How much should pregnant women take iodomarin? Recommendations for the use of "Iodomarin" for pregnant women

The socket has two phases

According to statistics, more than 70% of the population is iodine deficient. This deficiency is especially pronounced in areas remote from sea coasts. In addition, the shortage of an important substance is worsening at a time when a woman is pregnant, since the need for iodine doubles during this difficult period. Let's figure out whether it is possible to take Iodomarin during pregnancy, and how it should be done.

A lack of element No. 53 from the periodic table can provoke serious diseases. Prevention of micronutrient deficiency during pregnancy is carried out throughout the entire gestation period. Therefore, Iodomarin is prescribed to most women during pregnancy. But not everyone can take this remedy, so self-medication is unacceptable.

Consumption standards

According to WHO, the minimum daily dose of iodine for an adult is 100 mcg. At the same time, we receive no more than 50 mcg from food. For this reason, a microelement deficiency occurs.

During pregnancy, the body's need for iodine increases. A woman expecting a baby needs not 100, but 200 or even 250 mcg. For this reason, doctors prescribe additional iodine supplements for most expectant mothers. This may be Iodomarin or its analogue.

Element value

Iodine is necessary for the body to ensure normal functions of the thyroid gland, which produces a number of hormones that regulate various body functions. With a lack of hormones, they suffer from:

  • the immune system,
  • heart,

A person feels constant weakness, his memory deteriorates, sexual desire disappears, and irritability appears. During pregnancy, not only the mother's body suffers from iodine deficiency, but also the developing fetus. Therefore, most women must take iodine supplements during this period. Let's figure out why this microelement is needed at different stages of pregnancy.

In the early stages

The first weeks of pregnancy are a very difficult time. During this period, the formation of embryonic organs occurs, so a deficiency of any substances necessary for the development of the fetus negatively affects its development.

Advice! The most serious consequence of iodine deficiency in the early stages is underdevelopment of the fetal brain. A child with such a pathology will lag behind in mental development.

In addition, iodine preparations are recommended for use during this period, since their use reduces the risk of miscarriage and miscarriage.

In the later stages

The need to take iodine supplements in the early stages is clear. But until when should I take Iodomarin or its analogue? As a rule, you have to take the drug for a long time, namely, throughout the entire period of gestation, as well as during the feeding period, since the need for iodine remains consistently high throughout this time.

Microelement deficiency in the second and third trimester can lead to:

  • to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus;
  • development of congenital hypothyroidism;
  • the appearance of other serious developmental defects, in particular in the skeletal structure.

Advice! Iodine deficiency during lactation can lead to a lack of milk or a complete cessation of milk production.

How to use?

We figured out why you need to take iodine supplements. It remains to figure out how to do this. First of all, you need to remember that you cannot take Iodomarin or its analogue on your own.

Such drugs are prescribed by specialists, since there are contraindications to their use. It is impossible to say exactly how much iodine a person needs without first conducting tests. Therefore, the dosage is prescribed individually.

As already noted, on average, a pregnant woman’s body needs 200 or 250 mcg of iodine per day. The instructions, which are located inside the box, contain the following information: the “Iodomarin 200” tablet contains 200 mcg of iodine.

Advice! If you purchased the drug “Iodomarin 100”, and you are prescribed a dosage of 200 mcg of iodine per day, then you will need to take two tablets of “Iodomarin 100”. Since one tablet of this drug contains 100 mcg of iodine.

However, you need to remember that the instructions for the drug give general recommendations, and only a specialist can decide how much iodine a particular woman’s body requires after studying the test results. That is, the dosage is prescribed individually.

Precautionary measures

The maximum possible daily dose of iodine is 1000 mcg, so a drug containing 100 or 200 mcg of this important microelement is recommended for use without fear. Such doses will not harm the child or woman, even if there is no iodine deficiency in the body, the excess microelement will simply be eliminated naturally.

However, there are conditions in which you cannot drink Iodomarin or an analogue even in the minimum dosage (100 mcg). The product is prohibited for use:

  • with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, as a result of which this organ produces more hormones than necessary;
  • with hypersensitivity to iodine;
  • with a functioning thyroid adenoma.

In case of hypothyroidism, iodine preparations can be taken only if the disease is caused by a deficiency of the microelement. If the causes of the disease are different, then it is necessary to prescribe replacement therapy, that is, taking artificial hormones.

Negative side effects when taking iodine preparations are extremely rare; as a rule, they are associated with individual intolerance to the drug. But if too many tablets are accidentally taken, symptoms of overdose may appear.

  • digestive disorders - diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • redness of mucous membranes.

In case of overdose, medical attention is required.


If you were unable to purchase Iodomarin, then you can take its analogue instead. These may be the following drugs:

  • Potassium iodide,
  • Microiodide,
  • Antistrumin,
  • Iodine balance and others.

When choosing an analogue, you need to pay attention to the content of the active substance in the tablets. Most preparations contain 100 or 200 mcg of microelement.

Many women are prescribed Iodomarin during pregnancy. This drug eliminates iodine deficiency in the body. And this element is extremely important both for the health of the expectant mother and for the development of the unborn baby. But, despite the benefits of the drug for the body, it should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor, since there are contraindications to its use.

Iodomarin 100, 200 – instructions for use, reviews, price, cheap analogues. Can I take the medicine during pregnancy? How many tablets should children take?

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Iodomarin is a drug iodine, which is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by iodine deficiency (for example, endemic goiter), as well as for the prevention of iodine deficiency during periods of increased need for it (for example, during pregnancy and adolescence). In addition, Iodomarin is used to treat iodine deficiency and diffuse euthyroid goiter in children and adults.

