with his convex forehead - it is slightly "pointed" and refined in the upper part.

The lips are beautiful: not too big and not too small. The upper lip is well defined (it is very different from the straight and flat upper lip of Mercury). The lower lip is in proportion to the upper. The folds at the tips of the lips do not express either contempt, as is often the case with Mercurians, or pessimism (as with Saturnians), or effort (as with Mars and Earth). They speak of dignity, self-control, calmness, kindness. The smile of the solar type is sober and kind.

The chin confirms and emphasizes the balance that the lips express: it is not as short and square as in the Martian and Earth types, and not as elongated as in the Mercurian. Although this chin is square, it is at the same time part of an oval face.

Solar types are surprisingly calm and strong. The word that best expresses their state of mind is unclouded brightness. The solar type radiates complete self-control, happiness, strength. He evokes admiration mixed with fear in those around him.

The solar type is an expression of harmony. He could use his energy, but saves it. He represents strength at rest, self-confident strength, which does not manifest itself unnecessarily, because it knows that at the first call it will immediately, in one leap, rise to its feet, ready to flash like lightning.

In the eyes of the solar type, unshakable energy is read, associated with captivating meekness. With just one look, these eyes amaze or heal.

Speech of the solar type is sonorous and fluttering with a clear timbre. She knows how to conquer, throw thunder, forgive. Solar types can become students in all branches of human knowledge. Large organizers, industrialists, bankers, leaders are born among people of the solar type. Their superiority over others is the reason why they find it difficult to find a friend in love. The solar type of a man suffers from female pettiness. A woman of the solar type, noble, with a developed mind, is looking in vain for a man who will surpass her.

Pure type "Venus"

The skull and face of the Venusians have in their main features the same structure as the other oval types. Their hair is thick and beautiful. They are not straight, like the Mercurians, and do not curl in large waves, like the solar type, they are fluffy.

The forehead of Venus is not as developed as that of the sun, but is similar to it. Like the solar type, he is calm, without wrinkles. But while the forehead of the solar type remains calm due to the complete self-control of its owner, with the Venusians the forehead remains impassive for its own sake, and also for fear of old age. The eyebrows are refined, rather thick and arched.

They often rise to the position of passive contemplation than sink to the position of volition.

The physiognomist distinguishes in the Martian and terrestrial types a square jaw and low, prominent eyebrows. The Mercurians have a sly look and a smile that illuminates a thin and pointed nose. The solar type has a majestic forehead and a magnetic look. The Venusians have the size of the eyes and their charming, captivating tenderness.

Rice. 31. Schematic representation of the male (a) and female (b) type "Venus"

The eyes of the Venusians do not express either furious energy, or slyness, or mental superiority, they express love (see Fig. 31).

A harmonious curtain of eyelashes further enhances the allure that these eyes radiate. The gaze of Venus expresses subtle sensitivity and developed intuition.

Mars, Earth and Sun judge deductively, Mercury and Venus - inductively - they guess. The nose of Venusians is often coquettishly upturned, slightly, as in some lunar types. The nostrils are fluttering, emphasizing the sensitivity that radiates from their eyes. The lips are plump and well defined. The vertical line that runs from the nose to the lip is gracefully deepened.

The lips of a Venusian have nothing rational, they are sensitive. They complement what the eyes and nose say. The smile that adorns her is an example of a woman's smile. It has an amazing charm. The face is completed by a rounded chin, the middle of which is sometimes decorated with a small pleasant dimple.

Venus is a feminine type. Her strength is not in the muscles, not in the will: it lies in her intuition. Men of the Venusian type are soft, sensitive, impressionable, gentle, modest. They like to be caressed, well-groomed, well-received. Martian and solar types want to look strong, Mercurians want to be smart, Jupiterians want to look important and serious, and Venusians want to look beautiful.

They are easy to laugh and cry. This is true and easily explained in terms of their weak mental control.

These are happy people - nature seems to please itself, showering them with its gifts, and usually the success that they have exceeds their merits. This is true especially for women - they succeed more due to their charm than business qualities.

Venusians, male or female, are faithful in friendship, but not always faithful in love. They fall in love easily and strongly, but their passions are like a flame from straw. They are afraid of struggle, effort, overwork.

Venusians are not like the Martians who love activity, nor the Earth type who loves their estate, nor the Jupiterians who love their stores: they love their boudoir, decorated with mirrors and creams.

A Venusian is a handsome man who wants to please women more with the sophistication of clothes and manners than with the strength of his mind. The Venusian has a beautiful face of a coquette, trembling with love. Such women fall in love only because of their beauty.

Pure type "Jupiter"

Recall that the Jupiterians are square or oval types, deformed due to sedentary life. If Martian, terrestrial, Mercurial, solar and Venusian types begin to get fat, if a square and an oval are rounded, this means that the type is jupiterizing.

This is why the Jupiterians are very different from each other: they have in common only the leading features of their type.

