Origin of the name Bronislav Bronislav - the meaning of the name

Wiring in a wooden house

The name Bronislav has Slavic roots and came from the combination of the names “harrow” (defend) and “glory”, which can be interpreted as “glorious defender”. The stress in different regions falls on the second or fourth syllable. The female counterpart is the name Bronislav.

The boy named Bronislav is called Slava by his parents. However, this is typical for most names ending in “-glory”: Borislav, Radoslav, Yaroslav, Mstislav, Svyatoslav, Vyacheslav, Stanislav, Rostislav, Vladislav, Danislav, Miloslav, Yaroslav, Miloslav, Cheslava, Zlatoslav, Miroslav, Vladislav.

It just so happened that in history there was no Orthodox saint with the name Bronislav, therefore a man celebrates his name day only in the Catholic tradition.

Characteristics of the name Bronislav

A boy named Bronislav is stubborn, but not always honest. Often, personality traits and appearance are inherited from the mother. A schoolboy named Bronislav often shows aggression and contempt for others. Often Bronislav tries to harm the elders. The child has his own opinion on everything, is active and self-confident. It helps him get what he wants.

When they try to hurt the pride of the owner of the name Bronislav, he will give a sharp rebuff. A person who tries to do this will be under strong moral pressure. Often Bronislav is forgotten and crosses the line of protection. This is more typical for teenagers. As a young man, Bronislav often provokes teachers to quarrel. If he is offended at school, then the boy's self-esteem will be hurt. With age, Bronislav will raise his self-esteem, enjoying independence.

Having matured, a man named Bronislav calms down. But his loyalty to ideals does not disappear. Bronislav chooses the exact sciences, but can become a doctor, teacher or even a pilot.

The bearer of the name Bronislav is very selfish. Because of this, for a long time he cannot find the one with whom he is ready to share the rest of his life. Bronislav never marries very early. When he begins to live with a woman, he does not try to impose his vision of the situation on her. Often the wife is the head of the family. It gives a man confidence.

A man named Bronislav enjoys the favor of fortune. If he considers it necessary, he will readily make concessions. Bronislav's business is always flourishing.

It happens that men named Bronislav have a difficult mental organization. In this case, a person will have a share of seclusion and stiffness in manners. Bronislav compensates for this with critical thinking, an analytical approach and the ability to predict events. Bronislav is far from a coward, he has a good inner instinct. Strives to develop not only the mind, but also the body. This person will be able to take control of the situation when others are panicking. Most often this is manifested in those Bronislavs whose birthday falls in winter.

If the owner of the name Bronislav was born in the spring, then he will be an extrovert who achieves career heights with the help of ingenuity and proper communication. Bronislav often opens his own business, in which he usually succeeds. But he does not like to do anything for others.

A man named Bronislav communicates at ease and cheerfully with people dear to him. Bronislav is respectful and expects the same in relation to himself.

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Meaning: The name Bronislav is Slavic in origin. It came from two words, namely, from "harrow" and "glory". The literal interpretation sounds like “protection of glory” or “harrowing glory”, according to another equally popular version - “glorious in defense”.

The male name Bronislav was quite popular two decades ago, especially in the northern and central parts of the modern Russian Federation. Now it is almost never found. It has a strong energy, transmitted in the form of good luck ...

Popularity: The name Bronislav is not included in the hundred of popular male names, and according to statistics, it accounts for no more than 1 boy out of 10,000 newborns.

Conversational options: Armor, Bronik, Glory

Modern English counterparts: Not available

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Bronislav is capable of endowing a boy named in this way with a huge list of characteristics that are really worthy of a future man. But there is one small “but” - among their huge number, mainly those that will not appear all together, but gradually, as the boy named by this name grows older. According to giving, among the virtues such as independence, independence, determination and activity, mobility and initiative are manifested.

Usually Bronislav is a sensitive, but a little callous man. From the outside, it may seem that such concepts as sympathy, love, tenderness and care are alien to him, but in fact this is an erroneous opinion. This man, on the contrary, is very easy to succumb to emotions, he is very sensitive and gentle, he is simply afraid to show it, thinking that in this way he will show his weakness.

Advantages and positive features: resolute, active, honest, fair, knows how to achieve goals, can overcome any obstacle and never backs down, never acts against conscience and tries to live right, without harming or causing discomfort to people around him.

