Why we can’t be happy: about violating the main beatitudes. Blessed are those who are exiled for the sake of truth

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Remember the word that I said to you: a servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you too; If they have kept my word, they will also keep yours. But they will do all these things to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me.

(John 15.20-21)

True Christians will always be persecuted because of Christ. They will be persecuted with Him and like Him, for the truth they profess and the good they do. These persecutions can manifest themselves in a variety of forms, not only physical, but they will always be senseless, unjust, cruel and causeless, because

“All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution”

(2 Tim. 3.12). However, we must be wary of the false “persecution complex” and be sure that we suffer only for the truth, and not for our own weaknesses and sins. The apostolic writings clearly warn:

For this pleases God if someone, thinking about God, endures sorrows, suffering unjustly. For what is praise if you endure being beaten for your wrongdoings? But if, while doing good and suffering, you endure, this pleases God. For you have been called to this, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, so that we would follow in His footsteps.

(1 Pet. 2.19-21)

If they slander you for the name of Christ, then you are blessed; for the Spirit of glory, the Spirit of God rests on you... If only none of you suffers as a murderer, or a thief, or an evildoer, or as someone who encroaches on someone else’s property; and if you are a Christian, then do not be ashamed, but glorify God for such a fate.

(1 Pet. 4.14-16)

Christians should accept suffering joyfully, with mercy towards those who cause it. As Christ, who died on the Cross, said:

"Father, forgive them..."

(Luke 23.34), like the first martyr Stephen, stoned, who prayed:

“Lord, do not impute this sin to them”

(Acts 7.60).

But I say to you who are listening: love your enemies; do good to those who hate you; bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you. Offer the other to the one who hits you on the cheek; and do not prevent the one who takes away your outer clothing from taking your shirt... But you love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing; and you will have a great reward, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. Therefore be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you...

(Luke 6.27-38)

Generous and loving forgiveness of persecutors by the persecuted is one of the basic conditions of spiritual life. Without it, no suffering “for the truth” bears fruit and does not lead us into the Kingdom of God.

NINE Beatitudes

To be established in eternal hopesalvation, you need to join prayertake on your own feat to achieve bliss. The leadership in thisfeat may be the teaching of the Lordour Jesus Christ, for shortproposed in His commandments about goodwomanhood. There are nine such commandments.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for there are those Kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will console Xia.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are they of mercy, for they will be pardoned.

Blessed are those who are pure in heart, as they are They will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for these shall be called sons of God.

Blessed are the expulsion of truth for the sake of those is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Blessed are you when people revile you and they are destroyed, and they say all kinds of evil things against you are lying for my sake. Rejoice and Have fun, for your reward is great Heavens

( Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, verses 3-12).

poor in spirit . To be poor in spiritmeans to have a spiritual conviction: everything,what we have is given by God, and nothingwe can't do anything good without Boliving help and grace; and so aboutat once to believe that we are nothing and ineveryone should resort to God's mercy. Briefly, spiritual poverty is humility wisdom.

Those who desire bliss must be crying . Those who cry are those who co-collapse and cry in repentance abouttheir sins, that is, they lament thatthat they serve unworthily before Godgod and insult Him with their sinsgreatness and deserve His wrath. Pla-those who feel will be comforted, that is, they will receive easierremission of sins and peace of conscience.

Those who desire bliss must be meek . The meek are the kind of peoplewho try not to let anyoneto irritate and not to be irritated by anything.They are kind-hearted, patient intowards each other, not complaining aboutGod's people. The meek will inherit the earthi.e. the Kingdom of Heaven.

Those who desire bliss must be hungry and thirsty for truth . I'm hungrythose who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness are those whowhich, like food and drink for the body,wish salvation for the soul - justification -through faith in Jesus Christ. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied, that is, they will receive the justification they desire. and salvation.

