Requirements for bachelor's degrees. Changing or clarifying the topic of the thesis is possible no later than a month before the expected date of defense on the basis of a personal application of the student, agreed with the supervisor, addressed to the head of the department

Electrical measuring instruments

This article is for those who write a thesis (Diploma) on their own and want to learn how to write a paper correctly, without defects, and be allowed to defend it without unnecessary hassle. Here you will learn how to prepare a final qualifying work for 5+

What is a VKR (diploma)

Thesis is the last task of a student graduating from any educational institution. Modern education standards require students to defend their diploma at bachelor's and master's levels. In master's programs, students often defend a dissertation instead of a thesis.

In 2013, the specialist level was excluded from student curricula. From now on, getting the finished higher education involves entering a master's program directly after a bachelor's degree. Preparation and defense of a thesis is one of the main conditions for continuing education.

Requirements and GOST for the graduate certificate (diploma)

The requirements for theses in different areas differ significantly. For example, work on a diploma for a student in the humanities consists mainly of collecting the necessary information from various sources, processing it and then processing it in accordance with established requirements. Work in a technical specialty is much more labor-intensive, including complex and large calculations, analysis of statistical information, and various indicators. It is almost impossible to fake a thesis in a technical field. For this reason, many students do not undertake the thesis work on their own, preferring to entrust it to experienced professionals. This approach allows you to save personal time and preserve your reputation in the eyes of your supervisor.

As for GOSTs specifically, there are no state standards as such for final qualifying work and everything is left to the educational institution

Preparing and writing you is serious work that requires a lot of time, mental and emotional investment. At the initial stage, a work plan is developed, which must be agreed upon with the manager. This plan is the content of the diploma in a brief summary following the sequence of points. It greatly simplifies the search for the necessary information and the entire process of working on a diploma as a whole.

Correct structure and plan of the diploma

Any educational work must have a structured form and include some mandatory elements. Most often, a diploma consists of 3 chapters, each with its own specific presentation:

  1. Theory. The chapter presents information collected from all sources, which must be up to date. In the same chapter, the author can present some theoretical theses on the topic of the work.
  2. Practice. This chapter collects scientific papers and other works directly related to the topic under consideration. For subsequent successful defense, it is extremely important for the author to understand the methods used in the work. It is recommended to create a table with information from various scientific materials to constantly visualize all methods.
  3. Author's research. Based on the information received, the author must conduct his own research on the topic. It is important to indicate the source data with which the author worked, as well as methods for resolving problems that arose during the research process and justify their effectiveness in comparison with others. The description of the study should include the difficulties that arose during the work. A big step towards successful defense will be a new solution to the problem on the topic, distinguished by its effectiveness. If it is not possible to solve this problem, then you can point to an untouched problem that the author is able to solve with his work.

Diploma sections:

Along with the required sections, the structure of the diploma should include such elements as:

  • a properly executed title page;
  • content. Diplomas are most often prepared in Word, which has a function for automatically arranging content. It makes it possible to avoid manual editing and thereby save time. The content must be formatted taking into account the requirements of the guidelines;
  • introduction volume from 1 to 3 sheets. The introduction contains a rationale for the relevance of the topic under consideration, a definition of the main issues, and a statement of goals and objectives of the work;
  • conclusion – contains conclusions about the degree to which the objectives set in the introduction have been achieved. In addition, this section substantiates the relevance of the diploma for a variety of industries - society, economics, and so on.
  • a list of references prepared in accordance with the requirements of the guidelines. It should include at least 20 sources - scientific papers, textbooks, official documents, and so on. The Internet can be included as a source, but only official sites containing verified and accurate information should be indicated, for example, Rosstat.

Drawings in the diploma (VKR)

It is difficult to imagine a good thesis without drawings, graphs, and tables. It is recommended to place such data separately on one sheet. You should not dilute the test part of the work with these elements, but it is better to include them in a separate appendix to your diploma. This application is not numbered and is attached to the diploma after the list of references used.