Bronislav treats badly traitors and people who profit from other people's weaknesses, to cunning, lying and lying to everyone around, and to people who like to demonstrate their strength on the weak.

The name Bronislav is not very popular today, but, like many Russian names, it was popular in Soviet times.

The nature of the name Bronislav

The nature of the name is one of the most complex and mysterious parameters, but nevertheless, one of the most interesting. As for the name form Bronislav, this is a completely separate issue. Usually, the character of this name promises the boy so named a difficult but tolerant nature, a bunch of leadership inclinations and an organizational gift, planning and prudence, success and talent. On the one hand, the character in this case is clearly a leader, but on the other hand, it can also suggest the presence of a bunch of shortcomings that can complicate life not only for the guy named the Bronislav variation, but also for all the people around him. Good nature, benevolence, kindness, unscrupulousness, lack of conflict - all this is a list of those qualities that the character of such a guy should be endowed with, and we already wrote about this earlier. But it should also be noted that the nature of such a representative of the male half of the population of our planet can be extremely difficult and difficult for people with weak willpower, compliant, suspicious and timid - the reason is that Bronislav simply does not like such people.

On the other hand, it is impossible not to notice the fact that the nature of the name and the bearer of this name is difficult to describe with 100% accuracy, and the reason here lies in just one simple factor. The fact is that character largely depends on a bunch of additional factors, including the zodiac sign, parental upbringing, and even the time of year of birth ....

Early childhood

The boy, whose parents at birth decided to choose the male name Bronislav, usually has a difficult, but very bright early childhood. Firstly, he is cheerful and optimistic and almost never sad, which by itself plays into the hands of himself and everyone around him, and secondly, he is efficient and active, energetic, and always ready to move, and thirdly , the meaning of this name endows the boy named in this way with a tolerant and rather positive character, which is rare for children with purely Slavic names. Another important point - the meaning usually endows a boy with the name Bronislav with prudence, moreover, rare for children of such a young age, and it manifests itself in all his actions without exception. Any action on his part is initially planned and calculated many times over, and any of his decisions are initially thought out as a real “Barbarossa plan”. Plus, already at such an early age, other equally important, but rare qualities for a child, begin to emerge in this boy, these are kindness, and systematic, and patience, and purposefulness, and reliability, and commitment, and pragmatism, and independence. . By the way, the latter quality is especially rapidly growing in Bronisławy in adolescence


A teenager boy who received such a name, the meaning of the name Bronislav endows with even more important and necessary, but not suitable characteristics for this age. Well, the first is the one we talked about earlier - independence. Bronislav is so independent that maybe it can start to scare his parents. Mother and father should be careful in this matter - often, self-confidence and determination, at least in adolescence, lead the boy to a bunch of wrong actions, which in the future may affect his whole life as a whole. Independent decision-making, confidence in one's actions, arrogance, determination and self-sufficiency, these are certainly good traits. But a boy named Bronislav should be taught by his parents to use them so that they bring a positive result in everything without exception. And another equally important point - Bronislav, is the owner of incredible willpower and a thirst for primacy in all matters, which can turn him into an arrogant, arrogant, proud, but successful boy, and at the same time give rise to a bunch of ill-wishers and envious people. As for studies, everything is simple here - Bronislav is an obligatory and diligent student, capable and talented, which means that everything should be fine with his studies, as they say, without any complaints.

grown man

A man who has reached maturity, named a nominal variation of Bronislav, can be rewarded with a bunch of additional, incredibly important characteristics. Among them are purposefulness, perseverance, assertiveness, adherence to principles, self-sufficiency, self-confidence, good nature, goodwill, cheerfulness, and regularity. All these qualities can play into his hands both in professional activities and in his personal life. But along with all of the above, there are many shortcomings, among which there is such as gullibility. The thing is that Bronislav, being a self-confident person, can make mistakes in assessing people and, as a result, trust those who should not be trusted. But such a successful leader will always have a fairly large number of envious people and ill-wishers. Another important point, promised by such a factor as value - Bronislav loves to be in front of others, loves to be in the center of everyone's attention, and hates when someone's shadow overshadows him. This alignment can lead to the fact that Bronislav begins to behave too defiantly. But in general this good man, an excellent man, an ideal gentleman, popular, among other things, among the representatives of the weak half of humanity ...

