The source of the crisis in a teenager. Features of the manifestation of the crisis in adolescence

Electrical measuring instruments
















Adolescence crisis



2. The crisis of adolescence.

2. 1. Characteristics of the crisis of adolescence…………………………4

2. 2. Ways out of crisis conditions…………………………….....7


3.2. Parents………………………………………………………………………...18





Despite all the wealth of fundamental research, today there is no holistic description of the development of the human psyche at this stage of his life path. A person's attitude to himself and to the world as a whole depends on how the teenage period passes.

The crisis of adolescence is one of the most pressing problems of children in the modern world. This is due to the emergence of modern new requirements imposed on them by the ongoing socio-economic transformations. The processes taking place in our state in the last two decades in the socio-economic sphere and health care have led to significant both qualitative and quantitative changes in the health status of the population, especially children.

The purpose of our course work is to reveal the essence of the teenage crisis, the specific features of the manifestation of crisis states.

1) Study the literature on this issue.

2) Consider the main features of the crisis states of adolescence.

3) Describe ways out of crisis states.

1. Crisis.

A crisis is a state of mental disorder caused by a person’s long-term dissatisfaction with himself and his relationship with the outside world.

Crisis - it affects the most fundamental, vital values ​​and needs of a person, becomes the dominant of a person's inner life and is accompanied by strong emotional experiences.

The crisis, disrupting the usual course of life, disorganizing, or even making normal life activities impossible, requires a person to rethink his life in its most essential components, rethink his life goals, relationships with others, lifestyle, etc. Successfully overcoming the crisis is a vital task for of a person, and the result of his resolution is often the emergence of some new qualities of life.

2. The crisis of adolescence.

2. 1. Characteristics of the crisis of adolescence.

The crisis of adolescence is the longest compared to all age-related crises.

Adolescence is a difficult period of puberty and psychological maturation of the child. Significant changes take place in self-consciousness: a feeling of adulthood appears, a feeling of being an adult. There is a passionate desire, if not to be, then at least to appear and be considered an adult. To defend his new rights, a teenager protects many areas of his life from the control of his parents and often comes into conflict with them. Adolescents also have an inherent desire to communicate with their peers. Intimate-personal communication becomes the leading activity during this period. Adolescent friendships and association in informal groups appear. There are bright, but usually successive hobbies.

The main activity of a teenager is educational, during which the child not only masters the skills and methods of obtaining knowledge, but also enriches himself with new meanings, motives and needs, masters the skills of social relationships.

School ontogeny covers the following age periods: junior school age - 7-10 years; junior teenage - 11-13 years old; senior teenage - 14-15 years; adolescence - 16-18 years. Each of these periods of development is characterized by its own characteristics.

One of the most difficult periods of school ontogenesis is adolescence, which is otherwise called the transitional period, as it is characterized by the transition from childhood to adolescence, from immaturity to maturity.

Adolescence is a period of rapid and uneven growth and development of the body, when there is an intensive growth of the body, the muscular apparatus is being improved, and the process of ossification of the skeleton is underway. Mismatch, uneven development of the heart and blood vessels, as well as increased activity of the endocrine glands often lead to some temporary circulatory disorders, increased blood pressure, cardiac tension in adolescents, as well as an increase in their excitability, which can be expressed in irritability, fatigue, dizziness and heartbeat. The nervous system of a teenager is not always able to withstand strong or long-acting stimuli and, under their influence, often goes into a state of inhibition or, conversely, strong excitation.

The central factor in physical development in adolescence is puberty, which has a significant impact on the functioning of internal organs.

Sexual desire (often unconscious) and new experiences, desires and thoughts associated with it appear.

Features of physical development in adolescence determine the most important role during this period of the correct mode of life, in particular the mode of work, rest, sleep and nutrition, physical education and sports.

Distinctive feature mental development consists in the fact that it has a progressive and at the same time contradictory heterochromic character throughout the entire school period. Psychophysiological functional development is at this time one of the main directions of mental evolution.

Adolescents develop scientific thinking skills, thanks to which they talk about the past, present and future, put forward hypotheses, assumptions, and make forecasts. Young men develop an inclination towards general theories, formulas, etc. The tendency to theorize becomes, in a certain sense, an age-related feature. They create their own theories of politics, philosophy, formulas for happiness and love. A feature of the youthful psyche associated with formal operational thinking is a change in the relationship between the categories of possibility and reality. The mastery of logical thinking inevitably gives rise to intellectual experimentation, a kind of game with concepts, formulas, etc. Hence the peculiar egocentrism of youthful thinking: assimilating the whole world around him into his universal theories, the young man, according to Piaget, behaves as if the world should be obey systems, not systems of reality.

Adolescent crises are associated with emerging neoplasms, among which the central place is occupied by a “sense of adulthood” and the emergence of a new level of self-awareness.

The characteristic feature of a 10-15-year-old child is manifested in a heightened desire to establish himself in society, to achieve recognition of his rights and opportunities from adults. At the first stage, the desire for recognition of the fact of their growing up is specific for children. Moreover, for some younger adolescents, it is expressed in the desire only to assert their right to be like adults, to achieve recognition of their adulthood (at the level, for example, “I can dress the way I want”). For other children, the desire for adulthood consists in a thirst for recognition of their new capabilities, for others, in the desire to participate in various activities on an equal basis with adults.

A reassessment of their increased capabilities is determined by the desire of adolescents for a certain independence and self-sufficiency, painful pride and resentment. Increased criticality towards adults, a sharp reaction to the attempts of others to belittle their dignity, belittle their adulthood, underestimate their legal capabilities are the causes of frequent conflicts in adolescence.

Orientation towards communication with peers often manifests itself in the fear of being rejected by them. The emotional well-being of a teenager more and more begins to depend on the place that he occupies in the team, begins to be determined primarily by the attitude and assessments of his comrades. A grouping tendency appears, which causes a tendency to form groups, “brotherhoods”, a readiness to recklessly follow the leader.

