How Pushkin's love lyrics were revealed: poems written at different ages of the poet. Love lyrics by A.S.

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1. Introduction. A. S. Pushkin is one of the most significant representatives of Russian literature. Many rightly consider him the founder of the modern Russian language. He worked in a wide variety of genres, in each of which he achieved brilliant results.

Any poet is initially considered a romantic person. In fact, all poets, to a greater or lesser extent, developed the genre of love lyrics in their works. What can we say about Pushkin, who, as you know, throughout his short life was an extremely amorous person. The great poet literally idolized women and could not imagine life without them.

Pushkin's love interests constantly got him into trouble. Failures drove him to complete despair. In the end, it was love that brought the poet to the banks of the Black River ...

Without exaggeration, love lyrics can be considered the cornerstone of Pushkin's work. He never separated his life from literature, so he always put his most intimate and exciting thoughts on paper. The great poet's poems about love have become classic for expressing the strongest human feeling.

2. Addressees of Pushkin's love lyrics. Until now, there are disputes about who exactly some of Pushkin's poems are dedicated to. Often the poet had to hide his relationship with famous women in the world, so as not to cause trouble for himself or them. Nevertheless, the "addresses" of most of the poet's love works are precisely established.

Pushkin's most famous love poem is "I remember wonderful moment...", dedicated to A.P. Kern. The poet met her in 1819, when the woman was already married. Six years later, the second meeting took place, during which Kern made an indelible impression on Pushkin, which became a powerful source of inspiration. Unknown , how far this novel went, but the poet dedicated a number of poems to Kern.

Pushkin had the most scandalous connection with E.K. Vorontsova, the wife of the Governor-General Count Vorontsov. The poet started a stormy romance while in southern exile. Such unheard of audacity became the reason for Pushkin's transfer to "home" exile. Lovers secretly corresponded, but immediately destroyed the received letters. The poet expressed the bitterness of separation in the poems "Burned letter", "Keep me, my talisman."

Among other addressees of Pushkin's love poetry, A. I. Osipova, who turned out to be the poet's neighbor during the years of Mikhailovskaya exile, can be noted. In 1827, Pushkin was greatly infatuated with E. N. Ushakova, leaving her a poem "When it used to be in the old days ..." as a keepsake in her album. In 1829, Pushkin wrote the famous work "I loved you ...". Many researchers believe that it is dedicated to the unsuccessful matchmaking of the poet to A. A. Olenina.

Finally, the poet's wife, N. N. Goncharova, became the last "love haven" of Pushkin. He dedicated several poems to her, the most significant of which is Madonna.

3. Features. The poet is often accused of a frivolous attitude towards women and short-term hobbies. This is only partly true. Frequent novels are explained not so much by frivolity as by the wide romantic soul of the poet, who was cramped in the narrow circle of secular propriety. In addition, Pushkin's scandalous fame and unsatisfactory financial situation closed the doors of "decent" families before him.

Long courtship to N. Goncharova is another confirmation of this. On the other hand, Pushkin idolized the Woman with a capital letter. He considered the representatives of the weaker sex to be unearthly creatures. The poet could occasionally allow himself to admire the "female leg", but in general, in his poems, he did not sing of physical beauty. In a sense, for Pushkin, Woman replaced God. The apotheosis of such an attitude can be considered "Madonna", which marks for Pushkin the end of a long search for his true female ideal.

Creativity of A.S. Pushkin is attractive for its novelty. The poet was an innovator in many ways, including in national love lyrics. In his work, he turned to the topics that worried him the most. Among them is the theme of love.

Enjoy the beautiful to the fullest - this principle was shared by Pushkin. All the best of both nature and human life was revealed to his poetic soul. With what ingenious instinct he found beauty in the simplest reality! He was the first to open to us hitherto unknown area of ​​artistic pleasures and the first to seek to ennoble our nature, directing it to sublime thoughts and feelings.

