Culture and tourism in Sichuan province. Sichuan

Electricity meters

Population: 90 million people
Square: 485 thousand sq. km.

Sichuan Province is located in western China. Its territory represents several types of natural landscapes - the Heduan Mountains, the Qinba Mountains, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Yungui Plateau and the Sichuan Basin. The province's lands are tilted quite noticeably from west to east. The highest point in Sichuan is the snowy peak of Gungashan, whose height is more than seven thousand five hundred and fifty meters above sea level. Thus, the topography of the province is of great diversity. The Longmenshan Mountains divide the land of Sichuan into two parts. In the west of the province there are majestic mountains and a highland called Chuanxinan, and in the east there is the famous Sichuan Basin.

Geographically, the province is located in the subtropical zone. Taking into account this fact and the fact that the topography of the region is very diverse, we can conclude that the climate in these lands is also very diverse. If in the east of Sichuan it is close to humid subtropical, then in the western highlands it will be much harsher and colder, as well as in the northern part of the province, where the climate is very similar to the climate of the tundra zone. Such a variety of climatic conditions in the region quite intensively contributes to the development of not only Agriculture Sichuan, but also the economy of the region as a whole.

The province has long been one of the most developed industrial regions in China. The metallurgical, automotive, construction, aerospace, textile and food industries have developed widely here. In the military-industrial and scientific-technical aspects, the province’s potential can safely be called strategic for the entire People’s Republic of China.

Some historians are inclined to think that the famous cultural tea traditions of the Chinese people originate in this ancient province. Like the Shu culture, which existed in the province since ancient times, the Ba culture had no less significance on the traditions of not only Sichuan, but also the entire southwestern part of China. Tourists of our time are attracted to the region by traditional crafts, folk customs and small villages that have preserved the spirit of the past.

A native of this province was the world famous Deng Xiaoping, who was born in these parts at the beginning of the last century in the family of a landowner. It was in Sichuan that one of the leaders of the communist movement of the Republic of China grew up.

Among the attractions of the province, it is worth mentioning separately the city of Qingchengshan, as well as the ancient hydraulic structure of Dujiangyan, which have become world heritage sites. Other places most visited by tourists in the province include a museum called “Du Fu's Thatched Hut”, the Temple of the commander Zhuge Liang, three colorful gorges on the banks of the Yangtze River, a museum of statues of warriors and horses made of terracotta and the Leshan Big Buddha, which is located on Mount Emeishan.

The province of Sichuan is famous throughout the world for its fiery, very spicy food with a huge amount of spices. When visiting the province, do not forget to try its “specialty” dishes - fried pork slices, chicken cubes with spicy sauce and peanuts, as well as fried dry crucian carp.

Greetings, our dear readers.

Today we will go to the province of Sichuan (Chinese: 四川, pinyin: Sìchuān) located in the southern part of China.

A little history.

Sichuan Province is an area that is one of the five largest provinces in terms of the number of people living here - more than 80,000,000 people. and ranks 4th in this indicator. The beginning of the history of the province can be dated back to the 15th century BC. during the Ba and Shu dynasty. Ba's reign extended to the entire eastern part of the province, including the city of Chongqing and the Yangtze River basin, as well as its tributaries. At the same time, Shu's reign included the western part of the province including today's largest city, Chengdu.

During the Qin Dynasty, Sichuan province began to be used for military training.

Given its ideal location, surrounded by the Himalayas to the west and the Qin Mountains to the north and south, this place was an ideal base for training soldiers to protect the local population and agricultural crops.

Under the reign of the Han Dynasty, or as it was also called the Three Powers Dynasty, the province gradually turned into a favorite vacation spot for military generals, especially on the banks of the Yangtze River.

After various political infighting and military actions, control of the province goes to the Tang dynasty. The province is gaining a new face. The main city of Chengdu becomes the main supplier of soldiers for the Chinese troops. Also, the province of Sichuan is famous for its poets throughout China.

The next stage in the formation of the province was the stage of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, Sichuan became the center of the Kingdom of Shu, with its capital at Chengdu, founded by Wang Jian. This was followed by the Song Dynasty (960-1279), then the Ming Dynasty (1427-1464) and then Shengjuan (1680-1748).