To distinguish between Jupiterians, one must be able to recognize what type they come from.

Jupiterians are usually bald, to a greater or lesser extent, suffer from arthritis to some extent. Their forehead is almost without wrinkles, because they live a free life. Their eyebrows are arched. The eyes are large, open, sincere, honest. The nose is large, the lower part is fleshy.

Martian, terrestrial, Mercurial, solar, Venusian types of noses, thickening in the lower part, form the Jupiter type of nose. However, most often the Jupiter nose comes from a type of straight noses. Jupiterian lips are large, fleshy, and ill-defined. They are weakly closed. The lower lip is slightly sagging. A characteristic sign of a Jupiterian smile is good nature.

Jupiter does not like to shave much, hair gives him importance. If the Martian wears a short and bristly mustache, the Earth type leaves it growing like a bush, the Mercurian and Solar types like to be clean-shaven, and the Venusian wears a thin mustache, the Jupiter type leaves it long, covering at least the upper lip. The Jovian beard is thick and majestic. Jupiterian - and she has a mustache and a beard (see Fig. 32).

Rice. 32. Type of face of a man (a) and a woman (b) of the Jupiterian type

Neither a Mercurial nor a Venusian would allow hair on her face. But they are great for the Jovian because they give her an important look.

The Jupiterian beard is wide and thick. Jupiterians are made to rule. A handsome appearance, a lush beard, a large belly, good nature, which emanates from them, prepare for them the role of comforters, conciliators.

The chief secretary, an active person on whom everything depends, can be Martian, solar or Jupiter types. But the person who represents any society or association can only be a Jovian. The leaders of large states and republics, as a rule, are people of the Jupiterian type or with strongly pronounced Jupiterian character traits.

The figure shows the head, a typical Jupiterian. His forehead is low. Strongly rounded eyebrows and eyes enhance good nature, turning it into submissiveness. The very large lower part of the nose, the fleshy lips show an excessive fondness for food and drink, more than that of an ordinary Jovian. This person seems to prefer a glass of wine to a cup of water.

The other Jupiter type is much more intelligent. Some Jupiterians, as we have already said, are great for the role of an accountant in a large trading house. There, her abilities can be revealed: methodicalness, love of order, honesty.

Jupiterians by nature are cheerful, optimistic people. They prefer a prosperous life, delicious food, love to spend the evenings with family and friends. As a rule, they are good spouses, serious and peaceful, affectionate and helpful, but not flirtatious.

As regards the Jupiterians, it is necessary to know to which type they ascend: if they are of the Martian type or of the terrestrial type, then they are more energetic than those that are descended from the Mercurial type. If, for example, a Jupiterian leader comes from the Mercurial type, then he uses the qualities of Mercury as a shield, eluding entangled situations.

Pure type "Moon"

Lunar types have a round skull and face. The hair is blond, ashen or chestnut. They are usually smooth in a man, smooth or curly in a woman. The forehead is round and convex. Eyebrows are arched. This is a sign that indicates that in lunar types, surprise is not so much a temporary, transient property as their morphological feature. Eyes, like eyebrows, also express surprise: they are large, meek, dreamy, kind. In the lower lunar types they are stupid.

The nose is usually widened downwards and turned up. It is similar to the Venusian, but wider. The lips are also like those of a Venusian, but not so beautiful. The lunar type is not free from carnal appetites, but they have more reason than the Venusian type. The chin is rounded, thick, soft - it lacks energy.

Rice. 33. Pure male (a) and female (b) type "Moon"

Lunar types are people of imagination and impressionable natures. They are meek, quiet, dreamy, timid, love peace. Sociable, inquisitive with others, cheerful like children. Lunar types are not created for a fierce struggle in life - they are contemplative natures.

Usually they are officials and as such are pleasant, disciplined, honest, conscientious. They perform well but manage poorly because they lack determination.

A woman of the lunar type is charming. She smiles pleasantly, tries to please you, although she remains shy and reserved. Her eyes are full of poetry. He talks about those fabulous dreams that her soul is full of. Fearful, often superstitious, she prefers to be near her husband all the time, perceiving him as a strong support. Religious by nature, she feels God in nature. She is excited about beautiful music, beautiful pictures. She has a strong intuition and a developed sense of harmony.

Quite cold in feelings, she is voluptuous in her imagination. Mentally, she is very different from the Venusian, which she sometimes resembles and with which a beginner in physiognomy can confuse her. (For comparison, reread what was said about the Venusian.)

People of the lower lunar type are lazy, deceitful, stupid, prone to cunning and gossip. Women of this type can lie to their husbands even when they are loved. Their innocence is apparent.

Pure lunar types have a purely lymphatic temperament. Their skin is very white, suffering from contact with the sun's rays. Their skin turns red from the sun, and does not darken, as in other types. They cannot use the sun cure as favorably as the Martian, Solar, Mercurial and Earth types do. Home-settled by nature, they get fat and get arthritis.