The interaction of Bronislaw's character with the seasons

Vesna is a boy who was born under the auspices of the spring season, and who received the name Bronislav at birth, is a charming, intelligent, honest, optimistic guy who easily makes contact and never opposes communication. He is erudite and smart, knows how to interest his interlocutor, easily compromises and concessions.

Summer - three summer months can bring infantile, unsociable, suspicious and timid Bronislav into this world, with difficulty taking the first step in relations with the opposite sex, and afraid to make independent and important decisions. He has few friends and like-minded people, a complex character, but a lot of ideas, his imagination can surprise even the most creative person.

Autumn - the autumn whining period is able to endow a man named in this way in the future with ambition, charm, vanity, romance, shyness, timidity and eternal doubt in everything that his activities would not concern. Weakness is the main drawback of this man, he easily makes concessions and never defends his opinion.

Winter - well, this harsh season can even reward you with an extremely complex character and a very difficult nature. This is usually a lonely, unsociable, calm and even somewhat mysterious guy, but at the same time ambitious and dreaming of becoming a real leader. He needs a lady for his wife. Able to make a real man out of him, decisive and persistent.

The fate of the name Bronislav

The fate of the name Bronislav in relations with the representatives of the female half, in love and in marriage, is a rather complex topic, which, in turn, was studied by dozens of different researchers. They actually managed to find out some interesting points. One of these moments just concerns Bronislav's relationship with women.

The fate of the boy, named Bronislav, is such that it promises him a dual nature. On the one hand, destiny implies a love of romance and passion, a desire for long-term relationships and a thirst for love. On the other hand, fate can turn him into a womanizer, a man who changes partners like gloves - however, he will do this not because he is greedy for women, but from a desire to find his ideal.

On the other hand, the fate of Armor will sooner or later push him against the one with whom he will be one hundred percent satisfied. The only mystery is what kind of girl it will be. On the one hand, he is a lover of leadership and domination, but on the other hand, he is bored with compliant and calm women. Which one he chooses is a mystery, as well as his whole fate as a whole.

Love and marriage

Men named Bronislav are in great demand among the representatives of the weak half of humanity. They have many love adventures, which most often end with another change of partner.

Over time, Bronislav still decides to start a family, becomes a caring and reliable husband. He dearly loves his wife and does not hesitate to help her in household chores. It is not at all difficult for him to wash the dishes, vacuum or cook something delicious. Bronislav tries to ensure that comfort and coziness reign in his house.

Its reliability does not always extend to the concept of marital fidelity. He considers physical betrayal a minor error, compensating for this with a manifestation of deep feelings for his wife and devotion to the family. Very often, the wives of such men are happy and are not even aware of the sexual adventures of their spouse.

Bronislav as Father

Children of men named Bronislav appear already in adulthood. They sincerely love their babies and take care of them with pleasure, helping their wives. They absolutely adequately respond to all the subtleties of caring for newborns. Changing diapers, vilifying the baby like a “soldier” after feeding, putting him to bed, taking a walk with a stroller in the park - these are perhaps the most favorite activities of a young dad named Bronislav.

He pays special attention to the all-round development of the child, actively participates in the discussion on choosing a section for the baby. Children with such a father will bypass all zoos, amusement parks, art galleries, as well as theatrical performances.

Bronislav also devotes a lot of time to the physical health of his babies. He goes to sports grounds with them, teaches them to perform various physical exercises, and also helps them cope with the load that they receive in sports sections.

Horoscope named after Bronislav


Aries is quick-tempered, aggressive, impulsive, never finishes the work he has begun to the end, always changes goals and rarely answers for his words and promises. It is difficult to get along with such a person, but it is possible, especially since he is by nature devoted and true to his principles and will never betray a loved one.


Taurus - a boy born under the auspices of this zodiac sign, and named after Bronislav, is a smart, charming, kind, gentle, attentive, humorous boy. But having reached maturity, he can become an admirer of domination, which may not be to everyone's liking.


Gemini is erudite, sociable, easily makes contact and is always ready for new acquaintances, knows how to keep up the conversation and easily gains popularity. His only minus is the unbearability of loneliness, which leads to defiant behavior and a farce for the sake of attention.


