Low fertility. Fertility

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The concept of fertility is applied to various factors of a mature organism to the production of offspring. Fertility is considered a biological indicator that is characteristic of one individual or whole group people to reproduce. The concept of fertility is also applied to humans and means both the period of puberty and reproduction. This period ranges from 14 to 48 years.

What is fertility?

If based on scientific term, then fertility means that the organism is mature and ready to produce offspring. Translated from Latin, it means prolific. Fertility is considered the opposite word in relation to the concept of infertility. Fertility is an exceptional concept and characterizes a person as a biological species that can conceive and bear offspring.

For the production of offspring, two people are needed, so the word fertility is inherent in both a woman and a man. This suggests that there is female fertility, and it lies in the ability of a woman to conceive and give birth to a child. There is also male fertility, which is based on the factor of impregnating your partner.

The union of two people who can have children has the concept of a fertile couple. The term fertility applies only to people who are in their reproductive years. For women, this period comes with the first menstruation and passes with the menopause. This means that this is the period in which the monthly cycle runs regularly.

In men, reproductive age falls on 15 years, when healthy and full-fledged spermatozoa begin to mature in him, which can fertilize an egg. A man can be of reproductive age until death, if aggravating factors do not spoil its quality and composition, which will not be suitable for fertilization.

But it takes two people to conceive, so fertile age has limits. from 15 to 49 years old. There is also the concept of demographic fertility, when the population of people is reflected according to the zone of residence.

Fertility in women

Fertility is the ability to have offspring.

The concept of female fertility includes three main components:

  • The ability to conceive a child;
  • gestation;
  • Birth of a child.

Fertility can also be:

  • high;
  • normal;
  • Low.

The concept of low female fertility means that of the three components, she can only be capable of two of them. Normal fertility is the ability of a woman to all three components. Increased fertility is the ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child without taking a break between births.

Thanks to the latest technology in medicine, now virtually every woman can have a baby who was unable to conceive on her own. Therefore, the concept of fertility has lost its meaning a little. It is now possible to give birth with the help of a caesarean section, and in order to safely bear the baby, you need to lie on the conservation and take medical supplies.

Fertility in men

Male fertility is the ability to impregnate a woman by releasing his sperm into her vagina. Fertility depends on the quality of sperm and the quality of spermatozoa. With the help of a spermogram, it is possible to obtain as a result the quality of the sperm and thus the overall fertility of a particular man.

Like a woman, the representatives of the stronger sex also have a normal, increased and low degree of fertility determination.

But you need to know that spermogram shows only total fertility. This suggests that even with a low degree of fertility, a man has the ability to impregnate a woman. It will simply say that the fertility will be reduced.

And an increased degree will not mean that a woman will become pregnant from the first act. Not always mobile spermatozoa can find an egg.

fertility test

Nowadays, to assess the quality of sperm, they use Kruger and Farris indices. They are calculated on the basis of spermogram data. Therefore, sperm fertility and male fertility at this time have identical concepts. Determination of sperm fertility, according to the Kruger and Farris indices, will help predict whether the egg can be fertilized in one act.

The fertility index shows the ability to conceive one man. And the fertility rate is a population indicator and means the number of children who gave birth to one woman of childbearing age in a particular area that is being studied.

Factors that affect male fertility

There are certain factors that affect male fertility:

When evaluating fertility, these factors must always be evaluated. If a man has at least one of the listed factors, then this indicates that his fertility is reduced. To improve performance, you need to eliminate the above factors from your life.

Fertile day - what is it?

The cycle of a woman, depending on the likelihood of pregnancy, is divided into three main phases:

  • The phase when there is actually no chance of getting pregnant. This period begins at the end of menstruation and continues until ovulation. With sexual intercourse, it is almost impossible to get pregnant during this period;
  • Fertility phase. It occurs in the middle of the cycle and coincides with ovulation. The chance of getting pregnant in this phase is high. Spermatozoa live in the vagina for up to 4 days. This phase of fertility begins 4 days before ovulation and ends 4 days after ovulation. In total, this period is 8 days;
  • phase of infertility. It occurs on the 5th day after ovulation and lasts 14 days. It is virtually impossible to get pregnant during this period. Since the egg of this menstrual cycle has lost its property, it has not been fertilized.

