The story of Svetlana Akhtarova's weight loss. Rice porridge with dried fruits

All about spotlights

This is Svetlana Akhtarova - a beautiful, slender, thirty-five-year-old woman. With a height of 165 cm, she weighs 55 kilograms. But this is her. It's hard to believe, but here she weighs 130 kilograms.

It just gives me goosebumps, just remembering it all Svetlana Akhtarova

Every morning Svetlana starts by stepping on the scales. An extra 100 grams is an alarm signal for her. Today - lights out, everything is normal. Svetlana wore these trousers several years ago. They are made to order; in those days Svetlana could not buy anything in the store. Her size wasn't even in the plus size section.

And these trousers were even a stretch for me for some time. It is clear that the buttons have been altered Svetlana Akhtarova

From 130 to 56 kilograms, from 64 to 42 sizes. Svetlana didn’t just lose weight – she was born again. Her daughter Malika hardly recognizes her mother in this huge aunt on the screen.

This footage was taken in 2005. Svetlana is being discharged from the maternity hospital. During pregnancy, she gained up to 130 kilograms. In the morning – rolls with sweet tea. In the afternoon - potatoes, cutlets, ice cream and salad with mayonnaise. For dinner - cookies and cake. She dreamed of food even at night. After the baby is born family life has changed. Ravil stayed late at work more and more often and spent less and less time with his wife. He was simply embarrassed to appear in public with his wife. Ravil even went to see mutual friends alone. Svetlana was sitting at home with her daughter and wondering if he was there now with a girl. She called him every half hour on his mobile, but more and more often he was “temporarily unavailable.”

I decided to have plastic surgery in 2005, almost five years ago. Well, now that I’ve decided, I think I need to do something already. I didn’t want to stop eating, I wanted to do everything easily. I went and did the so-called abdominoplasty Svetlana Akhtarova

Weight 127 kilograms and a huge ugly scar on his stomach. This was the result of plastic surgery that Svetlana had done in a Moscow clinic.

After the operation, I lost only three kilograms, which I safely put on right away. But I got fistulas, wounds that didn’t heal for three months, constant walking in bandages, a huge scar, a disfiguring scar all over my stomach. Svetlana Akhtarova

Plastic surgery is not a method fight against excess weight. The surgeon can only remove a small fold of fat. Otherwise, fat metabolism in the body will be disrupted, and the patient will end up in intensive care. The surgeon can only tighten the skin and remove stretch marks - but this is after you have lost weight.

Operating on a person weighing 130 kilograms is a rather risky undertaking. Considering that, removing this fold of skin and fat from the abdomen, in fact, does not solve anything global. There can be three kilograms in this fold. From 130 is a drop in the ocean Vladimir Tapia Fernandez, plastic surgeon

Tablets, creams, patches, wraps. Over the course of a year, Svetlana tried almost all known methods of losing weight. To no avail. She lost 3-5 kilograms, but after a few weeks they came back. Svetlana turned to the Internet forum for young mothers for support.

Dear girls, tell me. I need to lose weight, a lot of it. I go crazy about sweets, flour, fried and all sorts of other goodies Svetlana Akhtarova

This is a diary that Svetlana kept on the Internet. Every day she stepped on the scale and wrote down how many grams she managed to lose, and next to it she placed a photo in tight clothes. Minus a kilogram, minus two, minus five, minus 15. Svetlana achieved her goal - she lost 75 kilograms. You will find out how she did it at the end of the program.

Svetlana Akhtarova lost 75 kilograms in a year and a half, that is, almost three times. Nobody knew how she did it.

People didn’t believe it, they said it wasn’t true. They called me and said: well, you know, tell me how, what. I say: no, no, she doesn’t eat anything, they didn’t even believe me, I was wondering, extra pounds - they’re always there Aigul Ilyasova, sister of Svetlana Akhtarova

Rumors spread throughout the city. Some said that Akhtarova had a worm living inside her, others thought that she was on drugs, and still others that she cut off extra pounds for a lot of money. Everything turned out to be much simpler and completely free. No surgeries, pills or fad diets, just patience and willpower.

