Riddles about vitamins a b c d. Class hour "Vitamins A,B,C"

All about switches

Target: To instill in children the need to take care of their health and, first of all, proper nutrition.

Tasks: Clarify children's knowledge about vitamins A, B, C, D

To form in children an idea of ​​the need for vitamins in the human body and of healthy foods that contain vitamins.




Target: To instill in children the need to take care of their health and, first of all, proper nutrition.

Tasks: To clarify children's knowledge of vitamins groups A, B, C, D

To form in children an idea of ​​the need for vitamins in the human body and of healthy foods that contain vitamins.

Progress of the lesson:

Vitamin: Hello guys! I'm Vitaminka! Bright and tasty! And today I came to you for help! I'm in trouble! I lost my brothers and I can’t find them at all! You don't know where vitamins live? Have you seen them anywhere? (children's answers)

Berries, vegetables and fruits are the fruits of plants. And plants grow in the fresh air, where there is a lot of sunshine and warm rain. You and I know that the sun, air and water...

Children: Our best friends.

Vitamin: A ray of sunlight hits a green leaf and goes out, but does not disappear; with its help, substances necessary for the plant appear in the leaf, and vitamins also appear. They are usually designated by the letters A, B, C, D, PP, E, K.

Guys, vitamins are found in various foods and greatly help the development of our body.

Vitamin A is a growth vitamin. Responsible for healthy skin and good vision.

Guess riddles about vegetables that contain vitamin A:

Red hidden spine

Only an inch is visible from above,

And you will pick it up cleverly

And in my hands... (carrot).

Growing up under the scorching sun

Well done. Vitamin A is good for vision and growth.

Didactic game “Find the right fruit or vegetable”

Children are asked to choose from a basket of vegetables and fruits those that contain vitamin A.

Vitamin: There are also B vitamins. Vitamin B – vitamin of joy. He is also needed to be strong and dexterous.

They are very important for the functioning of the brain and the whole body. Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you guess it.

Well done, right.

Vitamin B helps improve digestion and good heart function. When it is absent or little in the body, a person sleeps poorly and cries a lot. IN kindergarten our chefs cook you porridge from cereals. Oh, guys, did someone mix the cereal? Let's fix everything: you have very dexterous fingers and they will quickly pick through the cereal.

Vitamin C. – The most famous vitamin, it protects against colds and strengthens the immune system.

Listen to a riddle about a product that contains vitamin C:

There a bush grew in the garden bed,

All you can hear is crunching and crunching.

In cabbage soup, in hodgepodge thickly -

It's me... (cabbage).

He looks like a red ball
Only he doesn’t rush at a gallop.
It contains a useful vitamin -
It's ripe... (orange)

Vitamin C strengthens the entire body, helps fight colds, makes a person healthier and less susceptible to colds. And if a person does catch a cold, then with its help you can get better faster.

Vitamin D. – a very important vitamin for children; those who consume it have strong teeth and bones.

Here is a riddle about a product containing vitamin D:

Liquid, but not water

White, but not snow...(milk) .

It also contains vitamin Dmilk, cottage cheese, butter, liver, fish.

Vitamin D makes our legs and arms strong, ensures healthy bones and teeth. There is a lot of vitamin D in fish oil.

Fish oil is the healthiest!

Even if it’s disgusting, you have to drink it.

He saves from diseases

It's better to live without diseases!

Plants can produce their own vitamins. A person receives vitamins from food. Everyone needs vitamins: small children, adults, and old grandparents. There is no food product that contains all the vitamins we need in the proper quantities.

Phys. just a minute.

Drink tomato juice everyone Walking in place

Eat carrots!Hands to shoulders, hands up.

All the guys willhands on waist, bending to the side

Strong and dexteroushands on belt, squats.

Flu, sore throat, scarlet fever -hands on belt, jumping

Everyone will take their vitamins! walking in place.

Vitamin: Tell me, guys, are all products healthy? (children's answers)

Yes, you are right, some foods are better not to eat. After solving the riddles, you will find out which foods are good for our body and contain vitamins:

Both young and old should eat

Always vegetable (salad).

He will be slim and tall

The one who drinks fruity(juice).

Gleb knows it well since childhood

The most important thing on the table(bread).

I will grow faster.

If I eat (sour cream).

Know that it's not easy for a cow

Make for children (milk).

Don't look for candy -

Eat with fresh cabbage(cabbage soup).

It is needed in porridge, it is also needed in soups,

There are dozens of dishes from different(cereals).

Waiting for lunch hour -

There will be fried (meat).

Outside is winter or summer

For the main course we have (cutlet).

Meat, fish, cereals, fruits -

Together they all -(products).

Didactic game "Yes - no"

Vitamin : In order for food to be digested well, you need to follow the nutritional rules. I will now read the rules to you, and if you agree with me, then answer: “Yes!” If not, then “No!”

You should always wash your hands with soap before eating.

You need to eat at any time, even at night.

You need to eat foods that are good for your health.

You need to eat quickly.

Food must be swallowed without chewing.