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Republic of China was formed and the final formation of the country was the formation of the People's Republic of China in 1948.

Sights of Sichuan.

Sichuan Province is famous for its beautiful historical sites. Ancient legends are intertwined with unusually beautiful nature. Some of the most beautiful places are:

  • Statue of a giant Buddha or Bothisattva statue in Leshan. This statue is a huge, cheerful, fat monk with an open smile and an open chest and belly. It is located east of Leshan City, Sichuan Province. Stone Leshan was recognized as the tallest stone-carved Buddha statue. The height of the statue is amazing - about 71 meters, this is the approximate height of a 30-story building. It took 90 years to make, during which many Chinese lost their lives. Included in the UNESCO heritage list.
  • The Huanglong landscape attraction area is suitable for lovers of beautiful nature. It offers amazing views of lakes, coniferous forests, and mountains. The site was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1992. The scenic area is located in Sungchu, in the northwestern part of Sichuan Province and covers the Huanglong and Muni Valleys.
  • Jinli Street. Tourists from all over the world come to this street, located in the central part of the city of Chengdu, to shop, seek out various adventures, and also try local dishes.

In fact, in the province of Sichuan there are many wonderful and beautiful places that can be talked about a lot - this is Jiuzhaigou (), where beautiful landscapes and waterfalls adorn your eyes, and the Temple of the Marquis of Wu (dedicated to the Triple Power period) and much more.

Sichuan tea house.

China has always been famous for producing good loose leaf tea and is the world leader in this matter. Sichuan Province is no exception. Tea cultivation here dates back to time immemorial.

Many Chinese associate tea cultivation in Sichuan with favorable natural conditions and... Today this province is prosperous and abounds in a variety of agricultural crops and is one of the most important places for growing tea.

Today, on every street in the main city of Chengdu (and there are several hundred of them) there are several teahouses. The cult of tea here is elevated to the skies. The taste of tea and its popularity in this area reflect a certain isolation from main China, since the Sichuan province is located in the mountains, where there are special climatic conditions.

In the evenings, you will not find empty seats in the tea rooms. The local audience takes their seats in the evening and conducts various conversations on the topic of study, business, personal life and more. These establishments are a kind of meeting place for them. By the way, some people use tea rooms for negotiations and just to sit at the computer and it is very difficult to find free seats. Basically, all the interiors of the establishment are made of bamboo, because... Sichuan is one of the largest bamboo producers.

The most common tea in Sichuan is, of course, green tea, as well as jasmine tea with various additives. In general, there are five main varieties of tea in Sichuan:

  1. Green tea Meng Ding Gan Lu from Meng Shan Mountain;
  2. Alpine green tea Zhu Ye Qing;
  3. Black tea Chuan Hong from Yibin;
  4. Chao Qing green tea from Pingshan;
  5. Green tea from Xue Ya from QingChen Mountain near Dujiangyan.

Of course, to summarize, Sichuan is a place where, in addition to enjoying nature and historical places, you can hear, yes, yes, exactly, hear the taste of real Chinese mountain tea.

My advice to you… try it and you won’t be disappointed!

Alex Corsair.
Always fresh, always with you, TeaKust.

Sichuan province map

Many people call Sichuan their favorite province or one of them. Everyone unanimously says that Sichuan is incredibly beautiful and it’s hard to disagree with this. The most interesting thing is that in the vast majority of cases, people see only a fraction of the beauty of Sichuan province. There are several very popular places, almost everyone gets to them, after which they turn around and go somewhere else. But even this is enough for them to fall in love with Sichuan and leave with the firm intention of returning.

Let's see what Sichuan province looks like on a map of China and mark the most significant places for ourselves.

Sichuan province map

Sichuan Chengdu. Is it worth staying in the capital?

I can’t clearly say why, but Chengdu is one of my favorite cities in China. There's not much to see here, but the town is very nice. There is no feeling of overcrowding, even though it is home to about 14 million people. It’s nice to walk here, there are a lot of foreigners, both travelers and those who live here. If you have to live in Chengdu for some time, don't worry, you can always find company for communication. In addition to foreigners, quite a lot of Russians live in Chengdu.