Intensively formed moral concepts, ideas, beliefs, principles that teenagers begin to be guided in their behavior. Often they form a system of their own requirements and norms that do not coincide with the requirements of adults.

One of the most important moments in the formation of a teenager's personality is the development of self-awareness, self-esteem (SE); adolescents develop an interest in themselves, in the qualities of their personality, a need to compare themselves with others, evaluate themselves, understand their feelings and experiences.

Self-esteem is formed under the influence of other people's assessments, comparing oneself with others, the most important role in its formation is the success of the activity.

The transitional critical period ends with the emergence of a special personal formation, which can be designated by the term "self-determination", it is characterized by awareness of oneself as a member of society and one's purpose in life.

2. 2. Ways out of crisis conditions.

In connection with the foregoing, a teenager, in order to realize his potential, must belong to a certain group where he will be understood and accepted. This can be a reference group that organized spontaneously in the yard, in a sports club, music school, etc. Also, for self-realization and protection from society, a teenager can join a certain association of people - a subculture. In some situations, when a teenager cannot find his own realization, he sinks into a state of depression, which can lead to suicide. We will look at this in more detail in this chapter.

1. Subculture - associations of people according to their worldview and interests, which do not contradict the values ​​of traditional culture, but complement it. And youth subcultures are no exception. Subcultures arise because they are necessary: ​​they provide an opportunity, especially for young people and adolescents, to express themselves creatively, determine their place in life, and find friends. A subculture is part of a social organism. Figuratively speaking, it is like a hand. If it is cut off, a person will be able to live, but will be disabled.

The subculture of adolescents is really a system of various types of actions that allow you to organize both external and internal life (organize your psychological space). It is at this age that such a still little studied phenomenon flourishes as the own language of adolescents. A phenomenon that is celebrated in many countries (Appendix 1).

Consider the most common modern youth subcultures:

1) Punk is a subculture based on an addiction to punk rock. With the unbridled energy of destruction represented by punk, the ideals of the hippies were swept away. Punk culture is reflected in dance, literature, visual arts and cinema. Punk holds a close relationship with some other subcultures such as goth and psychic. Punk style - defiant hairstyles, leather jacket, earrings on the face and ears. Sometimes punks wear rocker jackets, skinny jeans with tubes, a variety of shoes, ranging from sneakers to titanium boots and t-shirts with custom images. Punk hair is styled in the form of a mohawk or other forms, or shaved bald (Appendix 2).

2) Metalheads are one of the biggest "informal" subcultures. Previously, heavy music was either a hobby of some music lovers, or an elite entertainment of the intelligentsia, and even a small hobby of gopniks. Now, many people listen to heavy music. Today it is a very rich musical layer, few components of which have nothing in common, except for the characteristic "overloaded" sound. "Heaviness" today is a fashionable, equal, advanced trend, not a rebellion, not an underground, as it used to be. Fans of heavy metal rock, fast metal rock, black metal rock, they are all metalheads. Modern metalheads love to live for their own pleasure. They believe that they do not owe anything to other people, go to concerts where they can drink alcohol, and then arrange brawls (Appendix 3).

3) The Goths perceive their movement as a protest of mass consciousness, diversity and bad taste. Gothic music combines many different styles. The trend is sad, mystical and even mournful motives in appearance and music.

Goths have their own recognizable style. Their image is distinguished by mourning, dark colors, sometimes combined with eroticism. There are piercings. Jewelry made of silver, and can have various symbols - ankhs, crosses, pentagrams, etc. Silver is the color of the moon. The hairstyle also plays an important role in the image of the Goths: just straight long hair, gathered in a big bun or raised with a gel, Mohawks are also sometimes found. Usually hair is dyed black, but there are also red, purple, white colors. Makeup is one of the main signs of this subculture: a dense layer of white powder on the face, black eyeliner and lips.

The characteristics of this subculture include non-violence, passivity and tolerance. Unlike punks and hippies, goths do not call for social activity, do not support forces or blocs in politics, and do not create any political slogans (Appendix 4).

4) Rap - among many subcultural forms based on musical styles, has gained wide scope in Russia. The style of performance is "reading", their actions in the rap of the street life of teenagers in the Negro neighborhoods of America. This style is imitative in nature, recently it has become more of an integral part of the subcultural polystylistic formation, which has been called hip-hop culture. Priorities other than rap: graffiti as a kind of special wall art, break dance as a form of body plasticity and dance, extreme sports, streetball, etc. This subculture is quite democratic, does not lose touch with the "youth of the street". In major cities, there are many young people in rap-related clothing. Although rap fans refer to "tough guys in wide pants" posing as rappers. Such clothes are sold in clothing markets - inexpensive. But, nevertheless, part of the youth is consciously oriented towards hip-hop culture. Appearance: Wide, several sizes larger clothes. Mostly sports. The sport is basketball. Jewelry includes earrings and badges. Hair short. Many rappers do not drink alcohol, not even beer, although they prefer hard drugs. Rappers are not only those who listen to "rap", but also those who write rap. Basically, rappers are not aggressive, except for those who are classified as "Gangsta" (Appendix 5).

5) The name emo - comes from the word "emotional". Emo people are well known for their style and ideology, which is clearly expressed in their respective music. Initially, the subculture was built on punk music with expressive lyrics, most often of a personal nature and with a large emotional component. Emo music is built on sincerity, and so is the subculture. Emo is a state of mind, but they also have their own distinct style to stand out from other subcultures. Emo clothes are clothes in black and pink colors, various arm bands, belts with iron plaques, a backpack with various emo badges. Emo makeup is eyeliner with black pencil. Emo hairstyles - bangs cover one eye, black or dark brown hair color. Laying or lack of it, all this gives freedom in the choice of individuality. Being emo means being sad and writing poetry. In poetry, we are talking about such feelings as confusion, depression, loneliness, melancholy, a sense of isolation from the whole world around us (Appendix 6).

