LED lighting is harmful to health. Is there any harm to human health from LED lamps?

Bulbs burn out frequently

LED lamps have recently become a popular topic for discussing the benefits of new energy-saving technologies in lighting. When it comes to saving energy, everyone is already well aware of the benefits that LED lamps have.
But, …

But it turns out that LED lamps can bring certain benefits to human health.
Fluorescent, metal halide and other gas-discharge lamps, as well as incandescent lamps, create fluctuations in the light flux that are not visible to the human eye. Sometimes, as in the case of fluorescent lamps, where the frequency of oscillation is not too high, you can notice the flickering of the lamps. It is clear that the human eye will tire faster under the influence of such lighting. The consequence of such daily fatigue can be visual impairment.
The most harmless to human eyes of the above types of lamps are halogen lamps. The flicker frequency of such lamps is the highest. The most harmful are fluorescent lamps. These lamps have the lowest oscillation frequency.
Concerning LED lamps, then LEDs, as a light source, do not create vibrations harmful to the eye.
The light of LED lamps is pure and does not contain harmful UV radiation. Of course, modern halogen and metal halide lamps, as sources of increased UV radiation, have UV filters in the glass. But even these security measures can only minimize harmful radiation.
Let me remind you that ultraviolet radiation can cause cancer. Therefore, well-known manufacturers such as BLV, PHILIPS, OSRAM, GE use filters for their lamps without fail. LED lamps, as you understand, do not need filters.
Fluorescent lamps, including CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps), are recognized as a source of increased danger to human health in the United States. The fact is that mercury vapor contained in fluorescent lamps can, if the lamp breaks, cause serious illness or even death. This is not a joke! In America, several lawsuits have already been filed against manufacturers of fluorescent lamps!
LED lamps will not bring any harm to the human body, even if they break. LEDs are non-toxic and do not emit any harmful substances into the atmosphere.
LED bulbs are not just LEDs. The components of LED lamps are aluminum reflectors, metal bases, parts of microcircuits for LED power devices, and glass.
Aluminum products, when it comes to dishes or cutlery, can be harmful to health after many years of use. Aluminum accumulates in the body over time and can cause serious metabolic disorders. However, we are not going to eat LED lamps!
As for other potentially hazardous parts of LED lamps, the glass used in LED ball, candle or T8 LED lamps is not glass at all. This is a thin translucent plastic that, even if it breaks, will not cut anyone!
Chip parts used in LED lamps, of course, may contain heavy metals or other harmful compounds. But you can get serious poisoning with these amounts of harmful substances only with prolonged direct contact or eating.
LED lamps do not have infrared radiation. By itself, infrared radiation, as scientists say, is harmless to humans. But, in my opinion, the less any radiation, the better. The absence of infrared spectrum LED lamps in the light turns out to be very useful from another point of view. When lighting various objects with LED lamps, the light of LED lamps does not interfere with infrared sensors and video cameras. Enterprises offering security systems have already noticed this positive aspect.
Still, it's worth being honest and saying that LED lamps create radio interference for FM receivers. We discovered this amazing fact recently, in the course of replacing a failed incandescent lamp with an LED lamp in our office. Near the installation site of the LED lamp, at a distance of no more than 1 meter, there was an FM receiver. Apparently, the lamp power supply device gives these interferences. In general, FM radio waves are not a source of danger to human health. However, it is still necessary to warn about this fact.
Another positive characteristic of LED lamps is the absence of thermal radiation. LEDs generate heat, but it is absorbed by the aluminum reflector of the LED lamp. The amount of heat generated is several times less than that of incandescent or "halogen" lamps.
Summarizing all of the above, LED lamps are practically harmless to human health. The greatest benefit of LED lamps when used in indoor lighting can bring human vision. Here and the absence of flicker and harmful radiation. Also, LED lamps will help to avoid harmful effects on the skin. And if it happens that the LED lamp breaks, then you will not be poisoned by mercury vapor, as is the case with CFLs.

