Mods for wot latest version from jov. World Of Tanks Streams

The socket has two phases

Jov is a tank hero, an Internet star, the face of Tanks. Success story, memes and facts.

1. Job’s blog topic – World of Tanks

Almost everyone in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus knows a game like World of Tanks. This game is also known outside the CIS - there are fans in Europe, China and even the USA. The game is dedicated to tanks, as the name suggests. The idea is simple to the point of banality - first, tanks appear on the game map - 15 for each team. Then the battle begins, and the teams rush to victory. Those who either destroy all opponents or capture the base win.

Screenshot. YouTube Bones of Ladanin

1.1. Reason for the popularity of the game

The game belongs to a mixed genre - something between Counter Strike and MMO-RPG. There are also elements of strategy here. Since the game is online, there is a huge scope for communication and team interaction - positive and not so positive. This in itself attracts players.

Finally, the theme of the game itself is tanks. There are legendary Soviet cars, and German, and other countries. They played a big role in the history of the CIS countries - in almost every city there is a monument to tank soldiers in the form of a tank, all boys, men and even grandfathers at least once in childhood climbed onto it, looked into the barrel, tried to open the hatch.

Gameplay. The game is realistic, filled with all sorts of special effects, you can feel the heavy power, the clang of armor, the roar of shots. There is a place for arrogance, cunning, deception with cowardice, and simple luck. However, most often the winner is the one who is more experienced, and not the one who is more fortunate. The control requirements are low - a mouse and ASWD, and a few more buttons that are used less often. A high reaction is also not required. Therefore, the threshold for entering it is extremely low, although good experience and intuition are required to win.

1.2. Promoting the game on YouTube

Initially, the game was created by a small company Wargaming in Minsk. The staff was small - a few people. There was also little finance. Therefore, World of Tanks could not afford a wide advertising campaign on TV or banners, or buying space on promoted websites, as other online games did. A different path was chosen.

“The most important of all arts for us is cinema,” V.I. Lenin once said. And I was not mistaken. The creators of World of Tanks thought the same thing. They chose YouTube promotion as their main advertising. Even before Jove became the main video blogger for this game, there were numerous videos from Konstantin Soldatov (Photon) and others. At the official forum in 2010, the “Folder in the Tank” competition was announced - where, by making a video on your own computer, you could not only become a star of the game and YouTube, but also receive in-game property as a prize.

In fact, the main part of the videos on this game is not far from “Folder in a Tank” - they take a separate tank, of which there are more than a hundred in the game, and make a video review of it. How he drives, how he shoots, how he defeated everyone or merged “like a cancer.” Everyone wanted to become famous and successful. The number of videos grew, people were more willing to watch them than advertising on TV, and the promotion model justified itself 100 percent. Until now, although the popularity of the game is far from being at its best, the number of videos on this topic in the Russian segment of YouTube is among the leaders.

2. Jove – the beginning of the journey

A long time ago in the city of Odessa there lived a smart guy - Kostya Ladanin. He was born in 1986, graduated from school and worked as an administrator in a computer club. In 2010, at the time of the official release of the game, he was 24 years old. One day he saw on one of the computers of his club a guy playing tanks. He became interested, started trying it and soon fell ill with it.

However, he didn't do too well. He didn’t know how to play, he was often dumped at the beginning of a battle, and he didn’t understand the mechanics of vehicle classes. Kostya began to look for help among his friends. Fortunately, one of them turned out to be Kirill DeSeRtod. He was a player in the top alliance of clans in the game RED. The guys recently left Warcraft, where they were banned from their guild called Red Army. Having come to the new game, they found it very patriotic and even left the name of the clan almost the same - RED. They had sponsors, a desire to play and experience.

Kirill taught Kostya the basic mechanics of the game, tactics, and they began to take him into team battles of this clan. In the game, Kostya had the in-game name Jove, which later became both synonymous with success and synonymous with World Of Tanks. The name was a little strange, as Konstantin himself says, it was taken from the Latin name of Jupiter. However, you can refer to another game "BC", where one of the review journalists also had the pseudonym The Jove.

Screenshot. VK Bones of Ladanin

2.1. First videos

A little later, the game itself began to bore Jov. He was not too interested in the fight, an easy victory over the newcomers. I wanted more - fame, success, recognition. And then he started making videos. His first video was “Paton in the Arctic”. Jov acts on American tank, talks about its features and winning tactics. Back then there were few skilled players, and the majority were beginners. And to win it was enough to know only the basic moments of the game. The video became popular because it differed from others not just in the story about the performance characteristics of the tank, but also in the fact that its real strengths and weaknesses were shown in battle, as well as an example of their application.

However, success came after another video. The German E-50 tank was reviewed in the video “Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut." This video was posted on the official channel Games World Of Tanks, therefore it quickly gained popularity. The developers have long been looking for a person who would become a semi-official video blogger for the game. Their choice fell on Jova - they and the community began to provide him with all kinds of support, quoting his videos on official resources and in announcements.

2.2. Categories

Initially, his channel had three sections - “Solo Random”, “Squad Work” and “Bender’s Corner”. In the first, he showed battles that showed more of a beautiful, emotional bending alone, in the second, he showed good battles with a platoon, and in the third, he talked about tanks, tactics for different maps, both solo and with a platoon in the video guide genre. In the first two sections the sound was usually written during the battle, in the second it was edited after. You could listen to how two players interact with each other via voice communication; there were almost no streams in WOT at that time.