2. Without exaggeration, depression can be called the most common mental disorder. Depression in adolescents and young people is less likely to come to the attention of psychiatrists due to their atypicality, blurring of the clinical picture, masking of their manifestations by behavioral disorders in the form of conflict, rudeness, aggressiveness, leaving home, theft, the use of psychoactive substances (PS), early disordered sexual life.

In adolescence, with depression, psycho-like manifestations are often expressed: conflict, rudeness, a tendency to antisocial behavior, opposition to relatives, alcohol abuse. Even the very concept of "depression" has an ambiguous interpretation. It is understood as a mood characteristic, the name of a syndrome, and as a separate mental illness.

Adolescence is characterized mainly by psychogenic depressions (that is, generated by psychological causes). The relationship of teenage depression: problems with academic performance, difficulties in communicating with peers and elders, etc.

Depressive states in adolescents have a complex structure. This is due to the combination of true depressive symptoms, refracted through age-related characteristics, with personal defensive reactions that form in response to one's own failure, the inability to effectively master the school curriculum and adapt in a peer group.

3. Suicide is a person's reaction to a problem that seems insurmountable to him. The topic of suicidal behavior is quite serious and requires reflection on the real reasons that push people to voluntarily die.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death in adolescence. It is the presence of social and psychological problems leads to suicidal attempts (violence, aggression and cruelty to children, feeling of loneliness).

Quite often, adolescents who resort to suicide have relatives or friends who committed suicide, abuse alcohol and drugs, they are characterized by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other behavioral disorders, depression, and anxiety. Predisposing factors include acute anxiety, a collision with the law, absenteeism and conflicts at school, drug addiction, pregnancy or fear of pregnancy, hypochondria, social isolation. For girls, an additional reason is increased demands on themselves and their academic performance (with average abilities) or changes in life. At the time of the suicide, the victim is often under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

4. Study, sports, creativity - it is in these activities that a teenager can go during this period. As a rule, any progress should be noticed by parents or teachers, whose opinion is valued more than anything else and is extremely important for a teenager.

By making sufficient efforts in sports or studies, a teenager masters his point of view and the correct construction of self-esteem. He sets goals for himself and goes to his dream, begins to believe in himself. For example, physical activity can restore calm and tranquility to a teenager. Creativity enriches the inner life of a teenager, makes him comprehensively developed, teaches him to be in harmony with himself. Studying and gaining new knowledge can bring joy, help to assert oneself.

3. Helpers in times of crisis.

3.1. Friends.

In adolescence, emotionally communicate with peers. Communication permeates the entire life of adolescents, leaving an imprint on both educational and non-educational activities, and on relationships with parents.

The most meaningful and deep communication is possible with friendly relations. Teenage friendship is a complex, often contradictory phenomenon. The teenager strives to have a close, loyal friend and frantically changes friends. Usually he is looking for similarities in a friend, understanding and acceptance of his own experiences and attitudes. A friend who knows how to listen and feel (and for this you need to have similar problems or the same view of the world of human relations), becomes a kind of psychotherapist. It can help not only to better understand yourself, but also to overcome self-doubt, endless doubts about your own worth, to feel like a person. If a friend, busy with his own, also difficult teenage affairs, shows inattention or otherwise assesses a situation that is significant for both, a break in relations is quite possible. And then the teenager, feeling lonely, will again look for the ideal and strive for the fullest possible understanding, in which, in spite of everything, you are loved and appreciated. Recall the old movie "We'll Live Till Monday". The boy was able to reflect the concept of happiness in one phrase: "Happiness is when you are understood."

As shown in American studies, in adolescence, close friends, as a rule, are peers of the same sex, study in the same class, belong to the same environment. Compared with friends, they are more similar in terms of mental development, social behavior, academic success. There are also exceptions. For example, for a serious girl who does well at school, a noisy, extravagant girl, interested not in studying, but in entertainment, can become her best friend. The attraction of the opposite character is usually explained by the fact that a teenager is looking for attractive features in a friend that he himself lacks.

In friendships, teenagers are extremely selective. But their social circle is not limited to close friends, on the contrary, it becomes much wider than in previous ages. Children at this time have many acquaintances and, more importantly, informal groups or companies are formed. Adolescents can be united into a group not only by mutual sympathy, but also by common interests, activities, ways of entertainment, and a place to spend free time. What a teenager receives from a group and what he can give to it depends on the level of development of the group to which he belongs.

Friendly relations are always mutual relations in which each of the participants is designated and somehow manifested for the other. At the same time, both of them are manifested, presented in accordance with their real properties, the more realism, the greater the likelihood of real friendship relations. Friendship is based on justice, it does not require the impossible, the supernatural from a person, it is addressed to his real "I", which can truly realize its integrality in a full life. Understanding is expected from a friend, understanding is given to a friend. Everyone else may not understand, it is forgiven them, but if a friend does not understand, this is already a disaster, this is already a loss based on the experience of the impossibility of embodying one's own existential, this is a break in the thread of life, a break in one's own existence. For many people, one such experience is enough to then beware of people all their lives.

How does friendship arise - is it a relationship in which it is required to be, and not to seem like oneself? Psychologists usually describe the moment of friendship as a special event and call it a meeting. In domestic psychology, there is no practice of analyzing the meeting as a phenomenological phenomenon, but it has been studied in sufficient detail, for example, the need for communication among young people and other types of so-called sociogenic needs, that is, needs for other people. Youth is characterized as a period of pronounced social needs. The need for friendship, for confirmation of the possibility of realizing one's own I finds its object (the other) at the moment of the meeting. The main experience that characterizes her is the recognition of the proximity of this person to herself, to her Self. Sometimes it is described as a break, as a jump in the usual course of everyday life events.

