The accent is pronounced e in the word. Pronunciation of unstressed vowel sounds

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Phonetic processes of the language of the Old Russian people, which predetermined the development of the language of the Russian people and the Russian nation

The fall of the reduced is a general phonetic process that was reflected in all East Slavic languages ​​(Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian), but at the same time, regional differences were already visible in them (in the Ukrainian language - lengthening of O, E in closed syllables - KON - KIN , 2nd combination of smooth + reduced: Ukrainian KRIVAVIY - Russian KROVYY, Ukrainian TRIVOG - Russian ANXIETY), the fate of tense reduced ones (Ukrainian, Belarusian SHYA (SHYYA), MIYU (MYYU), Russian NECK, MY ) etc.

Today we will look at other phonetic processes characteristic of this period.

1. Transition from E to O.

2. The history of the sound denoted by the letter Ђ.

3. Akane.

4. Historical changes in the field of consonants.

The Russian language is characterized by the change of E to O after soft consonants and before hard consonants such as NESU - NES, VEZU - VEZ, SELO - SELA, etc. There is a labialization of the vowel E and its transition to O before the hard consonant.

In the Russian literary language, as well as in Akaya dialects, this process is reflected only under stress, but in Akaya dialects this phenomenon can also occur in an unstressed position (yokanye in the north). In the south, some dialects were not affected by this process at all.

As a regular phonetic phenomenon, the transition from E to O began to be noted in the monuments of the 12th century, however, the method of transmitting the new vowel was not developed immediately: in the ancient Russian written monuments O, EO, ьО were used (FODOR - a letter on birch bark of the 12th century; ELEON - Novgorod Gospel XIV century; DNOT - Novgorod Gospel of the XIII century, etc.). Since the 17th century in its place appeared the combinations of letters ИО, iО, and since the time of N.M. Karamzin - Е (1794). True, recently the authorship has been disputed in favor of E. Dashkova.

It can be assumed that the change from E to O took place in 2 stages. 1. After the original softened consonants and iota, it occurred earlier and appeared in the southwestern territory, affecting the Ukrainian language (cholovik, yomu). In other cases, the preceding consonant was hardened in the Ukrainian language: SESSERS. 2. As a result of the development of secondary softening among consonants, it arose in areas that became part of the Russian and Belarusian nationalities. Thus, in the Russian and Belarusian languages, the transition from E to O occurs after any soft consonant.

What is the reason for this phonetic phenomenon? First of all, in the labializing effect of the subsequent hard consonant. V.N. Sidorov associates this process with the loss of reduced ones, when a hard consonant ended up in the same syllable with the preceding vowel. The hard consonant, having a certain degree of labialization, fell into the same syllable with the preceding vowel and labialized it. Technologically, this happened as follows: KO/Нь/КЪ – КО/НЭК – КО/НЁК. The articulatory apparatus pronounces a soft consonant, tuned to the pronunciation of a front vowel, but the roundness of the lips, ready to pronounce a hard K, changes its quality. While the reduced ones existed, the consonant K and the preceding vowel b belonged to different syllables, and there was no effect on the vowel. After the fall of the reduced K, it entered into one syllable with the preceding vowel. The participation of the lips in the pronunciation of hard K led to the transition of E to O, while maintaining the softness of the preceding consonant. This is how a soft consonant appears before the front vowel, which played a big role in the restructuring of the phonetic system of the Russian language: secondary softening of consonants develops, a hardness/softness correlation arises, and a redistribution of functions occurs between vowels and consonants in a word.

The change in E also occurred at the end of words, but, as researchers suggest, it was caused by analogy: SPEAR, MY, LIVING, SHOULDER, LINEN, FACE by analogy with SELO, WHITE.

The transition from E to O as a special phonetic process is limited to the period from the 12th to the 15th centuries. Subsequently, it loses the force of the phonetic law. This is evidenced by the preservation of E before C, which had hardened by the 15th century: FATHER, WELL DONE, THE END.

Currently, the change from E to O has lost its phonetic character and is used as a morphological means in formation: plural nouns – VILLAGE-VILLAGE; past tense of a masculine verb - NESU - CARRYING, VEZU - VEZ, PEKU - PEK; at the endings of present tense verbs - CARRY, CARRY; in diminutive suffixes: MEADOW - MEADOW, BOUGH - KNOCK, SIDE - BARREL, etc. The morphological nature of the alternation determines the transition of E to O by analogy: in the endings of verbs - CARRY-CARRY, in diminutive suffixes in new words borrowed after the 15th century: FLAG - FLASH, DIARY - DIARY, ANCHOR - ANCHOR; in connection with the alignment of the base: GREEN - GREEN, BIRCH - BIRCH, etc.

Now let's look at cases where the transition from E to O is limited.

1. E passes into O only from E (primordial) and b. There is no transition from E to O in place of the old Ђ, since during the operation of this pattern Ђ also denoted a special sound: HAY, SUMMER, WHITE, GRAY, VERA, VIRGO, etc. The exception is some words, where the transition from E to O is due to analogy in the formation of the plural: STAR - STARS, BUCKET - BUCKETS, NEST - NESTS by analogy with WIFE - WIVES, VILLAGE - VILLAGES; PURCHASE - PURCHASED by analogy with NEWS - VEL.

2. There is no transition from E to O before C due to its late hardening (by the end of the 15th century).

3. Before Ж, Ш there is a double series of examples: HEDGEHOG, LYING, ROBBERY, RELIABLE, CLOTHING (colloquial), but: ADJACENT, REBELLION, CLOTHES, etc. In the Belarusian language in all cases E: ADZEZHA, VYADZET.

It is assumed that the absence of the transition from E to O in the second series of examples is associated with the church-book origin of these words, and in some dialects due to the later hardening of sibilants: GOLOVESHKA.

4. A two-fold series of examples is also observed before hardened consonants after the loss of the reduced ones: USEFUL, LAPTIVE, TSAREVNA, VILLAGE, MODERN, but: DARK, HIDDEN, ELEVATIVE, TIME-BASED. The absence of the transition from E to O is explained here, on the one hand, by the bookishness of the examples, on the other hand, by the late hardening of consonants, especially before the suffix -ьСК-: FEMALE, SMOLENSKY (after the loss of the reduced consonants, the consonant remained soft for a long time), etc.

5. In the combinations “reduced + smooth”, a change in E to O is noted only if after the smooth one there is a hard anterior lingual: HARD, GRAIN, BLACK, YELLOW, etc., in other cases, due to the late hardening of the smooth ones, E is preserved : THURSDAY, SICKLE, FIRST, CHURCH, TOP, etc.

6. There is no transition from E to O in the church-book words: CAVE, SKY, FINGER, CROSS, SACRIFICE, UNIVERSE, BAD, Audacity. The bookish nature of most of these words is emphasized by parallels with a neutral meaning: PECHORA (the name of the river), PALATE (the upper part of the oral cavity), THIMBLE, CROSSROADS, etc.

