How to remove chewing gum from clothes. How to remove chewing gum from clothes

Calculation of wire cross-section

An invention like chewing gum can cause a lot of trouble. Irresponsible citizens who like to chew gum often spit it out in the most inappropriate places. Therefore, no one is immune from the situation when chewing gum sticks to clothes. This can happen in the office, in public transport, or on a bench in the park. Most often, children bring chewing gum on their clothes. They love to put them under desks, on chairs and other surfaces. Parents get very upset in this case and believe that the item is hopelessly damaged. But you shouldn’t let her go to waste; it’s better to try to “reanimate” her. It will be useful for housewives to learn how to remove chewing gum from clothes and give things a new life.

Cleansing with cold

The effectiveness of any method depends on how quickly the problem is discovered. The faster you react, the easier it will be to clean the item.

Cold helps a lot. Soiled clothing should be placed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer. It is important that the chewing gum does not come into contact with any surfaces. If this is not possible, then the contaminated area must be placed on top of the bag. You need to refrigerate for about a day to achieve a good result. After this, the gum will harden and can be easily removed.

In cases where it is not possible to put the item in the freezer, you can apply a piece of ice to the chewing gum. It needs to be put in a bag so that there is no liquid. It is necessary to keep it on the soiled area until the chewing gum freezes. Then it can be separated from the fabric.

If chewing gum is stuck to a sofa or other bulky item, apply dry ice to the stained area and then separate the gum. Naturally, it is unlikely that you will be able to wash the sofa, so you can treat the area that has been contaminated with ammonia. After this, it will be like new again, and not a trace of chewing gum will remain.

Wedge with wedge

No matter how funny it may sound, there is a way to remove chewing gum from clothes at home using chewing gum. It must be chewed until it becomes tasteless. Then you need to knead the gum in your hands so that it begins to stick to them. The stained area needs to be treated with this rubber band; it will collect all the dirt.

Hot iron

This method is more suitable for fabric that can withstand temperatures of about 100 degrees. Therefore, before getting started, you need to carefully study the label on the product. Using a heated iron, iron the contaminated area through the paper. The gum should melt and stick to the sheet. After this, the clothes will be clean.


When using this method, you need to be careful when deciding how to remove gum from clothes. Not every tissue can remain intact after such an aggressive impact. To clean things from chewing gum, you can use acetone, gasoline or the liquid that girls use to remove nail polish. After wetting the cotton wool, you need to apply it to the dirty area and hold it for a while. The gum may be difficult to separate, so be patient. After complete removal, the item must be washed. First, the fabric can be kept in bleach, which is suitable for this type of product.

Special means

Now there is a large selection of freezing sprays that give a freezing effect. They are used for injuries, so you can buy them at the pharmacy. After applying this drug, the chewing gum will freeze and can be separated from the tissue.


Experienced housewives know how to remove chewing gum from clothes by boiling. The damaged area on the fabric should be placed in boiling water and the chewing gum should be separated directly in the pan with a sharp object. If traces of chewing gum remain after drying, the procedure must be repeated.

Peanut butter and vinegar - useful things in the household

Not everyone knows how to remove chewing gum from clothes using peanut butter. This must be done with extreme caution, since if oil gets on the fabric, a greasy stain will remain. After applying it to the chewing gum with a sponge or cotton swab, you need to wait a little. The oil and gum should react with each other. After this, it can be easily removed with a knife.

To remove stains with vinegar, it must be preheated. After soaking your toothbrush in it, you need to thoroughly rub the gum. Gradually it will be cleaned off, but there is one condition - the vinegar should not cool down. To remove a specific smell, the item must be washed with the addition of balms.

Liquid soap

If you notice chewing gum on your clothes right away, you can try to remove it using liquid soap. It must be rubbed into the chewing gum and carefully pry it off with a sharp object, such as a knife.

Gas canister

Chewing gum stuck to clothes is not the best accessory. Sometimes it is not so easy to tear it off, and besides, this process takes time. If you need to clean an item in a short time, it is best to use a can of gas. You need to spray it onto the chewing gum, after which it will freeze. The advantage of this method is that dirt can be removed quickly and without removing the item. It's quite convenient and practical.

How to remove chewing gum using tape?