True friendship has one amazing property - it never has a need to change the other person. Each of them has his own living space, a psychological space where his life is built. A friend is nearby, he occupies a position that helps to make the transition to another position, taking into account the existence of the existing one. A friend does not destroy the position, he helps to reflect it, to realize it, that is, to look at oneself from the outside, using that part of knowledge about oneself that is necessary for this. A friend helps to be fair in relation to one's own "I", one's own position. Nobody else can do it.

As a rule, friendship forgives, forgives to the end. This property of true friendship, forgiveness to the end is a manifestation of boundless trust in the power of the Self of another person to realize its integrity, to come true. As soon as doubt or condemnation begins, it means that something in friendship is broken and already forever. Maybe the source of power directed at another person is obscured, maybe it has dried up due to excessive use.

Friendship is moral. Once lost trust is never restored. This sad law has long been described and understood by the researchers of friendship. Thanks to friendship, a person solves his vital task of development - the task of interiorizing morality. I think that the moral nature of friendship lies in its disinterestedness, in its direct ("non-objective") relation of man to man. If the moral categories of conscience, responsibility, duty reflect the existentiality of a person, then friendship as a relationship of a person to a person concretizes this existence, mistakes in this process, I think, are associated with the complexity of this process.

Friendship cannot exist without a moral relationship of people to each other, that is, the values ​​of friendship have already been determined in advance by what has long and unanimously been called human virtue in society. A friend is the person who discovers these values ​​for us and builds his behavior in accordance with them.

According to a person's friends, one can form an objective picture of a person's moral character.

Friendship is a meeting of a person with himself, it is a gift of life, its miracle, it cannot be a constant charity, or constant help, or benefit. Aristotle, and Kant, and Thomas Aquinas, and many other great people argued about this so long ago and so modern that I simply refer those who wish to their texts.

It is psychologically important that friendship gives a person the strength to build his own integrity, which also gives rise to the strength of his Self, to preserve and protect his Self, his rights, to experience their need to preserve his Self and the Self of other people from possible impact. I think that it is here that the psychological origins of a person's legal consciousness can be found. Friendship is the process of realizing the equality of I, law is the process of realizing social equality.

3.2. Parents.

The family factor can rightfully be considered as the most powerful in terms of a favorable effect on the child. Parents often do not take the child's position into account, do not pay enough attention to him, punish him and get angry at the slightest provocation.

Strong family friendship, warmth of relationships, an adequate parenting style is what a teenager needs during this period. Acceptance (positive interest) implies, of course, a positive attitude towards the child. A parent who emotionally understands him, sympathizes with him, responds in a timely manner to the needs of the child. Thus, such parents create in the teenager an unconscious confidence that he is needed and interesting to other people, that he has the necessary personal means to achieve his goals.

And the main assistants in this should be parents, because it is the parents who are the main people for the child, they know everything, they help in everything. Most often, parents do not want to admit to themselves that their child is starting to grow up, he has his own priorities in life, his own positions on some issues. Therefore, parents should have a flexible position in relation to the opinions and views of the child and respect any manifestations of his personality, taking into account, of course, the reasonable limits of what is permitted. Now the time of the unconditional authority of parents has irretrievably gone, so it will no longer be possible to command and lead. This tactic is doomed to failure. Instead, the regulator of relations will be the authority of parents, status and specific actions. One of the features of adolescence is the need for risk, most often dictated by the desire to assert themselves. It's hard to accept, but the only way to do it is to take risks with the child, but on your own territory. This is how parents will be able to speak with a teenager in his language and give him the opportunity to be surprised at his ingenuity. But for some reason, our parents take a slightly different position, they do not understand the child. Healthy relationships between adults and adolescents are characterized by the fact that the influence of parents and peers is complementary. And it's very simple. The main difficulty for parents here is only that you need to recognize in your child an adult (albeit not quite) person who has his own views and his own rights.
When communicating with a teenager, you will have to forget that a parent is a person whose opinion is not discussed. He once enjoyed this status, but everything has already changed irrevocably: the child becomes independent. Now the best way for both sides is friendly relations. The experience of a parent gives him an advantage. But it should not be used as a weapon. They need help to overcome problems and suggest ways out of difficult situations, then this will be perceived adequately, with gratitude, with respect. Parents should again teach the child to perceive the world, show it by examples. First of all, you need to teach your child to joke. To look at what is happening with humor and irony, not to be afraid of anything, to make a mistake, to be able to distinguish a joke from an insult. This will help him cope with the difficulties of adolescence, it will become an excellent basis for the worldview in the future, it will form character and optimism. Show how you should turn to your advantage, it would seem, negative moments in life and what is happening: what happened is not good, but you can find such and such pluses in this. This is where you will be invaluable, as the teenager still lacks the experience to react to the situation in this way. Feelings of a teenager are subject to instant change, emotions simply overwhelm him, he still lacks the experience to cope with them and control them. A person who does not show emotions is not interesting and other people will not be drawn to him. After all, the basis of communication is the mutual understanding of the situation, when the story of one interlocutor is supported by another with inspiration and with a gleam in his eyes, and the conversation cannot end in any way. Therefore, it is important not to force your rules on a teenager. After all, if a teenager understands that you respect him, value his opinion, he will be able to respect you. If you reveal your experience to him in the form of advice, and not impose it by force, he will begin to appreciate it. And, faced with a really serious problem, he will run for advice and help not to friends, but to you, as to a more experienced and closest person. Many studies prove the advantages of the first approach. A child deprived of strong and unambiguous evidence of parental love is less likely to have high self-esteem, warm and friendly relationships with other people, and a stable positive self-image.


1) Having studied the literature on this issue, we came to the conclusion that adolescence is one of the most difficult periods of human life, intensive growth and changes in the body have a serious impact on the psyche of a teenager.

