Requirements for writing and formatting List of used sources and literature

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Requirements for the design of the final qualifying work in the specialty 050708.65 -

Pedagogy and methodology of primary education

The guidelines have been developed in accordance with the main current provisions of the State Standardization System, in particular:

GOST 2.105 -95 ESKD General requirements for text documents.

GOST 7.32-2001 Research report. Structure and rules of registration.

GOST 7.82-2001 Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources.

GOST 7.1-2003 Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation.

General requirements for the design of the thesis

The text of the thesis is printed on one side of a sheet of A4 white paper (297 × 210 mm).

Page with text should have fields:

      left - 30 mm,

      right - 15 mm,

      top and bottom - 20 mm.

The text is printed at one and a half intervals.

Font size (point size) - 14.

The font type is Times New Roman.

The font color is black.

Paragraph indent (red line) - 1.25 cm.

Bold font is used when highlighting the headings of the structural parts of the thesis (CONTENTS, INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION, LITERATURE, APPENDIX) and when highlighting the titles of chapters, paragraphs, conclusions per chapter.

The main text must be aligned in width.

"Hanging lines" at the bottom and top of the page are removed.

The text is typed in compliance with the following rules.

"Christmas-tree quotes" are used, for nested quotes - "paw-quotes".

Do not separate when transferring from one line to another (a non-breaking space is put Shift + ctrl +Space ):

      surnames from initials (Ivanov A.A.);

      abbreviated words from proper names to which they refer (Comrade Ivanov, Kemerovo, Parkovaya St.);

      numbers and letters with a bracket or a dot (when listed) from the word following them;

      Roman or Arabic numerals from their abbreviated or full names (1970, 1000 rubles, XX century);

      signs and designations from the numbers following them (No. 75).

Do not fight back:

    dots or commas from previous text;

    ellipsis, as well as a pause sign, from the word preceding and following it;

    a dash between the numbers indicating the limits of the value (1-5);

    dash from a comma and quotation marks;

    hyphen between unions and when transferring (something);

    quotation marks and brackets from the words enclosed in them;

    footnotes from the preceding dot or comma;

    percent signs, degrees minutes, seconds from the digit;

    plus, minus and plus-minus signs.

Beat off:

      a dash between words on both sides (Moscow is the capital of Russia);

      a dash in direct speech at the beginning of a paragraph;

WRC structure

According to GOST 7.32-2001, the structural elements of the work are:

    title page,


    <основная часть>,




The chapters of the main part of the work are not structural elements, only the entire main part as a whole is such an element.

Heading design structural elements


According to GOST 7.32-2001, the headings of the structural elements of the work are drawn up in capital letters (Caps Lock) without a dot at the end, placed in the middle of the line (center alignment) without paragraph indentation.

The font type of headings is Times New Roman, bold.

Font size (point size) - 14.

Each structural element must start on a new page.



Headings for sections, subsections and paragraphs

The main part of the text should be divided into sections (chapters), subsections (paragraphs), if necessary, paragraphs can be used.

All sections and subsections should start on a new page.

Headings of sections and subsections are printed with a paragraph indent, with capital letter, in bold, without a dot at the end.

Font type - Times New Roman, size - 14.

Sections, subsections, paragraphs should be numbered in Arabic numerals. The subsection (paragraph) number consists of the section (chapter) number and the paragraph number in the chapter, separated by a dot. There is no dot at the end of the number.

The numbers are followed by a space, not a tab.

If the heading does not fit on one line, then the whole word is transferred to the bottom line. Breaking words during hyphenation is not allowed.


1.3 Methodological foundations for the formation of general educational skills in mathematics lessons

1 is the chapter number, 3 is the paragraph number.

If the title consists of two sentences, then they are separated by a dot.

If the title consists of several lines, then the line spacing in the title is single.

The distance between the heading and the text should be equal to one empty line (15 pt).

The distance between chapter and paragraph headings is 8 pt.



The title page, content, introduction, sections of the thesis and applications have a common (through) numbering.

The pages of the work are numbered with Arabic numerals.

The page number is placed in the center of the bottom sheet without a dot.

Font size - 12.

The font type is Times New Roman.

The title page is included in the general numbering, but the number is not put on it, the numbering begins with the content.

Title page layout

The first sheet of the work is the title page, drawn up in accordance with the attached sample.

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise"

Institute of Continuing Pedagogical Education


Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education


Department head

G.A. Orlova

"___" ___________2014



Final qualifying work

specialty 050708.65

"Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education"


k. fil. PhD, Associate Professor

L.N. Sergeeva

"___" _____________ 2014

Student group 7251

N.M. Lebedev

"___" _____________ 2014

Content design

Heading according to GOST 7.32-2001 CONTENT written in capital letters, bold, in the middle of the line.

According to GOST 2.105-95, the names included in the content are written in lowercase letters, starting with an uppercase letter.



Chapter 1 Theoretical foundations for the formation of general educational skills of younger students ……………………………………………...………….

1.1 Features of the development of general educational skills of younger students ....

1.2 Organization of project activities in elementary school …………….

1.3 Methodological bases for the formation of general educational skills in informatics lessons………........................................... ................................................. ...

Conclusions on the first chapter ……………………………………………………...

Chapter 2 Pedagogical experiment on the impact of project activities on the development of general educational skills …………………………...

2.1 Studying the initial level of development of general educational skills of the control and experimental classes …………………………………

2.2 The development of general educational skills in computer science lessons in elementary school using the project method ....………………………………..

2.3 Analysis of the results of the experiment on the development of general educational skills of younger students using the project method ……….

Conclusions on the second chapter....…………………………………………………...

CONCLUSION …………………….……………………………………........

LITERATURE …………………….……………………………...…………...

APPENDIX A Educational project "My family" ....................................................

APPENDIX B creative work students of grade 3 A on the educational project "My family" ................................................... ...............................................

APPENDIX B Educational project "Traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries» ………………………………..………………...........

APPENDIX D Creative work of students of grade 3 A on the educational project "Traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries" ..........

APPENDIX E The results of the final level of development of general educational skills of students in grades 3…………………………………………………...

Application design

According to GOST 7.32-2001, references must be given to all applications in the text of the work. Appendices are arranged in the order in which they are referred to in the text.

Each appendix should begin on a new page with the word "APPENDIX" and its designation at the top in the middle of the page. The application must have a title that is written symmetrically with respect to the capitalized text on a separate line.

Applications are denoted by capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of the letters E, Z, Y, O, Ch, L, Y, Y. The word "Appendix" is followed by a letter denoting its sequence (for example: APPENDIX B). It is allowed to designate applications with Latin letters, except for the letters I and O. In the case of full use of the letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets, it is allowed to designate applications with Arabic numerals. If the document has one annex, it is designated "APPENDIX A".

