The meaning of the card is 10 of Cups. Meaning of the card in the upright position

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The image of this minor arcana is replete with symbols that carry a joyful, bright and more than favorable meaning. The card usually shows the couple raising their hands towards a rainbow shining in the sky. Their children are frolicking next to the couple.

An image of an arcana from the classic Rider-Waite Tarot deck.

The clear sky, without a single cloud, not only symbolizes peace and tranquility - it showed a rainbow, which means divine protection, patronage, mercy and absolute happiness. In addition, a rainbow is a sign of peace after a thunderstorm, the end of a period of bad weather, and well-deserved joy. Ten golden cups shine against the background of a rainbow, signifying abundance, fun, and relaxation.

A green valley stretches in front of the happy spouses, where one can see a river, meaning emotions, trees, symbolizing life, and a house, as a symbol of home, strength and security.

A man can be seen wearing orange clothes; this color signifies vitality, youthful energy and fertility. The woman is dressed in a red dress - a symbol of sexuality, but over it is thrown a blue robe, signifying spirituality. The spouses are harmonious, they complement each other perfectly.


The Ten of Cups means a peaceful, joyful marriage, symbolizes home, native land, a place where a person feels happy, harmony in the family. This card is very favorable when it comes to feelings and the sphere of emotions. She promises perfect and shared love, ardent friendship and affection, absolute happiness. It can often foreshadow a harmonious union or marriage.

However, in the case when the alignment is related to business issues, the Ten of Cups speaks of some difficulties in business, of obstacles that will not be easy to cope with. At the same time, the minor arcana reports that friendly contacts will be very useful in a business environment.

When reversed, the Ten of Cups signifies strong negative emotions such as rage, anger, irritation or worry. In addition, it can predict a quarrel or breakup of an existing relationship, friendship or love.

Tarot card Ten of Cups and its meaning in readings for love and relationships

A direct card in love means a harmonious union, happy relationships, altruism. This is well-deserved long-awaited happiness, serious and sincere feelings, complete satisfaction in all areas of relationships. Characterizing a person, the Ten of Cups indicates his deep, subtle nature.

Inverted, the Ten of Cups means a relationship without joy, a feeling of lack of something emotionally, petty quarrels. Combinations with other cards will give a more complete picture of what is happening.

Tarot card Ten of Cups and its meaning in work and career readings

The direct card means a favorable mood for work, a strong position, impeccable performance of duties and receiving decent pay. In addition, the Ten of Cups means receiving respect and encouragement. Another interpretation of this lasso is positive changes or a bright victory.

The Ten of Cups reversed means searching for the right solution; joyless routine everyday life, producing a painful influence, as well as confrontation in the team, the presence of intrigue and gossip. Sometimes the Ten of Cups indicates a lack of professional knowledge and experience.

Interpretation of the Tarot card Ten of Cups in health readings

In combination with negative cards or when reversed, the Ten of Cups indicates hereditary diseases, high blood pressure, dropsy, varicose veins and the danger of drug overdose.

Combinations with other cards:

Ten of Cups combined with the Major Arcana:

With “The Jester” – no pressure from family relationships;

With “Magician” – manipulation of others;

With the “High Priestess” - successful completion of the period of study;

With “The Empress” - possible motherhood promises to be cloudless;

With “Emperor” - happiness in the home, good relationships with colleagues;

With “Papa” - spiritual kinship;

With “Lovers” - in love - the union of two hearts, marriage;

With the “Chariot” - celebrations associated with marriage;

With “Strength” - achievement inner harmony, good health;

With “The Hermit” - avoidance of companies, desire for solitude;

With the “Wheel of Fortune” the situation will begin to move;

With “Justice” – the influence of others;

With “The Hanged Man” - the judgment of society can bring trouble;

With “Death” - changes in personal life;

With “Moderation” – favorable relationships, harmonious communication;

With the “Devil” - an excessive desire to shine in society;

With “Star” - a common goal will unite two or more people;

With “Moon” – illusions, immersion in emotions, separation from reality;

With the “Sun” - absolute happiness in any type of relationship;

With “Court” - well-deserved joy and happiness;

With “Peace” – harmony in life.

Ten of Cups combined with some Minor Arcana

With the “Ace of Wands” - the beginning of a relationship;

With the “Two of Wands” – moving is possible;

With the “Four of Wands” - a family celebration;

With the “Seven of Wands” – criticism;

With the “Ten of Wands” - the influence of loved ones, a visit from relatives, unexpected receipt of money is possible.

With the “Ace of Cups” - great love;

With the “Two of Cups” - an alliance, a strong family;

With the “Four of Cups” - longing for someone;

With the “Seven of Cups” - illusory happiness;

With the “Nine of Cups” - true and bright happiness;

With the “Page of Cups” - a pleasant offer is possible;

With the “Knight of Cups” - a romantic date;

The “Queen of Cups” falling next to it means the beloved, and the “King of Cups” means the beloved.