Fertility forecast

Fertility prognosis for women is determined based on the number of eggs in the body. This indicator can be obtained after undergoing a pelvic ultrasound and determining the level of hormones in the blood. Ultrasound should be done on the 6th day of the menstrual cycle. The result shows how big the ovaries are and how many follicles they have.

Blood for hormones allows you to determine the ratio of hormones of the luteinizing and follicle-stimulating phases. Do not confuse the fertility index and fertility rate.

What is the fertility window?

The fertility window represents the best time to conceive a child. To start a new life, it is necessary for the sperm to find the egg and fertilize it. The sperm in men matures all the time, but the egg matures only once per menstrual cycle.

The most favorable time for conception is considered the day of ovulation, when the egg is released in abdominal cavity. This cell lives only for a day. Therefore, it is not worth cherishing hope only for this one day, you can miss. So, it is better to start the process of fertilization three days before the onset of ovulation.

The sperm cell lives up to 5 days, but you do not need to count on all the days. He will still need 2 days to go through adaptation and give the basis for a new life. The fertility window is the period when you can become almost one hundred percent pregnant. This is 3 days before ovulation and a day during it.


To determine male fertility, it is necessary to pass a spermogram and calculate the Kruger and Farris index. Spermatozoa mature daily, so a man is ready to impregnate a woman all the time.

Such a concept as low fertility for men is unacceptable. This only suggests that the very function of egg fertilization can be reduced. There are several factors that reduce male fertility.


Have you wanted a baby for a long time, but pregnancy still does not occur? Perhaps you do not know what fertility is, and therefore do not use all effective methods to conceive a long-awaited baby. Understand how the female body works, and how to calculate favorable days when ovulation occurs and there is every chance of getting pregnant.

Fertility in women - what is it

This term comes from the Latin word fertilis, which means fertile. Fertility is the ability of an organism that is in the period of puberty to produce offspring. You need to know that this indicator is determined not only for the female, but also for the male, because for conception it is necessary that both partners do not have reproductive failures. In practice, women are more likely to encounter this term, forced to resort to various examinations and methods in order to increase their fertility and give birth to a long-awaited baby.

Fertility in men is determined by the method of a laboratory test, during which sperm is evaluated according to special indicators - the Kruger index and the Farris index. To establish whether this coefficient is normal in a woman, several studies need to be done, the first of which is an ultrasound of the ovaries on the 5-6th day after menstruation. During the diagnosis, the doctor sees the presence of growing follicles and gives a forecast of the likelihood of fertilization. Hormonal studies help to show a more accurate picture of a woman's fertility, during which the ratio of FSH and LH hormones is determined.

fertile age

Nature determined that people can reproduce offspring only in a certain period of their lives. If a man can perform this function from puberty to old age, then for women it is not so easy with fertilization - they can conceive and give birth only before menopause. Based on such norms of the functioning of the body, the fertile age is considered to be the period from 15 to 49 years. Girls planning to give birth should be guided by this time frame, not to postpone this issue for a long time, because at a younger age the prognosis of pregnancy and childbirth is more favorable.

fertility days

Often, girls do not know exactly when their fertile period begins during the menstrual cycle, and do not take into account the value of this indicator when planning a pregnancy. It is a mistake to do so, because in this case the moment will be missed when the chances of conceiving a child are maximum. It will be correct to determine fertile days and apply this information in a timely manner.

You need to know that almost every month in the ovary, under the influence of estrogen, the female germ cell matures. Approximately on the 14th day after the start of the menstrual period, ovulation occurs, the egg enters the fallopian tube, starting to move towards the uterus. She is capable of fertilization somewhere during the day. Given these time frames and the life span of spermatozoa, they determine the fertility window - it opens 5-6 days before ovulation and closes 1-2 days after it.

How to calculate fertile days

The menstrual cycle for different girls is individual in duration. This fact explains why the individual determination of fertile days is so important: if you correctly calculate the date of ovulation, then as a result the chances of fertilization will increase significantly. Check out which methods of calculating this period are the most effective and often recommended by gynecologists.

