Coffee oil. Green coffee oil for face Green coffee for skin

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The oil obtained from green coffee beans is especially valued for its natural caffeine content. In addition to it, it also contains other very useful components: linoleic, fruit, organic and fatty acids, fats, proteins and much more. Thanks to its unique composition, green coffee oil has the most beneficial effect on the skin and helps eliminate its imperfections, and this applies to both problems of adolescence and age-related changes.

Thus, without exaggeration, the oil can be called a broad-spectrum agent. Green coffee oil has properties, for example, softening and moisturizing dry skin, helping to stop inflammatory processes, and also has good protective functions - reduces adverse effects environment and has an SPF effect.

Due to the fact that green coffee oil is a very strong antioxidant, its use on facial skin can improve metabolic processes in skin cells and cleanse them of toxins. As a result, the skin looks significantly refreshed, acquires an even tone, and its color improves. By the way, not only the oil, but also the drink brewed from green coffee beans has a beneficial effect on the skin. It is usually used as a lotion, but its effectiveness compared to oil is much lower.

This is due to the fact that there are much more useful substances contained in green coffee beans in oil than in decoction. Of course, it would not be superfluous to say that using green coffee oil to improve the condition of the skin and achieve good results in this process is possible only if you use it not occasionally, but regularly! Moreover, the method of its use must be selected individually. When choosing a method for using green coffee oil, it is important to take into account not only the type and condition of the skin, but also the age factor. The high content of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins makes green coffee oil an excellent skin care product.

Green coffee oil should only be applied to clean, damp skin. The fact is that the natural wax contained in the oil creates a thin protective film on the face, which allows the skin to retain its moisture for a long time. If you apply oil to dry skin, the moisturizing effect will not work.

How and for what skin problems can you use green coffee oil for your face? First of all, this product is positioned as an effective anti-aging product. It is no coincidence that this oil is credited with high anti-aging properties, because its composition contains precisely all those components that contribute to cell renewal, nutrition and restoration.

All this is thanks to hyaluronic acid, which is contained in the oil of green coffee beans. It provides a long-lasting moisturizing effect - the skin is noticeably tightened, and this is noticeable not only on small wrinkles, but also on deeper ones. For maximum effectiveness, green coffee oil can be used in conjunction with a scrub made from the same green coffee beans. To prepare it, you need to finely grind the grains and mix them with rich sour cream.

The resulting consistency should be applied to a damp face and massage the skin with finger pads for 3-5 minutes. After this, the scrub is washed off with warm water, and oil is applied to the still damp skin. Just a few such procedures will be enough to notice an incredible rejuvenating effect. With prolonged use, this effect will only increase.

It is possible to use oil from green coffee beans both as an independent product and as a supplement and enhance the effect of cosmetic products. For example, if you add a drop of this oil to it every time you apply the cream, your skin will receive double care.

Despite the fact that green coffee oil is better known as an anti-aging agent, it is widely used for young problem skin; its antiseptic properties have been scientifically proven. Green coffee oil quickly relieves redness, helps to slow down, and with regular use completely eliminate skin inflammation, and also has an excellent healing effect. The big advantage of green coffee oil is, of course, that it is non-comedogenic, that is, it does not clog pores - the skin remains clean and fresh, and can “breathe” freely.

The high regenerating properties of the oil also allow you to quickly get rid of scars. Just as in the case of mature skin, for young skin it will be very effective to use the oil in combination with a scrub made from green coffee beans. Only ground grains need to be added not to sour cream, but to natural low-fat yogurt. In addition, you need to use deep-cleansing cosmetics.

In the case of problem skin, green coffee oil should not be used daily, but every 1, or even every 3-4 days, alternating it with other anti-inflammatory agents. In addition, the use of this oil allows young skin to maintain its youth and elasticity longer, and prevents the appearance of early wrinkles and facial folds.