With the “Ace of Swords” - difficulties in the family will be resolved;

There are serious disagreements with the Three of Swords;

With the “Four of Swords” - difficulties in your personal life will be eliminated, but achieving this will not be easy;

With the Five of Swords, problems in working and business relationships are possible;

With the “Eight of Swords” – experiencing feelings of guilt;

With the “Nine of Swords” - worries about your loved ones;

With the “Ten of Swords” there is a serious problem, a strong emotional shock;

With the “Page of Swords” – minor disagreements;

With the “King of Swords” - the interests of the family will be protected.

Four tens in the scenario promise resounding success, before the onset of which a period of decline and sadness is possible. The obstacles that arose during this period will be overcome quite successfully.

Three tens mean legal problems, possibly related to a lawsuit. They may also foretell the receipt of a letter of business content, which will inform about a favorable resolution of the existing problem.

Two dozen report the emergence of new duties and responsibilities, and a move to a new job is not ruled out. These changes will be favorable.

If the lasso means a person:

In the Animal Kingdom Tarot deck, the Ten of Cups is represented by a pair of Penguins - peaceful birds that are a symbol of a strong, friendly family that carefully cares for their offspring.

The Ten of Cups may indicate a person who cares about the interests of the questioner. As a rule, he is a friendly, open person, quite emotional and has good intuition.

If the alignment is devoted to business issues and the theme of partnership or cooperation, the Ten of Cups advises entering into a business alliance with such a person.

If the theme of the layout is feelings, then this card can mean a person experiencing pure, strong love.

The zodiac sign of this card is Pisces, which reminds us that the suit of cups belongs to the element of Water.

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The meaning of the Ten of Cups is the ruler of eternal joy. On the lasso is an image of a happy married couple with two small children. The couple froze with their hands raised to the sky, on which there is a rainbow, indicated by ten beautiful bowls. Two children are playing on the ground next to their parents.

Adults are calm, their pose symbolizes gratitude to higher powers for the happiness and harmony that fills their lives. In the astrological aspect of the chart there is a conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter in the zodiac Cancer, which is a symbol of comfort and kindness.



Ten is most often designated by tarot readers as a family card. It indicates spiritual unity between people, mutual assistance, happiness and home comfort.

For those who have not yet tied the knot, this lasso can act as a card of marriage or a successful union, which sooner or later will be legalized. Another meaning of the lasso is obligations to your loved ones and attention to their interests and needs.


In an inverted meaning, the card will be interpreted as a lack of mutual understanding between people, discontent and mistrust, conflicts and attempts to put pressure on a loved one.

Most often, the one who received this card is currently very dissatisfied with the circumstances of his own life, but does not make any attempts to change it, cultivating negative emotions in himself.

Value in layouts


He says that a person enjoys his own life. He is surrounded by comfort, his financial situation is stable, and his health does not cause any concern. Thanks to prosperity and harmony in life, he is in a state of complete peace of mind and balance.

When reversed, this card denotes poor living conditions.. Perhaps the house where you live is located in a disadvantaged area, or perhaps there is environmental or energy pollution in the living space itself.

Love and relationships

In fortune telling, the Ten of Cups is a card of climax. It indicates the peak development of feelings in the relationship between a man and a woman. For lovers, the lasso can become a symbol of a marriage proposal or the birth of a child.

For those who have recently met their soulmate or are still looking for one, the card can indicate a declaration of love, first physical intimacy, or the very acquaintance with the future chosen one.

A reversed lasso indicates a loss of love and respect in a relationship.. Partners begin to feel irritated and dissatisfied with each other. Quarrels and conflict situations may become more frequent.


In layouts for a specific question, the direct position of the card indicates an affirmative answer and the rapid achievement of the desired result. The existing problems and troubles will soon be resolved, and you will be able to enjoy the results of your work and get what you have dreamed of for so long.

The reversed position indicates the risk of being betrayed by the person closest to you., whom you have endowed with your love and boundless trust for a long time.


In a professional situation, the Ten of Cups is a symbol of the fact that a person really loves his job, which is why it brings him not only a good income, but also moral satisfaction. This is a card of triumph, successful completion of projects, transition to a new professional level.

In an inverted position, the lasso that falls out during fortune telling becomes a sign of broken harmony and mutual understanding in the team. The card means disruption of planned events, delays in business, conflicts with superiors, emotional rejection of one’s work.

