Artemy Troitsky: “My personal life has always been adventurous. Real name: Artemy Kivovich Maidanik Troitsky USSR

Wiring in a wooden house

Artemy Kivovich Troitsky is a rock journalist, music critic, one of the first promoters of rock music in the USSR, indie (independent) and electronic music in Russia. Member of the jury and organizer of numerous concerts and festivals. One of the leading specialists in contemporary music in Russia. In the mid-2000s, he organized several music labels - “Priboy”, “Zenith”, “Zakat”, which released little-known music in Russia.


Born on June 16, 1955 in Yaroslavl in the family of a prominent Soviet political scientist and historian Kiva Lvovich Maidanik. Mother - Rufina Nikolaevna Troitskaya. He spent his childhood in Prague, where his parents worked as employees of the magazine “Problems of Peace and Socialism.”

From 1972 to 1974 he ran discos in the main building of Moscow State University, in the B-4 cafe. In 1977 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics with a degree in mathematician-economist. From 1978 to 1983 he worked as a junior researcher at the Institute of Art History. He was fired before he had time to defend his Ph.D. dissertation on the sociology of popular music (and, as he wrote in the book “Rattles Skeletons in the Closet. The East Is Red,” he threw the text of the dissertation into the trash bin).

From 1982 to 1983 he was the guitarist of the group “Zvuki Mu”. One of the founders of the “General records” label. Wife Vera, three children (Alexandra, born in 1998, Ivan, born in 2002 and Lydia, born in 2010).

Since 2001, he has been lecturing on the subjects “History of the Entertainment Industry” and “Music Press” at the Faculty of “Producing and Management in Music Show Business” State University management.

Taught a master class on music journalism at the journalism department of Moscow State University.

Since mid-September 2014 he has been living in Tallinn.

Artemy Troitsky


Troitsky’s debut as a rock journalist took place in 1967, he wrote a review of The Beatles’ album “Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", published in a homemade school magazine. He wrote articles about rock music in the magazine "Coeval" at a time when rock music was out of favor with the USSR authorities. The first such publication was an article about the group Deep Purple “Five dark purple” in 1975. In 1979, he attended Elton John’s concerts in Moscow in order to personally feel the difference between this performer’s performances in Europe and in the USSR (according to him, shortly before that he attended an Elton John concert in Austria[ source not specified 276 days]).

In 1981, he was a member of the editorial board of the samizdat magazine “Zerkalo”. His publications were banned in the Soviet press from 1983 to 1985.

In 1995, he founded and became the first editor-in-chief of the Russian version of Playboy magazine. At the same time, he collaborated with other publications, including Novaya Gazeta (since 1997, presenter of the weekly column " New Newspaper. Monday”, member of the editorial board and author of the music supplement “Moscow Beat”). Music columnist for the Moscow Times newspaper. In 2000, he began editing the “Diversant-Daily” column on the portal, which grew into Troitsky’s separate Internet project “Diversant-Daily” (currently not supported). He is an expert of the international expert council of the Virtual Production Center “Record v 2.0”.

He is the author and presenter of the program “FM Dostoevsky” on the radio station “Finam FM” (until September 2010 - on the radio “Echo of Moscow”). Also, on “Echo”, Troitsky appeared as a guest in the “Minority Report” program. In 2010, a conflict arose between Troitsky and the deputy editor-in-chief of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, Sergei Buntman, over the Noize MC song “Mercedes S666,” released in connection with the death of the famous obstetrician V. M. Sidelnikova in an accident.

Concert organization

In the late 1970s - early 1980s, he organized underground concerts and festivals of Soviet rock groups, among which were “Time Machine”, “Dynamic”, “Zoo”, “Kino”, A. Bashlachev. He was the organizer and member of the jury of the festival “Spring Rhythms. Tbilisi-80”, thanks to which the groups “Time Machine”, “Magnetic Band”, “Aquarium” and “Autograph” became widely known. He was one of the first to notice the talent of Vasily Shumov and the Center group, whom he later helped and patronized in every possible way.