Those who desire bliss must be merciful . The merciful are those whowho show mercy and compassionto one's neighbor, or, in other words, whosome do works of mercy. Things to dothe following bodily deprivations: hungryto feed, to give drink to the thirsty, to clothenaked or lacking in non-suitable and decent clothing, to help someone in prison, to visit the sick, to minister to him and to help himrecovery or Christian commitmentpreparation for death, a wanderertake into the house and provide rest,row the dead in squalor (in misery)ity, poverty). Works of mercy of the spirits-noah the following: exhortation to turnsinner from his false path,who wants to teach truth and goodness,give your neighbor good and good timesadvice in case of difficulty or, in casedanger unnoticed by him, prayabout him to God, to console the sad, notrepay the evil done to usothers, forgive offenses with all their hearts. The Lord promises the merciful that theywill be pardoned. Here we mean-there is pardon from the eternal for sinscondemnation at the Judgment of God.

Those who desire bliss must be pure in heart . Purity of heart isnot quite the same as sincerity.Sincerity, or sincerity,according to which the person does not showhypocritically good dispositions, nothaving them in the heart, but good dispositions manifests the desires of the heart in good ways mortars, there is only a lower degree purity of heart. A man of this purityreaches constant and unrelentinga feat of vigilance over oneself, because driving out of your heart every illegal thing new desire and thought and everythingpredilection for earthly objects and notconstantly keeping in mind the memoryknowledge about God and the Lord Jesus Christwith faith and love for Him. Cleanthey will see God in their hearts, that is, they will receivethe highest degree of Eternal Bliss va.

Those who desire bliss must be peacemakers . Peacekeepers are thosepeople who live in peace with everyoneand harmony, insults are forgiven to everyone andstrive, if possible, to reconcile and others quarreling among themselves, andif impossible, pray to God fortheir reconciliation. Peacekeepers promise -this is the gracious name of the sons of God,how much they imitate with their featshelter to the Only Begotten Son of God,who came to earth to reconcile the warmsewed a man with justice Bo alive

Those who desire blessedness must be prepared to suffer persecution for the sake of righteousness. . This commandment requires the followingqualities: love of truth, constancy andfirmness in virtue, courage andpatience. For being patient and uncomplainingthey are promised to endure persecutionKingdom of heaven.

Those who desire bliss must be ready to endure all sorts of punishments sewing , disasters, death itself for the nameChrist's. A feat, according to this commandmentlead, is called the feat of martyrdom skim. The Lord promises for this feata great reward in Heaven, i.e. a preferential and high degree bliss.

New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia

The feast of new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church is always on Sunday, revealing to us the light of the Lord's Easter. The Holy Church says that there is life according to the flesh and there is life according to the spirit. Those who live according to the flesh cannot please God. Those who live according to the flesh are most afraid of sorrows and death. But no one can avoid sorrow, like death. And today we must hear Christ to the end, without choosing in His words what we like, leaving behind what bothers us. The Lord says, comforting us: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul.” The Lord adds: “But fear the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna” (Matthew 10:28). Amazing words! Tell me, please, what does it mean to kill a soul? Is it possible to kill a soul? Isn't the soul immortal?

We understand what the Lord is talking about, and He Himself explains it: “Whoever denies Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father in heaven.” This is what we should be afraid of. The only thing we should be afraid of is losing faith, falling away from the Lord. To renounce Christ means to kill your soul. The Church is damaged not by persecutors, but by traitors. We should fear the loss of faith in our souls more than death.

TV shows are now discussing how to save certain species of the animal world from extinction, and we, naturally, cannot help but ask ourselves what we should do to save humans from extinction. So that he doesn't die forever. This is what God fears in humanity. We cannot be neutral. We always face a choice. Either we are for Christ or against Him. The stakes are extremely high. Our life is infinitely serious. Don't be afraid of the death of the body, be afraid of the death of the soul. The holiday of new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church reveals to us the depth of this meaning. Everything that happens here on earth is only preparation for the main thing.