The text of each appendix may be divided into sections, subsections, etc., which are numbered within each appendix. The number is preceded by the designation of this application.

The pagination of applications and body text should be continuous.


Making illustrations (drawings)

Illustrations include all graphic images: drawings, diagrams, graphs, histograms, diagrams, photographs. All illustrations are designated by the word "Drawing".

Figures should be placed directly after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

Figures are numbered with Arabic numerals, numbering within a section (chapter). The figure number consists of the section number and the serial number of the illustration, separated by a dot, for example, "Figure 2.3" (third figure, chapter 2).

The caption to the figure is placed under it in the center of the line. The font type is Times New Roman. Font size - 12.

The word "Drawing" is written in full. After the number of the figure, a dash is placed and its name is indicated with a capital letter. The dot at the end of the name is not put.

Before the illustration and after its name, one free line should be left.

All figures must be referenced in the text. When referring to an illustration, you can write "... in accordance with figure 2.3".



Figure 2.3 - Gorodets painting


If there are applications in the work, then the drawings of each application are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the application designation in front, for example: “Figure A.3” (the third figure in Appendix A).


Figure A.3 - Analysis of student work

on the theme "Fairytale flower"

The name of the picture should not exceed the size of the picture. If the name is long, then it is divided into several lines. The line spacing in the inscription under the figure is single.


Figure 2.2 - Histogram "Dynamics of the development of educational and intellectual skills

students of the experimental class"

Table design

In a text document, a table is a unified text method that has a large information capacity, visibility, allows you to strictly classify, encode information, and easily summarize similar data.

The table should be as short as possible and have a detailed title. The table may be accompanied by notes that indicate the sources of data, the content of the indicators is disclosed in more detail, and explanations are given if the table contains data obtained as a result of calculations.

Rounded numbers are given in the table with the same degree of accuracy (up to 0.1; up to 0.01, etc.). If the table shows growth percentages, then in many cases it is advisable to replace percentages of 300 or more with ratios in times. For example, write not “1000%”, but “10.0 times”.

It is not allowed to replace with quotation marks repeating numbers in the table, mathematical signs, percent signs and numbers, designations of regulatory documents, etc. In the absence of individual data in the table, a dash (dash) should be put.

The name of the table should be placed above the table on the left, without paragraph indentation, without a dot at the end. The title of the table should consist of the word "Table", the number of the table and, through a dash, the name of the table. The name of the table is executed through a single line spacing, in the font "Times New Roman", font size - 14. Before the name of the table and after it, one free line should be left.


Table 2.3 - Comparison of the level of formation of the initial reading skill in German among second-graders

The table should be placed in the work immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. All tables should be referenced in the work, for example, "Table 1.2 presents....".

The tables are numbered in the same way as the figures, for example, "Table 2.3" (the third table of the second section).

The tables of each annex are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the application designation in front, for example, "Table B.2".

A table with a large number of rows can be moved to another sheet. When transferring part of the table to another sheet, the word "Table", number and heading are indicated once above the first part of the table. Above the following parts, on the left, the word “Continuation” and the number of the table are indicated, for example: “Continuation of table 2.1”. When transferring a table to another page, you must repeat the table header or an additional line with column numbering.

The headings of the columns and rows of the table should be written with a capital letter in the singular, and the subheadings of the columns should be written with a lowercase letter if they form one sentence with the heading, or with a capital letter if they have an independent meaning. Do not put dots at the end of headings and subheadings of columns and rows. Column headings, as a rule, are written parallel to the rows of the table, but if necessary, their perpendicular arrangement is allowed.

According to the content of the table, there are analytical and non-analytical. Analytical tables are the result of processing and analysis of numerical indicators. As a rule, after such tables, a generalization is made as a new (output) knowledge, which is introduced into the text in words: analysis of the table allows us to conclude that ...; the table shows that...; analysis of the table allows us to conclude that ... etc. Often such tables make it possible to identify and formulate certain patterns. In non-analytical tables, as a rule, statistical data are placed that are necessary only for information or ascertainment.

Formatting formulas

Formulas and equations should be separated from the text on a separate line. Above and below each formula or equation must be left on a blank line. If the equation does not fit on one line, then it must be moved after the equals sign (=) or after the plus (+), minus (-), multiplication (x), division (:), or other mathematical signs, and this sign repeat at the beginning of the next line. When transferring a formula on a sign symbolizing the operation of multiplication, the sign "x" is used.

An explanation of the symbols used and numerical coefficients is given under the formula in the same sequence in which they are given in the formula.

Formulas in the text are numbered with Arabic numerals within the section. The number consists of the section number and the sequential number of the formula in the section, it is placed on the right side of the sheet at the level of the formula in parentheses, for example, (2.1) is the first formula of the second section.


A \u003d C + B (2.1)

The formulas in the appendices are numbered separately within each appendix with the addition of the appendix designation in front, for example, (C.2).

Registration of transfers

In the text of the thesis, enumerations can be applied, which are drawn up in three ways.

Enumerations are single-level and multi-level. In the first case, any of the enumeration methods listed above can be used. With a multilevel enumeration, the first method is applied first, then the second, then the third.

An example of a multilevel list design

Software classification

1. System software:

    Operating Systems;

    file managers;



    disk maintenance programs;

    antivirus programs.

2. Programming environments.

3. Application programs:

    general purpose programs;

    special purpose programs;

    game programs.

Making quotes and links in the text

Quotes are verbatim excerpts from any text of a scientific or journalistic nature.

When quoting, the following rules must be observed:

    The source of the quotation must be the cited edition, and not the edition of another author, where the cited text is given as an excerpt (exception - the original source is not available or it is difficult to find it; a published archival document is cited; the cited text became known by recording the author's words in the memoirs of another person).

    The text of the quotation is enclosed in quotation marks and is given in the grammatical form in which it is given in the source, while preserving the features of the author's spelling.

    The quotation must be complete, without arbitrary reduction of the quoted fragment and without distortion of the meaning.

    The omission of words, sentences, paragraphs when quoting is allowed if it does not entail a distortion of the entire fragment, and is indicated by an ellipsis, which is put in place of the omission.

    If a quotation is included in the text, the first word is capitalized.

    If a quote stands out from the main text, then it is written from the left margin of the page at a distance of a paragraph indent, and each quote must be accompanied by a link to the source.

Quotation marks delimiting a quotation are placed only at the beginning and end of it, regardless of the size of the quotation and the number of paragraphs in it.

If there are words (word combinations, phrases) inside the quotation, which are in turn enclosed in quotation marks, then the latter should be of a different pattern than the quotation marks that close and open the quotation (outer quotation marks are usually Christmas trees "", internal - paws "").