If you make some ratings of what to see in Chengdu, the list of attractions will be quite short. Moreover, everything interesting in Chengdu can be seen in one day. The coolest things about Sichuan are located outside the capital. But we'll talk about this a little later.

Pandas in China

Probably the most important attraction of Chengdu, and one of the main attractions in the entire province, is the opportunity to see pandas with your own eyes. Sichuan is considered the birthplace of pandas and it is from here that individual animals are sent to other zoos in China and the world. In all my travels, I’ve been to zoos a couple of times and I can’t say that I was very impressed by what I saw. Therefore, I went to the pandas without much enthusiasm.

But you know, pandas are cool! True, they are worth seeing, especially if you are already in Chengdu. All these animals do is sleep and eat. But they do it so funny that they involuntarily make you smile. The only thing I would like to advise is not to come to the reserve with pandas on weekends or holidays. There are a lot of Chinese. There are several ways to get to the reserve. I will describe the one I used myself.

First you need to take the metro to Chengdu Zoo station, which is located on line 3. Then take a taxi directly to the entrance to the park. A taxi from the metro station costs about 20 yuan, and entrance to the reserve costs 58 yuan. The reserve is open from 8.00 to 18.00, but it is worth considering that after 16.00 some parts of the park may be closed.

By the way, there are pandas in China not only in Chengdu. Pandas can be found in almost all zoos in major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and some others. But unlike other cities, there are a lot of pandas in Chengdu. There's even a red panda, although in my opinion this animal doesn't have much of a panda in it. The red panda looks more like a raccoon, only red.

Sichuan. Most Popular Attractions

Jiuzhaigou National Park

Judging by the reviews of most tourists, it is one of the most beautiful places in China. When you look at the photos, you immediately want to pack your backpack and go in search of the park. But not everything is as magical as it seems at first glance. Much has already been said about the advantages of Jiuzhaigou, but there are several significant disadvantages. Apart from the difficult journey that takes a whole day along the mountain roads of Sichuan Province, the main disadvantage of Jiuzhaigou is that you can only spend one day in the park. Staying in the park with a tent and continuing to explore Jiuzhaigou the next day will not work.

But the park is huge and if you want to see everything in a day, inside the park you will have to travel by bus, from one stop to another, along with crowds of Chinese tourists, or literally rush from one lake to another. In this case, you won’t be able to enjoy the place. The entrance ticket is expensive and again, hardly anyone wants to pay. But it’s up to you to decide whether to go or not. Since I wasn’t there personally, I definitely won’t dissuade you.

Yellow Mountains of Emeishan

Some of the most popular places in all of China, very touristy, but I would recommend visiting. The walking route takes two days. At the end of the route you rise to an altitude of about 3000 meters and can see a beautiful panorama. I described the route in detail in an article about the Emey Mountains.

Big Buddha in Leshan

If you come here, be prepared to stand in lines for a long time. Moreover, the queues will be huge. But this is China, it rarely happens differently here. Apparently, the place is worthy of visiting, because even travelers with dozens of countries behind them recommended the Buddha statue in Leshan.

These are the main attractions in Sichuan. I'm sure if you browse the Internet you will find others. In the next paragraph I’ll tell you about places that much fewer people know about. More theoretical information, but still useful.

Sichuan. How to Find Real Tibetan Culture

Probably many people dream of going to Tibet. See with your own eyes real Tibetan monasteries, hermit monks, etc. But let’s figure out what TIBET is today. If you look at the map, there is the Tibet Autonomous Region, which is commonly called Tibet. People who go on organized tours most often start from Lhasa and end in the outskirts of Lhasa, the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region. Today, there is nothing Tibetan left in Lhasa and the surrounding area. The Chinese government, realizing the tourism potential of Tibet, began to actively destroy Tibetan culture in the region and was very successful in doing so. If you go to TAR to see the real local culture, you will have to go quite far from Lhasa.