7. In foreign words borrowed after the 15th century, there cannot be a transition from E to O, since at that time the indicated pattern was no longer in effect: DEMON, DESPOTE, CEDAR, CHOLERA, CUTLETS, INTEREST, THEME, BALLET, MOMENT, etc. .d.

So, for what reason is there no transition from E to O in the following words: END, HARM, FINGER, METHOD, MODERN, CELL.

The history of the sound denoted by the letter Ђ.

The sound denoted by the letter Ђ had two meanings: origin: from E and from diphthongs oi, ai, but the nature of pronunciation in Slavic languages ​​is different: among the southern Slavs it was the middle-low rise ЂКО (ЯКО), in modern Bulgarian: LYATO, TRYABVA, NYAKO. And the Eastern Slavs have an upper-middle rise, which is reflected in the reflexes of the Ukrainian language: LITO, DILO, SVIT, as I, and in the Russian and Belarusian languages, as E: LIGHT, WHITE, DELO, etc.

Quality Researchers define this sound in the Old Russian language in different ways: as a closed E (Sobolevsky), as a diphthong IE (Kolosov, Fortunatov, Shakhmatov), ​​as a long narrow monophthong (Gorshkova, Khaburgaev).

What is it cause changes in these sounds: V.I. Sobinnikova names the following:

Loss of longitude;

The impact of subsequent consonants, developing the relationship between hardness and softness;

Transition of E to O before hard consonants;

Changes in unstressed vowels.

Time changes Ђ in the Old Russian language.

During the period of feudal fragmentation, the change in Ђ in different dialects occurred in different ways and at different times. Written monuments testify to this.

First of all, Ђ changed in E in the Smolensk-Polotsk dialects (see Smolensk charter of 1229). In the Galician-Volyn dialects, which formed the basis of the Ukrainian language, Ђ changed in I approximately in the same period - XII-XIII centuries.

Much later, in the 15th century, a change was noted in Ђ in Novgorod dialects, where Ђ was replaced by I in the position before soft consonants, and then before hard consonants.

In Southern Great Russian dialects Ђ remained as a special sound until the 17th century, as evidenced by Voronezh manuscripts.

The last thing to happen was the rapprochement between Ђ and E in the dialect of Moscow, as evidenced by written monuments and the instructions of researchers M.V. Lomonosov, who noted the subtlety in the pronunciation of Ђ compared to the plump E.

Trediakovsky replaced Ђ with IE (PIESA) in the spelling.

Sumarokov wrote: “Yat always gets hit a little.”

In spelling, YAT was preserved until the reform of 1917-18.

So, at different times and different reflexes in Slavic languages.

The exception is cases transition e V O after soft consonants. In modern speech you can hear whitish And whitish, fade And fade, bile And bile. Although some dictionaries recognize such options as, if not equivalent, then acceptable, it remains natural for speakers to choose one, the most correct form of pronunciation. The correct solution can be suggested by a scientific examination of this issue.

Historically the pronunciation of the phoneme<э>is a reflection of the Old Church Slavonic language system, and the vowel<о>after a soft consonant is an element of the Russian phonetic system. Transition process e V O under stress after soft consonants is objectively determined. However, on the one hand, he encounters resistance from the norms of Church Slavonic rhetoric and the principles of high-style pronunciation, enshrined in the language by the traditions of Russian classical literature: sl e knowledgeable, diverse e ny, ist e kshiy, os e long.. On the other hand, this process is complicated by the influence of dialects and colloquial elements: ridge e t, op e ok, let's lie e ny. It is necessary to note one more circumstance related to the peculiarities of Russian graphics. The point is that the letter yo, introduced into the Russian alphabet by N. M. Karamzin and truly reflecting the peculiarities of native Russian pronunciation, was used in print extremely inconsistently. As a result of the fact that very often e replaced e, many words began to be pronounced with [e] instead of [o] after a soft consonant under stress: whitish instead of whitish, bile instead of bile, maneuver instead of maneuver. This reverse direction in the development of pronunciation is associated with the graphic version of the printed word in the era of universal written literacy, that is, the influence of the written form of the language on oral speech. This also explains the phenomenon of stress shifting: Novor O long-awaited instead of newborn, os at long-awaited instead of convicted, produced e day instead of convicted, ots e unloved instead of appreciated.

In such conditions, it is important to preserve and maintain pronunciation traditions. Orthoepic dictionaries and the consistent use of letters in printed texts are currently acquiring particular importance. e not only for semantic purposes (cf.: everything - everything, recognizes - recognizes, sky - sky, case - case), but also to indicate exemplary general literary spelling norms.

It is important to be able to distinguish between equal and unequal pronunciation options. Among the unequal options, the following are recognized as literary:

Sound [e] in words scam, spineless, bluff, existence, dead wood, firebrand, black ice(But ice), grenadier, stout, hagiography, pharynx, dresser, religious procession(But Godfather), fishing line, oblivion, shelter, bewildered, guardianship, sedentary, successor, crypt, surveillance, modern, yoke, barley.

Sound [o] in words worthless, eponymous, buckets(gen. plural), mockery, crossbill(plural) crossbills), priest(gen. p. units. h.) priest, pl. h. priests), fable, brought, attracted, brought, belt, obscene, fur And coarse-haired, lye.

In unstressed syllables the law of phonetic reduction applies. The essence of the law of reduction is that unstressed vowels in the Russian language undergo various changes as a result of weakening articulation.

Vowels undergo smaller changes in unstressed position<и>, <ы>, <у>. Losing emphasis, they are pronounced shorter and with less force, but retain their basic characteristics. This reduction is called quantitative. The smallest degree of differences in the pronunciation of the indicated vowels in unstressed syllables compared to their stressed position is confirmed by the fact that writers rarely make mistakes when formatting words with stressed and unstressed variants. Wed: b s forehead s shaft; st And l, st And leaf, st And leafy; To at stick, k at dense.

Vowels<а>, <о>, <э>in an unstressed position are exposed quality reduction. At the same time, they lose their main characteristics, and another sound is pronounced in place of the original phoneme. In the first pre-stressed syllable, these vowels experience the least weakening, cf.: sam - s[l]ma, year - g[l]da, forest - l[i e ]sa. In other unstressed syllables, vowel sounds are reduced as much as possible. See table where

[l] means an open vowel, similar to a phoneme<а>in an unstressed position on the spot<а>, <о>;

[ъ] – short reduced vowel, pronounced in place of unstressed vowels<а>, <о>, <э>after a hard consonant; in transcription it is called sign er;

[ь] – the shortest vowel in an unstressed position in place<а>, <о>, <э>after a soft consonant; it is called sign er;

TV acc. – hard consonant;

m. acc. – soft consonant.

TABLE. Qualitative vowel reduction

Note: phoneme<о>has no implementation in an unstressed position after a soft consonant, since this position is always strong, and is spelled with the letter ё (bangs, panicle, alive, crook).

3. Pronunciation of consonants

Modern literary norms for the pronunciation of consonant sounds (in the system of consonantism) and their combinations are based on a number of general linguistic patterns.