In the field of personal feelings, the rights of the individual are not limited to the ability to enjoy the beautiful. There are higher and more essential rights in human life. Such is the right to love.

The first love page of the poet is Ekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina, sister of Alexander Bakunin, Pushkin's comrade Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. In the summer, Ekaterina Pavlovna stayed in Tsarskoye Selo. In the groves of Tsarskoye Selo, the poet in love searched with reverence for the traces left by "her beautiful foot."

“... And I, yearning hopelessly,
Languishing in the deceit of ardent dreams,
Everywhere I looked for her traces,
Thought about her tenderly
All day waiting for a minute meeting
And I knew the happiness of secret torments.
(from the novel "Eugene Onegin", chapter VIII (from earlier editions)

Pushkin described the beauty of his beloved in the poem "To the Painter".

"The beauty of heavenly innocence,
Hope timid features,
The smile of a lovely darling
And the eyes of beauty itself.

Ekaterina Pavlovna was a girl of strict rules. She was older than her admirer. The poet's love remained unanswered.

In the summer of 1817 at Pushkin's - new love: the poet was carried away by Princess Evdokia Ivanovna Golitsyna. Golitsyna is not a young beauty, but a stately, graceful lady. She is 20 years older than the poet. The love passion passed quickly and already in December 1818, A.I. Turgenev remarked: “It is a pity that Pushkin is no longer in love with her ...” Two Pushkin’s poems are associated with this love story: “An inexperienced lover of foreign lands” and “Prince. Golitsyna. Sending her the ode “Liberty” ”(“ A simple pupil of nature ... ”).

While in exile in Yekaterinoslav, the poet meets the charming Maria Raevskaya. Sea, sun, hot sand, gentle waves. Playing with waves, amazing grace, genuine emotions of the young beauty Maria - all this could not leave the poet indifferent.

“... How I envied the waves,
Running in a stormy line
Lie down at her feet with love!
How I wished then with the waves
Touch the cute feet with your mouth!
"Eugene Onegin", chapter I, stanza XXXIII

It was Maria Raevskaya who later said: “As a poet, he considered it his duty to be in love with all the pretty women and young girls he met. In essence, he adored only his Muse and poeticized everything he saw.

In order to better understand everything that happened to the poet on the "love front", you need to turn to the personality of the author himself. He gave himself to life with all his might, with all his spontaneity. Pushkin is a poet. And that's it. He is a singer of love, beauty, passion. Lyric, inspiration. New impressions, new literary masterpiece, new love.

The poet was liked by women. With them, he became unusually lively, surprisingly eloquent, he was a Poet - and much more insightful than in all his writings.

The love story with Amalia Riznich is one of the brightest pages in the life of Alexander Sergeevich. Amalia was known as an extraordinary beauty. She was tall, graceful, airy. Her eyes were especially remarkable. Or rather, the sparkle of those eyes.

When the lovers had to part, Pushkin was in disarray for a long time. He dedicated the following lines to the charming Amalia:

"My cold hands
They tried to keep you;
The languor of a terrible separation
My groan begged not to be interrupted.
(from the poem "For the shores of the distant homeland ...")

In the concept of "love" Pushkin put something of his own, special. Love, like a sunstroke, overtook him, gave a powerful impetus to emotions and inspiration, gave rise to heartfelt lines. But the blow gradually faded away, the feelings cooled down, and a new beauty appeared on the horizon.

"The genius of pure beauty" for Pushkin was Anna Petrovna Kern. He first saw her in 1819 at a ball in St. Petersburg. Six years later, the poet met her again. At that time, Anna Kern came to stay with her aunt P.A. Osipova, who lived next door to Pushkin in Trigorskoye.

The poem, which many generations of people consider a model of love lyrics, is dedicated to A.P. Kern.

“I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty."

Another standard of the poet's love lyrics is the poem "I loved you." It is dedicated to Anna Alekseevna Olenina. Pushkin loved her very much and wanted her to become his wife. He didn't get rejected. But the circumstances were such that, in the end, Anna Alekseevna was left without a fiancé.