Of course, the difficulties of the road should not frighten anyone. More often than not, it is the process of achieving a goal that leaves the most vivid memories. Spend a week or two hiking through the mountains of Tibet, looking for a real Tibetan monastery? This is wonderful! The plan is good, with one exception. In order to enter the TAR territory, you must obtain a permit and be part of a tourist group. This is a mandatory condition and it is not recommended to violate it. You can try to get into Tibetan territory on your own, but within a few days you will be expelled back by the police. You won’t be able to hide from her, if only because the locals, upon seeing you, will immediately inform the police.

Why all this prelude? There is an excellent alternative to the Tibet Autonomous Region. The western part of Sichuan province and the northwestern province of Yunnan - today this is Tibet. You don’t need any permits or tour groups; you can go to the mountains on your own and find Tibetan monasteries, monks and everything that is associated with Tibet. Take a look at Sichuan. Do you see the city of Kanding, west of Chengdu? If you draw a line from Kangding to the north and south, dividing Sichuan into two parts, then the western part will be Tibet. This is where you can find Tibetan culture. The more you move west, the deeper you will be in Tibet.

But remember that the real mountains begin in western Sichuan. There are those above 7000 meters; tourists can rarely be found and only on tourist routes. At the same time, some base points can be reached by buses, which makes the journey easier. Below I will attach a few photos from our week-long hike in the vicinity of Mount Gongga Shan (altitude more than 7500 meters). Unlike the popular Emeishan and similar places, Western Sichuan is a truly difficult challenge that you need to be prepared for.

That's all I wanted to tell you about Sichuan. Of course, one could add that in Sichuan the food is very spicy and there is practically no sun, but you will find this information without me)))

If you have any questions about Sichuan Province, I will be happy to answer in the comments!!!

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Today I will tell you... yes, again about China, but this time not about Beijing, but about the Sichuan province. Sichuan Province is located in western China and is home to stunningly beautiful natural and fantastic man-made attractions. The capital of the province is the city of Chengdu, a metropolis with a population of 14 million. It is located on a plain that is called the "Paradise Country" (Tinfzhiguó) for its fertility and favorable climate. However, there are quite a lot of mountain ranges in Sichuan, because this is where Tibet begins, and many stunningly beautiful places located here are associated with the mountains. In the fall of 2011, I managed to visit these parts, and the next few publications will be devoted specifically to the Sichuan province, but now I will give you general utilitarian information about this amazing place.

It is impossible to get to Chengdu directly from Russia, so you will have to fly either through Beijing or Shanghai. I flew through Shanghai simply because tickets there were cheaper. The plane from Moscow arrives in Shanghai in the morning, around 11 o'clock. Flying from Shanghai to Chengdu is very easy - there are about 8 flights daily. I would advise you to pay attention to the fact that both your arrival and your departure further to Chengdu are at the same Airport (there are 2 in Shanghai). I also advise you to buy tickets so that the difference between arrival and departure is at least 5 hours, since the Moscow-Shanghai plane may be late, and if you have some extra time, you will be calm. You can order all tickets on the website, I used it and there were no incidents.

The flight from Moscow to Shanghai is 9 hours, from Shanghai to Chengdu - another 3. When you arrive in Shanghai, check your suitcases in the luggage room, and you will have several hours to eat and stretch your legs after a long sitting on the plane. You can leave the Airport by Maglev (electromagnetic levitation train, I wrote about it), or by metro. Please note that on Maglev the journey takes about 8 minutes (now it does not run at a speed of 431 km/h, but “travels” at 350 km/h), and on the metro the journey between the airport and the city takes about 45 minutes, you need to remember this, especially when you you're going back.

In the evening another short flight (3 hours after 9 it seems
short flight) and you are in Chengdu. Immediately when leaving the airport you will encounter a queue for a taxi. This has nothing in common with the organization of the Beijing queue, and among the taxi drivers there are often “hucksters”. If you wait in line completely, then most likely you will get an honest taxi driver, and everyone who calls you to go out of line is private owners, and they will try to overcharge the price. Taking an official taxi to the city center costs about 50 Yuan, a private taxi driver will try to charge you 150-200.

Once upon a time, during the period of the “three kingdoms”, the province of Sichuan was called the kingdom of Shu. It was one of the most progressive kingdoms on the territory of ancient China, and the concept that they live in Shu is still preserved in the minds of local residents. They speak a slightly different Chinese here, there are very few Europeans here, even fewer people speak English than in Beijing and much less than in Shanghai, so you will need to think through your every step in advance, all intended movements must be written in advance in Chinese and printed out . I have already described the technology and just take it very seriously.