1. Voiced consonants at the absolute end of a word are deafened. This phonetic process is called the law of stunning. For example: city[t], forecast[s], svya[s’], gara[sh].

2. In certain combinations, consonants paired on the basis of deafness/voice, hardness/softness, are subject to assimilation . Law of Assimilation is expressed in the fact that the preceding consonant is likened to the subsequent one. In the modern Russian literary language, complete and incomplete assimilation are distinguished.

At incomplete assimilation the preceding sound loses only one classification feature.

Most often, consonants are assimilated on the basis of deafness/voice. In this case, the voiced consonant in front of the voiceless one loses its sonority: sv[s] To A (ligament), cook] T And (claws), w[w] d b (leader), sweat] P be (signature),[f] With boil (boil)[f] With vet (into the world); and the voiceless one before the voiced one is pronounced with the participation of the voice: [z] d acha (change), o[d] b be (depart) ane[g] d from (joke), youth[d] b A (threshing),[G] d wow (To home).

In some cases, assimilative mitigation is observed. That is, a hard consonant standing before a soft consonant is pronounced softly: ba[n’] sch ik, ko[n’] h ik, st[t’ th A] (article). It should be noted that in the modern Russian language, assimilation in terms of softness is on the decline, so two pronunciation options are often found: [d’v’]er And[door; [Here And[Here; pe[n’s’]iya And pe[ns’]iya.

Complete assimilation involves the assimilation of the preceding consonant sound to the subsequent one in all articulatory characteristics. As a result of this process, the first consonant merges in pronunciation with its neighbor and loses itself as an independent phoneme. In modern Russian, complete assimilation is observed in combinations of consonants at the junction of morphemes, as well as at the junction of a preposition with the following word:

Szh szh ah, s w aroma

zzh ra zzh eat, mo zzh tree, and zh from life

Ssh ma US tab, ra US be able to with w aroma

zsh And z w uby, and z w Christmas tree

PM le tch ik, oh tch from the inside, from h asti

→ [hh] or [t h]:

dch report dch ik, kra dch Ivo, on d h Christmas tree

Shopping center sconce shopping center s, oh shopping center drink, oh t ts ena

dc two dc at least dc s, by d c Ifroy

→ [ts] or [ts]:

ts my ts I'm fighting ts I, oh t s veta

ts We ts I, Boro there is, would ts cotton wool

SCH sch yeah, sch astier, ra sch eat, s h eat

ssch ra ssch elina,ra ssch fought

zch navya zch ivy, zaka zch ik, and h asti

zshch And z sch vigor, and z sch ate

→ [schsch] or [schch]:

zhch mu zhch ina, perebe zhch IR

shch spring shch aty

zdch borough zdch aty, star zdch aty

stch same stch oh, hello stch e

3. In words with combinations of noisy consonants, a phenomenon is observed simplification of consonant groups. In this case, a certain consonant sound is omitted. We are accustomed to calling such consonants unpronounceable.

The first consonant is simplified in combinations

vstv → [stv]:chu V stv Hello, hello V stv howl, silent V stv ovate;

lnts → [nts]: with l nc e, co l nc damn, with l nc condition, with l nc non-protective.

The second sound appears in combinations

stsk → [s:k]:marxi With T sk yay, Turi With T sk yay, puri With T sk y;

ntst → [nst]: age n T st in;

rgsk → [rsk]: orenbu R G sk yay, Petersburg R G sk y;

nsk, ntsk → [nsk]: helsea n To sk oh, serge n T sk yy.

The medial consonant is omitted in combinations

stl → [sl]: na With T l hovering, stuck T lively, learning T brightly, owl With T l ivo;

stn → [sn]: glad With T n oh, what With T n oh, le With T n itza, vzgruz With T n yes;

zdn → [zn]: great zdn ik, nae zdn ik, zve zdn oh, no way zdn oh, by zdn O;

rdc → [rts]: se R d ts e, se R d ts Evina, se R d ts beating;

ndc → [nc]: irla NDC y, shotla NDC y, Samarka NDC s.

Pronunciation without a medial consonant in combinations is acceptable

stk, zdk → [sk]: zhe With T To oh, nevermind With T To ah, borough h d To ah, thunder h d To yay, let's go h d To A;

ndk → [nc]: golla n d To ah, shotla n d To A;

ndg → [ng]: re n T G en.

4. Features of consonant pronunciation<г>.

In normalized speech, this sound is explosive, that is, it is formed by a sharp breakthrough of an air stream of a barrier formed in the oral cavity. A violation is the use of the fricative (frictional) sound [γ], and in case of deafening [x], characteristic of South Russian dialects: [γ] tin, oh[γ] orod, smo[X]. A fricative, or fricative, sound is formed when the speech organs come together, between which there is a small gap that allows an air stream to pass through.

The exception is the pronunciation of the combination gk like [hk] in words light, soft and their derivatives: lighter, lightest, softest, softest and under. But: in cha hh the greatest on site hh pronounced [kch].

In a word God at the end we pronounce [x], and in its case forms pronunciation options are allowed: bo[G] A And bo[γ] A. Double pronunciation is also observed in interjections yeah, wow, yeah:[γ] And[g] on the spot<г>.

In a word accountant a plosive consonant is preferable: boo[G] alter.

In adverbs today, why in a particle total, in the endings of the genitive singular - wow, -him adjectives, ordinal numbers, pronouns, participles in place<г>pronounced [in]: new[V] oh bright[V] oh hey[V] oh my[V] oh running[V] O.

5. Features of consonant pronunciation<ч>.

In literary Russian, this consonant is always soft, therefore in transcription softness is not indicated with an apostrophe: [chast] (often),[bored’] miss),[rock] (pitching).

However, in the word best and its derivatives, a hard sound is heard instead of a soft one.

In words what, to, nothing, of course on site<ч>pronounced [sh], and in words something, filming -[h].

In words boring, scrambled eggs, trifling, bachelorette party, laundry, bakery, candlestick, birdhouse double pronunciation of the combination is possible chn: modern - [chn] and outdated - [shn].

6. In the word assistant a hard hissing is pronounced: help[w] Nick.

7. In numerals seven hundred, eight hundred<м>after a soft sign it is pronounced firmly.

8. Pronunciation of consonants before<э>.

In native Russian words, the consonants before<э>soft: [p’]ate, [m’]mera, [r’]river, useful.

Borrowings violate this rule. Most borrowed words retain the pronunciation of a soft consonant before<э>: aka[d’] emia, bru[n’] no,[d’] eviz, inci[d’] ent, mu[z’] she, pio[n’] er. Recently, many foreign words have appeared in the Russian language in which the consonant is before<э>also softens: in ve stor, di le r, three lle r, shlya ge r, ki le r, mo Not tarism, vinches those r, bobs le y.