Svetlana eliminated sweets and fatty foods from her diet, stopped eating after three o'clock in the afternoon and began to exercise.

My diet began on October 7, 2007. Bad weather, snow, rain, whatever, despite this I walked five kilometers a day. I came home all wet. Then it seemed to me that this was a very fast step. Now, if I need to walk quickly, then I run; before I couldn’t run. Svetlana Akhtarova

In the evenings, when Ravil and Malika were having dinner, Svetlana left the house; looking at people chewing was unbearable for her. To spend time usefully, she walked until nightfall. Svetlana read somewhere that you need to take at least 10 thousand steps a day. I developed a daily route for myself – five kilometers. After the walk, I drank green tea instead of dinner.

I bought it with various additives: jasmine, pineapple. I didn't really feel like eating. I had no doubt that I should stop, that I was doing this to my detriment. I listened to myself. I didn’t have a single stomach pain, absolutely. I felt good. Every day it gets better and better. Svetlana Akhtarova

Svetlana achieved her first result in a month; she stepped on the scales and saw that she had lost eight kilograms. In a month for another five. After a year and a half, she turned into a beautiful, slender woman. Now her husband Ravil carries her in his arms every day.

In her past life, Svetlana could not afford many things. She realized her dream of studying at a prestigious university only a year ago; in her youth, she was hampered by the same excess weight. This staircase then seemed insurmountable on the path to knowledge.

This is the same staircase that scared me so much in my youth. Now, perhaps, I’m not afraid of anything at all, I love her, it’s easy for me, I feel good. People say: you are a hero. Not once am I a hero. I would be a hero if I knew that I was a girl prone to obesity and would keep my figure normal. And I don’t consider it heroic that I first ate to monstrous proportions and then began to lose weight. I just urge all girls to take care of your figure from a young age. Svetlana Akhtarova

Today, diets are developed not only by people experienced in this field, but also by women of various specialties. Thus, by trial and error, the most effective of these nutritional systems are selected and already serve women all over the world as an indicator of the persistence of willpower and human capabilities.

How Svetlana Akhtarova lost weight

Svetlana Akhtarova is an ordinary woman economist from the city of Almetyevsk, who once set out to lose weight in order to regain health, vigor and beauty.

This woman did not turn to nutritionists, since this requires a lot of expense, but was able to create her own weight loss method through numerous trials and errors. This weight loss program is designed for those ladies who want to lose 50 kilograms or more.

Svetlana Akhtarova's weight loss is simply amazing. Being slim and physically active in her youth, Svetlana already weighed 90 kilograms during her marriage, and after the birth of her child, she weighed all 127. This weight is very burdensome and the girl was not happy with the fact that she could not live life to the fullest, constantly experiencing fatigue, drowsiness and heaviness .

And when the woman became motivated to lose weight, she began a new life, which included low-calorie portioned meals and exercise. So, in a year and a half she was able to lose as much as 70 kilograms.

How can you lose weight effectively?

The key to effective weight loss is, first of all, creating the necessary mood for a new life, understanding the need to adjust weight not only to gain beauty, but also to restore health and vitality. Secondly, it is the support of relatives.

Their help will be needed so that the woman has free time for physical exercise, her diet and daily routine. Thirdly, losing weight involves a complete overhaul of your eating habits.

That is, the first thing you need to lose weight is strong willpower and a clear intention. And all other issues are secondary. The diet is made up of the lowest-calorie foods, and physical activity should gradually increase as the body gets used to the new daily routine and diet.

Is it possible to lose 50-70 kilograms?

In order to significantly lose weight, you need to pay attention to your diet and physical activity. So, with the right approach to these issues, you can lose up to 50 kg in a year, and all 70 kg in a year and a half.

Akhtarova's diet

Svetlana Akhtarova’s nutritional system includes reducing the consumption of fats and carbohydrates, as well as regular physical activity. This is a fairly strict diet that limits calorie intake to 1000 per day, but at the same time increases activity.

To adhere to such a diet system, it is necessary to completely avoid sweets and usual snacks - sandwiches, processed foods, fast food, fried foods.

