Eight of wands tarot about relationships. Combinations with other cards

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The meaning of the Eight of Wands in the Tarot is great importance for all connoisseurs of fortune telling and those who are just trying to master it. As Tarot adherents say, the card corresponds to Mercury in Sagittarius. This is a special and unique map, on which there is no image of a person, only in the distance on a hill a certain structure can be discerned.

Description of the map

The meaning of the Eight of Wands in the Tarot is often interpreted in a special way when telling fortunes about love or relationships.

The map depicts staves flying across the sky, looking like arrows, approaching their final target with just a few seconds left to hit. It is interesting that the map has a variety of interpretations.

According to one of the existing philosophical concepts, time arises only if it becomes possible to track it. In this case, the absence of people on the Eight of Wands card in the Tarot is considered identical to the absence of time. At the same time, many note that the drawing does not give a clear answer whether the staves fall down or fly up.

As a result, it turns out that the map lacks past, present and future, that is, the map in the broad sense represents a rather prolonged pause.

Key points

When interpreting the meaning of the Eight of Wands in Tarot, it should be noted that the keywords for this card are slowing down, pause, absence of people, calm, waiting and passivity.

Key interpretations include advice not to interfere in what is happening around you, not to rush, take a break, and let events develop as they are developing now.

General value

Considering the main meaning of the Eight of Wands in the Tarot, it is worth noting that this is an optimistic card that demonstrates constant and confident progress towards the final goal.

Often, expected events unfold in such a way that everything around comes into motion, any opposition is canceled, and a combination of circumstances leads to the inevitable development of events.

As a rule, this card indicates a favorable development of events for the questioner, so in most cases the Eight of Wands in the Tarot has a positive meaning. The only exceptions are those cases when she is surrounded by exclusively negative Arcana: in this case, the dynamics of unpleasant events will only accelerate.

It is worth noting that this is practically the only one of all 78 cards that clearly indicates that the expected events will occur in the very near future, even faster than you might think. The meaning of the Eight of Wands Tarot card indicates fundamental changes, and their process has already begun, even if you yourself have not yet noticed it.

It is noteworthy that if the question itself concerns long-term plans, this means that they are ready to enter a decisive phase. This card is in charge of even the most unexpected accidents and surprises of fate. Everything useful and necessary will come to you on its own, and most likely very quickly. You will receive good news, problems will be solved by themselves in an unexpected way due to a successful combination of circumstances. The Eight of Wands Tarot card, when combined with major Arcana that herald changes, such as the Wheel of Fortune, indicates unexpected and surprising changes that can completely turn your life upside down.

For example, if balance is lost on some issue, its restoration may occur faster than you expect. Some predictors believe that the most important thing keyword this card is a second wind. She promises timely arrival of help, information, energy, inspiration. As a result, a person himself will be able to imagine which area of ​​his life needs this most now.

In most cases, the Eight of Wands Tarot card relates to the sphere of career and business, in addition, it has a special relationship to the awakening of love and personal life.

Essentially, this is an indicator of everything fast and technological in the world around us: email, racing, air travel. This also applies to arrows of love that can hit our heart or the heart of the object of passion. In this case, people will not look closely at each other for a long time - it will be passionate love at first sight, when a person instantly loses his head, events develop at great speed, and the feeling of falling in love only progresses. There is a need for rapid and uncompromising decision-making, searching for an unambiguous answer to the question: yes or no.

According to experts, this is a “Scorpio” card, since the situations in which it puts us often turn out to be uncompromising and harsh. Rarely does the Eight of Wands manifest itself as a really strong card for someone, capable of immediately demonstrating its power. It must be admitted that this issue has not yet been fully explored; different predictors have their own points of view, often diametrically opposed.

Most agree that it has the most noticeable significance in layouts that are directly related to matters stuck in some kind of “dead spot.”

Personal state

This card has a huge impact on the personal state of the questioner. A person can expect insights, unexpected ideas, awareness of relationships previously unknown to him, as well as a guaranteed expansion of consciousness. Speaking in the language of psychology, the questioner has the opportunity to consider new gestalts, see something new in the reality around him, and grasp vital information that can often lie on the surface, but will invariably elude our understanding.