At the table you need to talk and wave your hands.

Rinsing your mouth after eating is harmful.

Vitamin: Well done boys! We have repeated the rules of nutrition.

Conclusions: Our body must receive from food everything it needs to live. To help him, you need to regularly eat a variety of foods and drink water.

I never lose heart

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C!

There is no product that contains all the vitamins, because there are a lot of them. You need to eat fruits, dairy products, cereals, and vegetables. In spring and winter, it is necessary to buy vitamins at the pharmacy, because at this time of year our body becomes low on vitamins, our health worsens, and we begin to get sick. Therefore, you need to take vitamins. They come in the form of dragees, tablets, capsules (shows).

Thank the children for their help and give them vitamins.

Mysteries of sunny love in the radiance of warmth and light
Grant nights in moonlight among the bright stars
The breath is colorfully warmed by the soul and heart
Waves and foam of the ocean of days and wet tears.
And there in the south There on the sea You - and oh...


Health, emotional state, human performance, resistance to disease and sexual capabilities. Vitamins denoted by letters and numbers, for example, vitamin IN 1. Row vitamins represented by related compounds, denoted by a common letter for them, but different numbers, ... bones, curvature of the legs appears, a change in the shape of the chest, teething is delayed. a lack of vitamin A And it causes blurred vision at dusk (night blindness), patients adapt poorly to...


Fairy tales", which sound impeccable from a medical point of view, about the need to eat carrots (rich in precursors vitamin A) to see in the dark. Even in Egyptian papyri dating back to 1500 BC. e., there are references... as follows with the symptoms of intoxication given here, if you specifically take for any purpose vitamin A Very high doses vitamin A And lead to congenital defects in laboratory animals, and in the medical literature there are five reports of...


It is found in significant quantities in low-fat dry milk, seafood (crabs, salmon, sardines) and egg yolk. Average quantities vitamin A found in beef, chicken, pork, fish, as well as in seafood products (tuna, haddock, scallops, flounder) and in... and the cells lining the intestines. Although its mechanism of action is not entirely clear, it is known that vitamin B12 plays a critical role in the formation of the covering of nerves (called the myelin sheath, because the protein itself...


In 1912, when the first vitamin- B1, or thiamine. Currently 13 are known vitamins, but science says that this is not all. Famous vitamins: vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), niacin, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B12 (cobalamin), folic acid, pantotheonic acid, biotin, vitamin WITH, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin TO. Vitamin A Another name vitamin A A - beta-carotene. Regardless of the name, vitamin And we all really need it. First of all...


Diseases that cause accelerated aging.” Scientists from the University of Copenhagen said that the craze for synthetic vitamins may increase the risk of premature death. According to research, people taking antioxidant complexes...), and subsequently initiate the onset of kidney stones.” The main argument of opponents of excessive use of synthetic drugs vitamins- their violation of the body’s natural defense mechanism, which, in particular, is inherent in self-destruction by nature...

Summary of a lesson for children of senior preschool age with the participation of parents “Vitamins - health assistants”