At the same time, in the Russian language there are words that, like in the source language, retain a hard consonant in a given position: business Not s, gan those l, gro those sk, dispan se r, kong re ss, ka fe, to de in, mo de oh, oh those l, polo Not h. Even before perestroika, linguists numbered about three hundred such words in active use. Many of them have a history of use of one and a half centuries, but they still do not show a tendency to soften. Over the past fifteen years, many new borrowings have appeared with a strong consonant before<э>: computer T er, prin those r, in those R Not t, con se nsus, bar those R, se rfing, fi T er.

The problem is that the hardness or softness of the consonant before<э>in borrowed words is determined by tradition. This means that the rule for the pronunciation of a single word is often established by chance and is supported mainly due to the mass popularity of one of the pronunciation options. Compare: inter Not t – pio Not r, vinches those r – prin those r, mo de l - aka de Mia. However, if the speaker breaks the tradition, those around him immediately notice this and perceive the unpopular version with displeasure.

To summarize, it should be noted that Russian orthoepy is an independent section of the language system. A big mistake is made by those speakers who confuse the concepts of spelling and spelling. Each of these sections has its own scope and operates according to its own laws. The spelling record cannot be oriented towards pronunciation norms and vice versa. Compare the stanza of the famous poem by B. Okudzhava, designed according to the norms of Russian spelling and pronunciation norms (transcription):

Let's exclaim and admire each other.

There is no need to be afraid of high-flown words.

Let's compliment each other -

After all, these are all happy moments of love.

[dlv A it's loud A t’ / friend (friend v’sh’ish’ A ts s b

vysklp A rnyh slof n’i e (worth lpls A ts

dlw A go glvar And t’ friend (friend klmpl’im’ uh nts

v’i e t’(et fs’ O l'ubv' And sh'i e sl' And howl mlm’ uh nts]

4. Peculiarities of pronunciation of Russian names, patronymics, surnames

In the tradition of linguistic communication there is a need to use anthroponyms – personal names, patronymics, surnames.

According to the norms of Russian national etiquette, it is customary to address the interlocutor by name and patronymic. This is a sign of respect and politeness.

Many Russian first names and patronymics have pronunciation variants that have stylistic overtones. Let's consider them sequentially.

A clear pronunciation of the last name, first name, and patronymic, close to the spelling, is necessary during official acquaintance and first introduction.

For example: Allow me to introduce. This is Varvara Tikhomirovna Morozova[vlrvar t’ihlmirvn mlrozv]. And: Vasya[l’yv’i] h, Igna[t’yv’i] h, Nikola[yjv’i] h Yakov[l’yv’i] h; Andes[r’eyey] vna, Alec[s’ֹeyy] Vna, Vasya[l’yvn:] ah, Iva[nav] ah, Fed[ъръв] on the.

In an environment of increased formality, it is not recommended to use variants of prepositional case forms with contracted forms: from Igor Nikola[And] cha, to Catherine Yako[l’n’] e, in which names are changed by case. In other cases, careful pronunciation of first names and patronymics is not preserved.

The fact is that historically, the norms for the pronunciation of Russian first names and patronymics come from the traditions of stage speech, which, in turn, is based on Old Moscow pronunciation. The Russian scene even today does not accept strictly letter-by-letter pronunciation when addressing by name and patronymic. Patronymic names, male and female, are pronounced with contraction (omission) of the middle syllables (of course, in conjunction with stage diction):

Vasya[l’i] h, Igna[t’i] h, Nikola[And] h, Yakov[l’i] h or I[l’i] h (Vasilievich, Ignatievich, Nikolaevich, Yakovlevich);

Andes[r'e] vna, Alec[s'e] Vna, Vasya[l’nn] ah, Iva[nn] ah, Fed[ънн] a (Andreevna, Alekseevna, Vasilievna, Ivanovna, Fedorovna).

Contraction is also observed when pronouncing a combined first name and patronymic, including during declension. In this case, the pronunciation of the name is characterized by a contracted ending and even an initial contracted syllable:

Ma[R'] Va[nn] oh, Alexa[n] Andes[r'e] vna, to Kateri[n] I co[l’n’] e;

Pa[l] Pa[ly] h, Mikha[ly] va[us] h; from I grief Nikola[And] cha.

It's interesting that in textbook R.I. Avanesov on orthoepy, published in 1984 and received an academic character, says: “The pronunciation of these and similar patronymics without contraction cannot be recommended even in public speech, in which the pronunciation is generally more consistent with the spelling.” Indeed, calling by patronymic in itself means an additional sign of attention, an expression of respect for the interlocutor. Incomplete pronunciation cannot deprive speech of the properties of politeness.

According to the observations of another well-known specialist in the Russian language - F. P. Filin - the incomplete pronunciation of Russian names and patronymics by the majority of Russian speakers is regarded as a stylistically reduced version: “The intelligentsia, not experienced in philological subtleties, perceives it as familiarly reduced and even offensive (after all Aleksevna, Nikolavna refers to individuals), which I have repeatedly seen from my own experience in different cities of the country, including Moscow.”

As a result, in Russian literary pronunciation, along with the stage norm of contracted pronunciation, there is a tradition of the Russian-speaking intelligentsia of the twentieth century using the full pronunciation of first names and patronymics. Uncontracted variants of first names and patronymics are associated with the meaning of greater politeness. The use of incomplete options, according to most speakers, weakens the impact of speech on the interlocutor. In addition, distinct pronunciation is used in situations of increased formality and to persons of higher social status.

Incomplete options are active in a relaxed atmosphere. In official speech they should be used more carefully, guided by the principle of expediency.

5. Speech euphony problems

The euphony of speech is disrupted by several groups of phenomena:

1) Non-linguistic inclusions in speech (paraphonetic parentheses). These include prolongation of vowel and consonant sounds in a word, squealing, noisy inhalation and exhalation, smacking, and unjustified pauses.

Ekanye is found in all types of speech as a sign of reflection, doubt. Not every sound hurts the ear equally. There are “modest” types: [ъ-ъ], [uh], [mm]; and there are those that cause hostility: [b-u-m-n-i], [e-u-f-b-m].

Prolonging the vowels in a word is akin to ekanyu. This is also a sign of reflection, choice, hesitation. Usually vowels of conjunctions, particles, pronouns, and weed words are extended: wow, wow, wow. Prolongation of consonants is also observed: w-what, after-after, this. It has been noticed that listeners are somewhat more lenient towards the prolongation of vowel sounds than to the prolongation of consonants due to the more pronounced cacophony of the latter.

Noisy breaths, swallowing, and smacking are also used to fill pauses, but these phenomena “strike the ears” more than others and are perceived with obvious displeasure. It is important to control yourself so as not to allow these elements of the physiological property to outgrow the framework of what is acceptable in speech.

2) Weed words, repetition, self-correction. They are functionally equivalent to paraphonetic parenteses (1) and are used for thinking about speech. Frequent use and repetition of words are perceived with displeasure by listeners.

In general, the first and second groups of phenomena indicate insufficient command of words and interfere with the perception of the text.