2) Having considered the main features of the crisis states of adolescence, we found that a change in the values, orientations of a teenager, the desire for adulthood and independence, the egocentrism of youthful thinking gives rise to a lot of intrapersonal and external interpersonal conflicts

3) Having described the ways out of crisis states, we found out that in order to overcome destructive phenomena in the psyche of a teenager, close adults need to create conditions for the formation of a reference group (get to know friends, invite friends to your home, get acquainted with parents of friends, encourage them to go in for sports , music, support the constructive interests of a teenager) and, despite the difficult period, remain a friend to the child.

Thus, summing up our course work, we once again note the importance of adolescence for the entire development of the personality, we consider it necessary to continue a deep comprehensive study of this problem, we emphasize the importance of this knowledge in the real life of adolescents regarding their attitude to themselves and to other people.


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Article text

Timofeeva Maria Alexandrovna, student of FGBOU VPO "CHPU", Chelyabinsk [email protected]

Features and problems of the adolescent crisis

Annotation. In this scientific article, the problems and features of the teenage crisis are considered. The main provisions of L.S. Vygotsky devoted to the adolescent crisis. A coincidence of the opinion of L.S. Vygotsky and practicing teachers. Based on the data obtained, an analysis of the teenage crisis was made and some recommendations were given to teachers and parents. Keywords: teenage crisis, teenagers, problems, features, causes of the crisis, perestroika.

In Russian psychology, the age crisis is considered as a holistic change in the child's personality, which regularly occurs at the junction of stable periods, due to the emergence of basic psychological neoplasms of the previous stable period, which lead to the destruction of one social situation of development and the emergence of another, adequate to the psychological appearance of the child. The crisis of adolescence is significantly different from the crises of younger ages. It seems to us the most acute and longest in comparison with all age-related crises, which mark the turning points in the formation of the child's personality. This entire period represents a significant restructuring of previously established psychological structures and the emergence of new ones, which from this moment only begin their further development. L.S. Vygotsky wrote about adolescence: “In itself, this is an age of powerful upsurge, but at the same time, an age of disturbed and unstable balance, an age of development that has branched into three separate channels, and it is the upsurge underlying this age that makes it especially critical. Indeed, ascent in itself is difficult and responsible. The same phenomenon, which does not have a noticeable effect on a traveler walking on a level road, can become a most difficult obstacle, sometimes overturning, for a traveler going uphill. In this article, we want to consider the problems of the adolescent crisis and explore the opinion of teachers about its features. The purpose of the study: to find out the teachers' ideas about the peculiarities of the course of the teenage crisis in students. Object of study: the teenage crisis. Subject of the study: the features and causes of the manifestation of the teenage crisis. ) faces an adolescent crisis and has to overcome this path of growing up with a teenager, helping him find balance during this rise.

Research hypothesis: teachers working with adolescents are familiar with the works of L.S. Vygotsky, devoted to the concept of "teenage crisis", and have a complete understanding of the causes and features of this crisis. This topic is by no means new. L.S. Vygotsky raised the question of the importance of studying critical ages, substantiated the need to identify the main neoformation in the psyche, the social situation of development, believing that the restructuring of the system of relations between the child and the environment is the main content of the crisis of transitional age. He discusses this in his work “The Problem of Age”. In his opinion, the adolescent crisis is a sharp change in the entire system of adolescent experiences, its structure and content. Vygotsky singled out the age of 13 years as a turning point of the crisis, but noted that the post-crisis years (1415 years), when new psychological formations are formed and presented to others, are subjectively perceived by both parents and teachers as the most difficult. The source of the crisis is the contradiction between the growing physical and mental the child's capabilities and previously established forms of his relationship with other people and types (methods) of activity. The teenage crisis lasts differently for each child, depending on many factors: the attention of adults to him, the influence of peers, others, and parents. Under unfavorable circumstances, the crisis can drag on for several years and be quite unpleasant for both teachers and parents, and for the teenager himself. The contradictions that make up the essence of the crisis can proceed in an acute form, giving rise to strong emotional experiences, violations in the behavior of children, in their relationships with adults. L.S. Vygotsky believed that the vivid manifestations of a crisis are more a problem of the social environment that has failed to rebuild than a child.

At the beginning of the second decade of life, children change dramatically, which causes their first conscious sexual desire. This is the reason that teenagers are beginning to be actively interested in the opposite sex, experimenting in relationships: they meet, swear, break up. Academic performance is falling, parents are arguing, and teenagers are too passionate about the new world - the world of human relationships, feelings and emotions.

Many parents are united by the fear of their children. As soon as someone says: "I'm 14 now ...", those around sigh sympathetically. Of course, it is not in vain that this age is popularly called “difficult”: teenagers often seem completely unpredictable to adults, but there are, on the basis of which two types of teenage crisis can be distinguished.

So, first view the course of the crisis of adolescence can be called stormy, bright, intense. The teenager actively rebels against the whole world, looks outrageous and behaves accordingly: he becomes very loud and sharp, slams the door during quarrels and runs away from home. He often has, but at teenage parties he is a regular guest.

Usually it is this type of crisis that scares parents the most: the child seems to be somehow alien, different, although a year ago he was an obedient schoolboy.

This openness is a resource for parents to maintain contact and trust with a teenager. Emotions and feelings are what now make up the picture of your child's world. Talk about them with a teenager, discuss, be sincerely interested in what is happening in his soul: feeling genuine interest, and not a desire to control him, the child will share his experiences.

You can remember yourself at his age, tell what you also experienced because of your first love and quarrels with friends, you can compare your feelings and emotions. Such an experience will be interesting for both you and your rebellious child.

Second view the course of the crisis of adolescence - quiet and silent. These teenagers experience the same range of very intense emotions silently, locking themselves in their room, pulling the hood up to their eyes and inserting headphones with. They also rebel, they also scream, but inside themselves.

This quiet rebellion is actually fraught with much more dangers than a loud one, because such teenagers become extremely withdrawn, do not share their experiences, but communicate mainly on social networks. Such silent people are more unpredictable, because one can only guess what kind of storm is raging inside them.