How to properly issue a VKR

The design of the work deserves special attention. After completing the collection and analysis of information, all text must be formatted in accordance with generally accepted rules, such as:

  1. 14 font size with one and a half line spacing and justification. Paragraph indents should be 1.25 mm, and edge indents should be 2 cm.
  2. When inserting tables, you need to format them in the same font as the text part. The font size can be reduced to 12. Tables are aligned in the center, with its name written at the top right. Each table is numbered.
  3. The designs used are also centered. The numbering and title of all figures are also centered.
  4. The titles of figures and tables are printed in the same font as the text part of the work.
  5. Between the headings and the text part, you need to leave a gap of 1.5 cm, and all headings in the work are indented, similar to paragraphs. Headings are written with capital letter, and you cannot put a period at the end and insert an underline into the text.

If you encounter any difficulties with completing the work, you can simply carefully read the guidelines, where everything is described and explained in sufficient detail.

In order to properly organize work on your diploma, it is recommended to draw up a certain algorithm of actions, including several sequential steps:

  1. A detailed study of the selected topic and collection of information on it from various sources.
  2. Formulation of the main problem of the thesis, taking into account the analysis of the collected information.
  3. Developing your own solutions to a formulated problem. The degree of disclosure of information must be disclosed in the text of the diploma.
  4. Emphasizing that new solutions to the problem were developed by the author and have not been used anywhere before.
  5. A description of the progress of the work, namely what needed to be worked with, what solutions to problems were used in the work, taking into account what the information was analyzed.
  6. Correct presentation of the results obtained and an indication of the effectiveness of the solution to the problem found by the author of the work.

Review of the thesis

A mandatory stage in preparing a thesis for defense is writing a review for it. Review of the thesis – a brief review of the work, assessment of the relevance of the topic and the effectiveness of ways to solve the main problems. Only those students who have received a positive review are allowed to defend. The review should be written by a supervisor or one of the teachers who has direct relation to the topic considered in the work. In practice, this approach is almost never practiced in many educational institutions, and reviews of the work are made by the students themselves. The teacher or supervisor simply signs it if he agrees with the stated theses. For this reason, it is recommended to write a truthful, undistorted review to avoid problems with obtaining the teacher's signature.

How many pages should a VKR have?

Writing a really good thesis is not that easy. Moreover, it is not enough to write it according to the requirements for it to be considered successful by the commission. It is important to ensure compliance with the following rules when writing a thesis:

  1. The volume of work is from 100 to 150 pages. As experience shows, a smaller volume does not allow us to fully disclose the topic and describe the research in detail.
  2. It is necessary to make references to the sources indicated in the bibliography. Footnotes are also allowed, but this depends on the recommendations of the department.
  3. The uniqueness of the work must exceed 70%.

How to check VCR

After completing the paperwork, you should not rush to print it. Experience has repeatedly confirmed that the thesis often has to be redone and, accordingly, reprinted. In order to save money, it is better to print the work in parts and in drafts. After printing, it is recommended that each part be shown to a supervisor for approval. Demonstrating a completely finished work to a supervisor will most likely lead to the fact that it will have to be redone.

Writing a high-quality thesis (diploma) in strict accordance with numerous requirements and rules is a difficult and, for many, impossible task, requiring maximum patience, a lot of time and utmost attention. It is for this reason that many students prefer to seek help from qualified professionals who guarantee a high-quality final result.

Bachelor's final qualifying work is a completed theoretical or experimental study carried out by a student (several students together), related to the solution of individual particular problems determined by the characteristics of training in the field being studied and demonstrating the level of preparedness of the graduate for independent professional activity.

The thesis is carried out in the form of a bachelor's thesis.The student—the author of the thesis—is directly responsible for all information contained in the thesis, decisions made and for the correctness of all data.

2. Preparation of the WRC

Undergraduate students no later than November 6 T for the current academic year, choose one of the topics offered by the department. The assignment of a topic to a student is carried out on the basis of the student’s personal application.

The student has the right to propose his own thesis topic, agreed upon with the supervisor. When considering a student’s initiative topic for the thesis, the department has the right to reject it with reason or, with the student’s consent, reformulate it.

If a student does not agree with the wording of the topic proposed by the department, he retains the right to propose another topic for the thesis. If the student has not agreed with the department on the initiative topic of the thesis within the established time frame, he must choose one of the approved sample topics.