LED lamps and LED lightening in general is used in our lives more and more often. It is used to illuminate industrial and domestic premises, residential buildings, streets, and is also used in computer screens, TVs and other gadgets. And this is justified. With our very low energy consumption, we can get a powerful luminous flux and a long service life. But today we are not interested in this. We are interested in the safety of LED lamps, their impact on human health and physiology, and the harm of LED lighting.

Without a doubt, incandescent lamps are the safest, they do not contain any complex components and heavy metals, they do not emit ultraviolet radiation, they do not flicker and they emit light most similar to natural light. With the advent of fluorescent lamps, they began to think about their safety. They contain mercury vapours, which will cause very negative effects when the lamp is broken, constantly flicker and it adversely affects the eyes, and also emit electromagnetic radiation due to the use of electromagnetic coils.

When LED lamps appeared, it seemed like a panacea, they consume a minimum of energy, do not contain harmful substances and almost do not flicker. But is everything as good as it seems? In this article, we will try to figure it out. Undoubtedly, the safety of LED lamps is higher than daylight, but they have their own dark side.

Light safety

Scientists from Spain working at the University of Madrid have found that looking at an LED lamp for a long time can damage your eyesight. In most LED lamps to obtain white light A combination of blue and yellow LEDs is used. The yellow diode is not dangerous, but the blue one can cause problems. It emits blue and violet at very short wavelengths with great energy and power. Prolonged and uninterrupted staring at such a light source can damage the retina of your eye. LED lamps cause three types of injuries to our eyes: photomechanical (shock energy of a light wave), photothermal (heating of tissue from radiation) and photochemical (photons of light can cause chemical changes in molecules).

But this shortcoming is easy to deal with. Just do not look at the bright LED lamp for a long time. The same rule applies to fluorescent lamps, they are much more harmful in this regard, since they emit direct ultraviolet light, which is incomparable to the radiation of LED lamps in terms of harm to the eyes. It was necessary to mention the dangers of the light of LED lamps so that you do not think that they are safe in this regard.

LED lamps and physiology

Israeli scientists conducted a study on the effect of lighting on the release of the hormone melatonin. It is produced by the pineal gland and affects sleep patterns, blood pressure and brain function. But most of all, this hormone controls sleep, the more hormone in the blood, the more a person wants to sleep.

Scientists have found that white and blue colors reduce the release of melatonin. The blue, bright color has the greatest effect on the release of this hormone. This happens because over the centuries our body has become accustomed to the fact that in blue light, you need to be awake during the day, and in yellow light, when the sun sets, it's time to sleep. This harm of LED lamps applies to any bright artificial light sources. For bedrooms, it is recommended to use incandescent lamps or LED lamps with a low color temperature - 1000-1500 Kelvin. It is also recommended not to look directly at a bright light source two to three hours before bedtime.

Harm flickering lamps

It would seem that LED lamps do not flicker, but not everything is so simple. In fact, all the lamps flicker, we just cannot see it. Even incandescent lamps powered by mains alternating current flicker at 100 Hz. Poor-quality LED lamps can flicker even at a lower frequency. LEDs need to work D.C., and there is a variable in the network, the easiest way to get direct current is to weed out part of the pulses, which will give an uneven flow of electricity and, as a result, flicker. Our consciousness is not able to notice the flickering of lamps due to its inertia, but the brain can fix it up to a frequency of 300 Hz. Fluctuations of low-quality LED lamps can cause some harm to the body, they change the hormonal background, reduce performance, increase fatigue.

In high-quality LED lamps from well-known manufacturers, the flicker frequency is up to more than 300 Hz and our brain cannot fix it, therefore it does not affect. This reduces the flickering of the lamp to zero. You can check if your lamp is flickering by looking at it through your phone's camera. If the flicker frequency is below 100 Hz, you will most likely see flicker. See details:

Electromagnetic radiation

electromagnetic radiation safety

Each LED lamp contains an electrical circuit. As I said, to power the LEDs, you need constant pressure. Therefore, to transform AC voltage in a constant, a special electrical circuit is used that generates high-frequency pulses (so that there is no flicker). Electromagnetic interference is created around the light bulb, which can interfere with the operation of household appliances. It is not recommended to place devices such as radios, televisions or other sensitive equipment close to the lamp.