Svetlana Akhtarova's diet menu

The menu developed by Svetlana has gone through many tests. It was updated again and again until it found its present ideal form.

Breakfast options

  • coffee or tea without sugar
  • a small piece of dark dark chocolate or a spoon of honey
  • 1-2 boiled eggs or a piece of low-calorie cheese.
  • porridge from any cereals in water without oil.


  • half a pomegranate fruit
  • herbal tea
  • vegetable salad with vegetable oil
  • 150 grams of boiled chicken, fish or meat
  • green tea
  • a handful of seeds or an apple, you can eat a grapefruit or half a pomegranate instead
  • Since the diet prohibits eating after 16:00, you can only drink tea without sugar for dinner.

Prohibited diet foods

According to Akhtarova’s unique method, you must definitely give up the following products:

  • sugar,
  • flour products and baked goods,
  • confectionery,
  • fatty food,
  • high-calorie food.

Instead of the usual sweets, the girl advises eating honey and real dark chocolate. Portion sizes also need to be reconsidered.

Very often, weight increases only because a person often overeats and this causes the stomach to stretch, requiring more and more food. This makes you feel hungry and stressed. To avoid such problems, you first need to accustom your body to new portions.

Basic diet rules

Svetlana Akhtarova’s diet system sets strict limits: a ban on eating after 16:00 and a strict calorie limit per day: no more than 1000. There are also restrictions on drinking. They are presented on the menu. It is necessary to give up sweets, especially flour and confectionery products, as well as fried foods and other fatty foods. The emphasis is on boiled meat and fish, vegetables and fruits.

Svetlana recommends gradually increasing physical activity. You need to start with regular walking from 1 to 5 kilometers per day, and after a while you need to add fitness or aerobics classes. In the evening you can only drink tea, since the diet prohibits dinner.

Such fairly strict rules are necessary for a strict diet, following which people want to lose tens of kilograms of excess weight.

Self-massage for weight loss

Massage is a very important procedure for healing the body, improving muscle tone and getting rid of cellulite, as well as fat deposits. Self-massage is a procedure that you can do yourself without leaving home to improve blood flow in problem areas of the body.

Sit on a sofa or chair, legs flat on the floor, feet together, knees wide apart. Start massaging your thighs with light movements and increase the intensity. As a result, the movements should be similar to those as if you were wringing out laundry. Alternate circular movements and finger pressure. After massaging your thighs, lower yourself closer to your knees and then your calves.

To massage the buttocks, you need to take a lying position. Bend your knees to form a 90-degree angle. Massage the surface of the buttocks in a circular motion and press your fingers on the gap areas.

Such procedures should be performed at least 15 minutes a day. This will break up fat deposits, improving the condition of the skin.

Diet of Svetlana Akhtarova reviews

Tatyana: I took Akhtarova’s diet as a basis, but modified it a little, although the basic principles remained. I eat 100-150 grams of food every 3-4 hours. I excluded fatty, fried, flour and sweet foods. Be sure to drink 2 liters of water.
I mainly eat eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, vegetables and fruits, and seafood. I lost 32 kilograms in 5 months. What I like most is that the weight does not come back.

Maria: In 3 months of this diet I lost 19 kilograms. I was very pleased, and then relaxed, then a cake, then a bun and plus 4 kilos. This fall I will return to Svetlana’s diet again.

The benefits of Akhtarova's diet

Svetlana’s diet helps to restore a slim figure, former vigor and vitality. Once the body accepts the new nutritional system, it can produce enough energy even for long walks and intense sports. Increasing physical activity gives youth to the body and soul, allowing you to again see bright colors in the world around you.

Heavy weight greatly affects the heart, increasing the load on it. The joints also begin to suffer: the knees, pelvic bones and spine experience excessive stress. Having lost 30-50 extra kilos, the body will no longer be burdensome.

Low-calorie, low-fat nutrition will help cleanse the body of waste, toxins, sand and stones. The sugar level in the body will decrease.

Harm and contraindications of diet

The diet is not entirely safe, as it requires 15-hour fasts. Some people may have a very difficult time not eating after 4:00 pm. If you have stomach pain, you should immediately postpone the diet rule of not eating in the evening and look for other nutrition systems.