3. Blogger style

A distinctive feature of the Jove channel is its emotionality. During his videos, he blushes, waves his arms, bangs on the table, and swears at his allies and opponents. Moreover, all his outbursts are usually sharp - not so long ago he was calm, and suddenly he suddenly explodes. An apt expression about this was quickly found - “Jov’s fart exploded.” It was from his channel that the expression “bombanulo” spread throughout the RuNet, meaning a sharp affective explosion of emotions.

His second trait is making fun of other players. He laughs at “crayfish”, “deer”, “noobs” and other players, and gives living examples of them from the animal world and life situations. His tongue is very good, it comes out a little rough, but it’s fun and everything is “as he said with his mouth”, not pulled out of his finger or read from a piece of paper.

He makes fun of both his allies and his platoon members. There was a time when he played in a platoon with Desertod and Angelos. After vulgar remarks about Angelos, which Desertod supported, he even got offended and left the stream. True, then the resentment passed, and they began to play together, although Jov did not allow such vulgar jokes about Angelos anymore. Almost.

However, his style itself is not at all offensive, he speaks out without any malice, he can use phrases like “now someone here is going to suck” even in relation to himself, and is generally a self-critical person.

4. Streams

Initially, YouTube did not support the streaming format very well, so Jov and other players streamed on Twitch channels. However, this was later corrected, and now YouTube is a full-fledged streaming channel for gamers. Jove invites his friends, players from top clans, and random players to streams. It happens that random players who showed an interesting game on stream are given gold and competitions are announced. Online play in the game increases somewhat at this time - many people want to get on Jov’s stream like “I’m on TV.”

Developers don’t hesitate to come to his streams either – however, he communicates with them exclusively in a cultural manner. Streams take place in online battles, solo, and in a platoon. Company battles are almost never seen; he used to stream team battles, but then moved away from them.

5. Jove and others

Screenshot. instagram Bones of Ladanin

5.1. Jove and artillery

Once upon a time, artillery was a formidable class of equipment in the game, terribly overpowered and not giving life to other classes. That's why the players quietly hated her. Job is no exception. He was one of the first to say that playing art is a waste, that it is a “rooster class of technology.” On one of the streams, he and his platoon mate even drowned all the allied artillery by pushing it into the water, for which he received a short-term ban from the developers. Lately, he can be seen on art for several thousand likes under the video, but so that Jov doesn’t get bombed, he brings “Petukhovich” to the stream - a soft toy in the shape of a rooster, which receives blows from him and squeaks.

5.2. Jov and Virtus Pro

Jov is officially a member of the St. Petersburg Virtus Pro clan. However, it is more likely that he is there formally. He sometimes streams with members of this clan, goes to their events and only occasionally covers clan events. Virtus Pro advertising can be seen in all of his videos - naturally, he takes money for it.

5.3. Jove and Flash

Sergey Vspishka Karapetyan is a member of the Virtus Pro clan. This is actually the clan's chief journalist. He often plays with Jov on streams, but really doesn’t like it when he starts making fun of him.

5.4. Jove and 40 tons

40_tonn is one of the most popular authors of artillery video guides. Thanks to him, a wild number of people moved to the artillery - everyone learned to throw over obstacles, at a target flying at full speed, to work on focus with a platoon of three artillery pieces. Art began to immobilize madly. On one of the streams, Jov and Flash got to 40_tonn. The entire stream took place in a tense atmosphere. Job was forced to play the cock art. What added fuel to the fire was that Jov called Flash “Doggy” in the chat, then the insults continued, moved to 40_tonn and then Jov came up with the nickname “srakatan” for him right online.

After this stream, all video bloggers decided to ruin 40_tonn. Apparently, this was a command from the game developers so that people would stop playing on the “rooster” art and sit on normal tanks. Soon the art was nerfed, and it no longer had such an influence on the outcome of the battle. 40_tonn was offended by this and left the game, judging by his own words.

5.5. Job and Margot

Margot is Job's girlfriend. She often appeared on his streams and appeared on his webcam. Then Jov decided to show it to the world. She didn't play very well and didn't want to learn to play. Therefore, Jov joked about her in every possible way, even mocked her. Apparently she didn't like it very much, and she never appears on camera again. There are rumors that she left him altogether.

5.6. Jove and the developers

He has close business and personal contacts with the developers, and he does not hide it. Developer news is constantly published, when his channel is the first to see the latest information about what will appear in the game, in the form of an announcement. Storm and others played with him. Behind their backs, he calls the developers “potatoes,” apparently hinting at the office in Minsk.

He created several of his own clans, which he promoted, even before he joined Virtus Pro. One of his Oleni clans was played by Murazor, a player who was then invited to be the head of the vehicle balance department in the development team. He was repeatedly seen on Jov’s streams and even took part in guides.

5.7. Jove and slaves

Over time, Jov began to produce so many videos that he did not have enough time to edit them. Margot began to help him. He then hired a video editor, videographer and sound engineer. He spoke of them a couple of times as his slaves. Today, he has almost completely outsourced everything, performing only the role of a presenter or commentator.