Despite the fact that green coffee oil has quite a wide range of uses and helps in solving many skin problems, it may not be suitable for everyone. Like any product of plant origin, it can cause individual intolerance, so before use, the oil must be tested on a separate area of ​​the skin, for example, behind the ear or on the inside of the elbow.

It is also worth mentioning that the oil obtained from green coffee beans does not have a very pleasant smell; it has absolutely nothing in common with the aroma of coffee. However, taking everything into account beneficial features This product, with its smell, is perhaps best to come to terms with, because it is not an aroma oil, but an external agent.

In addition to its beneficial effects on facial skin, green coffee oil is very effective in solving other problems - it helps fight hair loss and generally improves its condition, improves body skin tone, prevents the appearance of stretch marks and smoothes existing ones, and is an excellent fighter against cellulite.

But pinning high hopes on green coffee oil and trying to solve some problems with it, we should not forget that the condition of hair and skin depends primarily on internal factors and external remedies are not always able to cope with the consequences of some problems that occur inside the body.

Green coffee oil can be easily compared to liquid gold: the fairly high price of the oil is fully compensated by the truly impressive effect of its use. Most often, green coffee oil is used to care for eyelids and the area around the eyes, but its very rich composition allows it to be usefully used to nourish facial skin, fight cellulite, restore split ends of hair, strengthen nails and for many other cosmetological challenges. The versatility of green coffee oil is also evident in the fact that it mixes well with other oils, natural creams and masks, and essential oils, so it can be used in the preparation and enrichment of a wide variety of natural cosmetics.

High-quality green coffee oil, which is obtained by pressing green coffee beans, has a light texture and, therefore, is absorbed well and relatively quickly. Of course, an oil is always an oil, so after applying it to the skin it should take half an hour for you to get a velvety feel instead of a greasy sheen, but compared to other oils it does not cause problems with absorption. For the same reason, green coffee oil spreads well on the skin and is easy to apply in a very thin layer; and the light aroma with earthy-herbal notes can be called unobtrusive. High-quality unrefined green coffee oil can also be recognized by its slightly greenish-brown tint. In general, this oil is very pleasant to use and does not cause much trouble - you can immediately take it and use it.

The endless list of effects and advantages of this oil stems from its “royal” composition - with a whole set of fatty acids, including rare ones, as well as phytosterols and tocopherols. There are no miracles: when in contact with green coffee oil, the skin and hair seem to encounter a real mini-laboratory of nutrition, lifting, cell restoration - hence the noticeable effect. Which, by the way, is time to talk about in more detail.

Green coffee oil against crow's feet, dark circles and sagging skin around the eyes. Most often, this oil is used specifically to care for the skin around the eyes, and there are two reasons for this. First: the unique ability of green coffee oil to very gently smooth, tighten and at the same time nourish the skin, as well as relieve swelling and naturally tone the skin, encouraging it to recover. Second: green coffee oil has a high concentration of beneficial substances, so its precious properties are simply destined to help us with the most delicate and difficult task - caring for the most delicate and sensitive to everything in the world (age, insufficient sleep, fatigue, lack of hydration, etc. .) skin around the eyes.

There are several ways to use green coffee oil:

Apply pure oil to the skin around your eyes with gentle patting movements before going to bed. Use just a little oil for this, apply it to cleansed and prepared skin.

Mix the oil with the base (your regular natural eye cream) in any proportion - and apply the enriched cream as always.

Mix green coffee oil with another oil suitable for eyelids (for example, jojoba, argan, apricot or peach kernel oil) in a 1:1 ratio and apply as in the first case.

You can use green coffee oil during the day, of course, if you do not apply makeup to your eyelids and eyelashes, but when used at night, the effect is maximum: your skin completely rests all night, is in a relaxed state, naturally regenerates and gratefully accepts additional care.