In the Revelation of the Apostle John the Theologian there is a vision of a host of martyrs - those who washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. During the small entrance at the Divine Liturgy, the Church sings the beatitudes, and the priest blesses the open ones with the Gospel royal gates with the prayer: “Blessed is the entrance of Thy saints.” This is the way of the Church. And we know how the fabric of history is woven - according to the Gospel of Christ. The Lord speaks about the poor, about the hungry and thirsty, about those who cry, about the tormented and persecuted. Yes, we risk seeing only one side of what is happening, only the visible surface. While the Lord invites us to see the world, which is already at the right hand of God. When it's all over, what will happen to us? The word “blessed” is repeated nine times. This is truly good news. We can believe it or not believe it. If we stubbornly stay away from the country, we will not get out of the state of hopeless darkness. We will believe that death and suffering are the end of man. Christ says the opposite. “Blessed are those who mourn. Blessed are those who are exiled for the sake of truth. “Blessed people always revile you and curse you and say all sorts of evil things about you lying to me for my sake. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is abundant in heaven.”

The Feast of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church is a solemn invitation to everyone not to look at the world as if it were turned inside out. The place that God has prepared for us is opening up. We must see the world as God sees it - from above, not from below. The edge of the sky has already opened, but we still don’t know what will happen. We only know, having once tasted the Easter grace, that everything will be even more beautiful. The purpose of the world is not death, but life, joy. And endlessly the Lord repeats: “Blessed, blessed, blessed.”

Of the entire host of new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church, a little more than 1,200 saints were canonized. And of these, we truly know the lives of only a few - the great saints who, like lamps, illuminate our path. But the holiday of new Russian martyrs and confessors reminds us that we are all called to the bliss of the Heavenly Kingdom. The holy martyrs tell us: “We were like you, sinners, but the Blood of Christ, the Lamb of God, made our robes white. Holiness is achievable for everyone." They appear before us one after another: “I was a parish priest, I sang in the choir, I was a watchman in a church, I was a village teacher, I was a housewife, I was a high school student, I was bedridden for many years, I was doctor." “Blossoms of the Russian spiritual meadow in the time of fierce persecution, wonderfully flourishing, new martyrs and confessors innumerable, saints, royal passion-bearers and shepherds, monastics and myrsts, husbands, wives and children, who bore good fruit in patience to Christ,” we pray to them today.

Perhaps we sometimes place too much emphasis in the lives of our saints on miracles and exceptional feats. But the Lord does not deprive anyone of sorrows and death. And holiness is simply the willingness of the most inconspicuous people - like all of us - to give their lives, if necessary, to God. The most sorrowful and the happiest life that can be. Which begins here and has no end in the Kingdom of God.

Archpriest Alexander Shargunov

After the election of the apostles, Jesus Christ came down with them from the top of the mountain and stood on level ground. Here His many disciples and a great multitude of people who had gathered from all Judea and Jerusalem and the coastal areas were waiting for Him. They came to listen to Him and receive healing from their illnesses. Everyone tried to touch the Savior, because power emanated from Him and healed everyone. Seeing a multitude of people in front of Him, Jesus Christ, surrounded by disciples, ascended to a high place near the mountain and sat down to teach the people.

First, the Lord indicated what His disciples, that is, all Christians, should be like in order to receive a blessed (that is, extremely joyful, happy) eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. This He laid out in the nine beatitudes. The Lord also taught teaching about the Providence of God, about non-judgment of others, about the power of prayer, about almsgiving and much more. This sermon of Jesus Christ is called the Sermon on the Mount.


Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ indicates the ways or deeds through which all who seek it can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The first step towards this is to realize your spiritual poverty, your sin and insignificance, and humble yourself.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for to them is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are the poor in spirit (humble): because theirs is (that is, will be given to them) the Kingdom of Heaven.

“The poor in spirit” are those who humbly realize their spiritual poverty, their sins and spiritual shortcomings; who understand that without God’s help they themselves cannot do anything good, and therefore they do not boast of anything, are not proud, but are humble.

Blessed are those who cry, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are those who mourn (for their sins), for they will be comforted.