How to calculate the most favorable time for fertilization using this method? The girl will need to keep a calendar of fertile days - to mark in it the days of the beginning and end of menstruation, as well as the middle of the cycle, which approximately accounts for ovulation. You need to know that this method has a drawback - it will be useful only with a stable menstrual cycle. If a woman, due to the influence of certain factors, this indicator is different every month, then the calendar method in this case is ineffective.

Discharge on fertile days

A woman who is attentive to her health notices that certain changes occur in her body with the same frequency. Using her powers of observation, she can experience what fertile days are like. They are characterized by a change in the nature and amount of secretions from the vagina. The secretions on fertile days differ from the usual ones in that they are more abundant, and in appearance it is a stretching mucus, very similar to egg white.

Why are these changes taking place? So the female body optimally adjusts so that the spermatozoa get into a favorable environment for them, and conception occurs. The fertile phase can also be felt by other signs: sipping pains in the lower abdomen, increased sensitivity of the chest. Similar symptoms can occur with some gynecological diseases, therefore, with an unusual change in the nature of vaginal discharge, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Basal temperature on fertile days

This method of observation is one of the most accurate for determining the most favorable moment for conception, and only ovulation tests are considered more informative. If you take temperature measurements in the rectum for several months and draw up a detailed schedule, based on the data obtained, you can effectively calculate the onset of ovulation.

How does basal temperature change on fertile days? On the day of ovulation, it slightly decreases, and immediately after the release of the germ cell from the follicle, it rises sharply, remaining approximately at this level until the next menstruation. Using the graph data, you can determine the fertile days when the fertilization of a mature egg is very likely.

First of all, it is the ability to procreate, the readiness of the body for conception. From birth, every newborn baby already has four hundred eggs in the body, which begin to mature during adolescence.

Fertility in women - what is it?

The age of fertility can be safely divided into three stages:

  • reproductive - from the onset of puberty to 20 years. During this period, the cycle of menstruation is extremely unstable;
  • average - from 20 to 40 years. During this period, the highest probability of conception and a stable menstrual cycle;
  • late - begins at age 40 and continues until the onset of menopause. During this period, there is also a considerable probability of conception.

Fertility window - what is it? How to determine?

Most often, the concept of "fertility window" is used by physicians to determine the very cycle during which the maximum possible conception. This is considered as five days before ovulation and one day of ovulation. It is during this period that unprotected sex most often ends with the onset of pregnancy.

fertile days

Of all fertility days, one is singled out on which the possibility of conception is maximized. Fertile day or ovulation is a cycle exit oocytes from the follicle. It is at this point that fertilization occurs when meeting with a spermatozoon. But still, according to the correct fertile days, it is worth considering all the days on which conception is possible. That is, fertile days and fertile period is a concept that means the same thing.

How to determine the fertile period

To know when the cycle begins, it is worth leading a female calendar. This will help both protect yourself and get pregnant. You can calculate fertile days yourself - a woman just needs to know the duration of her menstrual cycle (usually 28 days). It is the middle of the phase that is the very cherished days. Thanks to modern technologies, it is enough to download the desired application to your phone and enter the start and end dates of ovulation. Then the program will calculate everything itself.

Another way in determining fertility is the meaning and nature of the vaginal secretions. The fact is that the cervix, in order to maintain viability in the genital tract of spermatozoa, produces a special secret, the amount of which increases significantly during ovulation. Accordingly, the consistency and amount of cervical mucus can be used to judge the onset of the fertile period.

fertility factor

The fertility factor in a woman is a combination of all the negative effects on the body, due to which declining possibility of conception. Here are the main ones:

  • age - after all, the older a woman becomes, the fewer ovulation cycles occur;
  • overweight - entails hormonal imbalance;
  • mood swings and stress - negatively affect hormone surges;
  • the onset of early menopause;
  • diseases of diabetes mellitus or the thyroid gland, due to which, against their background, there is a violation of the hormonal balance;
  • bad habits;
  • diseases of the genital organs with their inflammation.