Heavy metals and hazardous substances

Unlike fluorescent lamps, LED lamps do not contain any hazardous elements. All that is here is a completely safe semiconductor from which the LED, lens and case plastic are made. Fluorescent lamps contain mercury vapor, while the lamp is sealed, it is completely safe, but when the integrity of the housing is broken, and mercury spreads throughout the room, it can cause damage to the respiratory system. But, fortunately, such a disadvantage is not inherent in LED lamps.

fire safety

In this aspect, the safety of LED lighting is also at a high level. As you know, conventional lamps incandescent bulbs get very hot, and if you touch a non-working light bulb, you can get burned. But the LED lamp will be barely warm even after several hours of operation. It does not heat the air around it and will not cause a fire even if it comes into contact with flammable substances.

Danger of direct light

harmful direct light

Looking at bright light sources is not recommended. This can cause serious damage to your eyes and cause retinal burns. If you hold your eyes for a few seconds on an incandescent bulb or most LED lamps with a diffuser, then most likely there will be no problems. But a direct hit of a bright, unscattered light beam can damage the retina. This does not apply much to household LED lamps, but is suitable for other devices, such as flashlights.


LED lamps are not as dangerous as fluorescent lamps. They do not contain any harmful substances that can be released into the atmosphere if you break the lamp, they do not have very harmful low-frequency flicker that affects the eyes, but they still have disadvantages that you need to learn how to get around. Now you know what to consider when buying an LED lamp. The harm of LED lamps can be minimized by choosing a quality product. First of all, you need to take a quality product that will not harm your health and will last you a very long time.

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LED lamps appeared on the world market relatively recently, but today they are in fairly high demand. This is explained by a number of advantages of these light sources. For example, unlike conventional incandescent lamps, they do not heat up, which saves energy and lasts much longer.

You can name a number of other advantages that LED lamps have. But thanks to marketers, almost every person who at least once faced with the choice of light sources for the home knows about them very well. In this article, we will consider fairly common statements that these products are harmful to human health, and we will also try to find out which of them can be called true and which is a myth.

Substances harmful to health are used in the design of lamps

Let's start with the most common horror story, which claims that LED lamps contain toxic substances, which are harmful to human health. Is it so? To answer this question, we will consider in detail all the elements of the product design:

  • case, for the manufacture of which polymeric materials are used. It is quite possible that in low-quality light sources it is he who poses a danger, since little-known Chinese manufacturers often save on raw materials. But if you choose branded devices, you can be sure that the plastic is safe;
  • plinth. Materials - nickel-plated steel. Exactly the same from which the base of an ordinary incandescent lamp is made;
  • a driver responsible for the uninterrupted operation of the product during voltage drops. It is equipped with radio components, which are also absolutely safe;
  • radiator for efficient heat dissipation. It is made of anodized aluminum, which today can be found in the design of a wide variety of products used in everyday life;
  • printed circuit board on which the microcircuits are located;
  • diffuser, which is a flask. Unlike fluorescent and halogen light sources, it is not filled with gas, which indicates a high level of safety.

So, the presence of toxic substances in the design of the product is a myth.

In fact, they are harmful in the same way as any modern electronic devices.

Flickering lamps damage your eyes

Like other sources, LED lamps flicker during operation. Their pulsations can negatively affect the human nervous system. And even if you do not observe any glare. Therefore, statements about harm are true? Let's not rush to conclusions.

The thing is that high-quality LED lamps are equipped with very efficient drivers, the output voltage of which is filtered and almost completely gets rid of the variable component. Due to this, the ripple coefficient of such devices does not exceed 10 percent, which is the norm. Yes, LED lamps with a quality driver are expensive. But they also serve for a very, very long time, without causing any harm to the health of the eyes.

LED light sources inhibit melatonin production

Another popular horror story tells us that the bright light of LED sources triggers hormonal changes, prevents the sleep hormone melatonin from being produced, which is why they are very harmful. In part, this statement is true, since the brightness of the product is quite high. To eliminate the negative impact of lamps on the body, you should not use LED lamps in the bedroom.