Cancer is changeable, emotional, active and energetic, easily changes its views and principles, does not know how to keep its word, but will never go for self-interest or deceit for its own benefit. He needs a devoted friend, a woman who is ready to become his muse and protection.

a lion

Leo is a person with a unique nature, able to gain popularity even where he is not welcome, courteous and attentive, romantic, a real woman's saint. He changes fellow travelers like gloves, is not capable of long and strong relationships, although he dreams of them all with his soul.


Virgo - by the origin of the soul and nature, this Bronislav is a loner, distrustful, principled, independent, but creatively developed. He has a good imagination and is well versed in art. Idealist, with excellent fantasy and unique imagination, romantic.


Libra - but the boy born under the auspices of the sign of Libra, who received the name Bronislav, is in the future a shy, charming, but indecisive and insecure man. He doubts a lot, is afraid to make responsible decisions, does not have leadership inclinations.


Scorpio is ambitious and vain, arrogant, self-confident and determined, he puts everyone on the same line and never sees an opponent in anyone. He considers himself the most intelligent and right in all situations. It is difficult to get along with him and build relationships, but he can be an ideal father.


Sagittarius is a weak character, indecisive, optional and fickle, but a positive and amorous man. With this, a woman of any type can build strong relationships. His only negative is his idealistic views - because of this, he is prone to disappointment.


Capricorn - and this is already a careerist, craftsman, hard worker, responsible and obligatory. Consistent and stable, you can rely on him in any business. But he is not designed for a relationship of a serious nature - his goal is self-realization and material wealth, but not love and romance.


Aquarius is ambitious and ready to do anything to achieve his goal. Knows how to listen and empathize, always ready to help, not a traitor, not selfish, but thirsty for fame and respect. With him there is always something to talk about - a versatile man.


Pisces - and this Bronislav in his soul always remains a child, irresponsible, optional, restless, frivolous. It is impossible to talk about serious things with him, he tries to translate everything into a joke. A woman who dreams of a serious relationship should not look in his direction.

Compatibility with female names

According to most experts, the best name for Bronislav is compatibility with such female name forms as Agatha, Lolita, Lyudmila, Natalya and Nadezhda. In the case of an alliance with a woman named one of these variations, Bronislav will have every chance of building a really strong and happy marriage.

With such as Anastasia, Varvara, Marianna and Karina, there are fewer chances for a strong marriage, but they still exist. Here you just need to beware of generating such a bad feeling as jealousy - in the event of jealousy, the union will quickly collapse and fall apart.

Anfisa, Victoria, Irina and Claudia - girls named at birth with such variations, will never pair Bronislav, according to the researchers, because there is initially complete incompatibility. Although, again, all this is just a theory, which has only a fifty percent chance of being confirmed in practice.

It is hard to imagine how many names exist, have existed and will continue to exist in our world. Each has its own individual characteristics, each has a secret.

For example, the name Bronislav speaks for its owner. Men with this name have a strong and strong character, they are real warriors who can crush everything on the way to their goal. We will try to learn more about the personal characteristics of such men, as well as to reveal the detailed meaning of the name Bronislav, in today's article.

So, the first thing you need to pay attention to when analyzing a name is the origins, history and origin. The name Bronislav is native to us, as it is of ancient Slavic origin. The name was based on two words - "glory" and "defense", as a result, a strong and powerful defender appears before us.

In ancient times, names were not given just like that, therefore, most likely, the first men, whose name was Bronislav, were good warriors, real defenders of their fatherland. Despite the fact that this name has Slavic roots, it is not represented in the Orthodox calendar, and therefore, at baptism, your child will need to be called differently.

About personality

It is important to remember that any name leaves an imprint on the character of a person, so the choice of how to name a child should be taken seriously. If you decide to name the child Bronislav, then be prepared for the fact that your boy will be stubborn, stubborn and incredibly purposeful.

This boy is self-confident, sometimes even excessively, which can lead to conflicts with teachers or elders. It is important for him to prove his case, and for this he is ready to resort to various tricks and even provocations.

As a teenager, Bronislav may show excessive aggression towards others, especially those who do not accept his views or point of view. Therefore, often Bronislav can disturb public peace by the desire to get involved in a dispute or conflict.

Of course, with age, all "passions" subside, and Bronislav becomes a calmer and more reasonable man. Although he will not lose his determination and ability to achieve everything he wants.

This man is mobile, fast, flexible, ready to rebuild at any moment. He is distinguished by the desire to be free, independent and right, it is important for him that his opinion is respected and valued. He knows how to protect and surround with the care of people close to him.