3) Paraphonetic modifications of speech segments (changes in the flow of speech not related to the characteristics of a given language). This is nasalization (nasality), an unjustified loss of vowel quality and, s, y; delabialization (elimination of roundness) OU; emcane. Modifications, unlike parenteses, are not signs of deliberation. They are regarded as elements of colloquial speech and even as a vulgar trait.

Nasalization is the most noticeable speech modification. It does not depend on proximity to nasal consonants n, m, is explained by the sound being delivered simultaneously through the mouth and nose as a result of a careless, premature lowering of the soft palate even before the end of the phrase. For example: Dear Muscovite[ъ] and guests of the capitals[ъ]! Our traditional holiday of books[ъ].

Loss of vowel quality and, s, y, o observed in accelerated or careless speech: Laris, where is your daffodil?[ъ]? Handsome[ъ] they were[b].

Emcaning is also a consequence of speech carelessness, when the voice at the end of the final vowel still sounds, but the lips are already closed: in the city[m], about sport[m], girls[m].

These phenomena are individual in nature and are associated with the speech characteristics of a particular speaker. It is known that non-linguistic inclusions in speech indicate the emotional constraint of the speaker; They can also be caused by fatigue, distraction, especially at the end of a public speech. Not everyone is aware of their negative impact on others, and, unfortunately, mostly listeners, not speakers.

The listed phenomena are subject to general norms of human behavior as part of speech etiquette. Their nature is akin to the norms of language. The norms for the use of paraphonetic phenomena are formed on the basis of ethical principles, cultural traditions, and the authority of models. The nature of paraphoneticisms is dual. On the one hand, they are non-linguistic in nature, since they appear outside the speech functioning of the articulatory apparatus. On the other hand, the norms of their use depend on cultural fashion, on the historically established view of a nation on patterns of speech behavior.

All these phenomena are extremely undesirable in official, especially public speech, since here the listeners’ attention to the speaker’s speech behavior is heightened, and the audience’s reaction is more intense than to speech in everyday situations. The assessment of public, business speech is based by listeners on social experience and aesthetic perception, on the authority of models. Meanwhile, most paraphoneticisms are unaesthetic to the ear. The inability of the speaker or interlocutor to rise to the required level is regarded as a lack of general culture, general education of the individual.

You can avoid unwanted paraphonetic elements of speech by first of all recognizing and establishing a list of them. The next step in the process of liberation from discordant elements of speech should be to clarify the conditions for their occurrence. This is important because pronunciation in speech is a largely automated process.

6. Features of Russian accent

Stress is the process of highlighting one of the syllables using certain sound techniques. Such techniques may be: 1) greater tension in the pronunciation apparatus at the moment of voicing the syllable; such an articulatory action is called dynamic or force stress; 2) change in pitch (musical stress); 3) longer pronunciation of the syllabic sound (quantitative stress). The nature, features and functions of stress are studied in the section of phonetics called accentology.

The role of verbal stress in different languages ​​is different depending on its nature, grammatical use, and also on whether its place is fixed on a certain order of the syllable of the word or not. In many European languages, stress is “attached” to a specific syllable. For example, in Italian, Polish, Georgian the stress is placed on the penultimate syllable, in Armenian, French - on the last, in Latvian, Finnish, Czech - on the first. In other languages, stress tends to a certain part of the word - the stem, the ending.

According to experts, the stress force in Russian is noticeably less than, for example, in English.

The function of Russian word stress is to combine sounds into a single phonetic word .

Phonetic word– this is a significant word with adjacent auxiliary words (conjunctions, prepositions, particles). Prepositions, conjunctions and particles in the Russian language usually do not have independent stress and are adjacent to independent words, for example, over the mountain, wasn't, ote If only he would come, sit down. In some cases, the emphasis shifts to the preposition: downhill, on the floor, overnight.

Compound words and words with prefixes anti-, inter-, near-, counter- may have, in addition to the main one, a side (or secondary) stress. The secondary stress is usually the first in order, closer to the beginning of the word, and the main stress is the second, closer to the end of the word. For example: trade union organization, propaganda team, oil pipeline, aircraft construction, waterproof, interlibrary, dust jacket.

An important role in understanding the peculiarities of Russian stress is played by the distinction between stressed and unstressed syllables in a word. The articulatory effort is largely concentrated on the stressed syllable, which is expressed in the emphasis of the stressed vowel.

The impact effect is created by a number of features. Firstly, this is the longer duration (longitude) of a stressed vowel compared to an unstressed one. It has been established that the duration of a stressed vowel is longer than the average duration of a sound in a word, and that of an unstressed vowel is shorter than this average value. Secondly, the sign of a stressed syllable is the contrast between the consonant and the vowel. Here, the coarticulation of the consonant with the vowel is weaker, so the intrinsic characteristics of the sounds in the word appear more clearly. In an unstressed syllable, the boundary between vowel and consonant sounds is blurred. It can be difficult to identify an unstressed vowel in a syllable, since such a vowel does not have a stationary part; it represents, as it were, a transition from one consonant to another. In such a syllable the contrast between its components is weakened. The coarticulation of sounds is stronger, and the intrinsic features of the components are correspondingly blurred. Compare the pronunciation of sounds in stressed and unstressed syllables: [p'р'i e stroik] (restructuring); [pr’ts with tlvl’ֹаֹт’] (to represent); [sharlv’idny] (spherical).

Native speakers of Russian accurately determine the quality of stress even in phrases where there are no unstressed vowels. For example: It rained all day.

The qualitative difference between stressed and unstressed vowels in the language is strong. Therefore, Russian word stress is called forceful.

The complexity and whimsical nature of Russian accents is widely known. Perhaps only spelling can compete with emphasis in the number of questions and usage errors that arise.

Correct placement of stress is a necessary sign of literate speech, an indicator of the speaker’s high educational level. There are many words in the Russian language, the pronunciation of which serves as an indicator of speech culture. Often it is enough to hear the incorrect stress in words deepen, begin, rings, newborn, invention, beets, funds, interest, leisure, convocation, in order to form a not too flattering opinion about the education, degree of general culture, level of intelligence of this person.

The normalization of Russian accents remained a neglected area for a long time. It is noteworthy that back in 1927, D. N. Ushakov, when asked whether there were laws for the correct placement of stress, replied that “there are no established rules for stress.” However, in the second half of the twentieth century, serious theoretical research appeared in the field of historical and modern accentology (for example, the works of R. I. Avanesov, V. L. Vorontsova, V. V. Kolesov, V. A. Redkin, etc.), thanks to which The “whims” of the Russian accent received a scientific explanation.

In Russian, word stress miscellaneous or free, that is, individual word forms have a clearly designated place, but the verbal stress can be on any syllable in order and any part of the word. Compare: With And la, dor O ha, heads A .

Different places of stress in the Russian language in some categories of word forms can be motionless, that is, when grammatical forms are formed, it remains in the same place: smart, smart, smart, smart; shore, take care; joy, joys; and in others - mobile, that is, when forming grammatical forms, it moves from one syllable to another, from the stem to the ending and vice versa: goals A, goals s, G O catch, g O catches, goal O V; could at, m O chew; dare, dare A, cm e lo, dare s).