There are slaves on Jova's streams as well. The Wargaming company gives bloggers and streamers press accounts. To his friends who would like to play on the press account during the stream, he gave out “Rab Job 1” and “Rab Job 2” accounts a couple of times.

Screenshot. Twitch Bones of Frankincense

5.8. Jove and politics

Job and politics are incompatible things. On his channel you can hear Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian speech. However, you will not hear lofty words about politics in any language, much less any political debate.

5.9. Jov and cinema

He loves going to the cinema, and even during the stream you can find out information from him whether the film is good or bad, whether it’s worth watching. However, he almost never tells the plot - perhaps Job could become a good film critic.

6. Job today

In 2015, Jov moved to a new apartment. There was even a separate video about this on his channel - According to rumors, there was a fire in the old one, so he changed his place of residence

There are rumors that he now lives in the city of Kursk. In one of his videos he mentioned that he “moved to Russia,” although it is unclear whether he came for a while, or whether he lives in Russia permanently. Like any popular person, he travels a lot around Russia, Ukraine and Belarus to meetings, events and even some tournaments and is never anywhere for a long time.

Today his channel is in 36th place among the most popular pipe channels. This is a great achievement, and one of the best achievements of the entire Runet. Although the popularity of the game is falling, Jove himself has lost very little in his position.

7. The secret of success

As Jov himself says, the main thing is to have luck with the affiliate program. Choosing an affiliate program and monetization scheme is one of the main conditions for success on YouTube. Since it is selected for a channel only once, you should carefully consider the monetization scheme and program.

The second secret to success is the support of developers and the community. Kostya Ladanin was initially a charismatic figure, he easily made connections and was a very pleasant person to talk to. This helped him make friends with the right people and get support.

The third secret is the ability to give the viewer what he wants. If they don’t like art, he starts hating art. He got shooting bushes, a tank destroyer with wild camouflage - he began to criticize them. There is no false information on the channel - only verified and true data. He has his own opinion about all types of technology, sometimes it does not coincide with the general one, but more often it coincides.

This leads to another success factor - his channel is useful. You can see first-hand reports about future innovations, about the real state of affairs on different maps and with different tanks. They watch it to find out how to play on a particular machine, what to expect from a patch and how best to donate. His advice is not always beneficial to developers - a couple of times he posted blatant buggies to earn silver and gold.

Finally, the main highlight of any success is to work hard, devote a lot of time to what you love and not be distracted by nonsense. Well that's obvious.

8. Other topics

The channel is entirely dedicated to computer games. The main theme of the channel is WOT. However, he played Call Of Duty, Silent Hill, and some other games. Usually he selects alternative games, not online, and broadcasts their progress into a separate playlist.


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Updated (13-05-2019, 10:12): version 44 for World of Tanks 1.5

Today we will look at the popular collection of mods from JOVE 1.5.
Most gamers have at least once tried to play with various tricks. Hacked accounts, installed , unlocked engineering menus. IN online game Such actions are strictly suppressed. The punishment, as a rule, is complete deletion of the account. But, on the other hand, it is allowed to introduce additional modifications to improve certain qualities or parameters. Legal methods can significantly improve the gameplay. The popular tank simulator was no exception.

The greatest interest is in mods for world of tanks 1.5 from Jov.

More functional than standard sight. In tank or tank destroyer mode there is an option. Do you want to see the color of the driver’s eyes? No problem! This is, of course, a joke. But “aiming” the viewing slit of a heavy IS or getting into the “ear” will become easy and simple. Interfaces have changed, both in the hangar and in battle. An excellent medicine for a wounded soul is the damage counter. He displays his data directly during the battle.

“Deer” “merged” like the last “crayfish”? But, during the battle I dealt 1000 HP of damage. And this is visible immediately, and not in the final result. Let them try to reproach me for not doing anything for the common good.”

This is only a small part of the various “goodies”. You can find out more by downloading the application using this link. Install it and appreciate the skills of the developers.

What is the collection of mods from Jove?

Interesting point - collection of mods for world of tanks 1.5 from jove is a regular program. The distribution package is received, the installer is launched, and during the installation process, those items that are required for a comfortable game are selected. Do not forget that everyone makes mistakes, so it is not surprising if shortcomings are discovered in the future. There is no need to worry, all errors are promptly corrected by the “modders”.
A common question that arises among “tankers”: “Will the mods from the previous update carry over to the next one?” Alas, you can’t cheat like that. For each new patch, you will need to download the latest modifications (or master programming and rewrite the program code for yourself).

One more nuance. If you already used any add-ons in the old version, then it is better to uninstall the client program. Reinstall the game (use the full installation package). This step is needed to avoid conflicts between mods. Otherwise, trouble may arise. Imagine that in the middle of a difficult battle, when you are surrounded by enemies, the game freezes. Or you will be kicked out of the program.

Review of mod assembly from Jove

Unzip the archive and run the installer. Then follow the prompts. Afterwards, check the list of mods that are interesting to you and that you want to install on your WOT client.

The world of tanks is huge and it is quite difficult to get into it. In order to learn how to play, get to know the technique better and understand how to become an extra, World of Tanks streams from professional players will help. Our portal offers not only accessible viewing of online broadcasts of WoT gameplay, but also various modifications for the game, convenient sights, and interesting variations of voice acting. All this can be found on our website.