Combination with other Tarot

Major Arcana:

  • With map "Jester"- you will feel free from obligations to loved ones.
  • With map "Magician"— you shouldn’t try to manipulate the opinions of others, you will quickly be exposed.
  • With map "High Priestess"— you will gain new knowledge that will help you get out of a difficult situation in the future.
  • With map "Empress"- for a woman, the card indicates a possible pregnancy, for men - paternity.
  • With map "Emperor"— harmony in the family, meetings with relatives, help and support of loved ones.
  • With map "Lovers"- relationships with your loved one will be marked by a joyful event.
  • With map "Chariot"- expect to receive good news, after which you have a long journey ahead.
  • With map "Force"- you are in a state of harmony with your inner world.
  • With map "Hermit"- do not ignore the advice of others, you should enlist their support.
  • With map "Wheel of Fortune"— you can implement your plans only if you find like-minded people.
  • With map "Justice"- don’t give it too much great importance public opinion.
  • With map "Hanged"- they will try to make you a pawn in someone else’s plans, be careful.
  • With map "Death"- changes in family life are possible, most likely not for the better.
  • With map "Moderation"- an internal conflict during which you have to make a difficult choice.
  • With map "Devil"- the threat of falling under the influence of others, beware of fanatical and dependent people.
  • With map "Tower"- an unfavorable combination for love relationships, it means a breakup, family breakdown.
  • With map "Star"— you will develop new interests that will help you make useful contacts in the future.
  • With map "Moon"- do not let others in on your plans, let everything remain a secret until it comes true.
  • With map "Sun"- joyful events and family events.
  • With map "Court"- you shouldn’t elevate yourself above others, you will only cause hostility and discontent.
  • With map "World"- communication with people close to you in spirit and interests, a feeling of unity with others.


  • WITH Ace of Wands– devote time to new ideas and projects.
  • WITH Two of Wands– hassles associated with moving or traveling.
  • WITH Three of Wands– and harmony in the family.
  • WITH Four of Wands- good news, followed by a holiday.
  • WITH Five of Wands– disagreements between close people.
  • WITH Six of Wands– it is better to refuse trips and trips.
  • WITH Seven of Wands– You may be subject to attacks and criticism.
  • WITH Eight of Wands– hear from an old friend.
  • WITH Nine of Wands– Don’t let your family interfere in your life.
  • WITH Ten of Wands– conflict situations in communication with management.
  • WITH Page with a baton– news about family affairs.
  • WITH Knight of Wands- an unexpected journey awaits you soon.
  • WITH Queen of Wands- a wise woman will support you in difficult times.
  • WITH King of Wands– disagreements with a man who is higher in status.


  • WITH Ace of Cups– experience the pleasure of communicating with your loved one.
  • WITH Two of Cups- the family idyll will turn out to be deceptive.
  • WITH Three of Cups– gain respect in the eyes of others.
  • WITH Four of Cups– you will miss your loved one.
  • WITH Five of Cups– an unpleasant situation in relations with family.
  • WITH Six of Cups– It’s not time to dream, it’s time to act.
  • WITH Seven of Cups– don’t let yourself be misled.
  • WITH Eight of Cups– There may be a feeling of loneliness and helplessness.
  • WITH Nine of Cups- absolute happiness.
  • WITH Page of Cups- get a good offer from your superiors.
  • WITH Knight of Cups– attending a large-scale event.
  • WITH Queen of Cups- communication with a close friend.
  • WITH King of Cups- an old friend will remind you of himself.


  • WITH Ace of Swords– resolution of family conflicts.
  • WITH Two of Swords- distrust on the part of a loved one.
  • WITH Three of Swords– differences in views can lead to quarrels in the team.
  • WITH Four of Swords- the truce in the family will be temporary.
  • WITH Five of Swords– you will become the object of someone else’s aggression.
  • WITH Six of Swords- a good time to visit loved ones.
  • WITH Seven of Swords– do not neglect your responsibilities.
  • WITH Eight of Swords– a feeling of guilt may appear.
  • WITH Nine of Swords– anxiety for one of the relatives.
  • WITH Ten of Swords- tragic events in the family.
  • WITH Page of Swords- minor family troubles.
  • WITH Knight of swords- quarrels due to unwillingness to put up with other people's shortcomings.
  • WITH Queen of Swords– open conflict will lead to a breakdown of ties.
  • WITH King of Swords– you will begin to protect the interests of a loved one.


  • WITH Ace of Pentacles– receive a business proposal.
  • WITH Two of Pentacles- you will have to fight for your happiness.
  • WITH Three of Pentacles– You should devote more time to work.
  • WITH Four of Pentacles– receiving small amounts of money.
  • WITH Five of Pentacles– don’t ask anyone for help.
  • WITH Six of Pentacles– get outside support.
  • WITH Seven of Pentacles– don’t give free rein to your emotions.
  • WITH Eight of Pentacles- proposal for a new one.
  • WITH Nine of Pentacles– you should be more economical.
  • WITH Ten of Pentacles– financial assistance from a relative.
  • WITH Page of Pentacles- unpleasant news from work.
  • WITH Knight of Pentacles- receiving a large sum of money.
  • WITH Queen of Pentacles– don’t miss out on your benefits.
  • WITH King of Pentacles– don’t lend money to anyone.