Also, it will be useful for everyone who bears the name Bronislav to learn a little more about their character and personality traits:

  • Despite his self-confidence, Bronislav is distinguished by high integrity and high moral qualifications. He will never betray or deceive, he expects the same attitude towards himself from other people.
  • This man has good health, but in order to avoid stomach problems, he is not recommended to eat a lot of seafood. If Bronislav takes care of his health from an early age, he will keep his body in excellent condition until old age.
  • Bronislav has a wonderful mind, cunning and flexibility. But in the heat of defending his point of view, he is not always able to hear the arguments of his opponent.

  • This man has difficulty working in a team, so it is better for him to choose a job where he can be his own boss. He is purposeful, enterprising and persistent, so his business will be argued. Most importantly, he should be smart about managing people and respect their personal space.
  • Bronislav's intuition is poorly developed, as he is used to relying mainly on his mind, so more often he makes logical and balanced decisions.

About love

Exploring the personality of a person, one cannot leave aside the question of relationships and love, because this is what adds color to our life and gives it a special meaning. It must be said that Bronislav can choose his companion for a long time in an attempt to find the very “ideal”. Tanya.

Also, all Bronislavs should know something else about their name:

  • Bronislav does not celebrate his name day, since this name is not in the church calendar.
  • Forms of the name - Glory, Bronya, Slavik.
  • A stone that can become a talisman is amber.
  • The totem animal is the fox.
  • The patron tree is walnut.

Names will help you learn a lot about their owners, reveal the secrets of their personality, their strengths and weaknesses. Knowing the name of a person, you can rediscover it for yourself. Author: Daria Potykan

Bronislav - "glorious defender" (glor.)

In early childhood, predisposed to colds, kidney disease, nervous system disorders. Unbalanced, often quarrels with children, goes to kindergarten with a scandal, throws tantrums in the morning, gets up hard, loves to sleep.

"Winter" - especially "December", the undisputed leader in all games, hard to endure competition, does not tolerate objections. Many children are annoyed by this, they do not want to play with him. At school, he is a capable student, has an excellent memory, but it is difficult to make him study at home. Stubborn, he never immediately admits his mistakes, he will never apologize for anything, but after some time, if he is not put pressure on him, he himself understands that he was wrong and will try to resolve the conflict. He likes to bring home friends, show off toys, but is not greedy, allowing everyone to play with them. He does not tolerate loneliness, parents should not forbid him to bring children if they themselves are not able to be always with him. Otherwise, he will disappear at someone's house and get out of control. Bronislav is fond of swimming, it is very useful for his nervous system, makes him more collected, purposeful. "February" - very decisive, knows what he wants to achieve in life, there is no trouble with him. Bronislav's discipline may be lame, teachers often complain about him, but he is always among the first in terms of academic performance.

"Autumn" - more balanced, serious. He studies well, and with discipline he is all right. An eternal fighter for justice, often his peers get it for lies or betrayal. The defender of all offended, but only he always gets from adults. He does not consider it necessary to make excuses, silently suffers punishment. Talented in the exact sciences, fond of philosophy. A good entrepreneur, head of the enterprise.

"Spring" - unassembled, it is difficult for him to focus his attention on one thing. But he is very talented. He has a pronounced sense of humor, perfectly parodies, musical, plastic. He cannot sit in one place, his whole life is in motion, spinning on one leg. However, he succeeds everywhere, the soul of any company. Friends respect him, he enjoys success with girls. Involved in politics. He has a well-developed intuition, is perspicacious, rarely makes mistakes in forecasts. Can prove himself in the diplomatic field.

"Summer" Bronislav - generous, loving, unusually sexy. From early childhood, you can notice his special attitude towards girls. If he likes a peer, he will spin around her for days on end, trying to please, to prevent any of her desires. Attentive, helpful and with persons of the opposite sex at an older age. His eyes radiate awe for the girl he likes, even if the age difference is great. Bronislav loves everything beautiful, comfort, pleasant company. Always in the spotlight, without any special effort. Everyone loves him, but it seems that he does too. Cheerful, carefree outwardly, he knows what he wants to achieve, knows how to get along well in life.

"Winter" and "autumn" Bronislav are suitable patronymics: Borisovich, Mironovich, Petrovich, Mikhailovich, Antonovich.