Love of life, hope, energy and emotionality - this is what this card promises. A person finds himself in a state of always being in a hurry to get somewhere, but at the same time always succeeding in everything. He will come to the realization that there is not always enough time to implement all his plans and plans, and if he slows down somewhere, he will never be able to make it in time.

The Eight of Wands, according to most researchers, is a card inherent to Uranian personalities - people who are ready to accept any vagaries of fate, to discover facets of their personality from a new side. It’s as if chance is watching over them, ensuring success in all matters. Such people move in the flow, but at the same time everything really important and necessary falls into their hands.

This is a card of ease, free from any emotional restrictions. In this sense, it is completely opposite to the Eight of Swords. If it turns out to be in your scenario, then you can be sure of one thing: everything that caused pain, problems and obstacles are no longer relevant and fade into the background.


As we have already noted, the Eight of Wands in the Tarot has a special divinatory meaning for relationships. In many ancient interpretations, it was clearly interpreted as a card of love. Nowadays there is more talk about the impending state of wedding planning, or at least the influx of new romantic possibilities. Love can appear in your life at the most unexpected moment, when you are not expecting it at all.

Even if you only dream of meeting your soulmate, she will appear exactly at the moment when you least expect it. The meaning in love of the Eight of Wands in the Tarot is often associated with vibrant hobbies that lead to a surge of adrenaline and amazing sensations. The questioner may be accompanied by euphoria, excitement, a tendency to force events, and elation. Unbridled attraction to the object of adoration, swift actions, a passionate desire to be together - this is how a romantic relationship will develop in this case.

The significance of the Eight of Wands in Tarot in relationships is difficult to overestimate. If the person being told fortunes is lonely, then the alignment means that in the near future he will have the opportunity to create a strong, long-term union, and the opportunity will literally be in the air. The dream will come true and become a reality. In some cases, a person may look forward to such changes, but when the events occur, they will sound like a bolt from the blue and take him by surprise.

If someone is looking forward to a new romantic relationship, then the Eight of Wands in the Tarot will be a message about the upcoming prospect of falling in love without memory. In some cases, this card can describe truly amazing manifestations of synchronicity, significant meetings by luck, a result that is based on nothing accidental. Separately, it is worth noting that in a love scenario, this card predicts selfless devotion and trust on the part of a loved one to the questioner.

In relation to people who mean something to you, the card signifies self-discovery and self-development. It helps to overcome misunderstandings and clarify intentions if they were previously unclear and not obvious. If there are favorable cards in the layout, the Eight promises a successful resolution of the conflict between irreconcilable parties. In the layout, it symbolizes a sudden revival of relationships, sincerity and freshness of feelings, changes aimed at better side. This is a kind of invitation that foreshadows not only a romantic mood, but also, probably, a marriage proposal, which can be completely unexpected. The Eight of Wands means spontaneous decisions, for example, marrying the first person you meet, marrying on a bet, or marrying for revenge. Neighboring cards will help you figure out to what extent you should trust such decisions and news, so it is better to resort to the help of the Major Arcana and place one card next to the Eight.


A lot depends on the layouts in which this card appears. The combination of the Eight of Wands in the Tarot with Cups can mean:

  • a new novel if the Knight is rolled;
  • romantic proposal - Deuce;
  • unexpected party - Troika;
  • sad path - Four;
  • conflict with someone - Five;
  • road to the past - Six;
  • slippery slope - Seven;
  • movement to nowhere - Eight;
  • getting closer to realizing your innermost dream - Nine;
  • returning home, a quick meeting that is guaranteed to bring joy - Ten;
  • consent to your romantic proposal - Page;
  • meeting with mother or beloved woman - Queen;
  • meeting with father or beloved man - King;
  • the way to meet your love - Ace.


This card also has an impact on your financial situation. You can understand the meaning of the Eight of Wands in Tarot in "Archangel" - a popular site where all the nuances of fortune telling are described in detail, or in our article, which provides comprehensive information.

In monetary terms, this card can promise the receipt of additional investments, successful communication with banks and other financial organizations, obtaining a profitable loan, successful resolution of urgent matters related to money in one way or another, for example, receiving an unplanned bonus at work.

In ancient interpretations of this card, the Eight of Wands often personified rural life in the lap of nature, which became a symbol of gardening and arable farming.