Gainetdinova Zulfiya Zakievna, teacher of MBDOU No. 8 "Sandugachym" of Mendeleevsk
Description: This lesson note is intended for educators
Purpose: lesson notes for children of senior preschool age with the participation of parents, topic “Vitamins - health assistants”
Educational: teach children to take a conscious approach to their health, to distinguish between vitamin-containing foods. To consolidate children's knowledge about vitamins, their designation and benefits for the human body. Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition, food should not only be tasty, but also healthy. Teach preschoolers to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.
Educational: develop attention, communication, memory, logical thinking, communication skills.
Educational: instill in children a desire to take care of their health.
Preliminary work: conversation with children “Vitamins”, learn poems and proverbs about health with children, preparation by parents homework“Recipe for a healthy dish”, preparation of posters about healthy products, exhibition “Vegetables and fruits - vitamin products”.
Integration of educational areas: physical development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.
Progress of the event.
Presenter: Childhood is a unique period in a person’s life; it is at this time that health is formed and personality is formed. At the beginning of the journey, next to the defenseless and trusting baby are the most important people in his life - his parents. Thanks to their love, care, emotional closeness and support, the child grows and develops, he develops a sense of trust in the world and the people around him. A healthy child is cheerful and active. I am very glad to see you so beautiful and healthy today. Tell me, what is your mood now? (good, cheerful, smiling, perky, kind). Share your good mood with each other. Smile at each other. Today you will find many exciting games and you will learn a lot of interesting things. If you are very attentive and active, you will get a good mood. Warm up to music
Hey guys, don't be lazy
Get ready to warm up.
One step in place - two steps forward,
And then vice versa
(walking in place)
Hands up raised higher
We lowered it - we breathe through our nose.
(raising hands up and down)
Hands on hips, legs apart
It's been that way for a long time
Make three downward bends
Get up to the fourth!
(body bends down and straightens)
One - right, two - left
Strengthening our body
(torso turns to the right and left)
Squats every day
Drives away sleep and laziness.
Squat lower
You will grow taller.
At the end of the warm-up
We'll jump now
One two three four five-
We'll have fun jumping around.
(jumping on two legs).
Poems about vitamins, with drawings.
1 child (Vitamin A)
I’ll tell you without hiding how useful I am, friends!
I am in carrots, grapes, oil, peppers and lettuce.
Eat me and you will grow up, you will be good at everything!
Remember the simple truth: only those who see better see
Who chews raw carrots or drinks watermelon juice!
2 child (Vitamin “B”)
Fish, bread, egg and cheese, banana, chicken, kefir,
Yeast, dried apricots, nuts - this is your secret to success!
And I’m in the peas too, there’s a lot of benefit from me!
It is very important to eat oatmeal for breakfast early in the morning.
Black bread is good for us and not only in the morning.
3 child (Vitamin “C”)
If you pick a strawberry, you will find me in the berry.
I live in currants, cabbage, apples and onions,
I'm in beans and potatoes, tomatoes and peas!
Oranges help with colds and sore throats.
Well, it’s better to eat lemon, even though it’s very sour!
4 child (Vitamin “D”)
I am a healthy vitamin that you, friends, need!
Who sea ​​fish Yes, he is as strong as Hercules!
If you love fish oil, then you will be a strongman"
Found in sour cream and eggs, butter, cheese, milk!
5 child (Vitamins “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”)
I never lose heart
And a smile on your face
Because I accept
Vitamins A,B,C,D!
What have we learned about vitamins?
- Vitamin A - carrots, peppers, grapes, watermelon. (Important for vision and growth).
- Vitamin B - fish, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, banana. (For heart and health).
- Vitamin C – apple, orange, cabbage, onion, currant. (For a cold).
- Vitamin D – egg, cheese, milk, fish oil (Makes our bones strong).
Ved. To be healthy you need to eat right, and what healthy foods we need for growth and development, you will find out by solving riddles: (slides)
1. Young and old should eat.
Vegetable always (salad)
2. He will be slim and tall
One who drinks fruit (juice)
3. Know that it’s not easy for a cow
Make for children (milk)
4. I will grow, I will become faster,
If I do, I will eat (sour cream)
5. Gleb knows it well since childhood
The most important thing on the table (bread)
6. Don’t look for candy -
Eat with fresh cabbage (cabbage soup)
7. It’s winter or summer outside
For our main course – (cutlet)
8. We are waiting for lunch hour -
There will be fried (meat)
9. It is needed in porridge, it is also needed in soups,
There are dozens of dishes from various (cereals)
10. Meat, fish, cereals, fruits -
Together they are all (products)
Physical education minute.
Drink all tomato juice (Walking in place)
Eat carrots! (Hands to shoulders, arms up)
All the guys will (Hands on waist, bends to the side)
Strong and dexterous (Hands on waist, squats)
Flu, sore throat, scarlet fever - (Hands on waist, jumping)
Everyone will take their vitamins! (walking in place)
Ved. Game "Is it true or not"
Now let’s play this game: if “Yes” we stand up and raise our hands, if “No” we squat.
Porridge is a delicious food
Is this useful to us? (Yes)
Green onions sometimes
Are children useful to us? (Yes)
Dirty water in a puddle
Is it useful to us sometimes? (No)
Cabbage soup is great food
Is this useful to us? (Yes)
Fly agaric soup is always -
Is this useful to us? (No)
Fruits are simply beautiful!
Is this useful to us? (Yes)
Sometimes dirty berries
Is it healthy to eat, kids? (No)
A ridge of vegetables grows.
Are vegetables healthy? (Yes)
Juice, compote sometimes
Are they useful to us, children? (Yes)
Eat a bag of big candies
Is this harmful, kids? (Yes)
Only healthy food
Always on our table!
And since it's healthy food -
Will we be healthy? (Yes)
So as not to deal with germs
Children need to toughen up (yes)
Never get sick
I need to sleep all day (no)
If you want to be strong
You have to be friends with sports (yes)
So as not to get sick in winter
You have to sing on the street (no)
Vitamins save us from flu and sore throat (yes)
Ved. Yes, guys, vitamins are very good for your health!
If you want to be healthy, eat right,
Eat more vitamins, don’t worry about diseases.
Girls' dance "Milyashlyarem".
Proverbs and sayings about health.
- If you want to be healthy, toughen up.
- The sun, air and water always help us.
- Cleanliness is the key to health.
- It’s easy to get sick, but difficult to recover.
- Move more, you will live longer.
- Eat garlic and onions - you won’t get sick.
Boys dance
Homework: “Healthy recipes.”
First mother: “Strawberry jam”
Natasha and Nina have baskets full of berries.
Strawberry pies are dear to all the guys.
Child: (Riddle about strawberries)
I am a drop of summer, on a thin leg.
They weave boxes and baskets for me.
He who loves me is glad to bow,
And the name was given to me by my native land.
Second mother: “Fruit vitamin salad”
Each of us has eaten some fruit at least once in our lives. What do we know about the benefits of fruits? Fruits are a huge treasure trove of all kinds of vitamins and minerals. Eating them every day, a person always looks cheerful and cheerful, happy, because fruits help us become stronger, healthier and more beautiful. They are able to strengthen the immune system and block the path to many diseases. In addition, a basket of fruits will be cheaper and healthier than a vitamin complex sold in a pharmacy. The fruits of each fruit tree contain a lot of iron, potassium, magnesium, fiber, vitamins A, B, C, D, and therefore you will be less tired, sleep soundly - this is all the effect of fruits, because they contain the energy of the sun, the warmth that we enjoy so much every summer.
Third mother: “Carrot salad”
Child: To be fast and agile, you need to eat a lot of carrots.
This is a vegetable, not a fruit, a product needed for children.
My mother said: “He gives beauty and strength,
By saturating the body, it prolongs people’s lives.
My friend Vovka and I decided to eat a lot of carrots.
It contains an important vitamin - beta carotene.
Ved: Thank you very much for those who supported and prepared us healthy and tasty recipes for health.
Proper balanced nutrition is the key to your good health, so that a person can live, study and work, and his body can grow and develop. Remember that every person must take care of their health. After all, no one will take care of us better than ourselves.
To maintain health
Learn to appreciate it!
I wish you guys
Always be healthy.
But to achieve results
Impossible without difficulty.
Try not to be lazy -
Every time before meals
Before you sit down at the table,
Wash your hands with water.
And do exercises,
Every morning.
And, of course, toughen up -
This will help you so much!
Breathe fresh air
Always whenever possible.
Go for walks in the forest,
He will give you strength, friends!
We have revealed secrets to you
How to maintain health
Follow all the tips
And life will be easy for you!
Be healthy!