"Summer" and "spring" - Efremovich, Zakharovich, Artemovich, Vyacheslavovich.

The meaning of the name Bronislav option 2

BRONISLAV - a glorious defender (Staroslav).

  • Zodiac sign - Pisces.
  • Planet Neptune.
  • Color - lilac.
  • Auspicious tree - pine.
  • Treasured plant - sea anemone.
  • The patron of the name is the narwhal whale.
  • Talisman stone - dragonite.


Bronislav is a complex nature: not very talkative, careful in choosing friends. A good analyst, all his actions and actions are calculated in advance. He has a good intuition, Bronislav dared. In extreme situations, he is collected, always stands for a just cause, although he often suffers from this. Very hardworking.

Vysheslav, Istislav, Rostislav, Ladislav, Gorislav, Vladislav, Danislav, Miloslav, etc.) and female (Beloslav, Yaroslav, Voislav, Ventseslav, Bronislava, Miloslav, Dobroslav, Cheslava, Svyatoslav, Svetislav, Zlatoslav, Miroslav, Gorislav, Vaclav, Vladislav, etc.) names.

The name Bronislav does not appear in Orthodox calendars; Catholic name days will be indicated for this name.

Cunning and stubbornness are manifested in Bronislav from childhood. The character and appearance of the boy is very similar to his mother. At school, he behaves quite cockily, does a lot to spite his elders. The owner of this name is independent, active and self-confident. He knows how to achieve his goals.

If someone tries to offend his honor, Bronislav can be aggressive. It will not be easy for the offender to cope with the moral pressure of such a man. In some cases, he himself, not noticing his enthusiasm, is able to violate the permissible measures of resistance. This usually happens during adolescence. In his youth, Bronislav can be seen inciting conflicts with teachers. School grievances are often reflected in his pride. Having matured, Bronislav will try to assert himself at the expense of his own independence.

With age, Bronislav shows calmness. At the same time, he remains a fairly principled person. Having successfully graduated from the institute, Bronislav becomes a mathematician, engineer, historian, surgeon, pilot or teacher.

Bronislav is extremely proud. For this reason, he chooses a life partner for a long time. Marries quite late. In family relationships, it is stavraetsya not to show their leadership qualities. Usually concedes this role to his wife. So Bronislav feels calmer.

At its core, Bronislav is a lucky person. Able to be flexible when needed. He's great at doing business.

Some representatives of the name Bronislav are distinguished by the complexity of their character. They are characterized by some isolation in behavior. At the same time, they are good analysts and are able to think everything in advance. These people are brave and have excellent intuition. The choice of Bronislava's friends is approached with caution. They are athletic and collected. Resolutely manifest themselves in extreme situations. Such qualities are more characteristic of Bronislav, who was born in winter.

"Spring" Bronislav has an open character. Wits and oratorical skills help him in his career growth. He seeks to rely solely on his own strength. Such a man is able to realize himself in his own business. He makes a good leader. At the same time, it is much more difficult for Bronislav to fulfill other people's orders.

In communication with close people, Bronislav manifests himself as a cheerful conversationalist. He has a negative attitude to the manifestation of manipulation of himself. In a conversation with him, you must remember about mutual respect.