In any educational institution, the highest requirements for VKR are made. The final qualifying work is the main and most important scientific research of the student during his studies. Her defense is the last stage before receiving a bachelor's or master's degree and graduation from the university.

In order to correctly write a graduation project, a graduate should familiarize himself with the design features of this work and remember some important recommendations.

How to write WRC

Ask for help The main goal of writing a thesis is the systematization, assimilation and consolidation of theoretical knowledge gained during the entire period of student's education at the university. That is why the main scientific research of a graduate is a serious and extremely important work, which is conditionally divided into several stages:

Stage 1. The choice of the topic of the graduation project and the appointment of a supervisor for the department. It is important to remember that the most successful will be the work that the student will like and will initially interest him.

Stage 2. Development of a work plan together with the supervisor. The work plan is a detailed summary of the work by chapters, which can be edited in the process.

Stage 3. Selection and study of literature. Collection and analysis of practical data for research (most often in the course of undergraduate practice).

Stage 4. Writing a final qualifying work - systematization and registration of all material in a competent structured text. Development of conclusions and recommendations based on the studied data.

Stage 5. Registration of the final work, its check for plagiarism. Writing the text for the defense of the graduation project, the defense of the WRC before the commission.

Important! The thesis is a complex work associated with the analysis of a large amount of literature, so it is advisable to start the implementation of the WRC already in the first semester of the graduation year.

An example of the structure of the WRC in pharmacy

WRC theme "Pharmacy organizations at the present stage of development"


CHAPTER 1. Modern pharmacy organizations
1.1. The history of the development of pharmacy business in Russia
1.2. Organization of the work of modern pharmacies
1.3. Types and functions of modern pharmacies
CHAPTER 2. Research methods
CHAPTER 3. Results of the study of the effectiveness of pharmacy organizations
3.1. Pharmacy with a closed display of goods
3.2. Pharmacy with an open display of goods
3.3. Economic efficiency of pharmacy supermarkets
3.5. Evaluation of the quality of customer service

Regulations on WRC

Graduation work must be prepared in accordance with guidelines and instructions for writing it. Registration rules are regulated by the following state documents:

  • Federal state educational standard for specialties and professions of secondary vocational education (secondary vocational education);
  • The procedure for conducting the State final certification for educational programs of secondary vocational education;
  • GOST 7-32 of 2001.

In addition to general provisions, a specific educational institution may also impose separate requirements for the final qualifying work. So, RANEPA (Novosibirsk and Irkutsk) or NCFU (Pyatigorsk) have special requirements for completing a thesis.

Despite such bureaucratic regulation of the design of graduation projects, small nuances remain variable. Thus, the GOST does not specify the type of font, but in practice Times New Roman is always used.

WRC title page

The title page is a mandatory requirement for the design of the final work. Specific recommendations for writing it may be contained in the training manual of the university, however, there is some information that must be indicated on the title of the thesis:

  • the full and official name of the educational institution and department, organization or sectoral ministry to which it belongs, faculty, department;
  • title of the final qualifying work;
  • information about the author of the work - full name, name and specialty code, group number;
  • information about the supervisor of the graduation project, his full name, academic degree and title;
  • an indication of the city in which the university is based, the year of writing and defending the thesis.

Important! When designing the title page, the use of hyphens and abbreviations is not allowed.

WRC folder

The final copy of the graduation project is usually provided in a typographical binding, with an address folder in A4 format. The spine of such a cover should be at least 20 mm, with a comb with holes for stitching sheets.

Attention! After the final writing and execution of the WQR, the student will not be able to make any changes to it before the defense. Therefore, before submitting, it is advisable to double-check all the data in the text and the correct design of the title page.

How to check WRC for anti-plagiarism

Systems for checking graduation papers for plagiarism are currently used in all Russian universities. This technique allows you to evaluate the student's contribution to the study, the ability to analyze and work out information.

To check the work, almost all educational institutions use the Antiplagiat.VUZ checking system ( This is a system that is actively used to determine uniqueness by students and teachers. Only PDF and TXT documents can be checked online for free. For theses, the allowable percentage of borrowing is 15-30% of the text without graphic material. It is this volume that should be limited to quoting primary sources or normative acts. Acceptable borrowings also include the names of organizations, authorities or set expressions.

Only after reaching the minimum level of originality, the student can submit the final version of their WQP for review by the department.

The final qualifying work will help determine the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the student. It testifies to the quality of assimilation of the material and gives an idea of ​​the readiness of the graduate for an independent life.

Writing and executing a WRC is not as difficult as it might seem. It is enough just to follow all the recommendations and listen to the advice of the supervisor - then the work will be able to claim the highest rating.

Sometimes you can hear such a phrase: "It doesn't matter how the diploma is written, it is important how it is issued." And there is truth in this statement. Members of the state commission will not read your thesis, they will only scroll through it. And it is extremely important that the resulting superficial impression is in your favor!

In order for the state commission to nod its heads approvingly, scrolling through your study, you must clearly comply with the requirements for the design of the thesis in accordance with GOST 2017. In this article, we will dwell on the nuances of the design of the thesis, which are important for both the student and the studentlancer.

GOSTs that determine the design of the thesis

Strictly speaking, there is no special GOST 2018 for issuing a diploma. GOST for the design of the thesis has not changed much since 2001 (only a small change was made in 2005).

Thus, the current rules for issuing a thesis (2018) are regulated by a document called GOST 7.32-2001 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Research report. Structure and rules of registration".

This is a voluminous document, to the middle of which not every bird will fly. You can study it yourself, but in this article we will highlight the most important points that should be considered when issuing a diploma in accordance with GOST.

In addition to GOST 7.32-2001, the design of a graduate study is regulated by several more documents. So, GOST 7.32-2001 itself is based on almost a dozen GOSTs, the most significant of which for a graduate student are:

  • GOST 7.1-2003. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation.
  • GOST 7.9-95 (ISO 214-76). System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Abstract and abstract. General requirements.
  • GOST 7.12-93. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words in Russian. General requirements and rules.

In addition, when issuing a diploma, other documents are also taken into account, for example, GOST 9327-60 (its requirements relate to the design of texts, tables and graphic materials).

Are you afraid that when studying these GOSTs, the roof will go? Don't worry, there's an easy way to a perfectly designed diploma - reading this article. We have put these terrible GOSTs on the shelves!

It should be noted that, despite the detailed bureaucratic regulation of the design of scientific research, some minor nuances remained variable. For example, the font type is not specified in GOST, but in practice it has long been a rule to use Times New Roman.