In the late 1980s, he initiated concert performances outside the USSR of such groups as “AVIA”, “Zvuki Mu”, “Igry”, “TV”, “Bravo”, “Automatic Satisfactories”. In 1994 he organized the British electronic music festival “Britronica” in Moscow. Since 1999 he has been organizing club concerts in Moscow. Organized and patronized performances of such groups and performers as Julie Cruise, Fantastic Plastic Machine, StereoTotal, Mouse On Mars, De Phazz, Suicide, Sonic Youth and others, the Moscow company Caviar Lounge was involved in organizing tours. At his instigation, the Finnish group Eläkeläiset performed in Moscow for the first time, after which an official CD release of this group was released in Russia and Finland.

In 2003-2004, he was chairman of the jury of the international festival of ethnic music “The Sayan Ring” in Shushenskoye (since 2012 the festival has been called “The World of Siberia”). Together with Irina Shcherbakova, he founded the Caviar Lounge company, which has been organizing concerts of foreign musicians in Russia for the past 10 years.

A television

Until 1986, he hosted, together with Jānis Šipkevis and Juris Podnieks, the program “Videorhythms” dedicated to video clips on Latvian television.

In the 1980s - 1990s, he participated in the creation of the television program “Program A”, in which he hosted the “Vanguard” section. From 1991 to early 1994, he worked at the Artel Theater of Russian Television, heading the music programs department. He was involved in such television programs as “Rock Cafe”, “Silence No. 9”, “Music in the style of Pepsi”, “Exotica”, “Program A”, “Rosmuzimport”. From 1994 to 1996 he worked on the NTV channel, where he hosted the popular author’s program “Cafe Oblomov”. In 1997, “Cafe Oblomov” was broadcast on RTR.

Over the years, he hosted the programs “Cultural Goods” and “Kings of Song” on the “Culture” TV channel. In 2004, he made the program “Signs of Life” for Ren-TV. In the late 2000s, he hosted the program “Professor Troitsky and Comrade Artyom” on Style TV.

Since 2010, he has been hosting the television program “The Rock Experience: Year after Year” on TVJam Internet television.


Alexander Lipnitsky mentions that Artemy Troitsky’s first singing experience took place in 1986 at the Palace of Culture of the IAE named after. Kurchatov, when they, together with Vasily Shumov’s group “Center”, performed the rock opera “Arthur Rambo”. Then, out of embarrassment, the rock master hid behind the speaker.

Artemy Troitsky recorded several songs as part of his own project “Soviet Porn”. The first recording was a cover of Alla Pugacheva (the song “Queen”), recorded together with Roman Belavkin (Solar X). The second track was the song “Snow from Her Hair,” recorded with musician Oleg Nesterov for the film Down House. The third track, “I Gave You Spring,” was recorded together with Andrei Samsonov for the collection dedicated to the memory of Dyusha Romanov “My Friend the Musician.” With Misha Vivisectors (The Vivisectors) Artemy Troitsky recorded two tracks - “Agent 008” and “Sha Pu Na Na”.

The first promoter of rock music in the USSR. This is the name of Artemy Troitsky, the famous Russian rock journalist and music critic. In addition to rock music, Artemy Troitsky also promotes and covers the indie scene and electronic music. But in other musical directions, the journalist is considered the main specialist on the modern Russian scene.

But Artemy Troitsky played an important role in the formation of the Russian music scene, not only as a journalist, but also as the organizer of a number of music festivals, which he himself hosted. The most striking event in this area was the large-scale tribute concert of the group, which took place at the Petersburg sports and concert complex. The concert was called “Viktor Tsoi’s Birthday” and was dedicated to the 40th anniversary of his birth.

Troitsky also created the music brands “Priboy”, “Zenith”, “Zakat”, under the brand of which underground, little-known and experimental music was released in Russia.

Artemy Troitsky was born in June 1955 in Yaroslavl. Kiva's father Lvovich Maidanik was a political scientist and historian specializing in Latin American countries. Artemy spent his childhood in Prague, where his father and mother Rufina Nikolaevna Troitskaya worked as employees of the publication “Problems of Peace and Socialism.”