They also suffer from the expansion of the stomach, so that in the morning they have a white tongue, and when they wake up, they still feel tired. Lazy digestion and a large liver are another sign of this type. In youth, they are disposed to a headache of a toxic nature and to diseases of the glands.

Pure type "Saturn"

As we have already said, the Martian, terrestrial, Jupiterian, solar, Mercurial types are sanguine natures with light ruddy skin. Lunar types are lymphatic, that is, with pale skin. Venusian - lympho-sanguine.

Saturnian types differ sharply from the above in their biliousness. Saturn marks yellowish skin. But not only the color of the skin so distinguishes the Saturnian. It is always immediately noticeable. If he enters your office or walks along the other side of the street, you should immediately recognize him: who he is, what he thinks, what he suffers from. All this is written in large letters on his appearance: in the matte color of the skin, in the black and thick hair, in the sad look, in the angularity of the lines, in the disappointment that emanates from his smile.

The face of a Saturnian is quadrangular. The forehead is quite intellectualized, but not in the same way as in the solar type: it is not the frontal bones that protrude from it, but the anterior-lateral parts of the skull. This is a very characteristic building. The skull, as it were, expands the upper part of the quadrangle, which represents the face of the Saturnian, and turns it into a trapezoid (Fig. 34a).

Hair often grows low over the forehead. Again, they are black, even very black, profuse, thick, and usually smooth and shiny. The Saturnian has to shave twice; if he shaved in the morning, then by evening the chin becomes dark again, and this changes its appearance.

Rice. 34. Male (a) and female (b) face types "Saturn"

The Saturnian woman (Fig. 34b) has dark antennae above the upper lip. The eyebrows of Saturnians are thick and black, with an angle turned upwards. The eyes seem to repeat their shape, they are triangular. In the look of the Saturnian, pessimism, distrust, exactingness are read. She peers deep into things and phenomena, into herself.

The nose of a Saturnian is of the type of straight noses: it is usually wide at the root and pointed downwards. Lips thin, compressed, expressing bitter contempt. The chin is angular.

Mentally, Saturnians are serious, thoughtful, nervous, sad. Saturnian thinks and misses. He is a nocturnal creature. At night he feels better and works easier. His complexion looks more friendly under artificial lighting. Saturnian is more beautiful in the evening.

The Saturnian, with his weak muscles and narrow chest, does not know the pleasure of breathing freely and deeply clean air and basking naked in the sun. Sun, cold water cause him pain. The brain dominates his life.

A large number of the so-called rational types are Saturnians. They feel best when they are far from the world.

Their misanthropy finds refuge in laboratories, where they become one of the most caring, most industrious and modest scientists, in institutions where they diligently put things in order in accounts - in a word, in all posts where seriousness, observation, diligence are needed.

mixed types

The eight types we have described are very rare. Almost all types are mixed, but it was still necessary to describe pure types in more detail.

A physiognomist who knows pure types well can at a glance catch the dominant type in any person. This is the first thing he must do. After that, he should ask himself: “What is this dominant type combined with? Is he strengthened or weakened, has he gained or lost anything intellectually from this or that mixture?

Without a doubt, in order to correctly determine the components of any physiognomy, the student needs to work in the field of physiognomy for a long time and he will have to make mistakes more than once. You need to learn how to reduce the face that you study to a scheme, a monogram. We had students who, at the beginning of their physiognomic practice, saw a square chin, which in fact was round, or energetic eyebrows, which were essentially not like that. Others called Saturnian light skin, lymphatic - pure pink.

By constant practice, the physiognomist eventually acquires the ability to distinguish in the face of its components. For example, it is always easy to find at least two components: one main, the other secondary. Very often open and three. But since the study of triple types will take us very far and complicate the study, which, because of its novelty, should be simpler, we will confine ourselves to the study of the main double types.

In order to understand mixed types well and acquire the ability to quickly distinguish them in the faces of others, you must study not only the text of this book. Then you need to turn to the drawings - any image is imprinted in our memory much better than a thousand explanations.

If you master the drawings of eight simple types and monograms, then you will have the whole physiognomic science in a potential state. And then there is nothing left but to compare, combine, combine. This is a very exciting job.

We especially recommend a careful study of monograms: everything that is not clear can be schematized with several lines. It is very nice to draw monograms of mixed types. We have chosen not to do so here to keep the presentation simple. We leave the students to draw these monograms for themselves, using the data available in the chapter "Mixed Types" and the drawings attached to this chapter.

We name mixed types by their constituents. For example, the Sun-Mars is a face in which we discover the characteristic features of the solar and Martian types. In the first place we put the main, predominant type. For example, if a person is predominantly of the Martian type, but also has signs of a solar type, then we call him Mars-Sun.

In order to quickly distinguish the mixed types we are talking about, and to save time, we recommend that the reader, after considering a drawing of any mixed type, turn to drawings representing pure types, even if the reader thinks he knows them well. So he will immediately understand what elements the combination consists of.