Impaired fertility entails not only the impossibility get pregnant, but also difficulties in bearing and childbirth. If a couple cannot conceive a child within a year, you should definitely seek help from a specialist. As a rule, both a man and a woman undergo special procedures and take tests to determine the cause and factor influencing the decline in fertility.

How to increase fertility in women

When should you start preparing your body for pregnancy? Someone can say that from the moment of the onset of social maturity, someone is completely sure that from the onset of puberty. But, as a rule, both of them are mistaken. After all, every mother should take care of her health from the moment the baby is born, make sure that the rules of personal hygiene are observed. At an older age, instill these same rules, protect against all kinds of infections. In adolescence, you need to be able to correctly convey to the girl information about sexual relations, about the dangers that unprotected intercourse, abortion carries.

At a conscious age, every woman should understand that conception is directly intertwined with such a concept as the right way of life. There are a number of factors that affect downgrade fertility abilities:

Therefore, it is worth taking the most responsible approach to compiling the right diet, monitor the state of your body, eat more foods that increase the activity of the hormone of happiness in the body.

It is also worth paying attention to your state of mind. If you are very actively trying to conceive a child, but the attempts are unsuccessful, it is worth considering whether you really really want this very much. It often happens that a strong unconscious resistance can occur inside, associated with fear or insecurity in motherhood. On a subconscious level, our brain, therefore, does not affect the ability to get pregnant in the best way. For everything to work out, you need to mentally let go of the problem or fear from your head. And everything will definitely work out. Every woman is born to experience the joy and happiness of motherhood herself.

Currently, reproductive technologies make it possible to have offspring at any age, with a serious illness, and even after death.

This is possible thanks to the freezing of female eggs and male sperm and storing the biomaterial in a cryobank without loss of quality using innovative technologies.

Fertile age begins at about 15 years of age.

It is believed that in men it ends after 60 years, but there are many cases of children born in 70-80 year old men. The female half of the population is different. A woman is ready to conceive with the onset of menarche (first menstruation), but a woman's fertility ends with the onset of menopause, when the functions of the gonads (ovaries) fade away, and the stock of oocytes available from birth is completely exhausted. Therefore, even theoretically, with the onset of menopause, a woman is not able to continue her race.

Male Fertility Factors Factors of female fertility
Age (as we age, the production of testosterone, which is responsible for the quality of sperm, decreases) Age (as we age, the number of cycles with ovulation decreases)
Excess weight (causes hormonal imbalance) Being overweight or underweight (leads to hormonal imbalance)
Stress (when stress stops the synthesis of GnRH, which directly regulates spermatogenesis) Stress (causes hormonal imbalance)
Genital injuries early menopause
Diseases of the genital organs of various nature, including inflammatory (for example, varicocele, prostatitis, etc.) Diseases that provoke hormonal imbalances (polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperfunction and hypofunction of the thyroid gland, diabetes)
Severe chronic diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, etc.) Violations of the patency of the fallopian tubes
Prolonged course of the inflammatory process in the body ( heat body interferes with spermatogenesis) Adhesive process in the pelvis
Overheating of the testicles with frequent visits to the bath, sauna, solarium, etc. Synechia (connective tissue adhesions) inside the uterine cavity
Squeezing the testicles with tight and uncomfortable underwear Numerous intrauterine interventions (abortions, etc.)
Not drinking enough (lack of fluid in the body makes sperm inactive) Gynecological non-inflammatory diseases (uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, polyps and endometrial hyperplasia, etc.)
Poor environmental situation in the region of residence Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs
Occupational hazards Bad habits
Bad habits Immunological disorders, as a result of which spermatozoa are destroyed by the body of a woman
Poor nutrition with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals
Non-compliance with the regime of work and rest
The use of certain medications
Features of modern life (the constant wearing of a mobile phone on the belt in the immediate vicinity of the testicles, the use of fast food, carbonated drinks, etc.)

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male fertility

Theoretically, men are able to continue the race until old age, since men of any age have motile sperm. Simply, starting from about 40-45 years old, the amount of testosterone and motile sperm in the male body is constantly decreasing.