On this day, the lasso predicts success in all matters affecting the material aspect of life. There is a high probability that, having received such a card in a reading, you will soon rise to a new step up the career ladder. Relationships with loved ones will bring only joy. Try to spend as much time as possible with them.

The Ten of Cups reversed today means tension in relationships with others, incontinence in emotions. Be careful in contacts with unfamiliar people. I may try to put pressure on you, which will lead to serious consequences.

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Ten of Cups – Minor Arcana

From an astrological perspective, the Ten of Cups corresponds to the Moon in a harmonious union with Jupiter, which symbolizes the comfort of the hearth, family harmony and warmth. This is the third decanate of Pisces, which is ruled by Mars.

Other names for the Ten of Cups: Ten of Cups.

Brief description of the Arcana: Family hearth, Love, Home comfort, Perfect success.

Description of Tens of Cups

Traditional decks depict a happy married couple on the Ten of Cups, who have experienced parental happiness and have two charming children. They are together as one. They are not threatened by anything and their surroundings do not distract their attention from each other.

In the background is a safe family home that serves as their safest shelter in the world. They are happy, as indicated by ten filled cups placed above their heads.

In the Age of Aquarius Tarot, this Arcana depicts a couple in a house. The man knelt in front of the woman, placing his head on her lap. She hugged him tenderly. They are happy in each other's company and don't need anyone else. The cups are located on the sides of them.

The sacred meaning of the Ten of Cups

The deep understanding of the card lies in its completely straightforward picture: the Arcana depicts a happy family against the backdrop of their family hearth. Of course, in a sacred sense, Arcanum means union, but it is, first of all, a union of consciousness and subconscious, spirit and body, feminine and masculine principles. In a word, this is integrity, unity, harmony.

The Arcanum points to the absolute connection of the spiritual world with the material, and a person reached this state through a series of exhausting lessons, each time rising to a new level and gaining valuable experience. He developed spiritually, and the material world changed with him.

The Ten of Cups can be said to describe the highest level of spiritual achievement. There is still room to go forward, but this is no longer possible for a person during his earthly incarnation. Currently, a person can only comprehend the truth that his Spirit is immeasurable, but limited by the body, desires, aspirations, and attachments. One has only to let go of everything earthly and superficial, and the Spirit will soar to unattainable heights.

The card describes unconditional happiness, but only earthly happiness. Having completed the lesson of this Arcanum, a person, oddly enough, begins to experience pain from the understanding that he is being held back by the worldly, the material. Dissatisfaction grows, which forces a person to leave the peace and grace of the Ten of Cups in order to take a step in search of absolute truth, the awareness of his higher Self.

Mythological correspondence of the Ten of Cups

In mythology, the Arcana corresponds to the story of the wedding of Harmony and Cadmus. This was the first wedding for which the gods came down from Olympus to bestow their generous gifts on the newlyweds.

The meaning of the Ten of Cups line in the layout

The Ten of Cups always signifies home, family happiness, and serious love relationships. If it appears in the scenario, then you should understand that everything that happens in one way or another concerns precisely this area of ​​human life. Whether the impact of the event on the family or home will be favorable or unfavorable - this will be shown by the nearby Arcana.

In general, the card denotes harmony, emotional and spiritual fulfillment, and successful completion. It is considered a good sign when a card appears in a reading. It enhances all the positive cards of the layout and significantly reduces the negative impact of the “heavy” ones.

The Ten of Cups predicts a very successful future, devoid of problems. This is a map that describes human happiness in full. It promises the most positive solution to the problem; the task that the person has set for himself will be completed with great success.

Many tarot readers use the common phrase “light at the end of the tunnel” to understand the positive aspects of this card. It means a favorable way out of a situation of any complexity and confusion.

The meaning of the reversed Ten of Cups in a reading

The inverted Ten of Cups suggests that at the moment there is an imbalance in relations not only between people, but also towards material things. Desires exceed possibilities.

Since this card is related to home and family ties, it will indicate discord, quarrels, misunderstandings, and lack of harmony between partners. Also, the inverted Ten of Cups is accompanied by a loss of trust among friends, employees, squabbles, omissions, and in rare cases even rage and a thirst for revenge. Especially if the Minor Arcana of the Swords suit or the “heavy” Major Arcana are nearby.

The card most often describes various relationships not only in the family, but also among participants in some events or situations, therefore, inverted, it indicates that there is some kind of forced relationship between people, an illusion of well-being and mutual understanding, while each of the participants “holds a stone in his bosom.”

The Ten of Cups reversed can also speak of people's dishonesty, the loss of illusions towards them, the disappointment that usually brings severe pain, up to grief, anger.