Varieties, names, composition and release forms

Currently, Iodomarin is available in Russia in two varieties, which are called Iodomarin 100 And Iodomarin 200. These varieties differ from each other only in the number in the name and the dosage of the active component. There are no other differences between Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200, so, in essence, these varieties are just the same drug with different dosages of the active substance and different names. The situation with the varieties of Iodomarin can be described using an example: if domestically produced Paracetamol, produced in dosages of 200 mg and 500 mg, had different names for each dosage - Paracetamol 200 and Paracetamol 500, respectively, then this would be the same situation as with Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200.

But since in the official register medicines drugs with the names “Iodomarin 100” and “Iodomarin 200” are registered as separate drugs, then we are also forced to classify them as varieties of the same drug, although, in fact, these varieties are nothing more than different dosages of the same drug. Since, in fact, Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are the same drug with different dosages of the active component, in the future we will refer to both varieties with the common name “Iodomarin”, which is widely used in everyday life.

In the past, there was another type of drug in Russia - Iodomarin for children, which were chewable pieces designed specifically for children. But at present, Iodomarin for children has not undergone the re-registration procedure, as a result of which it is absent from the domestic pharmaceutical market. In principle, Iodomarin for children is no different from Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200, except for the name and dosage of the active substance. Therefore, all the properties and characteristics of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 can be extended to Iodomarin for children.

Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are available in the same and only dosage form - tablets for oral administration. Tablets of both varieties of Iodomarin have a flat-cylindrical round shape, painted white or almost white, equipped with a score on one side and a bevel (beveled edge of the tablet). Iodomarin 100 is available in plastic bottles of 50 or 100 pieces. Iodomarin 200 is available in blisters of 50 or 100 pieces per pack.

The composition of Iodomarin as an active substance includes potassium iodide in different dosages. Iodomarin 100 contains 131 mcg of potassium iodide per tablet, which corresponds to 100 mcg of pure iodine. Iodomarin 200 contains 262 mcg of potassium iodide per tablet, which corresponds to 200 mcg of pure iodine.

Both varieties of Iodomarin contain the same following substances as auxiliary components:

  • Highly dispersed silicon dioxide (colloidal);
  • Gelatin;
  • Carboxymethyl starch sodium salt;
  • Lactose monohydrate;
  • Magnesium carbonate basic light;
  • Magnesium stearate.

Iodomarin dosages

Currently, Yodomarin is available on the Russian pharmaceutical market in two dosages - 100 mg and 200 mg of pure iodine.

Therapeutic effect

Iodine is a microelement necessary for normal life, which must be supplied to the body with food and water. Iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones (T3 - triiodothyronine and T4 - thyroxine), which ensure normal metabolism and also regulate the functioning of the brain, reproductive (ovaries in women and testes in men) and mammary glands, nervous and cardiovascular systems . In addition, thyroid hormones ensure normal growth and development of the child both in the prenatal period and after birth and until adulthood.

Iodine deficiency leads to diseases of the thyroid gland and, accordingly, to disruption of the functioning of all organs and systems, the functioning of which is regulated by thyroid hormones (ovaries in women, testicles in men, mammary glands, brain, nervous system, heart and blood vessels). Iodine deficiency is especially dangerous for children, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Thus, iodine deficiency in children and adolescents leads to short stature, developmental delays, poor school performance, puberty disorders, and aggressiveness. Teenage girls with iodine deficiency experience menstrual irregularities. Lack of iodine in pregnant women can lead to fetal death, developmental delays, miscarriages, and also to the birth of a mentally retarded baby. Iodine deficiency in nursing mothers leads to impaired milk production, improper functioning of the ovaries, heart, blood vessels, brain, as well as a delay in the development of the child.

Iodine entering the body as a result of taking Iodomarin replenishes iodine deficiency due to its low content in food, preventing diseases of the thyroid gland and other organs, the functioning of which is regulated by thyroid hormones. Thanks to this, the size and functioning of the thyroid gland is normalized, as well as the work of other organs and systems that depend on the action of thyroid hormones.

Daily iodine requirement for an adult is 150 – 200 mcg. But on average, Russian residents consume only 40 - 60 mcg of iodine per day, as a result of which 80% of the population has a deficiency of this element, the manifestations of which are very diverse - from goiter to cretinism. Low iodine consumption is due to its low content in drinking water and food. Therefore, almost all residents of Russia can be recommended to periodically take iodine preparations to compensate for the deficiency of this microelement in the body.

After ingestion, iodine is absorbed into the blood almost completely from the small intestine. From the blood, iodine enters all tissues of the body, but is mainly distributed in the thyroid gland, kidneys, stomach, mammary and salivary glands. In these organs, the microelement is integrated into enzymes and hormones that regulate their work. Iodine also penetrates through the placenta to the fetus and into mother's milk. Excess iodine is excreted from the body mainly with urine and partly with saliva, secretions of the bronchial and sweat glands. When the amount of iodine in the body reaches the optimal level, all its excess, coming from food or medications, is completely eliminated.

Indications for use

Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are indicated for use in the same following conditions or diseases:
  • Prevention of iodine deficiency to prevent the formation of endemic goiter caused by it (especially in children, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers);
  • Prevention of goiter recurrence after its surgical removal or after completion of a course of therapy with thyroid hormones;
  • Treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter caused by iodine deficiency in children, adolescents and adults under 40 years of age.