Blessed are those who, seeing and realizing their sins that prevent them from entering the Kingdom of Heaven, cry, because then they have the opportunity to reconcile with their conscience and be comforted. The Lord will forgive their sins and give them consolation here on earth, and eternal joy in Heaven.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit (take possession of) the earth.

Those who mourn their sins reach such inner peace that they become incapable of being angry with anyone, that is, they become meek. Meek Christians, indeed, inherited the land that was previously owned by the pagans, but they will inherit the land in the future life, a new land that will arise after the destruction of this corruptible world, “the land of the living.”

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (desiring righteousness), for they shall be satisfied.

“Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness” are those who diligently desire righteousness, ask God to cleanse them from sins and help them live righteously (they want justification before God); “they will be satisfied” - they will achieve that righteousness that gives a sincere desire to do the will of God in everything.

Blesseds of mercy, for there will be mercy.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.

“Merciful” are people who have a kind heart, are merciful, compassionate towards everyone, always ready to help those in need in any way they can. The merciful God requires mercy from people - a virtue that is achieved by those who sincerely strive to live according to His will. Such people themselves will be pardoned by God, God’s special mercy will be shown to them.

Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they will see God.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

“The pure in heart” are those who not only guard against bad deeds, but also try to make their soul pure, keeping it from bad thoughts and desires. Here too they are close to God (they feel Him in their souls), and in the future life, in the Kingdom of Heaven, they will forever be with God and see Him.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for these shall be called sons of God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called (called) sons of God.

“Peacemakers” are those who not only do not like quarrels and try to live peacefully with everyone, but also strive to reconcile others with each other in a friendly manner. Peacemakers are also those who convert the enemies of God through teaching. In this they are like the Son of God, who reconciled man with God and brought peace to the human soul. Therefore they are blessed, since “They will be called sons of God.”

Blessed is the expulsion of truth for the sake of them, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

By “those persecuted for the sake of truth” we mean confessors of the Orthodox faith of Christ, as well as those who stand up for the offended, persecuted for righteousness and, in general, any virtue, because the word “truth” means any virtue. Thieves and murderers are persecuted, but they, however, are not blessed, since they are persecuted not for the sake of truth, but for the sake of their atrocities.

Blessed are you when they revile you, and ridicule you, and say all sorts of evil things about you lying, for my sake. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is abundant in heaven.

Blessed are you when they revile you and persecute you and slander you in every way unjustly because of Me. Rejoice and be glad then, for great is your reward in heaven.

Here the Lord says: if for your faith in Me they will revile you (mock you, scold you, dishonor you) and falsely say bad things about you (slander, unfairly accuse you), and you endure all this, then do not be sad, but rejoice and be merry , because a great reward awaits you in Heaven.

NOTE: See Matt. 5, 6, 7. Luke. 6, 12-41.

Blessed are you when they revile you, and mistreat you, and say all sorts of evil things against you, who lie to Me for my sake.
Blessed is the expulsion of truth for the sake of them, for those are the Kingdom of Heaven.

Blessed are you when they revile you, and mistreat you, and say all sorts of evil things against you, who lie to Me for my sake. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is abundant in heaven. ( Matt. 5:11)

We connect these two Beatitudes together because they are similar to each other. In Russian, the 8th and 9th commandments read like this: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when they revile you and cast you out and utter every kind of slander and slander against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad then, for your reward will be great in heaven.

The last two Beatitudes say that all who live in truth will be persecuted. By truth we need to understand life according to the commandments of God. (From this the word “righteous”). In other words, blessed are those who are persecuted for faith and piety, for their good deeds done in the name of Christ, for constancy and steadfastness in the faith. Such people will be rewarded with the bliss of the Kingdom of Heaven in eternal life.

Exile for the truth takes many forms. This can be spiritual alienation, rejection or reproach, or opposition to the God-pleasing activities of those who live in truth, slander, embarrassment caused by the authorities, exile, torture, and, finally, death.