Facial skin care. With the same success, green coffee oil can be used for facial skin care. Apply it to cleansed skin at night - gently, along massage lines, or mix with other oil in equal proportions. Even more often, green coffee oil is added to a natural night face cream: this option increases the effectiveness of the cream and at the same time saves oil. This oil can be a real salvation for dry lips that are prone to cracking. Green coffee oil can also be added to masks – both ready-made and homemade. This oil goes well with cosmetic clay and any herbal ingredients, as well as minerals and essential oils.

Oil in tandem with a mask! Green coffee oil can be applied under an alginate mask, thereby mutually increasing the effectiveness of both products. To do this, cleanse the skin, leave it slightly damp and apply a drop of green coffee oil, distribute thoroughly, paying special attention to wrinkles and areas of increased dryness. Wait 15-30 minutes and you can apply the alginate mask. After removing the mask, it is advisable not to wash your face for a couple of hours, allowing all the beneficial components to be completely absorbed and take effect.

Green coffee oil against cellulite and stretch marks. Due to its pronounced lifting and elasticity-increasing properties, the oil perfectly fights against cellulite. It is uneconomical to use it for such purposes in its pure form, so it is best to add it to the base oil (wheat germ oil, almond oil, etc.) in a ratio of 1:10 (5 ml per 50 ml). Toning essential oils, for example, orange or grapefruit oil, cinnamon, and ginger, will also not interfere with this mixture. This anti-cellulite oil should be applied to damp skin after a shower using massaging movements. The same with the prevention of stretch marks: apply green coffee oil to the “risk zones” either in pure form or mixed with other oils. Massage more gently than with an anti-cellulite massage: thin and delicate skin is susceptible to stretch marks, which can be easily stretched by careless movements.

The fruits of this plant make most of the world's population wake up, inspire them to work productively, and improve their mood. But it's the roasted fruit, not the cooked beans, that produces the wonderful green coffee oil that can keep you young.

But before using the product, take a closer look at it, study its advantages and charm, and start solving your problems.

Of course, as soon as the word “coffee” is uttered, any coffee lover immediately feels the divine, intoxicating, enveloping aroma of coffee beans or freshly ground coffee powder. With green coffee, things are a little different.

This is not a separate variety of plant, but simply a semi-finished product of the usual coffee, that is, a product that has not been subjected to heat treatment, and contains exactly the same beneficial properties, but does not have such a magical aroma.

Coffee or A coffee tree- an evergreen shrub of the Rubiaceae family, reaching a height of 5 meters. The growing area of ​​the plant is very large. In order not to list a long list of countries that are global suppliers of coffee, it is enough to indicate the favorites.

Ethiopia is considered the birthplace of coffee. The main producer is currently Brazil. A significant share of coffee grown is in Colombia, Cuba, India, Cameroon, Congo and other countries in Africa, Asia, and Oceania.

The coffee tree is one of many plants whose fruit quality directly depends on the location and growing conditions. Its taste characteristics and properties change even depending on the altitude above sea level where the trees are planted. Thus, the popular and universally recognized Arabica coffee variety grows on mountain slopes above 1000 meters above sea level. But the Robusta variety, grown in low landscapes up to 600 meters, is distinguished by lower quality characteristics of its constituent components.

The history of coffee, at least the mention of it, appeared not so long ago. Even 600 years ago, Yemeni clergy brewed the fruits of coffee, then only green, in order to drive away sleep during church services.

In Russia, according to mentions in chronicles, coffee appeared back in 1665; Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich loved it. But the magic drink began to actively spread in Rus' only under Peter I, and in 1703 the first Russian coffee shop was opened. The beneficial properties of the drink were quickly appreciated; coffee was used as a diuretic, as a remedy for jaundice, fever, loss of strength, and melancholy.

Later, they began to produce oil from coffee beans, whose beneficial characteristics are not inferior, and in some ways superior to the drink itself.

Composition and beneficial properties of green coffee bean oil

Green coffee bean oil is extracted by cold pressing from mature coffee beans. The oil has a yellow color, sometimes with a hint of olive, with the smell of herbal freshness and tart notes.