In 1830, Alexander Pushkin married Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova, a young Moscow lady. He is the first poet, she is the first beauty. On February 18, 1831, the wedding takes place. Natalya Nikolaevna is a person whom Alexander Sergeevich trusted unlimitedly, she was his god and muse.

“My wishes have come true. Creator
He sent you down to me, you, my Madonna,
The purest charm of the purest example.
(from the poem "Madonna")

From the first steps of our literature to the present day, there has not been a writer equal to Pushkin in genius. The way he wrote about love was serious, light and penetrating. It's hard to beat him. Love for our brilliant poet is the subject of high poetry. She is out of the hustle and bustle. Perhaps only music can compete with it.

Everything in it is harmony, everything is wonderful,
Everything is higher than the world and passions;
She rests bashfully
In its solemn beauty;
She looks around herself:
She has no rivals, no girlfriends;
Beauties of our pale circle
In her radiance disappears.

Wherever you hurry
At least for a love date,
Whatever you feed in your heart
You are a hidden dream
But when you meet her, embarrassed, you
Suddenly you stop involuntarily
Reverent devoutly
Before the shrine of beauty.

The light of day has gone out...

The light of day has gone out;
Fog fell on the blue evening sea.

I see a distant shore
Lands of noon magical land;
With excitement and longing I strive there,
Drunk with memories...
And I feel: tears were born in my eyes again;
The soul boils and freezes;
A familiar dream flies around me;
I remembered the crazy love of the past,
And everything that I suffered, and everything that is dear to my heart,
Desires and hopes tedious deception ...
Noise, noise, obedient sail,
Wave under me, sullen ocean.
Fly, ship, carry me to the distant limits
At the terrible whim of the deceptive seas,
But not to the sad shores
My foggy homeland
Countries where the flame of passions
For the first time, feelings flared up ...


My voice is for you and gentle and languid
The late silence of the dark night disturbs.
Near my bed is a sad candle
Lit; my poems, merging and murmuring,
Flow, streams of love, flow, full of you.
In the darkness your eyes shine before me,
They smile at me, and I hear sounds:
My friend, my tender friend... I love... yours... yours!..

Will you forgive my jealous dreams...

Will you forgive my jealous dreams
My love's insane excitement?
You are faithful to me: why do you love
Always scare my imagination?
Surrounded by a crowd of fans
Why do you want to seem cute to everyone,
And gives everyone empty hope
Your wonderful gaze, now gentle, now dull?
Having mastered me, darkening my mind,
I am sure of my unfortunate love,
Can't you see when, in their passionate crowd,
Conversations are alien, alone and silent,
I am tormented by lonely vexation;
Not a word to me, not a look... cruel friend!
Do I want to run: with fear and prayer
Your eyes don't follow me.
Does another beauty turn on
Ambiguous conversation with me -
You are calm; your cheerful reproach
It kills me, not expressing love.
Say again: my eternal rival,
Alone forcing me with you,

Burnt letter

Goodbye love letter! goodbye: she said.
How long have I lingered! how long did not want
The hand to set fire to all my joys! ..
But enough, the time has come. Burn, love letter.
I'm ready; my soul does not listen to anything.
Already the greedy flame accepts your sheets ...
Just a minute!.. flared up! blaze - light smoke
Waving, lost with my prayer.
Having lost the impression of the faithful ring,
The melted sealing wax boils... O providence!
It's done! Dark curled sheets;
On light ashes their cherished features
They turn white ... My chest was shy. Ash dear,
A poor joy in my sad fate,
Stay a century with me on a woeful chest ...