The design nuances that are not specified in GOST, but for some reason required at your department, are indicated in the training manual, which should not be ignored either. Be sure that the student's trump card "And it is indicated in GOST!" 100% fights with the teaching “But you should have looked in the training manual!”.

General requirements for the design of the diploma (page settings, font, spacing, etc.)

Registration of the thesis according to GOST 2018 implies the implementation mandatory requirements:

1. The paper must be white, standard size A4 (according to GOST 9327), the recommended density is around 80 g/sq. m. In other words - ordinary office paper for printers. (Hereinafter, Captain Obvious will sometimes take the word, but it's better to let him speak out than to screw up something on the little things).

Exception: There are cases when GOST allows the use of the A3 format in the preparation of scientific research. This happens when a thesis or other research contains a large number of large tables, illustrations, drawings. But it is better, if possible, to put them in Applications.

2. GOST indicates that the thesis must be submitted in printed form - typed on a typewriter or printed using a computer and printer. On the line below, the document even uses the term PC - personal computer

For a person who is looking for the rules for completing a thesis in accordance with GOST 2018, such a revelation can cause a slight stupor. But do not forget that GOST, in fact, has not changed for ten years, and specifically this part - almost fifteen. In those ancient times, when this GOST was approved, that is, in 2001, not all students had computers yet, teachers read handwritten drafts, and there was even a profession of typing on a computer. And a little earlier, in the mid-90s, typewriters were widely used for typing, which the compilers of GOST have not yet forgotten about. Or, most likely, they simply torn the wording from the earlier GOST, 7.32-91, with slight changes.

We are sure that when next year students will look for information about the design of their thesis in accordance with GOST 2017, they will again encounter typewriters and PCs

3. Text should be printed on only one side of the sheet. There should not be any images, marks, etc. on the reverse side. However, the graduate student is no longer a beginner, after a dozen written essays and several term papers, he probably already remembered this.

4. Structural elements of the thesis (introduction, chapters of the main part, conclusion, list of references, list of footnotes) begin on a new sheet. Paragraphs / paragraphs can also be started from a new sheet, but the canonical option is to continue on the same page (this point should be clarified with the supervisor or in the manual issued by the department).

Note: Try to keep the end of the chapter at least half the page, or at least a third. The rule is not fixed anywhere, but refers to those unspoken "etiquette" laws that are customarily observed.

5. The width of the fields in the thesis is set by GOST as follows:

— right not less than 10 mm (1 cm);
- left not less than 30 mm (1 cm), the margin is given for stitching;
- upper not less than 20 mm (2 cm);
- lower - not less than 20 mm (2 cm).

It is interesting that, despite the wording “no less”, in most cases this indication is interpreted by scientific supervisors as “exactly” or even “no more”. They can be understood: students sometimes abuse wide margins.

6. Sheet orientation - vertical (portrait). Horizontal orientation (landscape) is allowed when preparing applications, but not the main part of the thesis.

7. Text alignment in modern theses is usually done in width. GOST does not regulate this moment, therefore, in theory, you can align the text to the left (but, of course, not to the right and not to the center). However, in the age of computer technology, it will look strange. Again, let's remember when this GOST was written (based on the even more ancient GOST 7.32-91): in those days when typewriters had not yet become one hundred percent antiques. On a typewriter, even placing hyphens, it is very difficult to achieve high-quality alignment. And the compilers of these valuable instructions, apparently, considered such a requirement to be overly stringent. But you have a PC or a laptop, right?

We will talk more about the alignment of headings of chapters and subparagraphs a little lower, there are some nuances there.

8. Paragraph indents are required, and not according to GOST, but according to the rules of the Russian language. In GOST, one should look for instructions regarding its size. But what do we see? The requirements of GOST 2.105-95 on the size of a paragraph indent of 15 or 17 mm in GOST 7.32-2001 disappeared. In other words, you can indent whatever you want...within reason, of course. A paragraph indent of 1.25 - 1.5 cm is considered reasonable. And this is the case when it makes sense to ask for the recommendations of the department.

9. The font color in the thesis is black. In the thesis work there should not be color highlighting of the text - this is not Lyrushechka for you.

10. What font should I use? GOST is mysteriously silent, but in widespread practice (both domestic and foreign), scientific papers are printed in Times New Roman. It is, in fact, an established standard.

Question: Can other fonts be used in the thesis? In this regard, GOST deigns to give the following details: yes, individual formulas, terms can be written in other fonts that differ from the font of the main text.

"It is allowed to use the computer capabilities of focusing on certain terms, formulas, theorems, using fonts of different fonts."


Moreover: GOST allows you to enter formulas and other parts of the text by hand that cannot be typewritten. For this, either black ink or black ink is used. You must write in printable characters. But, in our opinion, for a student completing a diploma in accordance with GOST in 2018, this liberties are unacceptable. Modern computer technology allows you to display any formula. If there are no matching characters, formulas are now inserted as images.

11. The size (letter size), according to GOST, must be at least the twelfth. In practice, graduate students use 12 and 14 point Times New Roman. In footnotes, in captions to tables and images, you can use a smaller size (up to 10th).

12. Line spacing, unlike the font, is regulated by GOST. It must be one and a half.

13. CAPS LOK is allowed when writing the titles of chapters of the thesis. DO NOT USE IT ANYWHERE!

14. To emphasize the structural parts of the work, that is, in headings and subheadings, bold type can be used. It can also be used to highlight some important phrases, terms - but without enthusiasm. The same goes for italics. For example, you can bold or italicize the words "hypothesis, subject, object, goals, tasks."

15. Typos are not allowed. If you nevertheless found typos, typos, graphical inaccuracies when proofreading your thesis, then, according to GOST, they can be painted over with white paint (a corrector is used for this) and carefully corrected from above - so that there are no noticeable blots. But this, gentlemen, students, is an emergency option - for example, if you decide to reread your diploma right at the university before submitting it to a reviewer and you do not have time to run to the printer. In general, these days, printing a thesis is not difficult, so make corrections on the computer and reprint the necessary sheets.

Formatting titles in the thesis

The design of headings and subheadings should be dealt with separately, because GOST is rather intricate in this matter. The rules are as follows:

  • Headings are the names of the structural parts of the work, representing a brief and clear reflection of the content of sections, subsections, paragraphs.
  • Arabic numerals should be used for numbering.
  • When numbering sections, subsections and paragraphs, a dot is not put after the numbers.
  • When using the wording “part such and such” or “chapter such and such”, a period is placed after the number.
  • When numbering sections, subsections, paragraphs, the following rules should be followed:

However, theses do not go to such extremes, so you can forget about letters and numbers with brackets.