According to experts, in the modern Russian language there are more than 5,000 commonly used words that have a fixed fluctuation in stress.

The mobility and diversity in Russian accentology is explained by a number of reasons. The first reason is multifunctional accent, that is, his ability to distinguish the sound of individual words, word forms, to differentiate the scope of use and purpose of a word.

Universal (general linguistic and characteristic of stress in any national language) is excretory function. In this case, stress highlights the word in the flow of speech and promotes its recognition.

In addition, stress in Russian performs several other important functions:

1) with thought-discriminating. Plays the role of a meaningful means to overcome lexical homonymy. Compare: P O lky(from regiment) - regiment And (from regiment), hl O pok(plant) – clap O To(sound), yy O linen(from corner) - at naked(from coal), n A rip(steam; evaporate) - steam And t(fly);

2) grammatical. Differentiates homonymous grammatical forms. Compare: thief O on(named p., unit h., zh. r.) - V O rona(genus, singular, m.r.); R at ki(name, plural) – hands And (genus, unit); size e shut up(Soviet century) - incision A t(nonsov. v.); gr at zite(withdrawal inscription, present time, 2 l., plural) – cargo And those(led. incl., plural);

3) stylistic. Demonstrates the functional and stylistic consolidation of accent variants of a word. Compare: To O MPA(liter.) – computer A With(for sailors); thief O that(liter.) – gate A (spacious); To O complex(liter.) – set e xnye(mathematicians); hairdryer e n(obsolete) – hair dryer O men(liter.);

4) aesthetic. Participates in the rhythmic organization of speech, especially poetic. It should be noted that the deviation from accentological norms in this case is based on variants that actually exist in the language (dialectal or obsolete usage). Yes, emphasis cemetery And more was generally accepted in the literature of the 19th century (Pushkin, Lermontov, Baratynsky, Fet). Today we all hit cl A cemetery, but in the poetry of the twentieth century, and even now, the old version is used for versification purposes, mainly in rhyme with words ashes, axe, hand, will seek, will find. The same can be said about accentological options lark O nok, muses s ka, tang O, hvo I, bagryan e c. For example, from Pushkin: Moose s what a regimental it will be!.. Muz s ki roar, sparkle sparkle... This emphasis was the norm in the literary language of that time. Modern poets can use this option for historical stylization. One cannot think that poets, due to the demands of rhythm, allow themselves free use of stress. In fact, no real poet allows himself fluctuations greater than those that actually exist in his national language.

If the variety of places and mobility of Russian stress create certain difficulties when studying it (foreigners usually complain about this), these inconveniences are completely compensated by the ability to distinguish the meaning of words using the place of stress (burst at married to a platform - immersed in water) and functional and stylistic consolidation of accent options (laurel O vy leaf, but in botany: l family A vrovyh).

Thus, the multifunctionality of Russian stress eliminates the monotony of speech, is used as an important means of distinguishing meaning, and is also a source of additional expressiveness, indicating the richness of the lexical and stylistic resources of the language.

For a person who has known Russian since childhood, the complex nature of stress does not create any special problems. Knowledge of accentological features and literary norms allows a native speaker of the Russian language to freely operate with stress variants.

There is no universal reason to explain the unstable state of modern stress. We can talk about a complex of reasons for fluctuations in stress in a word. Its complex nature indicates active changes taking place in its system at the present time.

The picture of modern stress has emerged as a result of a complex historical process. It reveals echoes of the collapsed ancient accentological system and traces of competition between the original Russian folk element and the Old Church Slavonic language (extraction, drought, beets). Territorial and professional dialects, as well as interlingual contacts and the foreign language environment, had an active impact on the formation of the literary language.

In Russian, the sound [e] (graphically - e) in the position between a soft consonant or a sibilant and a hard consonant under stress usually alternates with the sound [o] (graphically е or о - in some forms after sibilants).

Sisters - sisters, wives - to cope with the task - to go with a candle.

This process is very sequential.

White, millstone, lead, yellow forehead, wool.

However, in the whole group There is no such alternation of words.

1. Usually there is no alternation in words of Old Slavic origin. Wed. parallel Old Slavonic and original Russian forms:

being - being, the lion's face - posing.

Old Slavonicism can be recognized by its characteristic features:

A) By the combination of consonants -zh-, -sch- in place of the Russians -zh-, -ch-.

Hope - hopeless, clothes - in common parlance clothes.

b) By combinations -ra-, -la-, -re-, -le- in place of the Russians -oro-, -olo-, -elo-, -ere-.

Bologoe - blessed.

V) According to the characteristic endings: Old Slavonic -ie and native Russian -е.

Life - life.

G) Based on the characteristic initial vowels of the word:

    the Old Slavonic initial e- corresponds to the Russian o-;

    E din - oh din.

    Old Slavonic initial a- - Russian i-;

    A z - z.

    Old Slavonic initial yu- - Russian u-.

    Yulia - U lyana.

d) According to characteristic prefixes:

    Old Slavonic prefixes pre-, pre- correspond to Russian prefixes pere-, pered-;

    Pre cross - cross.

    the Old Slavonic prefix niz-/nis- corresponds to the Russian s-;

    Nis walk - with walk.

    Old Slavonic prefix from-/is- - Russian prefix you- in the meaning of movement outward;

    If you flow - you flow.

    Old Slavonic prefix voz-/vos- - Russian vz-/vs-;

    Sunrise - sunrise.

    Old Slavonic prefix co- - Russian prefix s-.

    Cathedral - from the forest.

    As noted, in Old Slavonicisms there is usually no transition from [e] to [o] (graphically e - to ё or o).

    One-tribe, expired, successor, rival, bent.

    At the same time, the pronunciation [o] is now actively extending to a number of Old Church Slavonicisms, primarily to verbal adjectives and participles.

    So, in “Eugene Onegin” A.S. Pushkin's forms intoxicated, kneeling pronounced (in accordance with the spelling norms of that time) with the sound [e] under stress: “Napoleon waited in vain, intoxicated with his last happiness, for Moscow kneeling With the keys of the old Kremlin."

    Now these Old Slavonic forms, like many others, are pronounced with the sound [o] (graphically - ё):

    Captured, gaunt, exhausted, kneeling, aware and etc.

    Sometimes the pronunciation of a word depends on its meaning.

    Wed: he who bled to death - the time has expired, the results announced - screams like a catechumen, the slaughter of cattle - the nominative case; a perfect crime is a perfect creation.

2. As a rule, there is no alternation in place of the etymological "". The presence of this sound in the past can be revealed by comparing Russian and Ukrainian forms (in Russian - e, in Ukrainian - i: bread - bread).

White, cut, cutthroat, trace, body.

    But there are exceptions to this group of words.

    Wed: stars, starry, but: starry.