Wish for glory

When, intoxicated with love and bliss,
Silently kneeling before you,
I looked at you and thought: you are mine, -
Do you know, dear, if I wanted fame;
You know: removed from the windy light,
Missing the vain nickname of the poet,
Tired of long storms, I did not pay attention at all
Buzzing distant reproaches and praises.
Could rumors bother me with sentences,
When, bowing to me languid eyes
And quietly laying a hand on my head,
You whispered: tell me, do you love, are you happy?
Another, like me, tell me, will you not love?
Will you never, my friend, forget me?
And I kept an embarrassed silence,
I was full of pleasure, I imagined
That there is no future, that terrible day of parting
Will never come... So what? Tears, pain,
Treason, slander, everything on my head
Crashed suddenly...

K *** (I remember a wonderful moment...)

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the anxieties of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. Storms gust rebellious
Scattered old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement
My days passed quietly
Without a god, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

The soul has awakened:
And here you are again
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And the heart beats in rapture
And for him they rose again ...


I love you - even though I'm mad,
Though it's labor and shame in vain,
And in this unfortunate stupidity
At your feet I confess!
I'm not to face and not for years ...
It's time, it's time for me to be smarter!
But I know by all the signs
The sickness of love in my soul:
I'm bored without you - I yawn;
With you I feel sad - I endure;
And, no urine, I want to say
My angel, how I love you!
When I hear from the living room
Your light step, or dress noise,
Or the voice of a virgin, innocent,
I suddenly lose all my mind.
You smile - I am a joy;
You turn away - I longing;
For a day of torment - a reward
Your pale hand to me.
When behind the hoop diligently
You sit, leaning casually,
Eyes and curls down, -
I am in tenderness, silently, gently
I love you like a child!


Where the sea always splashes
On the desert rocks
Where the moon shines warmer
In the sweet hour of the evening mist,
Where, enjoying in harems,
Muslims spend their days
There is a sorceress, caressing
I was given a talisman.

And, caressing, she said:
"Save my talisman:
It has a mysterious power!
He is given to you by love.
From illness, from the grave,
In a storm, in a terrible hurricane,
Your head, my dear,
Will not save my talisman.

And riches of the East
He won't give you
And the worshipers of the prophet
He will not conquer you;
And you into the bosom of a friend,
From sad foreign countries
To the native land to the north from the south
My talisman won't take away...

Probably, sooner or later love comes into the life of every person. For some, it brings joy and happiness, for others - the bitterness of an unrequited feeling, and for someone it becomes a source of suffering from the inability to keep this feeling.

Do not count all the amazing and subtle shades of love.

The brilliant artist A. S. Pushkin had an amazing talent - the ability to feel any movement of the heart, to convey all the shades of human feelings in his poems:

Can I look at beauty without tenderness,

Without timid tenderness and secret excitement.

Throughout his life, Pushkin carried the worship of beauty, the embodiment of which for the poet was Woman. Perhaps that is why the theme of love is so diverse in Pushkin's lyrics.

In the life of the poet there were many hobbies: both fleeting and deeper, and those that literally turned his life upside down. And each gave rise to poems in the soul of the poet.

A hymn to the high and bright feeling of Love was Pushkin's poem “I remember a wonderful moment ...”, dedicated to A.P. Kern. Here, in Mikhailovsky, Anna Petrovna and Alexander Pushkin saw each other six years after their first meeting.

The poem begins with a recollection of an expensive and beautiful image, of a “fleeting vision”, which entered the mind of the poet for life. This intimate remembrance is warmed by such a tremulous and ardent feeling that we involuntarily join in this reverent admiration for the shrine of beauty. Wholly surrendering to the feeling that engulfed him, the poet forgets petty worldly worries, “anxiety of noisy vanity”, considering them insignificant, and even unnecessary, when it comes to love:

In the languor of hopeless sadness,

In the anxieties of noisy bustle

And dreamed of cute features.

The poet recreates a different mood of feelings and thoughts during the period of exile. In his memory, his sweet, heavenly features are not erased, but the “gentle voice” still sounds the same, only, perhaps, a little more muffled:

In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement

My days passed quietly

Without a god, without inspiration,

No tears, no life, no love.