In terms of professional development, this card can promise rapid career growth, a favorable outcome of a difficult matter, and an unexpected turn for the better. The result in this case will be a huge number of urgent matters and a sea of ​​unrest. You will have to make emergency decisions, respond to upcoming changes as quickly as possible, and simultaneously solve several issues in order to ultimately resolve everything successfully.

The card suggests that you can get a new job or receive a lucrative offer from your employer. You will need all the necessary skills and abilities to quickly and organically join a new team, become one of the people around you, and learn the unwritten rules. The Eight of Wands will help you understand the organizational culture in your new location.

It is this card that is directly related to cooperation with a team of highly qualified specialists with whom it will be possible to complete an important and responsible business. You are guaranteed a large influx of information and constant interaction with serious commercial structures. The card promises the development of business related to innovation.

Health status

You can also judge the health significance of the Eight of Wands in the Tarot. The map draws your attention to three interconnected phenomena.

The map places emphasis on hyperactivity, a dynamic lifestyle, and the excessive pace of developing events. The consequence of this is a disruption of biorhythms: problems arise with wakefulness and sleep, constant lack of sleep due to the high pace of life, stress hormones are actively produced, primarily adrenaline, which ensures unhealthy activity, and therefore problems with the adrenal glands.

In some cases, with an overly active lifestyle, serious hormonal imbalance threatens health, but the body’s reserves can successfully resist them due to stress mobilization. The key to solving the problem will be a correct assessment of the internal state, humility, calmness, leading to adaptation and recovery.

Upside down

Please note that if the Eight of Wands appears upside down, then this is a sign that strongly discourages you from doing what you intended.

You may expect internal disagreements, for example between spouses or business partners. Much depends on the neighboring Arcana.

Description of the Tarot card EIGHT OF WANDS

The Eight of Wands Tarot card depicts eight staves flying across a cloudless sky, symbolizing movement at the present moment in time - here and now. It's time to act, move forward with the developing situation, plan your next steps.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card EIGHT OF WANDS in fortune telling and layouts

Direct position of the EIGHT OF WANDS card

The main meaning of the Eight of Wands Tarot card is time. This is the only one of all 78 cards that clearly indicates that events will occur in the very near future. But it also has a deeper meaning - it shows that something is changing, something is in the air and will come sooner than we expect, and that this process has already begun, even if we have not yet noticed it. At the same time, as a rule, the Eight of Staves foretells favorable events, good news or pleasant surprises.

Reversed position of the EIGHT OF WANDS card

In an inverted position, the card portends unexpected obstacles and quick but rash decisions. She also says that rushing now is pointless, since it will not affect anything; indicates missed opportunities that seemed to be already in hand. Sometimes the inverted Eight of Wands is interpreted as the appearance of random people in a person’s life.

The meaning and interpretation of the EIGHT OF WANDS card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

Here the Eight of Staves reports that if you had certain plans or expectations related to work, then they will come true in the very near future; if these were fears, then, alas, they are the ones that will come true. The card also suggests that this process has been preparing for a very long time, and the results are already close, or that its pace has unexpectedly accelerated, so that you also need to urgently prepare for its completion, although you assumed that there was still enough time ahead. Often this card means unexpected success, unexpected profit or money, or a big win.

Reversed card position

This position of the Eight of Wands corresponds to a loss of control over affairs; misunderstandings and quarrels between partners, open confrontation with competitors may arise. Sometimes a card means dismissal, a reprimand from superiors, or simply confusion in business, financial and material losses.

The meaning and interpretation of the EIGHT OF WANDS card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Good health. The rapid course of processes in the body: if the disease is mild, it will pass quickly, and if it is severe, it will develop quickly.

Reversed card position

Not very good health, slow development of processes.

The meaning and interpretation of the EIGHT OF WANDS card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In terms of personal relationships, the Eight of Wands means revitalization and new incentives. This could be the imminent conclusion of a new, unusual fruitful union, or the positive development of an existing union. In addition, the card can mean the moment of falling in love, love at first sight, or the successful resolution of a quarrel or conflict.

