Vladimir Volunteer - current affairs. Current affairs There are current affairs

The socket has two phases

Current affairs

He and Dolzhikov sat down next to each other, and while the hall was filling, both looked out for their mechanics - they both got caught for them recently in the shop committee: both at the meeting and waddling.

You, Yura, have disbanded the people,” Dolzhikov said quietly, unsternly. - Where is Chepel? Where is Bulgak? Or is Bulgak not on your shift?

In total there were about sixty people at the control inspection site, at the KEO - with the telefer operators, with the oil drainers, and twenty in the shift, and the assembly shop was a colossus, the meeting was general, working, and the hall was quite large, and in this crowded place It’s not easy to spot your own: a handful.

“There’s Bulgak,” said Podlepich: he finally spotted it.

At the site, Vladislav Bulgak’s name was Vladik; he was the youngest, about two years out of the army, but he grew up quickly, the inclinations were rare, some of the craftsmen could not be jinxed! - he outgrew, and during his shift he worked intermittently, he was given an indulgence: on the third, night shift, he was not allowed to work at the request of the factory sports section.

And Chepel is here,” Podlepich said. - There he is.

And Chepel did not disappoint, he was already sitting, bony, red-faced, with a predatory nose, with a suffering mouth; He’s also a good mechanic, of the highest quality, if only he had power over himself - at thirty-five, in the prime of his life, as they say, and there would be no price for him.

What do people need? What's missing? Everything seems to be there: work, family, health and youth, as for some, in addition - this is a completely priceless blessing, and you feel it especially at the pass, in your fifth decade; People appreciate what you have, but they don’t appreciate it! “Did I appreciate it?” - Podlepich asked himself and thought. Those were young years, he was not yet a shift foreman, and Dolzhikov was not the head of the site, and the youth were more active, rolling up their sleeves higher. “All old people,” he thought, “praise their times, this is not new, and even though I’m not an old man, I’m going to join this choir with my voice.”

The head of the workshop committee went up to the stage, straightened the velvet tablecloth on the table, rearranged the decanter of water, walked up to the podium, and turned the microphone - a sort of ostrich head. A long time ago, in perhaps another life, Dusya and I went to the zoo, and Leshka was still a baby, and an ostrich, all ashen, like Dolzhikov’s hair at that time, was pacing behind bars. Dolzhikov began to turn gray early. Now, at forty-eight, his gray hair was solid, uniform, - polished metal to a shine. He was dark-skinned, and either his darkness colored him or his gray hair. What does a person need? Many things. But Dolzhikov doesn’t need anything, thought Podlepich, he has everything; True, there are no children, but that may be better, although there will probably be more: newlyweds!

The head of the workshop committee clicked his finger on the ostrich’s head, made sure that it was alive, responded, and gave a sign to the hall to quiet down.

From here, from the top floor, from these wide windows, one could see far away, to the very horizon, where, near the border of blue and green, country groves, still glossy, without an admixture of yellowness, swirled vaguely: oak and oak trees, Podlepich was there, - and bright stripes of friendly winter crops showed off among the plowed land, among the blackness.

For so many years we had been meeting - sometimes casually, sometimes festively - in this red corner, or rather, in a modern way - in the conference room, and everything was familiar outside the windows: countryside distances, nearby woods along the factory fence, haze over the foundry , traffic lights on access roads. An empty truck passed - quietly, in reverse, as if backing away - from the burden yard; another one went, loaded, sparkling with the fresh colors of brand new diesel engines, and even from here, from above, Podlepich could see where the tractors were, where the combines were, and what modification, and what was serial, ordinary, as they said at the factory, and what was for export.

The pre-workshop committee declared the meeting open, and they began to choose a presidium.

Does your soldier send letters? - asked Dolzhikov, and his courageous, wonderfully chiseled face with an even, smooth dark complexion noticeably became kinder, as always, when he started talking about other people’s sons, daughters, or in general about everything family that he was deprived of and that he finally found in old age, quite recently, some month ago.

Inquiring about his son, he probably wanted to please Podlepich, but not everything that is considered pleasant is pleasant for everyone.

Leshka served as a conscript missile forces, he was not keen on letters, but where he served, it was possible to make long-distance phone calls, and he called regularly, but when Dusya went to the hospital, he began calling not home, but there.