If the stain is fresh, you can try cleaning the product with tape. But you should not use it if the fabric is fleecy. A piece of tape needs to be glued to the chewing gum and sharply torn off. The procedure must be repeated until the stained area becomes clean.

If all else fails...

When not a single method has brought the expected result and the item is still dirty, you need to move on to drastic measures. How to remove chewing gum from clothes if nothing helps? If it is impossible to solve the problem at home, you should turn to professionals. The dry cleaner will carefully and carefully remove the chewing gum from the item and return it to its owner in a clean condition.

Before you remove chewing gum from your clothes, it is useful to remember the basic rules. Aggressive substances such as vinegar or solvents can damage the fabric. Therefore, they must be handled with great care without losing vigilance. When using explosive materials, you must make sure that there is no fire or devices nearby that can generate sparks. You should also avoid direct contact of products with the skin.

When thinking about how to remove chewing gum from clothes, do not forget that you need to be careful when working with sharp objects so as not to damage the fabric. Also, do not rub the product too much, otherwise it will lose its original appearance.

Have you noticed a piece of old chewing gum stuck tightly to your skirt, jeans or new trousers? Learn how to remove gum from clothes using home remedies and get your clothes in order.

Hot wrestling method

High temperatures are the main enemy of any dirt. To remove gum from things, try one of these effective control methods.


  1. Place the area with the stuck gum in boiling water.
  2. Let the clothes soak.
  3. Place a knife or other sharp object into the container and pick out the gum.
  4. Rub the fabric with your hands.
  5. Dry the item and check the result. Repeat if necessary.


How to get rid of chewing gum on clothes using water vapor? It's very easy to do this:

  1. Pour water into the kettle and let it boil.
  2. Hold the damaged item over the spout.
  3. Once the gum has softened, brush it off with a toothbrush.

Hot water

If the item of clothing can be washed in hot water, put it in a basin and soak the clothes for literally 5 minutes. Then you need to scrub off the chewing gum with an old toothbrush.


  1. Place the clothing on a thick cardboard sheet. The gum should be at the bottom.
  2. Set your iron to medium heat.
  3. Iron the area several times - the cardboard will absorb the elastic.


  1. Warm up the gum with a hairdryer.
  2. Clean clothes with a brush.

Cold processing method

The cold method of treating fabric stained with gum is as effective as its hot “brother.”


  1. Fold your clothes so that the gum is on top.
  2. Place it in the bag, being careful that the rubber band does not stick. If this is very difficult, place the clothes on top.
  3. Place the bag in the freezer and let the gum freeze.
  4. Remove the bag from the freezer and remove the clothes from it.
  5. Scrape off the elastic with a scrap knife, but not too sharp so as not to cut the fabric. You can take an oil maker.

Don't let the gum melt, and if it does, freeze it again.

Ice cubes

An alternative to the freezer that will help you out if the chewing gum is small.

  1. Place the item in a bag or simply cover the area that needs to be treated with it.
  2. Place ice on top.
  3. Wait a few minutes for the rubber band to freeze.
  4. Scrape it off with a knife.

You can also use dry ice for freezing, “Freezer” (used for cooling microcircuits, sold in radio parts stores) and “Chewing Gum Removers,” a special store-bought spray for removing gum. Their effect is similar to freezing gum.

Cold water

  1. Run the area with the stuck gum under cold water.
  2. Separate it with a brush or a dull knife.

Other cleaning methods

Other means that can easily be found in almost every home will also help remove chewing gum from clothes.


  1. Apply nail polish remover or pure acetone to the rubber band.
  2. Gently rub the area with your hands.
  3. Once the gum is removed, wash your clothes with soap.

Adhesive tape

If the chewing gum has not yet ingrained itself into the fabric, try regular tape.

  1. Cut a small piece (should cover the elastic).
  2. Press it firmly onto the gum.
  3. Remove with a sharp movement.
  4. Repeat if necessary.

Medical alcohol

Rubbing gum will help remove gum from your pants. But you can only use it on a single-color item; a colored one can fade. Instead of alcohol, you can take any alcoholic drink.

  1. Soak the sponge in alcohol.
  2. Wet the area where the gum is stuck well.
  3. Clean the fabric with a knife after 1-2 minutes.