Svetlana’s diet system is contraindicated for people with peptic ulcer, as well as pregnant women who need more calories and rich nutrition.

How to continue eating so that the weight does not return?

In order not to gain weight after a diet, you need to remember about foods that contribute to weight gain: baked goods, cookies, sweets, fried foods. You also need to take care of the amount of food you eat to avoid stomach distension.

At the end of the diet, you should not indulge in sweets and fried potatoes. Try to limit yourself to live food: raw vegetables and fruits, adding grains to your diet. Instead of sweets, eat honey, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates. For a snack, take nuts: peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, as well as raw sunflower or pumpkin seeds, an apple or an orange.

After the diet, be sure to continue to exercise: fitness, yoga, aerobics, swimming, hiking. This is necessary to burn calories. The more calories you burn, the less likely you are to gain weight.

Svetlana Akhtarova’s method is a super effective diet that can make the dream of all curvy ladies come true. But it requires maximum effort and will. It is difficult to give up your favorite food - sweets, buns, sausage, fried potatoes and even dinner. But it’s worth it to feel attractive again and, most importantly, healthy!

And at the age of 34 she turned from an immense lady into a slender beauty [photo]

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It's hard to believe, but the photographs show the same woman! Meet Svetlana Akhtarova from the city of Almetyevsk, economist. Throughout her weight loss epic, Svetlana wrote reports on the thematic forum. Almost 200 pages of questions and answers, complaints and little joys, photographs and delights of forum users. Svetlana’s story went beyond the scope of this forum and created a stir on the RuNet. LiveJournal is on their ears: many do not believe that such a fantastic result is possible without plastic surgery, fashionable drugs and expensive specialists. We decided to find out everything first-hand and talked with Svetlana personally.

“At night I dreamed that I was eating”

- Svetlana, motivation to lose weight is half the success. What prompted you to undertake this feat?

It’s not like I’ve eaten so much in just one year. As a child, I was very thin. She first did rhythmic gymnastics, then sports aerobics. And then I quit sports - that’s all. Here we go. I wanted to lose weight for a long time. And I chose the easy way - in 2005 I had abdominoplasty, I thought I would lose weight. Did not help. It took 3 kilos, and left a terrible scar all over my stomach. And then I immediately became pregnant. And I gained another 40 kg. Before giving birth, I weighed 145 kilos! Can you imagine?

I'm coming from the maternity hospital. I walked past the mirror with my daughter in my arms and suddenly saw myself: the child looked like a tiny doll compared to me, I was so huge. I couldn’t sleep with her - I was afraid that I would somehow turn around and crush her with one hand. Then she grew. I hated going out with her. It was hard for me to move my legs. And when she started walking, it was absolutely hard labor - I was simply not able to keep up with her. I always thought that when she grew up, she would be ashamed of me. That's when I decided it was time to lose weight.

- Did anyone close to you tell you that 120 kg is too much?

Mom even cried: “You will destroy yourself!” When I met my husband, I was 90 kilograms. It was not a fountain, but still decent. But after giving birth, when I couldn’t take off my boots myself, he said: “Svet, you need to do something, it’s hard for you.” Although he actually likes chubby ones.

- Do you remember the moment when you decided for yourself that that’s it?

I remember. It was October 8, 2007. A classmate wrote to me on the Internet: oh, Sveta, send me a photo. But I understand that I can’t. And I decided - either now or never.

- From tomorrow?..

There were no tomorrows. All. Right now. And after 16.00 I didn’t eat anymore. Instead of dinner, my husband grated an apple for me...

That same day I left the parking lot on foot. The parking lot is next to the house, but I went around. And I was so exhausted - I walked a whole kilometer! The next day I bought myself some sneakers, measured the distance - already 5 km - and went. I laid out the route so that no one I knew would catch my eye once again, along the outskirts, through new buildings.

The first week, of course, I howled. We are used to it: we sit down with my husband in front of the TV and eat a loaf of bread with butter and jam. At night I dreamed that I was eating... But after a couple of weeks I got used to it.

"A pair of old trousers is for fear"

- And when did you feel better?