Iodomarin (Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200) – instructions for use

The rules for using Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are the same, so we will consider them together, denoting both types of the drug with the same name “Iodomarin”.

How to use?

Iodomarin tablets should be taken after meals, washed down with a sufficient amount of non-carbonated clean water (at least half a glass). The tablets can be broken and divided into halves according to the score on one side to obtain the required dosage. It is advisable to swallow the tablet whole, but if for some reason this is impossible, then it is better not to chew it, but to dissolve it in milk or juice, and then drink the resulting ready-made solution of the drug. Dissolving the tablet is recommended as the optimal route of administration for young children. The tablet dissolves easily in liquids, so in order to give the drug to an infant or an adult, it can be mixed into any drink (water, juice, milk, etc.) or liquid food (soup, puree, broth, milk, formula) etc.).

The entire daily dosage of Iodomarin should be taken at one time in the morning. It is optimal to take the tablets after breakfast, but if this is not possible, then you can take the drug at any time before lunch (before 12:00 - 13:00 hours). It is not advisable to take Iodomarin in the afternoon and evening, as it can cause difficulty falling asleep, as it has a slight invigorating effect.

Dosages of Iodomarin depend on the reason for which the drug is taken, as well as on the age of the person and his physiological state (for example, pregnancy, active growth in adolescence, etc.). Consider the dosages of Iodomarin for people of different ages under various conditions.

Prevention of iodine deficiency and goiter growth. Iodomarin is recommended to be taken in the following dosages:

  • Newborns (children from birth to one year) and children under 12 years of age - it is recommended to give 50 - 100 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to half or one whole tablet of Yodomarin 100 and half of a tablet of Yodomarin 200) once a day;
  • Children over 12 years of age and adults (men and women who are not breastfeeding or pregnant) - it is recommended to take 100 - 200 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200) once a day day;
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women - it is recommended to take 200 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to two Iodomarin 100 tablets and one Iodomarin 200 tablet) once a day.
Prevention of re-formation of goiter after its surgical removal or successful conservative treatment. Iodomarin is recommended to be taken by both children and adults, regardless of age, in the same dosage of 100 - 200 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200).

Treatment of euthyroid diffuse goiter in children and adults. Iodomarin is recommended to be taken in the following dosages for people of different ages:

  • Newborns (children from birth to one year) and children aged from one to 18 years - it is recommended to take 100 - 200 mcg of iodine per day (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200);
  • Adults aged 18 - 40 years - it is recommended to take 300 - 500 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to 3 - 5 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and 1.5 - 2.5 tablets of Iodomarin 200) once a day.

How much to drink Iodomarin?

Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are taken continuously for several years to prevent the following conditions: iodine deficiency, primary goiter formation, as well as secondary goiter formation (relapse) after treatment (surgical or therapeutic). If a person lives in a region deficient in iodine (that is, water and food products grown in the area using local water have low iodine content), then prophylactic use of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 can be continued throughout life.

However, despite the deficiency of iodine in water almost throughout Russia, it is still recommended to carefully take Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 to prevent the formation of goiter and recurrence of goiter after treatment. After all, iodine is not a completely harmless element that can be taken in large quantities, hoping that the excess will be eliminated from the body without harm or consequences. Thus, long-term use of iodine preparations can lead to its excess in the body, as a result of which the so-called phenomena develop. "yodism" which are manifested by a runny nose, bronchitis, gastroenteritis, urticaria, elevated body temperature, swelling, increased salivation, lacrimation and acne on the skin. This means that when taking Iodomarin prophylactically, you need to monitor your own condition, and if signs of “iodism” appear, you must immediately stop taking the drug. After a few months, when the symptoms of iodism have passed, you can again start taking Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 for prevention.

In general, the duration of prophylactic administration of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 is optimally determined not by theoretical calculations, but on the basis of the concentration of iodine in the blood. That is, during the period of taking Iodomarin, it is recommended to determine the concentration of iodine in the blood approximately once every three months. And if the iodine concentration remains normal and does not approach the upper limit of normal, then you can safely continue taking Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 for prevention. But if the iodine concentration in the blood is higher than normal or near the upper limit of normal, then Yodomarin should be discontinued for several months. After a 3-6 month break, you need to determine the iodine concentration in the blood again, and if it has dropped to the lower limit of normal, then you can start taking Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 prophylactically again.

The duration of taking Iodomarin for the treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter depends on the age of the patient. Thus, the duration of therapy for goiter in newborns under one year of age is on average 2–4 weeks, and in adolescents and adults – 6–12 months. In principle, the duration of taking Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 for the treatment of diffuse goiter is determined by the attending endocrinologist based on the condition of the thyroid gland.

special instructions

Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 tablets contain lactose as one of the auxiliary components. Therefore, people suffering from congenital galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose/galactose malabsorption syndrome should avoid taking Iodomarin.


An overdose of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 is possible. Moreover, an overdose can be acute and chronic (long-term). Acute overdose develops when a large amount of Iodomarin is taken at once, and chronic overdose occurs when the drug is used for a long time (for example, several years in a row without breaks) in normal prophylactic doses.

Acute overdose manifested by staining of the mucous membranes in a brown color, reflex vomiting (vomit may be colored blue-violet if the food contained starch-containing products, such as potatoes, bread, pasta, etc.), abdominal pain, diarrhea (often with blood). In severe poisoning, dehydration (dehydration) due to diarrhea and vomiting, and shock may develop. Also, in case of acute overdose, esophageal stenosis may develop in rare cases.

