If you compare a person with coffee. Coffee helps determine a person's character

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Our passions reveal character traits. For example, by finding out what kind of coffee your interlocutor likes, you can learn about his habits and lifestyle.

So if you really want to get to know each other better, then feel free to invite your friend for a cup of coffee in some cozy cafe and see what drink he orders.

Ground strong natural coffee

Soul therapists and psychologists believe that this type of coffee is preferred by people with a strong-willed character. They say that the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher drank 6 cups of strong drink a day.

Fans of strong coffee strive to achieve their goals; they are very responsible and decisive. And the main thing is that the decisions they made are the only correct ones. Psychologists say that sometimes these people are too categorical and are accustomed to keeping everything under their careful control. Therefore, if you met a person who drinks black ground coffee, it indicates that your new acquaintance prefers to be a leader. And if you are not one, then be prepared to accept his superiority, otherwise it is better to immediately end the communication started. But if your companion added 3 tablespoons or more of sugar to his coffee, it means that all his leadership qualities are nothing more than a disguise of his own insecurities and fears.

Natural coffee with additives (cappuccino, iced glass, latte, mocha)

People who prefer coffee with natural additives are romantic and love to dream. In their company you feel easy and at ease. They have creative thinking and know how to love. They do not tend to put pressure on loved ones, and in a difficult situation they will become a participant in finding the most optimal and painless way out of it.

Instant coffee

In a good cafe this type of coffee is practically not prepared, it follows that if your companion is currently drinking instant coffee, you are sitting in the kitchen, within the walls of the office, or in a simple, unfussy cafe. At the very least, a person with high moral principles and principles will not drink an unknown instant drink, even when there is nothing else besides it. And if your companion drinks this type of coffee, it means that he is not a complex and quite open person. It is not difficult to come to an agreement with him, he is a bad manipulator and when he encounters problems, it is easier for him to avoid them than to try to resolve them.

Decaffeinated coffee

There are people who, for health reasons, are forced to drink a coffee drink that does not contain caffeine. And a healthy person who has no special contraindications to caffeine may simply be a follower of a healthy lifestyle. Most likely, this person will try to put you on the right path and will provide a bunch of evidence regarding the colossal harm of buns, chops and caffeine. This person is not quick-tempered and is quite balanced, acts according to the adopted plan and, before making any decision, will consider all possible moves and exits several times. Psychologists say that people who give up caffeine simply do not want to accept the excited feelings that appear after drinking a cup of real coffee. Although they cannot avoid drinking a drink that has a coffee aroma at all.

Doesn't like coffee

It is not often possible to meet a person who would be indifferent to the taste and aroma of coffee and would not drink this drink at all. He will not drink coffee, even when in the company of avid coffee drinkers, and will prefer to order juice or just water. Perhaps this absolutely healthy person has some health problems. This cautious person will not get involved in adventures and will come up with a bunch of excuses just to avoid going out of town with you and not being bitten by insects. By the way, if you met someone who doesn’t drink coffee, then perhaps your new acquaintance is a snail man, who, seeing something frightening on his way, immediately hides in his shell. But on the other hand, he is very fair and interesting in communication, however, if you want to continue your relationship with him, then be prepared to take care of him and endure all his whims.

Besides the fact that coffee helps us perk up in the morning, the type of coffee drink you like can tell a lot about your character, genetics, creative inclinations, income level, and career prospects. And to do this, you don’t need to guess at the tea leaves: scientists from all over the world continue to work to improve and supplement this psychological classification. So…

Why do we love or hate coffee?

To find out why some people like coffee and others don't, Marilyn Cornelis from the Department of Public Health at Harvard University (USA) and her colleagues analyzed the genes of more than 120 thousand people (European and African Americans). They discovered eight genes in our DNA that influence our liking for coffee. Moreover, single nucleotide substitutions in them lead to the fact that coffee consumption readily increases or, on the contrary, decreases.

Some modifications to genes that control caffeine metabolism, neurotransmitter dynamics in the brain, and carbohydrate-fat metabolism lead to a decrease in the synthesis of the protein BDNF (or brain-derived neurotrophic factor). As a result, a person becomes indifferent to coffee - obviously due to the fact that he cannot enjoy it, like most of us. Some generally cannot stand it because they experience only side effects from their use (for example, dry mouth).