World of Tanks streams from the best players in the Wargaming universe

Stream is a live broadcast of gameplay by a player to the Internet. Through this, many gamers make money, because their fans can support the player by donating to his e-wallet right during the battle.

The Russian cluster of the World of Tanks game has a huge number of professional cybersportsmen, extras, and water makers. They all broadcast their games online and make money from it. Our site brings to your attention streams from World of Tanks from such famous players as Jove, Amway921, antiNoob, AlinaRin, Vspishka, Desertod.

Jove often performs various entertaining quests that are offered to him by fans. He broadcasts from test server and sandboxes that many players don't have access to. Sometimes Jov decides to stream WoT on a specific topic, for example, playing only heavy tanks or using exclusively high-explosive shells. Viewers love this very much and usually such broadcasts from Jove are very popular. Job has a press account, so if you like rare tanks, you can also see them on his streams.

Amway921 is no less popular watermaker. He also likes to organize various challenge streams, where he discusses the usefulness of a certain class of equipment, talks about news from the general test, and sometimes communicates with developers. Amway often conducts online broadcasts of an educational nature, for example, where it shows interesting positions or talks about the best tactics for beginners. Amway often conducts streams together with other video bloggers, including Jov.

Alina Rin is one of the most popular tank girls on the Russian Internet. She has a pleasant appearance and this attracts men, but girls also love to watch her streams because of the bright traits of her character. Alina often conducts thematic broadcasts, sometimes plays art, but most of all she loves the gameplay of tank destroyers.

Of course, our site offers streaming not only from popular watermakers, but also from novice video bloggers. You can see the entire list of available online broadcasts in the thematic section. We have collected on our portal only the best streams from World Of Tanks players and invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

Benefits of watching streams on our website

The game “World of Tanks” has won millions of hearts, so it is not surprising that many players are playing and streaming online World of Tanks now, and you can plunge into the huge universe of tanks without launching the game client. For example, watch how Jove rides his favorite butch, or Flash rolls out Bulldog while passing the next LBZ. All this can be done on our website, without opening additional portals, simply by starting an online broadcast in the “Streams” section.

Thanks to the ease of use of the section, you can view several streams simultaneously. This is necessary when watermakers are playing for gold right during an online broadcast, and in order not to miss the moment of receiving additional game currency, the ability to watch several streams is very useful.

The well-known blogger and fashion tanker from Jove also releases his own collection of permitted modifications. These mods are updated almost simultaneously with the update of the World of Tanks 1.4.1 game. Let's take a closer look at this package of modifications.

Before starting our acquaintance, it should be clarified that this assembly includes not only the mods that Jov himself uses, but also those that, according to the blogger, are more useful. So, let's start getting acquainted with modpack 1.4.1, it includes:

Various scripts, modifications and additions have become so firmly established in our favorite game, they complement the gameplay so succinctly that it is simply impossible to imagine daily tank battles without them.

We are used to using modified sights, damage panels, attack direction sensors, alternative sixth sense perk icons, and so on. You can download such assemblies anywhere, but will they work well?

As for the choice of such add-ons, there are a lot of them today, but for those who want to get the best, stably working scripts, we recommend downloading free mods from Jove 1.4.1 for the game World of Tanks. Thanks to the efforts of this watermaker and the team of modders working with him, you can easily customize the game client the way you want, which will make the gameplay more enjoyable not only from a practical point of view, but also aesthetically.

Those who decide to install the Jova modpack receive a number of undeniable advantages:
1.You don’t have to search for each desired modification separately, risk doubting its functionality and the presence of viruses. You get everything you need with just one click in your browser, free and secure.
2. The collection of mods from Jova is released as soon as possible, usually on the day the new patch or update World of Tanks 1.4.1 is released
3. Experienced programmers are constantly working on the installer program and all its contents, testing their product, and quickly correcting possible problems. Thanks to this, you get a fully working version of any modification.
4.Each mod in the assembly is carefully optimized, so that FPS drops after installation are minimal. It is quite possible that this parameter will even increase, it all depends on the scripts you choose.

Download free mods from Jove 1.4.1

We have listed the main advantages obtained by installing this assembly, but this is only a superficial introduction. There really is everything that every player needs, but to make sure of this, it’s better to test the Modpack from Jove 1.4.1 yourself (version from the official website with latest updates). In addition, on our portal you can download this application for free via torrent or use one of two verified links to file storages.

Regarding the application itself, the Jova modpack is presented in the form of a familiar installer program. Its undeniable advantage is its ease of use and each mod can be selected by simply checking the box next to it. Among the scripts themselves, there are the most popular:
Several types of popular sights for tanks and artillery;
Alternative server sight in three variations;
Ability to remove blackout in sniper mode;
Indicators of the direction of fire at you;
Logs of damage caused and received;
Skins with penetration zones (very important for beginners);
The ability to display the progress of the LBZ directly in battle, etc.

You can also install less popular download Jove mods, which allow you to customize the game and make the necessary individual adjustments. These include:
Turn off shooting at destroyed allied vehicles and tanks;
Adding the direction of trunks on the mini-map;
Indicator of the enemy closest to you;
Tank damage counter and WN8;
Total HP indicators of teams;
Various hangar mods;
Wargaming FM for more fun and much more.