Another good way! Just be careful - do not let gasoline get on your hands and mucous membranes, and inhaling its vapors is extremely undesirable.

  1. Pour gasoline onto the cloth (just a little is needed).
  2. Wait 1 minute.
  3. Scrape off the gum with a knife or use a brush.
  4. Wash with detergent and fabric softener to remove the smell of gasoline.

Liquid soap

  1. Apply a little liquid soap to the dirty area.
  2. Rub the soap in with a toothbrush, trying to break up the gum.
  3. Scrape off any remaining gum with a dull knife or just your fingernails.
  4. Machine wash the item.


A number of different oils are suitable for these purposes - peanut, olive, orange, sunflower and eucalyptus. When using this method, be very careful not to create stains.

  1. Soak the gum in oil. You can moisten a cotton swab and apply it to the dirty area.
  2. Wait a few minutes - the elastic will become very soft.
  3. Remove it with a knife or an old toothbrush.
  4. Wash with powder and liquid stain remover.


This method is not suitable for delicate materials, but otherwise it is excellent! With its help it is possible to remove elastic from jeans.

  1. Heat the vinegar on the stove (you will need 200 grams).
  2. Dip the brush into it and go over the area with gum stuck to it. Do this very quickly before the vinegar cools down.
  3. Wash with powder.


This technical liquid is great for removing elastic from wardrobe items.

  1. Apply toluene to the area where the chewing gum has stuck.
  2. Scrape it off with a knife.
  3. Wash the item with powder.

Wedge with wedge

Another piece of chewing gum will help you remove chewing gum from your favorite pants!

  1. Chew a new record.
  2. Knead it in your hands.
  3. Stick to the place where the elastic is located.
  4. Peel off with a sharp movement - the old chewing gum will stick to the new one.
  5. Stick and unstick - and so on several times.

This will eliminate the main area of ​​contamination.

Have you tried everything, but still can’t remove chewing gum from your clothes? Take it to the dry cleaner and let the technicians fix the problem.

Chewing gum is a culinary product that allows you to restore freshness to your breath. However, not everyone strives to bring used chewing gum to the trash can, throwing it under their feet, or even worse, attaching it to benches, tables and chairs. Getting rid of frozen gum can sometimes be very difficult. There are several tips on how to remove chewing gum from clothes without unnecessary effort and damage to the fabric.

How to remove chewing gum using liquid soap

This method is only suitable for fresh chewing gum located on the surface of the fabric. Old and dried gum cannot be removed with liquid soap. If you find chewing gum on clothing, you should:

  • apply liquid soap or dishwashing detergent to the elastic band;
  • Gently rub the soap mixture into the chewing gum using an old toothbrush;
  • Remove any remaining elastic with a knife, being careful not to damage the fabric.

This method will also help to remove gum marks. Afterwards, the item should be washed in a machine or by hand. To enhance the effect, liquid soap or dishwashing detergent can be added to the powder.

Cold methods for removing stuck gum

The best results are obtained by removing the elastic from clothing after a long period of cooling. Before removing gum from clothing, you can place it in the freezer or freeze the stain with ice cubes.

In the first case, the soiled item is carefully folded, avoiding the chewing gum sticking to other parts of the fabric. Then the item is packaged and placed in the freezer. To obtain a lasting result, it is enough to leave the product in the cold for several hours. Then the item is taken out, and the frozen chewing gum is cleaned off with a knife. To remove residues, use liquid soap, laundry soap or stain remover.

Note! This anti-pollution technique is perfect for cleaning thin and delicate fabrics. In this way, you can restore the purity of silk, chiffon, and guipure. The procedure should be completed by gentle hand washing.

The situation is much more complicated with large things. Soiled jackets, blankets or upholstered furniture are “frozen” point by point with ice cubes. The main rule is to act as quickly as possible. Place an ice cube on the stuck gum and wait for a few minutes. Don't wait for the ice to melt. As soon as the chewing gum freezes, it is carefully removed from the product and the trace is carefully cleaned. This method is a real find for owners of natural fur coats, woolen coats, and sheepskin coats. It allows you to peel off chewing gum even from such difficult-to-care materials.