Bronislaw's name day

Notable people named Bronislav

  • Bronislav Kuznetsov ((1931 - 1985) Soviet orientalist, Tibetologist. Known for research and theories about Iranian influence on Tibetan Buddhism)
  • Bronisław Radzishevsky ((1838 - 1914) Polish chemist)
  • Bronisław Knaster ((1893 - 1990) Polish mathematician)
  • Bronislaw Malinowski ((1884 - 1942) British anthropologist of Polish origin, founder of functionalism in anthropology and sociology)
  • Bronislav Dombrovsky ((1885 - 1973) Soviet academician, zoologist, morphologist of Polish origin)
  • Bronislaw von Pozniak ((1877 - 1953) Austro-German pianist and music teacher. For many years he was the leader of the piano trio, which included other notable musicians at different times - in particular, Geza de Cres, Hugo Dechert, Grigory Pyatigorsky .)
  • Bronisław Schwarze ((1834 - 1904) Polish revolutionary, one of the leaders of the anti-Russian uprising of 1863)
  • Bronislav Kezhun ((1914 - 1984) Soviet poet, translator)
  • Bronislav Antilevsky ((1916 - 1946) Soviet military pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (1940), deprived of titles and awards in 1950 for participating in the "Vlasov" movement during the Great Patriotic War)
  • Bronislaw Wroclawski ((born 1951) Polish theater, film, television actor, teacher)
  • Bronislav Grotto-Slepikovsky (Slepikovsky) ((1860 - 1905) staff captain, commander of the Russian partisan detachment operating in South Sakhalin during the Russian-Japanese war in 1904-1905)
  • Bronislav Bogatyrevich ((1870 - 1940) Polish military leader, brigadier general of the Polish Army. He was an officer in the Russian army. Organizer and leader of the self-defense of Grodno in 1918-1919.)
  • Bronislaw Wilhelm Peratsky ((1895 - 1934) Polish politician, legionnaire, colonel of the Polish Army)
  • Bronislav Tarashkevich ((1892 - 1938) Belarusian politician, linguist)
  • Branislav Belic ((born 1932) Serbian politician)
  • Branislav "Bane" Kerac ((born 1952) Serbian comic book writer)
  • Branislav "Brana" Crnchevich ((born 1933) Serbian writer, poet, playwright)
  • Branko Čopić ((1915 - 1984) Yugoslav writer)
  • Bronisław Kostkowski ((1915 - 1942) blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, seminarian, martyr. He is one of the 108 blessed Polish martyrs beatified by Pope John Paul II during his visit to Warsaw on June 13, 1999. Revered as the patron saint of the city of Slupsk, Poland.)
  • Bronislaw Piotr Ginyatovich Koszesha Pilsudski ((1866 - 1918) Polish leader of the revolutionary movement and ethnographer; brother of Jozef Pilsudski and Adam Pilsudski)
  • Bronislav Malakhovsky ((1867 - 1934) Russian and Soviet engineer, creator of the steam locomotive of the "C" series (1910), one of the best domestic courier locomotives that overcame the speed limit of 100 km / h. B.S. Malakhovsky is the creator of many Russian steam locomotives, including the Sormovo version of the four-axle locomotive of the Izhitsa series with the superscript "s" (C). The Sormovskaya Izhitsa (1914) turned out to be the most powerful commercial steam locomotive of the series and, at the same time, the most powerful steam locomotive with an axial formula 0-4 -0 After the revolution, in 1919, Malakhovsky left Nizhny Novgorod for Moscow, becoming the head of the steam locomotive building department of the State Association of Machine-Building Plants.He later worked in the leading organizations of the locomotive industry, in the Supreme Economic Council, etc. In 1934, he was repressed on false charges and shot.)
  • Bronislav Malakhovsky ((1902 - 1937) famous architect and cartoonist, son of a famous engineer, creator of the C series steam locomotive Bronislav Malakhovskiy)
  • Bronislav Turonok (Turonak, Turonek) ((1896 - 1938) publicist, cultural figure of the Belarusian national minority in interwar Poland)
  • Bronislaw Ferdinand Trentowski ((1808 - 1869) a major Polish philosopher and teacher of the 19th century. A supporter and propagandist of Polish messianism.)
  • Bronislaw Kazimierz Przybylski ((1941 - 2011) Polish composer and music teacher. In the 1970s he became a laureate of several Polish composer competitions. Of Przybylski's works, the most famous are "The Mass of Pope John Paul II" (1998), two concertos for accordion and orchestra (and a number of solo pieces for this instrument), orchestral compositions "In honorem Nicolai Copernici" (1972), "Guernica - in memory of Pablo Picasso" (1974), "Warsaw" (fr. A Varsovie; 1980), etc.)
  • Bronislaw Pawlik ((1926 - 2002) Polish theater and film actor)
  • Bronislaw Radzishevsky ((1838 - 1914) Polish chemist)
  • Bronislaw Rohuisky ((1861 - 1921) famous Polish architect)
  • Bronisław Zaleski (Zaleski) ((1819/1820 - 1880) pseudonym - Litvin; Polish and Belarusian politician, journalist, publisher, historian and artist)