  • The distance between the text and the heading is not regulated by GOST, but, according to the established rules, is 15 mm, i.e. one confusing line with a one and a half interval. The chapter heading is usually separated from the subsection/paragraph heading by 8 mm (double spacing).
  • Headings are printed, according to GOST, in capital (capital) letters. CAPS LOCOM, SHORT
  • Headings are centered, subheadings are indented.
  • If the heading consists of two sentences, they are separated by a dot.
  • Heading hyphens are not allowed.
  • Headings can be bold, but not underlined.
  • There is no dot at the end of the heading.

If you are interested in the design of a thesis in accordance with GOST 2018, a sample heading design is in front of you:

But this option is used if parts (chapters) are not allocated in the study. Since the chapters are highlighted in the thesis, it is necessary to put a dot after the number in the title: "Chapter 1. FAULTED RULES OF DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOST." Further points in the numbering of subsections are no longer put.

There is also an option when the paragraph sign (§) is used when highlighting subsections, but it is considered obsolete. Roman numerals are often used in chapter numbering. There are other options in separate departments, according to the principle "each hut has its own rattles." But now you know how to act according to GOST, and variations are under the responsibility of your supervisor.

Page numbering and content formatting

The thesis must include content, which indicates all the structural parts, including applications. How to write names - with lowercase or uppercase? Unlike GOST 2.105-95, the newer GOST 7.32-2001 provides a solution to this issue at the discretion of the author.

An example of the design of the content in the thesis:

Let's touch on one more GOST nuance. Students who decide to study GOST 7.32-2001 on their own can screw up by following the following instructions:

5.4.2 When compiling a report consisting of two or more parts, each of them must have its own content. In this case, the contents of the entire report are placed in the first part, indicating the numbers of the parts, in the subsequent ones - only the content of the corresponding part. In the first part, instead of the content of subsequent parts, it is allowed to indicate only their names.

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS………………………………………………
3. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FINAL QUALIFICATION WORK……………………………………………………………………… 3.1. General requirements…………………………………………………… 3.2. Requirements for the content of the structural elements of the final qualifying work………………………………………………
4. RULES FOR REGISTRATION OF THE FINAL QUALIFICATION WORKS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.1. General recommendations……………………………………………... 4.2. Rules for the presentation of textual material…………………. 4.3. Design of tables, figures and formulas……………………….. 4.4. Formatting links………………………………………………. 4.5. App design…………………………………………
APPENDICES ………………………………………………………….. Appendix A B. Form of the title page of the final qualifying work……………………………………………… Appendix C. Form of assignment for the final qualifying work………………………………………… ………………………………...
Appendix D. Rules for compiling a bibliographic description of the final qualifying work………………………. Annex D. Review of the supervisor for the final qualifying work…………………………………………………. Annex E. Review of the final qualifying work……………………………………………………………………...


Final qualifying work(Further WRC ) is the final stage of mastering the main professional educational program higher education(hereinafter OPOP VO) and according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education is included in the state final certification. The purpose of the WRC is to systematize, generalize and consolidate theoretical knowledge, practical skills and complete the formation of general cultural, general professional and professional competencies of the student.

The final qualifying work is an independent, logically completed research related to the solution of an actual scientific and practical problem. It has a research orientation, and also contains elements of educational design (programs, models, methods) for a particular object of study. The WRC testifies to the author's ability to systematize and use the received theoretical and practical knowledge in the disciplines of the basic and optional parts of the curriculum of the OBEP HE in the direction of training / specialty.

Main task performance of the WRC is to identify:

- the level of formation of competencies of a student in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs;

– the ability to study and analyze literature sources in the field of scientific research;

– the ability to independently conduct scientific research, carry out design work, systematize and generalize factual material;

– the ability to independently substantiate the conclusions and practical recommendations based on the results of the research.

The manual outlines the main methodological approaches to the implementation, execution and protection of the WRC.

Federal Law No. 273-F3 of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” (as amended on December 30, 2015);

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2013 No. 1367 “On Approval of the Procedure for Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities in Educational Programs of Higher Education – Bachelor’s Programs, Specialist’s Programs, Master’s Programs”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2015 No. 636 “On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting State Final Attestation for Educational Programs of Higher Education - Bachelor's Programs, Specialist's Programs and Master's Programs”;

Federal state educational standards of higher education in the relevant areas of training (specialties) (hereinafter - FSES HE);

Order of the Rector of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “KFU im. IN AND. Vernadsky” dated December 31, 2014 No. 94 on approval of the Regulations on the procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs at the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "KFU named after. IN AND. Vernadsky";

Order of the Rector of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “KFU im. IN AND. Vernadsky” dated February 25, 2016 No. 107 on the approval of the “Regulations for the use of the Anti-plagiarism system in the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky".


Completion of the WQR is the final stage in the development of the OBEP HE at the appropriate educational and qualification levels. The content of the WRC and the level of its protection are considered as the main criterion in assessing the level of professional training of the student and the quality of the implementation of the educational program.

WRC on the educational program of the bachelor's degree is a completed study on a given topic, written by a student personally under the guidance of a supervisor, containing elements of scientific research and testifying to the student's ability to work with literature, summarize and analyze factual material, demonstrating the possession of general cultural, general professional and professional competencies formed during the development of the educational program.

WRC on the educational program of the specialist is a complete study on a given topic, which allows in a complex to assess knowledge in the specialty and compliance with qualification requirements, conducted personally by a student under the guidance of a supervisor; The WQR testifies to the student's ability to systematize and use the theoretical and practical knowledge gained during training in the disciplines of the basic and variable parts of the curriculum of the OBEP HE when posing and solving questions and problems developed in the WQR, as well as the degree of readiness of the student for independent practical work in the specialty in in accordance with the qualifications obtained.

WRC on the educational program of the magistracy is a completed independent research work carried out personally by a student under the guidance of a supervisor. The WRC testifies to the student's ability to independently conduct a scientific search, using theoretical knowledge and practical skills and abilities, in accordance with the problems, be able to design scientific research.

The procedure for approval of WRC topics. The student is given the right to choose the topic of the WRC or propose his own topic with justification for the expediency of its development. WRC topics should be relevant, consistent with the direction of the OBEP VO, the current state and prospects for the development of science, scientific schools, and solve urgent problems of the Crimean Federal District. The topics of the WRC are determined by the graduating departments and approved by the academic council of the faculty.

Scientific leadership of the WRC. When preparing the WRC, each student is assigned a supervisor and, if necessary, a consultant. Professors, associate professors and researchers of the university or, if necessary, researchers of other institutions and enterprises are appointed scientific supervisors of the WRC.

A scientific consultant is a specialist in a narrow research and production area, in which additional consultations are required.

Assignment to the students of the topics of the WRC, the appointment of a leader and consultants is carried out by order of the rector.