The ability of men to reproduce offspring depends on the quality of his seminal fluid and the number of motile sperm. To determine the characteristics of sperm, a spermogram is performed - a highly accurate laboratory test that allows you to judge the fertility of each man.

For spermogram, you need to collect seminal fluid in a special disposable container. Almost all clinics have a specially designated room where a man can take an analysis. The recommended method for collecting material is masturbation. It is strongly not recommended to examine semen obtained after intercourse.

The female genital tract is not sterile, the likelihood of microorganisms entering the male urethra is very high. The results of such an analysis will be unreliable.

Why is it so necessary to collect seminal fluid directly in the laboratory?

The fact is that the analysis must be carried out no later than an hour from the moment the material was taken, and the sperm must be transported only at a certain temperature. Violation of the temperature regime and too long an interval between the collection of sperm and the study significantly reduce the reliability of the information received. In such cases, the fertility of a man will be assessed incorrectly.

You should properly prepare for the spermogram. To do this, three to four days before the examination, you can not visit the sauna, take a hot bath, drink alcohol. If a man takes any medication, you need to inform the doctor. They may have to be temporarily cancelled.

During the analysis, the following indicators of seminal fluid are evaluated:

  • volume. For successful fertilization, 3-4 ml is enough. An insufficient amount of seminal fluid indicates that a man's fertility is reduced;
  • color - normally white, sometimes with a gray tint. When layering the infectious process, the sperm may acquire a yellow or green tint. Red or brown color indicates bleeding, possible ulceration of the vas deferens, tumors;
  • smell - specific, changes with infectious diseases;
  • viscosity - should be within normal limits. Too thick seminal fluid dramatically reduces sperm motility;
  • acidity - an acidic environment causes the death of sperm;
  • number of male sex cells in 1 ml of ejaculate, as well as their total number;
  • sperm motility- only those of them that move in a straight line can fertilize the egg;
  • the quality of germ cells;
  • the state of the genetic material;
  • sperm morphology. Values ​​greater than 50% with a conventional examination and 13% with a Kruger morphology are considered normal (in the Kruger morphology, more stringent diagnostic criteria are used);
  • the presence of erythrocytes and leukocytes. The normal number of leukocytes is -1 million in 1 ml of seminal fluid. exceeding the indicator indicates an inflammatory process. Erythrocytes in healthy men should be absent.

Based on the results of a specific technique, fertility can be established:

  • normal;
  • increased;
  • reduced.

The main factors that affect fertility in men are:

  • age - the older the man, the less testosterone is synthesized in his body. In addition, the sensitivity of receptors interacting with this biologically active substance decreases. As a result, the production of male germ cells in the testicles is deteriorating;
  • excess weight - adipose tissue is a source of estrogen. These are female sex hormones that negatively affect erection and fertility;
  • excessive and frequent psycho-emotional stress;
  • traumatic injuries external and internal genital organs;
  • inflammatory diseases, including those caused by pathogenic microorganisms, sexually transmitted;
  • somatic diseases- high blood pressure, dysfunction of the endocrine glands, diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic overheating of the testicles- full-fledged spermatozoa are produced only under a certain temperature regime;
  • taking certain medications.

A bad spermogram of a man does not indicate that he will not be able to conceive a child. You can have a child with any sperm count, just the chances are reduced with a low-quality analysis.

But even good results do not guarantee a quick conception. Not everything in the matter of conception depends on the man, much depends on the woman, the phase of the menstrual cycle in which attempts were made to conceive, the interaction and compatibility of the couple.

female fertility

For women, fertility is a slightly more complex set of circumstances and concepts.

The main ones are:

  • normal monthly cycle;
  • regular ovulation;
  • the possibility of fertilization of the egg;
  • the ability to bear and give birth to a child.

As in the case of a man, a woman's fertility depends on many factors, the main ones being:

  • age - the older the patient, the fewer eggs can mature in her ovaries. A regular cycle after 40 years is not always accompanied by ovulation, and a mature egg is not always complete;
  • transferred inflammatory diseases of the external, internal genital organs, menstrual irregularities. Of particular danger are chronic processes, without severe clinical symptoms. Very often they lead to the development of adhesions, impaired patency of the fallopian tubes. Chronic endometritis is the main cause of miscarriage;
  • excess weight, provoking hormonal imbalance or as a manifestation of pathology from the endocrine system.