After his parents returned to Moscow, Artemy went to school. The boy studied well. After receiving the certificate, he entered one of the capital's economic universities. While still in high school, the guy became interested in foreign rock music. It was difficult to get records in the USSR. But Troitsky was lucky: Artemy’s father brought the coveted discs from abroad. Therefore, Artemy, unlike most of his peers, had a fairly good understanding of musical movements and styles.

During my student life, this knowledge came in handy. Artemy Troitsky worked part-time as a disc jockey in a student cafe.


Artemy Troitsky's debut as a music critic took place in 1967. Troitsky composed a critical essay on the disc. The review was published in an underground magazine, read only by a few insiders.

In 1977, Troitsky successfully defended his diploma and got a job at the capital’s Institute of History. Here, a young music critic tried to defend his dissertation on his favorite topic - pop and rock music. But the time has not yet come for such “bold” topics. In 1983, a young employee was fired from the university.

Soon times changed. With the advent of the “thaw,” the scope of what was permitted gradually expanded. In 1975, the youth magazine “Rovesnik” began publishing Troitsky’s musical essays. For the first time he expressed his opinion about the fashionable rock band Deer Purple. Thanks to his father, Artemy had the opportunity to attend concerts of many legendary rock bands and vocalists in the countries of the socialist camp. Therefore, the young music critic wrote knowledgeably and quite professionally. Troitsky became a fan of the latest trends in European music.

In 1981, the critic was hired by the publication “Zerkalo”. On the pages of this magazine, Artemy castigated the Soviet stage and, without holding back his emotions, talked about the stagnation in the modern musical segment of the culture of the USSR. But soon the critic was fired, prohibiting the publication of his essays and articles in Soviet publications.

Troitsky had no choice but to resign himself and try his hand in a different capacity. He began organizing concerts of musical groups whose work belonged to the underground. Thus, compatriots were able to get acquainted with the work of the groups “Kino”, “Dynamic” and “Center”. The last rock band was of particular importance for Artemy Troitsky, since he was friends with its musicians.

But Troitsky’s dream was to introduce new Russian groups and musical movements not only to his compatriots, but also to foreign listeners. And he began organizing concerts of the above-mentioned groups, as well as the emerging groups “Bravo”, “Zvuki Mu”, “TV” and others abroad.

After the collapse of the USSR, Artemy Troitsky was able to return to work as a music critic. In 1995, the journalist was appointed head of the Russian version of Playboy. He also tried himself as a TV presenter: in 1995, he hosted the “Oblomov Cafe” program for a year.

In our time, the biography of Artemy Troitsky is associated with journalism and music criticism. Artemy Troitsky is a frequent guest on radio and TV shows. Russian pop and rock stars take the critic's opinion into account.

Personal life

The music connoisseur and critic admits that he is a loving person. The fascination with girls began early: the first kiss happened when the boy was in 4th grade.

The personal life of Artemy Troitsky consists of several marriages.

Daughter Alexandra was born when Troitsky was 36 years old. Artemy was in a short civil marriage with Alexandra’s mother. But the official union was first registered when the critic turned 40. This marriage produced a second daughter, Sonya. Soon Troitsky divorced his wife.

The next time Troitsky got married was at 55. His wife was his old friend Veronica. This marriage turned out to be strong. In an interview, the husband calls Vera Troitskaya an old, proven friend, whom Artemy does not even doubt. The marriage produced two children - daughter Lida and son Vanya. Not long ago, the Troitsky family moved to the Estonian town of Mähe.

Artemy Troitsky now

In 2017, Artemy Troitsky became a guest of the first episode of the “Emigrants” section of the “Here and Now” program, dedicated to the fate of people who left Russia. The music critic told fans in detail why he moved from Russia to Estonia in 2017. Artemy calls the move “internal emigration”, the reason for which was disagreement with political activity Russian government.

For ill-wishers who are sure that Troitsky is a Jew by nationality and a Russophobe by worldview, the critic’s departure did not come as a surprise, but the journalist’s fans learned with interest about the personal and social reasons that prompted Troitsky to start working from the very beginning in a foreign country.

In 2018, the attention of music journalists, including Artemy Troitsky, was drawn to the scandalous film by the director about. The film was called “Summer” and even before its release began to be called a social phenomenon. The director finished filming the film under conditions of house arrest and social hysteria, and music and film critics rushed to analyze the film even before its release.