In addition, it can be recommended to avoid working at a computer (modern digital devices use LED backlighting), turn off the TV at least an hour before bedtime. This will restore the normal secretion of melatonin, as well as normalize oxidative processes in the body, leading to early aging.

In continuation of the topic, we can say that LED lamps activate the production of a hormone such as serotonin in the human body. Unlike the already mentioned melatonin, it increases efficiency. That is why it is best to use LED-devices where you intend to work - in the office or library, in the office.

The white light of LED bulbs has a negative effect on vision.

When purchasing LED lamps, it is necessary to pay attention not only to such an indicator as the ripple coefficient (as we have already found out, the smaller it is, the safer the device), but also the color temperature. If it exceeds 3200 K, the intensity of blue spectrum radiation increases significantly, which adversely affects human vision. Its constant exposure can lead to dystrophic changes in the retina and cornea of ​​the eye, and to other very unpleasant consequences.

White cold light is dangerous for children's eyesight. The thing is that the child's visual system is in the developmental stage and any negative impact on it can lead to undesirable consequences. To avoid this, we recommend paying attention to the following characteristics of LED bulbs:

  • ripple coefficient - no more than ten percent. As we wrote above, this result is achieved using high-quality and not cheap drivers. But health is more expensive;
  • Colorful temperature. It is best if it is in the range of 2700-3200 K;
  • lamp power. You should pay attention to this parameter if you use lamps or chandeliers with two or more light sources. In this situation, it is better to use not too powerful LED lamps (maximum 40-60 watts) to minimize damage to eye health.

Harmful infrared and ultraviolet radiation

We will immediately declare this horror story a myth, and here's why. All LED lamps produced today are made in two main ways:

  • the first involves obtaining white light by placing three crystals - red, blue and green. They are placed in one plastic case, work smoothly and do not emit either in the IR or UV ranges. Devices with a similar design are the most secure, but they are quite expensive;
  • The second way to produce white light is by using a substance such as a phosphor, which is applied to blue LEDs. In this case, the lamps do emit infrared radiation, but the intensity of such radiation is no more than 15 percent. This is much less than conventional incandescent bulbs.

Is LED lighting harmful to human health, what effect does such light have on the retina, why is cold light dangerous for children, and which LED lamps are safe? You will find answers to all these questions in our review.

Cold or warm light?

It has long been known that LED lamps, LED panels, floodlights and other LED-based devices consume electricity economically and last extremely long. Many people are also aware of the advantages of new lighting products, such as no need for maintenance and repair, operation without heating, excellent light contrast and high color rendering index. But as for safety for the eyes, which manufacturers and sellers claim, everything is somewhat more complicated here.

Over the century-old history of using an incandescent lamp (LN), no damaging effect on the eyes of the artificial light produced by this device has ever been revealed. LN created an acceptable level of illumination in the evening and at night, which did not cause noticeable discomfort.

But time dictated the need to search for more economical sources of light, since electricity tariffs have always tended to increase, and saving on lighting is inconvenient and harmful to eyesight. So in commercial, industrial, and later in residential areas, fluorescent lamps appeared, and in recent years, light-emitting diode lamps (LED).

At first, few people paid attention to such an indicator as color temperature. Moreover, it was believed that the so-called daylight white light is as close as possible to midday sunlight on a cloudless day, which means it is good for the eyes. As it turned out later, this is not so, or rather not quite so. Users of fluorescent and LED "white" lamps themselves began to notice that in the evenings this lighting irritates the eyes and causes noticeable discomfort. Why?

It's all about the wavelength!

A study of the lighting parameters of LED lamps showed that white LED lamps have a pronounced emission band in the blue-blue range with a wavelength of about 450nm. If a person is in the evening or early in the morning under the influence of short-wave cold white light, then the production of melatonin in his body slows down sharply. This does not affect health in the best way, since this hormone affects many functions of the body. In particular, it regulates natural biorhythms, supports the normal functioning of the immune and hormonal systems. In addition, melatonin has powerful antioxidant properties, affecting the aging process in the direction of their slowdown.

Scientists have found that melatonin production is most inhibited by lamps with a high color temperature, which shine in the blue-blue spectrum. Using the same LED lamps(LED) with color temperature 4000K and below is not associated with such a malicious action. The lighting produced by such lamps is similar to the warm yellowish light of the LN.