Chronic overdose manifested by the phenomenon of the development of "iodism", which is characterized by the following symptoms: metallic taste in the mouth, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of various organs (runny nose, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, bronchitis), urticaria, fever, hemorrhages in the skin, increased salivation, lacrimation, acne skin rash, exfoliative dermatitis (formation of blisters followed by peeling). Latent infectious diseases (for example, tuberculosis, which occurs in an erased form) can become more active with iodism.

Treatment of acute overdose with Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 is carried out in stages. First of all, the stomach is washed with a solution of protein, starch or 5% sodium thiosulfate solution until traces of iodine are completely removed. Next, symptomatic therapy is carried out for disturbances in water and electrolyte balance (rehydration solutions are given, for example, Regidron, Humana Electrolyte, Trisol, etc.), and, if necessary, anti-shock measures.

Therapy for chronic overdose and the phenomena of “iodism” consists of discontinuing the use of Iodomarin.

In addition, cases of iodine-induced hypothyroidism and iodine-induced hyperthyroidism also include cases of iodomarin overdose. Iodine-induced hypothyroidism is a condition in which, due to taking Iodomarin, the level of thyroid hormones in the blood falls below normal.

Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism is a condition in which, due to the use of Iodomarin, the level of thyroid hormones in the blood increases above normal. Iodine-induced (caused by iodine intake) hyperthyroidism is not an overdose of Iodomarin in literally words. This type of hyperthyroidism is relative because it is caused by taking iodine in amounts that are normal for other people, but are too high for that particular person.

Treatment of iodine-induced (caused by iodine intake) hypothyroidism consists of discontinuing the use of Iodomarin and other iodine preparations, followed by the use of thyroid hormones under the supervision of a physician.

Treatment of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism depends on the severity of the condition. In mild cases of hyperthyroidism, treatment is not carried out at all, since normalization of the condition will occur on its own, without drug intervention. In severe forms of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism, treatment is aimed at suppressing the activity of the thyroid gland. In the most severe cases of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism, intensive therapy is carried out in intensive care, plasmapheresis and surgical removal of the thyroid gland.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 do not impair the ability to control mechanisms, therefore, while using both drugs, a person can engage in any type of activity, including those requiring high reaction speed and concentration.

Interaction with other drugs

Taking Iodomarin can reduce or increase the effectiveness of thyreostatic drugs (Thiamazole, Thiocyanate, Perchlorate, etc.) used to treat hyperthyroidism. Thus, a decrease in the concentration of iodine in the blood (iodine deficiency in the body) increases the effectiveness of thyreostatic drugs, and an increase in the concentration of iodine in the blood above the norm, on the contrary, reduces the effectiveness of thyreostatic drugs. Therefore, during the entire period of use of thyreostatic drugs, it is necessary to refrain from taking Iodomarin and other drugs containing iodine.

In turn, thyreostatic drugs inhibit the transition of iodine into an organic compound, and therefore can cause the formation of goiter. For this reason, the simultaneous use of thyreostatic drugs and Iodomarin is also not recommended.

It is not recommended to take lithium preparations simultaneously with Iodomarin, since their combination contributes to the development of goiter and hypothyroidism (a condition in which the level of thyroid hormones in the blood is below normal).

Taking Iodomarin in combination with potassium-sparing diuretics (Veroshpiron, Spironolactone, etc.) can lead to hyperkalemia (the level of potassium in the blood is higher than normal).

Iodomarin during pregnancy

Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are approved and recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding as drugs that prevent and replenish iodine deficiency during periods of increased need for it in the woman’s body. Therefore, taking Iodomarin is recommended by gynecologists to almost all pregnant women. It is especially important to take Iodomarin or other iodine preparations during pregnancy for women living in regions deficient in iodine. And since approximately 80% of the territory of Russia is iodine deficient, almost all pregnant women in the Russian Federation need to take Iodomarin for prevention throughout pregnancy.

Iodine is a very important trace element that ensures both the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. So, with iodine deficiency in the body, pregnancy loss is possible (miscarriage, premature birth, intrauterine fetal death, etc.). In addition, iodine deficiency often leads to the birth of mentally retarded children - cretins. The seriousness of the risk of having a cretin due to iodine deficiency during pregnancy can be illustrated by the example of Switzerland.

Back in the 19th century, quite a lot of mentally retarded children - cretins - were born in Switzerland. This situation was observed due to the fact that Switzerland is an iodine-deficient region. This country is one of the most iodine deficient in the world. This means that there is very little iodine in the water and food grown on the country's soil, watered with local water. As a result, residents did not receive the required amount of this microelement, and throughout their lives they suffered from iodine deficiency. Due to iodine deficiency, women often gave birth to cretins, since iodine is necessary for normal brain development in the fetus during pregnancy. But as soon as in the 20th century in Switzerland they began to implement a policy of replenishing iodine deficiency at the state level, enriching drinking water with iodine, iodizing salt and mandatory giving pregnant women potassium iodide preparations, the situation changed radically - the birth of cretins became a very rare occurrence.

Thus, it is obvious that taking Iodomarin during pregnancy and breastfeeding is a very important measure for the prevention of mental retardation in a child and complications of gestation. Therefore, doctors recommend that all pregnant and lactating women take Iodomarin 200 mcg (1 tablet of Iodomarin 200 or 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100) once a day.