There are many hotels in Chengdu, like everywhere else in China. The choice is very large. We checked into the Sichuan Tea Hotel. I booked the hotel, as usual, through www.с The hotel overall was not bad, although its best days were clearly past, but it was very well located, very close to a major shopping street a la Beijing's Wangfujin. The hotel is located right on a small historical side street full of cafes with special Sichuan cuisine, many shops and a bank nearby. The room was clean, although in some places a little “worn out by time”, for example with traces of persistent stains in the shower. The windows overlooked a small river, which was nice. Disruptions in supply hot water was not there, but appeared regularly in the soul necessary supplies. In general, the hotel is clearly worth the money (about $35 for a double room).

The climate in Sichuan may be favorable for farming, but it is not very favorable for photography. The main weather here is fog. There are quite a few sunny days, and there are almost no cloudless days. Snow may fall in winter, but not for long; the vegetation is green all year round. Summer is stiflingly hot, but spring and autumn are warm and pleasant. So I advise you to go here in spring or autumn.

Sichuan province is famous for its production of fabrics in general and, in particular, luxurious brocade. Near the hotel we came across a curtain store and bought ready-made brocade curtains there. A set of sewn curtains, including tulle, cost us 1000 Yuan (4800 rubles). I would like to note that a saleswoman from a nearby store who knew English, who was on her way home, helped us negotiate with the sellers. She stayed especially for us and left only when we had agreed on everything with the people in the curtain store. At the same time, in the store we were treated to the freshest tangerines and given a bottle of water.

Sichuan province is also famous for its cuisine. This is the spiciest cuisine in China, and perhaps in the whole world. Everything here is simply spicy, and for cooking they use a special variety of Sichuan hot pepper, which makes your mouth numb. And of course, the most exotic, most interesting, very tasty dish is the famous Sichuan HotPot. On the streets of Chengdu you can often see tables in the middle of which there are large iron cauldrons full of some kind of boiling liquid. This is HotPot. If you haven't eaten HotPot, you just don't know what spicy food is, so prepare yourself in advance - it's very spicy even for me, a big fan of spicy food.

If you dare to try HotPot, you will be seated at a table, a fire will be lit under your “basin”, and you will be given a sheet covered with hieroglyphs, where you can put a tick next to each word. Here you should note what exactly you want to be put in your HotPot. This is the most difficult thing. Don’t try to tick boxes at random, there are very extreme things here - all sorts of internal organs, possibly eyes, etc. But there are also simpler and more familiar beef, pork, and poultry. There are also greens, cucumbers, etc... In our case, a Chinese man passing by offered his help with translation, and we ordered breaded pork, beef, cucumbers, lettuce, duck tongues, chicken meat, and something else, I already I do not remember. I think it won’t be difficult for you to find help, although there are very few people who know English, but the Chinese are very friendly and will always help.

They will place bowls of aromatic oil in front of you, pour you tea and bring you a bucket of rice. I highly recommend bringing beer, you will need it. They will bring you everything you asked for raw, and all this must be thrown into the cauldron, which by then will boil, but leave one piece of each type raw. If you want them to bring you something else, point to this one raw piece, and they will understand. When ready, you need to fish out the ingredients from the boiling brew and eat them, washing them down with cold beer and eating unleavened rice. It's very tasty, especially if you like it spicy!

While I won’t tell you about the sights you can visit, let’s leave this for later. But I'll give you Mike's number. We met Mike in one of the temples in Chengdu; he knows English quite well and works as a guide, together with his friend, who has a small minibus. Mike offered to give us a couple of excursions, which we gladly agreed to. I advise you to contact him, and I think you will not regret it. His local phone number is 13388187527 (this is what you should dial if you are calling from a local phone). To call from Russia you need to add the China code - +86. Please note that he doesn’t know Russian at all, although he really loves our song about Katyusha.

Hello, dear readers – seekers of knowledge and truth!