However, all of the above applies rather to household lighting fixtures. In industrial and street lighting(main luminaires, lanterns, LED spotlights, etc.) it is allowed to use LEDs with higher color temperatures.

Features of the use of LEDs for lighting children's rooms

For children's eyes, the short-wave cold light produced by light-emitting diode lamps (LED) is doubly dangerous, since it can cause damage to the retina and a sharp drop in vision in the long term. The reason: the lens of a child's eye is twice as transparent as an adult's in the blue-blue spectrum.

In this regard, there is a risk of photodamage to the retina under the action of cold white LED lamps with a large proportion of blue or violet in the spectrum. Research in this area is still ongoing, but from the results obtained it can already be concluded that in children's rooms it is desirable to use only light-emitting diode lamps (LED), which emit the same warm yellowish light as incandescent lamps. The color temperature of these lighting fixtures must not exceed 3000K.

For adults, cold short-wavelength light is dangerous only in the evening and at night, as it interferes with the normal production of melatonin. Experts warn that LEDs with a color temperature of 6500K and above it is better not to use even adults. In any case, until research data appears that refutes the harmful effects of short-wavelength light on the human body. In the meantime, when buying household LED lamps, which undoubtedly have many advantages, you should pay attention to such an indicator as color temperature. As a rule, it is indicated on the packaging.

This is by far the most important question as the world today is on the verge of a new era in lighting technology and we need to be sure that LED lighting does not harm health. To date (2014), this issue cannot be considered thoroughly studied, since the period of introduction of LED lighting into human life is still quite short and the necessary amount of statistical data for analysis has not yet been accumulated. However, at the moment there is a huge amount of facts and opinions of professionals in this field, indicating that there is no harm from LED lighting. Moreover, it is believed that it is even useful. However, as always, there are a few who are cautious in their assessments, or declare the possible harm of LED lamps. However, there is no clear evidence of harm yet. Let's wait. On the other hand, there is an interesting fact that in many developed countries, incandescent lamps are already banned for production, fluorescent "energy-saving" lamps are on the verge of a ban, or simply are not "promoted" and are not advertised. At the same time, LED lighting has been given the "green light" and is being introduced everywhere. Below are generally accepted facts of the influence (or lack thereof) of LED lighting on a person.

Infrared and ultraviolet radiation

Infrared or thermal radiation in itself is harmless to humans. It is especially typical for conventional incandescent lamps and is completely absent from LED lamps. With ultraviolet radiation is more difficult. The best known source of ultraviolet light is sunlight. Without going into details, we can say that this type of radiation is harmless in small amounts, but we all know how "excessive" sun affects the skin, so this radiation spectrum is best avoided if possible. In this regard, LED lamps look preferable, since white light LEDs (household) with a color temperature of 3000-4000 (warm and neutral) and 5000-6500 (cold white) are devoid of ultraviolet spectrum. Although, if necessary, using LEDs, you can achieve a wide variety of radiation spectra, including ultraviolet.

Radioactive elements and heavy metals

Incandescent and halogen lamps in this sense are safe for humans, unlike fluorescent lamps (they are often called energy-saving), containing mercury vapor. If the tightness of such a lamp is not broken, then it does not pose a danger, but in case of destruction, mercury vapor can cause damage to the respiratory system, kidneys and other internal organs. With prolonged exposure to even relatively low concentrations (of the order of hundredths and thousandths of mg/m3), the nervous system is damaged in some cases with a fatal outcome. It is for this reason that fluorescent lamps must be operated very carefully and to prevent loss of tightness of the flask. In the event of failure, such lamps must be disposed of in a special way, that is, they cannot simply be thrown into the trash.

LED lamps do not contain radioactive elements, and the content of heavy metals in the lamp chips is no more than in an electronic alarm clock or a radio receiver and can harm a person only when they (chips) are eaten, and in large quantities. Thus, one more significant plus of LED lamps can be fixed.