Leshka was his mother’s son, his mother raised him, and his father had affairs, commissions, plenums, resolutions, he got into a rapid and enthusiastically surrendered to this rapid, but then life became quieter, and Olenka was born - and then she became bigger daddy's daughter than mommy's.

Leshka is lazy,” said Podlepich. - To my father.

The joke made no sense, and Dolzhikov did not understand it, but in fact, sometimes he did not understand the meaning or pretended that he did not understand. His eyes were small, but, as they say, burning; now this burning sensation seemed to be emphasized by dazzling gray hair. He glanced his black eye at Podlepich in bewilderment and immediately turned away; he did not ask about Olenka.

Dusya had sisters in the Kuban, and when she fell ill with no hope of getting up soon, Olenka’s aunts took her to them. The folder did not give, he resisted, but Dusya insisted, they attacked him as a united front of women, and their reasons were stronger than those that he put forward. We agreed, of course, that Olenka would return, and even set a deadline, but the deadline expired and the daughter settled down with good relatives. He was not one of those who cannot distinguish good from evil, but he did not accept good in his soul, and, ungrateful, classified it as evil. Well, you can’t command your soul - they took my dad’s daughter away from her.

Who should be on the presidium? Two, and the pre-shop committee will have a third, and that will be enough. Voted. Maslygin, the secretary of the workshop party bureau, went on stage. The dyer left the painting and delivery area. She was always chosen: she got the hang of writing protocols.

And he would have gotten the hang of it, would have managed the house, if there had not been good-natured people in the Kuban - his daughter would have been dressed and wearing shoes with him. Moreover, there were good people In addition to relatives, there was a huge amount of help, but it arrived a little later, when Olenka had already been taken away. Come on, he thought, help is not a thing, it’s superfluous.

The speaker was the head of the workshop, nicknamed Senior; it stuck to him tightly even from those times, perhaps, when he worked as a senior foreman. Come on, Podlepich thought, let’s hear about labor discipline.

Lightly touching his shoulder with his shoulder, in a brave, independent and at the same time stern pose, befitting the seriousness of the moment, Dolzhikov said quietly, not strictly:

Hang in there, Yura. Now we will have a parting for Chepel.

To the point,” Podlepich said. - Educational work is at zero.

Dolzhikov again did not understand.

Well, wait a minute, you’ll understand! And exactly: without names yet, without examples, the speaker immediately, without tormenting the audience with delay, revealed the secret, deduced the formula, explained to the audience that if somewhere there is an openwork, it means the educational work is at its best, but there was a mistake - the teacher, therefore , sleeps soundly.

Wake up, Ilya Grigorievich,” said Podlepich. - Concerns you.

Now a smiling, understanding grimace flashed across Dolzhikov’s firm, polished face and was imprinted on his burning eyes with wrinkles barely breaking through the stony dark complexion. He didn’t sleep himself and didn’t let others sleep, he loved order. He was good to everyone - both in his restraint, and in his knowledge, experience, authority, but he took too close to his heart any unflattering word for the site, either said loudly, or uttered on the sly. For him, tightly built, some pin prick was like a knife in the ribs: such skin. She gets rougher in the wind, but apparently he didn’t get rougher: did he live in silence? No, thought Podlepich, serving the plant for so many years - you can’t live in silence. How much? We probably started together, even though we were older than the Dolzhikovs, and if you do the math, your head will spin: a quarter of a century!

The speaker also kept calculations, first reading from a piece of paper, then without a piece of paper. Apparently, these numbers, the loss of working man-hours, are firmly ingrained in the memory. In a year, he said, if there were no losses, an extra eight hundred engines could be given to agriculture. But they didn’t give it. In a year, he said, the amounts withheld from slobs could go into their family budget. But we didn't go.

It's right.

Turning around, Podlepich again looked for Chepel: well, brother, how are you feeling? Got it? How can we get through to him - he didn’t even listen to the speaker, he sat whispering with his neighbor friends. A predatory nose, a suffering mouth, and neither a predator nor a sufferer: a golden character, an eternal optimist - that’s what they said about him, and Podlepich, not an outside observer at all, could also say that.