At the beginning of 2018, Artemy Troitsky also spoke out and expressed strong doubts about the plot of the film. The critic focused on love triangle with the participation of Viktor Tsoi. Troitsky emphasized that as a researcher of the rock scene and underground music of those times, he had never even heard of such a novel, which formed the basis of the film.

In addition, today Artemy Troitsky is a frequent guest of the popular talk show “Minority Opinion” on the Ekho Moskvy channel. The journalist appeared in the show's studio in November 2017, as well as January and February 2018. In the program, Artemy Troitsky deviated from his favorite musical theme and shared with the audience his own opinion about politics, culture and the social situation in the country. The music critic spoke out about the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, as well as the persecution of politically opposition stars, especially during events related to Ukraine.


  • 1987 - the world's first book dedicated to Russian rock “Rock in the Union: 60s, 70s, 80s...”
  • 1990 - book “Party. What happened to the Soviet underground"
  • 1990 - book “Pop Lexicon”
  • 1990-1996 - program “Uncle Ko’s Ark” on the radio stations “All-Union Radio”, “Radio Maximum”, “Radio 101”
  • 1996 – 2013 - program “FM Dostoevsky” on radio stations: “Europe Plus”, “Radio 101”, “Echo of Moscow” and “Finam FM”
  • 1999 - book “Interesting Times”
  • 2003 - book “Moscow “from dawn to dawn”. Party Leader"
  • 2006 - book “I will introduce you to the world of Pop...”
  • 2008 - collection of articles “Rattles Skeletons in the Closet” (part I - “The West is rotting”, part II - “The East is turning red”)
  • 2009 - audiobook “Back in the USSR. The true history of rock in Russia”
  • 2013-2015 – “Stereo-Voodoo” program on “Rock FM” radio

Born in 1955 in Yaroslavl in the family of a prominent Soviet political scientist and historian Kiva Lvovich Maidanik. He spent his childhood in Prague, where his parents worked as employees of the magazine “Problems of Peace and Socialism.” From 1972 to 1974 he ran discos in the main building of Moscow State University, in the B-4 cafe. In 1977 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics with a degree in mathematician-economist. From 1978 to 1983 he worked as a junior researcher at the Institute of Art History. He was fired from there before he could defend his PhD thesis on the sociology of popular music. From 1982 to 1983 he was the guitarist of the group Zvuki Mu. One of the founders of the “General records” label. Married, has two daughters (Alexandra, born in 1998 and Lydia, born in 2010).

Since 2001, he has been lecturing on the subjects “History of the Entertainment Industry” and “Music Press” at the Faculty of “Producing and Management in Music Show Business” of the State University of Management.

Conducts a master class on music journalism at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University:

On May 3, 2011, the Moscow Magistrate Court opened a private criminal case against Artemy Troitsky at the request of former member of the Agatha Christie group Vadim Samoilov. A criminal case was initiated under Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Insult”).


In 1981, he was a member of the editorial board of the samizdat magazine “Zerkalo”. His publications were banned in the Soviet press from 1983 to 1985.

Concert organization

In the late 1970s - early 1980s, he organized underground concerts and festivals of Soviet rock groups, including Mashina Vremeni, Dynamik, Zoo, Kino, A. Bashlachev. He was the organizer and member of the jury of the festival “Spring Rhythms. Tbilisi-80”, thanks to which the groups Time Machine, Magnetic Band, Aquarium and Autograph became widely known. He was one of the first to notice the talent of Vasily Shumov and the Center group, whom he later helped and patronized in every possible way.

In the late 1980s, he initiated concert performances outside the USSR of such groups as “AVIA”, “Zvuki Mu”, “Igry”, “TV”, “Bravo”. In the early 1990s he organized the British electronic music festival “Britronica” in Moscow. Since 1999 he has been organizing club concerts in Moscow. Organized and patronized performances of such groups and performers as Julie Cruise, Fantastic Plastic Machine, StereoTotal, Mouse On Mars, De Phazz, Suicide, Sonic Youth and others, the Moscow company Caviar Lounge was involved in organizing tours. At his instigation, the Finnish group El?kel?iset performed in Moscow for the first time, after which an official CD release of this group was released in Russia and Finland.