Remember the word, said Jesus Christ, which I said to you: a servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you too; If they have kept my word, they will keep yours. But they will do all this to you for My name's sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me ( In. 15:20-21). In these words, Christ calls His followers to imitate Him in everything, including His self-abasement. Imitating Christ is not an external duty or a compulsory requirement. In other words, this is not an external assimilation and repetition of His actions and actions. Imitation of Christ is a living, free arrangement of religious and moral life in Christ, through the power of love for Him as His Ideal, Redeemer and Savior. To love Christ, we are called to go through an inevitable path of self-denial. Through self-sacrifice as such, we come to reconciliation with all adversities, sorrows with all sorts of troubles. “There is no greater glory than sharing dishonor with Jesus,” the great saint, Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow, loved to say.

True Christians will always be persecuted because of Christ. They will be persecuted with Him and like Him, for the truth they profess and the good they do. As we have already said, these persecutions can manifest themselves in a variety of forms, not only physical, but they will always be senseless, unfair, cruel and without cause, for, according to the word of the Apostle Paul, all who want to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted ( 2 Tim. 3:12). However, we must be wary of the false “persecution complex” and be sure that we suffer only for the truth, and not for our own weaknesses and sins. The apostolic writings clearly warn: For this is pleasing to God, teaches the Apostle Peter, if anyone, thinking about God, endures tribulations, suffering unjustly. For what is praise if you endure being beaten for your wrongdoings? But if, while doing good and suffering, you endure, this pleases God. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow in His steps ( 1 Pet. 2:19-21).

If they slander you because of the name of Christ, then you are blessed, for the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of God, rests on you. ...If only none of you suffers as a murderer, or a thief, or a villain, or as someone who encroaches on someone else’s property; and if you are a Christian, then do not be ashamed, but glorify God for such a fate ( 1 Pet. 4:14-16).

Why does the world persecute true faith, piety, truth, which are so beneficial for the world itself? The Word of God answers us: the world lies in evil ( 1John 5:19). People, according to the word of King David, loved evil more than good ( Ps. 51:5), and the prince of this world, the devil, acting through evil people, hates the truth and persecutes it, since it serves as a reproof of untruth. On this occasion St. right John of Kronstadt wrote: “Evil, depraved people have always hated the righteous and persecuted, and will continue to hate and persecute. Cain hated his righteous brother Abel, persecuted him for his piety and finally killed him; The beastly Esau hated his meek brother Jacob and persecuted him, threatening to kill him; The unrighteous children of the patriarch Jacob hated their brother, the righteous Joseph, and sold him secretly to Egypt so that he would not be a thorn in their side; The wicked Saul hated the meek David and persecuted him until his death, encroaching on his life; They hated the prophets of God, who denounced the lawless life, and beat some of them, killed others, stoned others, and finally, they persecuted and killed the greatest Righteous One, the fulfillment of the laws and prophets, the Sun of righteousness, our Lord Jesus Christ” (“Full collection. op.” Archpriest John Sergiev, vol. I, pp. 218-224).

Persecution by the enemies of Christianity embraces the entire totality of the external conditions of the existence of the ancient Church. The heavy burden of persecution was further increased by the fact that poverty and poverty were a distinctive feature of the first Christians. Look, writes the apostle. Paul to the Corinthians, who are you who are called: not many of you are wise according to the flesh, not many of you are mighty, not many of you are noble; ...God chose the base things of the world and the things that are despised, and the things that are not, to bring to nothing the things that are ( 1 Cor. 1:26.28). In addition to external trials, Christians who were poor materially, but rich in spirit, had to endure no less difficult internal trials - slander, blasphemy, ridicule, abuse, slander, etc.

The history of the Church shows us that Christians who lived in truth suffered not only from the pagans, but were persecuted even when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. Such luminaries of the faith as Athanasius the Great, John Chrysostom, Maximus the Confessor, John of Damascus, Sophronius of Jerusalem and many others were subjected to misrecognition, desecration, expulsion and martyrdom. So it is to this day, when in communist countries state power was used with particular force to destroy Christianity and Christians.