Rice. 35. Mixed face type

So, for example, in Fig. 35 you see a mixed Sun-Mars type. Don't be lazy and take another look at Fig. 30, which represents the solar type, and fig. 27 representing the Martian type.

First of all, we will study the four combinations of the Sun. After you have taken a quick and general look at the four clichés, turn to the pure solar type in fig. 30a and b and note the protruding upper part of the face of a solar type: his forehead and nose - this is where the Sun leaves its imprint most often. (Energetic Mars leaves its imprint on the jaws, sensual Venus - most often on the lips, and so on.)

Four foreheads, four noses - solar. You probably already recognized the rest of the face by carefully examining Fig. 30 and using the table.

Check your diagnosis by taking another look at Mars, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter.

What happens when multiple types are combined? Very simple: positive and negative qualities combine and complement each other.

If, for example, the Martian type is mixed with the Venusian type, then this person will be more sensitive and more sentimental than a pure Martian, but more energetic than a pure Venusian type. In other words, his energy will be sensitive to certain influences of a sentimental nature. But his sentimentality will never have complete superiority over his sober mind.

Don't you now think that it is very easy to imagine all possible combinations and fully guess their character? We give here some of the other most characteristic features of mixed types. The reader himself will add details to these characteristics, which we do not want to interfere with.

The solar-Martian type combines energy with broad intellectual abilities. These two energetic types reinforce each other. The sun intellectualizes Mars, expands its field of ideas and gives it amazing clarity and radiance. Sun-Mars is the most powerful and most impressive of the human types. This is an example of fruitful activity, which manifests itself in all areas of life. No dreams, no vague visions - just precise actions. Napoleon belongs to this category.

The Solar-Mercurian type is more intelligent, more noble. He is more energetic, more pleasant, calmer, less reverent than the pure Mercurial type. This is one of the most beautiful combinations.

The solar-Mercurian type quickly understands things than the solar-Martian type, assimilates them better, is more flexible (Mercury). While Sun-Mars is the commander in chief, Sun-Mercury is the big banker or factory manager.

The solar-Venusian type combines the intelligence of the Sun with the sensitivity of Venus. This is a great female type. A man of this type is an intelligent, loving, but often unfaithful companion. Satisfaction of appetites occupies a prominent place in his life. He, however, deceives women nobly.

The combination of the Sun-Jupiter creates leaders. People of this type do not have intense activity of the pure solar type. These are those who have gained success and "rested on their laurels." Intellectually, Sun-Jupiter people are higher than pure Jupiterians and more energetic. They are resorted to for advice, because their advice is wise.

Turn to the pure Mercurial type, and then consider the four faces of this type. You will see the same sly look, a long and thin nose, a flat upper lip, a sharp chin of a Mercurian.

The Mercury-Earth type is more intelligent than the pure Earth type. This type produces revolutionaries: he has many ideas (Mercury), but he tends to carry them out with violence (Earth) before these ideas are clear and defined.

Many revolutionaries are of the Mercury-Earth type. Often they are also of the Moon-Earth type: flights of the lunar imagination then manifest themselves in their earthly energy.

Jupiter-Earth is a type of Bolshevik. Lenin belongs to this type.

The Mercury-Venus type is quicker to understand, more active, and better assimilated than the corresponding pure types. The Mercury-Venus woman is intelligent and witty.

The French woman is the type of Mercury-Venus, artistic, sensitive by nature and likes to relax more than work.

Mercury-Mars, like the Sun-Mars, associates intelligence with activity. But Mercury-Mars is more flexible, more artistic and subtle. Sometimes he is not as honest as the Sun-Mars.

The Mercury-Saturn type will create the quick-witted (Mercury), melancholic, patient and conscientious (Saturn). Mercury lends a certain radiance to Saturn and gives him a smile from time to time.

Three common combinations of the Moon are lunar-mercurial, lunar-terrestrial and lunar-Venusian types.

Moon-Mercury combines Mercurial intelligence with lunar imagination. Men of this type are less energetic. Women are sociable, witty, poetic and artistic.

"Moon-Earth" - the type is energetic, rude ("Earth"), dreamy ("Moon"). He often gives, again, a typical Bolshevik.

The Moon-Venus type as a woman is a beautiful doll. For a man, this combination is unfavorable, because it does not correspond to achieving success in life.

The fourth type is Saturn-Mars. It brings together the sad energy of Saturn and the contented energy of Mars. But when Saturn-Mars leaves an imprint on someone's face, sadness subsequently dominates. The darker the Saturn-Mars skin and the stronger the mournful note, the more the individual suffers from headaches and stomach ulcers. The lighter the skin, the stronger the qualities of Mars: joy and complacency. The combination of Saturn-Mars creates people of business (Mars), busy with their future (Saturn).

The most common combination of Jupiter is the Jupiter-Mercurian type. Jupiter-Mercury people are more dexterous than pure Jupiterians and more solid than pure Mercurians. This combination is found among bankers, among those involved in large financial transactions. People of this type, as a rule, succeed in life.