Changing or clarifying the topic of the thesis is possible no later than a month before the expected date of defense on the basis of a personal application of the student, agreed with the supervisor, addressed to the head of the department.

The thesis, drawn up in accordance with the methodological recommendations for the preparation and defense of the thesis, is signed by the student, the supervisor, consultants (if any) and is submitted by the student in electronic and paper format along with the supervisor’s review to the department no later than ten calendar days before VKR protection.

A student who fails to submit a thesis with a review from the supervisor within the prescribed period is not allowed to defend the thesis. A student who is not allowed to defend his final qualifying work, deducted from Institute for failure to pass the final state certification.

The written work must be checked in the Anti-Plagiarism system in accordance with the Regulations for the use of the Anti-Plagiarism system for collecting and checking written academic work.

Students who have successfully completed the full mastery of the main educational program in the areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education and who have submitted the thesis with feedback from the supervisor within the prescribed period are allowed to defend their thesis. Receiving negative feedback is not an obstacle to submitting the thesis for defense.

The student is required to submit the final version of the thesis to the supervisor at least three weeks before the scheduled date for defending the thesis.

3. Registration of the VKR

In accordance with the standard, the explanatory note of the research and development work must contain a description of the results of research, calculations, circuit solutions and have the following structure:

  • Title page in Russian

  • Title page in English

  • Assignment for the VKR

  • Abstract in Russian

  • Abstract in English

  • Contents (table of contents)

  • Introduction

  • Main part (Chapters and paragraphs, or sections and subsections)

  • Conclusion in Russian

  • Conclusion in English

  • List of sources and literature used

  • Applications (if required)

Accompanying documents

  • Presentation (paper and electronic)

  • Feedback from the manager

  • Anti-plagiarism report

  • Statement on the independent nature of written work

  • One copy of the handout

  • 2 disks (on it all documents in scanned form (title pages, assignment, review, consent to post the work) + the entire work (in Word format) + presentation + drawings in PDF format))

One disk is handed over to the department.

The second one is handed over together with the research and development work to the university archives.

Title page the explanatory note for the final work is drawn up on a special form

Assignment form

annotation brief content of the WRC (performed in two languages ​​separately).

Introduction. The introduction should justify the relevance of the topic, define methods for solving the problem, and clearly formulate the purpose of the research. The theoretical and practical significance of the work is reflected. The introduction is usually 2-3 pages long.

Main part of the WRC . Includes theoretical and practical parts. The chapters present the results of calculations and research.

Each chapter should end with conclusions, which briefly outline the results of this stage of work and specify the tasks and methods for solving them in subsequent chapters.

Conclusion. In conclusion, the main conclusions are formulated, showing the achieved level of solving the problem. Own results are compared with already known ones. The conclusion is usually 1-2 pages.

The conclusion is performed in two languages ​​separately.

List of sources used includes all cited sources, as well as those sources that were studied by the author when writing the work. This list may contain fundamental works, monographs and scientific articles, textbooks and teaching aids, publications of domestic and foreign specialists in print and electronic media, statistical materials, as well as various documents, including current regulations and bills and etc. The list includes literature indicating bibliographic data and sources from the Internet. If the explanatory note makes references to scientific information that allows one to make a specific decision, inclusion of the primary source in the list is mandatory. It is recommended to use at least a third of the sources from the last 5 years of publication. Recommended amount of literature per foreign language for VKR at least 2-3. The list of used literature is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

Applications. The appendices include additional materials (tables, results of experiments and calculations, diagrams, program printouts) confirming the conclusions and recommendations of the work, additional materials. In this case, the main text of the WRC must contain links to the relevant annexes.

4. Technical requirements

The explanatory note of the final qualifying work is drawn up in accordance with GOST. Printed on a standard A4 sheet of paper with a frame. Margins are left on all four sides of the printed sheet: left margin - 35 mm, right margin - at least 10 mm, top and bottom - at least 20 mm, approximate number of characters per page - 2000. Font Times New Roman, 14 point, line spacing 1 ,2. The paragraph indent is 1.25 cm. The text of the VCR is presented on one side of the sheet. Width alignment.