Everything now came down to one thing: what do people need? What's missing? Why don't they appreciate what they have? “Did I appreciate it?” - Podlepich asked himself again and thought again.

The article discusses a new mechanism of the application solution “Trade Management, Rev. 11”, designed to facilitate the user’s work - notes and reminders:

  • How to configure the program to use the notes and reminders mechanism?
  • How to add a reminder?
  • What is a reminder list?
  • Where else can I see a list of reminders?
  • How do I set access rights to reminders?
  • How to create a new note?
  • What is a note list?
  • Where can I see a list of all notes?
  • How to set access rights to notes?
  • Where can I see the user's current to-do list?


The article was written for the editors of UT 11.1 . If you use this edition, great - read the article and implement the functionality discussed.
If you are working with older versions of UT 11, then this functionality is current. The most noticeable difference between UT 11.3/11.4 and 11.1 edition is the Taxi interface. Therefore, in order to master the material in the article, reproduce the presented example on your UT 11 base. This way you will reinforce the material with practice :)

Using notes and reminders

So... The main thing is not to forget anything. At 10 you need to call the client, discuss the composition of the order with him, talk about possible discounts. You can also get yesterday’s contracts back from the lawyer. And the delivery will arrive at 11, you need to remember to pick up the documents. Damn, I also need to send a report on transactions to management, the deadline is yesterday as usual. Where is this phone number, I wrote it down somewhere, it should be somewhere in this pile, but no, I put a sticker on the monitor, it looks yellow, no, this is not the one... But where is it?

Similar thoughts often run through the minds of many employees of different enterprises, from ordinary managers to executives. Let's take a closer look at how 1C: Trade Management 11 can help you not forget about important matters.

Program settings

You can enable the use of notes and reminders in the configuration in the Administration – Organizer section by checking the appropriate boxes.

Adding reminders

To add a reminder about a specific document or reference book in the form of this object, you must execute the command Organizer - Remind.

In the window that opens, you need to enter the reminder text and specify the time in the Remind field.

There are several options for setting the time when the reminder appears. The reminder may appear once on a day and time directly specified by the user. You can select from the list the interval at which the reminder is activated, for example, 5 or 10 minutes from the current date. It is also possible to make the reminder periodic so that it appears on a user-defined schedule.

It is possible to set only one reminder for the same reference book or document. To correct a previously entered reminder, use the same command Organizer – Remind and edit it.

When the time specified in the reminder has arrived, a list of reminders opens in the program. The list for each line shows the text of the reminder and the time by which the reminder was overdue. By double-clicking, you can open a document or reference book for which a reminder has been set.

After clicking the Stop button, the selected reminders will no longer be shown to the user.

Using the Snooze All button, you can pause reminders for a certain period of time.

My reminders

All reminders entered into the system can be seen in the My Reminders list. You can open it in the Organizer section using the My Reminders command.

You can also stop reminders from this form. In addition, when you click on the Create button, you can enter a reminder that is not tied to any document or reference book.

Permissions to access reminders

To work with reminders, the infobase user must have the “Use Reminders” role installed.

Notes in the program are auxiliary text information intended for temporary storage in the system. For example, this could be the customer's email address or phone number, temporarily recorded in the system instead of a piece of paper. Later, this information will need to be entered into the reference book, and for speed, you can temporarily create a note.

To create a note about a specific document or reference book in the form of this object, you must execute the command Organizer - Create Note.

In the next window you need to enter a text description of the note. It is possible to use elements of visual text design (color, font size, numbered list, etc.).

In the list, notes can be highlighted in different colors (Color field on the form).

My notes

All notes on a given document or reference can be seen by clicking My Notes in the navigation panel of this object.

The system administrator has the ability to see notes from other users by checking the Show notes from other users in this list checkbox. Notes that appear on the desktop are highlighted in bold.

A list of notes can be displayed on the desktop. Notes that are not marked for deletion and have the Show on desktop checkbox selected are displayed here.

You can also enter a new note from the desktop. Such a note will not be associated with any document or reference book; its preparation is no different from the creation of a note for a document discussed above.

To view all notes entered into the system, you must execute the command Organizer – All Notes. Notes are displayed in groups.