WRC scientific guidance includes:

Preparation of assignments for the WRC by the supervisor;

Assistance to the student in the development of a work schedule for the entire period of the WRC;

Carrying out systematic consultations in the course of WRC implementation;

Checking the WRC, assessing its readiness for defense;

Writing a review for WRC.

The admission of the student to the defense of the WQR is carried out after the text of the WQR is placed in the electronic library system of the University and the content of the WQR is checked in the system " Anti-plagiarism » for the absence of unauthorized borrowings.

WQRs completed upon completion of undergraduate, specialist and master's degree programs are subject to peer review . The reviewer can be a specialist in the profile of the peer-reviewed WRC, who determines, based on the analysis of the text of the WRC, the level of fulfillment of the requirements for the preparation of a bachelor, specialist or master, who is not an employee of the department that manages the WRC. The WRC reviewer must have an academic degree.

When reviewing the WRC, it is assumed that the student should be able to:

- formulate the purpose and objectives of the study;

- draw up a research plan;

− conduct a bibliographic search using modern information technologies;

- use modern methods of scientific research, modify existing and develop new methods based on the tasks of a particular study;

− process the received data using information technologies, analyze and synthesize them on the basis of well-known literary sources;

− formalize research results in accordance with modern requirements.

WRC is independent work student, on the basis of which the State Examination Commission decides on awarding him the appropriate qualification. The main criteria for assessing the quality of the WRC are its relevance, scientific novelty and applied value.

In order to achieve the goals and objectives, the student must:

- discuss the topic with the supervisor, highlight the relevance, determine the novelty;

- to analyze bibliographic sources on the research topic, summarizing the collected material;

- to analyze the features of the functioning of the subject of research, to establish their patterns;

- justify fundamentally new or apply existing solutions to problems related to the object of study;

- professionally and logically present the results of independent research on the chosen topic, accompanying them with the necessary illustrative and explanatory materials.



The first stage is the installation. It consists in choosing a topic and determining the methodological apparatus of the study.

As a result of the first stage, the student draws up a research plan (research project).

The choice of topic is carried out by the students independently from the list of recommended topics approved by the department. The wording of the WRC topic is agreed with the supervisor. Assignment for the student of the topic and the supervisor of the work is carried out on his personal application (Appendix A) and the presentation of the department, and is issued by order of the rector of the university.

The wording of the topic should be clear and concise. The topic of the WRC should reflect the actual problems of science, the solution of which will contribute to improving the efficiency of the student's professional activity.

The first stage of the work ends with the choice of research methods. A method is understood as a way of solving a research problem, a way of studying a phenomenon. The selected research methodology should contribute to the rational achievement of results.

The second stage is research. At this stage, the student performs the research part of the work on the basis of the developed research plan, using the selected methods, techniques, technologies.

An important component of the implementation of the WRC is familiarity with the published on this topic literature and analysis of the available factual material. It is necessary to purposefully search for literary and factual sources on the chosen topic and to deeply comprehend the material contained in the publications of specialists. For a full-fledged study, scientific continuity is necessary, that is, the student, working on the study, is obliged to use the experience already accumulated by science on this problem, in this field of knowledge. It is necessary to pay attention to the debatable aspects of the topic, to the contradictions that exist in the views of different authors, the inconsistency of various regulatory and instructive materials, recommendations of practitioners, scientists on a particular issue.

Work on a literature review should begin with an information retrieval, the list of recommended sources, the student can choose on their own or with the help of the work supervisor. Studying the material of the topic, the student can fix the main provisions, write out quotes with reference to sources. The student groups the selected data into sections. For each of the questions, the data of various authors are presented, their comparative analysis is given, possible contradictions are clarified, generalizing conclusions from the review are formulated.

To get acquainted with modern publications of domestic and foreign authors related to the subject of the work, it is also advisable to use the scientific databases of the Internet computer network (monographs, abstracts of candidate and doctoral dissertations, scientific periodicals, electronic library systems).

The results of theoretical and practical research are analyzed and summarized. The result of the second stage is working materials: text, graphics, tables and others.

The third stage is the systematization of materials, writing the text and designing the final work. Based on the developed presentation plan and in accordance with the requirements, the student draws up the results of the study.

The most characteristic feature of written scientific speech is the formal-logical way of presenting the material. Scientific presentation, which is carried out by the so-called academic (a subspecies of scientific) style, consists mainly of reasoning, the purpose of which is to prove the truths revealed as a result of the study of the facts of reality.

The style of scientific speech is an impersonal monologue. Therefore, the presentation is conducted in a third person, since all attention is focused on the content and logical sequence of the message, and not on the subject. The forms of the first and second person of pronouns are not used singular. The author's "I" recedes into the background. It has become an unwritten rule when the author appears in the plural and instead of "I" uses "we", believing that the expression of authorship as a formal collective gives greater objectivity to the presentation. The expression of authorship through "we" allows you to reflect your opinion as the opinion of a certain group of people, scientific school or scientific direction. Having become a fact of scientific speech, the pronoun "we" led to a number of new meanings and turns derived from them, in particular, with possessive pronouns(e.g. "in our opinion"). However, the injection of this pronoun in the text should be avoided. For this, a third-person presentation form is used (for example, "the author believes ..."). A similar function is performed by sentences with a passive voice (for example, "An integrated approach to research has been developed ...").

The leader systematically consults on individual sections of the work, evaluates the progress and results of the implementation of the individual plan.

The completed WRC is submitted to the supervisor in printed and electronic form. After submitting the completed work and graphic material to it, the manager checks the work and writes a review on it.

The WRC must pass the review procedure and check for the absence of unauthorized borrowings in accordance with the Regulations for the use of the Anti-plagiarism system in the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "KFU named after. IN AND. Vernadsky".

By the time the work is approved by the head of the department and the student is allowed to defend it, it must be bound, the title page must contain the signatures of the student, the head of the work, the head of the department. Documents (review and review of the head) must be put in an envelope, and the envelope should be glued to inside hard cover. After the signature of the head of the department, the work, the documents remain at the department until the day of defense.

Fourth stage - presentation of the WRC and its preliminary defense. This stage is extremely important in educational and organizational terms. As a result of the discussion of the presented materials at the meeting of the department, the weakest parts of the WRC are identified, it becomes possible to identify and eliminate errors, to comprehend those provisions that need to be clarified. Based on the results of the preliminary defense, taking into account the main comments, the text of the WRC, its illustrations and annexes are being finalized.

Fifth stage - WRC defense. Students who have fulfilled all the requirements of the individual plan and curriculum are allowed to defend the work.

The completed work, signed by the student, the head, with the necessary documents is sent to the head of the department for signature.