Vitamins in themselves are not " building material"for the body. They rather refer to substances that regulate, normalize and stimulate this “construction”: they ensure normal metabolism, the best and most complete absorption of food components, the smooth functioning of the main body systems, mechanisms of growth and development, and promote normal hematopoiesis. Children need vitamins for performance and activity.

To perform all these diverse and complex functions, you need a very small amount of vitamins (for children, in total they will amount to a grain the size of a millet grain). The body's daily need for vitamins is calculated in thousandths of a gram, but life without them is impossible. It is not for nothing that these substances were called vitamins - after all, “vita” translated from Latin means “life”.

Vitamins were discovered by the Russian doctor Nikolai Ivanovich Lunin. Back in 1880 in Tartu he carried out his classic research. One group of mice was fed natural milk, the other was fed a milk-like mixture that contained everything except vitamins. After some time, all the mice of the second group invariably died. Thus, N.I. Lunin showed: natural milk contains substances that ensure the life of animals. These substances turned out to be vitamins.

Modern vitaminology has stepped far forward. It has become known that vitamins not only normalize metabolism, but also increase the body’s vital activity, stimulate performance, especially of the brain, and increase the body’s resistance to disease, cold and other unfavorable factors.

So, children need vitamins for full development. The norms of vitamins for a child’s body are much lower than for adults. This should definitely be taken into account when choosing a vitamin complex for your child, as well as when creating a children's menu.

It is difficult for children to explain the complexity of the structure of the human body and the processes of obtaining useful substances from food. It's easier to do this in a playful way using poems about vitamins and their benefits. They will introduce children to the concept of “vitamins”, and will also help to distinguish vitamin containing products.

In the garden for Polina
Vitamins keep up.
Here they hang on every branch
Multi-colored tablets:
Bright red - raspberries,
Reddish - rowan;
Blue - serviceberry peas,
Yes, currant catkins -
Scarlet, shiny.
Try it - it's real!
(E. Bratukhina)

Andryushka has oranges.
Pavlushka has grapes.
And Masha has tangerines.
Everyone is very happy about the fruit!
Vitamins, vitamins
Very important for the guys.
Gleb eats bananas, Nina eats.
And Serezhenka is a pomegranate.
(S. Loseva)

What are vitamins?

What are vitamins?
Why did they penetrate the bow?
In milk and tangerines,
In black bread, in carrots, in apricots?
Let me look at them in okroshka,
Through grandfather's glasses -
Who are they? Motes? Midges?
Little people? Spiders?
Maybe in pepper and parsley,
Invisible to the eye
Very small guns
Are they shooting at bacteria?!
If so, then Vitamins
I definitely need -
Eating tangerines for an afternoon snack,
I'll drink milk at night!
(S. Loseva)

With a little daughter,
Scarlet cheeks.
Because vitamins
Every day on Irina’s menu.
Juice in a glass and compote
My daughter drinks regularly.
On Irina's face
Vitamins A, B, C.

(L. Bogdan)

In banana and yogurt,
In a handful of raspberries -
Wonderful everywhere
There are vitamins.
They take care of us
From all sorts of diseases.
The more of them in food,
The healthier the food is.
(A. Grishin)

Lots of different vitamins
It's in Aunt Nina's closet.
Choose like in a shop window
At the vitamin store.
In addition to apples there is jam,
Vitamin cookies!
Raspberries in a cup
(they also contain vitamins!)
There are grapes on the branch
And I am very happy for him
But here comes a hand
To the vitamin with the letter “Ka”.
Because everyone knows -
It's always good to eat it.
This sweet, colorful one
My candy vitamin!