I lost 13 kg (in a month) and went to the fitness center. I tell the coach: I won’t be able to withstand the load of the general group. Let's do it in person sometime. And she took on me. For a day I just walked, and for a day I went to see her. I cried, it was so hard for me. I wrote on the forum every day - I was very supported there. At work, my colleagues from the department helped me a lot. No one pressed, no one tried to treat me to anything. And, of course, a huge thank you to my husband. While I was studying, he sat with my daughter Malika in the evenings.

- How did he eat all this time? Did you cook for him separately?

He cooked for himself and for his daughter. He supported me a lot. And then, when I began to see the pounds falling off on the scales every day, it became the best motivation. Every minus in size is a holiday.

- By the way, how did you cope with these disadvantages? Do you really have to buy new clothes all the time?

I bought it, but what should I do? She gave away big things mercilessly. I kept a pair of trousers for myself - just for fear.

- So that nothing is connected with the past?

Yes. Previously, when I tried to lose weight, I left everything - in case I gained weight. But now she said: there is no turning back.

- Did you do any procedures in the salon?

No. I did a massage - it helped. Nothing else. And I don’t have any particular problems - well, stretch marks, well, a little flabbiness. Like any woman who has given birth. But there is no such thing as something hanging like a Shar Pei’s, down to the knees. I cared for and cherished my face, bought professional cosmetics, and massaged my chin with a wet towel every evening.

“Even relatives won’t recognize...”

- Has anything globally changed in your life?

Globally, no. But I feel completely different. They still don't recognize me. I haven’t seen my husband’s brother’s wife for a long time. And somehow we meet her in a store. I said to her: “Hello...” And she: “Hello, who are you?” I say: “Well, of course, I’m Sveta, Ravil’s wife.” And she: “It’s not true, Ravil has another wife!” He turns around and leaves. That was a shock. But usually they still find out - bah, Sveta, what you look like! And this is the highest thrill. But there is a lot of gossip. The city is small. And I eat pills with worms. And I do surgeries. And the most interesting gossip is that fruits are brought to me from overseas by helicopter.

- They are jealous, perhaps?

There are such ladies. Here she will sit, on two chairs, her butt, as huge as the Khabarovsk region, spread out, eat a sandwich with butter and talk about how this girl walks alive after so many operations. What operations! I couldn’t afford to risk my life, I have a small child.

- Doesn’t your husband want to follow your example and go on a diet?

He is, of course, large, but I am against it - I don’t like thin men (laughs). And I love Ravil in any form!


Weight loss diet from Svetlana Akhtarova

Breakfast: 2 eggs, or a piece of cheese, or porridge with water, a piece of dark chocolate or a spoonful of honey, coffee without sugar.

Second breakfast: half a pomegranate, green tea.

Lunch: boiled lean meat, fish or chicken breast, fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil, green tea.

Afternoon snack: a handful of peeled seeds, a green apple, grapefruit or pomegranate.

Dinner: green tea.


The secret to fighting double chin and naturally tightening the skin

Perform every day morning and evening. Take a terry towel soaked in cold water, stretch and tap the chin quite vigorously for 2 - 3 minutes. Then we lubricate the skin with any fat-burning cream (can be for legs or buttocks, any quality one will do).

From forum posts

_ 08.10.2007

Dear girls, tell me. I need to lose weight, a lot of it. I go crazy about sweets, flour, fried and all sorts of other goodies, I especially like to eat before bed. To day is the first day. At home there are apples, low-fat kefir, grapes and... cabbage rolls, dumplings, mayonnaise, herring, potatoes with mushrooms. I won’t eat, although I really want to, I’m dying, I want to howl. What should I eat to fill myself up and not be harmful? And one more thing - who can support me, huh? Please...

Low-fat kefir is a rare disgusting thing, I drank a glass and gnawed two apples. The grapes are in the firebox, and as you want - Isabella, delicious. I won't. Tomorrow morning an egg, porridge for lunch, what can you have for an afternoon snack? Eh, I wish I had size 46 - 48, I want...