In addition to the WRC, the following documents are submitted to the State Examination Commission:

Feedback from the supervisor (Appendix D);

Review (Appendix E).

Feedback from the supervisor

O work a student during the preparation of the WRC (conscientiousness, efficiency, responsibility, accuracy, etc.);

On the conformity of the content of the WRC target installation;

On the scientific level, completeness, quality and novelty theme development;

On the degree of initiative of the student;

About skills and skills obtained by students in the process of work (the ability to work with literature, the skills of analyzing the results, generalizations, the ability to draw scientific and practical conclusions, etc.);

About the realm of the possible use of results WRC or its approbation;

On the results of checking the work to identify the use of borrowed material without reference to the author and (or) source of borrowing.

The review determines the level of formation of the required competencies and the possibility of submitting for protection in the SEC.


The review is submitted in one copy. The text can be handwritten or typed. The personal signature of the reviewer must be certified by the seal of the organization where the reviewer works.

The review must contain an objective assessment of the WRC. It is recommended to reflect the following in the review:

- relevance topics, completeness and quality completing the task;

Compliance with delivered tasks and results research;

Scientific, technical, economic expediency conducted research;

Presence of elements research nature the ability to analyze, generalize and draw conclusions;

- dignity and limitations WRC;

- design quality WRC.

The review should end with conclusions about the completeness of the development of the topic, the correspondence of the questions posed and disclosed to the scientific task, the theoretical and practical significance of the WRC, and the possible scope of the results obtained.

The student has the right to familiarize himself with the review no later than 2 calendar days before the defense of the WRC. Based on the content of the review, the student prepares motivated responses to comments when defending the work.

Work protection

The procedure for defending the WRC includes: the student's report, questions on the report, the leader's review, the reviewer's review, speeches by the members of the commission and others present, the student's final word.

The duration of the defense of the work of one student should not exceed 30 minutes. For a message (report), the student is given no more than 10 minutes.

Report must meet the following requirements:

The report should be clearly structured, logical, understandable;

The report should fully reflect the results of the work;

The basis of the report should be the material and methodology, own results and conclusions of the work;

The speaker should speak loudly enough, clearly, focusing the attention of the audience on key points;

Mandatory demonstration material in the form of a presentation or posters;

In the process of the report, it is necessary to refer to the illustrative and tabular presentation material and explain all slides using a pointer;

The report begins with an appeal to the members of the commission, reporting on the topic, tasks, relevance and scientific novelty of the research, and ends with the main results, their practical significance, thanks;

You can not read the conclusions and use the phrase “Let the conclusions not be read out, because. they are given in the work and presented in the presentation”.

Presentation must meet the following requirements:

The presentation should not be entertaining;

The design of the presentation should be unified, without special effects;

The background of the slides should not be bright, colorful and interfere with the perception of basic information;

The presentation should include key diagrams, formulas, graphs and drawings;

Tables with more than 3-4 rows (columns) should not be included in the presentation; it is better to present the data in them in the form of graphs and charts;

All figures, graphs, tables, charts must have a title and data captions, table titles are given above, figures - below;

On graphs and diagrams, the names of the coordinate axes, units of measurement, symbols, etc. are necessarily indicated;

All details of the drawing should be clear from the drawing itself, its title and designations to it;

The text in the presentation should be kept to a minimum, with the exception of slides with goals, objectives and conclusions, which should fully correspond to the text of the work;

The text should be clearly visible against the background of the slide, preferably using black font Times New Roman or Arial, font size at least 20-24 pt;

Slides should be presented in the order in which they appear in the presentation;

The first slide of the presentation should contain the topic of the work, the full name of the student, the direction of training / specialty, information about the supervisor;

On the second, third slide, the purpose and objectives of the work;

At the end of the presentation - "Conclusions";

There should not be slides that are not discussed during the presentation.

The results of the defense of the work are determined on the basis of the submitted WRC, the report of the student, his answers to the questions of the commission and comments (including those contained in the review of the leader and reviewer).

General evaluation criteria WRCs are:

The validity of the relevance of the research topic, the correspondence of the content to the topic, the completeness of its disclosure;

The level of understanding of theoretical issues and generalization of the collected material, the validity and clarity of the formulated conclusions;

The clarity of the structure of the work and the consistency of the presentation of the material, the methodological validity of the study;

The effectiveness of the use of selected research methods to solve the problem;

Possession of a scientific style of presentation;

Validity and value of the obtained results and conclusions, the possibility of their application in practice;

Compliance of the WRC submission form with all the requirements for the design of papers;

Spelling and punctuation literacy;

The quality of the oral presentation, fluency in WRC material;

The depth and accuracy of answers to questions, comments and recommendations during the defense of the work.

The decision on the result of the WRC defense is made by a majority vote at a closed meeting of the SEC members. All meetings of the SEC are recorded in the manner determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and signed by the chairman and members of the commission.


General requirements

The following requirements apply to the WRC:

Correspondence of the title of the work with its content, a clear target orientation, relevance;

The logical sequence of presentation of the material, based on solid theoretical knowledge on the chosen topic and convincing arguments;

Correct presentation of the material, taking into account the accepted scientific terminology;

The reliability of the results obtained and the validity of the conclusions;

Scientific style of writing;

Formation of work in accordance with the requirements.

The volume of the WRC should be sufficient to outline the ways to implement the tasks set, not overloaded with insignificant details and cannot affect the assessment during the defense.

Requirements for the VKR on the educational program of the bachelor's degree. WRC is performed on the basis of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by the student during the training period. At the same time, it should be mainly focused on the knowledge gained in the process of studying the disciplines of the basic and optional parts of the curriculum, sum up the theoretical training of the student, contain specific reliable data and confirm the formation of professional competencies. WRC can be both applied and analytical in nature. The recommended volume of the WRC (excluding applications) is 40-60 pages.

Requirements for the VKR on the educational program of the specialist. The WQR is performed on the basis of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by the student during the entire period of study in accordance with the OPOP HE. WRC should have a research or production focus and may be associated with the solution of scientific and production problems. At the same time, it should be mainly focused on the knowledge gained in the process of mastering the disciplines of the basic and variable parts of the curriculum, in the process of passing by the trainee industrial practices. WRC should testify to the formation of professional competencies. The recommended volume of the WRC (excluding applications) is 50-70 pages.

Requirements for the VKR on the educational program of the master's degree. The WQR should ensure the consolidation of academic culture, testify to the formation of general cultural, general professional and professional competencies and reflect the necessary set of methodological ideas and methodological skills in the chosen field of professional activity. It is carried out on the basis of the acquired knowledge and practical skills acquired by the student during the entire period of study at the university (including on the basis of knowledge of the previous level of education), the passage of educational and industrial practice, the design and implementation of research work performed in the magistracy. The recommended volume of the WRC (excluding applications) is 60-100 pages.