It is not worth increasing the dosage of Iodomarin to more than 200 mcg per day during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as this can lead to negative consequences for the child, since iodine passes through the placenta and penetrates into mother's milk, and its excess is as harmful as its deficiency. And the dosage of 200 mcg is balanced, since it does not allow an overdose, since the optimal doses of iodine consumption, established by WHO, are 150 - 300 mcg per day. And even if a woman receives another 100 mcg of iodine with water and food in addition to 200 mcg from Iodomarin, this amount will not exceed the optimal amount established by WHO.

The only situations when pregnant and lactating women can and should increase the dosage of Iodomarin is the prevention of radiation sickness, carried out after accidents in the area of ​​nuclear technology.

Iodomarin for children

Since iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, which control the functioning of many organs and systems, it is obvious that for normal growth and development a child needs a daily supply of this microelement in optimal quantities corresponding to the daily requirement. And since Russia is a region deficient in iodine, a child often does not receive the amount of iodine he needs with food and water. The consequence of this is bad mood, poor performance at school, aggressiveness, mood swings, disturbances in the process of puberty, interruptions in heart function, etc. Therefore, pediatricians and endocrinologists recommend giving children in Russia Iodomarin or other iodine preparations for prevention.
Dosages of Iodomarin for the prevention of primary and secondary (relapse after treatment) goiter for children of different ages are as follows:
  • Newborns (children from birth to one year) and children under 12 years of age - it is recommended to give 50 - 100 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 100 and half of a tablet of Iodomarin 200) once a day;
  • Children over 12 years old - it is recommended to take 100 - 200 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200) once a day.
Theoretically, taking Iodomarin for prophylaxis can be continued for as long as desired, including throughout life. However, experienced doctors still recommend a cautious approach to taking Iodomarin, and not allowing its continuous and very long-term use, since an excess of iodine in the body is just as dangerous as a deficiency, as it causes symptoms of chronic poisoning, called “iodism”. “Iodism” is manifested by fever, lacrimation, salivation, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of various organs (bronchitis, runny nose, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, etc.), as well as urticaria, acne.

Therefore, experienced doctors recommend taking Iodomarin prophylactically, regularly monitoring the level of iodine in the blood (once every three months). If the iodine concentration in the blood is higher than normal or at the upper limit of normal, then taking Iodomarin should be stopped for 3 to 6 months. After the break, the iodine concentration in the blood should be determined again, and if it drops below normal or to the lower limit of normal, then you should start taking Iodomarin again for prophylaxis.

For the treatment of euthyroid diffuse goiter in children Iodomarin is recommended to take 100 - 200 mcg of iodine per day (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200).

The duration of therapy for diffuse euthyroid goiter in children under one year of age is 2–4 weeks, and in children over one year of age – 6–12 months. In general, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor based on the condition of the thyroid gland.

Iodomarin for prevention

Preventive use of Iodomarin is recommended for all people living in regions deficient in iodine. Iodine-deficient regions are areas where water and products grown using local water contain little iodine. In Russia, 80% of regions are iodine deficient.

When living in regions deficient in iodine, taking Iodomarin allows you to compensate for the lack of this microelement in food and water, and provide the body with the necessary amount. Therefore, all residents of Russia are recommended to periodically take Iodomarin for prophylaxis in long courses. One preventative course can last 6–12 months, after which it is recommended to take a break for several months, then take Iodomarin again, and so on throughout life.

There are claims that Iodomarin can be taken continuously throughout one’s life for prophylaxis, without interruption. Theoretically this is possible. However, experienced doctors and scientists recommend refraining from this practice, since it can lead to excess iodine in the body, which is just as harmful as a deficiency of this trace element. After all, excess iodine can provoke the phenomenon of “iodism”, manifested by elevated temperature, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of various organs (runny nose, gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis, bronchitis, etc.), salivation, lacrimation, acne, urticaria, etc. Therefore, experienced doctors recommend taking Iodomarin for prophylaxis intermittently.

In general, when taking Iodomarin prophylactically, it is optimal to focus on the level of iodine in the blood, determined every three months during the period of use of the drug. If the iodine concentration in the blood is at the upper limit of normal or higher than normal, then taking the drug should be stopped for several months. Repeated administration of Iodomarin begins when the iodine concentration in the blood drops to the lower limit of normal or below normal.

In addition, before you start taking Iodomarin for prevention, you need to carefully study the composition of multivitamin complexes that are currently being taken. If the complex already contains iodine, then Iodomarin may not be needed at all, or it may be needed in a much smaller dosage. In this case, the recommended dosage of Iodomarin is reduced by the amount of mcg that is present in the multivitamin complex.

Side effects

With the preventive and therapeutic use of Iodomarin at any age, as a rule, no side effects are observed, since the drug is well tolerated. However, in rare cases, when taking Iodomarin in recommended dosages or, much more often, when taking the drug in doses exceeding the recommended ones, the phenomenon of “iodism” may develop as a side effect. "Iodism" is manifested by the following symptoms:
  • Swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of various organs (runny nose, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, etc.);
  • Increased body temperature ("iodine fever");
  • Acne on the skin (“iodine acne”);
  • Metallic taste in the mouth;
  • Hives;
  • Hemorrhages into the skin;
  • Increased salivation;
  • Tearing.
In addition, in very rare cases, Iodomarin can cause the following side effects:
  • Exfoliative dermatitis;
  • Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism (thyroid dysfunction).
Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, as a rule, develops when taking Iodomarin in elderly patients who have suffered from goiter for a long time.