Reversed card position

The inverted Eight of Wands indicates attempts to put pressure on a partner, outbursts of jealousy and quarrels on this basis, an incorrect assessment of the relationship or an incorrect interpretation by the fortuneteller of the actions of his partner.

The meaning and interpretation of the EIGHT OF WANDS card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

Indicates a person who is mobile, easy-going, able to navigate correctly and make quick decisions in a difficult situation.

Reversed card position

Inert, lack of initiative, difficult to communicate, closed person. Sometimes the card says that a person acts under the pressure of external circumstances.

Meaning and interpretation of the EIGHT OF WANDS card as a card of the day

Unexpected joy awaits you today. You will receive favorable news, someone will send a letter or call, some event will happen, and the desired changes will come in business. Or at least today will take a favorable, happy turn. If you were going to start something new today, then you have a good chance of achieving success in this matter sooner than you expected.

Advice from the EIGHT OF WANDS card in fortune telling and readings

Prepare yourself for a variety of changes to come. Now everything is in motion, the wheel of time is spinning. It's time to act, move with the developing situation, plan your next steps. In all this splendor of change, try not to lose ground, make sure that your ideas do not lose touch with reality.

Among the tarot arcana, the eight of wands is a card time manager. It means a scientific approach to life, the desire for new knowledge and networking. The astrological influence of the card is expressed in Uranus and Jupiter in the sign of Scorpio, which indicates immediate results, fast development events and progress in human life.

Definition of 8 of Wands

The Eight of Wands is considered a card of an inveterate optimist who looks for the positive in every situation. Despite everything, he confidently moves towards his goal and almost always achieves the desired result.

This lasso may indicate lucky coincidence in life, new opportunities and useful contacts. Arcana with a favorable meaning, the only tarot card that indicates upcoming events.

  • The Eight of Wands says that changes are already around you and you, still unnoticed by yourself, have begun to succumb to them.
  • Your wish will come true faster than you expected.
  • Everything around you is in dizzying motion, so you will need to be quick and be smart to benefit from it.
  • If you have used tarot reading for a desire or a specific situation, then the Eight of Wands indicates that you are entering the decisive phase of your question.
  • Arkan speaks of pleasant surprises of fate, good news and quick resolution of problems.

In combination with the lasso, the “wheel of fortune” means that you are on the threshold of unpredictable events that in one moment can turn your whole life upside down. You can lose your balance, or you can find it. The Eight of Wands is a symbol of the revealed second wind and new chances.

Meaning in relationships

The card indicates timely receipt of help and support from others. Don’t hide your intentions and aspirations, share your painful problem with your loved ones - and successful result you are guaranteed. The Eight of Wands teaches you to use your capabilities correctly and prioritize.

There is a high probability that travel and new acquaintances will come into your life along with this lasso. You will feel such an upsurge of vitality that you simply will not be able to sit still on your dream. During this period, there will be a good opportunity to acquire useful connections and stable love relationships. It's important not to be afraid make uncompromising decisions, do not delay in answering the question asked.

This is a good card for those who have been at a standstill lately. In fortune telling by wish, the Eight of Wands will not symbolize a clearly positive answer, but will indicate that the situation will develop rapidly and the resolution of your issue is not far off. Everything will depend only on you and how much effort you put into achieving your goals.

Card of the day

The Eight of Wands that appears in the tarot reading says that today you are expected good news from loved ones. Be prepared that events will take an unexpected turn, but the overall picture of affairs will be quite favorable. You may be required to make a difficult decision, but there will not be time to think everything through thoroughly. Trust your intuition, today it will become your best advisor.

You may encounter problems at work. Most likely, they will be expressed in communication with colleagues. Do not get into disputes or conflicts. Today you don't need to prove anything to anyone.

If the situation becomes completely unbearable, think about coming home and hugging your loved one. Trying to influence someone on this day is also not worth it. Stay with your opinion, but do not impose it on others.

In love

The Eight of Wands is a card of first love, passion, ardor and rekindled feelings. In the old days, it was believed that the lasso symbolized an imminent wedding and all sorts of troubles associated with it. You will feel a surge of romantic feelings towards your loved one.

Feel free to show them off, but try not to overdo it. Give your partner the opportunity to do something in return, otherwise there is a small risk that you may “smother” him with your love.