For parents who behave this way, it is important to be patient and maintain the contact that was at the time of the crisis.

It is important to make it clear to the child that you will always be there, no matter what he does, that your love for him does not depend on any external factors: you just love him for what he is, with all his shortcomings and complexes.

Do not demand from him stories about yourself, let him live the crisis within himself, but gently remind him that you are his support and support - at any moment he can ask for help, and you will certainly support him. If a teenager has a feeling that the family is his shelter from the outside world, then he will not commit any terrible deeds.

Regardless of the type of crisis, it is important for parents to remember a few rules:

    Treat a teenager as an adult: respect him, his feelings, experiences, emotions, choices, actions, even if they seem wrong to you. teaches a teenager to think through the consequences, take into account many factors and take responsibility.

    Respect. You won’t climb to read the text messages of your work colleague, will you? So it is with a teenager: he has his own personal life, his own space, which should be inviolable. Do not read his correspondence, knock on the door before entering his room. Even such trifles will allow him to understand that you respect his right to personal boundaries.

    Don't discount by saying, “Have you quarreled again? Nonsense, make up!" No, not nonsense: quarrels for teenagers are the end of the world, and often the real end of friendship. Respect these experiences, because the world of relationships is the main world for a teenager.

    Avoid punishments and orders. A teenager is no longer a child, he is extremely sensitive to the encroachment on personal freedom and self-expression. House arrests, bans, coercion to any activity will only exacerbate the course of the crisis of adolescence. With a teenager you need the same as with any adult.

No matter how the crisis is quiet or loud, mild or severe, it is important to maintain a trusting relationship. Parents should take into account the age characteristics of their child, so that further development is harmonious. If a teenager wants to walk - let him walk, if he wants to sit in a room - let him sit. The main thing is that he knows that he has parental support.

Ekaterina Safonova

In psychology, the crisis of adolescence is considered the most difficult stage in a person's growing up. During this period, the child overcomes that elusive line between childhood and maturity, which fundamentally breaks his worldview. How well the fateful transition will occur depends on the characteristics of the teenager and the position of the immediate environment.

Due to inexperience, a teenager is not able to understand the underlying causes of the changes taking place, often he succumbs to destructive emotions. The seriousness of personality restructuring is evidenced by the fact that suicide ranks third among the causes of teenage mortality, second only to traffic accidents and infectious diseases.

The task of parents- understand the causes of the ongoing metamorphoses, delicately explain them to the child, together with him to overcome the difficult time of maturation with the least losses.

Adolescence starts at the age of 12 and continues until the age of 17-18. Experts note that the complexity of the age period lies in the combination of many physiological and psychological factors. Understanding their intricacies is sometimes only possible for an experienced child psychologist. A huge advantage of loved ones is unconditional love and a genuine desire to help their child.

Physiological basis of the crisis in adolescents

From the age of 12, a serious hormonal restructuring takes place in human physiology. The body launches three endocrine factories at full speed: the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland. They begin to produce large amounts of androgens and growth hormones. The role of the thymus gland, on the contrary, is gradually decreasing.

Hormonal storms inherent in the teenage crisis are accompanied by vivid external manifestations. Among them:

1. Intensive growth. Rapid growth is observed in boys at the age of 13-15, in girls - two years earlier. In this case, the change in the proportions of the body occurs unevenly. Bodily disproportions are expressed by clumsiness, angularity, give rise to dissatisfaction with one's own appearance, shyness.

2. Puberty. Features of the pubertal period depend on nationality, climatic conditions, heredity. In girls, puberty begins at 12-13 years old, in boys - at 13-15 years old, ends by 18 and 20 years old, respectively.

In addition to constitutional changes, puberty is accompanied by a manifestation of interest in the opposite sex. Secret fantasies and instinctive desires, of course, affect the behavior of the child.

3. Emotional instability. Polar mood swings have physiological roots. Adolescents are characterized by jumps in nervous and muscle tone, fatigue and excitement, periods of depression and euphoria. Parents should stock up on self-control: an insignificant occasion, an accidentally thrown word can lead to severe irritation or aggression.

Psychological motives of the crisis of adolescence

Experts identify two probable crisis models:

1. "Crisis of Independence".

Characteristic manifestations:

  • negative attitude;
  • excessive stubbornness;
  • coarseness;
  • non-recognition of authorities;
  • limitation of personal space;
  • secrecy, secrecy.

2. "Addiction Crisis".

Distinctive features of behavior:

  • suggestibility;
  • subordination to the environment;
  • inability to make independent decisions;
  • complaisance;
  • the desire to merge with the crowd;
  • infantilism.

The course of the crisis of adolescence in a dependent form seems to parents a favorable option. They are glad that they managed to maintain trust, control over the child. Is this option positive for the development of a teenager's personality?

The evolutionary essence of growing up is the acquisition of independence, an independent life position. There comes a painful but necessary moment: the chicks "stand on the wing" and leave the nest that has become cramped. Parents should realize that a child who was previously dependent on them no longer needs constant care.

A teenager develops a mature position, his own worldview. It does not necessarily correspond to parental ideas about the ideal. It is unlikely that the “eternal child” will become successful in life, therefore, the “crisis of independence”, although it is more difficult to overcome, is much more productive.

Change in life values

We have come to the main point - the essence of the phenomenon. The problem is not that the child is going through a difficult crisis, but how positive the outcome will be. Will he be able to adapt to the new difficult realities of adult life? In addition to gaining independence, some points testify to the harmonious development of the individual.

Development of the inner world

Until the age of 12-13, the interest of the child is directed to the knowledge of the outside world. He studies unfamiliar phenomena with genuine interest, tries everything on the tooth, burns himself, learns from mistakes. In adolescence, the amount of knowledge passes into a new quality: a formed personality explores its true essence.

The direction of the search changes to the opposite: from external contemplation to internal self-knowledge. Adolescents are prone to reflection, experiences and emotions acquire intrinsic value for them.