  • Bronislaw Jaron ((1905 - 1942) Polish paleobotanist, doctor of science)
  • Bronislav Bernatsky ((born 1944) Bishop of the Catholic Odessa-Simferopol diocese with a center (department) in Odessa)
  • Bronislav Dombrovsky ((1885 - 1973) zoologist, morphologist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1954), doctor of biological sciences (1936), professor (1930), honored worker of science and technology of the Kazakh SSR (1945). Creator of the school of morphologists of Kazakhstan.)
  • Bronislav Tarashkevich ((1892 - 1938) Belarusian public and political figure, linguist)
  • Bronislav Vinogrodsky ((born 1957) sinologist, translator of fundamental Chinese texts (among them Zhuangzi, Tao Te Ching, Book of Changes), writer, public figure)
  • Bronislav Guzovsky ((1860 - 1914) forestry scientist. He developed methods for the artificial and natural renewal of oak forests. The scientific system of forestry developed by B.I. Guzovsky is used to multiply oak forests. The problem of oak forest restoration became the goal of Guzovsky's life. He made a significant contribution to preservation and enhancement of oak forests in the Chuvash region.Experimental forest plantations of oak, planted by B.I.Guzovsky, are a testing ground for scientific research and generalizations of the practice of artificial and natural restoration of oak plantations in the Middle Volga region.They are of great practical value for growing oak in forests not only in the Middle Volga region, but also in Russia as a whole.B.I. Guzovsky developed methods for the natural and artificial renewal of oak forests in cut areas in the conditions of the Middle Volga region, identified and described the types of oak plantations of the Ilyinsky forestry, created oak cultures on an area of ​​1150.2 hectares. On his initiative, plantings of larch, western arborvitae, Siberian cedar, and Weymouth pine were created. The forests planted by B.I. Guzovsky stretch along the Volga from Ilyinka to Cheboksary and are called Guzovsky's oak forests. The oldest giant oak, which still grows in Ilyinka, was one of the prototypes of B. Guzovsky.)
  • Bronislav Grombchevsky ((1855 - 1926) an outstanding Russian intelligence officer and traveler of Polish origin, military orientalist, major general, studied the countries and territories of Central Asia - the Pamirs, the Hindu Kush principalities (Hunza, Nagar, Chit-ral, Vakhan, Kanjut), North -Western Tibet and Kashgaria. Author of military-geographical, historical and ethnographic works. Governor of Astrakhan.)
  • Bronislav Zinevich ((1874 - 1922) Russian officer, participant in the First World and Civil Wars)
  • Bronislaw Czech ((1906 - 1944) Polish mountaineer, skier, ski jumper, national team coach, member of the Polish resistance. Member of the Polish Olympic team at the Winter Olympics of 1928, 1932 and 1936. 24-time champion of Poland in winter sports (including 4 times won the Polish championship in ski jumping: 1928, 1929, 1931, 1934). In 1937-1939 he was the coach of the ski team. During World War II he was a courier for the Polish resistance.)
  • Bronislaw Maria Komorowski ((born 1952) Polish politician, President of Poland since 2010. Komorowski previously served as minister national defense Poland, and then the Marshal of the Sejm of Poland (2007 - 2010).)
  • Bronisław Kwiatkowski ((1950 - 2010) Polish military leader, armor general, operational commander armed forces Republic of Poland (2007 - 2010))
  • Bronislav Kukel ((1832 - 1914) graduate of the Main Engineering School and the Military Engineering Academy (1853), official for special assignments at Muravyov's headquarters (1857-1862), manager of the excise taxes of the Kursk province (1862-1884), manager of the excise taxes of Tula, Kostroma and Yaroslavl provinces (1884-1901), active state councilor (1887), privy councilor (1913), adviser to the Minister of Finance (1901-1914. He came from the Vilna nobles.)
  • Bronislaw Huberman ((1882 - 1947) Polish virtuoso violinist of Jewish origin, founder of the Palestinian (later Israeli) Philharmonic Orchestra)
  • Bronislav Epimakh-Shipilo ((1859 - 1934) cryptonym: B.E.-Sh.; Belarusian literary critic, folklorist, teacher, publisher. Professor of the Imperial Roman Catholic Theological Academy in St. Petersburg.)
  • Bronisław Geremek ((1932 - 2008) Polish politician and historian)
  • Bronislaw Bachko ((born 1924) Polish and French historian, philosopher, translator. Specialist in the study of collective memory, the history of utopian thought, the history of the French Revolution.)
  • Bronislav Vyatkin (Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Chairman of the Perm Regional Branch of the Russian Psychological Society; author of more than 300 works in the field of psychology of stress, sports, personality and individuality, training of psychological teaching staff)