It is worth noting separately that Jove always adds a creak to his modpack, called WoT Tweaker Plus, which allows you to disable some effects in the game, such as smoke from the exhaust pipe, clouds in the sky, shell explosions, movement of trees, etc. This modification is very necessary for people with weak computers, because with its help you can significantly increase FPS.

Download mods from Jove from the official website of World of Tanks 1.4.1

This watermaker does not have a personal website as such, but there are several resources that assure you that he belongs to the author of the mods. It’s up to everyone to trust them or not, but it’s better to be guided only by trusted sources.

So, we recommend two reliable and proven ways to download mods from Jove 1.4.1
1.The official channel of this player on YouTube, where in the description under the video with the release of a new update, he personally posts a link to the resource where he uploads latest version its assembly.

2.You can visit the website, go to the mods section and find this download mod jov here on the same day when its updated official version is released. We have three ways to download this installer, you just need to choose the one you like.

After the download is completed, which on average takes no more than 5 minutes (depending on the speed of your Internet connection), all that remains is to find the desired file in the downloads folder and run it.

How to properly install mods from Jove version 1.4.1 WoT

Regarding the process of installing assemblies, they are all installed approximately the same and the main advantage is simplicity, everything is intuitive for any user. However, now we will analyze this process in more detail and fully answer the question: “how to install the Jova modpack for WoT?”:
1.Find the required installation file in the “Downloads” folder, run it, select the language and accept the terms of the user agreement.

2.The most important point is that you need to specify the folder with the game, because this is where the mods will be installed after the process is completed.

3. Well, here we come to the most interesting part. By clicking next, a window will appear in front of you with a list of all modifications and scripts. All you have to do is simply check the boxes next to the mods that you would like to see in your hangar and in battle. Please note that when you hover over the line of interest, a short description with a picture.

4.Having checked everything you need, click the “Next” button and in the window that appears, where you can once again familiarize yourself with the list of all selected scripts, click on “Install”. After a few minutes (the time depends on the performance of your machine), world of tanks mods jova official website will be installed, close the program and you can go into battle.

As a result, the whole process really takes very little time. The main thing is to download mods from Jova in a trusted place, then you definitely won’t have any problems.

Review of the updated download mod Jova

Now I would like to say a few words about the fact that with the recently released update of the World of Tanks client, the discussed collection of mods has acquired several very interesting author’s innovations that will appeal to many.

Here is a list of author's modifications:
Choosing a Random Tank - Jove's latest version mod for patch 1.4.1 in World of Tanks includes a mod for those who can't decide which tank to roll out in the next battle. To the right of the famous “Battle!” button you need to select the line “FBR! Random tank” and voila, you go to fight in a random vehicle from those available in your hangar. At the same time, in the tank filter in the lower left corner of the screen, you can select the level of equipment, type, nation, then the FBR will select a vehicle taking into account the filter. Just keep in mind that this function does not work in a platoon.
Vehicle overturn alert - when your tank overturns, a message is automatically sent to the allied chat with the appropriate text and an indication of which square you are in.
Expanded performance characteristics - allows you to examine the characteristics of the vehicle you have chosen in great detail, right down to the chassis resistance different types soils.
Well, the funniest, funniest, I would even say daring download jova mods extended official website, which replaces the usual designation ART-SAU (square) with a pile of feces. The poop will be displayed both on the mini-map and on the main screen when you hover over the above mentioned vehicle.

As you can see, the official build from Jova can satisfy the needs of almost any gamer. There are modifications for every taste, from the most useful to the funny ones, designed to cheer you up..

adaptation to micropatch from 17.09

Jov or JOVE (aka VirtusPro) is a famous WoT player who has his own YouTube channel with 1.8 million subscribers. He personally developed many mods, and at the request of his readers, he created this assembly from them. The collection of mods from Jove always includes only necessary and proven mods. All of them will help players in difficult battles on any vehicle at any second of the battle.

What's new in Jove mod pack:

White minimalist sight made in light white tones. The sight shows only the necessary information and nothing superfluous, this sight is not for everyone.

Mjolnir– the sight has its own original interface with a lot of information displayed, in addition to the standard information there are also interesting additions – reloading of the enemy tank, the color of which shows who will reload faster, the distance to the target and the likelihood of you being spotted by the enemy after your shot, the penetration indicator takes the distance into account armor thickness and your penetration.

Rangefinder adjustment– after the reflection of the enemy at whom you were aiming, the sight will remain in the same position for another four seconds, which will allow you to completely converge on the place where the enemy was and shoot.

Expanded auto-aim display– now a tank taken into the auto sight will be painted a different color.

Nearest enemy indicator- red arrow color, the enemy can shoot at you, green when you are hiding in cover.

Accounting for approximately tanked damage- This is a completely new mod, this one shows the approximate amount of tanked damage. The calculation is based on average values.

Mod Vintik– for quick repair or treatment of the crew, a hot key can be configured; by pressing it, you will very quickly restore the removed module.

WN8 indicator in battle– the mod shows how much damage you dealt during the battle, the average damage on the tank you went into battle with, and your WN8 rating in battle is calculated based on your success in battle.