Contraindications for use

Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are contraindicated for use if an adult or child has the following diseases or conditions:
  • Individual hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to any components of the drugs;
  • Manifest hyperthyroidism (the level of thyroid hormones in the blood is higher than normal), manifested by clinical symptoms;
  • Latent hyperthyroidism (not manifested by clinical symptoms) - taking Iodomarin in dosages above 150 mcg per day is contraindicated;
  • Toxic adenoma of the thyroid gland and nodular goiter (the use of Iodomarin in doses of more than 300 mcg per day is contraindicated), with the exception of cases of preoperative iodine therapy for the purpose of blocking the thyroid gland according to Plummer;
  • Dühring's senile dermatitis.
In addition, you should not use Iodomarin for hypothyroidism (the level of thyroid hormones in the blood is below normal), except in cases where it is caused by a clear iodine deficiency.

It is also necessary to avoid taking Iodomarin during treatment with radioactive iodine and if there is suspicion of thyroid cancer.

Iodomarin: action, dosage, side effects, contraindications, use in pregnant women, children (doctor's recommendations) - video

Analogues of the drug

Analogues of Iodomarin are only drugs that also contain iodine as an active component. Accordingly, all analogues of Iodomarin are synonymous drugs containing the same active substance.

Currently, the following drugs analogues of Iodomarin are available on the domestic pharmaceutical market:

  • 9 months Potassium iodide tablets;
  • Antistrumin tablets;
  • Iodine Vitrum tablets;
  • Iodine Vitrum for children chewable tablets;
  • Iodandine tablets;
  • Iodine balance tablets;
  • Potassium iodide tablets;
  • Microiodide tablets.

Analogue is cheaper than Yodomarin

Unfortunately, there are currently no analogues on the domestic pharmaceutical market that would be significantly cheaper than Iodomarin. Somewhat cheaper than Iodomarin - only potassium iodide tablets (about 20 - 30% cheaper than Iodomarin) and Iodbalance (10 - 20% cheaper than Iodomarin).

Iodine is an important element for the body. Without it, normal life activity is impossible. It is involved in many internal processes and ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

This substance can mainly be obtained from food, but not all regions can boast of sufficient iodine content in soil and water. Therefore, women are often prescribed Iodomarin during pregnancy. It will help compensate for the lack of microelements in the body.

Proper nutrition helps saturate the body with all the necessary elements. However, modern fruits and vegetables contain insufficient amounts of minerals and vitamins, especially iodine.

Not on every table you can regularly find foods rich in this component ( sea ​​fish, seaweed), and iodized salt is not sold in every store. Iodine is an unstable substance and is destroyed by heat treatment.

Therefore, “Iodomarin 200” when planning pregnancy is a frequent recommendation of most doctors. This is explained simply:

To avoid many problems, it is imperative to take Iodomarin 200 even before pregnancy in order to prepare the body for bearing a healthy child.

Prescribing medication during pregnancy

A pregnant woman does not have the right to make a decision about taking any drug on her own. This is the prerogative of the attending physician, who will order tests and, based on their results, prescribe what the mother and baby need.

  • when to start drinking;
  • what is the dosage for a particular pregnant woman;
  • what diet is better to follow.

“Iodomarin 200” is the standard daily dose for most pregnant women, but there may be exceptions. You should not stop taking the drug: it will not cause harm, and a lack of iodine can cause errors in the development of the fetal brain.

Another danger of deficiency is pregnancy failure due to the body’s desire to get rid of excess load. Therefore, all expectant mothers should take Iodomarin 200.

Dosage of the drug

Those who think that the dosage is determined according to the instructions of the drug and can independently prescribe a treatment regimen are mistaken. You should drink Iodomarin only after consulting a doctor.

How much to drink and for how long is influenced by many factors. Among them:

  • results of blood tests for hormones;
  • gestational age;
  • general health;
  • region of residence of the pregnant woman;
  • result of ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

Only after this the doctor will decide whether you can drink Iodomarin and what dosage is needed. Usually prescribed 200 mg per day (one tablet). If the dose of one tablet is 100 mg, you need to take 2.

You need to take the drug after meals, wash it down with water. During pregnancy, be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations and not exceed the dose. An overdose is fraught with vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea. The mucous membranes turn brown. An allergy to iodine or esophageal stenosis may occur.

All these manifestations are dangerous during pregnancy, and therefore you need to drink Iodomarin 200 with caution, without violating the recommendations.

The body's need for iodine does not decrease for 9 months and remains after childbirth. Therefore, “Iodomarin” can be taken during pregnancy and lactation without stopping, if necessary.

“Iodomarin” has several analogues, including “Iodide” or “Potassium Iodide”, as well as “Iodine balance”. They have no fundamental difference, the only difference is in the manufacturer of the drug. If the attending physician allows, you can freely replace them with each other, just clarify the rules of administration and dosage.

Many women are perplexed when a gynecologist prescribes Iodomarin during pregnancy. Since they don’t understand why they need to take a drug containing iodine? How will this help them carry and give birth to a healthy child? To answer these questions, in this article we will look at the dangers of iodine deficiency in the body during pregnancy, and also why gynecologists prescribe Iodomarin 200 during pregnancy.

What are the dangers of iodine deficiency during pregnancy?

Iodine is an element necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. If not enough iodine enters the body, this leads to the gland producing a reduced amount of hormones, and this affects:

  • functioning of the immune system;
  • synthesis of protein necessary for fat metabolism;
  • energy metabolism in the body;
  • functioning of the reproductive system.

Therefore, in order to prevent iodine deficiency, gynecologists prescribe Iodomarin to women during pregnancy. After all, a lack of iodine in the mother’s body negatively affects the formation and development of the motor and hearing systems, the nervous system and the child’s brain.