Removing chewing gum with pharmaceutical alcohol

You can use regular pharmaceutical alcohol to dissolve chewing gum on clothing. This budget product is found in almost every home. Alcohol easily removes the chewing gum itself and the white sticky residue. How to clean chewing gum using rubbing alcohol:

  • the liquid is applied to the site of contamination;
  • additionally moisten the area around the gum;
  • leave for 15-30 minutes;
  • Remove the softened gum with a blunt knife.

If necessary, the application of alcohol can be repeated several times. For most tissues, the liquid is harmless. In addition, using alcohol allows you to quickly remove unpleasant odors from clothes. Clear alcoholic drinks are also allowed. In particular, using regular vodka allows you to remove chewing gum.

It should be borne in mind that the use of alcohol for thin synthetic fabrics is in some cases undesirable. Also, the liquid can negatively affect the brightness of the color of clothing. Before using to remove a stain, perform a paint and fiber fastness test on back side products.

We use gasoline

Another way to unstick the hated rubber band from a thing is to use gasoline. This flammable liquid is an aggressive solvent that can destroy the structure of chewing gum in a matter of minutes. Gasoline is not used to clean silk and other delicate fabrics. It should not be used to remove stains from black or colored items. If you decide to wash the chewing gum with gasoline, then you should check the color fastness of the product in advance. How to remove chewing gum from clothes with gasoline:

After all manipulations, clothes must be washed in a machine or by hand according to the instructions on the label. It is strictly forbidden to delay washing - prolonged exposure to flammable liquids can cause damage to the product.

Will tape help?

If the chewing gum has just stuck to the surface of the clothing and has not yet penetrated deep into the fibers, then you can try to remove it with regular adhesive tape. This method is very hygienic - it eliminates the need to touch the gum with your hands. In order to tear off the gum, you should:

  • cut a piece of tape that can completely cover the stain;
  • carefully glue the tape onto the chewing gum, avoiding indentation;
  • With a sharp movement, remove the tape along with the chewing gum.

The sticky mark can be treated with any solvent. For example, acetone, nail polish remover or white spirit.

How to remove chewing gum from jeans by boiling

If all the tips on how to get gum out of clothes have been tried, but have not worked, you should consider the “heavy artillery”. Boiling is only suitable for natural fabrics: cotton, denim, linen. You should not resort to this method if the item is made of delicate fabrics or colored material. Boiling is not suitable for synthetics and wool products. Removing gum in hot water:

  • the product is completely or partially immersed in boiling water;
  • boil for 5-10 minutes;
  • then remove the clothes and remove the elastic with a dull knife.

It is important to remove the chewing gum from clothing before it cools completely - otherwise the whole point of the procedure will be lost. You can achieve success by removing elastic from denim directly in hot water after it has cooled to a tolerable temperature.

Use of steam and vegetable oils

For large items, you can use regular steam. This method is much more humane about the fibers and color of the fabric, which means it is suitable for furniture upholstery, natural and artificial fur coats, silk and wool. To achieve the result, you need to boil a kettle with a thin spout. Then:

  • Clothes spoiled by chewing gum are placed directly above the spout of the kettle;
  • wait until the gum softens;
  • Carefully clean off the dirt without removing the kettle.

Any vegetable oil can soften contamination. Sunflower, olive, and coconut are also suitable. The oil must be applied to the chewing gum and left for 30-60 minutes. When the elastic becomes soft, it can be easily peeled off. Oils can also be used to remove marks. They moisten an old toothbrush, and then carefully remove the white sticky layer. Then the treated item is immediately washed in warm water.

Heating with an iron

Among the hot methods to get rid of sticky dirt on things, it is worth noting the use of an iron. The technique allows you to remove even old and dry gum. It is suitable for any fabrics that can be ironed at high temperatures. To clean fabric:

  • a thin sheet of paper, a napkin or toilet paper is used for chewing gum;
  • the iron is heated;
  • Gently smooth the chewing gum through the paper surface.

The procedure is repeated as many times as necessary. It is worth considering that a low temperature may be enough to remove fresh gum. Only high-temperature conditions allow you to get rid of old stuck chewing gum. After the elastic has softened and been removed, the item should be washed. The sticky layer is removed with a brush or solvent.