In this list you can select by color and subject of application. Notes displayed on the desktop are also highlighted in bold here.

Note permissions

To work with notes, the infobase user must have the “Use Notes” role installed.

The Current Affairs form can also be displayed on the desktop.

It displays tasks that are in progress. The tasks are grouped as follows:

  1. Domestic consumption of goods
    1. Documents for shipment
  2. Powers of attorney to receive goods
    1. Orders for registration
    2. Issued powers of attorney
    3. Powers of attorney expiring today
    4. Expired powers of attorney
  3. Agreements with clients
    1. Agreements pending approval
    2. Expired contracts
  4. Agreements with suppliers
    1. Agreements pending approval
    2. Expired contracts
  5. Assembly (disassembly) documents
    1. Orders for the preparation of documents at work
    2. Orders for document preparation for today
    3. Documents for assembly (disassembly)
  6. Documents of receipt of goods and services
  7. Documents for the sale of goods and services
    1. Orders for registration in work
    2. Orders for registration today
    3. Documents for shipment
    4. Documents for prepayment
  8. Tasks for sales representatives
    1. Preparation tasks
    2. Tasks for placing orders
    3. Overdue assignments
  9. Tasks
    1. Tasks to complete
  10. Customer orders
    1. Total orders in progress
    2. For today
    3. Payment for orders is overdue
    4. Orders are overdue
  11. Orders to suppliers
    1. Total orders in progress
    2. For today
    3. Our performance is overdue
    4. The supplier is overdue
  12. Requests for return of goods from customers
    1. Total applications in progress
    2. For today
    3. Payments on applications are overdue
    4. Applications are overdue
  13. Applications for payment
    1. Applications for approval
    2. Approval expired
  14. Inventory of goods
    1. Orders to be executed
  15. Individual agreements with clients
    1. Agreements pending approval
    2. Expired agreements
  16. Commercial offers to clients
    1. Total proposals in progress
    2. Expired offers
  17. Commissioners' reports
    1. Required
  18. Reports to committents
    1. Required
  19. Registration of warehouse acts
    1. Reasons for registration
  20. Movement of goods
    1. Orders for registration in work
    2. Documents for shipment
  21. Shipping orders
    1. Orders for execution
  22. Orders for admission
    1. Orders for execution
  23. Transactions with clients
    1. Total deals in progress
  24. Agreements with suppliers
    1. Agreements pending approval
    2. Expired agreements
  25. Standard agreements with clients
    1. Agreements pending approval
    2. Expired agreements
  26. Electronic documents
    1. Documents to be signed

Lower-level tasks are displayed in the form of hyperlinks; when clicked, a form is opened that deciphers the selected indicator (for example, a list of open customer orders with selection by the current user).

So, in this article we looked at the 1C: Trade Management 11 configuration tools, designed to improve user efficiency by maintaining a list of notes and reminders.

Kaliningrad, 2013

    - (foreign) real, current, daily Wed. In current issues... To touch them timidly, timidly, means to confuse them even more. Sewing on the dead is not a difficult task. It is advisable for us to sew on the living. Nekrasov. Recent time. Afterword. See confused... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Current issues, affairs, bills, expenses (foreign language) present, current, daily. Wed. In current issues... To touch them timidly, timidly, means to confuse them even more. Sewing on the dead is not a difficult task; it is advisable for us to sew on the living.... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Gazprom main office, Moscow Building of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ... Wikipedia

    Institutions usually intended for the general management of certain branches of administration. M. always have a bureaucratic organization (see). Each M. is headed by a minister, who, as an adviser to the supreme power, is... ...

    Greece. Outside the boundaries of their hometown, the ancient Greeks did not enjoy any rights and could not count on the patronage of officials of a foreign state. Such defenselessness, if somewhat softened by the fact that all the strangers were... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    bureaucratic sociolect- units In the theory of speech culture: the speech of officials. A special social group with speech behavior peculiar only to it is represented by people in the government (in the 18th - early 20th centuries), or state, administrative service - bureaucrats. Emergence... ... Educational dictionary of stylistic terms

    See also: The Hague Court Emblem of the International Court of Justice Peace Palace, The Hague International Court of Justice (officially, according to the Charter of the United Nations International Court of Justice, English I ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see National Assembly. National Assembly of Quebec Assemblée nationale du Québec ... Wikipedia