3. There is no alternation in most borrowed words.

Pharmacy, scam (!), bluff, canary, mannered.


It should be taken into account that, firstly, at present the transition from [e] to [o] is beginning to actively take over foreign words (cf.: manyo vr- the main option, mane VR- acceptable; Manyo is false And mane false- equal options), secondly, the pronunciation of a vowel under stress largely depends on the source of borrowing. Thus, in the Russian language the pronunciation [o] is preserved in the name of a Polish priest - xyo ndz..

    There is especially a lot of hesitation in the pronunciation of words in -er.

    Wed: grenadier, dromedary, engineer, interior make-up artist, kiosk artist, retoucher.

    Options starter And starter, combine operator And combine operator are equal.

    In some cases, the meaning of the word must also be taken into account.

4. There is no alternation in the position of the vowel e between two soft consonants.

Wed: holole d - holole, polygamy - polygamist, bigamy - bigamy.


There may be fluctuations in the pronunciation of some words: cheerful(permissible - veselny), near Sitsa And okole sitsa(But: carry around sleeping).

Learn to speak correctly » Speech errors » Errors in pronunciation: stressed vowels E and E

Stressed vowels E and Yo

Same-tribal fellow-tribesman and foreign-tribal foreigner

Excerpt from the book “Speech Errors” by L. Demidenko

There is a certain difficulty in distinguishing between stressed [e] and [o] (in writing - ё) after soft consonants: nébo and palate, everything and everything, etc.

In many native Russian words, the unstressed [e] under stress corresponds to [o]:
Wife - wives, village - villages, I'm taking - I'm taking.

In many cases, with the help of the sounds [e] and [o], words or forms of words are distinguished: piece of iron - piece of iron, elapsed year and bleeding, sky and palate, everything and everything, case (of a noun) and case (of cattle), catechumen ( shouts like a catechumen) and catechumen (decree), etc.

… According to " Spelling dictionary» pronunciation is variant

Whitish and whitish;
Faded and faded;
Bile and gall;
Maneuver and maneuver;
Pronominal and pronominal;
Crossed and crossed;
Lattice and lattice…

Pronunciation akushe r and hopeless characterized as modern normative; obstetrician and hopeless - as acceptable, but outdated.

Only E should be pronounced in the words:

Being (being)
You cry;
Black ice;
Fishing line (plural gender – fishing line)
Fellow tribesman
Humble (adjective – humble appearance, but participle – humble. For example, humble pride)
Bent over, bent over
Perfect (adjective - perfect beauty), but perfect (participle, for example, a feat accomplished by the people)

Only Yo should be pronounced in words

Charged (charged is allowed)
Crossbill (but crossbill)
Juniper (although juniper)
The background

As can be seen from the examples, the pronunciation norms for E and E in the modern Russian literary language are very contradictory.

This is reflected in the works of Russian classical and Soviet literature. When reading poetic texts, you cannot replace outdated pronunciation with modern ones or replace the version used by the author with another, even more normative one.

So, in A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Anchar” the words rhyme red-hot And Universe, therefore modern pronunciation red-hot when reading this poem is unacceptable.

In the desert, stunted and stingy,
On the ground, hot in the heat,
Anchar, like a formidable sentry,
There is only one in the entire Universe...

Tips, secrets, tricks

Record an excerpt from the book on a voice recorder or MP3 player and listen to it at any free moment. This way you will remember all the words faster and won’t make mistakes.

In other unstressed layers ha x after soft hissing in place A, according to norms m am of Russian orthoepy, pronounced unstressed z woo to, reminiscent of [and], but significantly OS Labeled (indicated by [ь]): watchmaker - [whose] owler, enchanter neither tsa - [whose] rovnitsa, chanovoy - [whose] new, parts s y - [ch]stick, Chartoriysk - [ch]rtoriisk, Chakalarovo - [ch] ka Larovo, Charodinsky district - [ch]ro Di district.

In rare foreign countries strange words on the spot A after [h] save nya there is [a]: teariker - [tea]riker, chaturanga - [cha]turanga, h ah khan - [chay]khana, Changyrtash - [cha]ngyrtash, Cham P eriko-[cha]periko, Chattopadhyaya - [cha]ttopadhyaya.

Orthoepy. Unstressed - e, i, e, and

In place of sounds e And I after soft which consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable are pronounced without shock [ie]: spring - [in "ie]sleep, carry - [n"ee ]sti, cedar forest - [k"ie] woodwood forest, Beshtau-[b"i uh ]shtau, Venice - [vie] netia, Regina - [r "ie] gina, rowan - [r"ee ]bina, frog - [l"ie]gushka, dance - p[l"ie] With at, Vyazovka - [v"ie]zovka, Myaskovsky - [m"ie]s co Vsky. Pronunciation on the spot e And I distinct vowel [i] - [v"i]sna, [r"i]bina, [b"i]shtau, [m"i]skovsky - is not a letter atur nom.

In less common words ah maybe pronunciation. nonreduction rowa data vowels: alegretto - a[l"e]gretto, bestseller - [b"e]stseller, l yeah then - [l"e]gato, Renklod - [r"e]nklod, Cape Town - [k"e]iptown, Medea - [m"e]dea, Nero - [n"e]ron, Vespucci - [v" e]spucci; gyaur - [g"a]ur, kariz - [k"a]riz, Nya asshole in - [n"a]zhlov, Shyashupe - [sh"a]shupe, Lyashko - [l"a]shko.

At the beginning the words are in place e And I In the first in the pre-stressed syllable, an unstressed [ie] is pronounced in combination with the preceding [th]: riding - [yie]zda, Elabuga - [yie]labuga, jarl s k-[yie]rlyk, Japan - [yie]poniya, and also in the middle of a word after a vowel: trains - po[ yee ]zda, to hurt - to [yee] to call. The pronunciation [ya]rlyk, [ya]poniya is incorrect.

In the rest we are pre-shocked x syllables, as well as in stressed syllables in place e And I By sl e soft consonants are pronounced unstressed [ъ]: led IR an - [v"b]lykan, generator - [g"b]nerator, ice od ny - [l'y] profitable, laborist - [l'y] borist sk y, endure - vy[n'b]sti, field - po[l'b], Peter op Avlovsk - [p"b]tropavlovsk, Gelendzhik - [g"b]lendzhik, Venezuela - [v"ьн] Suela, Mesopotamia - [m"b]sopotamia, B er stovsky - [v'b]rstovsky, Mendeleev - [m'b]ndeleev, Nest er ov - nes[t"b]rov, Vrubel - vru[b"l"]; piglet [p]tachok, frog - [l"b]gushachiy, Vyazovaya - [v"b]zovaya, Pyatigorsk - [p]t Ig Orsk.