Improved armor calculator– changes the operating principle of the central convergence circle. With this mod, not only the thickness of the armor is taken into account, but also the angle of inclination at the aiming point.

Additional server sight:

  • Arcade
  • Sniper
  • Artillery

Disable scroll inertia– the increase will occur in steps, not smoothly.

Do not use the handbrake in sniper mode on pt– this mod will allow you to turn the body in sniper mode when the scope has reached its extreme position.

Displaying respawn in the loading window– the mod will show whether you appear on the top or bottom respawn.

Displaying the results of the previous battle in chat– now you can receive the results of the previous battle in the chat of the next battle.

Styling system messages– post-battle statistics in more detailed messages with various additional statistical information. Six options for your choice

  1. Antoshkaaa
  2. Armagomen full
  3. Armagomen mini
  4. demon 2597
  5. Meddio

Colored rotation angles in the damage panel– this addition to the panel will help you position the tank at the desired angle to the enemy shooting at you, that is, placing the tank at an angle of 45 degrees, the green line is 30 degrees, the yellow line is 45 degrees.

Calculations of experience and battles until the next tank– the mod shows how much experience and number of battles you need to learn all the modules and move on to the next tank. The calculations take the average amount of experience earned on the selected machine.

Extended information for the crew– shows how much experience is needed to fully learn a skill.

Game session statistics:

by Dellux(1 per session / 2 per day)

by PMOD(1 per session / 2 per day)

Integrated mod XVM or deer meter now has several installation options with different efficiency levels. Now you can choose to display your rating as a two-digit number or a four-digit number. Most players prefer a four-digit rating value

  • 2-digit efficiency (XWN8)
  • 4-digit efficiency (XWN6)
  • 4-digit efficiency (XWN6, combat only)
  • 4-digit efficiency (RE)

Alternative vehicle markers and bouncing damage– the mod shows markers on opponents who have less than 25% HP left, focusing fire on them to finish them off, as well as on players of their team if they have less than 25% HP left, so that the team can cover a player with a small amount of HP. (two marker options)

  • Focus\defense icons
  • Player danger/usefulness stars

Addition to the mini map:

HP on the mini map– now each tank is placed in a circle that shows your HP, and as it decreases, the circle also begins to disappear. a very convenient mod that easily and conveniently allows you to monitor the amount of HP of the players of your team and the opposing team.

Wargaming FM- in-game radio inside

This assembly from Jove includes about 20 different sights from different developers

The best sights for assembling mods from Jove

  1. The first scope from Jov is minimalistic. Includes a reload timer, the number of your remaining shells, the amount of enemy HP, and an eye-pleasing sight color scheme. The sight can be mounted in four different variations.
  2. New marker Jov plays with this aim.
  3. New marker with larger font, this sight is convenient for more convenient perception of information in arcade mode.
  4. Standard marker with larger font.
  5. Fifth on this list is also very popular scope from amway.
  6. The sixth sight in this assembly is from the well-known game critic Murazor.
  7. Seventh sight from Ghost Recon.
  8. Super sophisticated MeltyMap sight.
  9. Very cool for fans of art games
  10. Very interesting
  11. A sight that calculates the probability of penetration in a designated location using the color of a marker, and in my opinion, this sight will greatly help beginners; experienced players already know the weak points in enemy tanks.

Mods from Jov: necessary little things in battle

  • Very useful camera zoom mod, which allows you to look at the map from a bird's eye view and determine what position the enemy is in and where his gun is pointed.
  • Removes dirt in sniper mode.
  • Firing direction indicator shows where the fire is coming from.
  • Disable random shooting. This mod eliminates accidental shots at your opponents (although sometimes there are players on your team who just want to shoot them to speed things up) or at damaged tanks such shots are simply blocked.
  • Your armor calculator. This mod will help you correctly turn the body towards the enemy so that he shoots at the most armored place. Rather, this mod will help fans of the game on the 1st who can maneuver the hull very well; this mod is unlikely to help other tanks much
  • Increasing picture display time sixth Sense. This mod will help you not to miss the fact that you are exposed and it’s time to hide in cover.
  • Circle 15 meters. To properly camouflage your tank in bushes or fallen trees, I recommend installing a mod with a 15-meter circle around your tank. This mod will allow you to correctly take a position behind the bushes, so as not to light up again after a shot, this is especially useful for fans of the game on Fri.

Also in the assembly of Jova's mods there is a selection of different vertical aiming angles:

  • corner,
  • in a semicircle
  • in a large semicircle
  • also from Melty Map.

Information panel about the enemy tank

  • Minimalist for experienced players it shows the enemy's reload time and the overview of the tank.
  • Full panel shows the mass of the tank, overview, reload speed, penetration of the top gun and its damage.
  • Color panel everything that is included in the full panel, only it’s all in different colors

Damage panels in the modpack from Jove:

  • Job's damage panel, which shows who fired at you and from which tank, with what shell, and also, if the enemy did not penetrate you, it also shows with what shell he did not penetrate you.
  • minimalist panel This panel takes up minimal space on the screen and is not for everyone.
  • damage panel from Gambiter almost the same as that of Jove with minor differences.
  • completely redesigned interface model from Zayaz

Critical bell. This mod gives a signal if any enemy module or crew member was damaged after your shot.