    Kingdom of Sweden, state in Northern Europe. Swede, the name of the country Sverige, where sve is from the ethnonym (Old Scand. svein, Russian Sve) the name of one of the large Other Swedes, tribes and rige state. See also Sveaborg. Geographical names of the world: ... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity

    The Kingdom of Sweden is a state in Northern Europe, occupying most of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The territory of the country stretches from north to south for 1500 km. Area 400.9 thousand square meters. km, 1/7 part is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Bordered by... ... Collier's Encyclopedia


  • Notes from the President, Boris Yeltsin, “In September - October 1993, events occurred in Russia that forced me to sit down again with blank sheets of paper, and a few weeks later I finished the manuscript. I am sure that exactly ... Category: Memoirs of government and socio-political figures Publisher: Ogonyok,
  • How to quickly develop memory for memorizing foreign words, numbers and any information, Elena Aleksandrovna Razumovskaya, A modern person has to process and remember a huge amount of information. Some people prefer to keep everything in their heads, others use reminders on computers... Category: Health and personal development Series: Publisher:

(foreigner) - real, current, daily

Wed. In questions current...

Touch them timidly, timidly,

This means it’s better to confuse them.

Sewing on the dead is not a difficult task,

It is advisable for us to sew on the living.

Nekrasov. Recent time. Afterword.

  • - See Current costs...

    Commercial power generation. Dictionary-reference book

  • - A. Expenses for goods and services of everyday use, consumption, reflected in current accounts. B. Minor expenses of companies and organizations that are not reimbursed by clients...

    Dictionary of business terms

  • Large economic dictionary

  • Large economic dictionary

  • - savings that depositors manage by issuing checks...

    Great Accounting Dictionary

  • - monetary costs for goods and services intended for everyday use, consumption...

    Great Accounting Dictionary

  • - funds that depositors manage by issuing checks. The depositor is given a payment book and a check book. Accepted and issued deposit amounts are reflected in the payment book...
  • - in the Russian Federation - - part of budget expenditures that ensures the current functioning of government bodies, bodies local government, budgetary institutions, providing government support to others...

    Financial Dictionary

  • - 1. cash costs for goods and services for everyday use, consumption, reflected in current accounts 2. expenses incurred and paid at the moment, period of time 3...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - 1) cash costs for goods and services for everyday use and consumption, reflected in current accounts; 2) expenses incurred and paid at a given moment, period of time...

    Economic dictionary

  • - 1. cash costs for goods and services for everyday use and consumption, reflected in current accounts; 2. expenses incurred and paid at a given moment, period of time...

    Great Accounting Dictionary

  • - "...94. Selling expenses are expenses associated with the sale of finished products, i.e. commercial expenses, and the acquisition and sale of goods, i.e. distribution costs...

    Official terminology

  • - 1) costs of goods and services for everyday use and consumption, reflected in current accounts; 2) expenses incurred and paid at a given moment, period of time...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - Current issues, affairs, bills, current, current, daily expenses. Wed. On current issues.....

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - You don’t do things, but you don’t run away from things...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

"current issues, affairs, bills, expenses" in books

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From the book Life Given Twice author Baklanov Grigory

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Current affairs

From the book Memoirs of the Chief Tank Designer author Kartsev Leonid Nikolaevich

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Current Affairs of the Commandant

From the book Notes of the Kremlin Commandant author Malkov Pavel Dmitrievich

Current Affairs of the Commandant Before I had time to properly deal with the Smolny commandant’s office, before I had time to establish security, “current affairs” began, and they just went one after another. Sometimes you don’t go to Smolny for days. Well, my assistants were efficient, energetic, not

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14.2.2. Procedure for closing accounts 97 “Deferred expenses”, 25 “General production expenses”, 26 “General business expenses”

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14.2.2. The procedure for closing accounts 97 “Deferred Expenses”, 25 “General Production Expenses”, 26 “General Business Expenses” Account 97 “Deferred Expenses” is closed to the extent that these expenses fall within the reporting year. This is established based on

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From the book Kitsur Shulchan Aruch by Ganzfried Shlomo

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