For those who are lonely, the Eight of Wands is a symbol of an imminent meeting with fate. You will meet her where you do not expect at all. But here you should be extremely careful, since there is a high probability that this person will be sent to you more for experience than for life.

You may be influenced by your own emotions and will tend to force things, which is absolutely not worth doing. It is possible that your mutual feelings will not be so deep, and when the euphoria of falling in love passes, you will realize that you have absolutely nothing in common with this person.

For those who have recently encountered problems and misunderstandings in relationships, the number eight promises a change in the situation for the better. Your old feelings will awaken in you, you will start talking to each other and finally understand what exactly your soulmate wants.

The lasso can also indicate expression of interest from the opposite sex from the side. Twice, or better yet three times, think about whether it’s worth risking a stable, albeit a little boring, relationship for the sake of a momentary infatuation.


Despite the fact that the Eight of Wands itself is considered a favorable card, in combination with other arcana its meaning can change.

  • With lasso "magician"- increased initiative. You should be a little more restrained so as not to scare away those around you. Many people begin to confuse your activity with importunity.
  • With the lasso "priestess"– completely interrupts the meaning of the Eight of Wands. Indicates the need to slow down and wait until better times to resolve important issues.
  • With the "Wheel of Fortune" lasso- rapid development of events.
  • With the lasso "death"– summing up past cases and speedy completion of current ones.
  • With lasso "court"– uncertainty and the appearance of complexes in a person. You may succumb to pressure from others.
  • With the eight of cups- the question tormenting you will be successfully resolved in the near future.
  • With the seven of pentacles– fines, debt repayment, loss of profit.
  • With the ten of wands– you will experience a feeling of depression and anxiety from being too busy at home and at work. Let others help you, share the problem with loved ones.
  • With the Five of Wands– because of your hasty decisions, you can provoke a conflict. Be careful and don't make hasty conclusions. You may have misunderstood someone's behavior.
  • With the King of Wands– promotion at work, salary increase, bonus, new profitable project.
  • With the lasso "peace"– in order to turn the situation to your advantage, you will have to use your connections. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
  • With lasso “moon”– you can become a victim of someone else’s scam. Be careful when communicating with unfamiliar people.


The Eight of Wands reversed takes on a radically opposite meaning. It’s like she’s screaming at you: “Stop! No need! Do not do that!". Whatever you're up to, you should stop trying to influence the situation.

With the Eight of Wands reversed, any alignment in tarot reading will be accepted unfavorable connotation. If you ask the cards a specific question, the inverted lasso will be a negative answer for you.

This position of the card may indicate that you are in a real race against time and cannot keep up with it. Stop. Remove unnecessary and unnecessary responsibilities from yourself, shelve it something that does not require urgent action. You should take a breath before you completely exhaust yourself and your own health. There is no harmony in your life balance; energy and strength have practically dried up.

You may experience feelings of uncertainty and indecisiveness. You will hesitate to make a decision even on the easiest issue. Because of this you can lose profit and miss the opportunities provided by fate. You may have problems communicating with people around you.

You will be confused because you cannot understand the actions of others. Try not to criticize anyone or add fuel to the fire. Time to sit in the shadows and gain strength for further events.


Short description

According to the adepts of the Order of the Golden Dawn, the 8 of Wands corresponds to Mercury in Sagittarius. When describing the map, Mathers and his comrades focus on Mercury, completely ignoring Sagittarius. Staves flying across the sky are perceived as swift arrows approaching their target. There are literally a few seconds left until the finish. However, the map allows for another interpretation, which, in my opinion, is better combined with the visual image.

8 Staves is a unique card in its own way. There is no image of a person on it in any form. Only in the distance on a hill can a certain building be discerned.

According to one of the philosophical concepts of time, time arises only when there is someone who can track it. The absence of people is identical to the absence of time. The map design does not allow you to determine whether the staves are flying up or falling down.

There is no time in this map, no past and future, no present. There is just a huge, gigantic pause.