Although it is believed that fertility occurs with the first menstruation, the female body is ready to successfully cope with pregnancy and childbirth by the age of 15-16. After all, menarche occurs from the age of 11 and from the age of 12, but the active reproductive age begins at the age of 15.

By about the age of 50, a woman's ability to reproduce offspring decreases or completely dries up. Even with regular menstruation at this age, fertilization of the egg may not occur, therefore, pregnancy will not occur.

To assess fertility in women, the following laboratory and instrumental tests are used:

  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • laboratory examination of vaginal discharge, smears from the cervical and urethra;
  • confirmation of the fact of ovulation;
  • hysterosalpingography;
  • study of the hormonal background;
  • determination of ovarian reserve.

During the examination, the doctor receives a preliminary idea about the state of health of the woman. Bimanual examination allows you to assess the size and position of the uterus, the condition of the cervix, fallopian tubes and appendages. Studies on the microflora are used to detect pathogenic microorganisms that have caused the inflammatory process.

To confirm the presence of an ovulatory menstrual cycle and the fact of ovulation, functional tests are used (measurement of basal temperature, assessment of cervical mucus, accurate fixation of the dates of menstruation), ultrasound, hormonal tests.

Ultrasound examination is used as the primary method of instrumental diagnostics. This is a safe and highly informative technique that allows you to identify signs of inflammation, adhesions, tumors, and other diseases. In addition, using the technique, you can see the maturing follicles and suggest the exact date of ovulation.

  1. Hysterosalpingography- X-ray method of examination, designed to assess the patency of the fallopian tubes. To improve visualization, a contrast agent is injected into the uterine cavity. Normally, it penetrates into the fallopian tubes, which is clearly visible on the x-ray.
  2. Hysteroscopy is an endoscopic examination method, during which the gynecologist assesses the condition of the inner lining of the uterus. Manipulation can be diagnostic and therapeutic. Therapeutic hysteroscopy is performed if necessary to remove a polyp or a small tumor. In addition, during the examination, small pieces of tissue can be taken for the purpose of pathomorphological examination.

Determining the concentration of hormones in the blood allows the doctor to draw conclusions about the work of the endocrine glands, and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary treatment. It is carried out on certain days of the menstrual cycle.

Ovarian reserve - the number of eggs that are potentially capable of maturation and conception. This is an individual indicator, which is determined using a series of hormonal tests and ultrasound. It shows the effectiveness of the menstrual cycle, since with a low ovarian reserve and the absence of ovulation, pregnancy is impossible.

Thanks to the possibility of preserving one's own reproductive biomaterial with the help of assistive technologies and using it in IVF, modern medicine has significantly extended the female fertile age.

Reproductive female age

The reproductive female age is divided into several periods:

  • the duration of the early period - from menarche to 20 years of age;
  • the duration of the average period is 20-40 years, this is the most optimal age for bearing and giving birth to children. After the age of 35, the fertility function in women begins to decline;
  • the duration of the late period is 40-49 years, at a later age the chances of pregnancy decrease.

It is known that women give birth both at the age of 50 and later, but the risk of complicated pregnancy and problematic childbirth increases every year.

Fertility Preservation Opportunities

There are several simple but important points that will allow you to maintain reproductive function longer.

They are:

  • regular intimacy without contraception with a regular partner, preferably at least twice a week;
  • avoidance of stress;
  • do not starve and do not strictly limit yourself in food;
  • eat rationally, balanced, if possible, do not eat "fast" food;
  • hot baths, baths, saunas, wearing tight synthetic underwear negatively affect the formation of healthy sperm;
  • drink enough water;
  • not to be physically overloaded;
  • to exclude smoking, alcohol, medicines;
  • strengthen immunity.

Through these simple steps, you can significantly increase the ability to procreate. If, following all the rules, it is not possible to conceive a child, it is worth consulting with the specialists of the AltraVita clinic. Experienced doctors will be able to figure out what caused the decline in fertility.