The fact is that without a sufficient amount of thyroid hormones in the child’s body, his brain will not be able to develop properly. And in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the brain is forming, the baby’s thyroid gland does not yet work, and the child is completely dependent on the level of the mother’s hormones. In order to fully satisfy the mother and child's body's need for hormones, the thyroid gland works double duty and produces 30-40% more hormones than usual. To ensure such intensive work of the thyroid gland, a large amount of iodine must enter the mother's body.

If a pregnant woman develops iodine deficiency, this will lead to delayed psychomotor development and decreased mental abilities in the child in the future. And if a woman develops severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy, and she does not treat it, then there is a high probability that her baby will suffer from impaired psychomotor development, deafness, and severe mental impairment.

Considering the severe consequences of iodine deficiency, a woman should have no doubt about whether to drink Iodomarin during pregnancy. After all, if a doctor prescribes this remedy, then there are prerequisites for it. Insufficient development of the child’s brain and nervous system that occurs during the gestation period cannot be cured in the future. Unfortunately, this is not the only consequence of iodine deficiency in a pregnant woman.

If during pregnancy a woman was prescribed Iodomarin, but did not take it, then due to a lack of iodine in the mother’s body, the baby may be born with thyroid diseases. At 3-4 months of intrauterine development, the thyroid gland is finally formed in the child’s body. For its proper functioning, iodine is necessary, which comes from the mother's body; if this element is not enough, then the newborn develops hypothyroidism (reduced production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland). This disease leads to a slowdown in the child’s development, a decrease in his intelligence, and disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, in particular to constipation.

For women who consciously approach the process of conceiving a child, gynecologists recommend taking Iodomarin when planning a pregnancy. Since iodine deficiency in the body affects the reproductive function of the body and can lead to infertility. If during pregnancy there is a significant decrease in the level of hormones produced by the thyroid gland, this can lead to spontaneous abortion or stillbirth. Since the body is not able to bear a fetus if there are disturbances in fat and protein metabolism. In addition to the complications already listed, the expectant mother may develop severe anemia or gestosis of varying severity. The daily iodine intake of pregnant women should be at least 250 mcg. In order to ensure that the body receives the required amount of iodine, gynecologists prescribe Yodomarin 200 during pregnancy.

How to take Iodomarin before and during pregnancy

Iodomarin is a medicinal preparation containing potassium iodide. Prescribed for the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases caused by insufficient iodine intake in the body. Available in dosages of 100 and 200 mcg per tablet.

When planning pregnancy, Iodomarin 200 is taken one tablet per day. If the dosage of iodine in a tablet is 100 mcg, then drink one tablet in the morning, the second in the evening. The tablet is taken after meals with a glass of water. During the period of bearing a child, the drug is taken in the same way as during planning. The duration of taking the drug is determined by the doctor. In some cases, it is recommended to drink Iodomarin before delivery.

Regular use of Iodomarin 200 during pregnancy will replenish the woman’s body’s daily need for this element and prevent the occurrence of complications during pregnancy, as well as the appearance of abnormalities in the development of the child.

Iodine is not only a universal and affordable antiseptic that can be found in any home medicine cabinet. It is also an essential microelement, the need for which is especially high during pregnancy. Why is iodine so necessary for expectant mothers, and most importantly, in what quantity?

Why is iodine needed during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, in Russia the amount of iodine is critically low, so the residents of this huge country cannot get enough of it from food. According to statistics, about 70% of the entire population lives in a constant state of iodine deficiency.

Probably, for ordinary people, a lack of iodine does not interfere with their lives, at least at first glance. But when it comes to expectant mothers, this problem becomes very acute. It is not difficult to guess why this happens: iodine directly affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, which nobly provides hormones to the body. As you know, hormonal changes and pregnancy are inseparable concepts, and the mother’s body begins to resent when there is not enough iodine, and, accordingly, there is not enough hormones.

Already from the first weeks of pregnancy, the embryo needs a powerful hormonal “foundation”. A poor woman sometimes not only remains without those same thyroid hormones, but also cannot satisfy the growing fetus’ need for them.

Plus, during pregnancy, iodine excretion increases naturally, along with urine.

It is also important to understand that human nature is very wise, and if any serious changes occur at the cellular level, the body tries with all its might to compensate for them. In the body, the hormone thyroxine is present in two forms: free and bound. Bound to speak in simple words, does not play a special role, because it is considered an inactive hormone. It is in complex with certain proteins and cannot fully perform its functions.

But free thyroxine is a useful thing. It is he who works conscientiously, although its amount in the body, compared to thyroxine bound, does not even exceed 1%. But insidious pregnancy requires a large amount of estrogen, and in response to these changes, the amount of bound thyroxine also increases. Free thyroxine at this time behaves in inverse proportion and treacherously decreases.

So it turns out: the expectant mother approached pregnancy responsibly, passed all the examinations, brought her hormonal levels back to normal, when suddenly, after just a few weeks, tests show an acute deficiency of biologically active thyroxine.

Thyroxine is also called T4 because it contains 3 iodine molecules. In addition to this hormone, the body also contains T3, which is less rich in this microelement, but still requires iodine.

What are the consequences of iodine deficiency and, accordingly, deficiency of thyroid hormones?

Firstly, spontaneous termination of pregnancy. When the embryo has just implanted into the uterus, there is no talk of any placenta, and it exists only thanks to thyroid hormones. A constant lack of iodine and hormones can actually lead to miscarriage and miscarriage.