A few examples

We confine ourselves to a brief analysis of eight well-known faces: Louis XIV, Napoleon, Dante Alighieri, Henry III and Danton.

Louis XIV is a wonderful sunny type. It is curious to state that the voice of the people, not versed in physiognomy, dubbed Louis XIV "the sun king." His forehead, covered with a wig, is quite prominent. The eyes are large with beautiful eyelashes, the look is bold - all these are typical signs of the solar type. The nose of the Bourbons is Apollonian, the same as that of Napoleon.

Delestre states: "All the great ambitious people who wanted to command others and keep them in their power, those who pursued a single goal without despairing for a moment ... - they all had an aquiline nose."

Typical: "You almost made me wait" - Louis XIV, is written both in his eyes and in his chin. Indeed, solar types, like Martians and Mercurians, do not like to wait. But not from neurotic impatience, like the Mercurians, but because they value time: their minutes are counted.

The lower part of the king's face is jupiterized: the neck is thick, the lower lip is large and slightly pendulous. It expresses the sensuality and passion for gourmet dishes that prevailed in Louis XIV.

Napoleon's head was considered by Lavater as the ideal of a human head. The emperor belongs to the solar-Martian, predominantly solar type. Napoleon's forehead, both Martian and sunny, is surprisingly calm and intelligent. The bony bulge that protrudes between the lashed eyebrows, further emphasizing it, shows great mental control. It explains the ease with which Napoleon could dictate three letters at once. The eyes are sunny, extremely magnetic, covering everything with one glance, subordinating everything to their will. It is understandable why even the most experienced warriors of his army trembled under this look. The chin, square and round at the same time, speaks of a person who can reach the highest position in the world.

Dante Alighieri is a Saturnian. The small eyes that seek out causes and peer inwards, the nose, the contemptuously curved lips, the chin, the neck, the shoulders, the clothes and the cap are all Saturnian. Compare Dante's heavy cap with Henry III's.

The Saturnian seal on Dante's face explains the ideas that pervade his Divine Comedy. Dante delved into all spheres of human knowledge, he was a passionate and desperate fighter (remember his speeches against the Ghibellines, his exile).

Henry III is a typical Mercurian, intelligent but with bad instincts. His intelligence is read on his almost sunny forehead, and bad instincts - in a sidelong glance. It is enough to look into the eyes of Henry III to stop wondering why he gave the order to kill the Duke of Guise. But let's not forget that there are also excellent Mercurians who do not kill anyone.

Danton is an Earth-Moon type. Wild earthly energy, combined with the most beautiful lunar visions, should have made him one of the brilliant types of revolutionaries, the living embodiment of the French people, capable of destroying everything for the sake of an idea and climbing the scaffold for it with a smile on his lips.

About facial expressions

Mimicry is a classic field of study for the physiognomist. Not knowing its data means being subject to serious physiognomic mistakes. Often we happened to change, using the data of facial expressions, the diagnosis made by the study of forms.

Suppose you meet a person who is beautiful in terms of morphology, of the Jupiter type, and come to the conclusion that he has intelligence, innate good nature, harmony in mental abilities, and peace of mind.

But this man starts talking. Before uttering the first word, he begins to laugh - neither to the village nor to the city, raises his eyebrows, frowns his forehead, moves his mustache with a nervous movement. His unaesthetic facial expressions are in conflict with his morphology, and medical and psychological research confirms this. Yes, he is intelligent and kind, but a fearful, weak-willed person.

While the morphological type is created in an investigative way, facial expressions are the result of education. If the Jupiterian in our example had spent his childhood in an environment where he would have been taught to want to express himself, he would not have become a neuropath and his facial expressions would have expressed a strong nature. This statement is a powerful encouragement for those who see signs of moral weakness in themselves. Improving our mental culture, we improve our nature, and this is a worthy goal.

People who are not subject to strong passions have calm facial expressions. These are lunar types - meek dreamers, Venusian types - passive people, as well as those Jupiterians who indulged in a free life and have a calm or slightly frowning face.

About facial expressions

On the faces of eternally trembling people (Mercury type), as well as on the faces of eternally busy people (Saturn type), wrinkles often appear already in youth. The deeper the wrinkles, the more they emphasize the ideas they represent. “The depth of the fold of any matter speaks of its frequent and everyday use,” Delestre noted. Of course, one must be able to distinguish mental wrinkles from those that appear from rapid fattening.

The movements of the forehead are closely related to the movements of the eyebrows.

"Forehead good man, - says Delestre, - brings clarity to his conscience. If the forehead without wrinkles is the forehead of weak-willed, indecisive people (lunar and Venusian types and the like). The forehead rises above their fair arched eyebrows, which are usually thin and emphasize the innocence of their owner and the lack of reactions from their passions.