Each new chapter begins on a new page; the same rule applies to other main structural parts of the work (introduction, conclusion, bibliography, appendices, etc.).

The pages of the final qualifying work with drawings and appendices must have continuous numbering. The first page is the title page, on which the page number is not affixed.

The title page is drawn up according to the established template

Sheet for the first page of chapters

Attachment sheet

The recommended volume of the explanatory note of the WRC is 60-80 pages.

The final qualifying work must be completed in two versions:

1. In printed form - bound (there are 3 transparent files ahead of work for revocation, consent, conclusion, at the back of the work is one file for presentation).

2. In electronic form (on a disk to check the academic work for the volume of borrowing and placement in the electronic educational environment of KNRTU-KAI)

Rules for writing formulas and symbols

Formulas are placed on separate lines in the center of the sheet or inside text lines. It is recommended to place formulas in the text that are short, simple, have no independent meaning and are not numbered. The most important formulas, as well as long and cumbersome formulas containing signs of summation, product, differentiation, integration, are placed on separate lines. To save space, several short formulas of the same type, extracted from the text, can be placed on one line, rather than one under the other.

The most important formulas referenced in the work should be numbered. Serial numbers of formulas are indicated in Arabic numerals in parentheses at the right edge of the page.

5. SRC protection procedure

A week before the defense date, the fully completed work (in paper and electronic form) is submitted to the department to the executive secretary of the State Examination Committee for subsequent uploading into the Dean’s Office system.

Any educational institution has the highest requirements for graduate work. The final qualifying thesis is the main and most important scientific research of a student during his studies. Its defense is the last stage before receiving a bachelor's or master's degree and graduation from the university.

In order to write a diploma project correctly, a graduate should familiarize himself with the design features of this work and remember some important recommendations.

How to write a VKR

Ask for help The main goal of writing a thesis is to systematize, assimilate and consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired throughout the student’s studies at the university. That is why the main scientific research of a graduate is a serious and extremely important work, which is divided into several stages:

Stage 1. Selecting the topic of the diploma project and appointing a scientific supervisor for the department. It is important to remember that the most successful work will be the one that the student will like and will initially interest him.

Stage 2. Development of a work plan together with the supervisor. The work plan represents the detailed content of the work in chapters, which can be edited during the process.

Stage 3. Selection and study of literature. Collection and analysis of practical data for research (most often during pre-graduation practice).

Stage 4. Writing a final qualifying thesis – systematization and presentation of all material in a competent structured text. Developing conclusions and recommendations based on the studied data.

Stage 5. Preparation of the final work, checking it for plagiarism. Writing a text for the defense of a diploma project, defending a thesis before a commission.

Important! The thesis is a complex work involving the analysis of a large amount of literature, so it is advisable to begin completing the thesis in the first semester of the final year.

An example of the structure of the VKR in pharmacy

Theme of the conference is “Pharmacy organizations at the current stage of development”


CHAPTER 1. Modern pharmacy organizations
1.1. History of the development of pharmacy in Russia
1.2. Organization of work of modern pharmacies
1.3. Types and functions of modern pharmacies
CHAPTER 2. Research methods
CHAPTER 3. Results of research into the effectiveness of pharmacy organizations
3.1. Pharmacy with a closed display of goods
3.2. Pharmacy with open display of goods
3.3. Economic efficiency of pharmacy supermarkets
3.5. Customer service quality assessment

Regulations on the WRC

The final work must be compiled in accordance with methodological recommendations and instructions for writing it. The registration rules are regulated by the following government documents:

  • Federal state educational standard for specialties and professions of secondary vocational education (secondary vocational education);
  • The procedure for conducting the State final certification of secondary vocational education programs;
  • GOST 7-32 from 2001.

In addition to the general provisions, a specific educational institution may also impose individual requirements for final qualifying work. Thus, RANEPA (Novosibirsk and Irkutsk) or NCFU (Pyatigorsk) have special requirements for completing a thesis.

Despite such bureaucratic regulation of the design of diploma projects, small nuances remain variable. Thus, GOST does not specify the font type, but in practice Times New Roman is always used.