Heat lamps, risk of burns

Even children know that it is impossible to touch a working incandescent lamp with your hands - you can get a severe skin burn. Moreover, the glass bulb of the lamp cools down slowly and if you do not wait 5-10 minutes after turning it off, then you can get burned on a non-working lamp. Fluorescent lamps also heat up, but much less than incandescent lamps - their temperature on the surface of the bulb is about 50-60 degrees Celsius, that is, you can not be afraid of skin burns. LED lamps practically do not heat up during operation. A small amount of heat generated by them goes inside the lamp and is absorbed by special radiators. And in this case, a clear victory for LED lamps.

The presence of glass in the structure, the risk of cuts

Everyone knows how carefully you need to handle incandescent and energy-saving lamps. A fall even from a very small height leads to the destruction of the glass bulb of the lamp and the formation of a large number of fragments, which in itself already carries the danger of cuts. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the glass used in them is extremely thin, and the fragments are much sharper than those of a broken glass. LED lamps are much stronger in their design, since the bulb is made of unbreakable materials (plastic, polycarbonate, etc.).

The effect of flashing (pulsation) lamps

It is impossible to notice these ripples with the naked eye, since they occur at a high frequency and arise due to fluctuations in the applied voltage. The problem is that when hitting the retina, such a high-frequency pulsation is corrected and perceived by the eye as an even light, however, it has been repeatedly proven that these invisible pulsations are perceived by the brain and cause increased fatigue, headache and poor health. Some studies also confirm the negative impact of pulsation on vision. This effect is also found in incandescent lamps and to a much greater extent in fluorescent lamps.

As you probably already guessed, LED lamps are free from this drawback, BUT with the right design. At a thunderstorm for the eyes can be low-quality LED lamps from unknown brands, whose manufacturers save money and do not install special "drivers" in these lamps (you can read about them in the article on the design of the LED lamp), which prevent the lamp from flashing. Without a driver hidden in the lamp housing, it will flash at a frequency of 100 times per second, which is impossible to notice, but poses a potential threat to the human nervous system. For this reason STRONGLY We recommend purchasing only high-quality LED lamps from well-known and trustworthy manufacturers.

Direct light rays into the eyes

Look at working incandescent lamps and energy-saving lamps not recommended, but they do not carry a great danger with a short exposure of a few seconds. An unequivocal risk for a person is even a short-term direct hit of a directed and very bright beam LED into the eye - this may cause damage to the retina of the eye. Such a direct hit must be avoided. Household LED lamps are always equipped with a special diffuser that significantly reduces this risk, so the focus should be on other household devices with relatively bright LEDs that do not have diffusers: flashlights, key fobs, pointers, etc.

The positive impact of LED lighting

Research in the field of psychiatry notes that the soft and even light of LED lamps has a positive effect on the emotional background of a person, calms, and supports mental health. It is recommended that all office owners switch to LED lighting - this will help increase the efficiency of employees, reduce stress in the team, improve mood, and relieve eye fatigue.

A number of studies in the field of medicine show that LED lighting accelerates the regeneration of tissues and neurons, so it can be successfully used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. After the discovery of this effect in recent years, a large number of new studies and experiments have begun in several specialized medical areas, and by 2015-2016 we may have much more information on this topic.

German researchers Andrei P. Sommer and Dan Zhu found that when exposed to intense light LED sources illumination, every day for several weeks the skin becomes more elastic and looks younger, the complexion improves, and the depth of wrinkles is significantly reduced. Scientists have also figured out the molecular basis of this effect of light. Protein molecules - elastin, which form the elastic basis of the skin can be hydrated - covered with a kind of "film" of water molecules. Hydrated elastin fibers partially lose their elasticity, which leads to a decrease in skin elasticity. It turned out that high-intensity visible light emitted by LEDs penetrates the thickness of the skin and gradually splits off water from elastin fibers, restoring skin elasticity.

Articles about LED lighting

This article is for those who first asked a similar question and do not have a technical background. LED lighting is the lighting of something using relatively new light sources - LEDs. An LED is an industrially created crystal that, when connected to electricity, begins to emit light. To be fair, the LED cannot be called a new light source, because. it was invented several decades ago, but it began to be actively developed and used in all spheres of our life only in the early 2000s, thanks to new discoveries in the technological field and a significant reduction in production costs.