Saint John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, was a great zealot for truth. But fearing persecution, according to his sacred duty, he could not look indifferently at the vices of people and exposed them. Of course, vicious people, for their part, could not indifferently tolerate the denunciations of the preacher of truth and social justice. His enemies multiplied, but he was ready to endure any persecution for the sake of truth. The evil enemies of John Chrysostom triumphed, and the saint was condemned to imprisonment. When his friends complained and grieved for him, he was completely calm and even cheerful. “Pray, my brothers,” he said, “remember me in your prayers.” When the tears of those around him were the answer to this, he continued: “Do not cry, my brothers, real life there is a journey during which one must endure both good and bad.” John Chrysostom owns wonderful words, which many martyrs and righteous people later loved to repeat: “Glory to God for everything, but especially for sorrows.”

Christians should accept any suffering joyfully, with mercy towards those who cause it. Like Christ, who, dying on the Cross, said: Father, forgive them... ( OK. 23:34), like the first martyr Stephen, stoned, who prayed: Lord! do not impute this sin to them ( Acts 7:60). Christ said: But to you who hear, I say: love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you. Give the other one to the one who hits you on the cheek, and do not prevent the one who takes your outer clothing from taking your shirt. … Love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing; and you will have a great reward, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. Therefore, be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; forgive and you will be forgiven, give and it will be given to you... ( OK. 6:27-38).

The last, 9th Beatitude, is a preparation for us to be able to accept the further preaching of Jesus Christ about following Him, bearing our life's cross; and most importantly, to come closer to the great Mystery of the Savior Himself suffering on the cross.

Let no one be embarrassed by the apparent victory in this world of lies over truth, darkness over light. The main truth of the Christian gospel is that Christ has risen, that He is the Conqueror of death, and makes us, who believe in Him, partners and heirs of this victory. To those who believe in Him, Christ gave the cross - the strongest weapon against evil. The image of the Cross was forever covered with the sanctifying reflection of the Easter victory - the victory of God's truth over the kingdom of the prince of this world.

“You have been with Me in My tribulations,” says the Lord to His faithful followers, “and I bequeath to you, as My Father bequeathed to Me, the Kingdom ( OK. 22:28-29).

In the Apocalypse we read about people who fulfilled the last Beatitudes: these are those who came from the great tribulation; they washed their robes and y6elided their robes in the blood of the Lamb. For this reason they remain before the throne of God and serve Him day and night in His temple, and He who sits on the throne will dwell in them ( Rev. 7:14-15).

* * *

From the very first to the very last pages of the Gospel, the apostles of Christ, together with the Mother of God, and all Christians, constantly rejoice at the salvation brought by Him.

As the Father has loved Me, and I have loved you,” says the Lord, “abide in My love.” If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. Cue I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete ( In. 15:9-11). ...And your heart will rejoice,” Christ says in another place, “and no one will take your joy away from you.” ...Until now you have asked nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, that your joy may be complete ( In. 16:22-24).

True Christian joy is not earthly happiness, pleasure or a pleasant pastime, but an incomparable joy... in faith ( Rome. 15:13), the joy of knowing God's love, joy worthily, according to the word of St. Peter, to participate in Christ's suffering ( 1 Pet. 4:13).

Spiritual joy is closely related to spiritual suffering. It is wrong to think that joy comes only after suffering: joy in Christ comes along with suffering in Christ. They coexist and depend on one another for their strength and power. Just as sorrow over sin comes along with the joy of salvation, so suffering in this world is consonant with and even directly evokes this same inexpressible joy of salvation. Therefore, as the Apostle James says, Christians should count it great joy when they fall into various temptations, knowing that the perfect work of their steadfast faith is that they may become perfect and complete, lacking nothing ( Jacob 1:2-3). This is also the firm conviction of the Apostle Paul, who wrote: ... We boast in the hope of the glory of God. And not only this, but we also glory in our sorrows, knowing that from sorrow comes patience, from patience experience, from experience hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us ( Rome. 5:2-5). Such is the spiritual joy of Christians, the joy of martyrs, which more than anything testifies to the truth of the Christian faith and the authenticity of Christian spiritual life.