In cosmetology, they mainly use green coffee oil, not black coffee oil.

This is explained by the fact that black coffee oil has a fattier base and is less absorbed, and also has a pronounced characteristic aroma, which may not always be to your taste. The freshness of the aroma of green coffee oil is more appropriate for a comfortable feeling.

Chemical composition of green coffee oil

The composition of the oil is varied, it includes various chemicals and compounds.

  • Proteins, fats, organic and fatty acids, including hyaluronic acid, can be noted.
  • The oil is also rich in vitamins (A, E, C and group B) and microelements, including phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron.
  • The most well-known component of coffee oil is caffeine.
  • And, of course, chlorogenic acid, which was elevated to the royal throne by millions of women who want to lose weight.

But the effect of chlorogenic acid on the body, according to reviews, is greatly exaggerated. Firstly, because it is present in oil in small quantities, and, moreover, it is not consumed internally. Secondly, it has been proven that black coffee also contains acid. According to many experts, the attention that green coffee and green coffee oil attracts in this regard is greatly exaggerated and is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

Useful properties of oil

Green coffee oil, if we ignore the unnecessary fuss around chlorogenic acid, has a large arsenal of qualities that are irreplaceable in cosmetology.

  • Caffeine clearly expresses itself in the fight against sagging skin, creating a lifting effect. Thanks to it, toxins are removed from skin cells.
  • Polyunsaturated acids help preserve collagen, preventing the formation of wrinkles.
  • Vitamins nourish the skin and give it a healthy color.
  • Amino acids are antioxidants, preventing premature aging.
  • Hyaluronic acid and multivitamin complex actively moisturize the skin.
  • Phenolic acids increase the outflow of excess fluid from tissues and promote the breakdown of fat cells.

The range of uses of green coffee oil is extremely diverse and provides comprehensive care for the condition of the skin of the body.

This includes the fight against skin defects in the form of scars, scratches, cuts, acne, burns, stretch marks. Maintaining natural hydration, preserving skin turgor, replenishing the upper layer of the epidermis.

Oil does not bypass the strengthening and healing of damaged hair. Saturates hair follicles with nutrients and regulates fat balance.

The oil has proven itself to be excellent in reducing the appearance of cellulite. Caffeine, which is part of the oil, accelerates blood flow and, as a result, the breakdown of fat increases, the skin in problem areas tightens, acquiring elasticity. However, we should not forget that the fight against cellulite should not replace diets and regular exercise in the gym.

Green coffee oil for face

To get rid of dark circles under the eyes

  • Beeswax -30 grams;
  • 30 grams of calendula oil;
  • 10 g green coffee oil;
  • 10 g avocado oil;
  • 3-5 drops of lavender oil.

All ingredients are added to the melted and slightly cooled wax, mixed, placed in jars and placed in the refrigerator. Use this should be after waking up and at night.

Daily face mask

  • 2 tbsp. l. any fatty base;
  • 3 drops of green coffee oil.

Keep the mask on for about 20 minutes. Excess is removed with a napkin or wiped with tonic.

Green coffee oil for hair

For dry and weakened hair

  • 1 yolk;
  • 1/3 infusion of chamomile;
  • 1 tsp. coffee oil.

All ingredients are mixed, rubbed into the scalp and distributed along the length of washed, damp hair. Creating a thermal effect using a plastic cap and towel, keep this mask for 1.5-2 hours. Then rinse well with water until any remaining oil is removed.

To strengthen hair

  • 1 tbsp. l. cognac;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. coffee oils;
  • 1 yolk;
  • Vitamin E – 3 capsules;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • 2 tsp. aloe juice

All components are also combined, the mask is applied to the hair, the head is covered with a warm cap and left for an hour and a half. This procedure is recommended to be used no more than once a week.

To enrich shampoo

  • 10 ml green coffee bean oil;
  • 100 ml shampoo.

The mixture is rubbed onto moistened hair for 5-7 minutes, and then the hair is washed well until the remaining oil disappears.