Many of those who have visited Sichuan province in China call it the most picturesque place in the Middle Kingdom. Beautiful location, impressive nature, unique people, modern cities, historical monuments - the province is famous for all this.

In today's article we want to tell you more about it. Where is Sichuan, what history is hidden behind it, what is the climate there, local people, amazing places, attractions - you will learn about this from the article below.


Sichuan is located slightly southwest of the central part of the People's Republic of China. You can see its location on a map of China.

The province borders other territories:

  • Gansu;
  • Shaanxi:
  • Yunnan;
  • Qinghai;
  • Guizhui;
  • Tibet Autonomous Region.

Due to its location, many people call Sichuan the “gateway to Tibet.” Indeed, in the western part there are even several Tibetan villages that can introduce you to the life and way of life of the Tibetans.

Zhilong Tibetan Village, Sichuan

The famous Yangtze River flows near the southern border, dividing the Sichuan lands with Tibet.

Yangtze River

This is a fairly large region:

  • population – over 80 million people, and this is the fourth figure in the country;
  • area is almost 500 thousand square kilometers, which allows it to take fifth place among other regions.

Although the province is landlocked, the surrounding mountains make it truly picturesque. According to the administrative division, there are 21 objects, the capital is Chengdu, which is located in the center.

In mid-May 2008, the province was struck by a tragedy - the strongestearthquake, the magnitude of which was estimated at 8 points. As a result, almost seventy thousand inhabitants died, and many cities were destroyed.


The climatic conditions are quite pleasant, but due to the hilly surface, the weather in different areas may differ, especially in the mountains and in the lowlands. In general, the average climate indicators are as follows:

  • subtropical climate;
  • monsoons often come to the south and east and, as a result, rains;
  • Winter is characterized by warmth, dryness and cloudiness;
  • for summer – heat, humidity, short duration;
  • the average temperature for the year is 16-18 degrees;
  • few sunny days;
  • in the mountains it is usually sunnier, but colder - the average temperature ranges from 5 to 15 degrees.

In autumn, people flock to the border zone with the Tibetan region and to the Zhoergai meadows.

The most favorable time for a trip is the second half of spring and the first half of autumn. The province is especially beautiful in September, when the meadows are filled with flowers. In the summer there are too many tourists here, so prices jump up sharply.

Authentic train among flowers in Sichuan province


Sichuan officially became part of the People's Republic of China in 1955, but people lived on its territory long before that. Let's tell the story briefly:

  • 3-1 millennium BC, the Neolithic era and the Bronze Age - the existence of the Sanxingdui civilization.
  • 3rd century AD - the beginning of the Kingdom of Shu.
  • 4th century - formation of the barbarian kingdom of Cheng.
  • 5th century – rule of the Tabgach people.
  • 10-13th century, during the Song Dynasty - the land that then existed in this territory was called “Chuanxia”, and was subsequently divided into 4 parts - lu, which is reflected in the modern name “Sichuan”.
  • 1911 - the beginning of the Sichuan Uprising, followed by the Xinhai Revolution.
  • 1939 - the province of Xikang was separated in the west, which ten years later passed to Tibet.
  • 1955 - the remaining territories were united into Sichuan.


Most of the Sichuan people are Han people, that is, Chinese. The following nationalities remain in the minority:

  • Nasi;
  • people from Tibet;

Most residents work on agricultural land - cultivating rice, wheat, raising pigs, and also collecting silkworms and making grapes.

The rest are employed in business and industry:

  • food;
  • light;
  • textile;
  • metalworking;
  • automotive industry;
  • construction.


The largest city is the capital Chengdu. It was founded more than 2 thousand years ago. Previously, it was famous for its printing, satin and brocade fabrics, and patent leather. Now the city, surrounded by low mountains, accommodates a population of 14 million and is replete with modern buildings and skyscrapers.

The tallest of them, the New Century, was erected in 2013 and at the time of construction was the tallest building in the world. There is a parking lot for 15 thousand cars, office premises, cinemas, a water park, an ice skating rink, hotel rooms, trading areas, but the most interesting thing is an artificial beach, which creates the illusion of being near the sea coast around the clock.

Other large and culturally interesting cities include:

  • Xichang;
  • Xiangchen;
  • Dege;
  • Kandin;
  • Songpan;
  • Leshan;
  • Lanmusi;
  • Ganzi.