Neuropaths have horizontal wrinkles on their foreheads, which are the result of frequent raising of the eyebrows, the well-known gesture of constant surprise. Because of the smallest work, they wrinkle their forehead.

Balanced natures (Mars, the Sun) have the smallest number of horizontal wrinkles on their forehead, because they do not wrinkle in surprise: their forehead is wrinkled vertically in the area where intense, strong-willed attention is expressed, i.e. between the eyebrows at the root of the nose. So, vertical wrinkles go hand in hand with horizontal and thick eyebrows (“Mars”). The depth of the vertical wrinkle and wrinkles generally determines the amount of mental control.

If the vertical wrinkle in question is very deep, it means a wayward and even violent will. In this case, it is accompanied by thick and unruly eyebrows of the Martian or Earth type. This type of forehead and eyebrows is found in people who are not amenable to any discipline. Delestre saw many such faces in prisons.

If you want to know if a person who offers his services to you (whether a man or a woman) can become an active and efficient employee, watch his forehead and eyebrows during a conversation. If he raises his eyebrows and horizontal wrinkles form on his forehead, he may be an active person, but nervous, and his activity will certainly be chaotic and uneven.

If he moves his eyebrows, as a result of which his forehead stretches and two or three vertical wrinkles cut through between his eyes, then this is a person who can listen and concentrate: he really wants to work and has a desire to succeed. This person can go far in the service.

Characteristics of the forehead and fortune telling

Wrinkles on the forehead, like the lines on the palm, correspond to the planets and carry certain information that reflects the character and abilities of a person. The uppermost wrinkle is located at the edge of the hair and falls under the auspices of Saturn and patronizes children. Below it is the wrinkle of Jupiter, showing a predisposition to religiosity. This is followed by the wrinkle of Mars - this patronizes the military. Below is the wrinkle of the Sun, which is especially favorable to the rulers. Even lower is the wrinkle of Venus - a feature of the rulers. The wrinkle of Mercury following it speaks of susceptibility to disease and suffering.

Different schools have different divisions of wrinkles, including the one shown in the picture.

Five wrinkles of equal length in the middle of the forehead speak of a great mind, directness and integrity both in the family and in the service. Such a person is an ascetic who sacrifices himself for the happiness of his neighbor.

The deep and even wrinkle of Saturn marks the sexy champion. If the wrinkles of Jupiter and Saturn are curved in the shape of a bow, then their owner is ambitious. In the case when these two wrinkles are sinuous, then they belong to a dishonest person, a liar. The break in the center of Jupiter's wrinkle indicates great spiritual strength. Travelers are characterized by a single straight wrinkle. If the only wrinkle twists like a snake, such a person is strong both in soul and body. The versatility of interests and talents is indicated by two equal deep wrinkles above the eyebrows. If there are many small and thin wrinkles above the eyebrows, then this indicates poor health.

Rice. 36. Distribution of wrinkles on the forehead according to European astrological principles: 1 - line of Saturn; 2 - line of Jupiter; 3 - line of Mars; 4 - line of Venus; 5 - line of the Sun; 6 - line of the Moon; 7 - line of Mercury

Above the right eye is the line of the Sun, above the left eye is the line of the Moon, and above the nose is the line of Mercury.

Each of these lines from the right to the left side is divided into 60 equal parts, which is a year; the middle above the nose shows half of that number or years. When these lines are long, straight, not intersected by extraneous lines, warts and spots, they show the following:

Saturn line: responsible for house-building, points to skilled people in the craft.

Jupiter line: indicates learning and wealth.

Mars line: militancy, disposition to medicine and bloodshed.

Line of Venus: disposition to music, panache, fun and pleasure.

Sun Line: predicts happiness, wealth and nobility.

Moon line: love of travel, trade, animal hunting, etc.

Mercury line: love for the sciences, eloquence, merchants, brokerage and litigation.

If these lines are short, crooked, crossed, spotted or warted, then they mean misfortune. Bent lines show a variable disposition, the same means if these lines separate or diverge.

The crooked or round line of Saturn shows an evil and unhappy person; a slingshot in it - threatens with misfortune, and such a person is more harmful than useful.

When branches up and down are visible from the Jupiter line, a person is in danger from water and this trait shows the inconstancy of character.

Forehead in Chinese

The forehead was placed by Chinese physiognomists in the upper zone of the face. When analyzing this area, the physiognomist can at first glance probably say more about the fate of a person than about his character. According to the Chinese, the history of a person's life for a period of 15 to 30 years is inscribed on the forehead.

Ideally, the bony structure of the forehead should be broad, but it should not protrude excessively. The platforms on both sides of the forehead should go down without the effect of sharp breaks. The skin should be tight enough and have a healthy sheen.

Among Chinese physiognomists, as to some extent in the West, the forehead is considered to indicate mental abilities. However, the physiognomist must be careful when analyzing the "powerful" forehead. As with the Five Essential Features, a "powerful brow" should be well balanced and in proportion with other facial features.