Anti-cellulite scrub

  • 5 g coffee oil;
  • 60 g glycerin;
  • 10 g sea salt;
  • 5 drops of juniper ether;
  • 4 drops of fennel ether;
  • 5 drops lemon verbena oil;
  • 5 drops of cedar ether.

Add green coffee bean oil to glycerin heated in a water bath, then essential oils, then add sea salt to the well-mixed mass. The resulting mixture is transferred to a convenient container.

Use it twice a week (rub problem areas in a circular motion) and get a greater effect from the procedure by combining it with a visit to the bathhouse.

Green coffee bean oil price

You can easily buy green coffee oil from any online store and, as usual, at a wide range of prices. But this oil has some secrets. There are refined and unrefined oils, simple and organic, although this is not always indicated in the accompanying instructions.

If the first two concepts do not raise questions, then the last two need to be clarified. By simple oil we mean a product grown on an ordinary (bare) plantation without the necessary shade-providing other trees. Therefore, the soil becomes more depleted and is fed with fertilizers. In addition, machines take part in collecting grains. It is clear that the price of such oil should be lower.

Organic green coffee oil is pressed from the fruits of trees growing on high-mountain environmentally friendly plantations. Thanks to the optimal arrangement of trees planted nearby, the latter provide shade to the coffee trees and thereby preserve the properties of the coffee bean. In this case, no chemical fertilizing is used, and the harvest is harvested by hand. The oil obtained in this way is most effective when used.

Therefore, the issue of oil prices, as usual, is complex and confusing. But you can find oil at a price of 391 rubles for 30 ml of the famous brand Planet Organica, and another store (trading company “HAPPY TO BE ECO”) offers a price of 580 rubles for 5 ml.

Study brands, manufacturers, composition and then make purchases!

Hi all! I am glad to welcome everyone who wants to learn more about a healthy lifestyle and beauty. Today we will talk about a wonderful product that is widely used in medical cosmetology and care for the face, body, and hair - namely, green coffee oil.

Green coffee oil is a valuable substance. It is used medicinally to treat skin and hair problems. And also in cosmetology for the care of face, body, hair and nails.

There are two types of green coffee oil to distinguish. These are vegetable or cosmetic oils and essential oils.

Green coffee vegetable oil

There are other names: unrefined, organic, natural. Organic oil is a cold-pressed product of unroasted coffee beans. This method allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of coffee beans in full.

The product is not subjected to refining, that is, special cleaning in order to remove odor and increase shelf life. This preserves important components such as vitamins and amino acids.

Unrefined green coffee oil is a slightly viscous greenish-yellow or olive-colored liquid with a pleasant odor and bitter taste.

Oil is used:

  • in face and body care products;
  • , for example, anti-cellulite;
  • hair and nail care products.

Available in bottles from 10 to 100 milliliters.

Green coffee essential oil

It can simply be called “coffee essential oil.” This oil is usually produced not from the grains of the plant, but from its other parts: flowers, leaves, shoots.

Essential oil is a very valuable product with a persistent aroma and many beneficial qualities. It is obtained by steam distillation.


  • for preparing massage mixtures;
  • in homemade cosmetics;

Available in small bottles of 10 - 30 milliliters.

Please read the following information, dear friends, very carefully. On the Internet you can find many recommendations for the use of green coffee essential oil. Among which are the following: “Apply essential oil to the skin of the face,” “Lubricate wounds and cuts with it.”

This is absolutely not allowed! The difference between essential oils and all others is that they are very concentrated products. If they are applied in their pure form, they can cause a burn on delicate skin, or at least a strong burning sensation and persistent redness. Therefore, they are used strictly according to the recipe in the amount of a few drops.

This recommendation is based not only on the information received, but also on my own experience. I applied essential oil to my face (in my case it was clove oil) and got a slight burn on my skin. Although I washed my face cold water within half an hour.