Similar information.

Bachelor's final qualifying work is a complete theoretical or experimental study carried out by a student (several students together), related to the solution of individual private tasks, determined by the characteristics of training in the direction studied and demonstrating the level of preparedness of the graduate for independent professional activity.

The WRC is carried out in the form of a bachelor's thesis.For all the information provided in the WRC, the decisions made and for the correctness of all data, the responsibility lies directly with the student - the author of the WRC.

2. WRC preparation

Undergraduate students no later than November 6 t the current academic year choose one of the topics proposed by the department. The assignment of the topic to the student is carried out on the basis of the student's personal application.

The student has the right to propose his own WRC topic, agreed with the supervisor. When considering the initiative topic of the student's WQR, the department has the right to reasonably reject it or, with the consent of the student, reformulate it.

If the student does not agree with the wording of the topic proposed by the department, he has the right to propose another topic for the WRC. If the student did not agree with the department on the initiative topic of the WRC within the established time frame, he is obliged to choose one of the approved exemplary topics.

Changing or clarifying the topic of the WRC is possible no later than a month before the expected date of defense on the basis of a personal application of the student, agreed with the head, addressed to the head of the department.

The WQR, drawn up in accordance with the guidelines for the preparation and defense of the WQR, is signed by the student, supervisor, consultants (if any) and submitted by the student on electronic and paper media, along with the supervisor's review of the department no later than ten calendar days before the defense of the WRC.

A student who has not submitted the WQR within the established time frame with the supervisor's recall is not allowed to defend the WQR. A student not admitted to the defense of the final qualifying work, deducted from Institute for failure to pass the final state certification.

WQR is mandatory checked in the Antiplagiarism system in accordance with the Regulations for the use of the Antiplagiarism system for collecting and checking written academic papers.

Students who have successfully completed the full mastering of the main educational program in the areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education and submitted the WQR with the review of the head within the prescribed period are allowed to defend the WQR. Receiving negative feedback is not an obstacle to submitting the WRC for defense.

The student is obliged to submit the final version of the WQR to the supervisor at least three weeks before the appointed date for the defense of the WQR.

3. Registration of WRC

In accordance with the standard, the explanatory note of the WRC should contain a description of the results of studies, calculations, circuit designs and have the following structure:

  • Title page in Russian

  • Title page in English

  • Task for WRC

  • Abstract in Russian

  • Annotation in English

  • Content (table of contents)

  • Introduction

  • Main body (Chapters and paragraphs, or sections and subsections)

  • Conclusion in Russian

  • Conclusion in English

  • List of used sources and literature

  • Applications (if required)

Accompanying documents

  • Presentation (in paper and electronic form)

  • Feedback from the head

  • Report "Antiplagiarism"

  • Statement of the independent nature of the written work

  • One copy of the handout

  • 2 disks (it contains all the documents in scanned form (title pages, assignment, feedback, consent to the placement of the WRC) + the entire WRC (in Word format) + presentation + drawings in PDF format))

One disk is rented to the department.

The second one is rented together with the WRC to the archive of the university.

Title page explanatory note to the final work is drawn up on a special form

Task form

annotation summary of the WRC (performed in two languages ​​separately each).

Introduction. The introduction should substantiate the relevance of the topic, define the methods for solving the problem, and precisely formulate the purpose of the research. The theoretical and practical significance of the work is reflected. The length of the introduction is usually 2-3 pages.

The main part of the WRC . Includes theoretical and practical parts. The chapters present the results of calculations and studies.

Each chapter should end with conclusions, which summarize the results of this stage of work and specify the tasks and methods for their solution in subsequent chapters.

Conclusion. In conclusion, the main conclusions are formulated, showing the achieved level of solving the problem. Our own results are compared with those already known. The volume of the conclusion is usually 1-2 pages.

The conclusion is made in two languages ​​separately each.

List of sources used includes all sources cited, as well as those sources that were studied by the author when writing the work. This list may contain fundamental works, monographs and scientific articles, textbooks and teaching aids, publications of domestic and foreign experts, in print and electronic media, statistical materials, as well as various documents, including current regulations and bills and etc. The list includes literature with bibliographic data and sources from the Internet. If the explanatory note makes reference to scientific information that allows a specific decision to be made, the inclusion of the primary source in the list is mandatory. It is recommended to use at least a third of sources from the last 5 years of publication. The recommended amount of literature on foreign language for WRC at least 2-3. The list of used literature is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

Applications. The appendices include additional materials (tables, results of experiments and calculations, diagrams, printouts of programs), confirming the conclusions and recommendations of the work, additional materials. In this case, the main text of the WRC should contain links to the relevant annexes.

4. Technical requirements

The explanatory note of the final qualifying work is drawn up in accordance with GOST. Printed on standard A4 paper with a border. Margins are left on all four sides of the printed sheet: left margin - 35 mm, right margin - at least 10 mm, top and bottom - at least 20 mm, approximate number of characters per page - 2000. Font Times New Roman, 14 point size, line spacing 1 ,2. Paragraph indentation - 1.25 cm. The text of the WRC is presented on one side of the sheet. Width alignment.

Each new chapter starts on a new page; the same rule applies to other main structural parts of the work (introduction, conclusion, bibliography, appendices, etc.).

Pages of the final qualifying work with figures and appendices must be consecutively numbered. The first page is the title page, on which the page number is not affixed.

The title page is drawn up according to the established pattern

Sheet for first page of chapters

Attachment sheet

The recommended length of the explanatory note of the WRC is 60-80 pages.

The final qualifying work must be done in two versions:

1. In printed form - bound (there are 3 transparent files ahead of work for revocation, consent, conclusion, rear work one file for presentation).

2. In electronic form (on a disk to check the WRC for the amount of borrowing and placement in the electronic educational environment of KNRTU-KAI)

Rules for writing formulas, symbols

Formulas have separate lines in the center of the sheet or inside text lines. In the text, it is recommended to place formulas short, simple, without independent meaning and not numbered. The most important formulas, as well as long and cumbersome formulas containing signs of summation, product, differentiation, integration, are placed on separate lines. To save space, several short formulas of the same type, separated from the text, can be placed on the same line, and not one under the other.

The most important formulas that are referenced in the work should be numbered. Ordinal numbers of formulas are indicated by Arabic numerals in parentheses at the right edge of the page.

5. WRC defense procedure

A week before the date of defense, a fully completed work (in paper and electronic form) is submitted to the department to the executive secretary of the SEC for subsequent uploading to the Dean's office.