In non-Russian zai ms written words in place of letters e And I after soft consonants va no pronunciations are saved re duced vowels: becquerel - [b" e] Kkerel, Berkeleyanism - [b"e]rkleianism, bersa l er - [b"e]rsalier, Weismanism - [v"ey]man And zm, genocide - [g"e]nocide, cenotaph - [k"e]notaf, Besançon - [b"e]z a nso n, Benvenuto - [b"e]nvenuto, Lekuv re r - [l "e]ku vr er; giardiasis - [l"a]mbliosis, kamancha - [k"a]mancha, ryasophora - [r"a]With orophoric, shamisen - [s "a] misen, Ganj ah ay - [g"a]njachay, Lyalmikar - [l"a]lmikar, Shyash uv is - [sh"a]shuvis, Lyatoshinsky - [l"a]tosh ins cue, Byalynitsky-Birulya - [b "a] Lynitsky-Birulya.

In place of a vowel I, and A after [h] and [w":] in unstressed endings iyah pronounced [b]: seas, fields - mo[r"b], po[l"b], brothers, branches - bra[t"yy" ], su[chy]; burden, flame - bre[m"b], pla[m"b]; songs, drops - pes[n"mi], drops[l"mi]; sitting, playing - si[d "ъ], game[yъ]; new, red - new [yъ], cr asna[y]; dacha, thicket - yes[ch], cha[sh":b].

After [zh], [w], [ts] in place e in the first prev in a stressed syllable, a sound is pronounced, the middle one between [s] and [e] - [ые]: woolly - [shye]rusty, whisper - [shye]ptat, Sheksna - [shy uh ]ksna, Shelon - [shye]lon, Shevchenko - [shye]vchenko; yolk - [zhye]yolk, yellow Yesi sty - [zhye]leezy, chew - [zhye]vat, Zhelcha-[zhye]lcha, Zhernovsky district - [zhye]rnovsky district, Zhelyab ov - [zhye]lyabov, Zheromsky - [zhye]romsky; price - [tsye]na, cement - [tsye]menty, appreciate - [ tsye ]thread, Tselinny - [tselinny].

In some borrowed words it is possible t be pronunciable. without vowel reduction: masterpiece - [she]devr, sherhebel - [she]erhebel, Cherbourg - [she]rbur, Shetl en children's islands - [she]tland islands, Chenier - [she]nye; ginseng - [zhe]ginseng, geode - [zhe]oda, AND emaite - [zhe]maite, Gervais - [zhe]rvais, Gerard - [zhe]rar; time trouble - [tsey]tnot, centuria - [tse]nturia, Cieschanow - [tse]sh en uv, Ceres - [ce]rera.
In some foreign words in zmo please pronounce [uh] on the spot e after a vowel And in the first pre-stressed syllable: myelitis - mi[e]lit, piety - pi[e]tet, Pierre and I - pi[e]ria, Tiete - ti[e]te.

In the remaining unstressed syllables
sl e [w], [zh], in place of the letter e pronounced - [b]: silkworm - [sh']lkopryad, woolen - [sh']wool, shelu shi to be - [sh']obey, to ours - to [sh']mu, Shevardino - [sh']vardino, Shepetovka - [sh']petovka, She ba lin - [sh']balin, Shelgunov - [sh']lgunov, iron ore - [zh'] leznyak, tin - [zh'] styanoy, gesticulate -[and ъ]sticulate, also - so[zh], Zheleznovodsk - [zhа]leznovodsk, Zhelnino - [zhа]lnino, Zhemch yy ova - [zh']mchugova, cellophane - [ts']llophane, entirely - [ts'] face, cement - [ts']ment, tree - tree [ts], Whole in fence - [ts]linograd, Celebes Sea - [ts]lebes sea.

In some foreign words in order to accurately convey the sound appearance of the word, the pronunciation of the vowel can be preserved: “Chevrolet” - [she]vrole, sh ate interdek - [she]lterdek, shenapan - [she]napan, Shentala - [she]ntala, Sheridan - [she]ridan, " Shek pendekh" - [she]kpendekh; germinal - [zhe]germinal, Zhetykol - [zhe]tykdol, Zhenisya - [zhe]nisya, Gerardin - [zhe]r ar den, Gericault - [zhe]riko, tsevadin - [tse]vadin, celibate - [tse]libate, cerapadus - [tse]rapadus, Tse denb al - [tse]denbal.

At the beginning of foreign words, as well as in position ii after the vowel in place of the letter uh pronounced [e]: screen - [e]kran, ether - [e]fir, eucalyptus - [e]vcalyptus, Eif e l - [e]yfel, Eurydice - [e]vrydice, Echmiadzin - [e]chmiadzin, dielectric - di[e]lekt ri k, coefficient - coefficient, muezzin - mu[e]dzin, Buenaventura - bu[e]naventura, Joinville - ju[e]nville, Lohengrin - lo[e]n green.

Incorrect pronunciation in place of a letter uh sound [and] - it is gives a reduced stylistic coloring of speech. Moreover, such a sound [e] can sue az to understand the meaning of the speaker’s statement: the pronunciation [i]kran instead of [e]kran evokes an association with the word no aniyam and crane, [and] world instead of [e] world - s and world, [and] mission instead of [e] mission - s and mission.

Pronunciation [and], [u], [s] in unstressed rn y syllables occur somewhat weakened compared to stressed syllables, but they do not change qualitatively: fox - [l "i] sits A, chipmunk - [bur]nduk, Kyzyl-[ky]zyl.

On the spot And, if in the flow of speech it merges I with the preceding word on a hard consonant, according to the rules of orthoepy, is pronounced [s]: light and shadow - light-[ y]- shadow, cat and cook - cat-[s]-cook, in Italy - [in-s]talia, from Spain - [from-s]spain.

If the speaker needs to give a clear presentation when thinking about the sound of an unfamiliar foreign word, they resort to a backlash pause between it and the previous word, more often a sentence O homo. Then in the second word starting with a vowel And, will be pronounced [i]: so about The story was published in "Ibaraki Shimbun" (not [in-s] baraki shibun), we arrived at Ikwe (not: [k-y]kwe), our journey no began with Isakly (not: [s-s] sakly).

In compound words, the first part of which x ends with a hard consonant, and the second begins with a vowel [i], in place And according to the norms of orthoepy oi pronounced unstressed [s]: Gosizdat - gos[y]zdat, city executive committee - city [s]polkbm, pedin st itut - pedagogical institute, Sovinformburo - sov[y]informburo. But the distinct vowel [i] is pronounced in the word Kom in turn - com[i]ntern.

After [sh], [zh], [ts] in place of a vowel And in no beat in the arny position it is pronounced [s]: rosehip - [shy]povnik, gaiters - gama[shy], Gramsci - gram[shy]; giraffe - [wы]р af, beaches - beaches [zhy], Zhiguli-[zhy]guli, Gilardi - [zhy]lyardi; mat - [tsy]novka, cyclonic esk ii - [tsy]clonic, Civil - [tsy]ville, Cincinnati - [tsyntsy]nnati.

To learn to speak beautifully and competently, study what learning the orthoepy of the Russian language, as well as consolidating the studied material in practice.After you have figured out the vowel sounds, look at how they are pronounced