  • Pause
  • Slowdown
  • Calm
  • Lack of people
  • Passivity
  • Expectation

Key Ideas

  • Do not hurry
  • Don't interfere with what's happening
  • Let events take their course
  • Take a break

Basic meaning

Waite considers the Arcana strictly according to the canons of the Golden Dawn. For him, the meaning of Tarot card 8 (Eight) of Staves (Wands) manifests itself as activity in business, swiftness on the path and in business, great urgency and any movement in general. Connection with Sagittarius gives a somewhat unexpected meaning - arrows of love. By the way, Waite's passing mention of arrows led to the fact that today arrows can be found on many clones of the Rider-Waite deck.

Waite indicates such meanings of the inverted 8 (Eight) of Wands (Mace) Tarot as arrows of jealousy, reproaches of conscience, and for spouses - family disagreements.

Modern meanings of the card have undergone significant changes. Today this card is perceived as a pause, a stop of movement. The card indicates the need to take a passive position and not interfere in ongoing processes.

Video: Meaning of the Eight of Wands card

Meaning in relationships

Open - hole card

Closed card. The meaning of 8 (Eight) of Wands of the Tarot in love speaks of a pause in relationships, the absence of relationships. The person is not interested in new contacts and does not strive to maintain relationships.

Relationship intensity

The intensity of the relationship is low and tends to zero. People do not show any feelings or emotions towards each other because they do not experience anything.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

In my opinion, this is a very good card for working relationships. There are no emotions, and therefore one of the causes of instability has been neutralized.

The antipode of “carriage frankness” is formal politeness.

Sometimes this card is mistaken for the situation: “You need to live separately for a while to sort out your feelings.” This is not true: there are no feelings here, so there is nothing to understand. The Eight of Staves indicates a pause, something frozen and stopped. This is an exclusively static map, there is no dynamics in it. There is no process going on, including the process of examining one’s feelings.

In the Eight of Staves, people, while continuing to live under one roof, live as if in parallel universes and different dimensions. And they do not intersect, do not interact, they have no basis for conflicts or tensions. Their worlds don’t touch, they have nothing to deal with.

In combination with the Major Arcana

  • in combination with the card: Prolonged period of fooling around
  • in combination with the card: the meaning of the 8 Tarot Wands in combination with the Arcana Hermit speaks of loneliness for a long time
  • in combination with the card: Whatever is happening now, the situation will soon change for the better
  • in combination with the card: Mired in lies

Psychological condition

The map describes several emotional states.

Braking phase. Excitement gave way to inhibition. Nothing interesting, nothing attractive. Both good and bad do not take a person out of the state of emotional zero.

Indifference. There is a person - good, no person - also not bad. “The squad did not notice the loss of a fighter.” Other people's successes lead neither to joy nor to envy. Other people's misfortunes do not make you sympathize or gloat.

Forced detachment. In rare cases, the card indicates that stressful, peak states are contraindicated for a person. Including because he may simply not survive them. In such cases, doctors advise: “Yes, my friend, you need peace!”

In combination with the suit of Wands

  • in combination with the card: Waiting brings victory
  • in combination with the card: Be honest and noble for a long time
  • in combination with the card: Living with memories of the past

Importance in health matters

8 of Staves is a very stable card, it does not imply changes. Whether your health is good or bad, nothing will change for a long time.

The meaning of the Eight of Wands Tarot in matters of health indicates stagnation. This may be a psychological situation of stagnation, when a person becomes fixated on one problem and his thoughts go in circles. It can literally be stagnation, such as constipation.

If stopping is beneficial, then there is no need to change anything. If this is a problem, then push gently and smoothly. For example, massage the abdomen to get the intestines working.

In combination with the suit of Cups

  • in combination with the card: Long emotionally favorable period
  • in combination with the card: Living with unreasonable hopes
  • in combination with the card: The future is extremely favorable

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, controllability, controllability

The situation is calm, stable, balanced. It is easy to control and manage, the most important thing is not to interfere with the natural course of things. This will last a long time, so gentle control over the situation is important, without trying to force events.

The process is stuck at some point, not necessarily the highest, the main thing is that it is frozen, does not develop, but does not tend to worsen.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

Neither an increase nor a decrease in profitability is predicted. Therefore, there are no instructions on how to make a profit. Moreover, any action will likely make the situation worse. The hardest thing is to refrain from interfering with the current process, but you can start planning something new.