What is the difference between coffee and tea lovers?

Marketing staff at the Australian company Zip HydroTap discovered significant differences between coffee and tea drinkers. A survey of several thousand Australians and subsequent analysis of the responses received allowed the researchers to create a kind of comparative table listing the characteristic personality traits of fans of these two drinks.

If a person prefers coffee to tea, then, as they say, he is being pretentious. This is the drink of bohemians, creative people and ambitious careerists. So it's not surprising that the average coffee drinker earns slightly more than their tea-drinking counterpart, by an average of $3,400 per year.

Coffee lovers tolerate stressful situations better - maybe that’s why many of them like to argue, sometimes showing arrogance. They are strong individualists, but nevertheless, 74% of coffee fans are able to do well in work that requires a team effort. From an employer's point of view, coffee fans have only one significant drawback: compared to tea lovers, they are much more likely to be late for work.

Most tea lovers have more flexible personalities, they are friendly towards others and enjoy drinking the aromatic drink in the company of other tea leaves lovers. It has been noticed that such people work better in a team - 84% of them fit perfectly into teamwork. When it comes to dressing style, tea lovers are also ahead of coffee lovers because they have a more refined taste.

Classification of coffee lovers

Clinical psychologist dr. Ramani Durvasula analyzed the habits of more than a thousand coffee drinkers and studied their psychological traits, such as introversion or extroversion, patience, perfectionism, warmth, discretion, sensitivity and self-confidence. The results were quite unexpected.

Espresso prepared by passing hot (about 90 °C) and pressurized water through a filter with ground coffee. This drink is usually preferred by 100% realists and straightforward individuals. They have a strong character, they are not afraid of responsibility and are not ashamed of their mistakes. Many of them are adherents of purity and rigor, preferring a simple life. On the other hand, they can be harsh, impatient and overly conservative.

Americano- the same espresso, but diluted with a large amount of water and, accordingly, less strong (which is why you can safely drink it from a large mug). It is preferred by very rational people, for whom the main goal is to get the most out of life. Americano lovers are responsible and reliable. Thanks to the fact that they manage to get everything done, they take the shortest path to their goal.

Latte- coffee with milk or cream, most often with added sugar. An ideal drink for a person who is an esthete and gourmet by nature. He loves comfort and is willing to pay generously for it, but he often exhibits neurotic personality traits. First, he may try to please others at the expense of his own interests. Secondly, he is characterized by frequent mood swings and “double-entry bookkeeping” in making judgments. Thirdly, very often such a person craves universal attention to his person, but does not know how to attract it.

Cappuccino- a favorite drink of dreamers and incorrigible romantics. They have a kind heart, and feelings prevail over reason. They value honesty in people, even if they consider them too down-to-earth. But there is also a downside to the coin: some cappuccino lovers may turn out to be overly touchy and suspicious people, monitor their health too closely and forcefully teach others to do the same. They also have a tendency towards perfectionism.

Iced coffee. People who prefer iced coffee, as well as other unusual and sweet coffee drinks, have an open and straightforward character. They love spontaneity and have a good imagination, but are often reckless. They love parties and are popular with the opposite sex. They often have a great sense of humor and become the life of any company.

Instant coffee. Those who drink instant coffee most often have the calmest character. They sincerely consider themselves successful and prefer the shortest route to everything. But shortest doesn't always mean best. In practice, it may turn out that such a person is unscrupulous, unambitious and simply lazy, inclined to go with the flow of life and put everything on the back burner.

Decaffeinated coffee. If such a choice is not determined by strict medical recommendations for health reasons, then such a choice indicates a person with a balanced “phlegmatic” character. He is probably interested in a lot of things, tries to expand his horizons, but his knowledge is most often superficial, and he is not at all interested in conquering new heights - he’s doing well as it is! Despite the tolerance and complete lack of aggression on the part of this person, no one will ever be able to manipulate him.


Do you like espresso, lattes, or mostly prefer regular instant coffee? Besides the fact that coffee helps us perk up in the morning, the type of coffee drink you like can also talk about your character.

Clinical Psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula(Ramani Durvasula) analyzed the habits of 1000 coffee lovers and studied their common psychological traits, such as introversion or extroversion, patience, perfectionism, warmth, discretion, sensitivity and self-confidence.