New battle chat. Now messages will be in color and correspondence will be completely saved until the end of the battle.

Moving camera away plus free camera from WG

Mod which removes darkness in sniper mode, which allows you to see a full overview of the screen

NoScroll disabling the wheel in sniper mode (this will take some getting used to if you've always used the wheel)

X25 zoom and improved enemy armor calculator from Job

This mod allows you to zoom in on the target in sniper mode, and the armor calculator will calculate the thickness of your enemy's armor at the point of your impact, which will allow you to more accurately target the weak point in the enemy tank. This mod is very useful in the game on Fri. With this mod you will always know where to shoot at the enemy, and where you shouldn’t even try.

Camera zoom mod which allows you to look at the map from a bird's eye view and determine in what position the enemy is and where his gun is pointed.

In sniper mode, disable the shaking dynamic camera.

Appearance modification mods

For those who do not like various camouflages or inscriptions on tanks, a mod that disables these functions will help you.

The skin mod with penetration zones will be very helpful for beginners; it shows the weak points of the enemy tank, or rather the places where the fuel tanks are located, if hit, the enemy tank can catch fire, and this will cause significant damage to it. If the ammunition rack hits it, it will increase the reload time, and this will greatly help when exchanging shots, as well as the location of the tank crew, and the concussion of any crew member will not be painless for the enemy.

Mod white corpses of destroyed tanks allow you to clearly distinguish damaged from intact tanks and see their sizes so that they do not interfere with you when shooting

Colored projectile impact points. Places where shells penetrate are marked in red, and places where shells do not penetrate are marked in green.

Mod for bright railway platforms. Allows you to clearly see the dimensions of the railway.

White caterpillar mod, when a caterpillar is knocked down, it becomes especially white, this is very useful in the game of st and lt, allowing you to clearly see the downed caterpillar.

Mod increases visibility range. This is an old mod, but very useful, it removes fog at long distances, which significantly increases visibility.

Hangar improvements in modpack from Job 1.1

Completely added in this assembly new minimalist hangar from Jove. This hangar significantly reduces the load on your computer and does not increase FPS much.

Also added a mod for full and detailed description all the crew perks, which will allow you to take a more competent approach to leveling up your crew. This mod is useful for beginners.

Added for tank collectors mod tanks in a hangar in two three or four rows, this mod will allow you to quickly find the tank you need.

Vertical development tree.

Game session statistics. Keeps statistics of your battles for a day or a certain period of time

For those who like to play in a platoon, the level of your battles on various vehicles is displayed.

Improved list on the global map.

Remembering the last server.


Wot tweaker plus 1.1: Using this program you can turn off smoke from the exhaust pipe, as well as from a burning tank and flames after a shot. I note that by disabling even these three points, they significantly reduce the load on the computer, but if this does not help, you can disable clouds, various destruction and effects, disable all special effects when a tank is hit, and disable the movement of tree crowns and leaves.

You can also significantly compress the textures; this process will take a small amount of your time, but you will be pleased with the result. Noticeably increased fps from a clean client. Tweaker helps a lot on a weak computer.

Replay manager from Jova:d For those who like to record their fights, an original replay manager has been added, which will significantly expand your capabilities.

  • Allows you to edit the list of recorded battles.
  • Allows you to view the ones you need and sort them.
  • And of course, add Wotreplays replays to the official website.

Before installing this mod, clean out the folder with battle recordings and delete unnecessary ones, since many replays will delay the installation of this mod.

For those who like to brag about the results of fights to friends, there is a special mod WG Social, with which you can post the results of the battle on VKontakte or Facebook, right in the hangar.

Comprehensive mod XVM (Deer Messenger from Jove)

Allows you to customize team information panels, set player performance ratings from various ratings, and show the teams' chances of winning in battle. Allows you to see who you are playing with on a team and see who you are playing against.

This mod shows the total amount of HP of all players, allows you to determine at the end of the battle how much HP your allies have left approximately or exactly. It’s just that sometimes, having a superiority in the number of players, it seems to you that the battle is predetermined, you can make an unnecessary mistake and lose, but you know that your teammates have, for example, little HP left and you will already correctly distribute your efforts to win .

Various improved tank icons in the teams' ears. You can choose among three options.

Seven different pictures of the sixth sense for your choice.

Voice of the sixth sense:

  • quiet,
  • average,
  • loud.

Voice timer for 10 seconds.

Three types of different icons in the team's ears.

Seven different sixth sense icons.

The asterisk is an indicator of the player's danger.

Personal damage log.

In general, there is not a single unnecessary mod in this assembly; all the mods from Jove are very useful, both in battles and in the hangar, and will greatly help in all your battles.