If the forehead is so large that it protrudes excessively, then this can mean both genius and idiocy. Such cases can only be assessed in combination with other facial features.

Chinese physiognomists give the following characteristics of a person depending on the shape of the forehead.

If a forehead narrow and low leaning back - this indicates a weak mind.

Forehead protruding far in width and height(Fig. 37 d) - a great mind.

Forehead low(Fig. 37a) - an energetic, cruel nature, prone to crime, replete with base instincts.

The forehead is wide and convex at the corners(Fig. 37b) - a rich fantasy, sick imagination.

The forehead is steep, convex in the middle- a serious mind.

Forehead crescent-shaped(Fig. 37c) - nature is narrow-minded, routine, moderate in qualities, with hidden flaws.

Rice. 37. Forms of the forehead according to the Chinese physiognomic school

Rice. 38. Forms of the forehead according to the Japanese physiognomic school

According to the Japanese physiognomic school inverted pyramid forehead(Fig. 38, No. 2), - a melancholy-cunning nature, deceitful and stupid, selfish, prone to debauchery.

Forehead straight and slightly wide- straightforwardness, kindness and narrow-mindedness.

Forehead quadrangular(Fig. 38, No. 4) - generosity.

Strongly developed forehead- a vast, observant mind.

Too big forehead- laziness, immobility.

Forehead is too prominent(Fig. 38, No. 3) - the nature is evil, narrow-minded, worldly-practical.

Forehead too flat- soft disposition, and sometimes limited mind.

Forehead too wide- hot, quick-tempered nature, arrogance.

forehead too small- mobility (usually the poverty of spiritual forces).

Forehead with bulging musical bumps(Fig. 38, No. 7) - musical talent and wealth of the inner world.

Small, short forehead- dishonesty.

Forehead in the representation of Europeans

Forehead is smooth, without wrinkles- carefree, cheerful disposition.

Forehead with horizontal wrinkles close to the eyebrows,- deep mind

Forehead with horizontal wrinkles close to the hair,- cruelty, pride.

Forehead with deep wrinkles in the form of folds- mediocre mind, laziness.

Forehead wrinkled in all directions,- eccentricity, originality.

Forehead with perpendicular wrinkles towards the base of the nose- deep mind

Forehead with horizontal, parallel and subtle wrinkles- calm mind, honesty.

Forehead with perpendicular wrinkles- great mind, energy, pride, ambition.

Forehead with deep zigzag wrinkles- failure in business.

The forehead is low, bony, with deep zigzag wrinkles.- shamelessness and all sorts of vices.

Forehead with deep and irregular wrinkles in all directions- impetuous mind, sharpness, quarrelsomeness and rudeness.

Some people reach maturity in their twenties, others in their thirties. According to physiognomists, it depends on the fate of a person. Typically, intellectual maturity develops as experience is gained. The more problems we face, the more intensively we are forced to develop and use our abilities to solve them. In the process, marks and lines appear on the face, well known to face readers as wrinkles.

In physiognomy, it is believed that the lines between the forehead and chin reflect the fate of a person. Some lines can be clearly defined, others only slightly.

Rice. 39. Location of wrinkles

People who have a harder life tend to have deeper wrinkles. But that's it: a groove is not a hard and fast rule, as many young people develop deep wrinkles prematurely. When studying the face, the analysis of these phenomena can reveal a lot about the character and fate of a person.

Of course, in each part of the face there are a large number of different lines. We will only explore the main ones here. So, for example, from one to six lines usually pass through the forehead (Fig. 39a).

Irregular lines - thin, short, wavy and scattered on the forehead (Fig. 39b) - characterize insufficient concentration, poor health and helplessness of a person in life. Such people are prone to evil deeds. Even if such a person rises to a high position, his mind will still be marked with suspicion. If these lines are very deep, then this may indicate premature death.

Irregular lines, but rough and more pronounced and also scattered on the forehead (Fig. 39c), indicate the collapse of plans, gloominess and inability to achieve the intended goals. Such people also suffer greatly from domestic troubles.

One and only horizontal line passing through the middle of the forehead (Fig. 39 d) is a sign of a beautiful and noble life. Such a person is likely to be successful in all his undertakings, and especially at a young age. However, if the line is located too close to the eyebrows, that is, "too low", then this may indicate early unhappiness in life.

Two or three lines crossing the forehead (Fig. 39e) are considered a good sign. A forehead with two lines is very common in successful and resourceful people. A forehead with three lines indicates a high degree of artistry and literary talent.

If three lines on the forehead intersect in the middle with a short perpendicular line (Fig. 39e), then this is a sign of nobility, especially favorable fate, long life and a high position associated with power.

Three long lines without breaks, running across the forehead, forming a large arc (Fig. 39g), indicate a person of great popularity.

Such a person is highly respected and has a wide circle of friends. People of this type live a relatively calm life, without much hardship.