Critical thinking

A teenager's mind is taken over by a rigid logic that requires an unambiguous answer. The surrounding world becomes bipolar: it is ruled by truth or lies, friendship or hatred, plus or minus. Chekhov's concepts such as "bad good man", are incomprehensible to a teenager.

Youthful maximalism forces one to "forever" quarrel with peers and parents, to experience deep disappointment due to trifling problems by adult standards. The complex palette of human relationships is so paradoxical that it does not fit into the understandable dilemma of good and evil.

The need for a close environment

Friends become more important to a teenager than family. Their opinion rises to an unattainable height, which parents cannot overcome. Young people are beginning to gain experience in building personal relationships.

The first loves arise, which are most often unrequited. Teenagers like adult boys and girls, but they rarely take such attachments seriously. For impressionable individuals, personal failures cause deep suffering and depression.

Characteristic manifestations of adolescence crisis

Summarizing the characteristics of adolescents:

  • Critical attitude to appearance.
  • Formation of interest groups.
  • Heightened interest in sexual topics.
  • Violation of the "taboo": the first experience of drinking alcohol, smoking.
  • Zealous observance of personal distance.
  • Sharpness, categorical assessments.
  • Sensitivity and vulnerability, hidden under the mask of ostentatious indifference.

1. Rethink your attitude.

The situation has changed. Before you is no longer a former obedient child, unable to make decisions, but not an adult, ready for independent living. Your position should change accordingly. Try to stick to the middle path between total surveillance and teenage anarchy.

A growing child needs freedom, but controlled. No matter how proud he is of independence, instinctively he needs education, reasonable guidance. Be more loyal, more patient, keep in mind that the child has

2. Show genuine interest.

Unfortunately, busy parents limit interest to the general nightly phrase: “What's at school?” Children respond to such care with adequate formality. The harsh words “don't interfere in my life” hide a sincere need for mutual understanding, recognition of the significance of their interests.

Be more often interested in what the child “breathes”. If his worries turn out to be frivolous, do not call them nonsense. The experiences that are characteristic of the teenage crisis seem naive only to an experienced adult. By devaluing the ideals of a teenager, you deprive his entire existence of meaning. He needs something completely different: good advice and reliable support.

3. Find common ground.

Try to captivate your child with a useful hobby, go on excursions, exhibitions, play sports together. For girls and mothers, productive areas are needlework, cooking, and fashion. For boys and dads - cars, equipment, fishing. A joint trip to the cinema or the theater, a trip to a bookstore will allow you to learn a lot about addictions, the inner world of a teenager.

4. Delicately explain to the child the reasons for what is happening.

Choose the best moment for a confidential conversation. For example, some time after a stupid quarrel, when emotions subsided, but the memory of the quarrel that happened is still fresh. Avoid accusatory assessments. Try to talk in a positive way, showing participation.

Tell us about the processes taking place in a growing body, how they affect mood. It is useful for a teenager to learn about the physiological background of nervous breakdowns. If you present this information objectively, he will feel a desire to help.

5. Control your inner circle.

Try to collect information about the friends of your son or daughter. If you find unwanted connections, for example, that can drag you into a bad company, get addicted to alcohol or drugs, try to explain the harm of such communication. Do not try to authoritarianly prohibit communication with bad acquaintances. This can provoke conflict and secrecy.

6. Don't impose.

Some teenagers require privacy, do not break it against their will. Give him the opportunity to be alone to comprehend a new stream of sensations and changes. Teenagers are sensitive to personal things and environment. Do not throw away or change anything in the room without the consent of its occupant.

7. Personal example.

Do not forget that your advice will be received with dignity if you confirm it with personal authority. Children are sensitive to hypocrisy. False preaching of moral values, based on bookish truths, is unlikely to succeed with them.

Despite the sensitive attitude of parents, there are situations when a crisis in a teenager turns into a serious problem. He becomes a rebel and throws himself into all the bad: leaves home, does not want to study, tries alcohol and drugs. In such cases, the right action is not to hesitate and seek professional help from a psychologist. A competent specialist will help the child survive the transitional time without dangerous complications.

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More recently, the child looked trustingly into his eyes, believed every word, wanted to please, tried to be obedient, and your approving smile and praise were his prize bonus. And now you feel that either the child has been replaced, or you have ceased to understand each other. There is a wall between you.

When a child enters adolescence transitional age, he is not yet an adult, but no longer a child: a small adult or an adult child?

The perception of oneself and one's capabilities is very different from the real level of psycho-emotional, physical maturity and from what the child is actually capable of. This is the critical transitional period.

To prevent a turning point in your relationship, you need to prepare for it: arm yourself with knowledge, understanding and readiness to accept all future changes, difficulties and possible consequences.

Age limits of the transition period:

  • girls– from 11 to 16 years;
  • boys- from 12 to 18.

It is necessary to take into account the individual factor of physiological development and, accordingly, the beginning and end of the teenage period of their life.

It is important to understand that a teenager during this period is the most difficult. He needs help.

Early signs of adolescence

A quantitative increase in the production of adrenaline () entails both internal and external changes. Symptoms of the onset of adolescence are characterized by three criteria:

internal physiological

Hormonal restructuring of the body, which is manifested by general lethargy and weakness, a feeling of lack of sleep, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in girls, in boys - a breakdown of the voice.

internal psychological

A storm of emotions, increased vulnerability, alienation, self-criticism, insecurity, negativism.

External psychological

The transition to a new level of relations in the family and in society is the desire to separate from the family, to get out of the control of parents.

The desire to have uncontrolled independence can lead to:

  • deliberate rudeness (at this link helpful information About, );
  • demonstrative ignoring;
  • challenging and defending their new rights and privileges in communication with adults, and with peers - to a demonstration of false independence, reckless courage, sometimes impudence.

Causes of the crisis

The main reason is the physiological essence of the transitional adolescence. Hormonal age-related changes in the body.