_ 10.10.2007

I’ll tell you now that I would sell my homeland for herring, shish kebab, white meat with meat, chocolate candies and a loaf of butter. You do not believe me? I would sell it. However, it is impossible, it is impossible. I decided everything for myself. Homeland is more valuable. I ate all this almost every day, I'm not lying. I need to raise my daughter, I don’t want her to be teased at school and told that your mother is fat.

Today I walked four kilometers, my legs hurt.

I lost about 2 kg in 3 days. I thought it would take more, but oh well, a little at a time.

_ 17.10.2007

Girls, I still hold on, I eat the same, I go for walks. Today I tried to go for a run - I almost died, shortness of breath, my body was shaking. My weight has been almost the same for three days now. I’m not giving up in any way, I’m just a little sad. Today I agreed on individual shaping lessons + swimming pool. Now I’ve gotten cold feet - I’m ashamed of myself, I don’t even have a decent tracksuit, no amount of money can buy it for me, and can I even manage it? I'm afraid, in general. The same “lush barmaid” looks at me from the mirror.

_ 19.10.2007

Girls, I'm still holding on. Today my mother handed over empanadas for her husband and daughter - I thought I was done for. I smelled them and pushed them away, this is my favorite dish... I didn’t eat it. The result for today is -7 kg, I thought it would be a little more. Ok, I'm quiet. No one even tells me that I have lost weight. When will I hear these words from people...

_ 25.10.2007

Today, in general, at least don’t go near the stove. I cooked dumplings - I almost went crazy, but I was sure that my body had learned to take my protest for granted. But I survived.

_ 30.10.2007

I want to New Year look super great at a corporate party with about 250 people. And weigh... ah-ah-ah, at least 90 kg, well, 95.

_ 03.12.2007

I almost like fitness, and swimming... I love it, but there is one problem with water sports. After it, the appetite is terrible, I’m ready to devour an elephant. You are patient, what to do, I swim late in the evening. The trainer showed exercises in water. I once touched my legs with my hand during their performance... Oh-oh-oh-oh, I’m like a stingray - I’m swaying all over...

_ 24.01.2008

Today I fit into clothing size 50. In the summer, when I returned to work after maternity leave, I could not pull on a size 62 blouse.

It’s just that everyone I know constantly wants to feed me. Do I look that pathetic? I think I looked pathetic before, more or less now.

_ 06.03.2008

To date, 40 kg have escaped from me. To say that I am happy means to say nothing. I am so happy. Now I wear clothes 48 - 50. And yesterday I bought a jacket in size 46. You have no idea, I buy clothes in stores! I haven’t done this for a hundred years, I ordered everything from a milliner.

Oh yes, I'll tell you a scary story. The day before yesterday they told me that in my city (a small city, 400 thousand people) there was a rumor that I went to Thailand and pumped out all the fat there. When they tried to tell the person who said this that it was a lie, she began to assure everyone that this was 100% information. I felt a little offended. Well, people have no heads at all. How long did I have to stay in Thailand, leaving my job, my child, my husband, in order to lose 40 kg? Or do miracles really work in this country? Then I'm ready to go!

_ 22.03.2008

Girls, thank you for your kind words. I simply can’t do it without you and this support. I am very grateful to the forum for everything, for a new life, I’m not afraid of this word. It turns out that there are many other joys in the world; you don’t have to indulge in gluttony. We eat to live, not the other way around!

_ 29.04.2008

Already minus 48 - 49 kg. The last battle is the most difficult. I myself can’t believe that almost 7 months have already passed. It seems to me that I just started yesterday, and when I look at old photos I almost cry. Where was my head before, why didn’t I see all this horror. I didn’t want to see it, I missed so many joyful moments in my life! Girls (those who really want to lose weight), it’s not difficult at all, the main thing is to REALLY want it. Then everything will work out. I'll post new photos soon.

_ 09.05.2008

Excess weight was killing me, killing the woman in me, my health, my self-confidence. It's my second birthday now. And yesterday I was at my sister’s birthday party. So they asked my husband... why he came alone! Did not recognize!!!