And suddenly, “the awakening came to the soul, and here again you appeared ...”. And then - a suddenly resurrected feeling, a rush of feelings that captured the whole being of the poet.

It is surprising that the most ordinary, familiar, often used words in Pushkin's poem give a feeling of extraordinary happiness, joy, love.

It was this “song of triumphant love” that the composer M. I. Glinka heard in Pushkin’s poem, who wrote a romance based on the poet’s poems. Fate was pleased to dispose so that the romance was dedicated by the composer to the daughter of Anna Petrovna Kern.

So love combined poetry and music, creating a hymn to a pure and lofty feeling.

Among the pearls of Pushkin's love lyrics, another poem stands out - "I loved you."

I loved you: love still, perhaps

In my soul it has not completely died out;

But don't let it bother you anymore;

I don't want to sadden you with anything.

To whom are these lines dedicated? Onegin? Natalya Goncharova? This remained the secret of the poet. One thing remains unconditional: that high feeling experienced and transmitted to us by the poet was and remains the embodiment of true nobility and human dignity. These lines are an example of respect for the freedom of feelings of a loved one, true courage loving person give up your happiness in the name of the happiness of your beloved. A. S. Pushkin meets the family of M. S. Vorontsov. The brilliant Countess Elizaveta Ksaveryevna Vorontsova introduces the poet into her salon, where he was received simply, sincerely, with love. Next to this smart, beautiful woman, Pushkin was always lively and cheerful. He loved and was loved!

When, intoxicated with love and bliss,

Silently kneeling before you,

I looked at you and thought: you are mine, -

Do you know, honey, if I wanted fame ...

This love left a deep imprint in the poet's lyrics and gave the world beautiful lines:

... But I love ... Alone with me

You are so gentle! Your kisses

So fiery! words of your love

So sincerely full of your soul!

Soon the denouement came: on the orders of the tsar, Alexander Pushkin leaves for the north, to the estate of his parents, under the supervision of local authorities. During lonely walks, Pushkin sadly recalls the beautiful Eliza Vorontsova, their meetings, their last date.

A silent witness to the experience was Vorontsova's gift - a mysterious talisman ring:

Keep me, my talisman,

Keep me in the days of persecution,

In the days of repentance, excitement:

You were given to me on a day of sorrow.

In the last message, Elizaveta Ksaveryevna asked Pushkin to destroy all her letters. He fulfilled her request: only ashes and wonderful bitter verses remained from the letters:

Goodbye love letter! goodbye: she said. How long have I lingered! how long the Hand did not want to set fire to all my joys! .. But enough, the hour has come. Burn, love letter.

Maria Raevskaya, Elizaveta Vorontsova, Anna Kern, Ekaterina Ushakova, Natalia Goncharova…

Thanks to them, the heart of the poet flared up; thanks to them, even today we can pronounce the poet's verses with trepidation. They reflect the whole gamut of human feelings: light, careless love, the enthusiastic joy of reciprocal love, the bitterness of unrequited love and fading feelings.

Pushkin's love lyrics are a reflection of his life. This is a reflection of what was really felt and experienced by the poet. But whatever his feeling, it necessarily bears a reflection of spiritual nobility and moral purity.

Therefore, the poet's love lyrics have awakened and will continue to awaken "good feelings" in many generations.

Belinsky wrote about Pushkin: “... by reading his works, one can educate a person in an excellent way, and such reading is especially useful for young people of both sexes. None of the Russian poets can be as much as Pushkin, the educator of youth, the educator of youthful feelings.

In conclusion, I would like to cite a few lines of my own composition, which would serve as a generalization of the topic. Perhaps they are not entirely perfect, but they come from the heart, from the heart and are dedicated to the great poet Alexander Pushkin:

Your love for any feeling can be an example

Though not always in love you were constant.

But an angel in the form of a sweet, pure maiden -

All his life he carefully kept you!