Title page of the VKR

The title page is a mandatory requirement for the final work. Specific recommendations for writing it may be contained in the university manual, but there is some information that must be indicated on the title of the thesis:

  • the full and official name of the educational institution and department, organization or sectoral ministry to which it belongs, faculty, department;
  • title of final qualifying work;
  • information about the author of the work - full name, name and code of specialty, group number;
  • information about the supervisor of the diploma project, his full name, academic degree and title;
  • indication of the city in which the university is based, the year the thesis was written and defended.

Important! When designing the title page, the use of hyphens and abbreviations is not allowed.

Folder for VKR

The final copy of the thesis project is usually provided in a typographic binding, with an address folder in A4 format. The spine of such a cover must be at least 20 mm, with a comb with holes for stitching sheets.

Attention! After the final writing and execution of the thesis, the student will not be able to make any changes to it before the defense. Therefore, before submitting it, it is advisable to double-check all the data in the text and the correctness of the title page.

How to check the thesis for anti-plagiarism

Verification systems graduation papers for plagiarism are currently used in all Russian universities. This technique allows you to evaluate the student’s contribution to the research, the ability to analyze and process information.

To check works, almost all educational institutions use the Antiplagiat.VUZ verification system ( This is a system that is actively used to determine uniqueness by students and teachers. You can only check PDF and TXT documents online for free. For theses, the acceptable percentage of borrowing is 15-30% of the text without graphic material. It is to this volume that the citation of primary sources or regulations should be limited. Acceptable borrowings also include names of organizations, government bodies or stable expressions.

Only after achieving a minimum level of originality can a student submit the final version of his thesis for review by the department.

The final qualifying work will help determine the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the student. It indicates the quality of mastery of the material and gives an idea of ​​the graduate’s readiness for independent life.

Writing and executing a VCR is not as difficult as it might seem. It is enough just to follow all the recommendations and listen to the advice of the supervisor - then the work will be able to qualify for the highest rating.

Sometimes you can hear the following phrase: “It doesn’t matter how the diploma is written, it’s important how it’s formatted.” And there really is truth in this statement. Members of the state commission will not read your thesis, they will only skim through it. And it is extremely important that the resulting superficial impression is in your favor!

In order for the state commission to nod their heads approvingly while scrolling through your research, you must strictly comply with the requirements for the design of the thesis according to GOST 2017. In this article, we will dwell in detail on the nuances of the design of the thesis, which are important for both the student and the student.

GOSTs that determine the design of the thesis

Strictly speaking, there is no special GOST 2018 for issuing a diploma. GOST for the design of a thesis has remained virtually unchanged since 2001 (only a small change was made in 2005).

Thus, the current rules for preparing a thesis (2018) are regulated by a document called GOST 7.32-2001 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Research report. Structure and design rules".

This is a voluminous document, not every bird will reach the middle of it. You can study it yourself, but in this article we will highlight the most important points that should be taken into account when obtaining a diploma in accordance with GOST.

In addition to GOST 7.32-2001, the design of the thesis research is regulated by several other documents. Thus, GOST 7.32-2001 itself is based on almost a dozen GOSTs, the most significant of which for a graduate student are:

  • GOST 7.1-2003. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and drafting rules.
  • GOST 7.9-95 (ISO 214-76). System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Abstract and annotation. General requirements.
  • GOST 7.12-93. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviations of words in Russian. General requirements and rules.

In addition, when issuing a diploma, other documents are taken into account, for example, GOST 9327-60 (its requirements relate to the design of texts, tables and graphic materials).

Are you afraid that studying these GOSTs will go crazy? Don't worry, there is an easy way to a perfectly designed diploma - reading this article. We have sorted out these terrible GOST standards!

It should be noted that, despite the detailed bureaucratic regulation of the design of scientific research, some minor nuances remained variable. For example, the font type is not specified in GOST, but in practice the rule has long been established to use Times New Roman.

Design nuances that are not specified in GOST, but for some reason required at your department, are indicated in the manual, which should also not be ignored. Be sure that the student’s trump card is “And it is indicated in GOST!” 100% beats with the teacher’s “You should have looked in the manual!”