In addition, there are many attractions throughout the province, at least five of which are of great historical value and are protected by UNESCO. We will look at them now.

Jiuzhaigou Park

Jiuzhaigou Nature Park, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, is called the “Valley of 9 Villages”. The thing is that there are ancient Tibetan settlements here, the number of inhabitants of which is no more than a thousand. There are also Buddhist temples, various forests - from bamboo to broad-leaved ones, rocks, hills, but most importantly - lakes and waterfalls.

Jiuzhaigou National Park

The lakes amaze with their crystal purity, transparency and incredible color - blue, green, turquoise, deep blue merged here into one. There are more than a hundred of them. It is believed that they were formed as a result of glacial melting.

In 2002, the park was the location for the filming of Zhang Yimou's Hero.

The widest 320-meter Chinese waterfall Nojilan is located right there. In autumn, the park is especially beautiful because of the deciduous forests, which turn yellow, crimson, and orange - in combination with multi-colored lakes, the result is simply a riot of colors. Thousands of animals live in Jiuzhaigou in natural conditions.

The only negative is that it will take a whole day to get to the park on rough roads. Entrance here for a day is also not cheap, and in one day it is difficult to see at least a good part of the park.

Mount Emeishan

Mount Emei, also known as Emeyshan in Chinese, is a shrine for Buddhists in the Middle Kingdom. More than two thousand years ago, the first Chinese Buddhist monastery called the “Temple of 10,000 Years” appeared here, and now it is the highest mountain monastery in the world.

Hiking trail on Mount Emeishan

According to Buddhist beliefs, the bodhisattva Samantabhadra dwells eternally in these parts. In his honor, back in the 10th and 11th centuries, a statue of him riding an elephant was created.

Buddha statue on Mount Emeishan

By the last century, more than a hundred temples could be counted on Mount Emei, but after the Cultural Revolution only 20 survived. They can be reached by cable car or on foot along two trails.

The ascent on foot to a height of 3 kilometers with stops and overnight stays in a tent will take 2-3 days. But in some temples you can even stay overnight - there are so many pilgrims.

Buddha statue in Leshan

Directly opposite the already famous Mount Emei there is another Buddhist shrine - a giant statue of Maitreya Buddha - the Buddha of the future. It is located near the city of Leshan, located in the southern part of the province.

The journey by car from the capital Sichuan will take about two hours.

The statue, protected by UNESCO, has impressive dimensions: 71 meters in height and 30 meters at the shoulders. Around the rock sculpture are carved images of other bodhisattvas.

Buddha statue in Leshan

Buddha settled down at the confluence of three rivers: Minjiang, Dadu, Qingyi. This location was chosen for a reason - the rivers were raging and rocking ships, so in the 8th century it was decided to install a statue of Buddha so that he would calm the flow.

Construction began thanks to a monk named Khaitun in 713. However, there were not enough funds, and construction was stopped. Financing continued again only seventy years later and was completely completed by a follower of the monk in 803.

Giant panda reservations

Sichuan is considered the birthplace of giant pandas. Unfortunately, they reproduce slowly and their population is declining, so the Chinese are extremely concerned about the survival of this species.

In the Qionglai and Jiajin mountain complexes there are 7 reservations and 9 national parks, where doctors and scientists look after the animals, provide them with food and treatment.

8 out of 10 pandas live in these mountains.

In the capital Chengdu, there is also a special research center for these purposes, where pandas are raised, kept in enclosures under favorable conditions, and later released into the wild from both the center and the reserves into parks.

Chengdu Panda Reservation

Both veterinarians and tourists continue to watch them in the parks, so everyone can enjoy the leisurely pace of these funny bears. In addition to them, snow leopards and leopards live here, which also require special care.

If possible, you should choose a weekday to visit the panda reserves - on weekends and holidays there are crowds of tourists, mainly the Chinese themselves.


Sichuan is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful provinces in China. Impeccably clean lakes, high mountains, modern cities, Buddhist temples on the hills, a huge statue of Buddha, animals that the Chinese treat with such love - all this inevitably makes you fall in love with yourself.

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