Modern technologies do not stand still and scientific and technological progress does not disregard such an area of ​​our life as lighting. The development takes place both in the direction of improving the lighting characteristics, and in the direction of the appearance of additional related technological devices that increase the usefulness of lamps and the lighting system in general. We are talking about the many varieties of LED luminaires with built-in sensors.

We decided to make a review that will collect the most interesting reviews about LED lamps. We have collected these reviews both from our customers (and continue to collect), and from the Internet - from various forums, blogs, thematic portals and other resources. Having received a large amount of data, we systematized it, depersonalized it, and got a set of interesting opinions and advice from real people who use LED lamps at home, in the country, in the office, etc.

Customers of our online store often ask questions - which LED lamps are the best, which companies? How exactly are they better? Can I trust the characteristics of the lamps indicated on the packaging? Is it possible to buy LED lamps made in China? Can LED lamps be used in children's rooms? These are just some of the questions that buyers ask when choosing the best option for themselves. Moreover, such questions arise when the buyer already knows what type of lamps is needed and with what characteristics. In this article we will try to answer all these questions and avoid new puzzles for the consumer :-)

An LED is a semiconductor device that converts electrical current into light. The LED has a common abbreviation - LED (light-emitting diode), which literally means "light-emitting diode" in Russian. The LED consists of a semiconductor crystal (chip) on a substrate, a housing with contact leads and an optical system. Direct light emission comes from this crystal, and the color of visible radiation depends on its material and various additives. As a rule, there is one crystal in the LED case, but if it is necessary to increase the power of the LED or to emit different colors, several crystals can be installed.

This is by far the most important question as the world today is on the verge of a new era in lighting technology and we need to be sure that LED lighting does not harm health. To date (2014), this issue cannot be considered thoroughly studied, since the period of introduction of LED lighting into human life is still quite short and the necessary amount of statistical data for analysis has not yet been accumulated. However, at the moment there is a huge amount of facts and opinions of professionals in this field, indicating that there is no harm from LED lighting.

This article is for those who do not understand light bulbs, their types of socles and electricity in general, but already understand that using LED lamps is much more economical than incandescent and even fluorescent lamps (they are often called "energy saving"). Choosing the right LED lamps is very simple and we will help you make the right choice by following the instructions below. Or you can call us right away and we will be happy to help with the choice.

In this article, we will talk about the benefits of using LED lamps compared to fluorescent (often referred to as "energy saving"), halogen and incandescent lamps. In the second part, we will give an economic calculation of the payback when replacing lamps with LEDs. The economic efficiency of LED lamps is so obvious that you do not need any special knowledge in order to draw your own conclusions.

One of the challenges that is often faced during deep renovation or construction of residential and office premises is the level of sufficient lighting. In a situation where ordinary incandescent lamps are used as light sources, experience can roughly determine the required number and power of light bulbs, but if there is an idea to make housing more modern and comfortable, and at the same time also regularly save quite significant amounts on lighting, then It makes sense to take a closer look at LED lighting. So, how many and what kind of LED lamps do you need to install to make the room comfortable?

In one of our articles, we talked about what an LED is and how it developed. Now we want to take a closer look at the current industry leaders - those who produce LEDs and LED lamps. It's not the same, because lamp manufacturers don't always make LEDs and vice versa, LED manufacturers don't always mass-produce lamps based on them. According to official data from IMS Research, as of February 2013, LED production is concentrated in China (more than 50%), then Taiwan (about 20%), South Korea (about 10%), Japan, USA, Europe and other regions (20% in total) .

This article is a practical guide for those who are going to make a global renovation in an apartment or house and are thinking about how to make the lighting of their future home comfortable, cozy, unique, easy to maintain, but at the same time economical and environmentally friendly. Today, indeed, there is something to think about, as LED lighting is becoming quite inexpensive. The choice of power, dimensions and external design of light sources is very rich and you can not limit your imagination. Where to start? How to approach the task correctly? To do this, you need to understand what exactly you want to do, and then find the most effective solutions from both practical and economic points of view. It is not as difficult as it seems and we will be happy to help you with this.

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