(N. Tarasov)

Vitamins are good for us
I know this for sure.
Only they don’t come from tablets
I use.
I get them from food
Tasty and healthy.
Where are they hiding?
Very interesting.
Mom explains to me
They are hiding everywhere.
You are made of fruits, vegetables,
Get them quickly.

(O. Kovalchuk)

Friends Vitamins

To grow and develop,
You need to eat right.
Do not carry dry food
Consume vitamins!
You should eat cheese for breakfast -
Vitamin A boost!
Let's spread the sandwich with butter -
We'll get B1 right away.
We need to drink milk
Make friends with vitamins!
Meat, fish and egg
We will definitely eat!
And we will gnaw nuts,
So that we can stock up on protein!
The children will develop
If you eat right!

I eat a lot of vitamins
Strengthening discipline.
I want to be healthy
To serve the Motherland.
We can't buy health
Everyone needs to keep an eye on him.
It's better to start early
Don't waste a minute.

In life we ​​need
A lot of vitamins
It’s impossible to count them all now.
We need to eat more
Meat, vegetables and fruits -
Natural products,
But the chips, you always know,
This is junk food.

Growing up with Aunt Zina
Live vitamins.
Various vitamins:
Green and red.
All of them, from "A" to "U",
In the garden in plain sight.
Everyone, like the Sun, is needed,
Beautiful and friendly.
Peas hanging in the garden bed
Tastier than chocolate.
Carrots and celery,
What could be more important?
Premium vitamins,
Not a hacienda, but a resort.
Live vitamins
Growing up with Aunt Zina,
We have them on their name day
We collected two baskets!

(N. Anishina)

To be strong, dexterous,
healthy, cheerful
You shouldn't eat chips
and drink Coca-Cola.
Eat an apple, plums,
lemon, oranges -
In fruits and berries
there are vitamins.
We can cope with a runny nose,
flu, sore throat
It's not chips that will help,
and those vitamins
What's in berries and fruits
live in vegetables
In cheeses, cottage cheeses,
in milk and borscht...
Everyone likes juicy
ripe pear
Strawberries, blueberries,
eat currants...
In various products -
from fish to raspberries,
The most important for life
there are vitamins.
They are called: K; E; D; A; IN; WITH,
Contained - in greenery,
in cereals, in eggs...
It's so important what we drink
and what we eat.
Sunshine for us
is also necessary.
To be good
teeth and eyesight
So that hair, skin
was a sight for sore eyes,
Should be our food
Color: green,
both yellow and red...
From bitter onions -
to sweet raspberries...
And we'll get it with food
we are all vitamins
There are only countless of them
cannot be increased.
Therefore you need yourself
If you eat more than one orange -
twenty five,
You may have to
call a doctor.

(G. Shestakova)

Vitamins are valuable substances
We are nowhere without them.
To be healthy, strong, strong,
You need to be friends with vitamins.

There are many vitamins - you can’t count them all,
But there are the most important ones among them.
Without them the body cannot exist,
Study, work, relax.

Vitamin C- ascorbic acid,
The benefits to the body are great.
It improves immunity
Drives diseases away.

Vitamin C is found in fruits
It is also found in many vegetables.
Rosehip, sweet pepper, black currant -
main sources,
And also sea buckthorn, apples and lemons.

Vitamin A needed for vision
For a normal body condition.
There is a lot of it in fish and seafood,
And also in red, orange,
Vegetables and fruits.
In carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes,
Parsley, pepper, apricots.

Vitamin B1- thiamine,
Such a helpful gentleman.
It strengthens the digestive and nervous systems,
Retains excellent memory.
There is a lot of it in buckwheat, potatoes and beans,
In walnuts, rice, vegetables.

IN vitamin B2 need eyes,
Liver, skin, nervous system.
It improves the condition of nails, hair,
Tissues are renewed and grow.
It is found in eggs
Red fish, milk,
Meat, cheese, mushrooms,
Green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin B6- valuable substance
It has a good effect on all processes.
Changes occur in the blood, liver, nerves,
Vitamin B6 has a beneficial effect.
Eat currants, beans, spinach,
Bananas, meat, fish and eggs.
And nothing will hurt you.

Vitamin B9- folic acid,
Necessary for normal hematopoiesis and growth.
This vitamin improves appetite,
Provides a healthy appearance.
It is found in green vegetables
Cauliflower, carrots, beans.

Vitamin B12 In any weather,
Activates the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
B12 - growth vitamin,
By consuming it, you grow quickly.
It is found in such products
Meat, fish, cheese, eggs and seafood.

Vitamin D strengthens teeth, bones,
Drives away all misfortunes from us.
Eat fish, eggs and caviar.
Position your body for good.