General requirements for diploma design (page parameters, font, spacing, etc.)

Registration of the thesis according to GOST 2018 implies the implementation mandatory requirements:

1. The paper must be white, standard size A4 (according to GOST 9327), the recommended density is around 80 g/m2. m. In other words, ordinary office paper for printers. (Here and below, Captain Obvious will sometimes take the floor, but it’s better to let him speak out than to screw up something trivially).

Exception: There are cases when GOST allows the use of A3 format when preparing scientific research. This happens when a thesis or other research contains a large number of large tables, illustrations, and drawings. But it is better, if possible, to include them in the Appendices.

2. GOST indicates that the thesis must be submitted in printed form - typed on a typewriter or printed using a computer and printer. A line lower in the document even uses the term PC - personal computer

For a person who is looking for rules for preparing a thesis according to GOST 2018, such a revelation can cause a slight stupor. But let’s not forget that GOST, in fact, has not changed for ten years, and this particular part has not changed for almost fifteen. In those ancient times when this GOST was approved, that is, in 2001, not all students had computers, teachers read handwritten drafts, and there was even a profession of typist on a computer. A little earlier, in the mid-90s, typewriters were widely used for typing, which the compilers of GOST have not yet forgotten. Or, most likely, they simply tore up the wording from the earlier GOST, 7.32-91, with slight changes.

We are sure that next year, when students look for information about preparing a thesis according to GOST 2017, they will again encounter typewriters and personal computers

3. The text should be printed on only one side of the sheet. There should not be any images, marks, etc. on the reverse side. However, the graduate student is no longer a beginner; after a dozen written essays and several coursework, he probably already remembers this.

4. Structural elements thesis (introduction, chapters of the main part, conclusion, list of references, list of footnotes) begin on a new page. Paragraphs/points can also be started on a new page, but the canonical option is to continue on the same page (this point should be clarified with the supervisor or in the manual issued by the department).

Note: Try to keep the end of the chapter at least half the page, or at least a third. The rule is not recorded anywhere, but refers to those unspoken “etiquette” laws that are customarily observed.

5. The width of the margins in the thesis is established by GOST as follows:

— right not less than 10 mm (1 cm);
— left not less than 30 mm (1 cm), reserve is given for stitching;
- top not less than 20 mm (2 cm);
- lower - at least 20 mm (2 cm).

It is interesting that, despite the wording “no less,” in most cases this instruction is interpreted by scientific supervisors as “exactly” or even “no more.” They can be understood: students sometimes abuse wide margins.

6. Sheet orientation – vertical (portrait). Horizontal orientation (landscape) is allowed when designing applications, but not the main part of the thesis.

7. Text alignment in modern dissertations is usually done according to width. GOST does not regulate this point, therefore, in theory, you can align the text to the left (but, of course, not to the right or center). However, in the age of computer technology this will look strange. Again, let’s remember when this GOST was written (based on the even more ancient GOST 7.32-91): in those days when typewriters had not yet become one hundred percent antiques. On a typewriter, even when placing hyphens, it is very difficult to achieve high-quality alignment. And the compilers of these valuable instructions apparently considered this requirement to be an overly stringent requirement. But you have a PC or laptop, right?

We’ll talk about the alignment of chapter headings and subparagraphs in more detail below; there are some nuances there.

8. Paragraph indentations are required, and not according to GOST, but according to the rules of the Russian language. In GOST you should look for instructions regarding its value. But what do we see? The requirements of GOST 2.105-95 regarding the paragraph indentation value of 15 or 17 mm have disappeared in GOST 7.32-2001. In other words, you can make any indentation... within reason, of course. A paragraph indent of 1.25 - 1.5 cm is considered reasonable. And this is the case when it makes sense to inquire about the recommendations of the department.

9. The font color in the thesis is black. There should be no color highlights in the text in the thesis - this is not Lirushechka.

10. What font should I use? GOST is mysteriously silent, but in widespread practice (both domestic and foreign) scientific works are printed in Times New Roman. This is, in fact, an already established standard.

Question: Can I use other fonts in my thesis? In this regard, GOST deigns to provide the following details: yes, individual formulas and terms can be written in other fonts that differ from the font of the main text.