Fertility drugs

Currently, specialized vitamin-mineral complexes or biologically active supplements have been developed and are available on the market that have the property of increasing fertility. These drugs can be used simultaneously with the treatment of underlying diseases and the implementation of the described rules, which will maximize the fertility of a man or woman.

What is fertility in women? The most accurate answer to this question is given by the Latin term fertilis - “fertile”, which characterizes the readiness of a woman of reproductive age to become pregnant and give birth to viable children. Since the participation of heterosexual partners is necessary for procreation, the concept of fertility is also applied to men. Only in this case we are talking about the ability to fertilize the partner.

fertility signs

There is also a demographic concept of female fertility, which is applied to a specific population of people. This indicator reflects the process of population reproduction and is expressed in the birth rate, which takes into account the number of babies per woman of childbearing age.

There is no general indicator for assessing fertility, but there are a number of signs that indicate a woman’s readiness to conceive and bear offspring:

  • Regular menstrual cycle. If menstruation comes without delay, it means that the eggs in the female body are ripening, ready for fertilization. For conception, it is very important that ovulation (the moment the egg is released from the ovary) takes place regularly.
  • Secondary sexual characteristics. This is a well-formed and developed breast, ready to feed the baby, feminine forms, the absence of excess vegetation on the body (this happens with an imbalance of hormones).
  • Stable hormonal background. The main sex hormones responsible for reproductive functions in women are progesterone and estrogen, the balance of which largely determines the ability to conceive and bear children. Hormonal disruptions can cause menstrual irregularities, uterine bleeding, miscarriages, and infertility.
  • Good women's health. The absence of diseases of the female genitourinary system is another sign of a fertile woman. It is very important to identify and treat possible pathologies in a timely manner - sexual infections or diseases of the reproductive system that violate the reproductive function. To do this, you need to regularly visit a gynecologist.

The fact of pregnancy even when using contraceptives or an intrauterine device indicates a woman's high ability to conceive. Such cases are quite rare, but still occur.

Reproductive age limits

The reproductive age in women is the period when she is capable of childbearing. Opportunity to get pregnant, endure and give birth healthy offspring in a Russian woman, it varies from 15 to 50 years. In other countries, these boundaries may change according to local customs and lifestyles.

The boundaries of childbearing age for each woman are individual and depend on a number of factors: health status, genetics, lifestyle, the presence or absence of bad habits. In general, this period begins with the onset of the first menstruation and ends with the advent of menopause.

In medicine, it is customary to divide the fertility period into several segments:

  1. Early stage. It includes the time period from the onset of the first ovulation to the age of 20. During this period, the menstrual cycle may be irregular and ovulation rare. This is due to the instability of the hormonal background and the process of puberty. The unpredictability of the menstrual cycle increases the chance of an unplanned pregnancy.
  2. Middle stage. The most stable and favorable period for conception is from 20 to 40 years. It is characterized by the stability of the hormonal background, the regularity of the cycle. The most favorable time for bearing and giving birth to offspring is considered to be under 30 years old, when a young woman is in good health and does not face chronic diseases.
  3. late stage. This is the age from 40 to 45 years, bringing a woman closer to the onset of menopause. At this stage, the hormonal background begins to gradually change, but the menstrual cycle remains stable, ovulation occurs regularly. Modern medicine allows even at this age to endure and safely give birth to a healthy baby. In recent years, more and more women deliberately postpone conception to a later period, preparing the material base for the full development and upbringing of the child.
  4. Decaying stage. This is the period of menopause, which is characterized by the attenuation of the functions of the ovaries and the loss of reproductive ability. The age limits of menopause are individual, and it is believed that in women who have given birth after 35 years, menopausal changes begin later. On average, menopause occurs between the ages of 45 and 60. The period of menopause is characterized by a shortening or lengthening of the menstrual cycle, a change in the amount of bloody discharge, and certain physical and psychological discomfort. At this stage, it is undesirable for a woman to become pregnant. If conception did occur, the child will have to be carried under strict medical supervision and with the obligatory use of hormonal drugs that regulate hormonal fluctuations.