Vitamin E strengthens our body,
Protects against diseases and other disasters.
Slows down the aging process,
Prevents the development of heart disease.
Eat meat, eggs, milk, nuts,
Greens, cherries, beans and grains.

There are many more vitamins
Replenish your body with them strictly.
Then you won't get sick
You will have fun and sing songs.


Growth vitamins

Who respects radishes?
Who loves radishes?
It grows very quickly! —
Let's run to the garden
There's big bowls
We picked radishes.
It will hit the tooth
All you can hear is: CRACK, CRACK!
And growing up every day,
We are growing! LET'S GROW! LET'S GROW!
Do you want to grow up? It's so simple! Eat vitamins for growth!

It's spring outside, and we're tired.
But why, what is happening to us?
The streams are running and the last snow is melting,
And again we are missing something.


So as not to get sick in winter -
You need to eat vitamins!
Not icicles and not snow,
Better than mommy's lunch!
Mom knows why
We love delicious food -
We don't need illnesses
Because on the nose.....

New Year is coming soon:
What is he bringing us in the bag?
New delicious harvest
Appetizing loaf:
Basket of berries,
A little fruit
A bit of vegetables
So that the baby grows!

Vitamins for health

To avoid getting sick in winter, you need to eat vitamins!
There are so many of them: A, B, C, and of course E and D,
Strengthen your body and improve your vision,
Vitamin A will help - that's without a doubt.
Our food is full of them - we need to eat sour cream,
Children need milk and eggs early in the morning.
Bread products are rich in vitamin B,
Well, vegetables and fruits will help you find them.
And so that D comes, my friend, you eat cheese and cottage cheese.
So E is in a hurry to help - to block the path to disease,
You eat nuts, greens, to protect your body.
They save you from diseases and it’s impossible to live without them,
After all, vitamins are power, they are reliable friends!

I should probably take some vitamins.
Not only oranges, tangerines,
But also carrots, beets and cabbage,
Then we won't be so sad anymore.

To grow - healthy, beautiful!
We must make friends with vitamins.
There are a lot of them - a whole alphabet!
And each vitamin has its own sound.

"A" - serves to shine our eyes,
“B” - our nerves will be strong,
“C” - good for teeth and bones
You can even treat them to guests.

“D” is like a ray of spring sunshine
Good things will put you in a good mood.
To a cheerful heart and so that you don’t get bored,
We need "P" - it is in green tea.

Can't be left aside
A wonderful vitamin called “E”.
Funny, but important for beautiful skin
It is found in oil and in sea buckthorn too.

There is also calcium, magnesium, iodine, iron,
All this is very necessary and useful,
I can’t count all the vitamins,
Well, it's time for me to go home, and it's time for you to play!

Small as specks of dust
There are vitamins in the world.
Adults and children know
How these little ones are needed.

Gotta love all the products
Meat, vegetables and fruits.
They have a lot of vitamins
Their number is countless.

In cottage cheese and milk,
In sausage or flour,
There are a lot of vitamins in cheese,
In cherries, apples, figs.

Found in condensed milk and stewed meat,
A lot in fried liver.
In cranberries, blackberries, plums,
In pear, melon and olive.

In fish, butter and sour cream,
In corn, radish, semolina.
Vitamins in yogurt,
In buckwheat, healthy porridge.

In juice, fermented baked milk, kefir,
In marmalade and ice cream.
In sprats, eggs and rice,
In bread, tea, peanuts.

We can't count everything,
There are vitamins everywhere.
They are useful friends!
Their huge family

It will help us become stronger.
We must know everything about them.
Let's start with vitamin A
And we will find out everything about him.

It is useful for gastritis
And for ulcerative colitis,
For skin diseases,
Will help restore vision

Important for stunted growth.
It’s easy to remember what it is!
Gotta eat cod liver
For adults and children.

The fish oil here is natural
Vitamin - ideal.
In vitamins there is a group,
We can count them.

For example, B1 -
A very important vitamin!
It is for peptic ulcer disease
Very necessary and useful.

Treats liver, diabetes
And there is nothing better for the heart!
You can add it to your diet
Anything where there is dry yeast.

There is also vitamin B2.
Everyone always needs him!
It normalizes exchange
Carbohydrates and fats.

For hepatitis, wounds, ulcers
He is always ready to help.
Delicious pork liver.
The chop will help you.

This vitamin is important
In boiled beef kidneys.
And B3 can strengthen
Drug effect,

It will help the body
And he will give good advice.
He shows concern
Only improves performance

The entire vascular system,
Treats if there are problems
Heart, brain,
Functions of the bloodstream.

And such a vitamin
A lot in mackerel and sardines.
And peanuts and wheat
Useful in the diet

And about vitamin B5
We need to know!
There are many to list!
It will help with burns,

Ulcers, polyneuritis,
For eczema, dermatitis
And for bronchial asthma,
If there is an ulcer in the stomach.

Often used
Available in tablets.
There is a good vitamin
It's called B6!

The heart rate slows down,
Bile in the liver separates
And leads to improvement
Circulatory function.