In the study, people were given different scenarios that many of us find ourselves in: how we feel about waiting in line, how we plan dinner, or how we usually spend our weekends. Participants chose their version of the scenario. In addition, they were asked if they drank coffee and what they usually ordered.

The results were quite unexpected.

Types of coffee and coffee drinks

Black coffee

Black coffee lovers are, as a rule, adherents of purity and rigor, serious people who prefer a simple life. On the other hand, they can be abrupt, impatient and resistant to change.


Latte drinkers are comfortable, eager to please, and generous, but they often exhibit neurotic personality traits and may ignore their own interests.

Cappuccino or decaffeinated coffee

Cappuccino lovers are perfectionists, often obsessive and suppressive, overly sensitive and suspicious people. They take care of their health and like to control others.

Instant coffee

Those who drink instant coffee most often have the calmest character. They tend to go with the flow and put things on the back burner.

Iced coffee

People who prefer iced coffee and other unusual and sweet coffee drinks have an open, straightforward character. They love spontaneity and have a good imagination, but are often reckless.

Coffee Recipes

Espresso coffee

Espresso is strong black coffee that is prepared in a coffee machine or carob coffee maker. To do this, take very finely ground strong roasted coffee and place it in the coffee compartment, and select the espresso mode. Use good quality water, preferably filtered. To prepare Turkish coffee, take 25-35 ml cold water, pour into a Turk, add 7 grams of coffee and place on the stove until foam appears and remove. Coffee is served in small cups.

Homemade cappuccino

A real cappuccino is a combination of equal parts espresso, warm milk and milk foam. You can sprinkle the cappuccino with cocoa powder or grated dark chocolate. To prepare, take one serving of espresso, add warm milk and milk foam. To make foam, you can beat the milk with a blender.

Coffee "Americano

An Americano is one shot of espresso to which hot water is added. Many people prefer to drink it with milk and sugar, but true connoisseurs don't add milk to get the taste of espresso.

Coffee latte (recipe)

This is one shot of espresso and three parts of warm milk. Add sugar and drink while dipping cookies, pieces of pie or fresh Italian bread into the drink.

Coffee mocha (moccaccino)

This is a cappuccino or latte with chocolate syrup or cocoa powder, warm milk and whipped cream.

Iced coffee (recipe)

Glace is iced coffee usually served in a glass. To prepare, prepare espresso coffee, then add a scoop of ice cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate, chocolate syrup, caramel or nuts to taste.

The choice of coffee says a lot about a person... Walking from a cafe on the way to work, you may not realize that the glass of coffee you hold in your hand can tell a lot about you.

In their new book, body language experts Judy James and James Moore decipher how choosing a certain type of coffee reveals a person's preferences, self-esteem, stress levels and even reveals about their sex life.

Characteristics of people who drink a standard cup of coffee

This type of person has a straightforward approach to life and loves minimalism in everything. These people can be quiet and moody, but are prone to brief bursts of extroversion. Such people are difficult to communicate with, but are potentially useful individuals for their friends, colleagues or relatives.

Personality of Espresso Drinkers

James and Moore describe espresso as "the unfiltered cigarette of the coffee-drinking world." Espresso drinkers tend to be moody, but they are very persistent and hardworking. They are excellent leaders and quickly achieve their goals. They are not brainless, but tend to party at night, which forces them to work on their appearance in the morning before heading to work or an important meeting. Espresso drinkers may be experienced, interesting and consummate lovers, but it is unknown how reliable and loyal such people are.

Personality traits of latte lovers

Most often, lattes are chosen by metrosexuals and people who love to take care of themselves and are somewhat obsessive about their appearance. These people are usually cunning and try to appear to be something other than what they really are. Such women, trying to achieve something from a man, begin to speak in a childish voice and become pretentious. Latte lovers really want to be loved and admired by everyone.

Character of a person who prefers cappuccino

Lovers of this drink are extroverts and optimists. Just like their favorite drink, they are not boring and are almost always endearing. A little obsessed with material objects. Cappuccino lovers enjoy intimacy, but quickly begin to get bored with one partner.