_ 19.05.08

It's a nightmare in the city, even if you run away. People, without hesitation, come up and ask: how? And the most interesting thing is that NO ONE, not even my relatives, believes that I lost weight without medication. This is the most unpleasant thing. Mom says, sneeze, but I’m so sensitive, I get upset. Today a colleague came over. She says that her friend told me to find out what pills I take. I said: let her recommend Purgen to her limited friend. Just first you need to take a vacation. I have already said that when I start telling someone the truth about my difficult path, the interlocutor suddenly loses interest.

_ 11.06.2008

To be honest, the question “How will I keep the weight off?” I don't have a definite answer, unfortunately. In general, the thought of ever needing to stop terrifies me. I think I’ll work hard to sculpt my body, go to personal fitness classes as soon as I can take my daughter there with me, swim and not overeat. I will not part with the scales, no matter how much they tell me that I am addicted to them. For me, this addiction turned out to be a panacea in the fight for my new life.

_ 23.06.2008

Girls, you have become like family to me! Where would I be without you... It was your support that made these wonderful transformations happen to me. I also really praise myself for deciding on this topic. Well, just a powerful incentive! When I wanted to lose my temper, I always thought about what I would say to the people on the forum, because they believe in me.

_ 06.08.2008

You'll realize it's worth it when you get slim. No matter how much I write about believing in myself, it is useless. You can only feel it. Everything is different, everything. I now understand that a woman over 100 kg cannot be sexy, for the life of me, I don’t believe it. I catch the eyes of men, I am confident, I feel like a human being. Well, what food can compare with this? Good luck.

Marat Safina's girlfriend sits on a carrot

The beautiful Anastasia Osipova from the group “Brilliant,” if you remember, came to the girls’ group in place of Anna Semenovich. The girls have very similar figures - a graceful waist and a seductive, full bust.

Nastya shared with KP her secret diet, which allows her to wear skimpy bikinis at resorts all year round.

Carrot diet from Nastya Osipova

The carrot diet is designed for 3 days, during which time you can lose 2 - 3 kg.

There is only one “but” - all day (namely 4 times a day) you need to eat exclusively carrot salad. The recipe is simple: grate 2 carrots, add lemon juice, a teaspoon of vegetable oil, honey (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per day), 1 fruit (optional: apple, kiwi, grapefruit, orange, pomegranate).

It is best to use young carrots, and it is better to clean them with a brush; the most useful substances are located under the skin.

You can repeat the carrot diet no more than once a month.

Larisa Dolina gave up the kefir diet

My husband Ilya and I are vacationing in Portugal on the island of Madeira.

At least once a year I want to be natural. I don’t use any makeup, I dress very simply, I don’t do my hair. By the way, I gave up the kefir diet, which I followed for many years,” Larisa Alexandrovna admitted to us. - Over the past ten years, I have tried all sorts of diets, but now I just limit myself to sweets, I don’t eat fatty foods or starchy foods. And I don’t eat after six in the evening! And if I allow myself something tasty on holidays, then I arrange fasting days for myself - I eat only fruit and drink mineral water without gas.

In the section Real weight loss stories, readers are introduced to real people who managed to cope with excess weight and start life, as they say, with a clean slate.

Today, many people know the amazing story of Sveta Akhtarova, especially those who really want to get rid of the hated kilograms. Svetlana is truly an example of courage and bravery, because she managed to pull herself together and do it!

Anyone can choose any diet for themselves. But the most important thing is to have willpower; if you don’t have it, then, alas, you will never solve your problem.

We present to your attention one of Svetlana’s interviews.

“Svetlana, what was the real reason for losing weight for you? What prompted you to take this step?”

You know, as a child I was a very thin child. She devoted her free time to rhythmic gymnastics and sports aerobics. Then, by coincidence, I stopped these classes. Now I realize that this was a stupid act in my life. After all, over the years, I have gained incredible weight. Losing weight was my cherished dream, but I didn’t make any special efforts, because I immediately wanted to see the result. In 2005, for this reason, I decided to undergo abdominoplasty. After this procedure, I lost 3 kilograms, only the scar left on my stomach reminded me of these kilograms. After some time, I found out that I would soon become a mother. During pregnancy I gained another 40 kg. And at 9 months of pregnancy, my weight already exceeded 145 kg!