Most likely, the information on the Internet concerns cosmetic oil. It has many useful qualities and can be used both in its pure form and as part of home-made natural cosmetics.

Oil from Planet Organica

Green Coffee Oil Information

How and from what are they produced?

Made from unroasted coffee beans of valuable varieties. The best product is considered to be made from Arabian Arabica. It is obtained through gentle processing called “cold pressing”. With this method, all useful substances are preserved.

The oil is not subjected to a refining process, that is, freezing or processing chemicals, in order to remove odor or make it lighter. Therefore, a natural product produced using the right technology has a lot of useful qualities.

Can it be cooked at home?

You can make coffee oil at home. But, this product will differ from industrially produced oil. Homemade oil is made as follows:

  1. grind or pound unroasted green grains in a mortar;
  2. fill them with base oil. Only natural, cold-pressed products will do;
  3. all components are placed in a container with a tight-fitting lid;
  4. heat in a water bath without bringing to a boil;
  5. leave for about 3 hours;
  6. filter through a strainer.

Homemade oil is also used as a means of industrial production.

It is impossible to make essential oil at home. To do this, you will need a laboratory with a distillation apparatus and other equipment.

Composition of green coffee oil

Green coffee oil is a valuable medicinal and cosmetic product. Thanks to its rich composition, it moisturizes the skin, makes it elastic, heals wounds, fights cellulite, restores damaged hair and increases its growth;

The product contains such useful substances as:

  1. Caffeine - tones the skin, fights swelling, has a lifting effect;
  2. Polyunsaturated acids - restore cells of the upper layers of the skin, prevent aging;
  3. , including groups A and group E - give the skin a healthy, well-groomed appearance;
  4. Amino acids are excellent antioxidants.
  5. Chlorogenic acid - promotes weight loss. Its content in coffee oil is not high. There is much more of this substance in a drink made from green coffee beans.

Organic oil has the same composition, but is obtained from raw materials grown in environmentally friendly areas. For this reason, it is considered more useful.

Green coffee oil uses

Due to its properties, green coffee bean oil is widely used in medical cosmetology.

It is used to treat split ends and weakened hair, restore skin, eliminate stretch marks and scars, and fight cellulite. Used as an antiseptic in the treatment of wounds and cuts, acne.

In cosmetics, natural green coffee oil is used to prepare face and body skin care products, shampoos and hair masks, and massage mixtures.

For face

To do this, add 10-12 drops of organic oil to the main substance of the mask. This product evens out the skin, eliminates wrinkles, and gives the face a beautiful color and healthy appearance.

Applications. Cotton pads are moistened with pure oil and applied to the areas around the eyes. This procedure will eliminate dark circles under the eyes and get rid of crow’s feet.

Enrichment of industrial cosmetics. Natural cosmetic oil is added to creams and lotions in a ratio of 1:10. This makes them more efficient.

For body


The product is used in its pure form or in combination with other organic oils. The ratio can be 1:1 or 2:1.

Massage with essential oils gives an excellent effect. For 50 milliliters of organic green coffee oil, add 5-6 drops of any essential oil. If several oils are used, take 2 drops of each.

Applications and masks

For problem areas: areas where there are manifestations of cellulite, stretch marks. Apply cloth napkins moistened with a product made from coffee oil and a few drops of essential oil. For this it is better to use: pepper, geranium, cloves, orange, lemon, tea tree.

You can also use coffee essential oil. The ratio of ingredients for 2 tablespoons of base oil is 3-5 drops of essential oil. The frequency of the procedure is 1-2 times a day, duration is 10-20 minutes.

Additive to cosmetics

In order to enrich creams and other body care products, it is added to their composition. Take 5-10 milliliters of cosmetic or 6-8 drops of essential oil per medium tube or jar of cream. Mix thoroughly and apply as usual cream.

For weight loss

Losing weight with coffee oil is probably not going to work very well. This is because it has a fairly low content of chlorogenic acid. As you know, it is the main component of green coffee that promotes weight loss.