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A. S. Pushkin

The theme of love in the lyrics of A. Pushkin

Sample essay text

In Pushkin's lyrics, with amazing poetic power, the richness and talent of his nature are revealed. Among the many talents generously granted to him by nature, there is a talent to love, to see and feel beauty, to appreciate one of the most powerful and beautiful human feelings.

When you read his poems about love, there is a feeling of the boundlessness of this feeling, which has no boundaries, which does not obey anything, even a person’s own will.

Pushkin's love lyrics involuntarily lead to the idea that "all ages are submissive to love." She bewitches with her charms both a young man who is just starting to live, and a mature, wise person. Pushkin's poems about love are a kind of poetic diary that conveys all the main shades and stages in the development of a love feeling. They help to trace how attitudes towards love change in Pushkin's lyrics.

The youthful poem "Desire", written in the lyceum years, conveys only one facet of this feeling - sadness, despondency, longing for the first unhappy love. But even these sufferings and tears are dear to the lyrical hero. Despite the fact that love hurts, he does not want to get rid of it.

I cherish my love of torment -
Let me die, but let me die loving!

This means that even the very suffering of love can spiritualize a person's life - this is the meaning of the poem.

Years pass. The poet's perception of love is changing. We meet a new sound of this theme in the poem "The flying ridge of clouds is thinning ..." It combines two equally powerful elements - nature and love. The majestic landscape full of harmony reminds of love.

Sad star, evening star,
Your beam has silvered the withered plains,
And the dormant bay, and the black rocks of the peak.
I love your faint light in heavenly heights:
He woke up the thoughts that had fallen asleep in me.

Here love is no longer a source of suffering, but a source of life itself, in which a person will experience both joy, and grief, and anxiety, and lack of freedom. What will help him resist the persecution of fate? Of course, love, which can work wonders. This is precisely the meaning of Pushkin's remarkable masterpiece "I remember a wonderful moment." It was written under the impression of the poet's meeting in Mikhailovsky with A.P. Kern, whom he met in St. Petersburg and who made an unforgettable poetic impression on him. The loneliness of exile, the "darkness of confinement", the monotony of empty dull days seemed to be able to kill love.

Years passed. Storms gust rebellious
Scattered old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.

Together with love, the soul of the poet also perishes. But new meeting with the "genius of pure beauty" performs a real miracle - resurrects love, which brings with it creative inspiration, a sense of the fullness of life.

And the heart beats in rapture
And for him they rose again
And deity, and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

Love reveals to the poet the charm and richness of the world, forms his ideal of beauty, which Pushkin wonderfully embodied in the poem "Madonna" dedicated to Natalya Goncharova. In the bright, divine face depicted in the picture, the poet recognizes the beautiful features of the beloved woman; he is filled with gratitude for this meeting, which fate has bestowed on him.

My wishes have been fulfilled. Creator
You sent down to me, my Madonna,
The purest beauty, the purest example.

Over the years, Pushkin comes to understand the humane basis of love, which finds expression in a short poem "I loved you." It conveys the experiences of a lyrical hero who breaks up with his beloved woman. This is one of the saddest moments of love. It is then that resentment, jealousy, and vindictiveness often wake up in a person. But none of this is in the poem. There is only a completely natural sadness caused by parting with a woman whose love "has not completely died out", gratitude for those happy moments that she gave him, and a sincere wish to the once beloved woman of happiness and love with another.

I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Either timidity or jealousy languish;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God forbid you loved to be different.

These simple concise lines make you think about many things, about what real love cannot be an egoistic feeling that it is in this intimate sphere that one must be able to preserve generosity, breadth of soul, benevolence, nobility. Amazing Pushkin's poetry leads us to such thoughts, encouraging us to become better, cleaner, kinder, making the world around us rich and beautiful. Each poem by Pushkin contains a generalization of what was experienced and felt by him. Therefore, his love poems became a school of true humanity.