Mod build updates from Jove:

10.06.2016 up to version 26.7

  • HVM was updated to a stable version, all bugs were fixed;

10.06.2016 up to version 26.6

  • adaptation to update 0.9.17;
  • The tweaker and filters in the carousel are not working yet, we will fix it today;

05/28/2016 to version 26.3
* reduced the number of game client crashes
* sight settings optimized
* fixed missing CD indicator in the standard sight
* fixed operation of filters in the hangar
* improved loading speed of the game client in some cases
* updated PMOD
* updated Wargaming.FM
* updated replay manager
* updated command HP counter
* fixed some problems in the mode for displaying LBZ in battle
* GambitER damage log updated (including for greater compatibility with fortified areas)
* optimized WN8 counting in battle
* XVM updated to version
* other minor fixes

04/01/2016 to version 25.4:

  • adapted for micro-updates dated 04/01/2016;
  • HVM updated;
  • mods updated;

03/25/2016 to version 25.3:

  • adapted for micro-updates dated March 25, 2016;
  • HVM updated;
  • mods updated;

03/11/2016 to version 25.2:

  • HVM updated;
  • P-mod updated;
  • added WN8 calculator;
  • added damage log in chat;
  • updated ShowVehicle mod;

03/10/2016 to version 25.1:

  • Freezes when switching tanks and entering the hangar have been fixed;
  • Fixed broken chat in the hangar;

12/19/2015 to version 24.4:

  • many mods updated;
  • bugs fixed;

12/17/2015 to version 24.2:

  • updated LBZ mod;
  • XVM updated;
  • Gambiter damage log updated;
  • Jove's hangar has been fixed;
  • mods and skins optimized;

12/15/2015 to version 24.1:

  • Fixed bug with empty chat;

12/04/2015 to version 23.5:

  • HVM updated;
  • Freezes in the hangar have been removed;
  • P-mod updated;
  • the shot blocking mod has been returned;
  • updated penetration skins;
  • fixed a bug in the death sight;
  • various minor fixes and improvements;

11/23/2015 to version 23.3:

  • added an extended version of the modpack;
  • HVM updated;
  • mods updated;
  • bugs and crashes fixed;

11/19/2015 to version 23.2:

  • HVM updated to version 6.1.6;
  • updated P-mod;
  • Gambiter log updated;
  • Fixed missing mod settings;
  • Fixed a bug with the F5 key in battle;

11/17/2015 to version 23.1:

  • HVM updated;
  • bugs in the list of LBZ and fortifications have been fixed;
  • fixed gold tanks mod;

11/17/2015 to version 23.0:

  • adapted for 0.9.17;

09/06/2015 to version 21.2:

  • added an extended version of the modpack;
  • HVM updated;
  • mods updated;

09/02/2015 to version 21.1:

  • GambitER damage log returned
  • removed CD art in chat
  • fixed texture compression in WoT Tweaker Plus
  • replay manager updated
  • updated Wargaming.FM in-game radio mod
  • XVM updated to version 6.1.4-r4777
  • tank icon mod temporarily disabled

07/17/2015 to version 20.2:

  • added an extended version of the modpack;

07/14/2015 to version 20.1:

  • XVM updated to version 6.1.3-r4614;
  • updated penetration skins;
  • GambitER damage log updated;

07/14/2015 to version 20.0:

  • adapted for 0.9.17;

06/17/2015 to version 19.5:

  • HVM updated;
  • updated alternative minimap mod;
  • updated P-mod installation;
  • The camera bug has been eliminated;
  • DamageLog from Gambiter updated;
  • updated command HP mod;

06/02/2015 to version 19.4:

  • modpack updated for the new mode and updates;
  • notifications about the results of the battle have been returned to the chat;
  • the extended auto sight display mod has been returned;
  • added a new skin to P-mod;
  • many mods updated;

05/29/2015 to version 19.3:

  • added an extended version of the modpack;

05/26/2015 to version 19.1:

  • fixed white fog on the Westfield map;
  • fixed camera distance after tank death;
  • Fixed tank icons;
  • updated command HP mod;

05/26/2015 to version 19.0:

  • adapted for 0.9.8;

05/09/2015 to version 18.9:

  • XVM updated to version 6.1.1;
  • many bugs fixed;
  • WOT TWEAKER Plus updated;
  • updated chat history mod;

05/04/2015 to version 18.8:

  • XVM updated;
  • many mods updated;
  • WOT TWEAKER Plus updated;
  • Gambiter damage panel updated;
  • updated tank damage calculator mod;

04/26/2015 to version 18.5:

  • XVM updated;
  • many mods updated;
  • extended version added.

04/23/2015 to version 18.4:

  • XVM updated;
  • updated Molneri sight;
  • Firefly mod has been removed due to unstable operation;
  • removed stream notification mod;

04/22/2015 to version 18.3:

  • Fixed a bug with exit to the hangar after the battle;
  • Fixed WOT Twealer Plus crash;
  • fixed empty research tree;

02/27/2015 to version 17.5:

  • XVM has been updated to 6.0.1, its speed has been increased;
  • Fixed causes of freezes and bugs;
  • Fixed notifications about gold streams;
  • updated mod "Armor";
  • updated penetration skins;
  • Fixed a bug with installing extended auto-aim display;
  • The game crashes due to compressed textures after the release of the latest update have been removed.

Installing mods from Jove:

  • download the archive with the mod installer from the link below
  • unzip the installer and run it
  • specify the path to the folder with the World of Tanks client and select the necessary mods
  • enjoy the game

IMPORTANT! To remove freezing after battle, you need to disable XMQP (communication with allies) in the XVM settings on the modxvm website. Log in there with your account and turn off this option (uncheck the box next to it).