Secondly, serious developmental disabilities. The development of the mental characteristics of the embryo is closely related to the amount of thyroid hormones. If at the time of development of, say, the brain or nervous system, the mother was in a state of iodine deficiency, the formation of cells and tissues may end with malfunctions - defects. Unfortunately, they are often irreversible.

Thirdly, thyroid diseases in an infant. For the time being, the child uses the mother’s resources, but when his thyroid gland is formed, he is already able to produce those same hormones. If there is not enough iodine, this function will be impaired.

Finally, a woman in a state of iodine deficiency experiences constant fatigue, apathy, drowsiness, and overwork. Toxicosis manifests itself very clearly, and severe gestosis can also occur. Lack of iodine is also a direct road to metabolic disorders, which is completely unwelcome when digestive problems and constipation are already making themselves felt.

Signs of iodine deficiency during pregnancy

Unfortunately, most women in labor do not take into account all the obvious signs of iodine deficiency, which are described just above, because they consider them the normal state of a pregnant woman.

In addition to apathy, drowsiness, increased fatigue and a constant feeling of tiredness, iodine deficiency manifests itself in the following:

  • Deterioration of hair condition and hair loss, weakening and brittleness of nails;
  • Dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • Hot temper, memory impairment, difficulty concentrating;
  • Inhibited reactions;
  • Rapid weight gain, swelling;
  • Chills;
  • Reduced immunity;
  • Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation;
  • Cholelithiasis.

Since many women in labor experience at least some of these signs, the best thing you can do is to get regular thyroid exams and monitor your thyroid health.

What foods contain iodine?

Many food products are rich in iodine, provided that the raw materials for them were grown in favorable conditions and all the rules for processing and preparation of the final product were followed. Obviously, in the modern world this is practically impossible: preservatives, GMOs, flavor enhancers and various chemicals turn healthy products into something incomprehensible and completely unhealthy.

The most reliable source of iodine today is iodized salt. This is one of the cheapest and most accessible products that expectant mothers should definitely buy and forget about regular salt. Iodized salt contains potassium iodide, which can prevent iodine deficiency if a woman consumes only 5-6 grams of salt daily.

True, this type of salt is extremely finicky: it requires special storage in opaque packaging (preferably foil), has a short shelf life (up to 3 months) and does not tolerate heat treatment. If the expectant mother really wants to benefit from this product, the food should only be salted when serving.

In addition to salt, fish, cod liver, seafood, seaweed, persimmon, sweet peppers and feijoa can compensate for iodine deficiency. With persimmons and red peppers, as well as with seafood, you need to be careful, not forgetting about possible allergies.

White cabbage and radish, for example, should be forgotten for 9 months: on the contrary, they flush iodine from the body.

Even if the expectant mother consumes iodine-rich foods every day, we must not forget about the examinations. If gastrointestinal diseases are present, there may be difficulties with the absorption of the element in the intestines. In this case, no matter how much you consume this useful microelement, it will still not reach its destination.

Should I take dietary supplements containing iodine?

Fortunately, the pharmaceutical industry offers an abundance of useful nutritional supplements, among which iodine-containing preparations occupy a special place.

Is there a need for them during pregnancy? Having assessed your drowsiness and apathy, you should, of course, not run to the pharmacy. If multiple examinations show that the expectant mother is experiencing iodine deficiency, she will need to undergo another simple diagnostic procedure that will determine whether the woman has hyperthyroidism. After the examination, the doctor may prescribe a supplement. The dosage and course of treatment is determined individually.

If the problem of iodine deficiency is urgent and even eating iodine-rich foods does not help, your doctor may prescribe iodine supplements. The trace element is present in them in a protein-bound state, which allows this “complex” to pass through the digestive tract to the liver. Then, under the action of enzymes, the body takes from there as much iodine as it needs. The rest is eliminated from the body naturally.

Can there be too much iodine?

It must be said that excess iodine is just as dangerous as its deficiency.

If the thyroid gland malfunctions, all incoming iodine accumulates in it, which is not at all good, but quite the opposite. In this case, the microelement will be used for other purposes, which can lead to serious illnesses.

One of the most dangerous consequences is an increase in the growth rate of malignant cells, if there is a predisposition to this. To avoid this, it is recommended to take iodine only in combination with vitamins and other microelements.

Iodine is better absorbed together with vitamins C, D, E, group B, as well as calcium and selenium.

If there is an excess of iodine, the baby may experience a lack of hormones in the thyroid gland. This is dangerous because congenital hypothyroidism may occur.

Contraindications to taking iodine during pregnancy

Iodine is necessary during pregnancy, but its independent use is prohibited, and the doctor must conduct a series of examinations to make sure that the woman has no contraindications to its use.

These include:

  • Kidney diseases;
  • Allergy to iodine-containing drugs;
  • Liver dysfunction;
  • Hyperthyroidism.

As a rule, the problem of excess iodine is rare, but a deficiency of the microelement is found in many pregnant women. Therefore, only a specialist can decide whether the expectant mother needs this microelement or not.

Observation by an endocrinologist is the most important part of pregnancy management. You should think about this specialist long before the test shows “two lines.” Nowadays, many women in labor are faced with the problem of iodine deficiency, and this is very dangerous for both the woman and the child. When planning a pregnancy, you should definitely visit a doctor, and while pregnant, thyroid hormone tests should be taken every 3 months.

The functioning of the thyroid gland largely depends on iodine. Both its deficiency and its deficiency are very dangerous, and no one except the mother herself can take care of timely diagnosis.

Especially for- Olga Pavlova