It's in sardines and horse mackerel,
Boiled, smoked,
In mackerel and herring there is
This vitamin B6.

B12 is prescribed,
If the liver fails.
I'll be happy with the vitamin
Hematopoietic apparatus.

He will help you with the problem,
If there is one in the nervous system.
It won't be in vain to eat
Liver, meat, sprats in oil,

Drink powdered milk
And I love Swiss cheese.
S-or simpler ascarbinka,
Little vitamin!

Gets seriously scared
Her vitamin deficiency.
We eat sweet peppers
So we will defeat the virus!

Chew currants and parsley
And drink a mug of rose hips!
A cold will not be scary,
The vessels will become strong,

Resist viruses
The body will try!
Excellent vitamin U,
All attention to him!

Who has a stomach ache?
Sclerosis develops
If the function suffers
Digestive glands.

Here cabbage needs juice,
Fresh bunch of parsley
And table beets,
Always ready to help.

Vitamin D is very strong
Bone will correct the cells.
It will help with fractures
And skin diseases.

With rickets, just great!
Treats people's psoriasis.
People all over the world know
The benefits and benefits of fish oil.

You can offer it for a reason
Eat smoked eel.
In the vitamin, is in the family
Vitamin E.

It is found in soybeans
There is a lot of it in oils,
In corn, sunny,
In soybean, sunflower.

It dilates blood vessels
Muscle nutrition improves,
It is useful for neuroses,
Treats skin diseases.

Vitamin K will help,
If there is a protein deficiency.
Will stop without a doubt
If there is bleeding.

Spinach is really needed here
It is rich in vitamin K.
And all cabbage, any
And raw, boiled,

Pickled, and in borscht,
And in green delicious cabbage soup.
Vitamins are in foods
In meat, vegetables and fruits.

But it won't always help
Complete food.
And the scientists gathered
We tried very hard together,

And they created drugs
And their composition is rich.
Synthetic acids
And chemical rocks.

The result is vitamins
Necessary for people.
Available in tablets
There are also pipettes for children.

In powders and capsules,
In bottles, ampoules.
There are already vitamins
In candies, in small dragees.

But all people should know:
Must be strictly observed
And provide treatment
Only for its intended purpose.
(E. Tikhonova)

You can also watch with your kids cartoon Smeshariki. Pin code “Correctional nutrition”. The series talks about the importance of vitamins in our diet. Krosh, Hedgehog and Barash decide to outwit the iron nanny and eat foods they hate for each other. But the secret always becomes clear. The wise Sovunya will tell our friends what vitamins are needed for what, and what will happen if they are excluded from the diet.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target: introduce children to the concept of vitamins.

Program tasks

  1. Introduce children to the concept of “vitamins” and vitamins A, B, C.
  2. to form in children an idea of ​​healthy foods that contain vitamins.
  3. Develop olfactory and taste analyzers.
  4. Development of fine motor skills of the hands.
  5. Practice solving riddles.
  6. To instill in children a sense of empathy and a desire to help.


  • Cheburashka toy;
  • Three easels with posters depicting vitamins A, B, C;
  • Fruits: apple, lemon, orange, peach, apricot;
  • Vegetables: tomato, carrots, onions, garlic, cabbage, potatoes;
  • Jars with scents: lemon, orange, garlic, onion, cabbage;
  • Cereals in two large cups: peas + buckwheat, beans + buckwheat;
  • Aroma lamp with mint oil;
  • Dummy fruits and vegetables in a basket;
  • Plates according to the number of children;
  • Tape recorder, cassette with an audio recording of the song “Cheburashka”, “Classics for Kids”

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part

Children enter.

Educator: Look guys, how many guests came to visit us. Say hello. I am very glad to see you all so beautiful and healthy today. Tell me in what mood you came to class.

(Good, cheerful, smiling, perky, kind).

Share your good mood with each other. Smile at each other. Today you will find many exciting games and you will learn a lot of interesting things. I think that you will succeed, you will be attentive and active and you will get a good mood that we will share with everyone.

Educator:“Today we will go on a trip to an amazing country called Vitaminia.

Vitaminia is a magical country. And we go there on magical transport. What magical transport do you know?”

(Stupa, flying carpet, broom, magic running boots).

Educator:“Well done, you know a lot about magical transport. But you and I will fly on a magic carpet airplane.

Main part

Educator:“Oh, who’s that crying?”

Cheburashka music (“I was once a strange, nameless toy...”)

Educator:“Where did he hide? Let's find him!

(children disperse in the group, looking)

Cheburashka is sitting sad.

Children greet Cheburashka.

Cheburashka greets the children.

Educator:“Cheburashka, why are you so sad? Let's feel sorry for him. Pet Cheburashka guys."

Cheburashka:“I had a problem, my beloved friend Gena fell ill. Doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't have fun. Neither cake nor ice cream pleases him. Do you guys have a cure for Genya's disease?

You see everyone so beautiful, healthy and pink cheeks, you probably know some secret? Share your secret with me."