General state of finances and trends of changes

Financial condition is not a cause for concern. Whatever it is, the situation is stable and will not worsen. There are no ups or downs to be expected in the near future, but the absence of bad news is in itself good news.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

Today there is a good opportunity to calmly, without fuss, lay the foundation for your future, to plan based on your real financial capabilities. The monthly income is enough to stay at the same level, however (and this is the negative impact of the card) - the amount that we could easily get by with yesterday may seem insufficient today. The contradiction between capabilities and needs causes irritation and a natural desire to force events, which is extremely undesirable.

The meaning of the Eight of Wands Tarot as the card of the day: Today you should not take any active actions

Card of the day Caution

You lose control of what is happening. Monotony lulls you to sleep

In combination with the suit of Pentacles

  • in combination with the card: Habitual poverty
  • in combination with the card: Stable financial situation for a long period
  • in combination with the card: The need for long-term study

Questions to Ask When Drawing 8 Staves

  • What makes you passive and indifferent?
  • How difficult is it for you to be passive in this situation?
  • Is the absence of people around you a blessing or a problem?
  • How long can you hold a pause?

The 8 of Wands card is a favorable card in the reading. It symbolizes the onset of favorable circumstances, speaks of the movement of affairs forward, and the absence of obstacles to the fulfillment of desires. In its inverted meaning, the card has an unfavorable meaning and is interpreted as long-term stagnation in business.

The 8 of Wands card is a favorable card in the reading

Meaning of the Eight of Wands of the Tarot: general and reversed meaning in the reading. Analysis at a deep level: relationships, financial situation, work and health

The Eight of Wands of the Tarot in a reading speaks of a favorable time for solving complex problems, and of the dynamics of developments in a favorable direction. If the questioner thinks about long-term plans, then their implementation is already close, or the matter must move from a dead point and move into the decisive phase.

- the only card in the tarot deck that speaks of solving matters in the near future, of accelerating events. The Eight of Staves indicates a change in affairs, faster than expected, or changes that have begun but are not yet visible.

If the questioner has a question about the lost balance in business, then this card clearly indicates the onset of balance in the near future. The card can be described as - newly opened breath. Help will soon come not only in business, but also in the spiritual sphere (the questioner will receive a powerful charge of energy and strength, and will be inspired).

The appearance of the Eight of Wands in the layout indicates imminent changes and is a card of a quick and favorable combination of circumstances (a fast and profitable air flight, receiving a profitable deal, the onset of favorable working moments).

Sometimes a card in its literal meaning can be interpreted as:

  • A quick trip or solving problems with going on a trip.
  • A trip to a country picnic with family or colleagues.
  • Vacation or unplanned days off.
  • Receiving an important message.
  • The onset of favorable conditions for resolving stagnant cases.

Reversed card meaning

In an inverted meaning, the card does not bode well for the questioner. She says that there is no need to take any action.

In the professional sphere, under the influence of bureaucracy, stagnation will occur and complications in business are possible, such as:

  • Stoppages in the operation of the enterprise (unforeseen).
  • Loss of strength and energy, complete lack of inspiration.
  • Lack of time to solve problems (nothing gets done on time).

The inverted meaning of the card also speaks of the questioner’s indecision in business and solving problems. Indicates a lack of self-confidence and anxiety. The questioner hesitates in making his decisions.

The inverted card of this lasso also indicates the presence of disagreements in relations between partners in the business sphere (and sometimes in relations between spouses). The meaning in real life may appear as:

  • Envy.
  • Lie.
  • Incompatibility of ambitions.
  • Jealousy.
  • Confrontation.
  • Cooling of feelings between spouses.

If direct meaning cards indicate the presence of synchronization in affairs and coincidence (situations and characters to achieve set goals), then the inverted meaning screams about incompatibility and disagreements.

When the questioner gets a card with an inverted meaning, there is a high risk of encountering falsehood and false promises.

Deep map analysis

The Eight of Wands card has a deeper meaning for every area of ​​life, especially when it manifests itself in combination with various arcana. The overall deep meaning of the card speaks of an explosion of vital energy and synchronization of all spheres.

And light and shadow in its manifestation symbolize advice and warning. He speaks of the coming of a time when it is necessary to think globally and act actively.