If the Ten of Cups falls in a work scenario, then the person can be congratulated on unprecedented success. He was able to achieve everything that was possible, which allowed him to feel triumphant and even count on “resting on his laurels.” Everything a person does he loves. The activity brings him both material and emotional satisfaction. However, the card also indicates that the time has come to move to a qualitatively new level, since the current one will no longer be able to bring that satisfaction to a person due to complete realization. Roughly speaking, there is no way to move forward here. This is the peak of your career.

The card can also speak of recognition of merit, which is especially noted by others, fame and honor. In fact, this is the acquisition of unquestioning authority, which will already serve further prosperity and prosperity.

If we are talking about a team, then this Arcanum shows the most favorable disposition of employees towards each other. The team is united and works like one family. Understanding in such a team is complete. Because everyone is obsessed with the same idea, the business produces amazing results. It is the Ten of Cups that speaks of collective success, while the Nine speaks of individual success.

The lasso can also indicate success if it is a family business or if relatives are accepted into the team.

Financially, this Arcanum is very favorable. It shows the achievement of the maximum possible profit in a given business, but this is only at the cost of the impeccable work of the entire team.

An inverted Arcanum shows that the business is in critical condition, but the reason lies in the fact that an unhealthy atmosphere reigns in the team. People do not work together, there is misunderstanding and even unwillingness to understand each other. There may also be unhealthy rivalry, a struggle for a career at any cost, which leads to a decrease in productivity.

This is a map of a crisis, but a crisis, rather, of a social nature. Everyone sets their own goals without coordinating them with others. Business partners do not perceive each other and do not take into account each other’s opinions. Everyone pulls the blanket in their own direction. Constant squabbles, quarrels, mutual accusations and actions “on the sly.”

Direction of self-development

For self-development, it is important for a person to understand that everything he did before led him to unconditional success. He can afford to enjoy this success, sharing it with loved ones.

However, Arkan gives a lesson in which a person must understand that in no case should one idealize this success, consider it only his own, as was the case with the Nine of Cups. Only complete understanding with others and the support of loved ones led to him. In no case should you belittle their merits, since this can increase your pride and lose spiritual achievements.

The inverted Arcana teaches you to find a common language with others: this will help you achieve success and achieve your goals. If you do not learn this lesson, then success will become impossible, and negative feelings will eat away at the soul, preventing it from pursuing its highest purpose.

Personal relationships

We can say that for personal relationships this is perhaps the most revealing card. It shows the highest degree of love and mutual understanding between partners in any union. If we are talking about family, then here is a strong union, proven over the years not by adversity. Or ready for such checks. If partnerships are considered, then the partners are so close to each other that they are considered practically family members.

The card shows all the most favorable things that can be associated with a family: the birth of a child, marriage, engagement or marriage proposal, pleasant moments, successful joint housekeeping, prosperity in the home and the health of family members. In essence, this card personifies a complete understanding of family happiness as such.

You can say that the couple is in a honeymoon state, and it doesn’t matter that they have been together for several years. Their honeymoon can last as long as desired. Partners are very kind to each other, and sometimes it seems that they are able to retire even in a huge circle of people. The main characteristics of such relationships are complete trust, sincere feelings and pronounced positive emotions, tenderness, mutual understanding, and empathy. These are the perfect halves of one apple. The Ten of Cups is the Arcana of absolute family values.

The card can also talk about restoring relationships after a scandal, quarrel, and even after a breakup. Moreover, this restoration became possible thanks to both partners, thanks to their desire to be together.

If the Ten of Cups falls on a lonely person, this means that a fateful meeting awaits him, which will bring him mutual love and happiness. Even if a person was an inveterate bachelor, with such a card he simply will not be able to remain in his previous positions. He will want family warmth and comfort, find shelter, swim to the shore, where happiness awaits him.

Another meaning of the card is good neighborly relations. She talks about good friendship between neighbors. About such relationships we can say that neighbors do not close their doors from each other.

Inverted, the Arcanum denotes a dark period in the life of a family or rather difficult personal relationships. Here people feel resentment, are angry with each other and no one wants to give in to anyone. Inverted, the card also indicates threshold negative relationships, especially if the “heavy” Major Arcana, as well as the Minor Arcana of the suit of Swords, are located nearby. With Death (XIII Arcanum) or with the Tower (XVI Arcanum), the Ten of Cups in an inverted position will show a break in relationships, divorce.

The inverted Ten of Cups also indicates the departure of children from home, and parents with this departure will feel lonely, which cannot but affect their relationships.

For a lonely person, this card does not promise anything good in terms of changes in his life. He is simply not ready for an alliance with someone, so he cannot find a suitable partner. We can say that such a person lacks the magnetism that attracts a soul mate. Relationships, if present, are not serious.