However, as an aid in the process of losing weight, oil is simply irreplaceable. The use of this substance in its pure form or as part of other cosmetics will quickly tighten the skin that has sagged due to weight loss, making it elastic and smooth.

Proven Recipes

I will give you a few simple and proven recipes for cosmetics.

Anti-cellulite scrub

  • glycerin - 60 gr.
  • green coffee oil - 5 gr.
  • Dead Sea salt - 10 gr.
  • essential oils: juniper, cedar, lemon verbena, fennel 5 drops.

Lightly heat the glycerin in a water bath, add coffee oil, mix everything thoroughly. You should get a clear gel. Add essential oils to the mixture and mix well again. Add sea salt and mix gently with a spatula. Place in a convenient wide-mouth jar.

The scrub should be applied at least 2 times a week. To do this, rub it into the skin with light massage movements, paying special attention to problem areas. This procedure, carried out in a sauna or bathhouse, will enhance the effect of the scrub and help cope with the manifestations of cellulite and avoid their appearance.

Cream against dark circles

  1. beeswax - 30 gr.
  2. calendula oil - 30 gr.
  3. green coffee oil - 10 gr.
  4. avocado oil - 10 gr.
  5. lavender essential oil - 5 drops.

Gently melt the wax in a water bath. Mix all ingredients into slightly cooled wax. Place in small jars and store in the refrigerator.

This cream perfectly and quickly eliminates dark circles under the eyes. Use it twice a day: morning and evening.

Green coffee oil is very valuable for its content of rare fatty acids, tocopherol, and phytosterol. These substances affect the properties of the oil, which are so indispensable in cosmetic preparations. External skin aging processes are inhibited by green coffee oil. However, this product can also be used in other areas: as a dietary supplement or massage oil. Regular use of the oil guarantees protection against aging due to the presence of antioxidants - substances that can slow down oxidation and fight free radicals. Even after using green coffee oil once as an emulsion, the face is already guaranteed protection from the harmful effects of the environment, which largely prolongs the beauty and youth of the skin.

Green coffee oil, whose properties also improve skin elasticity and long-lasting hydration, is especially good for the care of sensitive and dry skin. It is also used as a face mask in the following way: after soaking a cloth with oil, you need to apply it to your face for 20 minutes. After this time, remove the napkin and blot the excess with a towel. This oil can also be combined with other types in a 1:1 ratio. It is recommended to apply green coffee oil to problem areas of the face: its properties are indeed very numerous - antiseptic, moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating, anti-inflammatory.

It is known to perform a special facial massage with oil. To do this, wet your fingertips well and rub the oil into the skin with massaging movements along the massage lines of the face: from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the temples down to the wings of the nose, from the nose again to the temples and down to the chin. The product can effectively eliminate various irritations and peeling caused by bad weather conditions. It can give the skin a fresh and well-groomed look and improve complexion. Moreover, green coffee oil for the face can even be added to creams to enrich them: but this must be done immediately before use - squeeze a couple of drops of oil into the palm of your hand, add the cream and mix well, and then apply to the face. The oil has an olive or brownish-green color and a very pleasant tart aroma, so using it is a pleasure.

This oil is also used in the fight against expression lines and wrinkles around the delicate skin of the eyes. The viscous, viscous consistency of the oil is very easily absorbed into thin skin. In addition, it not only gets rid of wrinkles, but also has a preventive effect, that is, it prevents their formation. Another advantage of the use is excellent prevention of acne, acne, moreover, the oil does not clog pores and does not increase the secretion of sebum. After absorption, the skin becomes soft, smooth, and velvety to the touch. Green coffee oil can be applied to irritated skin after depilation or shaving to relieve inflammation. And also in case of sunburn on the skin, this oil will promote healing. So, green coffee oil is widely used in modern cosmetology and is highly valued by women for its ability to keep facial skin healthy and vibrant, as well as rejuvenate it.