A television

Until 1986, he hosted, together with Jānis Šipkevis and Juris Podnieks, the program “Video Rhythms” dedicated to video clips on Latvian television.

In the 1980s - 1990s, he participated in the creation of the television program “Program A”, in which he hosted the “Vanguard” section. TV critics widely discussed the fact that a person with a pronounced communication pathology (Artemy has stuttered severely since childhood) appears on TV not just as a guest, but as a presenter. From 1991 to the beginning of 1994 he worked at the Artel Theater of Russian Television, heading the music programs department. He was involved in such television programs as “Rock Cafe”, “Silence No. 9”, “Music in the style of Pepsi”, “Exotica”, “Program A”, “Rosmuzimport”. From 1994 to 1996 he worked on the NTV channel, where he hosted the popular author’s program “Cafe Oblomov”. In 1997, “Cafe Oblomov” was broadcast on RTR.

Over the years, he hosted the programs “Cultural Goods” and “Kings of Song” on the “Culture” TV channel. In 2004, he made the program “Signs of Life” for Ren-TV. In the late 2000s, he hosted the program “Professor Troitsky and Comrade Artyom” on Style TV.


Artemy Troitsky recorded several songs as part of his own project “Soviet Porn”. The first recording was a cover of Alla Pugacheva (the song “Queen”), recorded together with Roman Belavkin (Solar X). The second track was the song “Snow from Her Hair,” recorded with musician Oleg Nesterov for the film Down House. The third track, “I Gave You Spring,” was recorded together with Andrei Samsonov for the collection dedicated to the memory of Dyusha Romanov “My Friend the Musician.” The fourth piece, “Agent 008,” was recorded together with Misha Vivisectors (The Vivisectors) and became a kind of New Year’s address to the people by Artemy Troitsky.


  • 1994 - “Masters of the USSR or Monkey’s Snout” NOMFILM
  • 2000 - “Down House” by Roman Kachanov - Totsky
  • 2003 - “Paul McCartney In Red Square” - plays himself
  • 2004 - “Young and Happy” - plays a voodoo sorcerer
  • 2005 - Arie
  • 2005 - “Day Watch” by Timur Bekmambetov - guest at the birthday party
  • 2007 - “Tumbler” by Roman Kachanov
  • 2007 - “Gloss” by Andrei Konchalovsky - Mark, thief in law
  • 2010 - Alias ​​for a hero



In 1987, Artemy Troitsky published in England (then in America, Japan and European countries) the book “Back in the USSR” about the history of Soviet rock music, which was published in the USSR under the title “Rock in the Union: 60s, 70s, 80s..." only in 1991.

In 1990, the book “Tusovka” was published in Italy, England and Holland. What happened to the Soviet underground”, not published in Russia. According to A. Troitsky himself in an interview: “Interesting Times” - political - was published in Finland. Just recently my new book “I will introduce you to the world...Pop” appeared.”

In 2009, the SOYUZ Publishing House published the audiobook “Back in the USSR. The true history of rock in Russia” as read by A. Troitsky and A. Klyukvin..


  • 1987 - “Rock in the Union: 60s, 70s, 80s...” (first published in England under the title “Back in the USSR”, published in the USSR only in 1991). It is considered the world's first publication dedicated to Russian rock.
  • 1990 - “Party. What happened to the Soviet underground" (published only in Italy, England and Holland)
  • 1990 - “Pop Lexicon” (encyclopedia of modern pop music terms)
  • 1999 - “Interesting Times” (published in Finland, a collection of political dissident comments about the 1990s in Russia)
  • 2003 - “Moscow “from dawn to dawn”. Party Leader"
  • 2006 - “I will introduce you to the world of Pop...”
  • 2007 - “Back in the USSR” Reissue of the book “Rock in the Union: 60s, 70s, 80s...” under the original title.
  • 2008 - “Rattling skeletons in the closet” (part I - “The West is rotting”, part II - “The East is turning red”, 2008). A two-volume book that includes articles written by Artemy Troitsky from 1974 to 1991. The first volume contains articles devoted to the Western rock scene, the second volume contains articles on rock in the USSR. Articles are accompanied by comments by the author made specifically for this publication.
  • 2009 - “Poplex” Revised and expanded edition of the book “Pop Lexicon”
  • 2009 - audiobook “Back in the USSR. The true history of rock in Russia"


Criticism from musicians

About Artemy Kivovich in the repertoire of the ensemble “Cockroaches!” there is a song called “Mr. Music Critic”, which questions the value of the work of a music critic both in general and in the example of A.T.