This card can also appear if the layout is for a marriage of convenience, in which the spouses each live their own lives and are not at all interested in each other. This is a forced coexistence, which at this stage is simply impossible to break.

Personality characteristics

The map describes, rather, not the personality itself, but only its current state. This is a person who has achieved significant success in his life and is at the peak of happiness. He can afford a relaxed state and even a long rest, since he always has people nearby who will pick up his work.

This is the card of the impeccable family man, because in family relationships Everything is so perfect that you just don’t want to look for good from good. Such a person full order in relationships with children, friends, relatives, co-workers. He is in complete harmony with society, not to mention himself.

The person described by this card is always sincere and open. He is always in a good mood, nothing can make him angry, because he has surrounded himself only with people who understand.

This is the Arcana of a person for whom home is above all. It can be easily recognized by the perfect idyll in everything, including the decor and cleanliness of the house. For him, comfort and harmonious relationships are the greatest value, for which he is ready to work hard.

Since this card is not individual, when reversed it shows a person who has great difficulty in building relationships. This may be due both to his character and to the mental trauma suffered due to a break in a relationship with someone.

This is a very gloomy and touchy person who does not strive to build anything, he is apathetic towards others. Sometimes people irritate him quite a lot, making him angry, and he does not hide his emotions. This is a quarrelsome and contradictory person with whom it is quite difficult to find a common language. He is selfish and fixated only on his own problems, and does not want to listen to others.

The Ten of Cups reversed falls on a person who has gone through a divorce and is experiencing pain mixed with resentment and plans for revenge. This is not the person himself, but his current state, which will go away over time.


Ten of Cups in upright position shows the absence of health problems, an excellent environment and a great emotional background. For a person who has struggled with illness, this card will show complete recovery, rehabilitation and successful treatment.

This card speaks of a stable mental state and peace of mind.

When turned upside down, Arkan warns of something unfavorable to human health. environment. This may concern both air pollution and poor background radiation, as well as problems with the emotional background of the person himself.

Layout for the situation

Any situation in the event of the Ten of Cups falling on it must be considered from the perspective of all participants in the event. The card suggests that all forces are currently being used to resolve the situation, which will lead to a favorable result.

The map shows the successful completion of the work started, fruitful work, efforts that will be crowned with success. This is always an auspicious card as it denotes triumph. It is also beneficial in any everyday situation.

The Ten of Cups can talk about the acquisition of real estate, as well as receiving a gift from close relatives or an inheritance. In fact, the card itself already indicates the presence of a house, and, as an option, about the father’s house.

Quite often, the Ten of Cups appears as a clue indicating that the situation is either happening in the house itself or is directly related to it. If a person treats his office like a home, spends a huge amount of time in it and values ​​it, the Ten of Cups will point to him as well.

The card always speaks of a person’s security in any situation. Since this Arcanum denotes a house, security can be explained by the expression “my home is my fortress.” This security is one of the components of the success of the situation itself.

In an inverted form, Arkan points to unfavorable surrounding circumstances that prevent the situation from being resolved the way the person would like. This is aggravated by the fact that the person himself is not in the best emotional state, provoking scandals with those people on whom the development of the situation depends.

The card can also indicate problems in the home. They can be both physical (destruction, breakdowns) and emotional (scandals, ambulances). She also talks about the alienation of property for various reasons. With neighboring Justice (XI Arcanum), this alienation may be due to litigation or divorce.

An inverted card can also indicate scandalous departure of children from home.

Card of the day

On this day, a person will experience an uplift in everything. His business will progress successfully, he will feel support from all sides. Harmony and mutual understanding will reign in the family.

This is a wonderful day to improve relationships, make peace after a quarrel with a loved one or friends, or put an end to a protracted dispute.

The inverted Arcanum warns that today is a day of conflict. It is best not to try to prove something of your own, since there is an option to remain unheard. It is better to postpone all matters to a more favorable day, especially if they concern family or home.

Card of the Year

The year will be very favorable for both work and family. There is a great opportunity to renovate your house, all circumstances will help in this: good workers will be found, and finances will allow you to implement any design ideas. This is the ideal year to buy real estate.

This year is the best for getting married or formalizing a relationship (engagement, proposal). A lonely person is looking forward to meeting his soul mate, and this is the best time to look for a partner for a serious relationship. It's enough just to take a step.

The Ten of Cups card reversed promises a difficult year for the family. This is a year of serious testing of her strength. There is a high probability of children leaving. It can be associated not only with negative aspects, but also with their departure to study or moving to their own home.

Arcana Council

The Ten of Cups recommends taking advantage of this best time to reconsider your relationships within the family, as well as with friends and colleagues at work and study. Now is the best time to bring this relationship to the ideal.