Hot vinegar

Vinegar is widely used in preservation, but it also does an excellent job of removing stains. It should definitely be kept in your personal “arsenal” to combat difficult stains. He can handle chewing gum too. However, to remove stains from things, it is worth knowing some nuances. In particular:

The advantage of vinegar is its beneficial effect on the whiteness of the product and its ability to get rid of unpleasant odors. In addition, vinegar is suitable for almost all fabrics.

The longer the chewing gum remains on the surface of the clothing, the less likely it is to get rid of it without damaging the structure of the fabric. It is necessary to immediately remove the chewing gum from the product using proven methods.

Cold, knife or tweezers. The item to which the chewing gum is stuck must be placed in the freezer, packed in advance in a plastic bag. In this case, removing the chewing gum without damaging property will not be difficult, since it will freeze and come off easily. If difficulties arise, you can use a knife or tweezers. If the item is quite large and does not fit in the freezer, you can freeze the area around the stuck gum with ice cubes and try to tear it off in the same way.

The most reliable way to remove chewing gum from hair is vegetable oil. Moisten the chewing gum thoroughly with oil, knead the chewing gum diligently and it will begin to fall off.

The second method is also based on the use of cold. In this case, cold water is used, which allows you to solve the problem while being outside the house, where there is no possibility of using cold or ice. All you need to do is place the item under the stream cold water. After that, carefully scrape off the gum using improvised means.

You can remove gum using dry ice or a product called Freezer, sold at radio parts stores.

Heat removal

The opposite method is to use hot temperature to remove gum from the surface of clothing. To do this, you need to iron the area with a hot iron through a sheet of paper. When exposed to heat, the chewing gum will melt and remain on the paper. If you don’t have an iron at hand, you can use a hair dryer or boiling water.

Chewing gum is a culinary product consisting of an inedible elastic base and various types of flavoring and aromatic additives.

other methods

Along with all of these, there is also a chemical method for removing chewing gum from clothes. In this case, use gasoline for lighters, dichloroethane or dimethylformamide, vinegar or household solvent. Before using this type of solvent, you need to hold the spoiled item over steam so that the chewing gum softens slightly. Next, the chemical is applied to the area of ​​contamination and left for 5 minutes, but no more. After which the chewing gum is carefully removed with a rag. Before use, you need to make sure that the solution will not spoil or eat through the fabric. To do this, apply a small amount of solvent to the underside of the clothing. If no reaction occurs, you can safely do this to the site of contamination.

The next method falls into the category of “knocks out a wedge with a wedge.” It lies in the fact that stuck chewing gum can be removed using exactly the same chewing gum. Pre-chewed sticky gum is applied several times to the contaminated area. This way, it will be possible to peel off a significant part of the stuck chewing gum. The only disadvantage of this method is that it will not be possible to completely get rid of contamination.

The most effective way of all is to take the soiled item to the dry cleaner. Professionals will certainly cope with this task without any problems.

If chewing gum is stuck to your clothes, you can remove it using improvised means that are found in almost every home. You should not try to pick off the gum the first time you find it. In some cases, it is recommended to wait until it dries so that you can easily get rid of it without harming your clothes. If chewing gum is firmly embedded in the fabric and cannot be wiped off with your hands, then you cannot do without proven home methods for cleaning things.

Removing chewing gum by freezing

Rubber is destroyed in frost and cold conditions, as it contains resin and paraffin. When exposed to low temperatures, these components harden and begin to crack. If you put a piece of cloth with chewing gum in a plastic bag and then put it in the freezer overnight, in the morning you can easily tear it off with your hands or remove it with any flat object. In a few hours, the elastic band will lose its elasticity, harden and crumble into pieces.

Benefits of removing gum by freezing:

  1. 1. Absence of complex manipulations and monetary costs.
  2. 2. Removal without harm to clothing.
  3. 3. No stains or greasy marks.
  4. 4. Impact on chewing gum without deforming the fabric of clothing.

For bulky items, you can use ice cubes. They need to be applied to the chewing gum and left for a while until it completely hardens. The disadvantage of this method is that the ice does not have a strong freezing effect, and it also melts quickly. If the chewing gum is firmly stuck to clothing, this method will not be successful.