Troitsky is also mentioned in the song of the Chaif ​​group - “Suburban Blues No. 3” and the rap group Ezekiel 25:17 - “Street Saga”.

At a concert in memory of A. Bashlachev, Yegor Letov accused Artemy Troitsky of destroying Russian rock. Alexander Nepomnyashchy’s song “The End of Russian Rock and Roll” also mentions the “Trinsky case” in exactly the same context.

In the context of pop culture, it is mentioned in the song "Gay Pops" by the group "Crematorium".

The Kino group (then “Garin and the Hyperboloids”) dedicates the song “Blues to Artem Troitsky” to A.T.

In 1982, the group “Cloud Region” released the song “Grive, critic!”, where A. Troitsky’s criticism was exposed in a sharply satirical manner.


  • Medal “Defender of Free Russia” (1994)
  • On October 22, 2011, Troitsky was awarded the Tampere Music Award for “ key role, which he played in the development of Russian alternative rock in the 1980s."

You can love him or hate him. But it was largely thanks to Artemy Troitsky that people paid attention to Russian rock. About the life, career, family and political views of the disgraced journalist - in this article.

Artemy Troitsky. Famous journalist and music critic. During the Soviet Union, he actively advocated the introduction of rock music to the masses. Artemy Troitsky is friends with Boris Grebenshchikov, Andrei Makarevich and other famous musicians. The critic has been engaged in educational activities for several decades, and largely thanks to him, styles such as techno, indie and rock gained popularity in the 80s and after the collapse of the USSR.

Biography of Artemy Troitsky

One of the first domestic rock journalists was born in Yaroslavl, June 16, 1955. His father, Kiva Majdanik, was a respected political scientist with Marxist views. Mother - Rufina Nikolaevna Troitskaya, later her son took her surname. Some of the critic’s ill-wishers claim that Artemy Troitsky is Jewish by nationality, and often call him a Russophobe for impartial statements about Russia and the current government. According to the official version, the famous critic and journalist comes from a family of Byzantine priests. The ancestors of their family came to Rus' during the reign of Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich. Troitsky is proud of his origin and the fact that he was born in Yaroslavl. Music critic Artemy Troitsky spent his youth in the capital of the Czech Republic, where his parents worked in one of the journalistic publications. Subsequently, Artemy's mother and father divorced.

How it all began

Artemy Troitsky first tried his hand at writing when he was just over ten years old. He wrote his opinion about one of the albums of the famous Liverpool four, The Beatles, in one of the little-known publications. After graduating from high school, Artemy Troitsky entered MESI (now MGUESI) at the Faculty of Mathematics. In the late 70s, he worked for several years as a junior research fellow at the Institute of Art History. Even before the defense PhD thesis he was fired for his “special” views. He helped organize underground concerts for groups that at that time had a difficult relationship with the Soviet government. "Aquarium", "Cinema", "Time Machine" - they all had to hide from the government.

Continuing your career after a break

Because of his rebellious spirit, the journalist often fell into disgrace; he was forbidden to publish his texts and tried in every possible way to survive from the country. He was able to do what he loved again only in the late 80s on Latvian television, where he was offered a job as a co-host in the “Videorhythms” program. Then he tried himself as a rock performer with the assistance of his longtime friend Vasily Shumov. In the early 90s, Leonid Parfenov invited Artemy to work on the NTV channel. The author’s program “Cafe Oblomov” fell in love with television viewers and subsequently aired on the RTR channel. At the same time, in the 90s, he organized concerts of foreign singers and groups.

Life position

For many years now, Artemy Troitsky has been criticizing Vladimir Putin and his supporters, and was present at the rally “For Fair Elections” in 2012 on Bolotnaya Square. As the disgraced critic said in an interview: “Putin interferes with the lives of almost everyone.”