However, the map also gives certain warnings. She points out that a person can easily fall for his ideals, so it is better not to idealize anything at all. Another danger that this Arcanum warns about is dissolution into a family or team with the loss of one’s individuality. You need to not only hear others, but also be able to gently convey your point of view to them. Only with general compromise can we come to complete mutual understanding and happiness.

On the Ten of Cups tarot card we see a loving couple united by bonds of true, eternal love. They have everything for a happy life - two frolicking children not far from them, a small but cozy house, a garden planted with trees and a river flowing nearby.

Home has protection value. This is constancy, family coziness and comfort, the green garden symbolizes fertility, and the river reflects real feelings that flow in a free stream. The Rainbow of Cups signifies the passing of a storm. The worst is over and now it's time to enjoy the beauty left behind. Cups symbolize heavenly blessings, and rainbows are considered a very spiritual omen in many religions around the world.

General value of the card in the upright position


  • harmony,
  • family welfare;
  • marriage;
  • happiness;
  • dreams;
  • emotional satisfaction;

The Ten of Cups represents happiness, joy, pleasure and emotional satisfaction, especially in the areas of personal relationships and family. The card represents an almost idyllic state of peace, harmony and love, where all your dreams and desires come true and you rejoice in your good fortune. The number ten indicates the achievement of this idyllic state, so take a moment to appreciate all that you have achieved and be grateful for the blessings that fill your life.

With a picture of a happy family and a comfortable home in the background, the Ten of Cups indicates a harmonious family life. All family members love and get along with each other. Life proceeds without quarrels, scandals, tension and resentment. The presence of this card may reflect an upcoming family holiday where you can relax and unwind as a family, creating fun and happy family memories. This is a great time to lay the foundation for a happy and harmonious future together.

The Ten of Cups is a positive card in terms of romantic relationships and can indicate either the start of a new, happy relationship, or marriage after a long relationship. There is great satisfaction everywhere. Commitment and love are important requirements if you want to experience this kind of satisfaction, so the card promises that with the necessary effort, a strong and long-lasting union can be built.

Outside of relationships and family, the Ten of Cups reflects your personal value system and what you believe will bring you ultimate satisfaction and happiness in your life. This card represents a time when you clearly understand where your personal beliefs and values ​​lie, and you successfully create a life that aligns with those values.

This Arcanum can reflect a spiritual or religious person who lives in peace and harmony. This is where the family values ​​and traditions that were instilled in you at an early age come into play and now help you strengthen the foundation for creating a strong and loving family.

The Ten of Cups encourages you to trust your intuition and follow your heart, and you will feel emotionally fulfilled through the fulfillment of deep desires. Your intuitive and brilliant ideas will bring you success. It is at this time that you will begin to experience the actualization of your personal hopes and dreams. All doors will be open for you. You feel your inner world. Be open and do not miss the opportunities and blessings provided by the Universe, use them to create the life you dream of.

You also have the ability to spread your joy to everyone around you. Your family and the people around you are very important, especially with a family card like this. You will experience family prosperity. Protect your household, because in fact they are the main engine of your happiness.

Continue to maintain your individuality even when you are around others, as this is a great opportunity to be yourself. In this way, you will be emotionally secure and stable, and your life will continue to be rich and meaningful.

Inverted position


  • anxiety;
  • marriage without love;
  • non-acceptance of family values;
  • separation, divorce;
  • reproaches, scandals, jealousy;
  • abandonment of children.

Inverted, the card indicates a lack of harmony in the family and between people. Constant quarrels and scandals, irritation, jealousy, emotional unrest, anxiety, reproaches. Inequality in relationships causes differences in views and opinions, and this leads to constant rivalry.

If the reasons for discord in the family are external, then the nearby cards will help to find out. Usually, when any positive card turns upside down, the words from the Gospel come to mind: “...And from everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and to whom much is entrusted, more will be demanded of him,” and then there is also “one step from charm to disappointment.” Here a great feeling and chance for happiness are really lost, which is why the sadness is enormous. Perhaps the relationship will end in divorce.

In another version, there may be a marriage without love, where there is no emotional and spiritual connection between partners, the relationship is gray, empty, and inferior. An alternative to such indifference and indifference can be feigned happiness, hypocrisy, flattery, and falsely pretentious relationships. All this is strengthened by various family celebrations, where happiness and well-being are shown to the outside world, but in fact there are contradictory feelings and states, and even dramatic events.

The card may well predict separation, where a person is forced to leave his home and family, or vice versa, after a long separation, family members cannot reunite due to some external factors.

The inverted Arcana often reflects the “family nest”, which has long been empty, all the children have already grown up and scattered.

The card also interprets your reluctance to accept family values ​​and traditions and to be a participant in family life. You are burdened by family relationships; any attachment to your home causes you horror and a desire to escape. You can easily refuse your own children and any participation in their life and upbringing. All this can be explained by the inability to appreciate what is given by fate and accept it with dignity.