Educator: “Let’s share, we were just about to go on a trip to the country of Vitaminia, will you fly with us? Guys, make yourself comfortable and get ready to fly. Relax, close your eyes. We're flying high. The sun is pleasantly warming, the wind blows on our faces. We are flying. I now open your eyes.

We are in the country of Vitaminia. Cheburashka, sit down and listen carefully to our secrets. Vitamins are substances that help children grow strong and healthy. Both plants and animals can produce vitamins themselves, but humans cannot do so. Therefore, a person must receive vitamins from food. A lot of vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables, as well as in other foods that people eat. And if a child receives few of these vitamins, then he begins to get sick often, loses his appetite and grows poorly.”

Educator: Each vitamin has its own name. Do you want to meet them? (Yes)

Guys, let's get up and go to the easels.

This is vitamin A. Vitamin of growth and vision. I'll tell you a riddle now. And you will guess it and recognize a product that contains a lot of vitamin A.


Beauty grows - a green braid,
All red sits in the ground,
It crunches when you chew it.

Educator:“Now look and tell me where else vitamin A is located.”

(tomato, cherry, apple, sea buckthorn, carrot, peach, apricot, pumpkin).

Well done. Cheburashka, and our children know how to taste fruits and vegetables.”

Game "Taste"

(children are asked to guess vegetables with their eyes closed: tomato, apple, carrot)

Educator:“Today, I would like to introduce you to another group of vitamins - these are the B vitamins. They are very important for the functioning of the brain and the whole body. Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you guess it, and Cheburashka will also help you.


In a brown caftan,
I'm sitting in the ground with friends.
Who digs with a shovel -
He will find me.

Educator:“Well done, right. Potatoes contain a lot of vitamin B, and this vitamin is also found in various cereals. Look and tell me where vitamin B is found

(Peas, buckwheat, oatmeal, cheese, potatoes, fish. Brown bread and walnuts).

Educator:“Oh, Cheburashka, why did you mix the cereal? You probably did it by accident. But don’t worry, we’ll fix everything for you now with the guys. We have very dexterous fingers and they will quickly pick through the cereal.

Game “Sort the grains”

(children stand around the table in subgroups and sort the mixed cereal into 2 cups)

Educator:“Cheburashka, and also to be healthy and not get sick. The guys and I know a special acupressure, can we teach Cheburashka? (Yes)

Physical education minute.

" Acupressure"

1. First point on the chest,
Massage in front
1,2,3, 1,2,3 –
The cough will be behind you.
2. Put your fingers in the hole,
Let's start massaging
1.2,3, 1,2,3 –
Rubella, chickenpox
Don't come to us.
3. We will put our fingers on your neck,
And from top to bottom,
And from top to bottom -
Let's rock
We don't need whim.
4. So that your head doesn’t hurt
We massage with confidence
1,2,3, 1,2,3 –
All illnesses are behind us.
5. Massage near the ear,
Forget about illnesses
1,2,3, 4,5 –
We will hear again.
6. Magic dots
All children know
We'll do a massage.
This is useful for us.

Educator:“Guys, let's get back to our vitamins. I didn't tell you about a very important vitamin.

These are vitamins of group “C”. These vitamins protect the body from various diseases, especially colds and flu.

Guess the riddle and find out where vitamin C is found.


Dressed in gold
Not a single fastener.
He is a healer, doctor and friend.
He cures any ailment.

Educator:“There is a lot of vitamin C in all vegetables, fruits and berries. Look and tell me where vitamin “C” is located?

(Blackcurrant, rosehip, lemon, orange, garlic, onion, cabbage).

Educator: Cheburashka, and our children can identify vegetables and flavors not only by taste, but also by smell.”

Game "Recognize by smell"

(children are offered jars with the scent of lemon, orange, garlic, onion, cabbage)

Final part

Educator:“Our journey is coming to an end. In the country of Vitamins we saw and learned a lot of interesting things.

What vitamins did we meet today?

(With vitamins “A”, “B”, “C”).

What vitamin helps us see better?

(Vitamin A")

What vitamin helps us grow?

(Vitamin "B")

What vitamin fights colds and flu?

(Vitamin C")

Cheburashka, you remember which vitamins are useful and where they are found.”

Cheburashka:“Yes, I remember.”

Educator:“We, Cheburashka, will give you advice:

1 child:

Remember the simple truth
Only the one who sees better
Who chews raw carrots
Or drinks carrot juice.

2nd child:

For colds and sore throats
Oranges help
Well, it's better to eat lemon
Although it is very sour.


Never be discouraged
And a smile on your face
And of course accept
Vitamins “A”, “B”, “C”.

Educator:" Well done boys. They gave good advice to Cheburashka. I think if Gena is there and has vitamins, he will definitely recover. And so we will send a small gift for Gena - a basket of vegetables and fruits.”

We give a basket of fruits and vegetables.

Cheburashka says goodbye and thanks the children for their help.”

Educator:“And it’s time for us to return to the group, sit on the carpet - an airplane and let’s fly to the group.”

Musical accompaniment.