Where does Artemy Troitsky live now and what does he do? The journalist and his family left Moscow several years ago after he was fired from the Faculty of Music Journalism at Moscow State University, where he lectured to students for thirteen years. Troitsky says that all this time he was in Moscow only because of work, because he does not like the city and never had warm feelings for it. He was less often invited for interviews, and publications became irregular. Suddenly the opportunity to live and work in Estonia presented itself, and the journalist, of course, agreed.

Now the public figure and journalist gives lectures at a local university and hosts a program on Estonian television. The main goal of the program is to counter official Russian propaganda in Eastern Europe. In one of his broadcasts, he admitted that he largely shares the views of Alexei Navalny, and if you are afraid and follow the lead of the authorities, you will not be able to become a real politician. Troitsky considers it absurd that the Russian movement has come under fire for its position on the war in Ukraine. According to the disgraced journalist, the Kremlin has created its own nationalist parties, similar to Anti-Maidan, and is trying with all its might to eradicate other movements whose goals and thoughts differ from the Kremlin’s.

Personal life of a journalist

Troitsky first married in adulthood. Little is known about the critic's first love.

Troitsky’s second wife was art critic Svetlana Kunitsyna, who also worked on one of the central channels and in publications that published articles about fashion and style.

The third wife, Marianna, also a journalist, was deputy editor-in-chief of the delicious food magazine Gastronom, and also worked for the Izvestia newspaper and the fashion publication Cosmopolitan.

Artemy has four children from different wives. The eldest daughter is already studying at the university, she inherited her writing talent from her father: she writes stories and draws well. The rest of the children are still in school.

Artemy was married four times. Vera Troitskaya, the wife of Artemy Troitsky, the fourth in a row, has Estonian roots.

Life in Estonia

The journalist himself has been to Estonia many times, and as a child he often came to visit his grandmother on vacation. Comparing Estonia and Russia, Troitsky notes that in Estonia there is no bureaucracy, the city streets are clean and comfortable, and Tallinn is even somewhat similar to his native Yaroslavl. The youngest daughter Lidia has been growing up bilingual since childhood: when they first moved to Estonia, she was assigned to a bilingual class. kindergarten, where the teachers spoke both Estonian and Russian. The journalist is also pleased with local Russian schools. According to him, they are equipped with the latest technology, and the level of education is high.

Musical preferences

Many people are interested in what Artemy Troitsky thinks about music. The critic has a negative attitude towards pop performers, especially Stas Mikhailov. According to Troitsky, “Stas has nothing,” and he sincerely does not understand what gave him such fame and glory as a people’s favorite.

The place of one of his favorite musicians in his heart is still occupied by Viktor Tsoi. The leader of the Kino group, who died untimely in 1990, had been a friend of the journalist since the days of the Soviet underground. Troitsky notes that Victor combined two natures - a fighter and a romantic, and his songs were and remain a ray of light, especially in the current political situation. The songs of the Kino group are relevant both 20 years ago and now.

The famous journalist and cultural critic Lipnitsky recalls that Troitsky himself tried to try his hand at music and even sang with the Center group in a rock opera called “Arthur Rambo,” but, according to Artemy, despite the fact that in his youth he played in the group "Sounds of Mu", he never wanted to achieve fame as a musician. “It is possible that music critics and journalists are failed musicians. But this has nothing to do with me,” Troitsky emphasizes.

Interesting facts from the life of a critic and public figure

  • His work, which is known abroad as “Back in the USSR”, written in 1987 and published in England, was allowed for publication only after the collapse of the USSR, in 1991, and is the first publication in the world dedicated to Russian-language rock. This book was also published in Europe, the USA and Japan.
  • Criticizes the Russian President for foreign policy and the “Crimean referendum.” Despite the success of his participation in the “Minority Opinion” program on the Ekho Moskvy radio station, he was removed due to a conflict with management.
  • Hosts the program "Colorful News" on Estonian television.
  • Artemy is one of Viktor Tsoi’s closest friends. In 2002, he independently organized a concert in one of the sports complexes in St. Petersburg, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the leader of Kino, invited all the masters of Russian rock and acted as a presenter at this event.