“It is allowed to use computer capabilities to focus attention on certain terms, formulas, theorems, using fonts of different typefaces.”


Moreover: GOST allows you to enter formulas and other parts of the text by hand that cannot be entered by typewriting. For this, either black ink or black ink is used. It is necessary to write in printed characters. But, in our opinion, for a student applying for a diploma according to GOST in 2018, this freedom is unacceptable. Modern computer technologies make it possible to display any formulas. If there are no suitable symbols, formulas are now inserted as images.

11. The size of the letters, according to GOST, must be no less than twelfth. In practice, graduates use 12 and 14 point Times New Roman font. In footnotes, in captions to tables and images, you can use a smaller point (up to 10).

12. Line spacing, unlike font, is regulated by GOST. It should be one and a half.

13. CAPS LOK is allowed when writing the titles of chapters of the thesis. DO NOT USE IT ANYWHERE ELSE!

14. To highlight the structural parts of the work, that is, in headings and subheadings, you can use bold font. It can also be used to highlight some important phrases and terms - but without enthusiasm. The same goes for italics. For example, you can highlight the words “hypothesis, subject, object, goals, objectives” in bold or italics.

15. Typos are not allowed. If you do find typos, slips, or graphic inaccuracies while proofreading your thesis, then, according to GOST, you can paint them over with white paint (a proofreader is used for this) and carefully make corrections on top so that the blots are not noticeable. But this, gentlemen, students, is an emergency option - for example, if you decide to re-read your diploma right at the university before submitting it to the reviewer and you do not have time to run to the printer. In general, these days, printing out a thesis is not difficult, so make corrections on the computer and reprint the necessary sheets.

Formatting headings in the thesis

The design of headings and subheadings should be discussed separately, because GOST is quite intricate in this matter. The rules are as follows:

  • Headings are considered to be the names of the structural parts of the work, representing a brief and clear reflection of the content of sections, subsections, and paragraphs.
  • Arabic numerals should be used for numbering.
  • When numbering sections, subsections and paragraphs, there is no dot after the numbers.
  • When using the wording “part such and such” or “chapter such and such”, a period is placed after the number.
  • When numbering sections, subsections, paragraphs, the following rules should be followed:

However, theses do not go to such extremes, so you can forget about letters and numbers with brackets.

  • The distance between the text and the heading is not regulated by GOST, but, according to established rules, it is 15 mm, i.e. one confused line with one and a half spacing. The chapter heading is usually separated from the subsection/paragraph heading by 8 mm (double spacing).
  • Headings are printed, according to GOST, in capital letters. CAPS LOCOM, IN BRIEF
  • Headings are centered, subheadings are indented.
  • If the title consists of two sentences, they are separated by a period.
  • Hyphenations in headings are not allowed.
  • Headings can be bolded, but not underlined.
  • There is no period at the end of the title.

If you are interested in the design of a thesis according to GOST 2018, here is a sample of headings:

But this option is used if parts (chapters) are not highlighted in the study. Since chapters are highlighted in the thesis, it is necessary to put a period after the number in the title: “Chapter 1. FROZEN RULES OF DESIGN ACCORDING TO GOST.” Further, dots are no longer added in the numbering of subsections.

There is also an option when a paragraph sign (§) is used to highlight subsections, but this is considered obsolete. Roman numerals are often used to number chapters. There are other options at individual departments, according to the principle “every hut has its own rattles.” But now you know how to act according to GOST, and variations are the responsibility of your supervisor.

Page numbering and content design

The thesis must include content that indicates all structural parts, including applications. How to write names - lowercase or capital? Unlike GOST 2.105-95, the newer GOST 7.32-2001 leaves the solution to this issue at the discretion of the author.

An example of content formatting in a thesis:

Let's touch on one more GOST nuance. Students who decide to study GOST 7.32-2001 on their own can mess up by following the following instructions:

5.4.2 When preparing a report consisting of two or more parts, each of them must have its own content. In this case, the first part contains the contents of the entire report indicating the part numbers, and the subsequent parts contain only the contents of the corresponding part. It is allowed in the first part, instead of the content of subsequent parts, to indicate only their names.