Characteristics of Frappuccino lovers

Frappuccino lovers are flighty and petty, these are the people who love to “lick” the appearance and behavior of celebrities. They imagine themselves to be fashion experts, but they become completely helpless in truly important life situations. Frappuccino lovers are only in long-term relationships when their favorite star has a similar partner.

Character Traits of People Drinking Decaffeinated Coffee with Soy Milk

Such people are self-righteous egoists, picky, fussy and very squeamish in the bedroom. Moreover, this type of coffee is preferred by types who want in vain what they can never have. Moreover, these people are the biggest fans of disguising their true personality.

A man drinking coffee in one sip and his character

They are a fun-loving, straightforward type of people who love to laugh and live life to the maximum. However, it can be quite difficult for such people to open up completely, so they often seem like “empties” to others. In fact, to understand them, you just need to try to see the hidden depths of their personality. Such people are most often allergic to pretentious behavior, so they probably won’t even think about taking off their socks during “lovemaking.”

People who don't drink coffee...

People who are afraid of coffee are also afraid of life. Very often they are extremely sensitive to their health. Such people try to remain children as long as possible, despite the fact that in fact they may already be well over 50.

If you like bitter drinks, such as strong black coffee, or tonic water, or, say, dark chocolate, then you have psychopathic traits. Psychologists from the Leopold and Franz University of Innsbruck (Austria) came to this conclusion. The results of their research were recently published in the journal Appetite and on the Independent website.

Experts studied the eating habits of about 500 men and women. Volunteers were asked to rate the taste of a variety of foods that had strong sweet, sour, bitter or salty tastes, such as bacon, chocolate cake, radishes and vinegar. The rating was to be given on a six-point scale ranging from dislike to liking for a given type of food or drink.

After the ratings were given, subjects were given four questionnaires to complete. The first of them analyzed a person’s tendency to aggression, the second revealed his traits of Machiavellianism (the desire to manipulate others), as well as narcissism (obsession with oneself), the third contained tests for five basic psychological qualities (extraversion, friendliness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and intelligence) , and finally, the fourth tested the subject for sadistic tendencies.

It turned out that people who liked bitter-tasting foods, such as coffee, tonic water or dark chocolate, were characterized by traits such as Machiavellianism, sadism and narcissism. At the same time, they were less likely to show responsiveness towards others and were less inclined to cooperate with them.

What is the connection between psychopathy and love for bitter foods? Many people, for example, love coffee, but not everyone can drink a very strong drink that is not flavored with sugar or any additives like cream or milk. Such a “perverted” taste speaks of the non-standard nature of the human psyche: he likes what usually repels the majority. For example, the suffering of other people...

But don't be horrified. A tendency toward psychopathy or sadism does not yet indicate that a person will certainly become a sadist or maniac. Many people love horror films, but they would never kill or torture someone themselves... But people with psychopathic traits more often choose the professions of managers, lawyers, journalists, salesmen, police officers, priests, cooks and the military.

People suffering from manic-depressive psychosis and other mental disorders often have such traits as composure, cruelty, selfishness, lack of emotions, focus on results and a desire to dominate others. It is these qualities that can help a person achieve success in a particular area. After all, often, when making a career, people literally go over their heads...

Traits that are unpleasant and even dangerous in Everyday life for others, in a certain professional field, they can be a virtue that helps a person achieve heights in his activities. So, in business and leadership work you need toughness, otherwise they will sit on your neck...

Lawyers must be able to "walk over corpses" to effectively defend their clients... Journalists need ambition and persistence, which gives them access to the information they need... Merchants, police, military and clergy constantly deal with people, and in order to manipulate their "clients" , they need to have some psychopathic traits...

By the way, such individuals often attract others. Psychologists from the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (Germany) found this out. They concluded that narcissists, psychopaths and manipulators consciously try to impress their “victims” using gestures and facial expressions. Experts have dubbed this phenomenon the halo effect: with the help of external tricks, such a person creates an aura of attractiveness around himself and makes him think of himself better than he really is...

But we should not forget that in most cases we are still talking about those whose psyche is within normal limits. Yes, they have certain not entirely sympathetic personality traits, but at the same time they are not sick or inadequate people, and are quite capable of adapting to society. So, if you regularly drink coffee without sugar, this is not a reason to run to a psychiatrist...