The simplest method of “cold therapy” is to hold the stained area of ​​​​fabric under running cold water. This technique is suitable for denim clothing. Under the pressure of cold water, the chewing gum will gradually begin to break down and with the help of a flat object it can be separated from the fabric.

How to remove a smudged stain?

Smeared gum is easier to remove once it becomes hard. In this case, hairspray is suitable. Spray the contaminated area with varnish on both sides. After a few minutes, the elastic will become hard and pliable. After this, it can be removed with a sharp object.

Ammonia is a universal remedy for removing any contaminants at home. It is enough to put a cotton pad soaked in ammonia on the chewing gum for 30-60 minutes. Alcohol will not only remove chewing gum, but also help remove traces of it. Ammonia has a characteristic odor, so clothes will have to be washed after the procedure.

Chewing gum dissolves well under the influence of acetone, gasoline and kerosene. Liquids are highly flammable and should be used with extreme caution.

Nail polish remover with acetone will effectively remove gum from non-fading items. For other clothes, you can use a liquid without acetone. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the fabric.

You can remove chewing gum from your trousers or jacket using tape. It removes residues from the main mass. The chewing gum itself must first be peeled off with your hands, and the rest must be removed with tape. This method is suitable for dense fabrics.

Denim clothes

Chewing gum can be removed with another piece of gum. To do this, you need to take several of its pads, chew them well and stick them to the one that is on the fabric using sharp blotting movements.

For denim, the ironing method is suitable. The thing needs to be turned inside out. Apply thick paper to the chewing gum, and use a hot iron on the other side with light, superficial movements. It is important not to iron, but only to touch the clothes with the iron. If everything is done correctly, under the influence high temperature the gum will stick to the paper.

Sometimes chewing gum leaves a greasy residue. You can remove them with alcohol or concentrated washing powder. Small stains can be removed with talcum powder or potato starch. You need to leave the powder for several hours and then remove it with a brush.

The hot method is not the most effective, but it is sometimes used. Use a hairdryer to heat the gum and remove it with a toothbrush. Hot gum comes off easier from jeans than from thinner fabric. Hot air makes the elastic elastic and sticky, which makes it impossible to remove it, for example, from woolen items.

A very effective way to clean off chewing gum is peanut butter. The difficulty is that it needs to be applied only to the chewing gum itself. When it gets on the fabric, it leaves a greasy mark that will not be easy to remove. When exposed to peanut oil, chewing gum loses its sticky properties and can be easily removed with a sharp knife. You can also remove the stain with saddle soap.

Delicate fabrics

Removing gum from delicate fabrics is not an easy task. Such things require special care, so not all home methods will help get rid of dirt without ruining the clothes. These include the method of removing chewing gum using boiling water. Delicate and colored products in contact with very hot water may lose their shape or color.

Vinegar will help remove sticky mass from thin items. It does not discolor or corrode fabric fibers. It is important to soak the gum in vinegar for just 1-2 minutes and then brush it with a toothbrush. The remaining odor can be easily removed by regular washing.


For woolen items, the most suitable way to remove sticky mass is to freeze. If your suit or coat is dirty and won't fit in the freezer, ice cubes will come to the rescue. It is important to know that the suit cannot be folded or machine washed. This makes it lose its presentable appearance, as the inner lining that maintains its shape breaks.

You can try to peel off fresh chewing gum with your hands if it has not yet become embedded in the fibers of the fabric. In case of severe contamination, measures must be taken to ensure that the chewing gum hardens. This can be done in any way that does not require contact with copious amounts of water.

Traces of chewing gum can be dissolved with gasoline. Moisten the stain with liquid, leave for 2 minutes and dry with an iron through blotting paper. Then wash the clothes by hand with baby shampoo. Wool is easily deformed in water, and even if you follow all the rules for washing in a washing machine, there is a risk of ruining the item.


A regular eraser works well to remove chewing gum from suede. When using an eraser, movements should be soft and one-sided. Harsh and rough ones can tear thin fabric or press the gum even deeper.

Remains of chewing gum can be removed with soapy water. In warm water you need to dilute the powder for washing woolen products, add 3-4 drops of ammonia. Soak a soft sponge in the solution and remove dirt locally. Delicate fabric is afraid of water, so getting it too wet is highly undesirable. The freezing method and the use of hot water in this case are undesirable.