Artemy Troitsky is a legendary personality. He is a rock journalist who became one of the first to promote rock music in our country. Artemy Kivovich is a music critic. He is often invited as a jury member, as well as an organizer of concerts and festivals. He also hosts concerts. He is called one of the best specialists in modern music. And he himself became the creator of a number of major music labels. And today you have the opportunity to order Artemy Troitsky as a speaker for your events. He is not only an interesting person, he has enormous experience that will be of interest to everyone.

Biography of Artemy Troitsky

According to the official website of Artemy Troitsky, he was born in the city of Yaroslavl in 1955. His parents were involved in journalism.

In his youth, Artemy Troitsky was invited to host discos. But he received his education at the Institute of Economics and Statistics, graduating as a mathematician-economist. For five years he worked as a junior research fellow at the Institute of Art History. But he was fired and he couldn’t even defend his thesis.

Since 2001, he began sharing his experience and giving lectures. And then at the journalism department at Moscow State University he began teaching his master class on music journalism. If you are interested in this direction, you can order Artemy Troitsky to your event. Today he continues to give lectures, and not limited to Russia.

Music journalism

According to information from the official website of Artemy Troitsky, his debut in journalism took place in 1967. Then he wrote his first review of the album of the legendary Beatles. He wrote many articles on musical topics. His publications were sometimes so harsh and critical that they were even banned from appearing in the Soviet press for some time.

Artemy Troitsky was the editor-in-chief of the Russian version of the famous PlayBoy publication, although he is far from music journalism, which was much closer to him. Therefore, he worked a lot with famous musical projects. He also became the creator of his own radio programs. And in 2011 he began giving lectures on the history of popular music “Direct Speech”. You can also order Artemy Troitsky with these lectures - we are sure you will be delighted.

Concert organization

Artemy Kivovich has enormous experience in organizing concerts. He started with underground concerts and festivals. In the eighties, he initiated performances outside of Russia. And since 1999, Troitsky has been known as one of the best organizers of club concerts. He worked with legendary performers and groups. And in the 2000s he came to organize his own company, which organizes concerts. And you have a unique opportunity to organize a master class with Artemy Troitsky, one of the most professional people not only in the world of music journalism, but also in the field of organizing major events.

Today, by the way, he is quite critical of the modern entertainment industry. And there is a lot to learn from Artemy Kivovich. This is why speaker Artemy Troitsky is so in demand.

How to invite Artemy Troitsky to an event

You can invite speaker Artemy Troitsky with the help of our agency. We cooperate directly with this unique person, so we will take full responsibility for all organizational issues. He gives lectures, gives master classes, speaks with his success story, and also hosts events.

Lectures by Artemy Troitsky are especially popular. He knows the world of music like no one else. He gives lectures on Russian rock and popular music - and it’s safe to call him one of the best specialists in this direction. And if you decide to invite speaker Artemy Troitsky to your event, we will be happy to help you with this.

Speakers for you!

We have been working in the field of selecting speakers for events for many years. And today we have a colossal base of speakers from various fields of professional activity. We cooperate with famous journalists, successful businessmen, business trainers, and other unique individuals who have a lot to learn from. You can see the list of speakers we work with on our website. And if you can’t make a choice, we will definitely help you.

One of the areas in which we specialize is working with journalists. And with us you can invite Artemy Troitsky, Vladimir Solovyov, Dmitry Dibrov and other legendary personalities.

If you are interested in business, then you can invite businessmen and business coaches. So, in our agency you can invite Oleg Tinkov, Vladimir Dovgan and other successful entrepreneurs who were able to build large companies. And today they are happy to share their experience with everyone. We also cooperate with business trainers who help make a qualitative leap in personal development and increase the company’s efficiency. So, from us you can order Radislav Gandapas, one of the most famous business trainers in our country. He is called the best motivator - and with us you have the opportunity to verify this!

We also cooperate with athletes. And here you can invite the best of the best, who were able to win more than one gold for our country. In our agency you can order Ilya Averbukh, Kostya Tszyu, Alexey Nemov and other legendary athletes.

If you find it difficult to make a choice, we will definitely help you with this! Contact us!