Meaning in personal state

In the personal state, the card manifests itself as:

  • The emergence of insight.
  • The onset of new discoveries.
  • The newly discovered ability to see something new in the old.
  • Capture information that is not available to other people.

The mood of the fortuneteller is characterized as heuristic and promotes personal growth. For the questioner, new horizons open up and the following qualities appear:

  • Love of life.
  • Emotionality.
  • Inspiration.
  • Energy.

The card in its personal meaning indicates the emergence of ease in assimilation of information, solving individual plans and tasks, and in building competent business tactics.

A good map for travelers and people who plan to explore unexplored areas of business. If a fortuneteller gets this card in a reading, it means for him that fate is pursuing him, and chance is protecting him.

Implications for the professional sphere

The card that appears in the layout for work indicates the emergence of dynamics in relation to the professional sphere. Symbolizes the onset of activity and calls for rapid action while a favorable moment is present. In the professional sphere, a favorable period is coming for the development of a business that has long been in an unfavorable stage (stagnation).

Most often, in the professional sphere, the card is interpreted:

  • As a chance for favorable conditions for development in any area of ​​business.
  • A favorable outcome of events, if previously it (the outcome) was interpreted differently.
  • A turning point that, with rapid action, can become decisive in making a profit.
  • The appearance of unexpected offers of a profitable nature.
  • Receiving a lucrative offer from an employer.
  • Successful change of work area or place of work.

The location of eight wands on the map, flying in the same direction, indicates the purposefulness of the action and the synchronization of favorable events.

Sometimes a layout with this card is interpreted as development in a business related to innovation.

Financial significance

The meaning of the card is intertwined with the financial sphere and means the onset of a favorable period in the financial sphere and in the conduct of affairs in which finances are involved. For the fortuneteller, new sources of income appear and new investments are made. If the question concerns obtaining a loan on favorable terms or a mortgage, then this card indicates a successful decision.

It is not uncommon for a fortuneteller to be promoted or receive a bonus.

When it comes to the harvest, the questioner receives an answer about the onset of a fertile period.

The card means the onset of a favorable period in the financial sector

Personal relationships

All ancient interpreters claim that the card means the onset of a new period of relationships, the emergence of a feeling of falling in love. Passion flares up again between lovers and new feelings emerge. Relationships take on colors.

For those who don't have a pair yet, the card means the occurrence of an event through which the fortuneteller will meet his fate.

Health status

If we are talking about the state of health, then the card reveals three concepts:

  • The emergence of new strength and energy.
  • Correct distribution of human biorhythms.
  • Excessive production of adrenaline.

The body of the questioner is subjected to multiple attacks from both stressful situations and the production of internal human hormones, but successfully resists these factors.

Revealing the meaning of the card in combinations

The Eight of Wands in combination with other arcana is interpreted more deeply than when manifested in a single meaning.

The card may appear in a layout next to the major arcana and mean:

  • The jester is a manifestation of spontaneity in business and attitudes towards work.
  • Magician - means speeding up the process compared to other things.
  • The High Priestess - symbolizes the revelation of a secret plan.
  • Empress - says that the time has come to collect the gifts of fate.
  • Emperor - means the appearance of unexpected news in the house or at work.
  • Hierophant - indicates the emergence of news in the family.
  • Lovers - speaks of the appearance new love or increased passion in a married couple.
  • Chariot - receiving unexpected letter.
  • Force - indicates that a conspiracy is being prepared against the questioner with the threat of the use of force.
  • Hermit - warns of disturbance of peace.
  • The Wheel of Fortune prophesies to the questioner a whole whirlpool of events that will completely capture him.
  • Justice - indicates that it is necessary to go to court to resolve the issue.
  • Hanged Man - interpreted as: a bolt from the blue.
  • Death - for a fortuneteller, means the emergence of progressive changes.
  • Moderation - encourages the questioner to forget about the situation.
  • Devil - warning about the possibility of falling into the clutches of the devil.
  • Tower - calls for consciously stirring up a heap of problems.
  • Star - indicates that the fortuneteller is one step away from fulfilling his dream.
  • Moon - warning about the possibility of falling for a cunning scam.
  • The sun - add glory to the one to whom the fortune telling is directed.
  • Court - warns of unexpected insight.
  • Peace - says that the questioner needs to use the help of a patron.