Support for late pregnancy is associated with certain difficulties, as low fertility and the presence of chronic diseases pose a threat to the life of the mother and fetus.

What does fertility depend on?

Female fertility, or, speaking in simple words, the ability to conceive, depends on many factors. The following points affect the readiness for childbearing:

  • Age. The younger the woman, the greater the chance of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.
  • features of the constitution. Doctors note that the ability to conceive is reduced in women who are too thin or overweight.
  • The presence of chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction, pathology of internal organs).
  • Inflammatory and adhesive processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Gynecological problems (myoma or endometriosis of the uterus, ovarian cysts, polyps, etc.).
  • Conditions after surgical interventions (abortion, miscarriage, missed or ectopic pregnancy).
  • Bad habits, unhealthy and inactive lifestyle.
  • Improper nutrition, leading to a lack of essential vitamins and minerals (avitaminosis).
  • Chronic stress, prolonged psycho-emotional overstrain.
  • Unfavorable ecology in the region of residence.

Sometimes a woman cannot become pregnant due to immunological reasons. Her body perceives male spermatozoa as aggressive strangers and seeks to destroy them. In such a situation, pregnancy is possible only after medical intervention.

Any of the above factors affect female fertility. If there are obstacles to the conception and birth of a child, it is necessary to identify the cause of the trouble and eliminate it in a timely manner.

Fertility prognosis: what is it?

In the study of the ability to conceive, physicians use a number of clinical and laboratory tests. Fertility prognosis is determined in points:

  • An indicator of "-2" indicates that a woman cannot become pregnant naturally.
  • With average indicators, the patient has every chance to conceive and bear a healthy baby.
  • High fertility with an indicator of "+2" indicates the absence of problems with reproductive function. In such a woman, pregnancy can occur even when using contraceptives.

In the process of diagnosis, doctors resort to the following methods:

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

The purpose of an ultrasound examination is to study the condition, size and functionality of the ovaries. The procedure is carried out on the fifth or sixth day of the menstrual cycle. Ultrasound shows whether the ovaries produce a sufficient number of follicles, ready at the right time for fertilization.

Determination of the hormonal profile

The ability to conceive is determined in the laboratory - by studying the content of hormones responsible for ovarian function. Fertility analysis is done on the second to fifth day of the cycle. With its help, it is possible to determine the concentration of FSH (follicle-stimulating) and LH (luteinizing) hormones. In the case when the level of the first hormone is higher, we are talking about ovarian exhaustion.

In addition to clinical studies, every woman can do a home fertility test. It is similar to a pregnancy test and is performed on the days of the expected ovulation. A special test strip must be lowered into the collected urine and wait two to three minutes until two strips appear. If the first strip (effective) is colored brighter than the second (control), fertility is high, and the moment for conception is favorable. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment aimed at increasing the chances of conception.

If the results of studies indicate a decrease in fertility, do not despair. In the arsenal of modern medicine, there are enough funds aimed at restoring reproductive function.

How to increase fertility

How to increase the fertility of a woman, the specialist decides after a full diagnostic examination and elimination of the identified pathologies. Diseases of the female genital area, which are treated by a gynecologist, can prevent conception.

In the absence of serious health problems, therapy will be aimed at eliminating possible physiological causes. In this case, a woman must follow a number of medical recommendations:

  • stick to a balanced healthy eating;
  • abandon rigid and low-calorie diets;
  • eliminate stress factors;
  • drink more fluids to stay hydrated;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • more often to be in the fresh air, increase physical activity;
  • have regular sex life with one partner;
  • avoid casual sex.

Special vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements will help increase the ability to conceive. They contain a complex of active substances that positively affect reproductive functions: B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium, zinc, selenium, etc. Popular drugs that can be found in any pharmacy: Vitrum, Tribestan, Pregnoton. Special medicines(gonadotropins and ovulation stimulants) can only be prescribed by a specialist. It is necessary to take drugs that affect fertility, under the supervision of a doctor.

Fertility is sensitive to any changes in health status. In the absence of serious pathologies and the right approach to treatment, a woman has every chance of a successful conception and the birth of a healthy baby.