After giving birth it was not easy. Especially in those moments when I walked past the mirror with a child in my arms. My daughter looked like a little doll compared to me. I couldn’t allow myself to fall asleep with her, because I was overcome by the fear that suddenly, in my sleep, I would crush her with my hand. Time passed, she grew up. It was very difficult for me to walk with her on the street. It was a real nightmare for me because I couldn't keep up with her. And one day, I thought that some more time would pass, she would go to kindergarten, then to school, to college, she would be embarrassed by her own mother! At that moment, I firmly decided that it was time to lose weight.

— Did your relatives tell you that it’s time to lose weight?

- yes, my mother even cried because she was worried about my health. When I met my husband, my weight was about 90 kg. I know I weighed a lot, but after giving birth I was not able to take off my shoes. Then he told me that I needed to do something, that I myself was uncomfortable in my own body.

— Do you remember the moment when you finally decided that it was time to lose weight?

Yes, of course I remember as if it were yesterday. Once I was corresponding with an old friend on the Internet, and she asked me to send me a photo of myself. Then I realized that I couldn't do this. So I decided at that moment to lose weight once and for all.

— and didn’t you put off losing weight until tomorrow or Monday?

No, I decided for myself that I would do without any delays. On the same day I refused to eat after 15:00. For dinner I made do with just a grated apple.

In the evening I walked home from the parking lot. The parking lot is located next to our house, and I specifically decided to go around. And you know, I walked a whole kilometer. But for me it was a small victory. And the next morning I bought myself some sneakers and planned a five-kilometer route. I went where there were few people, so as not to run into acquaintances again.

The first week was the most difficult. It wasn’t easy for me, because in our family it’s customary that while watching a movie we eat a loaf of bread with butter and jam. At night I dreamed that I was eating. Thank God, after a couple of weeks it passed and I, one might say, got used to the new life.

When did you feel like you were getting better?

A month later, I lost 13 kg and went to the fitness club. I immediately warned the coach that I would not be able to withstand the workload of the general group. She created a personalized lesson plan for me. One day I just walked, walked in the fresh air, and the next day I came to her. I cried because it was difficult for me. On the forum I was supported by people like me who were trying to lose weight. There was support at work too. And I would like to say a special thank you to my husband, because while I was studying, he was sitting with my daughter.

Has he changed his diet? Or did you have to cook for him separately?

No, he did not change his already familiar diet. We must give him credit, because he prepared food for himself and his daughter himself. I constantly felt and still feel his support. When I stepped on the scale and saw the numbers getting smaller and smaller, my motivation increased.

Tell me, where did you put your old clothes?

I gave it away, but what else should I do with it? But new small things appeared in my wardrobe. By the way, just in case, I still decided to keep a few trousers for myself...

Svetlana, tell me, have you resorted to the procedures that are done in salons?

- No. I think this is useless. But massage is really a good thing, which really helps. Yes, and I don’t have any terrible problems - stretch marks, slight flabbiness... but this is all like any woman who has given birth. But I don’t have anything hanging like a Shar Pei. And I looked after my face carefully, trying to make sure it didn’t lose its elasticity. I used professional cosmetics and massaged my chin daily with a damp towel.

— has something changed radically in your life?

- you know, no. But I feel different. My acquaintances still don’t recognize me when they meet. For example, there was a funny incident when I met my husband's brother's wife in a store. I said hello to her, and she said to me: “Who are you, a woman?” I explained to her, but she didn’t believe me, turned around and left. It was a shock for me. I live in a small town, almost everyone knows each other, but gossip appears. Lots of gossip. They say that a worm lives inside me, I perform operations. And the funny thing is that the fruits are brought to me from overseas, delivered by helicopter.

- Do you think this is envy?

Of course, there are such women, unfortunately. But they would have thought that I cannot risk my life by going under the surgeon’s knife, because I have a very small daughter!

Watch Svetlana's story:

Many people tell me that I am a hero. There is no heroism here. After all, if only I knew that I was predisposed to obesity, I would keep my figure in shape. I would like to appeal to all girls: “Watch your figure from a young age!”