Lines of unusual outlines crossing the forehead (Fig. 39h) indicate that a person will soon occupy a prominent position. However, if other facial features are weak, then this means a life full of hardships.

Rare lines in the form of a rhombus (Fig. 39i) indicate long life and great fame. This is often found among writers, artists, musicians and other creative personalities.

Chinese standard hairline

The forehead should be considered considering its shape, width, height (from the hairline to the eyebrows), wrinkles, hairline (front and on both sides), shine. The forehead must be free of distortion, either from birth defects or other causes. An uneven forehead on the left side indicates the loss of a father at an early age, on the right - the loss of a mother.

When determining the width and height of the forehead, a line is drawn one inch above the eyebrows (Fig. 39a). The measurement is taken from the lower right hairline across the front of the forehead to the lower left hairline. In most cases, the length of this line is from 12.5 to 20 cm. Of course, there are foreheads that are narrower and wider, but they are considered as “abnormal”.

Ideally, the width of the front of the forehead lies between 7.5 and 10 cm (Fig. 39b). Then comes the slope to the temples on both sides of the face. The slope should be smooth and soft. Individuals with such foreheads are capable of achieving success and prosperity.

If there is a sudden "kink" in the slope, then this indicates poverty and misfortune. A wide forehead with a high hairline and an abundance of meat on the bones indicates intelligence and prominence.

Conversely, a narrow forehead with a low hairline indicates mediocrity.

As a general rule, the hairline should be 5–8.7 cm from the eyebrows, but should not excessively exceed the length of the nose or the lower zone (Fig. 39c). Moreover, this length only matches the natural hairline, not the hairline created by cosmetics, wigs or plastic surgery.

Many individuals begin to lose their hair and become bald at a young age. But this receding line should not be considered part of the forehead.

Horizontally, the ideal forehead should be between 15 and 16.5 cm long.

Thus, the standard for a good forehead is an open area without hair, 12.5 to 20 cm long and 6.2 to 15 cm wide.

The hairline is closely related to the shape of the forehead. If the forehead is angular, then the hairline will be the same (Fig. 39 d). A person with this type of forehead is likely to be practical, gifted, sociable.

He has a disciplined, practical mind.

However, he has no artistic streak. A woman with such a forehead prefers a business or professional career rather than homework.

An angular forehead in which both lateral hairlines converge, making the top hairline much shorter than the previous type, indicates that the person has an unhappy family background. Such a person submits to pressure from the outside and may be in continuous stress.

In such cases, a person should try to correct this negative situation by taking a more confident and courageous position (Fig. 39e).

The M-shaped hairline (Fig. 39e) is a sign of artistic temperament and great sensitivity.

Such people are able to advance as artists, musicians, writers and scientists. By giving free rein to his passion, such a person may find incongruous anger and joy.

He is also indifferent to the future, has no business acumen, and prefers a bohemian lifestyle.

Women with a hairline similar to an M-shape, but much smaller and more pointed (Fig. 39g), belong to a chaste and virtuous type. They are sensual and value constancy in relationships. They also love household chores.

Often women have a round hairline (Fig. 39h). It indicates a liberated spirit and an independent thinking mind. Angled hair lines can be found in enterprising women, in female employees. Such women are always ready to compete with men on an equal footing.

An uneven hairline, with frayed edges (Fig. 39i), forming a jagged contour, indicates a difficult childhood and a neurotic personality in later years. Often such a person is sullen and rude and rebels against society.

Most people with scalloped hairline are of low intelligence. But again, a word of caution is in order. This conclusion does not apply to people who have a forehead of good shape, broad and fairly even, despite the irregular hairline.

The facts from history show that many rebellious people, despite the jagged hairline, had a high intelligence.

Rice. 40. Zones of distribution of abilities among the irregularities of the forehead and skull according to European phrenology

1 - physical love;

2 - the instinct to preserve the species;

3 - kindness;

4 - the spirit of contradiction;

5 - cunning;

6 - a tendency to steal;

7 - pride;

8 - ambition;

9 - caution;

10 - tameability;

11 - terrain instinct;

12 - memory for faces;

13 - memory of words;

14 - the ability to articulate speech;

15 - a feeling that determines the relationship of sounds;

16 - a feeling that determines the ratio of numbers;

17 - mechanical. instinct;

18 - metaphysical mind;

19 - poetic talent;

20 - imitation;

21 - a tendency to religiosity;

22 - steadfastness

About hair color and composition

After we have talked so much about the hairline, it would simply be unfair not to mention how physiognomists regard the characteristics of color and softness of hair.

WHITE HAIR shows a cold, weak and fearful nature;

RED - courage and deceit;

RUSIAN - justice and health;

BLACK - stubbornness, arrogance and inconstancy;

CURLY HAIR - falling in love;

DENSE AND HARD - stubbornness and wildness;

RARE AND THIN - slyness, malice and generally bad temper;

SOFT - timidity and good nature;


HAIR ON END - indicate insolence, stubbornness and intractability.