The card suggests throwing off the veil of dreams and accepting life as it is given to you, and this will be the most correct decision. Listen! It’s stupid to fight fate, let it into your heart and it will begin to smile at you.

The Reversed Ten of Cups suggests that you are neglecting your family in pursuit of more important goals for you, such as advancing your career, or the desire to make a lot of money. You have a disturbed harmony and balance between work and home life, and you spend less and less time with your family. Setting your priorities right will help you clearly understand where your personal values ​​lie and what is truly achievable. If you continue to distance yourself from your family, the relationship will soon begin to suffer and you may not be able to achieve an overall sense of business satisfaction and marital happiness as planned.

Love and relationships

Direct position

The Ten of Cups is a card of love and a strong family. She promises strong feelings, sexual compatibility, kinship of souls, analysis of life principles, stability of spiritual state and harmonious union. Perhaps you will become seriously interested in someone, which will entail joy, an explosion of positive emotions, physical pleasure and a relationship with a happy ending. You may be invited to a family dinner, a holiday, or unexpectedly meet with old friends. Don't be surprised if you are asked to accompany you on a short tour.

If you are married, the Ten of Cups is an excellent omen for long-term relationships and a strong union. This card of relatives, it is possible that you will become related to someone and your family will expand. The Ten of Cups represents a happy and harmonious relationship. If you decide to have children, fate will smile on you, and more than once.

A reunion with a former partner is possible. If you are single, the Ten of Cups predicts the beginning of a new long-term relationship that will provide you with security and stability, because this is the kind of union you want.

Inverted position

In a love reading, the card is not the best omen. It indicates coldness in the relationship, and the reluctance of one of the partners to tie the knot, obligations or children. In some cases, the card warns of a breakup, separation or divorce. Such interpretations depend on the surrounding cards. The Ten of Cups in reverse also allows for unconventional connections. If you are in a relationship and trying to conceive, the card advises you to take this issue seriously, as for medical reasons there may be fertility problems that need to be resolved.

If you are single, Ten of Cups is in reverse position means that you hold distorted patterns or beliefs about love and family that are preventing you from creating happy and strong relationships. If you grew up in a dysfunctional family, think about how this affects your life and personal relationships. First of all, you should change yourself, get rid of fears and insecurities, build the right model of relationships and family, and listen to your heart.


Direct position

In your professional field, success and achievement of your goals await you. Ideal relationships with colleagues and management. You work as one team. You don't just work, you love your job and it produces positive results. Inner harmony helps you feel light and at ease during negotiations, business meetings, and when signing contracts. Your sincere friendliness endears you to your companions. You will acquire new useful acquaintances and connections that will contribute to your career growth.

Traditional interpretations of the card reflect your importance in business circles, status, honor and respect, many merits, productive teamwork, the ability to achieve positive results through cohesion and mutual assistance. You have learned to combine perfectly family life with a work schedule. It is possible to create a common business with relatives.

Inverted position

In terms of career, the reverse Ten of Cups means routine work, unfriendly attitude of colleagues, dissatisfaction from superiors. Work issues and tasks accumulate day after day, remaining unresolved. You have lost yourself, you need inner harmony so that your views and actions correspond to logic and rationality.

Unsuccessful negotiations, failures in projects, loss of a client base, uncertainty, intrigue and gossip behind your back - you are tired of enduring all this, thoughts appear to change your type of activity, or just temporarily lie low. Perhaps you lack the knowledge and experience to achieve respect and honor in the team. Engage in advanced training and self-development. Before changing jobs, try to put things in order within yourself.


Direct position

In the context of health, the Ten of Cups represents good health. Your correct lifestyle is the key to excellent health. Your inner harmony creates a sense of proportion in everything: food, alcohol, entertainment, which allows you to always be in good shape. But it never hurts to once again maintain your health with various cleansing and strengthening procedures, adhere to a regular diet, and do not ignore physical activity. A course of restorative massage will not be superfluous. If you have recently suffered from some disease, the result of treatment will not take long to arrive. The Ten of Cups is a card of rehabilitation, healing, comprehensive treatment, restoration.

Inverted position

An inverted Arcana signals possible respiratory diseases (bronchial asthma) associated with increased radioactivity or an environmentally polluted place where you live. You should pay attention to this and take action. A restless state, loss of inner harmony, can cause mental disorders, apathy, neuroses, insomnia, and nightmares.

Take care of your loved ones. Create a positive environment where everyone feels loved and safe. Never act alone, contact your relatives and close people - they may be more than ready to help you. Do not deny yourself small holidays and relaxation, especially since your financial situation allows you to travel without restrictions. Gather the family, get in the car and go on an adventure. You deserve it. You should not deprive yourself of small joys, smiles and laughter of others, because if you lose your taste for life, you will doom yourself and your loved ones to a joyless existence. Welcome to the world. Be inclusive!