From 8 years old , the child increases the secretion of substances that are responsible for the production of major hormones, including sex hormones: testosterone in boys and estrogen in girls. This leads to changes in appearance, signaling puberty.

It also increases the production of adrenaline, the stress hormone. As a result, in addition to an increase in physical strength, respiratory rate and heart rate, the emotional load also increases, manifested by protest behavior, irascibility, aggressive or hypersensitive reaction.

Behavior during a crisis

The main psychological attitude of a teenager is self-awareness and a declaration of oneself as a full-fledged autonomous person.

It is manifested by a pronounced desire for freedom and independence, and its insistent demand, sometimes reconquest. But without taking into account the fact that freedom and independence implies a different level of responsibility, and the increase in rights is followed by an increase in duties.

A growing child needs to receive, and you need to gradually and correctly transfer to him a set of rights along with duties and responsibilities for his independent future life. This is a mandatory task of the natural stage of growing up.

This process is consistent, and much will depend on how it goes in his future life, and in your relationship with him.

If, on your part, the process drags on and takes place without understanding and approval, then you will cause a response resistance from a teenager. It can be expressed either by active opposition, or, conversely, by passive isolation and infantilism.

As far as you accept this age process as a mandatory program laid down by nature, and do not suppress it, the child's behavior will be adequate.

If not, then you will be dealing not just with adolescence, but with a pronounced adolescent crisis, in which behavior will be problematic or.

The lower the self-esteem of a teenager, the worse his attitude towards himself, and, as a result, towards others, the more problematic his behavior will be.



    A cautious trial rejection by an adolescent of some of the habits and patterns in intra-family relations related to a small child.



    Building a new system of life values, rights and obligations in relationships with loved ones and in society.

What threatens the future

Adolescence should be lived with your child so that:

  • do not lose contact with him and do not destroy trusting relationships with total control and excessive pressure;
  • do not push him onto the path of spiritual degradation or early caricature adulthood by a complete lack of control, permissiveness and impunity for committing serious mistakes.

Maintaining a balance between reasonable trust and the necessary justified control, parental exactingness and indulgence is the key to maintaining mutual respect and the correct gradual maturation of a teenager.

  1. If the balance is upset in the direction of pressure and limitation of his personal development, the child can turn into a weak-willed, infantile, immature person with a set of teenage complexes, perhaps even with neurotic problems.
  2. If the balance is broken in the direction of lack of control and early permissiveness, then the child may receive a lesson in impunity, which will not allow him to develop the level of responsibility that meets the requirements and conditions of life of an independent adult.

How to help get through the tough times

A benevolent and condescending inner attitude will help you:

“This is still my favorite child. These are temporary changes. We will go through these difficulties together, and in a few years he will again be as understandable and close, only as an adult.”

To accept and focus on this positive attitude, we offer the following tips, which we recommend writing down and reading about once a month and during a period of aggravation of relations:

  • Discuss with your teenager any issues that interest him, respectfully listening to his opinion, even if it does not appeal to you.
  • Consult with him when making various family decisions.
  • Cultivate in him the strong features and characteristics of his character, dignity, abilities, placing emphasis on his successes, victories, even insignificant ones, on what he does well.

Do not tire of reminding him that you love him, that you need him, that he plays an important role in the family.

  • Introduce in everything, especially in controversial issues, a flexible system of agreements, and strictly adhere to it yourself.
  • Make compromises, give in small things, instead of a categorical refusal, offer a choice.
  • Do not expect from him a greater level of responsibility than what he is capable of at the moment.

Maintain a respectful form of communication even when the child's behavior is out of line.

  • Talk heart to heart with your teenager every day, allocating at least 10 minutes for this.
  • Communicate with him as with your equal - an adult, but repeat important points, as in communicating with a child.
  • Be firm on important issues of global family values, his personal safety, his physical and psychological health.
  • Do not violate the boundaries of his personal space, do not enter his room and do not take things without his permission.
  • Teach by example:
    - attitude to things: to bring what has been started to the end;
    - attitude towards people softness, restraint,;
    - in relation to oneself:, independence from other people's behavior.
  • Teenagers are prone to negative self-perceptions. Do not miss the moments when there is something to praise him for. Support in difficult situations for him. Develop faith in yourself.
  • Make your life with him entertaining: fill it with activities and events that are in the range of his interests.
  • Be sure to meet the requirements that you put forward to him.
  • Give parental warmth, attention and care. They are needed not only by small children, but also by grown-up children.

What Parents Shouldn't Do

If you want to overcome the teenage crisis without irreconcilable confrontation, unproductive conflicts, insurmountable grievances and mutual claims, carefully read a number of rules, the key setting of which is the concept "IT IS FORBIDDEN":

  • Criticize:
    - his friends;
    - his views and opinion, no matter how wrong they may seem to you;
    - his appearance.

Youthful negativism in relation to oneself most of all extends to appearance, both among girls and boys. Any teenager experiences a "stage complex", which is characterized by the feeling that all eyes are turned exclusively on you.

  • Compare him to others if the comparison is not in his favor.
  • Categorically reject his interests.
  • Show aggressive rejection and misunderstanding.
  • On the contrary, immerse yourself in stressful experiences, show hypersensitivity, demonstrating tears, heart attacks. This can only deepen the problems.

An incorrect reaction to a teenager's problem behavior can become a provocation to further deepen both the problem itself and the crisis.

During this period it is very important with a son or daughter to avoid unforeseen consequences. But you need to do it right.



"Teenage Crisis" is not a diagnosis.

Be patient to show your maturing child an example of endurance, patience with difficulties, the ability to forgive and love, despite any emotional barriers.
It is easier for you than for him, because you know for sure that a teenage crisis can be dealt with. After all, in your life there was already a personal teenage crisis that you could overcome.
Therefore, calmly step over your doubts and fears, and say to yourself with a smile: